Monday, February 03, 2020

Moved to Minnesota

Yesterday was my last day in Roberts, Wisconsin. The house was super clean. All was left was a few air matresses and dishes.  I unhooked the router after the closing. I had 1500 contacts on facebook, but 0.1 wanted to meet.  Near the end of Wisconsin, it was former employees at Laptop Chips only once at  Pizza Hut. I kept asking on snapchat for 6 months for a reunion time. Everything has been posted on Instagram already so it was a quick chat about Laptop Chips.  They stopped playing Tidal and Spotity and no talking. So I sent about 50 job applications this year and the only employers who were interested were floor CSR at Target or Fleet Farm. Target wanted a short part time 3 month temporary spot. Indeed says Hudson, wi Target management cycles don’t recognize you after 12 months and they want speed. I had interviews over the phone like a bank in Bayport. I even had an phone interview of a IT job in Bayport. I had many other phone interviews.  Was the nepotism just too strong to be able to stay in contact?  Was it Jürgen Habermas in our institutions all this time, public spheres, life worlds? Kinda like Jürgen Habermas in the Boy Scouts. Its not like Fast times in Ridgemount High from 1983 where neighbors invite people over to their house or talk on the phone. All of that is inappropriate in 2020.  Even stopping at their front door to say hello with apple pie is inappropriate (small town culture of the Andy Griffith Show in 1962).  The only way around that was if you were a 1990s Boy Scout selling pop corn or age 7 on Halloween trick and treating.
My dad’s family is living in Minnesota and there is more opportunity, because the economy is bigger. I been to Minnesota 3875 times before like at PC Network services in Stillwater, Circuit City in Woodbury job, and Private School in Roseville/Moundsview for 4 years. I was at Gamestop and Best Buy a lot in my 20s.

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