Wednesday, July 03, 2024

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They don’t like back! I’m afraid of using Tinder. I had thoughts of renouncing. Australia has a well regarded heathcare system that has accessible and affordable healthcare, ensuring its citizens receive necessary medial services. America has a complex healthcare system, driven by private insurance. Australia has a strong emphasis on social safety nets, offering programs and support for its citizens such as unemployment benefits, affordable housing schemes and retirement pentions (not 401k). America has social welfare programs that are more limited scale. America has high quality education systems focased on research and innovation. Australia education system is known for its vocational training. Education tutiton is much higher in America then Australia. Australia is known for its natural beauty, outdoor lifestyle, and work-life balance. The country offers a clean and safe environment with recreational activiites and a strong sense of community. Australia is known for its low crime rates, safe living environments and strict gun control laws contributing to a sense of security and its geographically isolutated for limiting threats. America is just generally safe, but does have crime rate and public safety problems.

The United States is bringing its nukes into Germany so World War 3 will happen soon. America has RC135 flying around Russia borders. The nuclear nonproliferation treaty head Anton Missour of Russia saying NATO is preparing a war with Russia that includes increasing numbers of military, more weapons, development of corridors, developing military transport infrastructure, building strategic reserves, and even building POW camps. There is going to be attacks on the Crimean Peninsula with long range ATT haam systems that take out S300.

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