Sunday, January 19, 2025

my pressenter site Dreamcast reviews off wayback machine


Sega Dreamcast reviews from my 2000 pressenter hosted homepage

My Dreamcast Review Page

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Score system: (5) very good, fun to play no matter what day it is. (4) fun to play for a little while. (3) could have improvement.  (2) rental.  (1) don’t review these games.

Sonic Adventure 2                    Soul Caliber                              F355 Challenge        Street Fighter Alpha 3              F1 World Championship

Air Force Delta                        Daytona USA v2                      Aero Wings 2           Dead or Alive 2 Crzy Taxi 2

Crazy Taxi                               Resident Evil 2                         Speed Devils             Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater

Resident Evil: Code Veronica   Test Drive Le Mans                 Skies of Arcadia       Hydro Thunder

Crazy Taxi 2

Hitmaker/Sega 2001



Hitmaker made up its second game that exclusive to Dreamcast (Craxi Taxi One went to PS2 remember.) From the first Crazy Taxi to Crazy Taxi 2, the game stayed the same. Thats a good thing because the prequel was the most played arcade ports released in the present in the United States. What made Crazy Taxi 2 so playable is that the cusomer’s yelled at you for alease anything you did wrong like they weren’t stupid. If you messed up they tell you that. Like “Fool you almost killed me! — Bring me the to Burger King.” The second addition to the series takes 4 new cab drivers in New York City. The new game plays songs from the band Offspring and tends to be more “slangish.” But over all the game is the same fun picking people up with 2 new maps to drive around in.

The good. – Improved Graphic quality, “the crazy jump”, how realistic people in the game talk – hehehe; Some of the sound track (rather it be the non-vocal version of Offspring.

The bad – the adult language – don’t need to hear that much while I’m driving.

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Team 2001


07/01/2001 v1.0

I played this game for a while and the graphics are really good. Its like a step down from the Playstation 2. Every character has a darker effect to it and the game plays modern music like for Knuckles, its rap in Pumpkin Canyon. The game has game play like the original but is has more pre-rendered cut scenes and huge levels that make but for the adventure style game in Sonic Adventure. Sonic is one of those “want to be cool” characters, he’s not quite there. Unlike the original the script is a little more realistic, characters tend to interrupt each other. The game is pretty long. Also you can play separate levels for your pleasure.

One other thing I like is that you get to interact with your chaos like a pet in the game. You can pet it, feed it, enter it in a race, scold it you can do a lot of things with a chaos. 

The good: huge levels to race down; Sonic, beautiful textures; the way the game has the feeling that its trying to be cool without over doing it, positively; chaos interacting.

The bad: voice acting; memory card usage

Air Force Delta

Konami 1999


07/01/2001 v 1.0

This game is a fighter pilot game. The game stands but, even though it was made by Konami. The backgrounds are smooth and the game has good frame-rate. The graphics in the game are reasonably good. The lock-on system works like a charm and stalling is realistic. (Always increase your speed when turning, I killed myself that other way. 😉 Normal mode is kind of easy expect when you get half way through, then it’s a little tricky to master. The game has hard too. Which is extremely hard. In this game I like to beat it once and play the missions independently. Each mission lasts for 10 minutes on average. I would recommended it.

The good: being able to be one; cold war effect

The bad: graphics could be a little better; wrong soundtrack; stalling

Crazy Taxi

Hit maker 2000


07/01/2001 v 1.0

Crazy Taxi came from the Arcade. The game is attractive. Your in a taxi cab and you race around with customers and drive them to there destination as quick as possible. The game recognizable vechals that exists. The best invention of the Dreamcast is the idea of the driving triggers. Right trigger for driving, left to brake, best idea since the joystick, I think. Even though the game has 2 cities to play, the game is perfect for the impatient gamer, which is me. 

The good: crashing into cars, having the passenger getting mad and jumping out; originality

The bad: only 2 levels

Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Capcom 2000


07/01/2001 v1.0

Would you ever believe that the Umbrella Corporation (zombie creators) was developed by a 10 yr old genius whose name is Veronica? Never would of guessed it. If you haven’t heard, Resident Evil is a respected horror pre-rendered game made by those dudes at Capcom. The game is not for the inpatient gamer, it requires thinking and backtracking and shooting zombies. You be mature to play game, ok.  There is a lot of blood and guts in this game so don’t leave this game in the DC for your 6 year old to find out. But its fun for 17 years olds if your parents don’t care. The game is very, very long. I bad, I never got through the first disc and been playing the darn thing for 3 months.  Over all the game play is good with the exception when you walk the character through a still screen. Highly recommended.

The good: Shooting stuff; power ups; cut scenes; knowing what to do

The bad: The fact that Capcom hasn’t came up with it earlier.

Soul Caliber

Namco 1999


07/01/2001 v.1.0

Awesome fighter. The game is based on anime characters, laugh out loud man. The game has many characters to chose from, I think the women are cute. The game hands down, has the best combat system of any fighting game, ever. The left trigger is always block. The AI can be extremely good. Its not eh you hit me I’m dead, it competes with how well you play the game – and averages out the difference. The game itself is based on the Arcade by Namco. It’s so good that Namco is putting it in its own franchise.  It was also had the best graphics of 1999.  It is also a highly recommend game for Dreamcast.

The good: cute characters, great combat system; awesome music; realistic sound effects; very strong game play

The bad: Wasn’t released on a later system also.

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Uri Soft France 2000



Rayman 2 is a 3D sequel to Rayman. Good game. In the game you play a character with no arms or legs this a head, stomach and feet. The game has cool characters, that you would see in Super Mario or Banjo and Kazooie for the Nintendo 64. The game is kinda hard to beat. It requires a lot of climbing, running and shooting on Raymans part. One thing about this game is that Uri Soft totally redesigned the game for the Dreamcast, at the time the console had the best lighting effects around. The game has solid gameplay and a solid story. I like it. There are times when the game gets way to childish though, but you kinda respect that in a way.

The good: huge levels, good graphics, solid gameplay; clean textures; not too long, but not short by all means.

The bad:sometimes the level gets harder in the middle and if you quit you start all over with that level. If you don’t have a memory card I would feel sorry for yeah.   

Daytona USA for Dreamcast

Gecki /Hasbro Interactive 2001



The game is a remake of the arcade released back in 1994. Daytona USA is well designed. The game has three times as more tracks to race then Saturn. The game includes an enhanced music of Daytona and Gonna ride. Hasbro makes the cars longer. The game highly resembles the original that leads up to this day of age.  The game is not based on drifts but when to brake and when to accelerate. My favorite track is Ryn Ryn Rank. Also not seen in the Saturn version is a full replay that looks like Electronic Arts Nascar series. Over all I think the game since its all been seen before, would not be the best buy, but a enjoyable remake of an arcade classic.

The good: more levels; good gameplay; Nascar on Dreamcast; good AI

The bad:  too futuristic for its own good.

Resident Evil 2

Capcom 1997, 2000



A game that comes very close to Code Veronica. The game takes place where the last one took off in Raccoon city. In 1997 Sega had a debate whether to bring the sequel to the Saturn, even though I own both consoles, I’m glad they didn’t. It’s a very good game. The game has noticeable improvements from the Playstation game. Like all the Resident Evil games you backtrack, shoot zombies. But what make it so good was some people thought that the game was kind of past stuff until Sega released it. In the game you try to find a way out of the Raccoon city which was developed by the Umbrella Corp because they were already there. You play James who meets up with Claire who has her own game in Code Veronica. Any way, they split up and meet each other discovering what’s left of the Umbrella’s attack force that as sent to destroy all the evidence. James who is a STARS member is located in Raccoon City.  And that’s what the entire game is basically about. Its fun though. This is also a recommended game

The good:Capcom did an exceptional job of porting RE2. Improvements over Playstation version like camera angles; shooting zombies

The bad: Capcom didn’t add to the story; trying to walk on a still screen. Dieing.

Test Drive: Le Mans

Infrogrames 2000



Driving is really realistic. Graphics are comparable to those of PS2.  Le Mans has 4 large tracks that take you 5 miles around for each one. The game has a loading time but also has smooth frame rate. The cars include Chrysler, BMW, Duncan International, and some other man made racing cars. The replay timing and angles are real time angles. The controls are that you use A and X for gearing up and down and L and R triggers for acceleration and braking.   Overall the game is ultra cool. But is best when there are 2 players one on one. Overall the game his one of the best lighting effects on the Dreamcast that pushes the hardware to the limit.

The good: Le Mans car series, ghost mode, replay, solid controls, long detailed tracks, auto body customization.

The bad: graphics are starting to be outdated, freezing, loading time.

F355 Challenge

Acclaim 2000

4½ / 5


This is also a really good racing game if you like realism. The entire game has Ferrari tracks. The game has good lighting effects, not as good as Le Mans but pretty close. The game has solid game play where you have to either gear down or brake hard and lose your place out of 5. The game has 5 tracks plus 4 secret tracks that aren’t that small. With all the handicaps off like power everything, the driving can be extremely hard for the average gamer, me. Sound tracks have rock on them. I don’t mind it though, its like Harley Davidson music. 

The good:  car actually loses its place when you slow down, awesome music and graphics. Good game-play

The bad:    sometime freezes

Aero Wings 2: Air Strike

CRI 2000



If you take the three flight simulators on the Dreamcast, AW2 would be your best pick. The game has combat and stunt flights. Even though you don’t get to chose as many planes as in Air Force Delta, you’ll find that this game doesn’t need all those speedy planes to past. The game play equals that of Air Force Delta since the prequel wasn’t that good.  It has a fairly descent 2-player mode that you and your friends to dogfight. You can do barrel rolls and back loops to out smart the enemy. In this game if you make that small error it could cost you the game. There is a training mode on how to plan and maneuver your plane. Over all its what is expected from a flight simulation, I liked it, even though it isn’t to be played all the time. Good Control, realistic altitude conditions, and smart enemies.

The good:  most realistic fighter on the Dreamcast; maneuver capacities not seen on any other game

The bad:    takes time to know what to do; a little difficult

Speed Devils

Uri Soft 1999



Speed Devils is one of the best racing game of any of the launch titles besides maybe Sega Rally 2. The game is based on hot rod racing. Each car has a different feel to it, some looser then others. The game itself has a unique feel to it as you go through Area 51, Hollywood, Canada, Oklahoma , places like that. There is options that let you make it a timed race. In each race there are about 2 or 3 shortcuts each boo bee trapped. In the game there are also power ups like better acceleration or speed, all terrain tires. Overall the game design is an A but it takes an experienced player to make it through.  The game isn’t as commanding as F355 Challenge and Le-Mans. The game is fun to play for your spare 10 minutes. But if you play more then that you may get a little tired of it.

The good:   the street racing part of it, many options.

The bad:     if your behind you’ll never take 1st, and if you push it, it usually means bad luck for you.

Skies of Arcadia

Overworks 2000



This is the Final Fantasy of Dreamcast, the Role Playing Game. The game is very long and spreads across 2 discs. The game is based on fantasy tale where a young girl gets stole by the Empress Arcadia and two rouges go after her and there friends that have mean caught hiding on an island by the Royal army. Cool eh. The 2 rouges eventually save there family that was captured and they eventually take over the empire, I think. The combat system is pretty well organized since RPGs’ aren’t Sega’s specialty. The game is in 3rdperson. But when this game isn’t the only RPG around, it tends to be un welcomed and sat aside.  But the backgrounds are well oriented and gameplay is very good, in the future this game would be a gem to have.

The good: good artwork, story, battle system, made for the teenage gamer; the choose system (one decision can change the way people view you)

The Bad:  single player; the need to continually save the game, if you don’t have the health you might as well start all over because it wont matter.

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Capcom 1999, 2000



Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the better 2D fighting game, at least its very good. What makes it so good is that it has the screens move you in the game and not this put you there like your actually after world conquest. The baron  and the rye and jo are back to kick butt. The animations are fluid as any other fighter. The game has over 20 locations and 40 characters most of them are lock into the game. Like all Capcom fighters, there are no blood and lots of anime characters. In my option the game is the longest worked on fighter by Capcom on Dreamcast. The game is very detailed and has moving backgrounds, instantaneously. This game is defiantly one to own.

The good: fluid motions, there is a point to the game; good everything

The bad: graphics outdated

Dead or Alive 2

Tecmo Games 2000



This is a very unique game since it the characters are pretty life like. Its also the only game that Tecmo produces. The music in the game is based on Japanese rock, I guess. Every time is in Japanese. What makes this game stand out is that the characters have totally different ways of fighting. One might do a body slam wrestling (what Japanese think of us Americans) and another may be doing judo. One of the character’s breasts jiggle a bit, I find that interesting. Any way the moves are basic enough, though there are combos when you are near your competer. Like Soul Caliber it has the right stuff to be a 3D Fighter. One plus is that you get to through characters of edges. That’s fun. What isn’t fun is when you get thrown off. The game has every thing that other 3D fighters have. Survival, VS mode, Arcade, Team Match, and some others I don’t know on top of my head. Even though Soul Caliber is the bomb, DOA2 is a welcome addition to my library.

The good: Great Graphics; woman; solid fighting; beating the boss with wings

The bad: spoke in Japanese; ugly defense system for amateurs

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater

Neversoft/Crave 2000



I hear that a lot of people like this game, but I not really interested in it even though I own it. Basicly you have the top skaters in the world jumping the ramps, riding rails, doing 360s and 580s and ‘side airs’ which made the game really popular. The game is fine, it has solid graphics and control but your on a skate board all the time. And have you  even ran away from Officer Dick. He skateboards too you know.  The game has goals that are challenging but you can avoid it, that’s a good thing.  The game is solid in every way, but I this don’t like skating. But if you like skating, this is the game to buy.

The good: realistic courses; very solid game play; challenging but avoidable requirements

The bad: in my option I’m not a stake board fan, and I think that the game is over rated a bit.

Hydro Thunder

Midway 1999



The Dreamcast title Hydro Thunder has everything from the arcade plus 4 bonus tracks and 4 hovercrafts. What made the arcade title so fun was that Midway didn’t waste any energy making this really fast. The game has power ups to gain position.  Each race lasts 3 to 4 minutes. Each vehicle has tighter or looser steering which is made up with faster speeds. On your first time playing you’ll may get 4th or 5thplace because some of the power ups are hidden and need to play a few times to find where they are.  Each time you place gold in each stage (beginner, medium, hard) you will receive a new environment and vehicle. Over all this game is fun to play a couple times but you might get tired of it if  you play it all the time. It’s good for a 10 or 20 minute game. 

The good: good pace racer, the arcade sounds, decent AI

The bad: sometime freezes after 3 or 4 races.

F1 World Championship

Videogames 2000



If you want a good all around Indy car game, this one would be it.  I played it, it is very good. One reason is that the game uses real Formula One tracks across the world. The game has a good AI, that will leave you in the dust if your not careful. Braking and then accelerating after turns in by far the most important. As you slow up the car becomes easier to handle this like the real thing. That’s the best. One drawback that the game has is that the backgrounds could be a little sharper, but the game for what it is has a stable frame rate. The game runs after the 1998 season and comes with over 20 vehicles and 40 drivers. And also every F1 track internationally.   The champions mode lets you play the whole season in order, one that I haven’t tried before. Over all the F1 World Championship is a very ‘slick’ racer.

The good: Tight control, many tracks, options for power braking and acceleration, nice intro, fans cheering, decent music, good frame rate.

The bad:    saving is questionable

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