Sunday, May 06, 2012

SALT method

· Use the SALT Method This is another useful method, which can be used any time you meet someone new. It can also be used along with the imagery techniques just described. Say the name aloud. Ask the person a question using his/her name. At Least once, use the name when talking. Terminate the conversation by using his/her name again. For example, when your friend Jim introduces you to Betty for the first time, this is what the conversation might sound like: Jim: This is Betty. You: Hello Betty, pleased to meet you. Betty: Pleased to meet you too. You: So, Betty, what brings to you Thunder Bay? Betty: Well, I am just down to do some camping….. (talk, talk, talk). You: That’s so interesting, Betty, because I feel the way about that…… (talk, talk, talk). You: It was great meeting you Betty, good luck on your camping trip. Hope you don’t see any bears!

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