Taking the mechanics of the “C-Type” craft from Batsugun a step further, each of your three selectable ships will let loose its “regular” shots when the fire button is tapped, but will switch over to a more condensed, powerful laser if the player holds it down. Doing this will also slow your movement speed, which can come in handy when weaving through tight bullet spreads, as well as determine whether you use a standard full-screen bomb or a Mega Beam O’ Death when you decide to hit the B button. “Enemy chaining” also makes its debut here, awarding you extra points for taking down lots of enemies with only minimal gaps between kills, though you can also keep an eye out for opportunities to uncover hidden “bee medals” with your laser. You’ve got a pretty small hit area to work with, so you can (and had better) exploit small gaps between enemy bullets to get out of almost any situation.
Well, at least until you get to Stage 4 or so. As you progress, DonPachi almost seems to start pining more and more for memory-heavy “old-school” challenges, and will assume that you do too, sending quick waves of enemies, guns blazing, darting in from every which way with no warning, forcing you to either remember where they came from and when next time around or inevitably die in the exact same spot. This schizophrenic streak, paired with a LONG power-up curve (which is reset to square one when you die) will likely jar some players right off their couches, wondering where on Earth such a sudden and unforgiving change of tone came from. These annoyances aside, however, DonPachi should serve as a nice segue into “modern-style” shooting for a majority of players.
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While many of the basic components of DonPachi (ship types, lasers, chaining, etc.) are back for an encore, nearly every element has been refined and polished to a new level altogether. For one thing, you can now choose to make each plane a “shot” or “laser” type, which beefs up that aspect of your firepower and also prevents it from returning to “pea-shooter” status after death. Stages are now designed to encourage much longer chains than before, so hardcore scorers will have plenty to keep them busy, though everyone else can get through fine via several other (though less lucrative) point allocation methods, most notably a “max bomb bonus” which builds up as you collect extra nukes. While the aforementioned chaining, though optional, is definitely a memory exercise, most of the previous game’s “out of nowhere” deaths have been exorcised, replaced by more aggressive enemies overall and a more gradual learning curve. The end result is a more exciting and smoother-flowing experience than before, which will almost certainly keep you hooked, and eager for another go even after you’ve finished.
The graphics, while similar in overall “style” to DonPachi, have been given a complete overhaul, and the detailed sprites, sparse rendering tricks, and bevies of neon-colored bullets are still a pleasure to behold more than a decade into the title’s life. The cheese-metal soundtrack is an ideal accompaniment to the fiery explosions and other assorted chaos, though the songs repeat too often for my liking. One annoyance to note, however, is that in this version players will need to turn on the “Wait” option in the pause menu each time they begin, or else the game will run a bit too fast. Another inconvenience that the PS1 version forces you to deal with is that in 2P mode both participants must use the same ship – and even in 1P mode you’ve got to make your selection in the Options menu. Weird. Aside from these relatively minor setbacks, and the rather steep price, DoDonPachi shines at least as brightly here as on the Saturn, and is an essential addition to nearly any shooter fan’s collection.
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Though you might expect Squaresoft to have made an attempt to redefine the genre, as they did in the RPG realm, they actually chose to stick rather closely, in basic gameplay terms, to long-established standards. You scroll sideways, you shoot stuff with a weak machine gun, your only default weapon…meanwhile your enemies are firing all sorts of nifty stuff back at you. Wouldn’t it be nice to get your hands on some of the bad guys’ big guns for once? Actually, you can do just that – aim carefully at certain enemies’ weapon pods and you can blast them right off, ripe for the collecting, thanks to your craft’s handy-dandy manipulator arm. A choice of three selectable ship models allows you to handle the pilfered weaponry slightly differently, giving you some flexibility in how to approach the game – the ability to adjust your speed on the fly also helps. In terms of scoring, blasting lots of enemies at once increases the point multiplier, so knowing which weapons to take into which enemy formations ahead of time is a must for getting your initials to the top of the list.
As Square was wont to do, it made about the best possible use it could of the PS1’s 3D abilities – while dated somewhat by now, the overall ambience of the game is still effectively conveyed, and the soundtrack, while relatively standard techno, also does its part in setting the mood. Don’t let the attractive settings distract you though – while relatively “modern” by shooter standards, Einhander’s not afraid to throw some near-unavoidable deaths at you, not to mention send you back to a checkpoint with all but your default armaments down the tubes. Some players might have been somewhat disappointed that this title didn’t change everything, as they might have hoped, but for anyone willing to take some punishment in exchange for the opportunity to hit the baddies with a taste of their own medicine, brush up on your Deutsch and pick this up.
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Gradius Gaiden
For starters, this iteration offers you four selectable weapon sets, a la Gradius II, in the form of four distinct ships – more importantly than that, however, you also get to choose from four shield varieties, and are even given the otherwise unheard-of ability to rearrange your power bar. That’s right – if you want the Option or Shield section positioned at the far left for easy access, go right ahead and plunk it there. These tweaking opportunities give you much more freedom in terms of playstyle than almost any other Gradius – now you can build your strategy around everything from quick, frequent invincibility bursts to hugging the ceiling and bombing away. Once you’re set up and ready to go the game plays more or less like a “classic” Gradius, though now you can also power up your Missile, Double, and Laser to “level two” if you select any of them twice.
The game’s look, for its part, is what I’d define as “attractively understated” – while few areas will make your jaw utterly drop in terms of what they throw at you visually, everything from the first level’s snowstorms to the second’s heaps of scrap metal to the third’s refracting crystals, and so on, looks good without drawing undue attention to any specific aspect of itself. The music is similarly suitable, though again not to the point of distraction. Aside from what’s already been said, all I can think to add is that Gaiden is considered to be one of the easier series entries, though considering how difficult the rest are that’s not saying a heck of a lot. All told this is probably the best place to go for an introduction to the “classic” Gradius experience, as it’s hard to argue that it’s been done better anywhere else.
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Harmful Park
Charged with the task of taking back an amusement park from an evil scientist, you’re equipped with a (potato) gun, (ice cream) laser, (pie) grenades, and (jelly bean) homing shots, each of which can be accessed either via “scrolling selection” or assignment to a specific button. Each is powered up individually, which takes awhile, but in exchange only the weapon you’re using is powered down upon death – your current armament also determines the effects of your bomb. You’ll want to learn how to use each effectively, since aside from collecting gems and other items your main source of scoring potential is the ability to take down multiple enemies in a single shot – for instance, horizontal lines of them are best handled with the laser, close groups with the grenades, and so forth. Oftentimes setting up rivals for a lucrative kill can be risky, not only to your “shoot down percentage” bonus but also due to the occasional and frustrating “come-from-behind” assaults that can pick you off if you’re not paying attention.
While both surviving and scoring are fun in and of themselves, the game’s real claim to fame is in the trimmings – while the raw quality of the graphics isn’t particularly impressive (some animations in particular are rather stiff), the wacky enemy and level designs, including a host of visual puns, are still a hoot to see in action, from popcorn poppers of death to zombie elephants to an inflatable dinosaur boss. It’s all so constantly and unapologetically silly that you can’t help but enjoy yourself – if you need a break, though, the programmers also included a trio of minigames, based loosely on Pong, Combat, and the versus racing sections of Sonic 2, all of which support multiplayer. While the game is not very challenging on “Normal” and below, turn it up any higher than that and you’ve got a fight on your hands – however you play this, though, you’re all but certain to get back in line for another ride afterwards.
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Raiden Project
Ask most non-shmuppers to name any random shooter off the top of their heads – if they don’t go with Gradius, R-Type, or an older title like Galaga, they’re likely to mention Raiden. While its relatively unexciting pseudo-futuristic military trappings won’t stand out much today, that’s largely because this is the title that set in place much of what we now consider “stereotypical” genre features. You’ve got 2 types of weapons and missiles to (very gradually) power up, a bullet-eating bomb (with a nasty startup delay), a big hitbox, and yellow enemy bullets (which are likely moving faster than you can) to dodge. Scoring doesn’t go much beyond fixed-value medals and shooting things, so anyone in the mood for some old-style blasting (and not much mercy) will be greeted with open arms.
Raiden II hangs on tight to many of the elements introduced in its predecessor, but takes them a step further – the same basic setting and overall styling is here, but the detailing has been improved, making the Raiden world a good deal more attractive than it was initially. You’ve also got a new third weapon to collect (the famous purple “toothpaste laser”) and, if you use the 2P ship, a faster-activating (albeit weaker) bomb, as well as slightly tweaked movement. By default, you also instantly respawn after death instead of being sent to a checkpoint. While not a drastically different experience from its predecessor otherwise, the extra level of polish is still very much worth noting. The ports of both games, as mentioned earlier, are pretty much spot-on – while there are few extras to speak of, the optional arranged soundtracks are a nice touch.
As a closing point, there was a 2002 Japan-only release, also on PS1, of the first Raiden (and the first one only), under the “Major Wave Arcade Hits” label – it’s not expensive or hard to find, but if you want both Raidens make sure to stick with Project.
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Raiden DX
The main addition that DX offers over its brethren is a load more scoring variety and depth. Remember those plain ol’ medals from before? Well, now they decrease in value if you don’t grab ‘em quick – however, if your timing’s good, you can actually turn this new feature to your advantage. After a medal wears down to its lowest value, it will flash for a split second – grab it right then and you’ll be rewarded with several times its original value in points (same goes for the “Miclus” dragons, when they show up). Also, by hovering over certain spots for a moment or two, you can reveal secret landscape features to blow up for additional bonus points. Bosses are now timed as well, and worth more if you can find ways to kill them quickly – finally, certain risky/aggressive behaviors (like zipping through narrow spaces between bullets) will also add to your score. And we’re not quite done – aside from the points immediately awarded to you during a stage, you’ll also have everything tallied up at the end of each level for additional rewards, so to max out your scoring potential you’ll want to do as much of everything as you can. In short, a formerly simple shooter has become a score attacker’s paradise.
The icing on the cake is that, while the arcade rendition of DX was pretty full-featured on its own, the PS1 port (the only home conversion ever released), not content to simply replicate the original faithfully (which it does), has a load of exclusive (and great) extras. Not only can you adjust your autofire rate, record replays, and unlock a boss rush mode, but also watch a superplay, check out an image encyclopedia, and choose between three different in-game soundtracks (including that of the arcade-exclusive Viper Phase 1). Long story short, if you like Raiden, you’ll be in heaven here. And even if you don’t, it’s still worth your while to give this entry a try – you might be surprised at how addictive it can be.
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No, I didn’t make that up – that is, indeed, the sequence of events that leads you, in Kyuiin (pronounced similarly to “queen,” it’s meant to evoke the sound of a vacuum cleaner’s engine), to ride around on a Hoover fighting giant frogs and who knows what else. Despite the kiddy trappings, there’s some score attacking to be done here – while shooting enemies with one of four collectible weapons will take them down, for more points you’ll want to use your vacuum hose to suck smaller ones up (and use them for bomb ammo) and sneak behind bigger ones to whack them with the electrical cord. Basically, you’ll want to do as little shooting as possible to come away with the most impressive numbers – some might be turned off by this, though others are more likely to appreciate a departure from the shmupping norm (in case the thematic elements weren’t already enough).
Unfortunately, past the unique ideas the game runs into problems – for one thing, your character is both large and vertically-oriented, which by default makes evading attacks tough. Also, while your vacuum can slurp up some bullets as well as enemies to make this task a bit easier, the hose constantly wriggles up and down on its own and cannot be frozen in place, which frequently allows a stray small fry or its shots to sneak in and nail you. Though you can take two hits before dying, the initial one will knock off the vacuum’s hose and your bullet-absorbing ability with it, making surviving long enough to encounter a repair kit even harder than playing “normally”. On top of this the mixed 2D/3D graphics come off as rather mediocre overall, though the soundtrack is surprisingly rich. Finally, while the game got a “Best” reprint, it’s still hard to find – all told, the game’s unique play mechanics can be fun, but this unusual tale is definitely not one for the masses.
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70′s Robot Anime Geppy-X
Of course, there’s also the matter of how the game actually plays – as your robot scrolls sideways, you can use the trigger buttons to shift between 3 different forms at any time. Each transformation has a “main” and “sub” weapon, both of which can be charged up for a more powerful attack, but also must be leveled up separately – other than that, you can turn your mech around to attack enemies behind you, and unleash an occasional screen-filling super attack. You’ve got a basic set of weapon powerups and health refills, but otherwise your only goal is to get from one end of each stage to the other intact. It’s a cool enough setup, but the interface is a bit clunky – your robot, as you might expect, is a big target, and hesitant to react to certain commands (i.e. you can only turn around or transform when you’re not doing anything else, including shooting), which makes quick responses to many threats on the player’s part all but impossible.
As was mentioned before, all the retro-cheese is great, though in similar fashion to a TV series DVD marathon you’ll wind up skipping the theme song and other repeating segments after you’ve seen them a few times. Progress in the game itself is also something of a drawn-out affair – your life meter does not refill between stages, and your weapons are reset to square one if you load up a saved game, both of which can put you in a tight spot very quickly, especially as you get farther in – to reach the end you’d best be prepared to conquer the whole thing in one go. All told, old-school robot fans will want this just to give their nerd cred the mother of all shots in the arm – those looking for solid shooting action might want to hesitate, especially considering how rare and costly this one tends to be.
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R-Type Delta
As always you’ve got your Force pod, bit options, and 3 collectible weapons plus bombs and missiles, but the speed ups are history, as now you can (and at times, must) switch between four movement settings at will. Of course, you can also select three different spaceships to commandeer, all with differently-behaving Forces and weapon sets, a la R-Type III – this gives you some nice flexibility in terms of play style, i.e. do you prefer having your Force chase after enemies and blast them automatically, or maybe latching it onto rivals and using the “umbilical cord” which stretches between it and your ship to block bullets? The most noteworthy addition, though, is the “Dose” meter – if you use your pod, as opposed to your shots, to damage enemies and absorb bullets, the meter will gradually fill. Once maxed out, not only does the Force do additional damage, but awards extra points when used offensively, as well as a single-use screen-clearing attack. Survival is still task one, but now you’ll also need to apply a little extra technique in order to give yourself the best shot at the clear, not to mention a high score.
Of course, all the new stuff doesn’t affect the series’ main claim to fame, namely its reliance on repeated playthroughs and memorization of stage layouts to guarantee success. Granted, if you have a “bomb” stocked it might save you from some sneaky rear-attacking drones in close quarters, but it won’t do squat when a gigantic mech foot is heading for your cockpit because the screen didn’t scroll as quickly as you’d hoped. So long-time players needn’t worry, they’ll be right at home here – further, many of your fellow faithful consider Delta to be perhaps the finest of its series in terms of overall design, as well as a good place for R-Neophytes to begin. While the game was released in all three territories (with an unlockable gallery and some nice player stat tracking intact), there’s still some demand for it on the second-hand market, so be prepared to search a bit before reeling in a copy.
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GunBare! Game Tengoku 2
While most all of the basic features of the first game are still here (a decent character selection, score attack mode, the aforementioned eggplants), quite a bit has also changed – for one thing, you’ve got a Raystorm-esque lock-on cursor now, which allows you to attack background enemies, but it feels very tacked-on, as it can only track two targets at a time, takes forever to find its mark once fired, and doesn’t affect scoring at all. Unfortunately, Raystorm’s “uphill” perspective is also along for the ride, and can prevent you from moving to the far edges of the screen, making collecting items and dodging shots a real pain. Even any sort of “traditional” stage structure has been deep-sixed – instead of working toward the one-credit clear, you simply select one stage at a time (out of five, with a sixth unlockable), and when it’s done you select another. There’s no “total” high score to shoot for, just per-stage records.
To sum up, while the first game felt like a shooter with some “fan service” elements attached, this one is more along the lines of a fan disc with a shooter clumsily duct-taped onto it – your main “goal,” when you get right down to it, is to use the eggplants you collect during the levels to buy various video clips and other things (you can also use them to give your character more power at the start of each stage, but it’s close to cheating, as the game’s not very challenging to begin with). While the trademark humor is thankfully intact, and certain segments in particular are a hoot (this time they’re skewering vector graphics and Tamagotchi-esque virtual pets, among other game-related targets ripe for the picking), most of the graphics have aged badly, and all told it can only be considered a step down from the first entry. I wish I could recommend this one without so much hesitation, but I’d advise shmuppers to think hard and honestly about just how much they liked the first game before springing for the sequel.
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Geki-Oh Shooting King
In terms of the basic nuts and bolts the “main” Shienryu on offer here is mostly unchanged from its arcade and Saturn counterparts – you’ve got three collectable weapons, some bombs, and some basic score items to collect as you blast whatever happens to be in your way, most notably some sort of big mean mecha-dragon. While Geki-Oh boasts of having nine different modes to try, three of them are simply “easy”, “medium,” and “hard” difficulty variations of the arcade game, and two others (“Comical Mode” and “Ancient Mode”) are identical to “normal” mode except for some silly presentational alterings.
The other variations are a bit more interesting – “Stingy Mode” is sort of a 2-stage score attack, which gives you no power-ups and makes all enemies worth only 1 point, while “No Mercy Mode” speeds up enemy fire to the point that you pretty much can’t stop moving without being hit. Danmaku fans might enjoy “Slow Mode,” in which enemy bullets are far more numerous but are also slowed down, along with your craft’s movement, encouraging lots of pattern weaving – weirdest of all is “Pocket Mode,” a simplified shooter in every sense of the word, which looks like it could have been created for the Japan-only Pocketstation peripheral. All told, while this isn’t the best version of the core game available, the extras are interesting (and the price is low) enough to still make it worth a look.
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Gaia Seed: Project Seed Trap
Off the cuff, this game is most similar to the early-to-mid entries of the Darius series – you have a “main” and “sub” weapon (actually, 2 of each to collect), a shield (which regenerates when not being hit), and no scoring system beyond collecting surplus powerups and destroying enemy formations. Aside from an occasional “intense fire” power shot, that’s about all there is under the hood – up on the surface, the graphical quality is nothing particularly notable, though the settings are evocative and change frequently, always giving you something new to look at. The music is also varied and not a bad listen at all.
Decently-traveled shooter players will notice, in addition to the aforementioned Darius elements, references to (or ripoffs of, depending upon how cynical you are) several other shooters – Gradius fans should definitely feel at home while fighting the third boss, for instance. In any event, the only thing aside from the price tag that keeps me from recommending this one is its overall low level of challenge – despite three difficulty settings to choose from, the regenerating shield (on TOP of multiple lives) makes the journey less than taxing to complete, and may make some wonder if the trip, pleasant as it might have been while it lasted, was worth the investment.
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Bokan Desu Yo!
For one thing, there are two modes to choose now – a “normal” game as well as the “special” mode, which plays identically but throws in a few extra levels, different cutscenes, and an additional selectable vehicle once you’re partway through. Otherwise all nine of the tanks, airplanes, and other wonky rides from the first game are available from the start, though some of their weaponry has been changed around – of course, you can still collect skull icons for temporary invincibility, though you now have the handy option to activate it whenever you want, rather than being forced to use it as soon as the meter’s filled up. You’re also still packing unlimited bombs, and this time, if you’re willing to take the risk of holding onto a loaded one for a few moments, you can power it up into an even bigger dose of exploding death.
The latter addition, however, can’t help but feel somewhat wasted, since the last game’s main scoring tactic, namely destroying multiple enemies with a single bomb, is nowhere to be seen, replaced instead by collecting the red gem point items as quickly as possible. Otherwise the game plays pretty much identically to the first…and, many shmuppers will be dismayed to learn, isn’t any more challenging than its precursor either. All told, despite the tweaks described above, a safe rule of thumb here is to recommend this to players who enjoyed the first Bokan shooter and its cartoonish goofiness, while advising those who didn’t to continue to keep their distance.
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Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronbo: Time Bokan Shirizu
Aside from the slightly different title, a handful of minor presentation differences, and the existence of a “Best” reprint, this is the same Bokan game as was released on the Saturn. You’ve got the same garage of garish super-vehicles, the same unlimited bomb stock, the same ability to roll out of the way of enemy fire, and the same meddlesome heroic types in need of a serious TNT-applied attitude adjustment.While not a bad play-through, the theme and relative lack of challenge will put off “serious” shmuppers as much as ever – as with many other PS1 shooters, though, this one got a reprint, so it might be cheaper to find on Sony’s system. On a final note, be sure not to mix this one up with the subpar racing game Bokan GoGoGo, also released on the PS1.
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Raystorm and Raycrisis
The basic idea is similar to its predecessor, except with a slightly “tilted” vertical-scrolling perspective – aside from your basic blasters you’ve got a lock-on cursor floating in front of your ship, which allows you to fire homing projectiles at anything that passes under it, and the more enemies you can waste at once the more points you get. A few additions, most notably a second selectable ship and a smart bomb, give you a bit more flexibility, but you’ll still end up being taken down by unforeseeable threats much of the time. Only minor changes were made for the localization, so purists shouldn’t have many issues here – on the flipside, however, it’s definitely not a newbie-friendly title, at least on default settings.
Raycrisis, the final entry of the “Ray” trilogy, is actually a prequel to the other two games, and sends you flying around inside the brain of the computer that you’ll find yourself fighting from the outside in later entries. As a result your surroundings are more surreal and free-form than before, covered in wonky colors and populated by even weirder enemies. The basic gameplay isn’t too far removed from Raystorm, though one addition of particular note is the “Encroachment” meter – basically, any enemies you fail to destroy will increase the meter, and if it gets too high the current level will end early, landing a blow to your scoring potential. This makes getting through the stages a more frantic affair for score-crazy types, as they’ll be unable to risk spending too much time setting up juicy multiple kills – while it can be argued that this feature allows for a bit of flexibility in terms of difficulty depending on the player’s potential, many simply find it to be more irritating than it’s worth.
Other than that, the only other changes worth mentioning are a third selectable ship, several color choices for each, the ability to pick three of the first five stages to go through, and a “Special Mode” which sends you through all the levels in one fell swoop, but with fully-powered weapons and a few system changes. Working Designs also insisted on keeping Pocketstation support for the localization, so anyone who imported one can load and play “PocketRay” on it. Import-savvy types might be interested to know that a “Double Shooting” compilation featuring both Raystorm and Raycrisis in one package was released in Japan – not a bad way to get ahold of both in one fell swoop. One final but important note is that there’s a bit of “drag” on the ships in both of these games, which will pull them slightly toward the center of the screen after they stop moving – it’s not a game-killing issue on its own, but enough of an annoyance to put some off.
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G Darius
The standard blaster/bomb/shield weapon combo is still here, of course, though as in Gaiden once you’ve reached a certain level you can’t be powered down below it. Moreover, this time around you can not only capture and “convert” mid-bosses, but almost any non-boss enemy in the game to help you out, via a limited supply of “capture balls.” Your bomb stock is gone, but replaced with a more interesting feature – remember those captured enemies I mentioned a second ago? If you don’t need them fighting alongside you, you can sacrifice them either to clear the screen of small fry, or to fire up an Enormo-Beam o’ Death – of course, bosses have access to their own EBoD, which gives you the opportunity to pit yours against theirs and mash buttons in an attempt to do massive damage, a la Metal Black. While interesting to mess around with in and of themselves, taking advantage of captured enemies and their various uses is also essential for scoring.
While the port replicates the look of the original faithfully (not too surprising, since the arcade version ran on Playstation-based hardware), it is unfortunately plagued with a good deal more slowdown here than it was there – on the plus side, the game includes a unique Boss Rush mode, and also earned itself a trip to all three regions, making it easy to find. Of course, being a Darius game, you’ll be faced with lots of seemingly-impossible challenges until you’ve memorized where to dodge and when the best time is to bring out your big guns, but anyone who’s played the series before already knew that. If you’re up for this most non-traditional of fish fries, the PS1 is a good place to fill up your plate.
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In the Hunt
Of course, even with the improved speed all of the game’s innate problems are still floating around, most notably a sluggish player craft that’s frequently forced into areas which greatly restrict movement – not the most appealing of combinations, especially when you’re being shot at. You do still have the unique setting and detailed sprite graphics though, so you could certainly do worse than this as far as a cheap pickup for your PS1 is concerned – heck, you even get an optional arranged soundtrack and slightly easier “Playstation Mode” included alongside the arcade originals. Just keep in mind that the developer is best-remembered for R-Type, not this.
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R-Type II plays nearly identically to the first, though you’ve got a few more laser and missile choices, along with the ability to charge up a stronger beam cannon. There are also fewer stages this time around, though you’ll still be hard-pressed to make it through them all in one credit. Alongside the games themselves is a small but nice selection of extra content, including enemy and ship data, a rundown of the story’s chronology (R-Type being one of the few shooters that bothers to include much of a backstory to begin with), and the ability to skip ahead to later stages instantly to practice. All three regions were treated to this release, so unless you’re particularly turned off to older or memory-heavy titles you owe it to yourself to snap it up.
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Strikers 1945 II
Indeed, this title plays very similarly to the original Strikers 1945, and thus much of Psikyo’s previous output as a whole – for one thing, it retains the scoring system of the first, which rewards you for collecting point items at the right moment. The only real major change, aside from a slightly reworked roster of airplanes, is a new charge shot system – you can still charge up more powerful attacks like before, but this time there’s a meter which affects how strong it will be. As you shoot down enemies with your “uncharged” weaponry it will slowly fill, up to a maximum “level” of three – a fully-charged blast can inflict huge damage, even on bosses, but can’t be used often, as the meter will empty afterwards. Thus, you’re forced to strategize to a greater extent than before – do you want to use a few weaker charge shots to make the stages easier, or save it all up for a swift takedown at the end? All told, if you don’t mind adding another Psikyo title to your collection, take a little time to find this – and guess what, this one is yet another member of the “budget reprint club” in Japan, so importing it should be cheap as well, if you’d rather not deal with the shortcomings of the localized versions.
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Thunder Force V: Perfect System
Just about everything else, for its part, has survived unscathed – all the stages, weapons, and other features, plus the extras, are all present and accounted for. As on the Saturn, though, this is a double-edged sword, since the newly-added “kill things quickly for more points” scoring system is thrown out of whack (along with much of the rest of the game) by the super-powerful Free Range weapon, which is nigh-unstoppable when you have it and sorely missed when you lose it. Of course, those who enjoyed blasting stuff with wild electronic rock tunes wailing in the background in the earlier entries can certainly still do that here, which isn’t a bad thing to have on your resumé. One final feature that this title shares with its Saturn counterpart is a reprint of the Japanese release, so a little effort should see you through if you’re looking for this.
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Zanac X Zanac
What may strike you most about the original Zanac is how manic it is, considering how long ago it was unleashed upon consumers. Stuff comes flying from all directions with surprising frequency, and you don’t have a modern-sized hitbox or smart bombs to bail you out – what you DO have is a moment of invincibility whenever you snag an item, which you’ll need to learn to use to survive. Otherwise you’ve got a basic blaster and a selection of eight subweapons (most of which are controlled by a second button) to see you through – while the game varies what it throws at you somewhat based on the weapon you’re using (a unique feature at the time, and even now, really), you can still find yourself dying repeatedly after screwing up once, thanks to low post-death invincibility time and a long road to maximum weapon power. Of course the graphics and sound are also quite outdated, but on the whole even those who prefer more “advanced” shooters might find themselves surprised at how much they find to like here.
On to Zanac Neo we go – while the visual and aural face-lift (bringing the series to somewhere between 16- and 32-bit standards in terms of its presentation) is the most obvious new feature, there’s quite a bit more to have a gander at. You’ve still got the same core main/sub weapon setup, but now you can select from three ships (and a fourth unlockable one) to further vary your enemy-blasting possibilities – moreover, you’ve now got a “charge shot,” which can set off chain reactions (and point bonuses) among enemies close to its target, as well as cancel bullets, though it needs time to recharge between uses. There’s also a simple “chain” scoring system – as long as you don’t let any enemies escape without being shot down, your score goes up faster than normal. Of course, missing that one speedy bugger can be frustrating, as can semi-frequent “what hit me?” deaths, though a generous extend rate (another carryover from the original Zanac) helps to offset them (perhaps a bit too much). While Neo isn’t as far removed from its predecessors as some might hope, others will love it for that same reason – which camp you belong to will likely affect how willing you are to hunt this elusive package down.
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Capcom Generation 1, 3, and 4
Generation 1 includes 1942, 1943, and 1943 Kai, three of Capcom’s most famous early shooters. As the titles suggest you’ve got a World War II setting on your hands, though obviously things have been spiced up a bit – 1942 is the most basic of the bunch, but also the preferred game for some, thanks in large part to the “fuel” meter introduced in 1943 and carried over to its “remix,” Kai. While the later games have better presentations and more varied weaponry, the traditional “lives” have been replaced with a “fuel” meter which constantly decreases and must be maintained by refills. While relatively unique, some consider it more of a hindrance than an enhancement – in any event, for others this trio might be worth picking up for the games’ historical influence on the genre, if nothing else.
Capcom’s time machine heads about as far back as it can go in Generation 2, which features Vulgus and Exed Exes as well as two non-shmups. Both titles are very basic, especially the former, which is the first game Capcom released – about the only things it has over Space Invaders are background scrolling, more advanced graphics and a limited-use missile weapon that can destroy a line of enemies. Exed Exes adds in a few more powerups, bonuses, a bullet-clearing bomb, two-player mode, and some slight technical upgrades, but both games have a tendency to flood the screen with enemies whose numbers are hard to control with the basic weaponry you’re given. If that sort of setup has a tendency to frustrate you, hesitate before you plunk down the cash for this one.
While the only candidate on Generation 4 that might qualify as a “true” shmup is Gun.Smoke, I figured I might as well devote a few words to Commando and Mercs as well for the heck of it. The first title replaces the usual flying spaceship with a walking cowboy, and gives you three separate buttons to aim his guns at five different angles to take down a seemingly endless supply of bad guys. Commando doesn’t scroll automatically, but allows you to aim your machine gun in eight different directions, or toss a grenade forward to take out covered adversaries – its sequel, Mercs, runs on the same basic concept, but spruces up almost everything, from the graphics to the more varied weapons and settings. Anyone who enjoys Shock Troopers or other such games should be interested in a look at some of the genre’s front-runners on offer here.
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Konami Deluxe Packs
Let’s start with the Gradius Deluxe Pack, which includes the first two arcade entries in the series. The original title, as you’d expect, introduces many of the set pieces that the games became famous for, such as the power-up bar, orange-oval options, and ring-spitting Moai heads. It’s pretty basic compared to its descendants, but is still surprisingly fun even today. Gradius II further refines the formula, giving players a greater selection of weapons and a more personality-infused presentation – the famous announcer got his start here. As with any Gradius game these two can sometimes frustrate if you die and lose all your enhancements in a tough spot, but if you can get past this rough patch you should be in for a pretty good time.
On its heels is the Parodius Deluxe Pack – as with its inspiration, the first two arcade-released Parodius games are found here. The two play nearly identically – that is to say, like Gradius, but with a few extra features, such as the bells from Twinbee, stuffed in here as well. The only major difference is that the second, Gokujo, has more characters and a wackier, more entertaining presentation, though the first certainly isn’t without its notable moments (giant invincible Vegas dancing girl, anyone?). Otherwise, with the addition of the crazy humor, almost everything that I could say about the Gradius games applies here in equal measure. As on the Saturn, PAL gamers were treated to a localization (under the simplified name “Parodius!”), though the USA was once again left to do without.
Switching things up a bit with a pair of vertical shooters is the Twinbee Deluxe Pack, featuring the popular Detana Twinbee and Twinbee Yahho! While Detana weirdly lacks a tate screen option, otherwise things are as they should be, presenting a bright, colorful world and a bunch of wacky things to see and (cutely) destroy. Aside from the trademark trimmings, the most notable things about both are the Xevious-style “two-plane” gameplay, which requires players to not only shoot flying enemies but separately bomb ground-based ones, as well as the famous “bell” powerups, which will change their colors (and rewards) when shot. Yahho! adds in a few additional weapon options as well as some of the best graphics seen in a cute-em-up – there’s nothing especially “deep” to be found here, but it’s still fun just to see everything this series’ world has to offer, as long as the sugar-coated setting and some slightly dated mechanics don’t put you off too much.
Last but not least is the Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus – “plus,” apparently, because it includes three games instead of two, namely both Salamanders and the remixed variant, Life Force. Oddly enough, this is the only PS1 “deluxe pack” that didn’t get a reprint, making it the hardest and most costly to obtain. Considered a “sister series” to Gradius, these games contain many of the same elements, though (with the exception of Life Force) they ditch the power-up bar and stick to “traditional” pickups, as well as exchange checkpoints for instant respawn after death, and send you to some vertically-scrolling stages along with the horizontal standards. In some ways the changes are for the better, but sometimes they can also prove extra-frustrating – whether one prefers Salamander or Gradius is mostly a matter of taste.
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Jikkyo Oshaberi and Sexy Parodius
Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius, also known as “Chatting Parodius,” was originally released on the Super Famicom, with the 32-bit remake attaching the subtitle “Forever With Me.” As the title suggests, there is a background announcer who never shuts up, though you can turn him off in the options menu – the game’s most interesting elements, however, are gameplay-related. While the presentation, as you’d expect, is not quite up to par with most of the other Parodius games, and as a console-based entry it’s a bit easier than the arcade games, it has the largest character roster in the series, as well as the most scoring tricks and extras, including tandem two-player attacks, two “mini-modes” and a bunch of hidden collectible fairies to look out for. One or two of the extras are PS1-exclusive (the Saturn had a few unique offerings of its own), but for the most part the game is the same regardless of system.
Again, the title of Sexy Parodius gives you a pretty good idea of what to expect – while there’s nothing pornographic in here, there is plenty of anime cheesecake and PG-13 innuendo alongside the trademark silliness this time around. Once more, though, the title’s most interesting element is gameplay-related – while you’re completing stages in order as usual, each level has an extra task to pull off (collecting a certain amount of items, shooting down enough of a particular enemy, etc.) aside from just beating the boss and getting out alive. Whether or not you complete the task at hand determines not only the inter-stage image you’re treated to, but also which level you go to next, and eventually the ending you get. Everything else is pretty much the same, except for a new “item” that you can feed other items to make stronger, but overall, so long as the game’s shameless appeal to its audience’s baser instincts doesn’t dissuade them, Parodius fans shouldn’t be disappointed. FindJikkyo Oshaberi Parodius on eBay
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Image Fight and X-Multiply
Image Fight, one of a select few Irem vertical-scrollers, is actually the first shooter the company released after the original R-Type – as such, despite the difference in screen orientation, the gameplay feels surprisingly similar. While the signature Force pod has been ditched in favor of up to three gunpods (which can be either fixed forward or aimable in different directions based on movement, as well as “thrown” at enemies), and your speed can be adjusted on the fly (one of the earliest appearances of this feature), the same basic memory-dependent strategy for success is required here, and the game will punish you severely until you get it right. That said, the Turbo CD-exclusive sequel is even more merciless, though I don’t know how much comfort that’ll bring you – either way, if you can conquer this bugger in one credit you’ve earned yourself some respect.
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Konami Antiques MSX Collection Volumes 1 – 3
While the Saturn’s MSX Collection is probably better-known, this
three-game set was actually Konami’s original release of its old MSX
titles onto a contemporary system – the “Ultra Pack” on Sega’s console
came a bit later. Be that as it may, it’s pretty obvious that the latter
is the better buy, since it collects everything from these three
volumes into one disc and isn’t much rarer or pricier. Of course,
whichever you end up buying, be forewarned that most of the shooters
(about ten in all, depending on how strict your definition is) do not
run very well – this isn’t the fault of the PS1, but of the original MSX
hardware, which all but guarantees you very choppy scrolling and
difficult maneuvering, and none of those issues have been touched up at
all here. As a result, the games included on these compilations serve
best as an “interactive history lesson”, if anything.Find Konami Antiques on eBay
Konami Arcade Classics
Scramble is the oldest of the bunch – it’s a pretty basic side-scroller, in which you control a rocket which can fire straight ahead or bomb the ground below, hopefully taking out any missiles or other obstacles in the way. You also, however, have to watch your fuel meter, and refill it by destroying fuel tanks as you coast along (doesn’t make much sense, but hey, it’s 1981). Super Cobra plays almost identically to Scramble, except you’re a chopper this time – both are solid considering their age, though your lengthy craft can be a frustratingly easy target for enemies (and walls).
Time Pilot is a “free-scrolling” overhead shooter, where you’re always moving forward but can steer yourself in any direction – using your “futuristic” craft and its basic dot shots, your objective is to destroy a certain amount of enemy planes to advance, while collecting parachuting guys for bonus points. Gyruss is commonly considered the forerunner of the “tube shooter,” though you’re technically only in a “half-pipe,” giving it some kinship with Tempest – while synthesized classical tunes warble in the background, you travel through the solar system shooting down formations of aliens while avoiding their returning salvos. Both games hold up surprisingly well, though the fact that you’ll likely die not so much via enemy fire as sudden kamikaze attacks can be frustrating.
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Namco Museum Vol. 1 – 5 and Encore
Two shooters, Bosconian and Galaga, are the features of Volume 1. The latter is the first and most popular sequel to Galaxian (featured below) and introduces the series’ signature “tractor beam” enemies, which can steal a ship from you, but also give you an opportunity to win it back later and double your firepower. Moreover, you can now quickly dispatch a few baddies as they first spiral into their formation, as well as snap up some bonus points in occasional “challenging” stages. Bosconian is a free-scroller a la Time Pilot, though your main goal, as in Fantasy Zone, is to destroy a set amount of enemy bases, and you’ve also got a handy tailgun to compliment your nose-mounted weaponry. Volume 2 adds Xevious (which is covered in the Xevious 3D/G+ section) and Gaplus, which builds further on Galaga by improving the presentation a bit, speeding up the overall pace, allowing you to move up the screen a limited amount, and offering an occasional opportunity to turn the aliens’ own tractor beam back on them and capture a few helpers of your own. Oddly enough, Galaxian, the earliest release in its series, wasn’t added to this collection until Volume 3, where it’s the only shooter included – on a basic level it plays similarly to Space Invaders, but with slightly better graphics. The main difference is that while the “main” enemy formation above you doesn’t encroach in your direction, it instead sends individual bogies swooping down to try and pick you off – score-attacking snipers can use this to their advantage, as dive-bombing enemies are worth more points than “docked” ones.
The sole shooter offering on Volume 4 is the obscure side-scroller Ordyne, which could be considered a more “traditional” take on Fantasy Zone – while featuring a cute-em-up atmosphere (and nice graphics overall) as well as a similar shot/bomb setup and purchasable weapon upgrades, it ditches the Defender-esque stage layout for a “straight” left-to-right progression. Volume 5’s contribution is Dragon Spirit, basically a legendary reptilian take on Xevious, with air and ground targets as well as separate powerups for your two weapons – despite the advancements, however, it doesn’t feel like much of a step up from its inspiration. Finally, Encore finishes up the collection with Dragon Saber and Sky Kid – the former, obviously, is a followup to Dragon Spirit, and adds more interesting settings as well as instant respawn, default rapid fire and a charge shot. Sky Kid is notable if only as one of the few shooters which scrolls from right to left – you control a biplane which can shoot down enemies or loop-de-loop to escape, not to mention that you can button mash to attempt to save yourself after taking a hit. Each stage also gives you a single bomb to pick up, which you can drop onto a specific target for bonus points – don’t forget to nail the landing at the end, though. It’s unusual, but actually pretty fun.
A few of the games included on certain volumes vary slightly depending on which regional release you pick up, but all the shooters are consistent, so you don’t need to worry about those. Otherwise, the titular “Museum” feature includes a hunk of perusable memorabilia for each game, though some of the images and such come with heavy load times – thankfully, though, the games themselves play pretty much exactly as you remember them, and include screen orientation options and most everything else you’ll need. If you don’t mind the somewhat dated technology on display, not to mention the amount of discs you’ll likely need to track down, this might not be a bad museum to spend some time in.
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Nichibutsu Arcade Classics/ Moon Cresta
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Toaplan Shooting Battle 1
Tiger Heli was the second scrolling shooter produced by the company, after Slap Fight (aka Alcon) – as you’d expect it’s pretty simple, giving you a single (limited-range) weapon, a supply of bombs, and two types of collectible (and destructible) options. Other than a few semi-hidden “bonus” targets there’s not much aside from survival to concern yourself with – of course, survival is plenty by itself, and your chopper’s slow speed doesn’t help matters. Enemies coming from behind, in particular, are a menace simply because you can’t get below them faster than their bullets can reach you – adversaries who start clogging the screen with shots as soon as they enter the screen are no fun either, thanks to the limited range of your guns. Kyukyoku Tiger tightens things up some, offering more enemy and weapon variety, instant respawn upon death, and a presentational upgrade. One curious design decision was making the bomb slower to activate than in Tiger Heli – ack! Its regional variation, Twin Cobra, is the same except for the inclusion of simultaneous 2-player and a remixed soundtrack. While this era has passed some shooting fans by, there are still plenty who hold it in high regard, and these are the best ports of this trio that you’re likely to find.
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Wonder 3
Along with the eye-catching setting each of these elements works fine, but as you’d expect from a shooter that exists only as part of a compilation, the execution of some of the genre basics (most notably minimizing unfair deaths) is a bit on the shaky side. As with the Saturn port, I might first recommend trying this (legally) on Capcom Classics Collection 2 on the PS2 – if you like it enough to spring for a slightly more “arcade-perfect” experience, then you might want to start searching for one of the 32-bit incarnations, but expect to stay on the lookout for a while.
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Xevious 3D/G+
Xevious Arrangement, originally part of a three-game arcade board (Namco Classic Collection 1) which also included original and “arranged” versions of Galaga and Mappy, is, again, not too far removed from the first game, but boasts a nice set of enhancements. The backgrounds have been upgraded, though most of the sprites are the same, and the soundtrack has been given a welcome overhaul as well – additionally, your shot and bomb fire rates have been increased, a (scarce) power-up for your gun can be found, a handful of set pieces were rearranged, and finally simultaneous 2P and some extra-challenging end areas have been attached. 3D/G, as you’d guess, is a new game entirely, done with (rather plain-looking) 3D graphics and a slightly tilted perspective – more importantly, though, you now have 3 collectible weapons to choose from and standard autofire to put off the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome. Overall, this package has something for just about everyone, and can be found relatively easily in all three regions, so unless Xevious is really not your thing you probably ought to hunt this collection down.
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Gatchaman: The Shooting
The structure is about as textbook as they come – you can shoot, bomb, and power yourself up, but not much else – before you even ask, forget about any sort of scoring system. The game is also very easy on default settings, which gives you a refillable life meter – you can switch on “sudden death” in the options menu to threaten yourself with a one-hit Game Over, but the game itself doesn’t get any harder, just less forgiving. On the plus side the graphics are rather nice (though they, along with the music, get a bit repetitive) and there’s a modest gallery to unlock, not to mention the cheap price tag – still, there’s no reason to expend a whole lot of effort tracking this one down unless you’re a fan of the anime.
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Night Raid
First off, the aforementioned invincibility mechanic – in similar fashion to the shield in Giga Wing or Mars Matrix you can activate the “Hug Launcher” (a “ghostly” version of your ship that fires in front of you) to give yourself a momentary respite, and as usual it needs a few moments to recharge afterwards. You can forget about absorbing or reflecting bullets, though – not only do you not need to hold the launcher button down (instant activation is nice), but to use the launcher effectively you’ve got to not only target an enemy with it, but “bounce” it between any and all baddies on the screen to make it last longer (and activate a point bonus or two while you’re at it). While supposedly there’s a method to this, most of the time you’ll have just as much success mash-waggling the directional buttons at random. Then there’s the scoring system, which appears at a glance to be a simple “collect stuff bad guys drop” setup. You’ll notice some funky goings-on if you observe the “thermometer” at the left side of the screen, however – as you collect the aforementioned score items it rises, and you gain more points for destroying enemies. Any items you miss that fall off the screen, though, will lower the meter in equal measure, and can even send it into negative territory, causing you to LOSE points when you kill something. The game, thankfully, accommodates, offering three different score tables, “positive,” “negative,” and even a “neutral” one, giving the highest spot to the score closest to zero – unfortunately, there are so many point items onscreen at a given time, along with all the bullets, that collecting or avoiding them is too frequently an exercise in utter chaos.
And then there’s the matter of the port itself – for one thing, the two-player simultaneous option from the arcade version is gone, so you’d best plan on flying solo. Moreover, the controls, quite simply, feel a bit slippery, at least when played on a modded US console or Japanese PS2 – movement just isn’t precise enough to allow you to squeeze into the necessary safe spots consistently. Some attest that playing the game on a genuine Japanese PS1 alleviates this problem, but either way it’s an all but game-breaking problem for everyone else. If not for this issue in particular I wouldn’t mind recommending Night Raid as a “curiosity” pickup for the adventurous, since it’s certainly unique, and not expensive to acquire either – as things stand, though, buyer beware.
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X2: No Relief
Principally a side-scroller, though it will occasionally shift to an overhead vertical perspective, there’s no real scoring system to speak of, though the game tries to make up for it with excessive weaponry. There are LOADS of weapons to collect here (not counting smart bombs), and you can have several of them firing at once – while causing mass destruction is fun in and of itself, not only does this reduce the challenge level (a refillable energy meter is an additional culprit on that front), but makes spotting enemies and their shots a pain in the neck (especially by the end, when your tooled-up arsenal will all but completely block out a good portion of the screen). Add uninspired enemy formations and attack patterns to the mix (even the final boss plays like a broken record) and I’m hard-pressed to recommend this to anyone except those who greatly enjoyed the Amiga shooter scene back in that day – the rest of us are likely to have moved on. If you must have this game the later Japanese release is slightly better-balanced than the PAL version, but it’s also pricier and more elusive.
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Soukyu-gurentai Oubushutsugeki
The hyphen and extra gibberish at the end aren’t the only things that
were added to the PS1 port of Soukyugurentai, one of the premier Saturn
shooter ports – alongside the original arcade game is an Extra mode,
featuring new cutscenes, voice chatter during stages, and an additional
(and overpowered) selectable ship. Unfortunately, along with the new
stuff comes a slight downgrade to both the graphics and the sound, and
more importantly, extra slowdown. In summary, locking onto bunches of
enemies and blasting them to kingdom come is still very much present,
and still fun, but this is definitely not the optimal way to experience
it.In its favor, the game, as on the Saturn, was reprinted and is not very expensive to acquire, so if the PS1 is your only option this is worth picking up – otherwise, even without the system-exclusive song and dance, spring for the Saturn port instead.
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If you strip away the gloss, the game employs a pretty standard setup – you can switch at will between four weapons (which are powered up individually), collect two missile types, drop a bomb if you’re in trouble, and keep an eye out for health meter refills after the fact. You’ll note that I’ve yet to mention the perspective you play from – another key facet of Philosoma’s eye-catching quality back in the day was its constant shifting of the player’s viewpoint, from side-scrolling to overhead to behind-the-ship to angled. Pretty much, if you name it, you’ll probably see a section or two of it in here. It’s neat in its own way, but unfortunately hobbled on a basic level – no matter what perspective you play from, dodging certain enemy attacks is nearly impossible (as is often the case in health-meter shooters), making success largely a matter of conserving enough shielding from other sections to get through the unfair ones. Having your current weapon downsized to square one upon death doesn’t make things any easier. All told, Philosoma is best picked up as a curiosity – or, perhaps, to see one of the few storylines in a shooter worth more than a passing mention.
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Strikers 1945
What goes around comes around, I suppose…while the Playstation
received the superior port of Strikers II (see above), its version of
the original is mired by excessive slowdown, much like II is on the
Saturn. Especially considering how many shooters ended up receiving
nearly identical ports to the two systems, I can’t imagine why the home
releases of these two games turned out the way they did, unless
Atlus/Psikyo had the most schizophrenic porting team the world has ever
known working on them. In any event, while this port is far from
unplayable, get the Saturn equivalent if you can, since there isn’t much
else to distinguish them.Find Strikers 1945 on eBay
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Space Shot and Sanvein
What makes things interesting are 1) the fact that there are no “lives” here, just a time limit, which is decreased if you die, and 2) the absence of any traditional powerups – to give yourself more destructive ability you need to clear out some of the “non-boss” rooms before going for the big guy, so you’ll need to budget your time wisely. It’s a simple setup, but its semi-abstract presentation isn’t bad, and most any conveniences (selectable stage paths, visible enemy life meters) that you might ask for are present, so if you see this one at its expected cheap price it might turn out to be a nice surprise, if its style agrees with you.
Space Shot is something of a composite side-scroller, seemingly cobbled together using spare parts from other shooters – you’ve got a standard pair of gun options that can be moved around your ship or locked in place, a Soukyugurentai-esque lock-on “net,” a Thunder Force V-style “over weapon”, and even a dash maneuver a la Steam Hearts, of all things. A few elements have been tweaked to make them a bit more interesting – most notably, you can use the fiery burst left in your wake after a dash (which lowers your “over meter”) to damage enemies. Doing so repeatedly earns you a point bonus, as does dash-dodging bullets in succession – thankfully, after giving you all this stuff to use, the game includes a Training mode with a handful of exercises to help practice some of the required techniques. Unlike Sanvein, though, the graphics (both in-game and cutscenes) were unimpressive then and look worse now, and the various amenities, though they can be ignored to some extent, tend to get in the way more than they should. It’s hardly the worst shooter you’ll encounter, certainly, but make sure you’ve acquired some of the better stuff for the system first.
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Darius Gaiden
The Darius series’ penultimate game takes up residence on the
Playstation as well as the Saturn, and is pretty much the same, aside
from a different opening cinema. Of course, while this means that the
game’s good points (branching stages, nice graphics and music, the
ability to “capture” midbosses) are all present and accounted for, the
same goes for the bad (a very unforgiving rank system, some
near-unavoidable patterns, difficult recovery after death). For fans of
the series this is definitely a worthy play, especially considering the
smattering of improvements that have been made over previous entries,
though others might find its overall structure a bit too Draconian – one
caveat, though, is that the PS1 version is far rarer than its Saturn
counterpart (or the PC port), and much more expensive as a result. This
edition, as a result, is likely only worth seeking out for collectors,
as it’s far more accessible elsewhere.Find Darius Gaiden on eBay
Sonic Wings Special
That said, there are plenty of levels to see and pilots to take for a spin, so anyone who doesn’t mind one more go at a plain’ ol fighter jet shmup shouldn’t mind the window dressing (or lack thereof) too much, and the relatively cheap price and ready availability work in its favor as well. A warning to European gamers, however – while this title received a late trip into PAL territory in 2004, with the vertical screen option and boss rush mode intact, this version does not allow you to save any data. Aside from the annoyance of having to scratch down your high scores on a scrap of paper, this also means that you won’t be able to keep any unlocked ships – unless the de facto smaller lineup doesn’t bother you, you’ll likely want to hunker down and go for the import instead.
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Sol Divide
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Dezaemon Plus and Kids
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Jaleco CollectionVol. 1
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Space Invaders Variations
In 1999 Space Invaders X, the only entry to get to the US (once again confusingly retitled “Space Invaders” after being relocated), made an appearance – the 3D graphical once-over, while not bad for the time, lacks some personality, but the gameplay has made several notable advances, some of which were carried over into the recent (and excellent) Space Invaders Extreme. There are fewer barriers to block your shots (yes, you’re actually trusted to dodge enemy bullets all by yourself), as well as more enemy varieties (including bosses), special weapons, scoring tactics and a “time attack” element – in short, this is one of the few Invaders releases that truly feels like a step forward rather than a rehash. Also, in case you haven’t played it enough yet, you can unlock the original game, dubbed “Classic Mode” here, but the enhancements present in the main game will almost certainly be the main draw for a majority of players – and rightly so.
As a final note, if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool Invaders nut, you might be interested in the highly obscure Tsuntsun-kumi 3: Kanjivader – this one wasn’t made by Taito, but was put on the market by mega-publisher Kodansha as a teaching tool to help kids learn their kanji. The shooting, obviously, is more or less an afterthought in this product, though its legions of octopods with big pouty lips might be good for a few laughs – otherwise, though, you’re advised to steer clear.
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Atari/Midway Collections
The first two Atari titles feature a total of six games apiece – Collection 1 has Asteroids and Centipede on offer for shooter fans, plus Battlezone, Missile Command and Tempest on the “borderliner” front. Asteroids uses an overhead perspective and allows movement in any direction, but unlike the later Time Pilot doesn’t move the ship forward automatically, requiring “thrust” from the player. Both you and the titular asteroid obstacles (plus the occasional flying saucer) will reappear on the opposite side of the screen if moved over the edge, so use this to your advantage. Centipede is a simple single-screen offering most comparable to Gaplus, since you can move freely within a limited space – of course, you’ll want to do your best to keep the ever-descending centipede out of your territory, along with several other nasty bug types and hard-to-destroy mushroom obstacles. The only shooter on Atari Collection 2 is Millipede (though Gauntlet, Road Blasters, and possibly Paperboy have some shooting semi-characteristics), which plays almost identically to Centipede but adds in exploding DDT canisters which you can shoot and, if you time it right, do some major damage to the bugs with.
Redux, the most expansive of the bunch, packs in a dozen games total (though not all are new), half of which are shooters (including Asteroids and Centipede in a second appearance) and an additional quarter of which (Battlezone, Missile Command, Tempest) are borderliners. New offerings include two Asteroids offshoots, Asteroids Deluxe (which is nearly the same as the original, except that “hyperspace” has been replaces with a shield and a few other minor changes) and Space Duel (which gives you the option to play as two tethered ships, or cooperate or compete with a second player), as well as the Robotron-esque Black Widow, which casts you as a spider blasting bugs which wander onto your web. The most unique game on here is Gravitar – after choosing a planet to conquer you orbit around it, picking off gunpods and snapping up fuel, but you’re constantly being pulled in by the planet’s gravity and must compensate for it. The Williams set, for its part, includes side-scrolling pioneer Defender and its sequel, Stargate (they’re tough enough as it is, but the surprisingly high number of buttons used are enough to make some players cry “uncle”), alongside twin-joystick arena classic Robotron 2084 (which still outperforms its sequel, reviewed elsewhere) and Asteroids evolution (and one of video gaming’s most famous voices) Sinistar. Midway Collection 2 has Splat! (a single-screen “food fight simulator” where you need to collect foodstuffs before lobbing them at enemies) and Moon Patrol (a side-scrolling “drive-em-up” where you jump over potholes and mines, blast rocks in front of you and shoot down enemies above you). Borderliners on tap include Spy Hunter and Blaster.
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Activision Classics and Intellivision Classics
On both collections, several of the included shooters are obviously intended to mimic their successful arcade predecessors – the Activision compilation’s Chopper Command is the most blatant Defender clone, though its companion, Cosmic Commuter, adds some interesting elements, such as picking up and dropping off customers and snagging fuel pods. Plaque Attack is a quirky Space Invaders knockoff, pitting a tube of toothpaste against small groups of evil food particles, defending a set of pearly whites – every other stage you’ll switch from the lower to the upper jaw, and actually shoot downwards, which is unusual if not particularly exciting. MegaMania is similar, except that this time you’ve got a depleting “energy meter” time limit, and have the option to guide your shots. Spider Fighter is a less-crowded Centipede, with a fast pace and fruit to protect, while SeaQuest is a single-screen side-view submarine shooter, where you blast the fish and collect the divers, as well as periodically rise to the surface for air. River Raid, an honest-to-goodness vertscroller, is (understandably) textbook save for the fuel pods you must fly over regularly, though you can shoot them too – River Raid 2 adds in speed and altitude controls, as well as a ground bomb. The most unique of the bunch is Laser Blast, where you control a floating probe and vaporize tanks below, if they don’t do the same to you first – aside from the ability to aim your laser, the coolest part is steering your spiraling vessel into an enemy to exact revenge after being shot down. If you’re interested in borderliners you could try Missile Command knockoff Atlantis, crosshairs shooter Star Master, or trade your gun in for a lasso in Stampede.
Moving on to the Intellivision bunch, Armor Battle is a “tank” game similar to Combat, though the solid walls have been replaced with terrain that will slow you down, and you can now switch control between two tanks, as well as lay mines. Space Armada is an unapologetic copy of Space Invaders, exchanging a smaller screen area for better-animated aliens, though the game becomes unfair even more quickly than the original. Astrosmash takes the aforementioned Invaders and mixes it with Asteroids – stuff falls at you, and can be shot and split apart, though you lose points for anything that manages to hit the ground. Speaking of Asteroids, Space Hawk plays similarly to that, except that you’re a jetpack pilot with a short-range flamethrower, and you’re up against aliens instead of hunks of rock. Then there’s Sharp Shot, a set of 4 shooting-styled “mini-games,” which range from a maze shooter to a football passing game. Other possible semi-shooter choices are strategy hybrids Space Battle and Sea Battle, periscope sim Sub Hunt, heli-bomber Hover Force, trench blaster Star Strike, and perhaps even the “tongue-em-up” Frog Bog – you can also get a gun powerup in the Pac-Man-esque Night Stalker.
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Galaga: Destination Earth
In certain spots you’ll utilize the usual top-down viewpoint, but in others you’ll experience some side-scrolling shenanigans, and elsewhere even switch to a Star Fox-esque behind-the-ship camera. This gimmick by itself is likely enough to drive away many genre fans, though you do still come across the occasional ability to turn the aliens’ own tractor beam against them a la Gaplus, and have the buggers help you out for awhile. There was also a Windows port and a (not recommended) Game Boy Color knock-off if anyone is interested in playing it elsewhere.
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Asteroids and Centipede
Onward, with some trepidation, to Centipede, whose main selling point is the new “Adventure” mode – not only have the graphics been inflated into 3D and a traditional level structure been implemented, but you’ve also got a handful of powerups, the ability to jump, and most notably the freedom to wander through a level at will, turning and shooting in any direction. While this sounds interesting on paper, many of these “enhancements” do more to hobble the experience than help it – you can switch between the traditional top-down view and a behind-the-ship camera, but the former makes the graphics look particularly awful (the cutscenes, before you ask, are similarly low-quality), while the latter opens you up to cheap deaths from behind. The tacked-on platforming elements are also roughly-implemented and frustrating, and the generic techno soundtrack really doesn’t suit the setting. Even those with fond memories of the arcade original from way back when are probably best served by leaving this one well enough alone.
In borderliner territory there was also a PS1 remake of Missile Command – in similar fashion to Centipede it offers you the option of “Original” (basically the same as the arcade game but with upgraded graphics) or “Adventure” mode, which exchanges the gunpods of old for a trio of spaceships (viewed from a behind-the-craft perspective) as well as the ability to purchase special weapons and the like (not to mention the requisite handful of CG scenes). The 3-D window dressing takes a little getting used to, but overall it plays pretty similarly to the “regular” version – point the crosshairs, time the explosions. It hardly replaces its inspiration, but one could definitely do worse. Then there’s the polygonal Robotron retread, Robotron X – the larger arenas give you more space to move around, but also don’t allow you to see the entire area at once (whether in “overhead” or “3D” viewing mode), and there’s no dual-analog control option to replicate the twin-joystick schematic of the arcades. The expected extra weapons and whatnot also make an appearance, but the fact remains that the game simply isn’t as fun as the original – if you absolutely must play Robotron in 3D, go for the improved Nintendo 64 version instead.
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Cotton Original and Cotton 100%
Original, as you might guess, is a port of the first Cotton, which first saw daylight in the arcades – the reproduction is perfect (if bare-bones), but the game itself is mostly unremarkable. You’ve got a shot button and a bomb button (just a “regular” ground bomb mind you, not a screen-filling nuke), fairy options, and a limited stock of chargeable magic spells. The most interesting distractions on offer are the Twinbee-esque ability to shoot powerup crystals to change their properties, and the capability to charge up not only your magic shots but your fairy helpers, via the bomb button, to attack directly – in a tight spot you can even let loose both at once for a super ability. Otherwise, however, most of your deaths will be “where did that come from?” affairs, and the dark, dingy graphics seem startlingly at odds with the light, silly story. While the game originally received a full-price release, it was reprinted twice under the “Simple 1500” label, once by itself and a second time packaged with the puzzler Block Keeper.
Cotton 100%, on the other hand, was originally a Super Famicom exclusive, and also when the series began to embrace the “cute” atmosphere that it largely (and curiously) resisted at first. The colors and atmosphere are brighter, but as before you’ll frequently find yourself struggling to see bullets and enemies, especially when an opaque foreground element blocks your view completely. Some other features, however, have definitely improved – for one thing, you can now select from four “configurations” at the start, a la Gradius II. Each of these gives you three magic shots and three option formations which can be switched between at will, giving the player a bit more variety and freedom than before. Also, your magic is activated by a separate button, so you don’t have to wait for it to charge if you’re in a trouble. Unlike Original, this one was only released on the “Superlite” label, though it’s similarly lacking in extras…including a high score save.
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Stahlfeder and Air Grave
AirGrave adds a few more trimmings to the basic shooter formula of its predecessor – there are now mission briefings and story segments between stages, as well as voice acting during both the cutscenes and actual gameplay, plus the addition of some set-value point medals for scoring purposes. The biggest change is the introduction of separate ground and above-ground planes – while a single button fires both your air- and land-based weapons, you’ve got to aim them separately to hit targets on each level. You also have a lock-on, which can target several earthbound enemies at once in a limited area – as you’d expect, more targets equal more points, so you’ve got at least a bit of score attacking to be done. Neither of these games is particularly awful, but neither is anything to write home about either – more or less the definition of “mediocre.” They’re far from the worst things you’ll ever play, but don’t spend time looking for them unless you’ve already exhausted most of the rest of the system’s library, especially seeing as both make rather infrequent appearances on the market.
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Aside from the somewhat odd pseudo-Oriental setting (made even weirder by the selection of sound effects) there’s not much to set the game apart from the crowd – it’s also not very challenging once you’ve learned the layout of the stages, so it might be worth a try if you’re looking for an easy one-credit clear. Collector types (probably the only ones with a truly genuine interest in this) will want to sniff out a copy which still includes a poster.
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Meta-Ph-List Gamma X 2297
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Gunbird/Mobile Light Force
Not only have some character’s names been changed, the art gallery been nixed, high score saving been disabled, and all story segments, including the endings, completely cut out (where you’d normally see some dialogue, there’s just an awkward pause), but the game was inexplicably renamed “Mobile Light Force” and graced with a completely unrelated, Charlie’s Angels-esque cover image. Even more hilariously, at the same time the company brought over (and butchered almost as badly) Shikigami no Shiro, a completely separate game on the PS2, and had the gall to dub it “Mobile Light Force 2”, even re-using the exact same ludicrous box art. While the company has largely atoned for these debacles with its more recent Shikigami localizations, it doesn’t make those early efforts any more worth buying, unless you’re looking for an exceedingly depressing laugh or two. You’ve been warned.
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Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Well, the cover art has been changed around, but this side-scrolling
take on Macross’s 15th-Anniversary big-screen appearance is otherwise
identical to its Saturn sibling. The anime cutscenes still look great
(perhaps even a bit better on the PS1), but the gameplay, unfortunately,
is also untouched, featuring a bulky onscreen avatar, short levels, and
rather mind-numbing goings-on overall (just charge and release the
micro-missiles and 90 percent of the time your troubles are over). As
before, this one is worth getting only either for fans or on the cheap –
also take note that, as on the Saturn, the game is split up into two
discs, which must be switched at the halfway point to continue. If
you’re using a boot disc or other such method to play the game on a
non-native system you might have trouble continuing past the switch
point as a result, so keep that in mind as well.Find Macross: Do You Remember Love? on eBay
Cho Aniki
Aside from the different cover images (not like anyone would have
much trouble identifying this title in the first place), the 32-bit Cho
Aniki entry is pretty much the same here as it is on the Saturn –
unfortunately, that means a second helping of cheesy digitized graphics,
dull enemy layouts, bosses that take an eternity to die, and huge,
hard-to-maneuver characters. Oh, and a whole lotta dudes in bikini
briefs. It’s definitely as wacky a shooter as you could care to find in
terms of its overall ambience (if you could even call it that), but on
technical merits it scores poorly on almost every front. As with many
PS1 shooters, however, it did get a reprint, so if you want this title
come hell or high water it might be easier to track down on Sony’s
system.Find Cho Aniki on eBay
Super Dropzone – Intergalactic Rescue Mission
Fast-forward almost eight years after the game’s original release, and PAL territories receive a budget port of Super Dropzone for the PS1 – as you might expect from a release of this nature not much has been changed or enhanced from the 16-bit original, but unfortunately one of the downsides of the switch to CD-based media is present and accounted for, namely load times. Long ones, too. Additionally, some fans of the first Dropzone feel that the control is a bit clunkier than it used to be, though obviously this isn’t a “traditional” scrolling shooter to begin with. For the price this isn’t the worst pickup you could happen across, but it’s certainly not among the system’s elite either.
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Strike Force Hydra
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PD Ultraman Invaders and SD Gundam Over Galaxian
About a year later the equally-indomitable “Gundam” anime property decided to jump on the same license-borrowing bandwagon, though it determined to piggyback on Namco’s Galaxian instead. Again, the basic gameplay is pretty much the same deal as the arcade original (except for some extra weaponry and an occasional boss), and as in Ultraman you can switch between the “classic” top-down view and a third- or first-person camera if you’re feeling adventurous (or goofy). For the fans, there’s a bunch of cinema scenes and an extra “G-Changer” mode as well as another (single-screen this time) two-player offering, but not a heck of a lot for most others, especially considering how short and unchallenging this game (in the same manner as PD Ultraman) is. You’ve already heard this axiom trumpeted elsewhere, but unfortunately I’ll have to put it forth again – these two games are for fans of the original series only.
TRL – The Rail Loaders
Tukai! Slot Shooting
If you didn’t already read the write-up on the Saturn version of this
game in the corresponding article then you’ve almost certainly never
heard of this game – pretty much anything you’d need to know about it is
already there, as the Playstation port is identical, but if you’d
prefer a short summary in lieu of a click or two, here it is. The game
is basically a cross between Space Invaders, a Puyo-esque puzzler, and a
slot machine – as crabs of various hues fall from above, you move
around and try to shoot three in a row of the same color to start the
slots at the top spinning. Eventually, it will award you with a bonus
item, which will rotate between several colors – shoot it, and every
matching crab on the screen will disappear. It’s an unusual concept, but
movement is on the clunky side and luck tends to play more of a role
than it should in how things end up (though I suppose that should go
without saying in any title with “slot” in the title). Basically, unless
you’re obsessed with Japanese quirkiness this one’s probably not worth
Each character can also fill a super meter and unleash offensive or defensive specials, as well as pick up occasional speed or weapon powerups – this hybrid will be too unwieldy for many, but if you’re not afraid of the occasional imperfect oddball in your collection you might want to keep an eye out. If you’re interested in other puzzle games with a bit of shooter flavor you might also want to look for Finger Flashing, Toko Toko Trouble and Vermin Kids, but as with Calcolo they’re something of an acquired taste and are not particularly easy to find.
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