Friday, June 24, 2022

BREAKING: The Gun Bill Just Dropped. Here’s What We Know.


The “compromise” Senate gun bill is here, and if you’re a conservative and/or Republican who thought that November’s midterm elections were a done deal you may want to take a breath.

Many of us have been worried about Republicans yielding to the Democrats even a little on gun legislation, and for good reason. The Democrats aren’t known for being satisfied once the GOP acquiesces on any issue.  Republicans are Charlie Brown and the Dems are Lucy with the football every time something like this happens.

The Republican squishes never stop falling for it.

There are two HUGE problems with this legislation, especially for conservatives: it legitimizes both federal intervention in state matters and “red flag” laws. The latter is particularly problematic because implementation is rife with gray areas, no matter how many stipulations are in place. As I have been fond of saying, once red-flag laws are on the books, we’re on the most slippery of slippery slopes. One day people are raising legitimate concerns, the next we have people reporting the neighbor who just rubs them the wrong way.

The only people who can beat the Republicans in the fall are the Republicans, and they’ve just gotten a head start on ruining things. If the Democrats manage to save face in November you can thank John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, and Pat Toomey. They’re basically asking the base to stay home.

Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to ruin a sure thing.

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