Friday, October 21, 2022

Chris Hayes is worried about the chaos that might interrupt the chaos of the Biden presidency if the GOP wins


Yes, we already gave you some he-can’t-be-serious Chris Hayes hot takes today, but he keeps talking, so we have to fill you in. It’s what we do!

Chris is super concerned all you ignorant common folks out there just don’t understand the chaos that will result from a GOP victory in the upcoming midterm elections.

You know, inflation could skyrocket, prices could soar, we could leave Americans stranded in Afghanistan, they might try to take people’s jobs away over personal medical decisions, Russia could invade Ukraine, there could be threats of nuclear war, and they might spend morning, noon, and night comparing American citizens to people who murdered 6 million Jews.

Yeah, that would be bad.

Of all the bubble dwellers on the Left, Chris Hayes’s bubble is particularly opaque.

‘Tail Risk’ sounds like a Secret Service code name during the Clinton administration. Anyhoo …

You all know Twitter had something to say about Chris’s histrionics.

Chris is an overachiever.


Clifton gets it.

The horror! Oh no! Please, not that!

Sweet, sweet gridlock. Now that’s something we could get on board with.

Oh, it could get much, much worse if the GOP wins. They could … gulp … bring back mean tweets!!!

Hear! Hear!

In other words, normal people are concerned about real life.

For democracy and stuff.

We think it’s very hard to communicate to the median voter how hilarious it will be watching Chris Hayes when Democrats lose.

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