Sunday, July 14, 2024

Democrats Can’t Admit Biden Is Too Old, Their Whole Leadership Is Too Old


Nancy Pelosi supports Joe Biden. That’s not a shocking statement, Pelosi has always put party over country. But this time, she’s also defending herself. If Biden, 81, is too old to serve, what does that say about Pelosi, 84? Democrats have to cover for Joe Biden because to admit he’s too old to do the job would be to admit their whole leadership is too old to do the job.

I realize Democrats in the House of Representatives have “new” leadership, with Hakeem Jeffries being the new Minority Leader and…can you name any of the others? Honestly, can you?

If I’d said Pelosi was still the leader of the Democratic Caucus in the House would you have noticed that isn’t technically true? I’d bet not.

It’s true, however, that on paper, anyway, Jeffries and not Pelosi is the Minority Leader. You’d never know it by the amount of attention from the media one gets over the other. And you’d never know Katherine Clark of Massachusetts is the number 2 Democrat, their “whip,” because both Clark and Jeffries are non-entities, tokens the old guard has pretended to pass the torch to in order to give the impression that new blood is now running the show.

Jeffries is 53, Clark 60, the “former” No. 2 Democrat, Steny Hoyer, is 85, and James Clyburn, the “former” No. 3 is 83. Both Hoyer and Clyburn, like Pelosi, are running again this year. It seems that maybe that torch has grown into their hands the way a morbidly obese grows into a couch, making it impossible to pass.

How can people older than Joe Biden publicly call for someone younger than them to step aside, or down, because he’s too old? They could – it’s politics, the only industry outside of media where hypocrisy is its lifeblood and currency – but they won’t because they’d be afraid someone would notice. 

As a kid, my bedtime was 9 p.m. It sucked. I was the youngest of 5, which meant my bedtime was before everyone else, with the exception of my sister just older than me. One day, my sister and I were sitting behind my dad’s recliner watching TV hoping to sneakily stay up past our bedtime (we tried all the time). One day it worked. When 9:30 p.m. came around, we were sent to bed, but we’d snuck an extra half hour, or we thought. 

Turns out, it was just that one day – the family watched whatever sitcom it was that started at 9 p.m. and they let us join in only on that day. We thought we’d gotten away with it, but they’d really just changed the rules they set, which is what parents do. 

Democrats are trying to reset the rules for everyone, in real time, with very little justification or sense to be made out of how they’re changing them. 

It’s hard to set and hold someone to standards you know it’s unlikely you yourself may be able to obtain. The people who hold the key to Joe Biden’s remaining president are older than he is, which the exception of Chuck Schumer, a relative newborn at 73. 

But to get rid of Biden they have to do it under the banner of “It’s unfortunate, but he’s just too old. This is a young person’s game,” or some such line of BS. They have to do it that way because the alternative is to admit there is something wrong with the President of the United States, and they, and everyone close to them, knows it and knew it for a long time. 

Biden’s breakdown wasn’t overnight – it wasn’t a thrown rod or seal that gave way, it was a long process visible by casual observers. There is no excuse, and no lie, that will absolve the people closest to him, who all swore otherwise very, very recently, to explain away how they “missed” it. Anyone who pointed it out was immediately chastised as either wrong (if they were of the left) or a complete liar (if they were on the right). 


You can’t gloss over that.

Democratic Party leaders are too old to play the “Biden is too old” card, and complicit in the fraud perpetrated on the country to be able to tell the public the truth now. They’re stuck, and deserve to be. They did this to us, it’s only fair they do something almost as destructive to themselves.

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