Thursday, September 15, 2011

gain more than lose moving away

The status quo is way too high in the United States. I have to travel to commonwealth country (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) so I don't live alone, think alone, travel alone, die alone.
I live one of the most complex culture in the world, and then I can go to Canada/New Zealand > Australia and live the American Dream there with my dual citizenship.

Being stranger to someone is extremely hard -- very, very catch 22ish. The relationship is a very hardcore capitalist thing. You actually have to know quite a few things to have a relationship. For example, if I had social anxiety in the US, I be perfectly normal in Australia, Canada, New Zealand . The reader sees why this is catch 22.

Imake gains in community, lesser anxiety by not living in the US, and life is easier in the commonwealth. I don't have to think nearly at the level in the US to date, party, drink, small talk, go places with the same people repeatedly.

In this society, my anxiety skyrockets due to culture The level of common sense I need here far exceeds any commonwealth nation.

I'd do okay stuck in medicare tradeoffs in Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Life wouldn't so hard like in US. I'd meet a lot of people, obtain a lot more feedback and learn a lot more in Canada or Australia or New Zealand and thus making them better for me. All my troubles are mind boggling obvious - culture and most of the choices present are catch 22.

I'm going to have to find a way out of US if I am going to have any sort of attention and without the catch 22s. I don't know why so few (born) Americans have dual citizenship.

Dual nationality can be safety net in case the foreign country doesn't give the results mentioned above! The law has to keep me safe until I find long-term success .

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