Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I kind a like staying at home all day

Holy shit. I kind a like staying at home all day looking at Youtube, playing trance, and playing videogames all day during the Convid-19. Yes, I finished college before the school closers. Yes, I don't go anywhere special. Yes, I was with Jurean Habermas safe spaces in Boy Scouts and ELCA long before you Generation Zs even started. Yes, it already happened and I own the book. I have pictures of everything. Mental illness and Critical Theory documented by my church's publisher? Yes please. Everything before the social distancing started. Yep. Instant massager contacts and address book completed a year ago.

Everybody making money at the expense of getting COVID-19. Haha. Nobody wanted me I guess. It's all on them. Everyone had my social networks!

I know their using Axel Honneth critical theories for their recognition on Facebook and Instagram and at work. None actually admit it. They all know who Axel Honneth is. They all know what lifeworld is.

 Maybe I'll outlive Covid-19?

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