Sunday, August 25, 2024

The myth that Biden had nothing to do with the prosecutions of Trump


The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Department of Justice’s federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Trump.

Biden was upset because any delay might mean that his rival Trump would not be in federal court during the 2024 election cycle. And that would mean he could not be tagged as a “convicted felon” by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.

Politico has long prided itself on its supposed insider knowledge of the workings of the Biden administration. Note that it was reported earlier this February that a frustrated Joe Biden “has grumbled to aides and advisers that had (Attorney General Merrick) Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded…”

If there was any doubt about the Biden administration’s effort to force Trump into court before November, Politico further dispelled it — even as it blamed Trump for Biden’s anger at Garland: “That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team.”

Note in passing how a presidential candidate’s legal right to oppose a politicized indictment months before an election by his opponent’s federal attorneys is smeared by Politico as “deliberate resistance.”

Given Politico was publicly reporting six months ago about Biden’s anger at the pace of his DOJ’s prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

Note Smith had petitioned and was denied an unusual request to the court to speed up the course of his Trump indictment.

And why would Biden’s own Attorney General, Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith? Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had previously gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia governor Bob MacDonald.

Yet Smith’s politicized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court. That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith’s partiality and his incompetence.

But then again, Smith’s wife had donated to the 2020 Biden campaign fund. And she was previously known for producing a hagiographic 2020 documentary (“Becoming”) about Michelle Obama.

Selecting a special counsel with a successful record of prior nonpartisan convictions was clearly not why the DOJ appointed Smith.

The White House’s involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis’s paramour and erstwhile lead prosecutor in her indictment of Trump, Nathan Wade, met twice with the White House counsel’s office. On one occasion, Wade met inside the Biden White House.

Subpoenaed records reveal that the brazen Wade actually billed the federal government for his time spent with the White House counsel’s staff — although so far no one has disclosed under oath the nature of such meetings.

Of the tens of thousands of local prosecutions each year, in how many instances does a county prosecutor consult with the White House counsel’s office — and then bill it for his knowledge?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s just-completed felony convictions of Trump were spearheaded by former prominent federal prosecutor Matthew Colangelo. He is not just a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee.

Colangelo had also just left his prior position in the Biden Justice Department — reputedly as Garland’s third-ranking prosecutor — to join the local Bragg team.

Again, among all the multitudes of annual municipal indictments nationwide, how many local prosecutors manage to enlist one of the nation’s three top federal attorneys to head their case?

So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump. In addition, Bragg brashly drafted a top Democratic operative and political appointee from inside Joe Biden’s DOJ to head his prosecution.

Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival as a “convicted felon.” Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden’s White House “neutrality.” Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.

Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’


The 2023-2024 campaign season is not just the strangest on record, it’s also arguably the most anti-democratic.

Ostensibly, the Democratic Party has claimed over the last decade that Donald Trump posed a continued and existential threat to the republic.

That allegation subsequently justified a variety of anti-democratic means to neuter his first two presidential candidacies, his presidency, and now his third and final run for the White House.

A near decade ago, we witnessed the 2015-2016 Hillary Clinton/Democratic National Committee/FBI-assisted effort to plant the false accusation of Trump-Russian collusion to warp the 2016 election.

That gambit centered around the fraudulent Steele dossier and nearly fatally crippled the Trump 2016 campaign. That hoax would later sidetrack 22 months of his presidency before being proven a fantasy.

On the eve of the 2020 election, the left next birthed the Russian laptop disinformation campaign.

That hoax also warped a presidential debate with false charges that Hunter Biden’s own incriminating laptop was once again the work of Russians seeking to conspire with Trump.

Those unusual efforts continued during the Biden administration.

For the first time in election history, the allies of one campaign sought to persuade some 16 states to try to remove a major party’s likely nominee from their primary and general election ballots.

The plan was to smother a Trump third presidential bid in its infancy, and thus once again not allow the people to accept or reject his candidacy.

Nearly simultaneously, four federal, state, and local prosecutors filed dozens of felony charges against Trump.

They all shared some strange similarities.

These indictments would likely not have been filed, had Trump not run for office. Nor would any of them have proceeded had Trump not been a controversial conservative Republican seeking reelection.

Almost all the charges had not been filed against any other prior candidate and rarely a private citizen.

Some of them could just as easily have been lodged against Joe Biden and his son.

Some indictments and convictions may still achieve their objectives of bankrupting, jailing, or keeping Trump inert during the final weeks of the campaign.

One of the Georgia prosecutors had undisclosed meetings with the Biden White House counsel.

President Biden himself, on the eve of the federal prosecutor Jack Smith’s indictment, all but declared his campaign rival Trump guilty.

Biden’s own chief of the White House had also met privately and secretly with Smith.

In an unprecedented fashion, Smith rushed his prosecution to ensure it synchronized with the 2024 campaign.

Similar federal charges could just as easily have led to the indictment of President Joe Biden—if the special counsel in that case had not claimed that he could not convince a jury to convict a culpable but cognitively challenged Biden.

Another Biden prosecutor mysteriously left his top position at the Justice Department to join the Alvin Bragg Manhattan prosecutorial staff.

Nonetheless, Trump had survived collusion, disinformation, de-balloting, lawfare, and a subsequent assassination attempt to surge far ahead of Biden in the June presidential polls.

Biden’s poll collapse prompted Democratic donors and high-ranking politicos to force a stress-test presidential debate before either candidate was even nominated at their respective conventions.

When Biden imploded in the debate, a supposedly once-fit president was suddenly declared impaired. And a previously uninspiring Vice President Kamala Harris was abruptly transmogrified into a superb replacement candidate.

Biden was forced to resign his candidacy to save his last five months in office from a Democrat threatened removal via the 25th Amendment.

The primary votes of nearly 15 million voters were abruptly nullified.

Harris who had neither won a primary nor a single delegate through an election was suddenly coronated as the new Biden-replacement candidate—and without an open convention contest or vote.

The donor-politico class further decided that, like a challenged Biden in 2024, Harris could not be allowed to hold press conferences. She would do few if any live interviews, unscripted town halls or any other venue given fears her visible liabilities might endanger her candidacy.

So, the Party that had proclaimed democracy dies in darkness now favors the shadows as the preferable means to obtain and retain power—whether by ignoring primary voters, open conventions, or transparent venues with the voters.

Add up the last decade’s purchased collusion caper, unprecedented two impeachments, orchestrated disinformation hoax, efforts to de-ballot Trump, warping of the legal system to jail him and destroy his candidacy, forced removal of an unpopular but unwilling President Biden from the Democrat ticket, virtual anointing of Harris by fiat in his place, and the current collusion with a compliant media to avoid public scrutiny and cross-examination of Harris.

And the conclusion?

Have those who lectured us about democracy in danger now decided to save it by destroying it?

Democrat Suggests He Would Join GOP Administration: 'We Failed A Lot of People'


Months ago, Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) said what every other Democrat wouldn’t dare say out loud: President Joe Biden was too old to serve in office, making the United States vulnerable to another Trump term. 

Before dropping out of the 2024 race, Phillips challenged Biden in the primary, targeting his old age and mental decline. The three-term congressman received backlash and mockery from his party mates, who called him a “total joke” after he spoke out against Biden’s inability to run for reelection. 

However, he was right. A few months later, the 81-year-old president withdrew from the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. 

“I will say that my mission has been vindicated,” Phillips said then. “To see and feel and sense this room over the last few days made this journey all worthwhile.”

Now, Phillips is suggesting he would accept an invitation to serve in both a Democratic and a Republican administration. 

“I didn’t want to run this cycle. I spent two years trying to call attention to something I was seeing clearly with my own eyes,” Phillips told Fox News Digital. "I remember my Republican buddies excoriating Donald Trump quietly behind closed doors and then praising him in front of cameras. I saw my Democratic colleagues doing the same thing about Joe Biden, who we knew was in decline, probably going to lose."

The Democrat admitted that the United States is facing an unprecedented border crisis and a struggling economy, acknowledging that “We failed a lot of people.” 

As it relates to policy, yeah, we have a border crisis. I’ve seen it twice with my own eyes. We also have to be a welcoming country, as Ronald Reagan would say," Phillips added. “We have to be a country that has an economy that works for people. Sixty percent of people are living paycheck to paycheck.”

Watch Tucker Carlson Destroy Kamala Harris' Credibility In Seconds


Vice President Kamala Harris is officially the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee despite not doing anything in the Biden Administration nor winning a single primary vote. 

She continually calls for change in the United States yet fails to acknowledge that her own administration is the sole reason the nation is in absolute turmoil. Instead of taking responsibility for the country’s downward spiral, Harris (and the rest of the Democratic Party) blamed former President Donald Trump. 

After her Democrat National Convention (DNC) speech on Thursday, conservative firebrand Tucker Carlson picked apart everything Harris’ said, calling her a “very scary person.” 

“She's much more skillful than I have ever seen. She's a liar on the deepest level,” Carlson said. “The things she is saying right now are not just untrue - they're the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil.”

“She’s an extremist, she’ll say anything,” Carlson continued, comparing Harris to Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA). 

Carlson shredded Harris’ claims, in which she lied about the tens of millions of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. through the southern border and that protestors during the January 2021 Capitol Hill riots were armed. The former Fox News host pointed out that everything Democrats accuse Republicans of doing, they are.

For example, Harris said former President Donald Trump “tried to throw away [Americans'] vote.” However, the Democratic Party is guilty of throwing away all of the votes cast for President Joe Biden and giving Harris the nominee without winning a primary. 

“What she’s saying is the mirror image of the truth: she doesn’t care,” Carlson added. “She’s gonna reference point the truth 'cause she’s an extremist.” 

According to a FiveThirtyEight poll, 49.2 percent of voters disapprove of Harris as the potential president, while only 41.1 percent approve of her. A Gallup survey also found that nearly half of Americans view the vice president negatively.

RFK Jr. Addresses Family Criticism of His Decision to Endorse Trump


On Sunday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a third-party 2024 presidential candidate, revealed that other Democrats plan to follow in his footsteps and endorse former President Donald Trump.


During an interview, RFK Jr. told anchor Shannon Bream on Fox News Sunday that Trump will soon make several announcements involving politicians from the Democratic Party. 

RFK Jr. announced earlier this week that he was suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the race to the White House. He criticized his former party, calling the Democratic Party a party of “corruption, big tech, big donors, big Pharma, and big money.”

He also spoke out about his family, who expressed frustration and disappointment with Kennedy following his announcement. In a social media post, his sister, Kerry Kennedy, condemned and accused him of betraying the family and everything they stand for. 

Kennedy downplayed the tensions between him and his family members, saying it was OK for them to disagree on issues and still love each other.

“You know, my family is at the center of the Democratic Party. I have members of my family that are working for the Biden administration. Biden has a bust of my father behind him at the Oval Office, and he's been a family friend for many years,” he said. “My family is – I understand that they're troubled by my decisions. I love my family. I feel like we were raised in a milieu where we were encouraged to debate each other and debate ferociously and passionately about things and still love each other. They’re free to take their positions on these issues. There are many, many members of my family working at my campaign and who are supporting me.”

The Independent candidate said he will be “actively campaigning” for Trump with the message of “Mak[ing] America Healthy Again.” 

“I talked specifically with President Trump about that issue, and he said that he wanted to leave as his legacy of healthy children,” Kennedy said. 

Celebrating the King James Bible


With another school season gearing up, debates about the content of curriculum arise. Should the Bible be included in any way?

Several years ago, TIME magazine (April 2, 2007) had a cover story on why the Bible should be taught (with caution) in the public schools

TIME’s David Van Biema wrote: “Should the Holy Book be on the public menu? Yes. It’s the bedrock of Western culture. And it’s constitutional---as long as we teach but don’t preach it.” 

He also notes: “Simply put, the Bible is the most influential book ever written. Not only is the Bible the best-selling book of all time, it is the best-selling book of the year every year.”

One man who would agree was the late Reid Buckley, brother of the late William F. Buckley, Jr., who used to train professional speakers. Reid said this about the world’s most beloved book: “Any born English-speaking son or daughter of the Christian West, who has not savored, indeed, soaked him- or herself in the King James Version of the Holy Bible is irreparably ignorant and culturally deprived.”

The Bible is the best-selling book in the history of the world. And the King James Version (1611), in particular is the most widely published and distributed book of all time.

For our Coral Ridge Ministries television special, “What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?” (based on the eponymous book by Dr. D. James Kennedy and me), author Bill Federer observed, “If they were to [include it in] the New York Times bestseller list every month, all top ten would be the King James Bible. It is the world's bestselling book ever…It made a tremendous impact on Western civilization.”

Ironically, King James I set out to publish a new translation of the Bible---in order to dethrone the Geneva Bible which was popular with the Puritans and other dissidents.

But the king did an excellent job in producing this book. There were six different translation groups, two from Westminster Abbey, two from Oxford, and two groups from Cambridge. And they were assigned different parts of the Bible to translate into English.

They ended up producing the greatest masterpiece in the English language.

Indeed, to this day many common idioms and phrases in the English language get back to the King James Version of the Bible. Such as:  

  • “Let there be light,”
  • “The golden calf,”
  • “Chariots of fire,”
  •  “Seek and ye shall find,”
  •  “The straight and narrow,”
  •  “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,”
  • “All things to all men,”
  • “The blind leading the blind,”
  •  “The keys of the kingdom,”
  •  “Love thy neighbor as yourself.”

And so on.

Several years ago, the leading book promoting atheism by a prominent skeptic was Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion (2006)The retired Oxford professor doesn’t believe the Bible is the Word of God because he doesn’t believe there is a God. But he nevertheless says you are culturally illiterate if you don’t know the Bible.

Dawkins writes, “The King James Bible of 1611---the Authorized Version---includes passages of outstanding literary merit in its own right, for example the Song of Songs, and the sublime Ecclesiastes (which I am told is pretty good in the original Hebrew too). But the main reason the English Bible needs to be part of our education is that is a major source book for literary culture.”

Dawkins goes on to cite scores and scores of phrases from the Bible, similar to the examples I listed above, that are common everyday idioms that come from the KJV.

This does not mean he in any way respects the Bible as holy writ. He wrote: “We can give up belief in God while not losing touch with a treasured heritage.” Obviously, I don’t agree with him. But I mention it to say that even atheists can appreciate the Bible as literature and even view it as “a treasured heritage.”

In the aforementioned television special on the impact of the KJV, Tim Goeglein of Focus on the Family commented, “I think it's fair to say that without the King James Version of the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, the cadence, the language, the beauty, we would never really understand the creation of America and the political rhetoric and oratory and life of our great nation.”


The Bible as literature and the Bible as history should have a renewed place in our schools. Back when it was the chief textbook in one way or another, literacy was widespread.

As author and former Yale professor William Lyons Phelps observed: "Our civilization is founded upon the Bible. More of our ideas, our wisdom, our philosophy, our literature, our art, our ideals come from the Bible than from all other books combined."

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Memorial Day weekend list in 2024 on Turner Classic Movies




IMDb Rating



Halls of Montezuma


Captains of the Clouds


Bad for Each Other


Men of the Fighting Lady


The Red Badge of Courage


Wings for the Eagle


The Fighting 69th


Mister Roberts


The Naked and the Dead


The Dirty Dozen


The Great Escape


The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress


The Cold Blue


The Best Years of Our Lives


The Flying Fleet


The Burmese Harp


The Cranes Are Flying


Appointment in Tokyo


The McConnell Story


War Nurse


Cry 'Havoc'




The Rack


Darby's Rangers


Three Came Home


The Bridge on the River Kwai


Assignment in Brittany


Sergeant York


Merrill's Marauders


They Were Expendable


Thank Your Lucky Stars




Story of G.I. Joe


A Farewell to Arms


Movies seen on Tubi Free TV app 2024 edition

 Position                    Title                IMDb Rating        Year
1                    The Hound of the Baskervilles                7.4        1939
2                    The Satanic Rites of Dracula                5.5        1973
3                    Lured                7        1947
4                    Night of Terror                5.5        1933
5                    Terror by Night                6.7        1946
6                    The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire                6        2002
7                    The Man Who Could Cheat Death                6.3        1959
8                    Dead Man's Folly                6.3        1986
9                    The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde                6.7        1968
10                    The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes                5.8        1935
11                    King of the Zombies                5.2        1941
12                    Independence Day                7        1996
13                    Pixels                5.6        2015
14                    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective                6.9        1994
15                    Beetlejuice                7.5        1988
16                    Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls                6.4        1995
17                    The 5th Wave                5.2        2016
18                    Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows                7.4        2011
19                    Meet Joe Black                7.2        1998
20                    Gifted                7.6        2017
21                    The Notebook                7.8        2004
22                    Apollo 13                7.7        1995
23                    Run All Night                6.6        2015
24                    Armageddon                6.7        1998
25                    Clash of the Titans                5.8        2010
26                    The Thing                6.2        2011
27                    Halloween II                6.5        1981
28                    The Wedding Date                6.1        2005
29                    American Me                7.1        1992
30                    Hard Target                6.2        1993
31                    The Family Man                6.8        2000
32                    The Whole Truth                6.2        2016
33                    Miss Marple: The Body in the Library                7.6        1984
34                    Murder with Mirrors                6.3        1985
35                    Now, Voyager                7.9        1942
36                    Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder                7.6        1987
37                    Pandorum                6.7        2009
38                    The Rockford Files                8.2        1974
39                    Columbo                8.3        1971
40                    Battleship                5.8        2012
41                    The Oxford Murders                6.1        2008
42                    Anne                8.1        2022
43                    Showtime                5.5        2002
44                    The Love She Sought                7.1        1990
45                    Appointment with Death                6.1        1988
46                    Eyes in the Night                6.7        1942
47                    The Hound of the Baskervilles                6.5        1983
48                    The Sign of Four                6.3        1983
49                    The Machinist                7.6        2004
50                    Rat Race                6.5        2001
51                    Draft Day                6.8        2014
52                    The Stranger                7.3        1946
53                    Valentine Road                7        2013
54                    The Rosary Murders                5.8        1987
55                    Impact                7        1949
56                    Please Murder Me!                6.5        1956
57                    The Cheap Detective                6.4        1978
58                    Murder by Death                7.3        1976
59                    Cat's Eye                6.3        1985
60                    Miss Annie Rooney                6.3        1942
61                    Pennies from Heaven                6.6        1936
62                    Made for Each Other                6.2        1939
63                    The Stork Club                6.4        1945
64                    Africa Screams                6        1949
65                    Alias Jesse James                6.4        1959
66                    An Innocent Affair                6.2        1948
67                    A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court                6.5        1949
68                    Little Lord Fauntleroy                7.3        1936
69                    Sweet Smell of Success                8        1957
70                    I'll Take Sweden                5.3        1965
71                    Man with a Million                6.8        1954
72                    The Silencers                5.9        1966
73                    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty                6.9        1947
74                    The Man from the Diners' Club                6.1        1963
75                    Royal Wedding                6.7        1951
76                    Murder by Invitation                5.8        1941
77                    Merrily We Live                7.3        1938
78                    The Time of Your Life                6.2        1948
79                    Support Your Local Gunfighter                6.8        1971
80                    What's New Pussycat                6.1        1965
81                    The Pajama Game                6.6        1957
82                    Brewster's Millions                6.6        1945
83                    Witness to Murder                6.6        1954
84                    Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life                6.1        2016
85                    The Client                6.7        1994
86                    A Time to Kill                7.5        1996
87                    Ticks                5.5        1993
88                    Fresh Meat                5.4        2012
89                    Sodium Babies                5.1        2009
90                    Ryde                4.9        2017
91                    Stalking Laura                6.4        1993
92                    Tideland                6.3        2005
93                    Hollow                4.7        2011
94                    Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss                5.7        2018
95                    Take Me Home                5.6        2016
96                    Housebound                6.7        2014
97                    Blood Punch                6.2        2014
98                    Jacob's Hammer                5        2012
99                    Alleluia                6.2        2014
100                    The Baby                6.1        1973
101                    Slaughterhouse                5.3        1987
102                    Sweet Kill                5        1972
103                    Straight Talk                5.7        1992
104                    Streets of Fire                6.7        1984
105                    Falling for Christmas                5.2        2022
106                    Dead for a Dollar                5.4        2022
107                    Studio 666                5.7        2022
108                    Murder in Coweta County                7.4        1983
109                    The Confessor                5.2        2004
110                    Broken Vows                5.6        1987
111                    Fletch                6.9        1985
112                    Chef                7.3        2014
113                    The Shawshank Redemption                9.3        1994
114                    Atonement                7.8        2007
115                    Little Miss Sunshine                7.8        2006
116                    Broken Flowers                7.1        2005
117                    The 400 Blows                8.1        1959
118                    The People vs. Larry Flynt                7.3        1996
119                    A Very Long Engagement                7.6        2004
120                    The Good Girl                6.4        2002
121                    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World                7.6        2010
122                    Running with Scissors                6.1        2006
123                    The Squid and the Whale                7.3        2005
124                    Ghost World                7.3        2001
125                    Almost Famous                7.9        2000
126                    Blue Valentine                7.3        2010
127                    The Holiday                6.9        2006
128                    A.I. Artificial Intelligence                7.2        2001
129                    Platoon                8.1        1986
130                    The Imitation Game                8        2014
131                    Bean                6.5        1997
132                    Johnny English Reborn                6.3        2011
133                    Breakfast on Pluto                7.2        2005
134                    Confessions of a Shopaholic                5.8        2009
135                    In America                7.7        2002
136                    A Life Less Ordinary                6.3        1997
137                    Whip It                6.9        2009
138                    Fried Green Tomatoes                7.7        1991
139                    Gangs of New York                7.5        2002
140                    Lost in Translation                7.7        2003
141                    The Happening                5        2008
142                    The Transporter                6.8        2002
143                    The House of the Spirits                6.9        1993
144                    Message in a Bottle                6.2        1999
145                    Emma                6.6        1996
146                    Requiem for a Dream                8.3        2000
147                    Casanova                6.5        2005
148                    The Four Feathers                6.5        2002
149                    The Brothers Grimm                5.9        2005
150                    In Good Company                6.5        2004
151                    The Exorcism of Emily Rose                6.7        2005
152                    Stardust                7.6        2007
153                    Proof of Life                6.3        2000
154                    A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints                6.9        2006
155                    Never Been Kissed                6        1999
156                    The Basketball Diaries                7.3        1995
157                    Two Weeks Notice                6.1        2002
158                    Fantastic Four                5.7        2005
159                    Merlin                7.1        1998
160                    What Happens in Vegas                6.1        2008
161                    The Saint                6.2        1997
162                    Into the Blue                5.9        2005
163                    The Doors                7.2        1991
164                    Intolerable Cruelty                6.3        2003
165                    The Prince and Me                5.9        2004
166                    Me, Myself & Irene                6.6        2000
167                    Somewhere                6.3        2010
168                    Regarding Henry                6.7        1991
169                    Blind Dating                6        2006
170                    This Is England                7.7        2006
171                    Steel Dawn                5.1        1987
172                    Lawman                7        1971
173                    True Confessions                6.3        1981
174                    She Wore a Yellow Ribbon                7.2        1949
175                    Three Smart Girls Grow Up                6.9        1939
176                    Dennis the Menace                6.2        1986
177                    Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell                3.5        2001
178                    Highlander II: The Quickening                4.2        1991
179                    Our Dancing Daughters                6.7        1928
180                    Romeo and Juliet                7.6        1968
181                    Safe House                6.7        2012
182                    Cauldron of Blood                4        1968
183                    Forbidden World                5.1        1982
184                    The Quiet Gun                6.5        1957
185                    Fire in the Sky                6.5        1993
186                    Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man                6.1        1991
187                    Vampires                6.1        1998
188                    On Golden Pond                7.6        1981
189                    Chaplin                7.5        1992
190                    The Onion Field                6.8        1979
191                    Sergeant Ryker                6.1        1968
192                    Grand Tour: Disaster in Time                6.4        1991
193                    The Craft                6.4        1996
194                    Mary Queen of Scots                6.3        2018
195                    Union Pacific                7.1        1939
196                    The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean                6.8        1972
197                    Western Union                6.7        1941
198                    Sorrowful Jones                6.9        1949
199                    The Unguarded Moment                6.3        1956
200                    A Rage to Live                6.3        1965
201                    The Cider House Rules                7.4        1999
202                    Rehearsal for Murder                6.8        1982
203                    Midsomer Murders                7.9        1997
204                    Cold Mountain                7.2        2003
205                    The Eternal Sea                6.2        1955
206                    The Plainsman                6.8        1936
207                    Pork Chop Hill                7        1959
208                    The Secret War of Harry Frigg                6.3        1968
209                    Run Silent Run Deep                7.3        1958
210                    Sullivan's Travels                7.9        1941
211                    PT 109                6.6        1963
212                    The Running Man                6.5        1963
213                    Viva Las Vegas                6.3        1964
214                    The Unsinkable Molly Brown                6.6        1964
215                    A High Wind in Jamaica                6.5        1965
216                    Nevada Smith                6.9        1966
217                    The War Wagon                6.8        1967
218                    Tobruk                6.4        1967
219                    Spirits of the Dead                6.4        1968
220                    Hello, Dolly!                7        1969
221                    Support Your Local Sheriff!                7.5        1969
222                    Jeremiah Johnson                7.6        1972
223                    Fuzz                5.4        1972
224                    Tales from the Crypt                6.8        1972
225                    The Wild Party                5.3        1975
226                    The Return of the Pink Panther                7        1975
227                    The Warriors                7.5        1979
228                    Salem's Lot                6.7        1979
229                    Meatballs                6.2        1979
230                    And Justice for All                7.4        1979
231                    Elvis                6.9        1979
232                    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy                8.5        1979
233                    The Electric Horseman                6.4        1979
234                    Wanda Nevada                5.5        1979
235                    Popeye                5.4        1980
236                    The Big Red One                7.1        1980
237                    Cheech and Chong's Next Movie                6        1980
238                    Heavy Metal                6.6        1981
239                    The Howling                6.5        1981
240                    Family Ties                7.3        1982
241                    Missing                7.7        1982
242                    Tales from the Darkside                7.4        1983
243                    He-Man and the Masters of the Universe                7.5        1983
244                    Snowbeast                4.6        1977
245                    Paris, Texas                8.1        1984
246                    Dreamscape                6.3        1984
247                    Firestarter                6.1        1984
248                    Teachers                6.1        1984
249                    National Lampoon's European Vacation                6.2        1985
250                    The Country Girl                7.2        1954
251                    The Bridges at Toko-Ri                6.7        1954
252                    They Rode West                5.9        1954
253                    Night Ambush                6.5        1957
254                    Top Dog                4.2        1995
255                    The Thomas Crown Affair                6.8        1999
256                    The Longest Ride                7        2015
257                    Zoolander 2                4.7        2016
258                    Shotgun                6        1955
259                    Valley of the Kings                6        1954
260                    Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island                5.7        1954
261                    Romeo and Juliet                6        1954
262                    The Purple Plain                6.5        1954
263                    Saskatchewan                6.3        1954
264                    Scaramouche                7.5        1952
265                    Don't Bother to Knock                6.9        1952
266                    Clash by Night                7        1952
267                    Crash of Silence                7.4        1952
268                    The Sound Barrier                6.7        1952
269                    Carrie                7.3        1952
270                    This Woman Is Dangerous                6.1        1952
271                    Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd                5.7        1952
272                    Hellgate                6.4        1952
273                    Inspector Maigret                7.2        1958
274                    Marjorie Morningstar                6.2        1958
275                    Westbound                6.5        1958
276                    The Quiet American                6.7        1958
277                    Edge of Eternity                6.4        1959
278                    Al Capone                6.7        1959
279                    Return of the Fly                5.7        1959
280                    Up Periscope                6.4        1959
281                    Phenomenon                6.4        1996
282                    The Comeback Trail                5.7        2020
283                    The High Note                6.4        2020
284                    Unpregnant                6.5        2020
285                    Nine Days                6.8        2020
286                    Star of Midnight                6.7        1935
287                    Brannigan                6.1        1975
288                    Charley Varrick                7.5        1973
289                    To Live and Die in L.A.                7.3        1985
290                    Bringing Up Baby                7.8        1938
291                    12 O'Clock High                8.1        1964
292                    Fitzcarraldo                8        1982
293                    Raising Arizona                7.3        1987
294                    Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison                7.3        1957
295                    Ticket to Paradise                6.1        2022
296                    Filip                6.9        2022
297                    Armageddon Time                6.5        2022
298                    Shadow of a Doubt                7.8        1943
299                    HouseBroken                6.4        2021
300                    The Thin Blue Line                8        1988
301                    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows                5.9        2016
302                    Reindeer Games                5.8        2000
303                    The Skulls                5.6        2000
304                    Ready to Rumble                5.3        2000
305                    Can You Ever Forgive Me?                7.1        2018
306                    20th Century Women                7.3        2016
307                    Killers of the Flower Moon                7.6        2023
308                    The Virgin Suicides                7.2        1999
309                    For Love of the Game                6.6        1999
310                    Eight Men Out                7.2        1988
311                    Terms of Endearment                7.4        1983
312                    How Do You Know                5.4        2010
313                    Urusei yatsura                7.5        1981
314                    Urusei Yatsura 5: The Final Chapter                7        1988
315                    Lady in White                6.5        1988
316                    Dead Ringer                7.3        1963
317                    The Vampire Bat                5.7        1933
318                    The Case of the Curious Bride                6.6        1935
319                    The Case of the Velvet Claws                6        1936
320                    The Case of the Stuttering Bishop                6.2        1937
321                    Perry Mason: The Case of the Notorious Nun                7.1        1986
322                    Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star                6.8        1986
323                    Perry Mason: The Case of the Sinister Spirit                7.1        1987
324                    The Famous Ferguson Case                6.5        1932
325                    Invasion of the Body Snatchers                7.7        1956
326                    The Black Sleep                6        1956
327                    The Incredible Shrinking Man                7.6        1957
328                    Scared Stiff                6.4        1953
329                    I Bury the Living                6.3        1958
330                    Them!                7.2        1954
331                    The War of the Worlds                7        1953
332                    Corridors of Blood                6.4        1958
333                    The Hound of the Baskervilles                6.9        1959
334                    Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde                6.4        1953
335                    The Blob                6.3        1958
336                    It Came from Outer Space                6.5        1953
337                    The Giant Behemoth                5.7        1959
338                    Invaders from Mars                6.2        1953
339                    Sleuth                6.4        2007
340                    Alfie                6.2        2004
341                    Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves                6.9        1991
342                    The Bodyguard                6.4        1992
343                    The Prince of Tides                6.8        1991
344                    The Way We Were                7        1973
345                    Blue Crush                5.7        2002
346                    A Study in Terror                6.5        1965
347                    Room at the Top                7.5        1958
348                    Evil Laugh                4.8        1986
349                    Mannequin                6        1987
350                    The Iguana with the Tongue of Fire                5.4        1971
351                    The Upturned Glass                6.9        1947
352                    Dressed to Kill                6.8        1946
353                    Journey to Christmas                6.7        2023
354                    8-Bit Christmas                6.7        2021
355                    No Highway in the Sky                7.1        1951
356                    The Burial                7.1        2023
357                    Bleach                8.2        2004
358                    The Talk of the Town                7.5        1942
359                    Helter Skelter                5.3        1949
360                    Along Came Polly                6        2004
361                    AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline                6.5        2021
362                    The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother                6        1975
363                    The Adventures of Baron Munchausen                7.1        1988
364                    Adiós, Sabata                5.9        1970
365                    Angel Heart                7.2        1987
366                    Another Stakeout                5.6        1993
367                    Annie Get Your Gun                6.9        1950
368                    The Accountant                7.3        2016
369                    The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford                7.5        2007
370                    Arabian Nights                6.1        1942
371                    The Bamboo Saucer                5.5        1968
372                    The Bad and the Beautiful                7.8        1952
373                    Band of Outsiders                7.6        1964
374                    BASEketball                6.5        1998
375                    The Ballad of Cable Hogue                7.2        1970
376                    The Bells of St. Mary's                7.2        1945
377                    Bells Are Ringing                6.9        1960
378                    The Best of Everything                6.6        1959
379                    Big Trouble in Little China                7.2        1986
380                    Billy Two Hats                6.3        1974
381                    Boomerang!                7.2        1947
382                    The Border                6.4        1982
383                    Bullfighter and the Lady                6.8        1951
384                    The Buccaneer                6.4        1958
385                    The Bucket List                7.4        2007
386                    A Bullet for Joey                6        1955
387                    Canadian Pacific                5.9        1949
388                    Celtic Pride                5.3        1996
389                    The Curse of the Crying Woman                6.5        1963
390                    Dragonslayer                6.6        1981
391                    The Duke of Burgundy                6.5        2014
392                    The Duchess                6.9        2008
393                    Edge of Darkness                7.2        1943
394                    Eureka: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution                6.7        2021
395                    Fear in the Night                5.9        1972
396                    Flamingo Road                7.1        1949
397                    Flashdance                6.2        1983
398                    For Whom the Bell Tolls                6.8        1943
399                    For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada                6.5        2012
400                    Fort Massacre                6.2        1958
401                    New Frontier                5.3        1939
402                    The Gallant Hours                7.1        1960
403                    Galaxy Cyclone Braiger                6.9        1981
404                    The Girl from Rio                4.2        1969
405                    The Gilded Lily                6.8        1935
406                    Good News                6.7        1947
407                    Gridiron Gang                7.1        2006
408                    Hit the Deck                6.5        1955
409                    Home from the Hill                7.4        1960
410                    If I Were King                7.1        1938
411                    The Illusionist                7.5        2006
412                    Lone Star                7.4        1996
413                    Dog Day Afternoon                8        1975
414                    Raw Force                5.4        1982
415                    Deadly Games                6.4        1989
416                    Dead Heat                6.1        1988
417                    Primal Rage                5.4        1988
418                    Trip with the Teacher                4.6        1975
419                    Detective                5.7        2005
420                    The President's Man                4.7        2000
421                    Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes                7        2024
422                    Diggstown                6.9        1992
423                    In the Line of Fire                7.2        1993
424                    The Good Son                6.4        1993
425                    Outbreak                6.6        1995
426                    Coming 2 America                5.3        2021
427                    Lansky                6.2        2021
428                    Pickup on South Street                7.6        1953
429                    Two on a Guillotine                6.1        1965
430                    The Ghost Ship                6.6        1943
431                    Dressed to Kill                7.1        1980
432                    I Walked with a Zombie                7        1943
433                    Sodom and Gomorrah                5.7        1962
434                    Night of the Eagle                6.9        1962
435                    The Nutty Professor                6.6        1963
436                    The Thrill of It All                6.9        1963
437                    Lilies of the Field                7.5        1963
438                    The Incredible Journey                7        1963
439                    Hogan's Heroes                7.8        1965
440                    I Dream of Jeannie                7.4        1965
441                    The Heroes of Telemark                6.5        1965
442                    The Big Valley                7.6        1965
443                    Chimes at Midnight                7.6        1965
444                    The Professionals                7.3        1966
445                    7th Cavalry                5.8        1956
446                    Comanche Station                7        1960
447                    The Doolins of Oklahoma                6.4        1949
448                    Coroner Creek                6.6        1948
449                    The Walking Hills                6.4        1949
450                    Frontier Marshal                6.6        1939
451                    How to Blow Up a Pipeline                6.9        2022