Tammy Green Baldwin was a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the 2nd district of Wisconsin since 1999. She was "the first openly LGBT candidate ever elected to Congress as a non-incumbent."[1]
In 2012, she was elected to the US Senate, from Wisconsin.
Her long time partner is Lauren Azar.
In 2017 Senator Baldwin serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.[2]
Tammy Baldwin was born on February 11, 1962 in the area she now represents in Congress; and traces one branch of her family tree back to 1866 in Sauk County (Baraboo). Raised in Madison jointly by her mother and maternal grandparents, Tammy graduated first in her class of 510 students at Madison West High School in 1980. She received an A.B. degree from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts in 1984 with majors in government and mathematics. In 1989, while an active member of the Dane County Board of Supervisors, Tammy earned her J.D. from the University of Wisconsin Law School and practiced law from 1989-1992.[3]Political career
Tammy Baldwin served four terms as a Dane County (WI) Supervisor (1986-1994), representing the downtown Madison area, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. In 1986, Tammy also served briefly on the Madison Common Council, filling an aldermanic vacancy.Tammy Baldwin "won a seat in the Wisconsin State House of Representatives" in 1993, with help from the Victory Fund, who "was instrumental in assisting Tammy Baldwin’s winning congressional campaign."[4]
She served three terms as a WI State Representative for the 78th Assembly District (comprising central and south Madison) from January 1993 to January 1999.[5]
The Rainbow
According to Paul Ortiz;- Likewise, there were many Obama activists who had campaigned for the Rev. Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988. It is impossible to imagine Senator Obama's victory without the precedent of Jackson's Rainbow Coalition. The Rainbow excited and recruited tens of thousands of gay, Latino, Native American, white, Asian, and African-Americans into electoral politics, social movements and union organizing in the US in the 1980s. The Rainbow sustained and supported numerous progressive politicians, including Paul Wellstone, Tammy Baldwin and Harold Washington. The Rainbow Coalition - and Jackson as leader - had many limitations. Even so, the organization provided one of the few spaces for progressive movement organizing to take place in the Age of Reagan. The Rainbow increased working-class voter registration, promoted Shirley Chisholm for vice president, stood in solidarity with the Pittston coal strike, and was a counterweight to the conservative Democratic Leadership Council.[6]
When Baldwin talks about building support both inside Washington and outside in the communities for universal healthcare or daycare or civil rights, she echoes Jackson’s campaigns.[7]
Legislative successes
Tammy Baldwin led successful efforts in the House in 2009 to pass expanded hate crimes legislation. As Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, she is leading efforts to advance the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and other civil rights initiatives. She is the lead author of legislation to extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. A strong consumer advocate, Tammy also has crafted legislation to repeal antiquated antitrust exemptions protecting freight railroads from competition. The Railroad Anti-Trust Enforcement Act has strong support from business and consumer groups and from bipartisan Members of both Houses of Congress.[8]Institute for Policy Studies connections
IPS grades "progressive"
In 1998 fourteen new Members of Congress were elected who ran on progressive platforms.The 14 were gauged "progressive" by the Institute for Policy Studies after comparing their campaign literature and past activities with the Progressive Challenge "Fairness Agenda for America." On issues ranging from shifting budgetary priorities from military spending and corporate giveaways to health care and education, to promoting worker and environmental rights, fair trade, and equality, these 14 candidates stood for the liberal values that recent polls show most Americans embrace. The 14 new progressive members included:
- Tammy Baldwin, won in Wisconsin's 2nd district after a tough grassroots campaign. She has led the fight on progressive issues throughout her career in the Wisconsin state legislature, proposing bills on a range of issues from living wage and workers rights, to support for public education and strong environmental protection. She has advocated a progressive tax system, universal health care and women's rights. She is also the first openly gay, nonincumbent elected to Congress."
Progressive State of the Union Address, 1999
January 19, 1999, members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Institute for Policy Studies, talked about issues that they are planning to address in the upcoming year, at the Progressive State of the Union Address. Some of the issues they intend to address are poverty in the United States, national defense, the global economy, Medicare, and education. Rep. Conyers stated that the House disregarded the views the majority of the American people when the House impeached the president.Speakers were Tammy Baldwin [D] Wisconsin, John Cavanagh Co-Director Institute for Policy Studies, John Conyers, [D] Michigan, Peter DeFazio [D] Oregon, Karen Dolan, Coordinator Institute for Policy Studies, Earl Hilliard, [D] Alabama, Maurice Hinchey, [D] New York, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, [D] Ohio, Barbara Lee, [D] California, Jerrold Nadler, [D] New York, Grace Napolitano, [D] California, Major Owens, [D] New York, Bernie Sanders, [I] Vermont, Jan Schakowsky, [D] Illinois.[10]
Clinton/Chile letter
February 24, 2000, 31 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have sent a letter to President Clinton requesting full U.S. cooperation with the Spanish case against former Chilean General Augusto Pinochet, a thorough investigation into the car-bomb assassination of Orlando Letelier and American citizen Ronni Moffitt, and the release of all U.S. documents pertaining to human rights abuses in Chile.- Dear President Clinton,
- We would like to take this opportunity to commend your Administration's recent activity concerning the ongoing investigation into former Chilean General Augusto Pinochet's role in the 1976 car bombing of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt in Washington D.C. We also appreciate your efforts to release documents pertaining to human rights abuses in Chile.
Progressive Majority Advisory Committee
In 2003 Rep. Tammy Baldwin served on the Progressive Majority Advisory Committee.[12]IPWS awards ceremony
Every year the far left Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Policy Studies gives two awards -- one domestic and one international -- to what are described as "heroes of the progressive movement."In 2011, representatives from Madison Teachers Inc. accepted the national Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award on behalf of Wisconsin progressives involved in demonstrations last spring against anti-union legislation proposed by Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
The Madison teachers union was cited for its role in helping organize last spring's massive protests at the state Capitol in response to Walker's efforts to eliminate collective bargaining rights for most public workers, as well as other legislation including strict voter ID requirements that are likely to limit voting by college students, the elderly, the poor and immigrants.
In a release from the Institute for Policy Studies, executive director John Cavanagh wrote, "MTI, along with a rainbow of other groups, were leaders in the demonstrations against Walker's proposed legislation in February and March."
They were described as "gallantly fighting to preserve workers' rights and dignity in Wisconsin."
John Matthews, executive director of MTI for 43 years and Peggy Coyne, a middle school teacher and MTI president, accepted the award in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 12. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, presented the award.[13]
IPS donors
Lynn Raskin, a Washington D.C. realtor, and her husband, Marcus Raskin, a cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies, contributed to progressive candidates in several tight congressional races during the 2012 election cycle. They donated to Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), and Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat running for Senate in Massachusetts. They've also given money to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).[14]PDA across Wisconsin
Friday, November 2nd they hosted a guided discussion at the the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals offices in Milwaukee, moderated by John Nichols (The Nation , MSNBC Contributor). Guest speakers included: PDA's National Director Tim Carpenter, NNU's Director of Public Policy Michael Lighty, Communist Party USA member Judith LeBlanc from Peace Action, and Dr. Robert Kraig from Citizen Action of Wisconsin.Lighty and Carpenter joined with author/commentator Jim Hightower at the UAW Local 95 Hall in Janesville Saturday November 3rd, 11 am to 1 pm. Rob Zerban--who was challenging Paul Ryan in Wisconsin's 1st District--and John Nichols also appeared. Then, from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Carpenter and Lighty appeared in Madison, WI, with Mark Pocan, Congressional Candidate in Wisconsin's 2nd District, one of the leaders of the Wisconsin walkout. All three Wisconsin events also sought to help Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, win her close race for the U.S. Senate.[15]
Hightower on Baldwin
Jim Hightower said, "PDA, NNU, and I are joining together to make sure Tammy Baldwin carries Wisconsin. She is now under a slanderous last-minute attack from Karl Rove! I once wrote a book called 'If the Gods Had Meant Us to Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates.' Well, the Gods mean for us to vote--and donate--and make phone calls--this year, because you don't find great progressive candidates like Tammy Baldwin and Mark Pocan and Rob Zerban every day."[16]Hosting PDA
According to a New Year 2013 press release from Progressive Democrats of America;- Progressive Democrats of America accomplished a lot in 2012--thanks to your help and support. Together, we helped defeat Tea Party extremists and helped elect strong progressives to Congress. We educated members of Congress every month in our home districts, and in the halls of Congress in Washington, DC. Now, PDA is starting 2013 in a big way!
- In just a few days, on January 3rd, our team will be on Capitol Hill as special guests of our newly elected and re-elected progressive candidates including our board members our friends Representatives Alan Grayson, Dr. Ami Bera, and Mark Pocan; as well as newly-elected Senators Tammy Baldwin and Elizabeth Warren. If you're going to be in the DC-area, join us for these exciting swearing in ceremonies, and help us pass out leaflets for our exciting January 19th events![17]
PDA connection
In June 2013 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and several Senators. Rob Hansen was assigned as contact for Sen. Baldwin.[18]Tribute to Communist Clarence Kailin
In 1999 Tammy Baldwin honored Madison Communist Party USA veteran Clarence Kailin, and the communist led Abraham Lincoln Brigade.From the Congressional Record Volume 145 , Number 149 Pages E2209m Extensions of Remarks, Thu, Oct. 28, 1999.
- Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Mr. Clarence Kailin of Madison, and the brave men and women who volunteered to serve in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade during the Spanish Civil War, especially those courageous volunteers from my home state of Wisconsin.
- They, along with 45,000 volunteers from over 50 different countries, fought side by side during the early struggle against fascism. Their foresight in recognizing the rising tyranny of fascism was a call to arms that went unheeded by the free world, and resulted in the long and bloody conflict that became World War II.
- Mr. Speaker, I want to express my gratitude to these men and women who helped to defend the democratic Spanish Republic from fascist aggression, at a time when the fate of democracy in Europe was being threatened by all sides of the political spectrum.
- On October 31st, in James Madison Park, in the state capitol of Wisconsin, a memorial will be dedicated to those sons and daughters of the ``Badger State that joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. A volunteer unit comprised of American citizens from all ethnic and religious backgrounds and walks of life, were all equal in their resolve to stem the tide of fascism. Our country's reluctance to aid the Spanish Republican government did not deter these brave people who understood what the consequences were if a legitimately elected government were to fall.
- Mr. Speaker, for the first time in our country's long history of isolationism, United State's citizens were reacting to threats to liberty and freedom on the international level more passionately than ever before. Mr. Kailin was one of those citizens, had it not been for him and other brave volunteers in the Lincoln Brigade, the tide of fascism would have swept over Europe unchecked. The corps of international volunteers who came together in Spain would be the same volunteers to comprise the victorious armies of the allied forces that triumphed over the fascists dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues to honor these dedicated men and women in the same rightful fashion as my state. The strength of character of Clarence Kailin and others from Wisconsin who volunteered in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade are the qualities which we all can take pride in and celebrate in this Congress.
Supported by Council for a Livable World
The Council for a Livable World, founded in 1962 by long-time socialist activist and alleged Soviet agent, Leo Szilard, is a non-profit advocacy organization that seeks to "reduce the danger of nuclear weapons and increase national security", primarily through supporting progressive, congressional candidates who support their policies. The Council supported Tammy Baldwin in her successful House of Representatives run as candidate for Wisconsin.[19]2012 CLW Senate victories
2012 CLW Senate Victories were;Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bob Casey (D-PA), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Angus King (I-ME), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Chris Murphy (D-CT) Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Jon Tester (D-MT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).[20]
According to the Council for a Livable World website;
- In her first race for Congress, Baldwin was supported by Council for a Livable World’s PeacePAC. She has proved worthy of the endorsement by scoring a perfect 100% on Council for a Livable World’s PeacePAC voting scorecard over the past six years.
- Baldwin was one of the first House opponents of President George W. Bush’s war in Iraq when she joined with 18 colleagues in a press conference months before the conflict began. She has voted for early withdrawal of American troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan.
- She has opposed deployment of National Missile Defense and attempts to build new generations of nuclear weapons. She was one of only 68 Representatives to oppose the U.S.-Indian nuclear cooperation deal that undermined worldwide nuclear non-proliferation efforts. She advocates negotiations with Iran to eliminate its nuclear weapons program while some of her colleagues have advocated launching a military attack.
CLW Inauguration event
Council for a Livable World and the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation hosted an event on Monday, January 21, 2013 celebrating the second inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and theirr endorsed candidates in the 113th Congress. The event was held at the Phoenix Park Hotel ballroom across from Union Station and just two blocks from the U.S. Capitol.A number of prestigious guests attended the event, including Senators Tammy Baldwin, Martin Heinrich, Angus King and Bernie Sanders, U.S. Representatives Suzan DelBene, Lois Frankel and Mark Takano, United Steel Workers International President Leo Gerard, host of The Ed Show on MSNBC, Ed Schultz and Vicki Hansen Thackray from the executive committee of Democrats Abroad.
Gary Collins, President of the board of Council for a Livable World, kicked off the celebration with a short speech highlighting the work of the Council during the 2012 election cycle.
Chairman of the board, Ira Lechner, introduced one of the most inspiring leaders in the country today, Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). Senator Baldwin, who made history in November as the first openly gay member of the United States Senate, received a warm round of applause from the Council enthusiastic supporters who filled the ballroom. She expressed her gratitude for the early grassroots support and encouragement in what was a hard-fought victory..[21]
Progressive Caucus SOTU Address
On Thursday, January 27 2000, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm in 2253 of RHOB, the Congressional Progressive Caucus held its 3rd Annual Congressional Progressive Caucus' State of the Union Address. This event was also sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies' Progressive Challenge coalition whose Fairness Agenda for America is endorsed by 200 public interest groups nationally.Caucus Chair Rep. Peter DeFazio(D-OR) stated "The Progressive Caucus Alternative State of the Union will provide a much needed reality check to politicians who would rather ignore the priorities of Americans left out of the economic boom -- priorities like access to quality health care and education, repairing crumbling schools, addressing the growing gap between the rich and poor, and creating a sustainable global economy that works for everyone, not just the corporate architects."
Anticipated speakers included: Peter DeFazio (D-OR), House Minority Whip David Bonior (D-MI), Earl Hilliard (D-AL);Dennis Kucinich (D-OH); Cynthia McKinney (D-GA);. Major Owens (D-NY)Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Tammy Baldwin (D-WI);. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY);Barbara Lee (D-CA); Jerrold Nadler (D-NY); and Lynn Woolsey(D-CA). John Cavanagh, director of the Institute for Policy Studies also made some remarks regarding public interest groups support of a progressive agenda.[22]
- The Congressional Progressive Caucus, Chaired by Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), consists of over a quarter of the House Democrats, one Independent and Senator Paul Wellstone. The Caucus will be releasing position papers on Health Care and Income Inequality, with reports on the Alternative Federal Budget, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Education and the Global Economy.
Radfest 2002
RadFest 2002 was held May 31-June 2 at Aurora University's George Williams Lake Geneva Campus.RadFest was sponsored by the A.E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structures and Social Change. Its director, Patrick Barrett, said that “the central goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for progressive activists, organizers and intellectuals to come together to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern, strengthen networks and devise strategies for progressive social, economic and political change.”
The second conference plenary, titled “The State of Progressive Politics: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?” featured Medea Benjamin, David Newby of the South Central Wisconsin Coalition of Labor (AFL-CIO), Madison-based Nation columnist John Nichols, Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and the Green Party USA’s George Martin. “We’re all here to see how we can make this a bigger movement when we leave here,” said Martin.[23]
Health Care Access resolution
John Conyers promoted House Concurrent Resolution 99 (H. Con Res. 99) Directing Congress to enact legislation by October 2004 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 4, 2001.Sponsors:John Conyers (for himself), Jan Schakowsky, John Tierney, Barbara Lee, Donna Christensen, David Bonior, Dennis Kucinich, Earl Hilliard, Maurice Hinchey, Jerry Nadler, Donald Payne Chaka Fattah, Peter DeFazio, John Lewis Tammy Baldwin, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Cynthia McKinney, Jim Langevin, George Miller Alcee Hastings, Patsy Mink, John Olver , Bennie Thompson, Pete Stark, Julia Carson, and Mike Capuano submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce;[24]
- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), that the Congress shall enact legislation by October 2004 to guarantee that every person in the United States, regardless of income, age, or employment or health status, has access to health care..
Supporting trade with Cuba
In Fall 2002, Cuba's Fidel Castro wined and dined American food producers in Havana, part of a well crafted "charm offensive" aimed at weakening the U.S. trade embargo.This spring, Castro made a public relations splash of a different kind. He imprisoned dozens of Cuban dissidents and executed three men for hijacking a ferry to flee the country.
The crackdown was denounced worldwide.
The House Cuba Working Group, which opposes the embargo, includes two Wisconsin lawmakers: conservative Republican Paul Ryan of Janesville and liberal Democrat Tammy Baldwin of Madison.
Baldwin said she told Cuban officials recently that "these arrests and persecutions were not going to make it any easier for those of us trying to ease travel restrictions and increase trade to make our case."
Said Ryan: "I think the crackdown may have helped buttress the argument of people in favor of the embargo. But the argument is based on a faulty premise: 'See how bad Castro is. We need to keep the embargo.' What about China? They're bad too. They're doing horrible things every day, but we think we should engage with them."[25]
Greets Cuba "normalization"
December 18, 2014, members of Congress from Wisconsin welcomed President Barack Obama's announcement that his administration will move toward normalizing relations with the communist country.Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin hailed the announcement as a "historic and positive step" that asserts American leadership by charting a new course with Cuba.
Democratic Reps. Ron Kind of La Crosse and Gwen Moore of Milwaukee joined Baldwin in embracing the move.
"It doesn't make sense to have economic relations with a communist nation like China, yet stay closed off to a nation just 90 miles off our coast," said Kind, who called for eliminating the embargo.
Baldwin said that more than 50 years of U.S. policy to isolate Cuba "has not achieved our national security objectives, (has) created hardship for the Cuban people, and failed to weaken the Cuban regime."
At the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba, steering committee member Art Heitzer said Badger State residents and companies could benefit from the thaw. He cited Harley-Davidson motorcycles and Johnson Controls air conditioning systems as items that could potentially find a market in Cuba if direct trade is allowed.[26]
Posada letter
In 2005 several far left Congressmembers wrote to President Bush urging him to extradite alleged terrorist Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela to face justice.- We are writing to urge you to oppose the application for asylum by Luis Posada Carriles, and to support the request for extradition to Venezuela, where he is a fugitive from justice.
Peace Pledge Coalition
In 2007 90 Members of Congress, pledged in an open letter delivered to President Bush: "We will only support appropriating funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office." The letter was initiated by the Peace Pledge Coalition. The Coalition was led by Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America, Bob Fertik, Democrats.com Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Bill Fletcher, co-founder of Center for Labor Renewal David Swanson, AfterDowningStreet.org, Democrats.com, Progressive Democrats of America, Kevin Zeese, Voters for Peace, Democracy Rising, Brad Friedman, co-founder of Velvet Revolution, Bill Moyer, Backbone Campaign.Tammy Baldwin signed the letter.[28][29]
Voted against cutting funding for ACORN
In September 2009, following the lead of their Senate colleagues, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to cut off funds to ACORN. the vote was 345-75. All of the 75 were democrats, and included Tammy Baldwin. [30]Democratic Socialists of America
Tammy Baldwin's political career has been supported by Democratic Socialists of America.Strong "progressive"
After the 1998 Congressional elections Bob Roman of Chicago Democratic Socialists of America wrote[31]:In addition, the increase in numbers of Democrats in the House was due to the election of Progressives. These include: Tammy Baldwin (WI2), the first open lesbian to be elected to Congress and a strong progressive
DSA support 2004
Democratic Left, Fall 2004, page 6
- Incumbent Tammy Baldwin vocally supports equal rights, gay rights, and expanded health insurance benefits, and her public posture as an out lesbian is symbolically important. Left critics widely view her leadership, however, as disappointing and ineffective. Like Feingold, she faces well-funded right wing opposition. DSAers also are backing what they call “old-fashioned democrat” Dave Obey in the northwestern part of the state,.”
- We reported on the candidates that DSAers were supporting in the last issue of Democratic Left. How did they do?
- In Wisconsin, progressive incumbents Feingold, Baldwin and Obey won. In a race for an open state senate seat, the favored Mark Miller won handily. However, progressive insurgent Bryan Kennedy lost badly..
DSA support 2012
Speaking to Reuters in May 2012 SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin vice president of politics and growth, and one time Democratic Socialists of America member Bruce Colburn said of Wisconsin Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin... "We were looking for a champion, and Tammy fit the bill," .Baldwin has won endorsement from the local SEIU.[34]
DSA approval
According to long time Democratic Socialists of America member Jack Clark, the 2018 midterm campaigns are going to present DSA-ers with a “yes or no option” in many cases. Democrats that are up for reelection are not going to come out overnight and say they are socialists. However, if their ideals and approaches approximate the vision of DSA, Clark said it’d be silly not to at least give them a shot. Senators like Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) represent a “pretty good group of Democrats” in Clark’s eyes.[35]Congressional Progressive Caucus
As of February 20 2009 Tammy Baldwin was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[36]EMILY's List
Baldwin has been supported by EMILY's List during her campaigning."Impeach Cheney"
In January 2008, nine out of 23 Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee favor starting impeachment hearings against Vice-President Dick Cheney. Six of the nine are co-sponsors of H.R. 799, which contains three articles of impeachment. The nine Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee who favored impeachment hearings were: Robert Wexler, Fla.; Luis Gutierrez, Ill.; Anthony Weiner, N.Y.; Tammy Baldwin, Wisc.; Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas; Steve Cohen, Tenn.; Keith Ellison, Minn.; Maxine Waters, Calif.; and Hank Johnson, Ga.[37]Calling on Israeli Govt. to lift Gaza Travel Ban
On Dec. 22, 2009, thirty-three U.S. Representatives wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling on her to request that the Israeli Government end the ban on student travel from Gaza to the West Bank. Tammy Baldwin was one of the signatories of the letter.[38] The entire letter together with a complete list of signatories can be read by clicking here.Supported Lifting the Gaza Blockade
On Jan. 27, 2010, U.S. Representatives Keith Ellison and Jim McDermott led 52 other members of Congress in signing a letter addressed to President Barack Obama, calling for him to use diplomatic pressure to resolve the blockade affecting Gaza. Tammy Baldwin was one of the signatories of the letter. [39] The entire letter together with a complete list of signatories can be read by clicking here.Committee to Stop FBI Repression
In mid November 2010, a delegation from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression ( returned home from several days of bringing the "issue of the FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas of people doing international solidarity work and anti-war organizing to the U.S. Capitol". Three supporters of the Marxist-Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization/FightBack!, Deb Konechne of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Anh Pham, who is facing a reactivation of her subpoena and Joe Iosbaker, whose home was raided, spent two days meeting with U.S. Representatives on the issue. The delegation asked each Congressperson to sponsor a “Dear Colleague” letter condemning the raids and grand jury subpoenas. In the two days, the delegation met with either the Congressional Representative’s staff or the Representative themselves from the following 16 offices: Tammy Baldwin (WI), John Conyers (MI), Danny Davis (IL), Keith Ellison (MN), Raul Grijalva (AZ), Luis Gutierrez (IL), Mike Honda (CA), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL), Dennis Kucinich (OH), Barbara Lee (CA), Jim McDermott (WA), Jim McGovern (MA), Bobby Rush (IL), Linda Sanchez (CA), Jan Schakowsky (IL), Maxine Waters (CA). The "meetings were positive, with all the offices expressing genuine concern about the situation. In some cases, because of the outpouring of calls from around the country, the U.S. Representatives were aware that the delegation was in Washington D.C. and the offices made time on their schedules to meet with the delegation. This reinforces the continuing importance of the solidarity work taking place around the country."Rep. Conyers (MI), chair of the Judiciary Committee, directed the Counsel of the Judiciary Committee to meet with the delegation. Also, Rep. Ellison (MN) and his Congressional staff met directly with the delegation for a significant amount of time. rep. Ellison sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, expressing concern over the situation and is continuing to work on options to support his constituents affected. The delegation also received face-to-face meetings with Rep Gutierrez and Rep Davis from Chicago. Rep. Grijalva’s (AZ) office set up a meeting between the delegation and the Executive Director of the Congressional Progressive Caucus in the Congress of which rep. Grijalva is the chair. In addition, the office of Jan Schakowsky (IL) and Maxine Waters (CA) gave the delegation significant time and attention.
“It was clear that progressive Representatives of the Congress are very concerned about the FBI investigation. Overall, they were very thankful for our visit and for the information and analysis given to them The level of awareness about the raids and grand jury was varied, from little to full awareness, but the delegation certainly changed that. After the two days, our presence and purpose definitely created a stir in the halls of Congress. “The fact that we were able to interact with 16 legislative aides or Congress people themselves, during an extremely busy time of restructuring leadership in the Congress, exemplifies the attention this matter is receiving”, stated Joe Iosbaker.[40]
FightingBobFest speaker
Tammy Baldwin has been a guest speaker at Wisconsin's annual progressive Fighting Bob Fest, every year from 2004 to 2012. [41]Filibuster reform
The Communications Workers of America is to make filibuster reform a top cause and they're trying to bring the rest of the union movement along. The union reiterated that goal in post-election comments."The 2012 election makes the reform even more paramount," it said. "Seven Democratic senators-elect - Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), Tim Kaine (Va.), Chris Murphy (Conn.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) - have all already pledged to Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., to support rules reform. And Maine's Independent candidate, former Gov. Angus King won on a platform included filibuster reform as a major campaign issue.
"The American people want their elected officials to debate and address the major issues of our time and to move past obstruction for obstruction's sake," added CWA Legislative Director Shane Larson.[42]
Colombia connection
1993 visit to Colombia
Both Tammy Baldwin and Mark Pocan went to Colombia on a Colombia Support Network delegation in 1993, and visited San José de Apartadó. [43]Colombia Support Network
On November 7, 2012, the Madison Wisconsin Colombia Support Network, issued this statement.[44]- Colombia Support Network (CSN) celebrates the election last night of two great friends: Tammy Baldwin, elected to the United States Senate, and Mark Pocan, elected to the United States House of Representatives. Tammy, with the assistance of Mark, drafted our sister community resolution for Dane County and Apartadó. Both Tammy and Mark went to Colombia on a CSN delegation in 1993 and visited San José de Apartadó, 4 years before San José declared itself a Peace Community. Mark has returned since, meeting with Senator Manuel Cepeda - Vargas and 3 other leaders of the Patriotic Union movement days before Senator Cepeda was murdered. He is a former CSN Board Member and is currently on our Advisory Board.
- Tammy and Mark have provided great support to our human rights and sister community work on Colombia. We look forward to their solidarity from their new positions as Senator and Representative in Washington D.C. We congratulate them on their election and on their commitment to good government and support for a sensible U. S. foreign policy toward Colombia.
Lobbying Feingold on behalf of the CSN
Not long after Russ Feingold was elected to the United States Senate for his first term, (circa 1993) several members of the Colombia Support Network Board went to meet him at his office, accompanied by future Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and future Wisconsin State Representative Mark Pocan, at the time both members of the Dane County Board.- Senator Feingold listened carefully to our concerns about the dramatic situation in our sister community of Apartado, even though he had no particular reason to be interested in Colombia, South America. [45]
- For the past 22 years the Colombia Support Network (CSN) in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin has had a sister community relationship with Apartado, Colombia. During that time numerous delegations of United States citizens have gone to our sister community and several visitors have come from Colombia to visit us here in the United States. Among those who have traveled to Apartado with us is Tammy Baldwin, now a member of the United States House of Representatives. Among the Colombians who have visited us here in Wisconsin was Apartado Mayor Gloria Isabel Cuartas Montoya, who was accompanied on her visit by Father Francisco Jose de Roux, now the Provincial (head) of the Jesuits in Colombia.[46]
Letter to Presidents Clinton and Samper
Action on Colombia, Summer 1994
It called on the US to "cut off all aid to Colombia until the violence has ended", and called for the appointment of a UN Rapporteur on human rights in Colombia.
- Richard Phelps, Dane County executive
- Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin State Rep.
- Noam Chomsky
- Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas Watch
- Blase Bonpane, Office of the Americas
- Larry Birns, Council on Hemispheric Affairs
- Martin Sheen
- Jean Gore, WILPF
- Marie Dennis, Maryknoll Society
- Fred Rosen, NACLA
- Mark Pocan, Dane County Supervisor
- Haskell Wexler
- David Newby, President Wisconsin AFL-CIO
- Rev. Tim Kehl, Colombia Support Network
CSN Advisory Board
In the Spring of 1995 Colombia Support Network developed an Advisory Board.Initial members were;
- Noam Chomsky
- Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas Watch
- Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive
- Fred Rosen, NACLA
- Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin State Rep.
- Richard Phelps, Dane County executive
- Mark Pocan, Dane County Supervisor
Open Letter to the Colombian People, Aug. 1996
"Stop the Bloodshed in Uraba, Due Process for Jose Antonio Lopez, Nelson Campo and others, and an End to Faceless Justice and Political Repression".- We, the undersigned, are North Americans and others who are deeply disturbed by the human rights situation in Colombia.
- Massacres, disappearances and torture happen continually in the anguished region of Uraba. We can not understand how paramilitary groups operate so freely in this militarized region where the Colombian army is present in massive numbers, and which does not perform its constitutional function of defending the civilian population. And we can not understand why the regional paramilitary leader is not apprehended and brought to justice for his crimes against humanity.
- We call upon all armed parties -- paramilitary units, guerrillas, army, police, urban militias and commandos -- to immediately cease all attacks upon both the civilian population and upon each other. Justice, peace and a fruitful life is never found through murder, torture, kidnapping and intimidation.
No to military aid to Colombia
On the same day (2000) that President Clinton used a White House press conference to promote the $1.7 billion Colombian military aid package -- which Congress has considered as part of the fiscal year 2000 supplemental appropriations bill -- U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, took to the floor of the House to say, "No mas.Baldwin attacked the aid package as a misguided initiative that will not help the peace process in Colombia.
The aid package pushed by Clinton and congressional Republicans "would spend a fortune to make everything in that Latin American country worse. It seeks to direct U.S. money into Colombia's military, while failing to address fundamental problems such as economic inequality, lack of economic development and a corrupt judiciary".
"Peace is what Colombia needs. Peace will allow democracy to flourish; peace will permit law enforcement officials to combat the flow of illicit drugs; and peace will create the conditions to address the income inequalities, the problems of displaced persons and economic development issues that will truly improve the lives of Colombian people, said Baldwin.
"Unfortunately, the aid package we are considering today will not help the peace process, the Madison Democrat told the House. "In fact, it fails to address the underlying issues that are needed to promote peace in Colombia.
Baldwin, who visited Colombia in 1993 when she was a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, has worked closely with the Madison-based Colombia Support Network to educate other House members about the failure of the Colombian military to make a serious effort to disband right-wing paramilitary groups. And she has long questioned whether sending more U.S. weapons to the South American country will result in a reduction of drug trafficking, as Clinton and his aides claim.[48]
"Unfortunately, we seem to be playing a game of public relations when we should be pursuing peace in the region, says Baldwin.
"Andean Region Contractor Accountability Act"
April 25, 2001 Rep. Jan Schakowsky introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations- To prohibit the United States Government from providing financing for nongovernmental organizations or individuals to carry out military, law enforcement, armed rescue, or other related operations in the countries of the Andean region, including any operations relating to narcotics control efforts.
- In this Act, the term `countries of the Andean region' means the Republic of Bolivia, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Ecuador, the Republic of Colombia, the Republic of Panama, the Republic of Peru, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. [49]
According to the Colombia Support Network, Reps Schakowsky, Baldwin and McGovern have all been to the Peace Community of San Jose de Arpardato and have seen the effects of violence in Colombia.[50]
Colombia Support Network letter
In 2002, the Colombia Support Network organized a :dear colleague" letter to President Andres Pastrana Arango, of Colombia, through Ned Steiner, a staffer in Rep. Sam Farr's office.The letter called on President Pastrana to end a military blockade on the Colombian town of San Jose de Apartado, a sister community of Madison Wisconsin, where the Colombia Support Network is based.
- We write to you to bring your attention to the humanitarian crisis facing the civilian population of the Peace Community San Jose de Apartadó and its outlying settlements.
- We urge the appropriate authorities of your government to dismantle the paramilitary checkpoint on the road between San Jose and Apartadó, ensure the continued safety of the road, and fully investigate recent threats and attacks on the Peace Community.
- The Peace Community San Jose de Apartadó and its settlements, including the village of La Union, receive the permanent accompaniment of international organizations.
- These include Peace Brigades International (PBI), as well as the U.S. Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), which currently has two US citizens in La Union. We support the work of these two respected organizations as well as the Peace Community in its effort to build a non-violent alternative to the conflict.
Letter to Uribe urging dialog with FARC
In what has been regarded as a turning point in its policy of peace, President Alvaro Uribe agreed to talk with the guerrillas in a small town to find a solution to a humanitarian agreement to release hundreds of hostages in Colombia.Since taking office on August 7, 2002, Uribe had emphatically warned not to allow the demilitarization of any point of the national territory, as this "would demoralize the troops who have waged a relentless war against armed groups" .
On July 26 2005, the government informed the rebels that is willing to talk with them "whenever and wherever they want, with security conditions that give them confidence, national or international support as they decide."
All this happens 48 hours after James McGovern, Raul Grijalva and Tammy Baldwin, US congressional Democrats, they asked President Uribe to "make an effort to negotiate a humanitarian agreement".
In the letter sent to the President the three lawmakers expressed concern that situations like the failed rescue in May 2003 the governor of Antioquia, Guillermo Gaviria and former Defense Minister Gilberto Echeverry, where the hostages lost their lives recurrence.
"While we understand that the temporary withdrawal of the military presence is not the best option, we believe remains superior to an attempted armed rescue that endangers the lives of the hostages," the letter says.
In the letter, however, they say the agreement congresitas must be accompanied by a commitment that FARC guerrillas released not return to conflict and remind the government of France offered to host the guerrillas freed in exchange. Indeed, three weeks an envoy of French President Jacques Chirac ago, he met "somewhere in Colombia," with "Raul Reyes", chief spokesman for the FARC, to advance negotiations to set free Betancourt, who also has gala nationality and whose cause has generated a worldwide crusade of solidarity with people who are hostage in the country. [52]
2006 letter to Condoleezza Rice on Colombia
Alleged Colombian Army killings prompted Fellowship of Reconciliation to work with Representative Sam Farr to forge a response that would impact the 17th Brigade, the unit allegedly responsible for the violence against San José de Apartadó and communities throughout northwestern Colombia.As a result, Reps. Sam Farr and Jim McGovern, wrote a letter to their colleagues in Congress urging them to join in calling on Secretary Condoleezza Rice to cut funding for the Colombian military.
- Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
- (Deadline for Congressional representatives to sign: February 22)
- We applaud the decision, noted in your certification letter of August 2005, that the US "will not consider providing assistance to the 17th Brigade until all significant human rights allegations involving the unit have been credibly addressed." Because the Brigade is a component of the Colombian Armed Forces' command structure and has been implicated in the above referenced human rights violations, we implore you to abide by both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law by withholding human rights certification for Colombia until the following conditions are met:
Meeting Gustavo Petro
Colombia Action Summer 2007
In his youth, Petro was a member of the militant guerrilla group 19th of April Movement, which later evolved into the Alianza Democrática M-19, a political party in which Petro also participated.
"Dear colleagues" letter on Colombia
In September 2009 Rep. Tammy Baldwin was circulating a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter, which urges members of Congress to sign a letter to President Obama. This letter expressed concern and urged caution regarding a U.S. military base agreement with Colombia.[54]2009 letter on Colombia
From November 6th through December 7th 2009, a letter calling for change in U.S. policy towards Colombia was circulated through the House of Representatives. This letter called for a decrease in U.S. aid for Colombia's military and an increase in support for human rights and humanitarian efforts. The initiators of this letter were —Representatives James McGovern, Jan Schakowsky, Donald Payne, and Mike Honda.- Dear Secretary of State Clinton,
- The FY 2011 budget will contain the twelfth year of a major aid package to Colombia—an aid package originally slated to phase out after six years.
- After eleven years, it is time to scale down assistance for Colombia's military and more systematically "Colombianize" such programs, within both the State Department and Defense Department budgets.
Make Progress National Summit 2013
Generation Progress' Make Progress National Summit 2013 included speakers such as Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Special Assistant to the President David Simas, Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN), Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes, former Chief Technology Officer of the United States Aneesh Chopra, Amy Dacey of EMILY’s List, and Alex Wagner of MSNBC.[56]ARA supporting Tammy Baldwin
WIARA President Leon Burzynski and Tammy Baldwin
ARA endorsement, 2012
The Alliance for Retired Americans endorsed Tammy Baldwin in 2012.[57]JStreet endorsement, 2012
In 2012, the the JStreet PAC endorsed seven Senatorial candidates, all of whom emerged victorious. The Senate slate, which has more than doubled in size since 2010, included pro-Israel leaders Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA), Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI). The PAC also backed winning candidates in some of the most competitive Senate races in the country, raising more than $100,000 each for Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH), Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI), Governor Tim Kaine (VA) and Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM).In the handful of instances in this cycle when endorsees were attacked by right-wing groups for their positions on Israel, JStreetPAC turned the original offense into opportunity. When the Emergency Committee for Israel attempted to label Tammy Baldwin an “extremist” and her opponent, former Governor Tommy Thompson, called her “anti-Israel and “anti-Jewish,” JStreetPAC raised tens of thousands of dollars for Baldwin, mounted an earned and paid media campaign in her defense, and turned out droves of activists to support her at community events across the state.[58]
The socialist infiltrated, anti-Israel "two state solution" JStreet PAC endorsed several "off cycle" Senators in 2014, including Tammy Baldwin. [59]2016
JStreet endorsed Baldwin in 2016.- She is a strong supporter of Israel and two-state peace and was also endorsed by JStreetPAC in her 2010 campaign for reelection to the House of Representatives, as well as her 2014 election to her full term in the United States Senate.[60]
Honduras letter
On Thursday, May 23, 2013, U.S. Senator Cardin (D-MD) circulated a Senate sign-on "Dear Colleague" letter to Secretary of State John Kerry addressing deepening concerns about Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Honduras.The letter states that violence and impunity for state security forces in Honduras has reached intolerable levels and cites concerns related to extrajudicial killings, linkages to death squads, and increasing militarization of civilian law enforcement. The letter also raises the concern that State Department certifications intended to ensure that U.S. foreign aid supports the rule of law in Honduras may contradict the reality on the ground.
The letter asks State Department to:
- provide Congress with a detailed assessment of the efficacy of current Honduran government efforts to address this issue as mandated by FY12 Appropriations language;
- conduct a detailed review of specific State Department actions to help ensure that no U.S. funds are being used to support police implicated in human rights violations; and
- make every reasonable effort to help ensure that Honduras' upcoming November 2013 elections are free, fair and peaceful.[61]
Honoring Harvey Milk
Harvey Milk was honored May 2014 by the U.S. Postal Service with the release of a stamp featuring his image. At the ceremony unveiling the stamp, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., declared, "I am literally here because of the progress he helped make.”The senator, who was the first lesbian elected to the House and then to the Senate, delivered pitch perfect remarks. She recognized Milk's courage and his vision. She noted, correctly, that many of Milk's goals have been achieved since his slaying. And she explained, "America is ready to take even more steps forward. But it's going to take more acts of courage and conviction, like the ones that made Harvey Milk a hero to all of us and so many others. After all, before he was an icon, he was an organizer.”
“So let us use this moment not to simply celebrate the progress Harvey made in his time but to redouble our efforts to make progress in our own," said Baldwin, in remarks that captured the essential element of Milk's electoral activism. As he explained in the 1970s, "I have never considered myself a candidate. I have always considered myself part of a movement."[63]
Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act of 2015
S 299, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act of 2015, principal sponsors are Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.[64]By May 20, it had accumulated 33 co-sponsors, including 26 Democrats - Sheldon Whitehouse, Tom Udall, Dick Durbin, Thomas Carper, Amy Klobuchar, Barbara Boxer, Jack Reed, Debbie Stabenow, Jeff Merkley, Chris Murphy, Benjamin Cardin, Chris Coons, Dianne Feinstein, Jeanne Shaheen, Sherrod Brown, Mazie Hirono, Brian Schatz, Tammy Baldwin, Ed Markey, Heidi Heitkamp, Jon Tester, Claire McCaskill, Ron Wyden, Tim Kaine, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bennet, Martin Heinrich . [65]
Single Payer Bill
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) unveiled Wednesday September 13, 2017 a new version of his plan to give everybody government-run health insurance, potentially opening a new chapter in the ongoing debate over how to make health care in the U.S. more affordable and available.The plan calls for an overhaul of American health insurance with a souped-up, more generous version of Medicare replacing nearly all private health insurance ― and government exerting far more control over the cost of medical care. It would arguably be the most ambitious social welfare initiative in U.S. history, but Sanders told HuffPost in an interview Tuesday that he believes America is ready for it.
“The American people are catching on to where the Republicans are coming from, they see the limitations of the Affordable Care Act and they’re looking at the alternatives,” Sanders said. “And this is a rational alternative.”
That roster of co-sponsors includes a who’s-who list of potential Democratic presidential candidates for 2020, including Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. Also backing the bill are Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Al Franken of Minnesota, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall of New Mexico, Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.[66]
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