Xavier Becerra is a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, representing the 31st district of California.
Rep. Becerra is the son of working-class parents and was the first in
his family to graduate from college. His mother was born in Jalisco,
Mexico and immigrated to the United States after marrying his father. In
1980, Rep. Becerra earned his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from
Stanford University. He was awarded his Juris Doctorate from Stanford
Law School in 1984.
Rep. Becerra is married to Dr. Carolina Reyes.[1]
Getting people of the Chicano community to gether is one of the major goals of the Barrio Systems Project, one of the many MEChA-based programs organized on campus.
"We try to provide some important services that these people otherwise wouldn't receive," said Xavier Becerra, a sophomore from Sacramento, one of the four program coordinators of the Barrios Systems Project.
The project reaches youngsters, teen-agers and adults in the East
Palo Alto community. Each coordinator organizes activities for his
respec tive group. Becerra is coordinator of the chil dren's group.
Every Saturday about 20 Stanford students act as tutors to
pre-schoolers and youngsters 6 to 13 years old, helping with reading,
math, and English skills. Becerra and others drive to East Palo Alto,
pick up the kids, and hold about a four
hour learning session at Ravenswood Recrea tional Center in East Palo
"We try to keep the program on a one-to-one basis, and find out
what each child needs help in," said Becerra. "They may bring their
homework with them and we'll try to help solve any problems."
The Barrio Systems Project has an annual Thanksgiving food drive and a Cinco de Mayo celebration.
"Our goal is to encourage high school Chicano students to apply
to colleges and universities in California said project director Elmer Aragon, a sophomore from New Mexico.
Another section of Project Motivation works with students at Sequoia High School in Red wood City. Evelia Rodriguez,
one of three counselors who work with Latino students at the school.
Setting up the program at Sequoia took about two months. The
counselors had to introduce themselves to the teachers and let students
know why they were there.
"There was a tremendous amount of resistance," said Adrian Ortega,
a freshman from Los Angeles. "The school, teachers, and students were
very conservative, and there were some misunderstandings.[2]
Relationship to Ed Roybal
Congressman Ed Roybal
represented the people of California’s 30th Congressional District from
1963 to 1993. Upon his retirement, Roybal supported
then-Assemblymember Xavier Becerra for
election to the 30th Congressional District seat. "The two have been
close ever since, the elder statesman serving as both friend and mentor
to his successor".[3]
Prior to his election to Congress in 1992, with the endorsement of Ed Roybal,
Rep. Becerra served one term in the California Legislature as the
representative of the 59th Assembly District in Los Angeles County. He
is a former Deputy Attorney General with the California Department of
Justice. The congressman began his legal career in 1984 working in a
legal services office representing the mentally ill.[4]
Born and raised in Sacramento, educated at Stanford, Becerra did
not move to L.A. until 1989, when, as a staffer for state Senator Art Torres,
he split his time between Torres’ Capitol and district offices. In
1990, at Torres‘ suggestion, he ran for and won a state Assembly seat.
In 1992, at the urging of other Latino power brokers, including
Supervisor Gloria Molina,
he ran for and won a congressional seat just north and east of
downtown. In the years since, Becerra has been a conscientious liberal
member of Congress -- immersed in the House Ways and Means Committee and
in addressing constituent concerns, and otherwise invisible not only to
Angelenos generally but to the city’s political elites as well.[5]
Fred Ross award campaign
In early 2013, mainly Democratic Socialists of America aligned activists, together with many elected officials across the United States came together to urge President Barack Obama to award posthumously the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the legendary organizer, Fred Ross, Sr.. The Saul Alinsky trained radical was the first to organize people through house meetings, a mentor to both Cesar Chavez and DSAer Dolores Huerta, and a pioneer in Latino voter outreach since 1949 when he helped elect Communist Party USA affiliate Ed Roybal
as Los Angeles’s first Latino council member, "Ross’ influence on
social change movements remains strong two decades after his death in
Congressional endorsers of the proposal included Xavier Becerra.[6]
MAPA endorsement
Over 130 delegates to the Mexican American Retro Region Primary
Endorsing Convention in Los Angeles April 25, 1992 voted to endorse
those Congressional, State Senate, Assembly, and county supervisor
candidates who took the strongest pro labor and pro immigrant stands.
Guest speakers were Maria Elena Durazo, President of Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Local 11, Gilbert Cedillo of Service Employees Local 660, and Alfredo Pascoy of the Mexico's Revolutionary Democratic Party.
State Assemblyman Xavier Becerra won the Mexican American Political Association's
support to be the Democratic candidate for the 30th District after he
pledged support for extending unemployment benefits for the full length
of joblessness.[7]
Martinez Jobs Bill
In 1994, the Communist Party USA backed Martinez Jobs Bill (HR-4708), was co-sponsored by Democratic Party California Reps Howard Berman, Xavier Becerra, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Robert Scott (Va), Tom Foglietta (Pa), Bennie Thompson (Miss), John Lewis (Ga) and Ed Pastor (Az). Maxine Waters of California was a principal co-sponsor. [8]
Supported communist "peace" activists
In October 2002, the Communist Party USA infiltrated Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice gained the support of several members of Congress;[9]
- Friends of the Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice:
- I have good news that members of Congress: Grace Napolitano, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Loretta Sanchez, Helda Solis, Xavier Becerra and our California State Senator Richard Polanco have joined us in opposition and support of our open letter/petition. A "No" vote to the war with Iraq.
- Abrazos
- Guillermo Bejarano
Latinos for Peace
From a statement by Latinos for Peace, an anti Iraq War front for the Communist Party USA: [10]
- Washington DC Sept 24 Rally and Sept 26 Lobby Day
- On Monday September 26 we participated in the peace movement lobby day at the capitol. We met with Rep Raul Grijalva who said he would work to help build our campaign. We spoke to the staff of Rep Luis Gutierrez and Rep. Xavier Becerra who were supportive of our efforts. We also spoke to the staff of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the district staff of Rep Grace Napolitano the current caucus chair.
PDA contact
In 2013 Progressive Democrats of America assigned activists to deliver their material to almost every US Congressman and Senator, Joseph Hancock, was signed as the contact for Rep. Becerra.[11]
DSA endorsement
In July 1996, the Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee endorsed Xavier Becerra, California 30, in that year's Congressional elections.[12]
Cuba trip/controversy
Becerra's trip to Cuba in January 1997 caused such a furor last week
that Florida's two Republican Cuban-American Congress members from Dade
County-Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen-quit the House Hispanic Caucus in protest.
It left the caucus, which is chaired by California Democrat Rep.
Xavier Becerra, a Los Angeles Latino, bereft of Republican
Diaz-Balart said the congressman's trip "to meet with the Cuban tyrant
while Becerra was campaigning for caucus chairman "manifested a gross
insensitivity toward the pain of all who have been victims of the Cuban
Becerra wrote in his disclosure form of his Dec. 5-10 trip that
he had gone there ``to study the impact of Helms-Burton and the effects
of the embargo on supplies of food and medicine.
The trip was sponsored by a Los Angeles-based pro-democracy group called the Southwest Voter Research Institute, which picked up his $1,800 tab.
So controversial was the trip that Becerra's offices in both
Washington and Los Angeles refused to return telephone calls discussing
his motives in making it.
Becerra traveled with fellow California Democrat Esteban Torres, whose spokesman said the congressman was going to not comment on the trip for a while. [13]
Socialists organize to "challenge for power" in Los Angeles
On March 11, 1998, Los Angeles Democratic Socialists of America leader Steve Tarzynski wrote an email to another Los Angeles DSA leader Harold Meyerson.
Tarzynski listed 25 people he thought should be on an "A-list" of
"25 or so leaders/activists/intellectuals and/or "eminent persons" who
would gather periodically to theorize/strategize about how to rebuild a
progressive movement in our metropolitan area that could challenge for
Tarzynski listed himself, Harold Meyerson, Karen Bass, Sylvia Castillo, Gary Phillips, Joe Hicks, Richard Rothstein, Steve Cancian, Larry Frank, Torie Osborn, Rudy Acuna, Aris Anagnos, Abby Arnold, Carl Boggs, Blase Bonpane, Rick Brown, Stanley Sheinbaum, Alice Callahan, Jim Conn, Peter Dreier, Maria Elena Durazo, Miguel Contreras, Mike Davis, Bill Gallegos, Bob Gottlieb, Kent Wong, Russell Jacoby, Bong Hwan Kim, Paula Litt (and Barry Litt, with a question mark), Peter Olney, Derek Shearer, Clancy Sigal and Anthony Thigpenn.
Included in a suggested elected officials sub-group were Mark Ridley-Thomas, Gloria Romero, Jackie Goldberg, Gil Cedillo, Tom Hayden, Antonio Villaraigosa, Paul Rosenstein and Congressmen Xavier Becerra, Henry Waxman and Maxine Waters.
Tarzynski went on to write "I think we should limit the group to
25 max, otherwise group dynamics begins to break down....As i said, I
would like this to take place in a nice place with good food and
drink...it should properly be an all day event."
Congressional Progressive Caucus
In 1998 Xavier Becerra Democrat was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[14]
As of February 20 2009 Xavier Becerra was listed as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.[15]
2003 NCRR Day of Remembrance
The Day of Remembrance was commemorated 2003 in Little Tokyo with a
program entitled “Race Prejudice, War Hysteria, Failure of Political
Leadership: Then & Now,” presented by Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress (NCRR), Japanese American Citizens League/Pacific Southwest District (JACL), and the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), at JANM’s George & Sakaye Aratani Central Hall.
The NCRR Fighting Spirit Award was given to Janice Yen, community redress activist and a founding member of NCRR, and Los Angeles Human Relations Commission Executive Director Robin Toma was honored with the JACL Community Achievement Award. Rep. Mike Honda
(D-San Jose) delivered the keynote address at the event emphasizing on
importance of passing on the story of the Japanese American internment
experiences to the future generations and criticizing the anti-Muslim
American hysteria after the 9/11.
“Today, we are here at this museum because it is a depository of
all the information. We have to ask ourselves why we are here. For me
the answer is to pass on the information.
Guest speakers included Congressman Xavier Becerra and Omar Ricci of Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), touched on recent comments by Rep. Howard Coble and comparing the Nikkei World War ll experience with what many of the Muslim Americans have been going through since 9/11.
Becerra disagreed with Coble’s comments declaring that what
happened 60 years ago to Japanese Americans was wrong.” However, he
claimed that Coble would listen and acknowledge injustice of the
internment if he had a right information. “I won’t give up on anyone
just like Issei who believed in hope, justice and finally got a
citizenship after all those years,” Becerra stated.[16]
Voted against cutting funding for ACORN
In September 2009, following the lead of their Senate colleagues, the
House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to cut off funds to ACORN. the vote was 345-75. All of the 75 were democrats, and included Xavier Becerra. [17]
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
In May 2013, Xavier Becerra was listed as a member the Executive Board of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.[18]
Congressional Hispanic Caucus
In 2013 Xavier Becerra was a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
2nd Int'l Islamic Unity Conference/influencing public policy
Speakers from around the globe gathered at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in
Washington, DC Aug. 7-9 1998, to discuss Muslim issues at the 2nd International Islamic Unity Conference. Under the auspices of the Islamic Supreme Council of America and its founder, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani,
religious and political leaders alike gathered to address concerns
facing the Islamic community and to "condemn the oppression of Muslims
Muslims involved in the process of U.S. policymaking gathered for a panel entitled “How to Create Public Policy.” Arshi Siddiqui, legislative aide to Congressman Xavier Becerra,
stressed that Muslim Americans should not only form relationships with
congressmen, but with congressional staff members as well.
Khalil Munir, executive director of Telecommunication Advocacy Projects
who worked on Capitol Hill for 12 years, asserted that “policy is
affected by ideology.” Each member of Congress possesses core values
which influence decision making, and it is important for constituents to
be aware of their representatives’ views. Munir supported coalitions as
an important factor in policymaking. “You can definitely affect public
policy, but it is a slow, painstaking process,” he concluded.
Religious leaders and scholars addressed “Islam—The Fastest Growing Religion in the West.” Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr,
professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University, asked
rhetorically, “Why is Islam spreading so fast in the West?” He reasoned
that Islam presents a simple message which “offers an alternative to the
modern world.” Shaykh Hisham Kabbani added that freedom in the United
States allows Islam to grow.
Richard H. Curtiss, executive editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
participated in a panel on “Forming Constructive and Resourceful
Relationships with the Media.” Mr. Curtiss expressed regret at the
suspicion much of the U.S. media display toward Islam. According to
Curtiss, U.S. media outlets are “deathly afraid” of saying anything
offensive to Israel, thus angering advertisers, readers and viewers.
This fear explains their reluctance to report positively on Islamic
Curtiss encouraged Muslims to take an active role with the media.
By taking the initiative to form positive relationships with the local
media in American communities, Muslims can help educate the public.
Curtiss recommended that Muslims play an active political role as
well. He suggested that members of local Islamic centers join forces to
invite political candidates to “get-acquainted meetings” to express
Islamic concerns, and that individual Muslim groups invite politicians
to speak at Islamic events. This should help Muslims in major Islamic
centers like Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, New York City, northern New
Jersey, Detroit and Chicago to agree on recommendations for bloc
endorsements of candidates in cases where one candidate clearly is
preferable to rivals in terms of Islamic concerns. Such endorsements can
be decisive in any of the metropolitan centers mentioned, Curtiss said.[19]
In August 2010, a delegation from the the Muslim Public Affairs Council met with Congressman Xavier Becerra
(D-CA). A seasoned politician, and influential leader in our nation's
capitol, the Congressman began the meeting by expressing interest in
Muslim concerns around the recent political wedge issue created by the
opposition to the Park-51 community center. MPAC President Salam Al-Marayati stressed the significance of local reverberations of Park-51 in Temecula, CA as well as across the United States.
Al-Marayati also linked the many cases of bigotry against Muslims with bigoted commentary on immigrant communities in general.
In addition to the tense political climate around Islam, the delegation requested the Congressman's support on:
- International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA)
- Work Place Religious Freedom Act
At the conclusion of the meeting, Congressman Becerra reaffirmed his
support for the Muslim American community during this difficult time and
agreed to look into both the International Violence Against Women Act
and the Work Place Religious Freedom Act.
Others in the delegation included MPAC member and volunteer Kiran Parwez, the Islamic Center of Southern California's Director of Religious Affairs Jihad Turk and Aziza Hasan Southern California Government Relations Director.[20]
Clinton/Chile letter
February 24, 2000, 31 members of the U.S. House of Representatives
have sent a letter to President Clinton requesting full U.S. cooperation
with the Spanish case against former Chilean General Augusto Pinochet, a
thorough investigation into the car-bomb assassination of Orlando Letelier and American citizen Ronni Moffitt, and the release of all U.S. documents pertaining to human rights abuses in Chile.
- Dear President Clinton,
- We would like to take this opportunity to commend your
Administration's recent activity concerning the ongoing investigation
into former Chilean General Augusto Pinochet's role in the 1976 car
bombing of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt in Washington D.C. We also
appreciate your efforts to release documents pertaining to human rights
abuses in Chile.
Signatories were George Miller (D-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sam Gejdenson (D-CT), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Neil Abercrombie (D-HI), Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), Jim McGovern (D-MA), John Conyers (D-MI), Barney Frank (D-MA), Pete Stark (D-CA), Henry Waxman (D-CA), Lane Evans (D-IL), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Tim Roemer (D- IN), Howard Berman (D-CA), John Olver (D-MA), Mel Watt (D- NC), Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Patsy Mink (D-HI), Marcy Kaptur (D- OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), John Tierney (D-MA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Martin Sabo (D-MN), and Bob Filner (D-CA).[21]
Supported "single payer"
The movement for universal single-payer healthcare is growing, announced Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare in December 2005. Six new co-sponsors added their names to John Conyers' "single payer" bill HR 676: Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio), Corrine Brown (D-Fla.), Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) and Michael Capuano (D-Mass.). The total number of co-sponsors was now 57.[22]
Woolsey/Sheinbaum fund raiser
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey,
the first Member of Congress to call on the President to bring our
troops home, was be in Los Angeles on Saturday February 4th 2006, for a
'very exciting but critical fundraiser against the most well-known,
well-financed challenger she's ever faced". Woolsey was facing a primary
challenge from a termed-out Assemblyman Joe Nation, a moderate Democrat
who has been critical of her stand on the war and on bringing home our
troops. He is raising money from people who have given money to Tom
DeLay and Bush-Cheney and his legislative district covers 60+% of
Congresswoman Woolsey's district. Congresswoman Woolsey is a "champion
of equal rights, civil liberties, protecting the environment and
fighting for single payer healthcare. Congresswoman Woolsey must be
re-elected by the same victory margin she has had in the past to send a
message to progressives everywhere that's it IS OK to be courageous, and
to not back down on issues that matter."
The Host Committee for this fundraiser includes:
Ben Affleck; Ed Asner; Warren Beatty; Jodie Evans; James Cromwell; Matt Damon; Tom Hayden; Wendy Herzog; Mimi Kennedy; Norman Lear; Stephen Rohde; Susie Shannon; Stanley Sheinbaum & Betty Sheinbaum; Lorraine Sheinberg; Kathy Spillar; Gloria A. Totten; Peg Yorkin; Senator Barbara Boxer; Congressman Joe Baca; Congressman Xavier Becerra; Congresswoman Lois Capps; Congresswoman Jane Harman; Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald; Congresswoman Grace Napolitano; Congresswoman; Lucille Roybal-Allard; Congresswoman Linda Sanchez; Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez; Congressman Adam Schiff; Congresswoman Hilda Solis; Congresswoman Maxine Waters; Congresswoman Diane Watson; Senator Sheila Kuehl and Assemblywoman Karen Bass.
The fundraiser was at the Stanley & Betty Sheinbaum residence in Brentwood. Both Sheinbaums have been members of Democratic Socialists of America.[23]
Staffer's trip to Venezuela
Rep. Becerra sent Henry Truong, to Venezuela for 3 days in February 2010. The trip was courtesy of a $2,219.70 grant from the Institute for Policy Studies connected Center for Democracy in the Americas...
"A fact-finding trip in Venzuela and other Latin American countries
with the mission of fostering dialogue and improving U.S. policy and
bilateral relations" .[24]
Obama's Latino Advisory Council
In August 2008 the Obama Campaign announced[25]the formation of its National Latino Advisory Council, highlighting the continued growth of support Senator Obama is receiving in the Latino community nationwide.
- According to the campaign, the advisory council is made up of
key labor, faith, community leaders, and elected officials from across
the country and will serve as an advisory council for the campaign on
issues important to the Latino community as well as play an active role
reaching out and organizing Latinos in their communities and across the
Its members included;
Federico Pena,
Chair, National Hispanic Advisory Council, Former Mayor of Denver and
Former Secretary of Transportation, National Obama Campaign Co-Chair;
Geoconda Arguello-Kline, President, Nevada Culinary Workers Union
; Congressman Xavier Becerra; Adolfo Carrion, Bronx Borough President;
Henry Cisneros, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
Bishop Wilfredo De Jesus, Vice President of Social Justice, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference;
Congressman Charlie Gonzalez;
Congressman Raul Grijalva
; Congressman Luis Gutierrez;
Ambassador Luis Lauredo, Former Ambassador to the Organization of American States;
Patricia Madrid, Former Attorney General of New Mexico;
Eliseo Medina, Executive Vice President, SEIU
; Congresswoman Linda Sanchez; Congresswoman Hilda Solis;
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
"Progressives' on "Ways & Means" committee
In 2008, the U.S. Congress' most powerful committee, "Ways & Means" was heavily influenced by members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus including Chairman Charles Rangel, Pete Stark, John Lewis, Xavier Becerra and Jim McDermott.
Congressional Progressive CaucusVice Chairman Raul Grijalva and Danny Davis, joined "Ways & Means" late in the year.
America's Future Now!
Xavier Becerra spoke at America's Future Now! 2010.
Campaign to Make Immigration Reform a Top Issue in 2010
On October 13 2010 , immigration activists from around the country
gathered to join in a vigil and rally in front of the U.S. Capitol in
Washington, DC., where Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez and other elected
officials launched a new push for comprehensive immigration reform,
building to the opening months of 2010. their banners read “Reform
Immigration FOR Families” and “Family Unity Cannot Wait.”
More than 750 people traveled to Washington on buses from up and
down the Eastern seaboard and as far away as Texas, Florida, Ohio,
Minnesota, and Michigan. They spent Tuesday morning meeting with
Congressional offices before being joined by thousands of people from
the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area, who gathered on the grounds of
the U.S. Capitol to listen to testimonies from families, veterans, and
children who face family disintegration because of immigration laws and
Religious leaders from a diverse array of faith traditions around the country, some organized through Familias Unidas, added their voices.
- At the event Congressman Gutierrez outlined a set of
principles for progressive immigration reform that needs to include a
rational and humane approach to legalize the undocumented population, to
protect workers’ rights, to allocate sufficient visas, to establish a
smarter and more humane border enforcement policy, to promote
integration of immigrant communities, to include the DREAM Act and
AgJOBS bills, to protect rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and to
keep families together.
The lawmakers who joined Rep. Gutierrez on stage, and addressed the gathering included Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chairman Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairs Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Congressional Black Caucus Member, Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Jared Polis (D-CO), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Michael Quigley (D-IL), and Delegate Gregorio Sablan (Northern Mariana Islands).[26]
The Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First
Xavier Becerra is on the list of Congressional Representatives who
have participated in hearings/briefings since 1998, with the very
radical Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, founded by Frances Moore Lappe (Democratic Socialists of America, Institute for Policy Studies) and Joseph Collins (Institute for Policy Studies), authors of the book "Food First".[27]
ARA Social Security 75th birthday party
Alliance for Retired Americans Los Angeles: Social Security 75th birthday party with Congressman Xavier Becerra, August 28, 2010.
ARA Legislative conference
September 14, 2011, Nancy Pelosi and Xavier Becerra addressed the Alliance for Retired Americans 10th anniversary legislative conference.
2012 Cuba visit
Senior senators met February 2012 in Havana with President Raúl Castro
of Cuba and with an imprisoned American aid worker, but they reported
no immediate breakthrough on Friday on winning the American’s freedom.
The Caucus: Senior Senators Meet With Raúl Castro (February 24, 2012) Senators Patrick Leahy, of Vermont, and Richard C. Shelby, Republican of Alabama,
met with Mr. Castro for more than two hours, the first high-level
meeting between the two countries in nearly two years. The senators
offered to take the aid worker, Alan Gross, home with them.
Senator Chris Coons,
a Delaware Democrat who along with Mr. Leahy met with Mr. Gross at a
military prison hospital in Havana, the capital, said prison conditions
“are not great.” But he said Mr. Gross appeared to be treated better
than a typical Cuban prisoner.
The senators were part of a group of six lawmakers traveling to
Cuba, Haiti and Colombia to widen agricultural trade with Cuba, inspect
recovery efforts from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and discuss antidrug
efforts in South America. Also in the group were Senator Kent Conrad, of North Dakota, and Representatives Xavier Becerra, of California, and Peter Welch, of Vermont.[28]
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Congressman Xavier Becerra delivered opening remarks at the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement's 2013 National Latino Labor Summit.[29]
Farmworker Justice Los Angeles Reception
Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 6:30pm to 8:00pm, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP, 333 South Hope Street, 43rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071.
- Tony Salazar, West Coast President, McCormack Baron Salazar, Event Co-Chair
- Alfred Fraijo, Jr., Partner, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP, Event Co-Chair
- The Honorable Rocky J. Delgadillo, CEO, Los Angeles County Medical Association
- Raul F. Salinas, Shareholder, AlvaradoSmith
- Gil Vasquez, Managing Partner, Vasquez & Company, LLP
- Monique Chavoya, Project Manager, McCormack Baron Salazar
- Denise De La Rosa Salazar[30]
Honorary Board Asian American Action Fund
Circa 2013, Xavier Becerra served on the Honorary Board of the Asian American Action Fund;[31]
Congressional Letter for Neutrality, 2014 Salvadoran Elections
On Monday December 16, 2014 Reps. Juan Vargas (D-CA), Mike Honda (D-CA) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) sent a letter to Sec. of State John Kerry
– signed by 51 Members of Congress – calling for a public statement of
neutrality by the State Department before the first round of El
Salvador’s presidential elections on February 2, 2014.
The letter, , highlighted several “important steps” that the
current government has taken to “strengthen its democratic system and
expand the right to vote to all citizens,” including those living
outside of the country, who will be voting by absentee ballot for the
first time in February. Since the election of Mauricio Funes, the first President from the Marxist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front
(FMLN) party, the government has increased the number of polling places
four-fold to increase accessibility, especially in rural areas.
“We’re glad to see so many Members of Congress expressing respect
for the right of the Salvadoran people to determine their own future.
That’s an attitude that’s sorely lacking in much of the US’ policy in
Central America, especially with regard to economic policy,” said Alexis Stoumbelis, Executive Director for the pro-communist Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), in Washington, DC, which has observed every post-war election in El Salvador, starting in 1994.
Signatories included Rep. Becerra .[32].
ARA Medicare birthday
Alliance for Retired Americans Medicare Birthday on Capitol Hill, July 30, 2014.
ARA endorsements
The Alliance for Retired Americans Political Action Fund endorsed Xavier Becerra in 2012, 2014.[33]
“[CAIR-LA’s] work of promoting justice and mutual understanding is a
testament of your values of justice and equality.” (November 2016).[34]
Condemning Criticism of Islam legislation
On December 17, 2015, Rep. Don Beyer,
Jr. introduced legislation condemning "violence, bigotry, and hateful
rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States." The legislation is based
on unsourced claims that there is a "rise of hateful and anti-Muslim
speech, violence, and cultural ignorance," and a "disproportionate
targeting" of "Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other
religious articles of clothing...because of their religious clothing,
articles, or observances." The resolution, H.Res.569 - Condemning
violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United
States [35]
The legislation was cosponsored by Rep. Michael Honda, Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Joseph Crowley, Rep. Andre Carson, Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Rep. Betty McCollum, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Rep. Dan Kildee, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Charles Rangel, Rep. Scott Peters, Rep. Brad Ashford, Rep. Alan Grayson, Rep. Mark Takai, Rep. Brian Higgins, Rep. William Keating, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. G.K. Butterfield, Rep. Gerry Connolly, Rep. Ruben Gallego, Rep. Cheri Bustos, Rep. John Delaney, Rep. Kathy Castor, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Michael Quigley, Rep. Elizabeth Esty, Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, Rep. Robin Kelly, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, Rep. Gregory Meeks, Rep. Grace Meng, Rep. Al Green, Rep. Katherine Clark, Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Alcee Hastings, Rep. Sam Farr, Rep. Frank Pallone, Rep. Jim McDermott, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Donna Edwards, Rep. Robert Brady, Rep. Frederica Wilson, Rep. Michael Doyle, Rep. Albio Sires, Rep. Suzan DelBene, Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Jared Polis, Rep. David Loebsack, Rep. Bill Pascrell, Rep. Debbie Dingell, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Steve Cohen, Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, Rep. John Yarmuth, Rep. Niki Tsongas, Rep. Jim Langevin, Rep. Mark Pocan, Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Rep. Mark Takano, Rep. Timothy J. Ryan, Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Hank Johnson, Rep. Paul Tonko, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Rep. Lois Capps, Rep. David Price, Rep. Doris Matsui, Rep. Gwen Moore, Rep. Denny Heck, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. John Carney, Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. John B. Larson, Rep. Dina Titus, Rep. Peter Welch, Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Rep. Jim Himes, Rep. Matt Cartwright.
2016 Cuba visit
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and 16 other House Democrats will join President Barack Obama on his historic trip to Cuba March 20-22.
Obama will be the first president to visit Cuba in 88 years, and
the trip is a symbolic next chapter in his attempts to normalize
relations with the country.
The House members will attend along with several senators who previously announced they will make the trip.
The House delegation includes Reps. Karen Bass, Cheri Bustos, Sam Farr, Rosa DeLauro, Barbara Lee, Charles Rangel, Kathy Castor, David Cicilline, Steve Cohen, Jan Schakowsky, Peter Welch, Alan Lowenthal, Jim McGovern and Lucille Roybal-Allard. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra of California will also travel to Cuba along with Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, and Tom Udall of New Mexico are slated to join the trip. Sen. Jeff Flake
(R-Ariz.), who has been a leading advocate for normalizing relations
with Cuba, will also attend. Additional House Republicans may also join.
Pelosi previously led the first official House delegation trip to
the country after Obama announced the change in U.S. policy toward Cuba
in 2014.[36]
C100 Annual Conference 2016
The list of "official supporters of the Committee of 100 National Conference in April 16 2016, in Beverly Hills included;
- Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor of the State of California
- Eric Garcetti, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles
- Cui Tiankai, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States
- Penny Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of Commerce
- Cory Gardner, United States Senator
- Mark Kirk, United States Senator
- Ed Royce, Member of Congress, Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee
- Charles Boustany, Member of Congress
- Adam Schiff, Member of Congress
- Xavier Becerra, Member of Congress
- Mike Honda, Member of Congress
- Ted Lieu, Member of Congress
- Judy Chu, Member of Congress
- Liu Jian, Council General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles
- Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California State Assembly
- Ed Chau, member of California State Assembly
- Betty Yee, California State Controller
Most Favored Nation status for China
Robert Matsui and Xavier Becerra
voted to grant Most Favored Nation (MFN) status & Permanent Normal
Trade Relations (PNTR) status to China -- which moved more union jobs
out of America than NAFTA & other trade agreements combined.
Progressive Alliance Voter Guide
Sacramento Progressive Alliance, Saturday, May 26, 2018 Progressive Alliance Voter Guide - Updated.
The following have worked as staff members for Xavier Becerra:[38]
External links