Thursday, July 04, 2024

4th of July 2024


Recently, I’ve been enjoying the emulated versions of Super Nintendo on my RG35xx GH handheld. I bought some Wario Ware games for Wii, Switch and 3DS in July. I only had Wario Land games so far. Its makes me feel good. I have like 8 emulation devices and four rom hard drives. It’s really enjoyable. I play 8 hours a week and I’m 40.

This 4th of July, I had no Sparklers to light unlike 2021. I was watching Battle of Britain with my parents. I had cheese burgers and potato salad. Most of the roads are closed from Rapidan Dam being partially failed. I went to Rapidan Dam Park in 2020 and 2022 and have pictures of the Dam Store that is dismantled, because the owners thought thought they could save what’s inside the house. Another house floated down the blue earth river. In the 1990s, I used to go to Aunt Judy’s house or Uncle Leroy’s farm and the entire family reunion fully recorded and existed on my Youtube (under uncle leroy).

I remember when I had played Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3 and Mega Man 2 and Spy Hunter in my Wisconsin basement on a CRT tv in 1995. Alone, struggling to beat it. Then I remember in 1997 when I had Super Mario 64, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, Goldeneye 007 and Star Fox 64 with David Hartmon. In 1998, I have memories of Turok 2 Seeds Evil, Crusin USA, Mario Kart 64 and Simcity 2000. Likewise I appreciate the RG35xx GH while I volunteer at a museum. The bluray of Nintendo Quest (2015) comes out on July 31, 2024 similar to how I remember game stores. I own the x264 file, because yeah I owned 1300 videogames and game stores were from 1995-2019 for me.

So I surfed and I found a lot less I needed then in the past. Recently, I’ve bought Musketeers (imdb 7.8) from 2014-2016 by BBC Studios and Bullett (imdb 8.2) starring Steve McQueen. I think I’m just over stimulated with the movie collection.

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