Thursday, March 06, 2025

State Farm Fires Executive After What He Told an Undercover Reporter


A State Farm insurance executive has been fired after he blasted Los Angeles fire victims and told an undercover O’Keefe Media Group journalist that the company discriminates against white people in its hiring.

“I personally, I task my HR team, finding me… the perfect profile of the workforce of the future,” Haden Kirkpatrick, the former Vice President of Innovation and Venture Capital at State Farm, says in the recording. “I want the 2040 workforce. So go find me the demographic profile of America in 2040: more Hispanic and Latinos.”

Kirkpatrick also criticized California fire victims for their “egos building in a f***ing desert.”

OMG’s James O’Keefe summarizes the conversation:

“People want to build in areas where they want to have, like, natural areas around them for their ego. But it’s also a f*ing desert. And so, it dries out as a tinderbox.” He also acknowledged that wildfires in these areas are not surprising to insurance professionals, claiming, “Climate change is pushing these seasons.” He explained, “If you’re an insurance professional, it’s predictable.” 

Kirkpatrick also admitted that State Farm’s decision to pull out of the California insurance market was a calculated move in response to financial concerns and state regulations: “Our people look at this and say, ‘Sh*t, we’ve got, like, maybe $5 billion that we’re short if something happens.’” He revealed, “We’ll go to the Department of Insurance and say, ‘We’re overexposed here, you have to let us catch up our rate.’ And they’ll say, ‘Nah.’ And we’ll say, ‘Okay, then we are going to cancel these policies.’” 

State Farm, which previously covered over a million homeowners in California, provided insurance against fire, theft, and other damages. However, their decision to withdraw coverage has left thousands of residents without financial protection following devastating wildfires. “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” except for the Californians now facing the aftermath of destruction without insurance coverage.

Following the exposé, State Farm terminated Kirkpatrick and issued the following statement to O'Keefe:

“These assertions are inaccurate and in no way represent the views of State Farm. They do not reflect our position regarding the victims of this tragedy, the commitment we have demonstrated to the people of California, or our hiring practices across the company. The individual in the video is no longer affiliated with State Farm.”


Jasmine Crockett Outdoes Herself Yet Again, Claims Trump Wants to Send Black People 'Back to the Fields'


We've been covering how extremely anti-Trump Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) has been, especially recently, throwing out all sorts of accusations about President Donald Trump. Just when it seems she couldn't go any further, she comes up with a worse comment. Democrats' performative tricks weren't merely limited to the outbursts in the chamber on Tuesday night when Trump gave a speech before a joint session of Congress. Crockett did her own event, "24-Hour State of the People Marathon," meant to counter Trump's speech. It was then that she made some rather noteworthy remarks about Trump, immigration, and black people.

As Rusty Weiss at our sister site of RedState shared, Crockett, gesturing wildly as she did so, went on a rant about how they have decided to go after immigrants, and things like that, and they've said, 'oh, they've taken your black jobs, they've taken your black jobs,'" adding, "not really." 

"They are obviously jobs that they want us to go back to," Crockett continued. "Such as working the fields, all right?" The Reverend Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, whom Crockett was speaking to, could be seen nodding along in agreement. "Those immigrants that come into our country, they work the fields, something that we ain't done in a long time, and clearly, he is trying to make us go back to the fields!"

As Weiss also pointed out, such claims are reminiscent of the 2012 reelection campaign for Barack Obama, when Joe Biden was his vice president. Speaking before a crowd on the campaign trail, Biden declared that Republicans were "going to put y'all back in chains!"

These fearmongering talking points about immigrants may sound nice to far-leftists to gin up their supporters, but that doesn't make them any more true. Democratic allies in the legacy media also repeat such narratives, though, as we saw at the very start of the second Trump administration, especially over CNN.

Approximately one week after Trump was inaugurated, Jake Tapper went with similar talking points when speaking with Stephen Miller, who has worked for the Trump White House both terms and is now the White House deputy chief of staff for policy. 

Tapper rattled off numbers about illegal immigrants working in agriculture and fearmongering on prices, even adding, "in many of cases, as you know, these migrants do jobs many Americans do not want to do," prompting a smirk from Miller. When Miller did get the chance to speak, he called Tapper out for raising an argument about exploitive labor.

"I'm sure it's not your position, Jake, you're just asking the question, that we should supply America's food with exploitative, illegal alien labor." He also went on to remind that "only 1 percent of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles and small, industrial towns, of course, all across the heartland."

"None of those illegal aliens are doing farm work," Miller made clear, also adding points about illegal immigration during the Biden-Harris administration while Tapper tried to talk over him. "The illegal aliens that Joe Biden brought into our country are not full stop doing farm work. They are not! The illegal aliens he brought in from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua. They are not doing farm work. They are in our cities collecting welfare," he added. "As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports," Miller also offered. 

Another fellow far-leftist congressman, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), also gave remarks about black people, this time to do with education and Trump's plan to get rid of the Department of Education. "

"It’s a recipe to make education unavailable to black people," Johnson claimed. "It puts us back to when America was 'great,' and we were picking cotton and doing the productivity that they’re putting my Latino brothers and sisters who migrate here to do that work because we are not suited intellectually to do it anymore."

"But they would have us back, confined to doing that kind of work," he also said, going for even more fearmongering. "We gotta watch out for where we are headed."

The Democrats' comments have since become a trending topic over X, with even other members of Congress, such as Rep. Brandon Gill (R-TX) chiming in with a post that tanked both Crockett and Johnson. Gill called the comments "deranged" and "completely off base," and also insisted that "they should apologize."

Thanks to President Trump, illegal immigration into our great country has virtually stopped. Despite the radical left's lies, new legislation wasn't needed to secure our border, just a new president.

Marxist-Leninist American Civil War 2?

ady in a civil war, two entities fighting for control of the government.  It’s not a shooting war—yet—it’s a cultural and ideological war between those who love America and want to keep her traditions of limited government, virtuous republicanism, and Judeo-Christian morality alive, against an enemy who hates America and wants to turn it into a licentious, morally putrid, Marxist totalitarian state.  There is a war going on, all right, and only time will determine if it will turn into a real shooting conflict.

The Left is angry, infuriated, and they are full of hate right now (as always).   The Left, by definition, has no conscience; nobody who murders babies, mutilates children for sexual perverts, or lets men beat up women for sporting pleasure, has one iota of decency, morality, or goodness in their bones.  The Left, given its history with Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc., believes in violence; some Leftists in America have already been advocating violence against Mr. Trump.  What will the Left do?  How far away are they from starting a true, violent civil war?  

Democratic Party's Seattle Lenin Statue.

They aren’t going to give up and they aren’t going to change.  There isn’t going to be any mass Saul of Tarsus into Paul the apostle conversions here.  America is a divided country now, ideologically worse than it has ever been divided before.  And this isn’t going to change any time soon.  Indeed, it will take at least two generations TO change it because the current millennials have already been indoctrinated into godless Leftism, and they will teach their children the same thing.  While patriotic, God-fearing Americans slept, the Left stole the education system for several decades, and we now see the result in the current Democratic Party and Leftist hate-America decadence.  We didn’t get into this horror overnight, and we aren’t going to get out of it overnight.  Unless and until patriotic Americans take over the education system, and start re-educating America’s youth in the values of traditional America, we’ll never save the country.  And the Left will fight us all the way.

But I am concerned about the Left’s coming reaction to their current plight.  Are they going to just sit back and take it?   Will they only fight politically, at the ballot box?  How long before these people, who have no conscience or self-control, erupt into uncontrollable torrents of hatred and real physical violence?  

Is another shooting civil war inevitable?

Leftists don’t believe in God, at least the traditional God of America, the one of Judeo-Christian heritage.  Each Leftist creates his/her own “god” and makes their own rules for their own behavior.   And people who make their own rules are extremely dangerous because they have no standards of action except their own personal beliefs, their own judgment of right and wrong.  They’ll murder babies and mutilate children if THEY think it is “right” and acceptable behavior.  This has been Leftism for the past 250 years.  Robespierre, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and others Leftists operated on the same basis—they set their own rules, and thought it was acceptable to murder hundreds of millions of people to create the Utopia they wanted to create.  That’s the “moral standard” of modern Leftism.

American Leftists are no different from Leftists any other place on earth—a Leftist is a Leftist is a Leftist is a globalist totalitarian.  Look at current Europe.  Does anyone honestly believe American Leftists, Democrats, are different?   Leftists will do whatever they can get away with.  They are bottled up right now, but if they ever return to power, I fear their determination will be, “we have to make sure nothing like Trump EVER happens again.”  The frightening question is, what will they do to obtain power?  And once they have the power they craved, they’ve proven across the globe that they’ll stop at nothing to fulfill their goals.  

Civil war might be the least of our worries.

I strongly disagree with most of what Franklin Roosevelt did (I wasn’t alive then), and I disapproved of much of what Lyndon Johnson did (I WAS alive then), but I’ve never thought either man was deliberately trying to destroy America or change the country into a stinking, decadent cesspool of ungodly Marxist putridity like today’s Democrats are attempting to do.  FDR, LBJ, and the Democrats of yesteryear weren’t intentionally endeavoring to wipe out the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian moral values, though neither FDR nor LBJ had the intelligence or far-sightedness to understand what the consequences of many of their policies would be.  

But today’s Leftist, today’s Democratic Party leadership is completely different.  They are totally anti-Christianity and anti-traditional American values of a virtuous, free republic.  Their world outlook and philosophy is such that they are determined to destroy both Christianity and traditional America.  Average Democrats can’t, or won’t, see it, but such is the goal of Democratic Party hierarchy.  And make no mistake about that.  They fully intend to change America into their utopian vision of what they think the country ought to be.  And that vision does NOT include the Christian God and Madisonian republicanism.   And freedom for you.

Today’s Democratic Party is very different from that of FDR, JFK, LBJ, and is certainly not the party of Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, or Woodrow Wilson.  The Left now doesn’t believe what these men believed and don’t want what they wanted.  They would reject Grover Cleveland and even JFK.  The Democrats today do not want my America; they don’t even want the America of their own party 100 years ago.

What’s the solution?  There is one, short of civil war, but it’s not a solution any of us want.  But I’ll discuss it in an upcoming article.

State Department to Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Agitators Here on Student Visas


Pro-Hamas agitators here in the country on student visas don't appear to have much longer to carry on with their protests in the United States. Even after President Donald Trump has spoken out against "illegal" protests being allowed to carry on at institutions of higher learning, with threats of defunding being brought up, schools like Barnard College still continue to be taken over by terrorist sympathizers. It looks like action is finally coming, with an announcement from the State Department and Secretary Marco Rubio.


"Those who support designated terrorist organizations, including Hamas, threaten our national security," Rubio's post from Thursday reminded. "The United States has zero tolerance for foreign visitors who support terrorists. Violators of U.S. law — including international students — face visa denial or revocation, and deportation."

Also on Thursday, Axios put out a report citing State Department officials on how the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used to identify students with terrorist sympathies:

Secretary of State Marco Rubio is launching an AI-fueled "Catch and Revoke" effort to cancel the visas of foreign nationals who appear to support Hamas or other designated terror groups, senior State Department officials tell Axios.

Why it matters: The effort — which includes AI-assisted reviews of tens of thousands of student visa holders' social media accounts — marks a dramatic escalation in the U.S. government's policing of foreign nationals' conduct and speech.

  • The reviews of social media accounts are particularly looking for evidence of alleged terrorist sympathies expressed after Hamas' Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel, officials say.

The report also mentions a sharp contrast given the inaction from the previous Biden-Harris administration. Such inaction was seen even as Rubio, then a senator, almost immediately after the October 7, 2023 attack that Hamas perpetrated against Israel reminded that the secretary of state has authority under legislation from 1952 to revoke visas:

Officials plan to examine internal databases to see whether any visa holders were arrested but allowed to stay in the country during the Biden administration.

  • They say they're also checking news reports of anti-Israel demonstrations and Jewish students' lawsuits that highlight foreign nationals allegedly engaged in antisemitic activity without consequence.
  • The State Department is working with the departments of Justice and Homeland Security in what one senior State official called a "whole of government and whole of authority approach."

Zoom in: To launch "Catch and Revoke," federal officials examined 100,000 people in the Student Exchange Visitor System since October 2023 to see if any visas had been revoked because the student been arrested or suspended from school.

  • Usually, a consular official whose office issues the visa for a foreigner makes the revocation decision once they've been alerted about an arrest or a suspension.
  • "We found literally zero visa revocations during the Biden administration," the official said, "... which suggests a blind eye attitude toward law enforcement."

Zoom out: The Immigration Nationality Act of 1952 gives the secretary of state the authority to revoke visas from foreigners deemed to be a threat —a point Rubio made as a senator eight days after Oct. 7.

  • "We see people marching at our universities and in the streets of our country ... calling for Intifada, celebrating what Hamas has done ... Those people need to go," Rubio said.
  • Trump echoed the same sentiments in a Jan. 30 White House fact sheet tied to an executive order aimed at antisemitism at "pro-Hamas" activity: "To all the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests, we put you on notice. We will find you, and we will deport you."
  • Another executive order, issued Jan. 20, targets visa holders and foreigners who "threaten our national security, espouse hateful ideology."


The senior State Department official, however, said that "it would be negligent for the department that takes national security seriously to ignore publicly available information about [visa] applicants in terms of AI tools. ... AI is one of the resources available to the government that's very different from where we were technologically decades ago."

  • If officials find a social media post from a foreign national that appears to endorse the attack on Israel and looks "pro-Hamas," the official said, that could be grounds for visa revocation.
  • "Under President Trump, the Immigration Nationality Act is great again," the official added.

The Biden-Harris administration was often delayed in addressing these pro-Hamas protests. The administration, especially when Vice President Kamala Harris ultimately replaced President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, also tried to play both sides of the conflict. Support for Israel has also thrown the Democratic Party into deep disarray, an issue that still persists, especially with recent poll numbers from Gallup and The Economist/YouGov

Fox News' Bill Melugin, who also reposted Secretary Rubio's post included above, shared over X that actions have already been taken by the State Department to revoke student visas. 

Citing "a senior State Department official," Melugin revealed that the department had on Wednesday revoked the first visa for an "alien who was previously cited for criminal behavior in connection with Hamas-supporting disruptions." The person was reportedly a university student and "ICE will proceed with removing this person from the country."

Like the Axios article did, Melugin also mentioned inaction from the Biden administration. "The official says the State Dept. reviewed over 100,000 visas, and records showed the Biden administration canceled zero visas for pro Hamas activities or associated criminal behavior, despite the wave of protests on college campuses that broke out after the 10/7/2023 terror attacks on Israel," he posted.

The Only Immigrant Democrats Don’t Support: Elon Musk


Have you noticed, everyone, that the crescendo of hatred toward Elon Musk is becoming surreal?

We had a congresswoman from Ohio, I think her name was Marcy Kaptur, she recently said that she wasn’t sure where Elon Musk’s loyalties lay because he’d only been a citizen for 22 years.

He’s a naturalized citizen. This is very interesting because, remember, the Left says that people who are here illegally, and not citizens, should gain all of the protections and rights of citizens. They should be de facto citizens. Anybody who would question a naturalized citizen’s loyalty, according to the Left, would be xenophobic, nativist.

I think Rep. Kaptur has actually voted for resolutions damning—if I could use that word—Republicans for being insensitive to the status of immigrants, whether legal or illegal.

This follows a whole series of personal attacks. We had posters in Washington, D.C., saying, “Eliminate Musk.” We had a man arrested from Indiana online for promising, threatening to kill Elon Musk.

Here in California we have Rep. [Robert] Garcia, I think his name is. And he was on television and he said that Elon Musk was a d—. And when called on it, he said you had to bring weapons, i.e., against Musk, for this bar fight. WEAPONS.

Then we had this unhinged minister, Caudle—was that his name? I think it was. Steve Caudle from Tennessee. And he got up in his pulpit—and it was televised—and he said that Elon Musk was satanic, a devil, and sometimes you had to use violence to stop such devilry.

Add all of this up and you’re getting to the situation in which the bar of what is permissible has been drastically lowered.

We have turned someone who has saved the U.S. space program and will probably save two astronauts, who otherwise would perish in space if it was left to the government program; who reinvented the entire auto industry; who opened up all of social media with X—we have turned this person into a demon. A disloyal demon. A traitor. Someone that we smear and we slander all day long.

For what? For saying the following: that the $36 trillion in debt and the $1.5-$2 trillion, and Joe Biden in some years had $5 trillion and $6 trillion deficits, are unsustainable. And through a series of revenue enhancements and drastic cuts of programs that are unnecessary, we can get near a balanced budget.

He takes no money. He’s not confirmed as the head of a government agency, but, of course, there’s all sorts of deputies and heads of agencies that require no confirmation, including the national security adviser of the United States of America.

So, what is my point? We saw this earlier with Donald Trump.

Just a few days before the first assassination attempt, Joe Biden told a group of people that it’s time “to put Donald Trump in the bull’s-eye.” He ranted and raved about semi-fascist and ultra-MAGA, as if they were somehow dangerous insurrectionaries and threatened the republic. At the same time he was saying this, The New Republic ran a cover story of Elon Musk as Hitler, with a Hitlerian mustache.

Remember, we had had retired generals who said he was Nazi-like. He was equivalent to people who had set up the concentration and, indeed, death camps at Auschwitz. And he was synonymous with Mussolini.

And what did that do? That lowered the acceptable discourse. And that lowering of discourse led to acceptable behavior, such as two assassination attempts.

So, all I would warn the Left is, I think it’s time to stop this. Because if you continue this rhetoric, somebody—as this person in Indiana or this minister in Tennessee—is going to openly call for violence, if they have not already, against one of the most iconic Americans in our history. And when that happens, the responsibility is going to be on you.

So, it’s time to tone down the rhetoric and stop comparing a Renaissance American citizen—A CITIZEN, A CITIZEN—to one of the worst mass murders in history.