Monday, July 11, 2022

4Chan Users Are Leaking Info Allegedly From Hunter Biden’s iPhone and… Yikes…


Hunter Biden’s laptop may soon be old news, as 4chan users claim to have cracked the password for a backup of his iPhone and iPad. They claim to have 450 gigabytes of data that are being leaked onto the site.

Due to the content filters I’ve placed on my home network, I can’t visit the site to peruse the leaked data, but Nick Arama at our sister site RedState has done so, and says that among the things that were leaked were Hunter’s passport, part of a Visa card, as well pictures of Hunter with Joe Biden, as well as “videos of a sexual nature, and alleged porn searches.”

But it gets worse. “On the iPad contacts and conversations, there was also an indication of conversations tagged with the name ‘Pedo Peter.’ It is not clear who Pedo Peter is referencing,” Arama reports. “There were a variety of conversations that were accessed that appeared to be conversations between various members of the Biden family.”

Does anyone want to speculate why Hunter Biden was conversing with someone nicknamed “Pedo Peter”?

According to the Washington Examiner, “It is not clear if this latest leak … is from the same account connected to the hard drive” of the previously verified laptop that Hunter Biden abandoned at a Deleware computer repair shop.

Arama says that 4Chan users say they are still going through all the information and will be posting more in time. 4Chan is attempting to stop the dissemination of these materials, but users are way ahead of them and are backing up the data elsewhere for those interested to be able to access them.

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