Friday, October 22, 2021

McConnell on Reconciliation Bill: People Didn’t Vote To Turn The Country Into Bernie Sanders’ Socialist Vision


On Thursday morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Dana Perino for an interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” to discuss the Democrat’s “reckless tax and spending” reconciliation package, the Biden administration's proposal to have the IRS monitor bank accounts, and the Democrats’ efforts to federalize elections.

To start off, Perino asked McConnell what he thought about the Democrat’s reconciliation package, noting the Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, from Arizona, said that she is not a proponent for any new taxes.

“The American people will be a lot better off if this reckless tax and spending package never passes. They didn’t get a mandate from the American people to do this,” McConnell said in the interview. “American people didn’t vote to turn this country into Bernie Sanders’ socialist vision.”

McConnell then shared his opinion on a proposal from the Biden administration that would allow the IRS to monitor American’s bank accounts. First, the proposal, which is included in Biden’s massive Build Back Better spending plan, would allow the IRS to monitor all transactions exceeding $600. As Katie reported, this faced a massive pushback from GOP lawmakers and the public, and the benchmark was raised to $10,000 this week. The White House claimed that the surveillance of bank accounts is needed to ensure people are “paying their fair share” in taxes.  

“It’s as if every single American was under audit every year. This is completely outrageous, a violation of privacy and I hope in the end those advocating this will back away from it. I think the American people will go berserk over this,” McConnell said in the interview.

Before wrapping up, McConnell spoke on the Democrats’ efforts to federalize all elections, saying that they want the federal government to take over elections though elections have historically been administered at the state level.

“What they're trying to do is have the federal government take over all the ways that we do elections in this country, which have historically been administered at the state level. There is not a single state in America enacting new laws after the pandemic trying to suppress the vote based upon race. If the Justice Department thinks any state is doing that, they can go to court,” McConnell said at the end of the segment. “Americans all over the country can easily vote right now.”

Watch the interview below.

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