Thunder Force 4

Force 4 aka Lightening Force [sic] is a strong contender for the title
of best Genesis/Mega Drive shooter. This is Techno Soft’s third entry of
the series for this console (and the last sprite-based one). Like the
previous Thunder Force you can chose the order you play the first stages
in. The power up system also references the third game, you start out
with two basic weapons which you can upgrade and slots for other weapons
that can be picked up. Techno Soft once again weaves some developer
magic to create the game’s visuals, which are stunning to say the least.
If you want to show off how great the Genesis/Mega Drive can look, here
is the game to demo. Another aspect of Thunder Force 4 that makes it a
great shooter is the soundtrack. Unlike other Genesis/Mega Drive shooter
gems (M.U.S.H.A., Eliminate Down), Thunder Force 4 will not cost you an
arm and leg to own, copies go for a relatively affordable amount
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Eliminate Down

Down stands among the best of the Genesis/Mega Drive shumps. The game
is only available as a very high priced import. It is developed by an
obscure company called Aprinet and published by another unknown company
called Soft Vision. The developers here managed to create a game that is
a gem on Sega’s platform and an essential title to play for any shmup
Eliminate Down is comprised of eight levels. The game scrolls
horizontally and features a graphically detailed sci-fi setting. In fact
the visuals are one of the first noticeable features about the game.
The graphics sport a high degree of detail, especially by Genesis
standards. The gameplay is fast and the difficulty is high, but not
impossible. Eliminate Down shines by having constant action, creative
mini-bosses and bosses on every stage, and a good soundtrack.
Eliminate Down does not rip off from its predecessors, but instead
manages to conjure up major fights and attacks that feel fresh and
interesting. The only criticisms that one might have are against an
annoying sprite flicker that can occur when the action heats up and that
some of the sound effects can get aggravating after hearing them for
over twenty minutes. These minor points aside, Eliminate Down epitomizes
the term “rare gem” and should be discovered and enjoyed by any shooter
Shop for Eliminate Down on eBay

often ranks high on top lists for Genesis/Mega Drive shooters. The game
has a strong reputation which it earns through great sound, graphics,
and gameplay. The English title is actually an acronym for Metallic
Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor. It a vertical scrolling game with seven
levels and a solid soundtrack; M.U.S.H.A. itself is a part of the Aleste
series by Compile (hence its original Japanese name, “Musha Aleste”).
You play a character in a mech (as opposed to a space ship) with the
ability to pick up smaller ships to accompany you as power-ups. These
smaller ships can take damage for you and fire in a variety of methods.
This game is beautiful and it plays great. M.U.S.H.A. is a must-play
game for any shooter fan and anyone looking to experience one of the
best titles on Sega’s console. If you are looking for a copy of the game
to add to your collection it will cost you. The original cart is rare
and goes for high price (always near the top of
our Rarest & Most Valuable Genesis/MegaDrive list)
when it is put up for sale, especially a CIB copy. However, if you want
to own the classics of the Genesis/Mega Drive shooter library,
M.U.S.H.A. is required title.
Shop for M.U.S.H.A. on eBay
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Thunder Force 3

complaints that people often have with Genesis games versus Super
Nintendo usually involve criticizing the sound and graphics. Technosoft
proved themselves to be magicians with Sega’s console and with Thunder
Force 3 they delivered a game that graphically and aurally rivals most
SNES games. This game is among the best on the system and one of
Technosoft’s top works. What makes the game succeed is how polished
virtually every aspect of it is. The visuals in the game are among the
Genesis/Mega Drive’s finest; there are graphical effects here that you
will not see in any other Genesis title. Gameplay is smooth (I can’t
emphasize that enough) and the bosses are big. The game is challenging,
but does not get frustrating. A bit of practice and patience is all it
takes to win. Thunder Force 3 is arguably one of, if not the best,
shooters on the console. It is highly recommended and an essential title
to own for any Genesis shmup collection.
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Steel Empire

Empire is a Genesis shmup with a good amount of character. It handles
all the necessary gaming aspects very competently; controls, pacing,
sound, and graphics. What sets this title apart from the rest is the
unique choice of color palette and art style. This game was steam-punk
before steam-punk was cool and the graphics have a rusted look to them
(which, by the way, is not a criticism). Steel Empire has seven stages
of horizontal scrolling; to get through them you have a choice of a
zeppelin or an airplane which is basically a dichotomy of
slow-with-a-lot-of-health versus fast-with-less-life. Steel Empire is
solid throughout, the art style, unique design of the levels, and
enemies make the game stand out above the typical space ship or fighter
plane shmup fare. The game can get tough at times, but thanks to the
inclusion of a health bar Steel Empire keeps itself from getting
“Gradius hard” which make this game a shmup worth checking out.
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Shop for Thunder Force 3 on

/ Wings of Wor is a hectic rapid fire shooting game that, at times,
feels like a bullet hell title. You play a winged character who flies
horizontally through the levels, similar to side-scrolling levels from
Legendary Wings on the NES. The game consists of six stages with a
healthy dose of enemies and big end bosses. The power-ups system is not
overly complex, one color orb gives you a wider shot and another makes
those shots stronger, You can also collect bombs which will be vital to
surviving some of the harder levels. The game has unique enemies on
every area and some great effects like a rocking effect that can give
you vertigo. Overall, this is another great shooter that fits in well to
any shooter collection. Thankfully, obtaining a copy will not cost arm
and leg, the game is fairly affordable.
Shop for Gynoug on eBay

is a title that never had a release outside of Japan until Nintendo
brought it to the virtual console in 2008. The game is good and
definitely worth owning due to the fact that it is very playable despite
the language barrier (and like many popular retro imports, an original
cart will cost you). The game starts with a great cut scene introducing
the player to the main character; you are a young girl on a mission to
save your father. You commandeer the best ship you can find and you’re
on your way. There is nothing here that is revolutionary, but it’s a fun
game. You have two orbs that accompany you and can behave in a manner
that you define at the beginning of the level. The game has nice levels
and two endings depending on whether or not you can save dad on the last
stage. Another solid entry to the Genesis/Mega Drive library of
Shop for Gley Lancer on eBay
Elemental Master

arguably had their best years making Genesis/Mega Drive games. While
not as well known as the Thunder Force series, Elemental Master stands
as a worthy addition to their catalog of games. For this title the
developers decided to break away from the science fiction themes of
Thunder Force and Herzog Zwei and instead draw upon fantasy elements for
the game’s visuals. Elemental Master is a top-down shmup where you
control Laden, a sorcerer trying to stop the evil King Gyra. The game
opens up with an impressive cutscene which lays the foundation for the
plot. It is revealed in a twist that the game’s antagonist is none other
than your own brother, possessed by darkness.
The player takes control of the game after the introduction. The
first half of the game is broken down into four selectable stages, each
representing an element and a corresponding power-up that is gained
after the level’s boss is defeated. The default weapon available at the
beginning of the game is a standard parallel two-beam shooter. Unlike
many other shmups all the different weapons are permanent and cannot be
lost once gained. The four elemental power-ups can be charged up to
release an explosive blast; the main default weapon becomes chargeable
after the first four stages are completed, which gives the player the
game’s most powerful weapon. Other helpful items are scattered
throughout the journey including shields, multiple shot, and energy to
replenish your health bar.
The gameplay involves you controlling Laden by moving in any
direction on a vertical scrolling map. The levels are designed to look
like different landscapes, each offering various non-lethal obstacles
(and, of course, tons of bad guys). Laden can fire any selected weapon
up or down. Graphically Elemental master does not shine as brightly as
Techno Soft’s other two shmup masterpieces, Thunder Force 3 or 4, but it
does not trail them by much. The bosses are huge and the game’s
soundtrack is among the Genesis’ best. Some may say the game is too easy
and I agree, unless the game catches you sleeping you won’t have too
much difficulty navigating through. Difficulty is still balanced pretty
evenly and increases mostly on the last three stages; everything flows
well enough that it never gets boring.
The US version of Elemental Master was published by Renovation. It’s
a great addition to any shmup or Genesis collection. The game is not
too uncommon and copies can be picked up on the cheap. Also Japanese
copies of the game seem to be almost as abundant as their US
counterparts; being a shooter with little Japanese text in the actual
game, Elemental Master had a good number of copied imported when it was
released in Japan.
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Super Fantasy Zone

you are a fan of the classic Sega franchise Fantasy Zone then you are
in luck, unless you live in North America. Super Fantasy Zone is a
16-bit entry into this classic Sega series, the game received a release
in Japan and Europe, but not North America. Nintendo rectified this by
releasing it for the Wii’s virtual console in 2008. If you are familiar
with how Fantasy Zone plays, there will be no surprises here. The game
lets you roam freely left or right, like Defender, and it features
bright colorful graphics. Like its predecessors there are shops that can
be found throughout the levels that gives you temporary upgrades.
Unless you count Keio Flying Squadron on the Sega CD, Super Fantasy Zone
is the best option available for a bright colorful shooter on the
Shop for Super Fantasy Zone on eBay

is horizontal shmup released stateside by Renovation. Among the large
amount of Genesis shooters, Gaiares rests relatively high among the
bunch. The developers had no problem using the console’s color palette
to generate some excellent looking visuals. This is highlighted in the
boss fights at the end of the game’s eight stages. Each one is massive
and fills up a good portion of the screen.
What really sets Gaiares apart is the power up system. Following your
ship is a Gradius-like option, but unlike Gradius you can launch it at
an enemy and gain their unique type of firepower; repeated launches into
the same enemy equals a more powerful version of said weapon. Gaiares
is not easy, it’ll give any gamer a good challenge and will probably not
be completed on the first playthrough. The game is not uncommon and can
be tracked down relatively easily but a CIB version, while not as
pricey as some import Mega Drive shmups, might require a bit of extra
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Truxton (known as Tatsujin in Japan) was an early release for the
Genesis/Mega Drive, hitting shelves not long after the debut of the
console. It is an arcade port that I remember being one of the games
used in European advertisements to show off how much more advanced the
Genesis/Mega Drive was over the 8-bit NES. The game still looks great
and it will ooze nostalgia to anyone who paid attention to Sega’s 16-bit
console in its early days. It’s not the best-looking game on the
console anymore, but that’s excusable due to the fact that it was an
early release and based off of an arcade game. Even though all
Genesis/Mega Drive shooters are technically retro and old school,
Truxton feels a bit more classic than then the rest. The game comes
highly recommended to anyone that enjoys old school shooters with an
arcade feel. The arcade-exclusive (save the Japan-only FM Towns computer
system) sequel is great too.
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Raiden Trad

is a classic shooter franchise. As of this writing it spans four
official releases and various spinoffs. Raiden Trad is a modified
version of the first arcade game released for the SNES and Genesis/Mega
Drive. The game is not a visual masterpiece, but Raiden is a franchise
that has a standard of quality among shooters; this entry in the series
helps to establish it. There are eight vertically-scrolling stages that
move along at a slow to medium pace. Raiden Trad lacks the fast-paced
rush some shooters can give you, but that’s perfectly fine. There are
two types of weapons to upgrade and (of course) large, devastating
bombs. Like Truxton, this is an old school game that feels a bit older
still than the rest of its contemporaries. The best part about it is
that if you want to own a copy it rather common and affordable!
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Bio Hazard Battle

Hazard Battle starts by letting you pick one of four “ships” to play.
They all seem modeled after something aquatic, in fact the whole game’s
aesthetic features a biological/oceanic theme which makes it visually
unique among the typical ‘space ship in space’ shooter. The game overall
is good, if not great. The uniqueness of the enemies and the stages is
what puts it a notch above other such shooters. The four ships each have
advantages and disadvantages over the other ones and there are plenty
of power ups to find throughout the game’s eight stages. Bio Hazard
Battle (or its more oddly-named Japanese edition, “Crying”) is common to
come across and fits in well with any shooter collection.
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Sub Terrania

Terrania is a shooter with a twist to the usual horizontal and vertical
scrolling. The game gives you free range to move, but it also imposes
heavy restrictions on you. Mainly, you have to manage your fuel. Each
stage has a set of goals that does not necessarily just consist of
killing a boss, often times you will find yourself rescuing hostages a
la Choplifter. If you are craving a typical on-rails shooter where you
only have to worry about dodging and shooting, Sub Terrania will get
very frustrating very fast. If, however, you have an idea of what you
are getting into and you take the time to master the thrust mechanic Sub
Terrania can be a very fun game.
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Team is a defunct game developer that had was quite prolific during the
Genesis/Mega Drive years. Thanks to publisher Renovation, gamers
outside of Japan were able to play some of their great titles (as well
as great games by other Eastern developers). This may be a point of
contention, but neither Wolf Team nor Renovation had their name on many
games that would be considered classics or must-haves for Sega’s 16-bit
They were, however, two great companies that brought over a lot of
good games that helped the Genesis/Mega Drive stand out from its
competitors and expand its library to include unique games found nowhere
else. Now, Granada is one of those games. It does not have the legacy
that Sonic or Zelda has, but it’s downright fun. This game is not a
typical scrolling shooter, but instead it plays like a twin stick
shooter before consoles could do twin stick. You can roam freely on the
stage and your goal is to kill the bad guys and the things that spawn
them (not unlike Gauntlet). You fire in the direction you’re facing and
you can hold a button down to continue firing in that direction while
moving in different ones. This is how the game creates its twin stick
feel. The game is not a system-seller, but Granada is great mindless
shooting and definitely worth playing.
Shop for Granada on eBay

you made a three-category list of Genesis shmups which included best,
middle, and worst, Verytex would likely be at the top of the middle
list. There is nothing wrong here; Verytex is a pretty vanilla shmup
developed by Operahouse and published by Asmik which never saw a release
outside of Japan. It has some things going for it, but in contrast to
the Genesis’ hefty shmup catalog it fails to shine too bright.
The game is comprised of six vertically-scrolling stages. The
graphics are decent and its soundtrack ranks slightly above average.
There are three weapon types, missiles and shield power ups, nothing too
extravagant. The one issue with the game that can cause frustration is
inconsistent difficulty and a few cheap shots that will be thrown at
you. For example, in some levels of the game enemies will spawn behind
you with no warning, killing any player hugging the bottom of the
screen. Some levels are simple and can be beaten on the first try while
others may take a few attempts. The part that really amps the
difficulty, of course, is the end boss. On its last incarnation the
final enemy goes into nightmare mode and becomes a series of eyes
shooting non-stop heat-seeking fire and fast moving lasers that can hit
almost every inch of the screen. The game does not allow you to continue
where you died, but instead at mid-points in the level; the final boss
is no exception.
These faults don’t break the game, Verytex is worth playing and if
you are going to spend the money on an import shmup for your Genesis,
Eliminate Down would be a better choice, but if you already own that
Verytex makes a good addition to a Genesis collection.
Shop for Verytex on eBay
Slap Fight

Fight (also known as Alcon) might have some value to collectors since
it was only released in Japan. This game, released by Tengen for the
Genesis/Mega Drive, feels very much like an arcade game (which should be
no surprise because it is a port of one). Slap Fight is a vertical
shooting shooter that will look a bit aged on the Genesis when you
compare it to other games released at the time. The power up method
appears borrowed from Gradius, but the game does offer some nice things
beyond that, like having multiple ships attach to you in a Galaga-like
fashion. Similar to Raiden Trad, Slap Fight does not visually blow you
away, but it does capture that arcade feel that shooters developed
specifically for consoles just don’t have. It’s not a handicap for those
other games, just a different type of gaming experience. If that
statement makes sense and you enjoy that arcade feel replicated on a
console, Slap Fight will be worth your time.
Shop for Slap Fight on eBay
Sagaia is decent shooter that is faithful to the Darius series
(except for the name of the game; for some reason “Darius 2” didn’t cut
it for the title of the game so it was renamed. The same anomaly
occurred for “Lightening Force”). For Sagaia you get to choose your
path after each level which gives the game a lot of replay value. The
levels all branch off from the previous ones; you can finish the game
without having seen most of it. If you ever played the arcade game this
is based off of you will miss the massive letter boxed screen, but if
you don’t have that as a point of reference Sagaia is a fun and very
challenging game. In typical Darius fashion the robotic fish themes are
littered through each level. The game falls short of the brilliance that
the 32-bit Darius games are, but it’s still a good title to play.
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Dangerous Seed

Seed is an arcade game developed and published by Namco that was ported
to the Mega Drive for a Japanese-only release. The console version
deviates from its arcade counterpart a bit, but it still manages to
bring an arcade feel to the system; something that the large Genesis’
shmup library doesn’t have too much of. The game is long, it’s comprised
of 12 levels at about a medium difficulty. Dangerous Seed uses an
interesting ship mechanic where at different stages you get another ship
attached to your own which (depending on how you arrange them) affects
how you fire. They also each have a health bar.
Most of the enemies are the same with little derivation. The various
bosses are big and usually their most lethal attack is them quickly
lunging at you, not a spread of bullets. Overall this is a good little
import shooter for the Mega Drive. It falls short of great by being a
bit monotonous and graphically average, yet really never fails anywhere
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Master of Weapon

of Weapon (Taito’s error, not mine!) is yet another Japan-only shooter.
The game is an arcade title made by Taito. It features a gun and bomb
mechanic similar to Xevious where you have one weapon that can only hit
aerial enemies and one solely for ground units. Unlike Xevious, the game
is fast-paced. The graphics range from average to good and the
difficulty is solid. The boss fights can drag a bit which can result in a
loss of interest for those with short attention spans. Otherwise, it’s a
solid vertical shooter with a good arcade feel.
Shop for Master of Weapons on eBay
Twinkle Tale

Tale is a free-roaming shooter that some people might say is not a real
shmup. Regardless of how you make the distinction, this game will
satisfy your urge to gun down 16-bit enemies. Twinkle Tale looks great
on the Mega Drive and its gameplay makes me think of Elemental Master,
but with less restrictive movement. Every stage in the game is diverse
and forces you to navigate through various rooms and environments; it is
not on-rails so you will not be forced to constantly move vertically or
horizontally. Twinkle Tale manages to keep itself interesting
throughout each stage; one level even has platforming elements (minus
the jumping) in a scenic sky setting. Twinkle Tale never got a release
outside of Japan (but it did receive a fan translation) and it can get
rather pricey for import copies.
Shop for Twinkle Tale on eBay - couldnt find
Shop for Twinkle Tale on - couldnt find
Whip Rush

that has a healthy Genesis collection most likely has a few Renovation
titles floating around. They were a great publisher that provided a
variety of niche titles to the Genesis crowd. Whip Rush is one of the
shmups they brought stateside. The game is comprised of seven
mostly-horizontal scrolling levels: by “mostly” I mean the game does not
always move left to right, some parts of the level will scroll down
into a body of water, or in every cardinal direction through a
labyrinth-like stage. The presentation features average Genesis-caliber
graphics that appear cartoony at some points due to (what I imagine is
an intentional) lack of detail. The sound effects show the worst side of
the Genesis’ sound capabilities; they can get irritating fast, usually
when the ship is firing. In typical shooter fashion there are a few
different shot types that can be powered up by getting the same type
repeatedly. Having a weapon that can fire behind you is essential to
beating the game. Whip Rush also has one of the most varied speed
controls I have ever seen in a shmup
Criticisms aside this is a competent little shooter that does little
wrong. There is an effort by the developers that shows in the game, from
the initial cut scene to the ending. The boss fights may irate some due
to the bosses having a hitbox that has limited exposures, but there are
more than a few innovative and difficult challenges to be found there.
Whip Rush may be generic, but it definitely has its charm and is worth
checking out.
Shop for Whip Rush on eBay
Shop for Whip Rush on

features the Greco-Roman God Apollo flying on Pegasus in attempt to
save his significant other, the goddess Artemis. This is a vertical
scrolling shooter that isn’t bad in the slightest. It is reminiscing of
Legendary Wings, at least the portions of it where the character(s) are
scrolling vertically. Phelios is a port of an arcade game of the same
name released by Namco. This is from an era when the arcades were still
ahead of console hardware, so it’s no surprise that the port lacks the
graphics and details of its arcade counterpart. Phelios loosely bases
itself off of mythology for it visual themes and style. And despite the
game’s graphics falling short of the arcade version, this Genesis/Mega
Drive title is still nice looking game with a good amount of color. For
the price this usually demands (not much) Phelios is worth adding to a
shmup collection.
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Battle Mania 2 / Battle Mania Daiginjō

Mania Daiginjō is the sequel to Trouble Shooter (as it is known outside
of Japan) and it’s a game that never left Japan which is a shame
because it is much better than its predecessor. Like it’s prequel you
don’t play as a ship or airplane, but as a person (or persons) flying
through the air and shooting. This setup and its mix of
both horizontal and vertical scrolling gives the player a good change of
pace from more traditional shmups. The controls are very responsive
and tight and the game has solid pacing throughout. Because of its more
unique play structure, it is a bit of a cult classic within the
Japanese Megadrive library.
Shop for Battle Mania Daiginjo 2 on eBay

you enjoy retro shooters and importing games (assuming you are not
Japanese) owning a Genesis/Mega Drive could be a very rewarding
experience. Curse is yet another shooter that never saw the light of day
outside of Japan. This game sits right on the bell curve for me in
regards to Genesis/Mega Drive shooters. Some of the visuals are nice and
it’s not broken, but it feels a bit sluggish. Your ship does have a
shield (aka energy bar) that reduces frustration when you make a
careless mistake. Overall, the parallax scrolling is nice eye candy and
if you are looking to grow your gaming collection you could do a lot
worse than Curse.
Shop for Curse on eBay
Aero Blasters

Blasters is a game developed and published by Kaneko. It is an
above-average shmup that was ported from the arcade (where it was known
as “Air Buster”) to both the Genesis and Turbografx. Of the two console
versions the Genesis has the better graphics; in fact the game looks
great all around. Kaneko managed to take advantage of the Genesis’ color
palette and made a shmup that is as colorful as some Super Nintendo
The game is a basic side-scroller. It features a limited number of
power-ups that really contribute little, the one main fault of the game
in my opinion. The stages are varied, starting in a beautiful metropolis
(which you watch get decimated) and ends in a fortress. Aero Blasters
features plenty of the dodging and shooting you’d expect, Kaneko did,
however, add some variety to keep the player interested, though not
everyone will agree with all of their choices. On stage two the play
will be forced to move at full blast-processing speed through a variety
of corridors that take twitch reflexes or memorization to navigate
through. Stages three and four change the game physics to mimic zero
gravity, and stage six has Ikaruga-like maze elements.
This game is worth checking out if you are going to explore the
Genesis’ shmup library. It’s a competent game that offers a good
challenge without getting frustrating. While everyone may not agree
about Aero Blasters being a great game, few shmup fans will call it a
bad one.
Shop for Air Buster on eBay
Shop for Air Buster on
Undead Line

Line is a tough game that plays a lot like Elemental Master. This is
yet another title to add to the list of Japan-only shooters for the Mega
Drive. You can choose the order you play the stages in and each level
has its own motif, a cemetery, forest, etc. There is a mid-boss and end
boss for each stage along with a variety of chests containing power ups
to help you out (like a very valuable shield). The game doesn’t look too
bad and the end bosses are typically huge (although they often lack a
significant amount of animation). The game will require practice to
beat due to the fact that it can difficult at times. If you are not
interested in hard gameplay there are difficulty adjustments in the
options. Undead Line is a good title that falls short of being great.
It’s a good game to own, but only if the price is reasonable.
Shop for Undead Line on eBay
Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation

Trail began as an arcade game by Data East and was ported to the
Genesis/Mega Drive by Telenet Japan. Renovation saw fit to bring the
title stateside. The console port is faithful to the arcade; the game
itself is a vertical shooter that puts the player in the cockpit of one
of three different fighter planes. Vapor Trail is a competent game and a
fun shooter that features a power-up system based on four weapon types
and a shield which takes the place of a bomb that is used in many
shooters. Strangely, the game got a sequel in the form of a horizontal
mech shooter that was released to the arcade, PSX, and Sega Saturn
called Wolf Fang: Kuhga 2001. Following that the series went back to
vertical shooting with another sequel called Skull Fang.
Shop for Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation on eBay

as the name suggests, is one of the more difficult games on this list,
but it’s also one of the most under-appreciated The name references the
most powerful weapon that you have at your disposal, but it might as
well be an ode to how tough the game can be, especially in the later
levels. Initially a port of Toaplan’s arcade version, Hellfire holds up
very well even to this day. It’s one of the better-looking and sounding
games on this list, despite being released in 1990, and it retains the
same solid gameplay that made it a popular arcade title in the late
80’s. What sets it apart from many shmups is the shooting mechanic,
which allows you to choose one of four directions (forward, backward,
vertical, four-way diagonal) to shoot in with the press of a button, and
it works very well. It’s not one of the most well-known Genesis titles
out there, but it’s worth a look, especially if you’ve played the rest.
If you can find a CIB version, you can expect to pay at least $40.
Shop for Hellfire on eBay
Shop for Hellfire on
Forgotten Worlds

Worlds is an arcade game by Capcom that got a port to a variety of
consoles. The game does not follow the traditional shooter formula. You
can play a one or two-player game, the two playable characters are beefy
unnamed tough guys armed with BFGs. The gamplay for Forgotten Worlds is
unique due to how you fire. Your gun can be powered up with several
upgrades, but you don’t just fire forward in this horizontally scrolling
game. Two of the gamepad buttons will allow the character to rotate
themselves in a circular motion thus changing the direction they fire.
One button rotates right and the other to the left. Upgrades can be
bought in shops that appear throughout the levels. Forgotten Worlds is
fun game, though the transition from the arcade’s twin-stick mechanics
to the Genesis pad might be too much to overcome for some. If you can
get comfortable with the rotating shooting mechanic there is a very
enjoyable gaming experience here.
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Fire Mustang

Mustang is a port of the arcade game USAAF Mustang released by Taito
exclusively for Japan. The game is a side-scroller that takes place
during WWII. The game takes some liberties with its history, but most
people don’t play 2-D shooters for a history lesson. Oddly enough, this
Japanese-developed game put you in command of a US Air Force P-51
Mustang, you fly horizontally through the game fighting off the Germans
and Japanese. Shooting consists firing a direct shot forward (or
multiple forward shots depending on your accumulated power-ups) and
bombs that will fall to the ground. The game is competent and worth
playing if it can be found for a reasonable price. If you are going to
import only one shooter for the console, this wouldn’t be the top
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Fire Shark

This is another Toaplan game that made its way to the Genesis/Mega
Drive. Fire Shark is a sequel for the shooter Sky Shark (an arcade game
ported to a variety of platforms). One way to imagine Fire Shark is like
Truxton if it had a WWI theme; the games have a very similar feel to
them. Fire Shark is not incredibly difficult, but you do have to be
careful since your airplane can only take one hit. Luckily, Fire Shark
got a multi-regional release and it can be bought for a reasonable price
tag online. The title comes recommended for that reason to collectors,
if you are looking for a decent shooter for a rainy day you could do a
lot worse.
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Battle Squadron

can look at some games and know right away that they are Amiga games.
EA was kind enough to bring a handful of PC/Amiga games to the
Genesis/Mega Drive and Battle Squadron is one of them. Like many Amiga
games this was not developed by a Japanese development team, but a
Western one. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but anyone who has
played a good variety of shmups will be able to immediately feel the
difference between a Western-made shooter and an Eastern one. This is
not the best shooter for the Genesis/Mega Drive, but it is unique. It is
difficult to find this kind of shooter experience on a console and for
that reason alone Battle Squadron is worth owning, especially if you are
a fan of games along the lines of Tyrian.
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Twin Hawk

more Toaplan! If you have played Truxton and/or Fire shark you will be
right at home with this shooter. Twin Hawk is a WWII-themed shmup
developed by Toaplan and released by Taito. It was originally an arcade
game that got a Mega Drive release for Europe and Japan (not North
America, unfortunately). Like 1942 you play as a warplane that is in
charge of decimating waves of enemies. Unlike 1942 all of your foes
consist of tanks and boats. This is a unique feature of the game that
isn’t a fault, it’s just a bit odd compared to the plethora of other
WWII-themed shooter. Another unique feature of the game is that instead
of having a bomb, you call upon additional planes to fly with you and
shoot at whatever is in front of them. They are pretty weak overall and
similar to the stone centurions you can free in Kid Icarus with the
mallet. Still it is an interesting way to do a special attack. The game
is not exceptional, but a good title for any shooter or Toaplan fan;
since it is not highly priced, it’s a welcome addition to any shooter
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Bio-ship Paladin

Paladin, or “Gunship Gomora”, was released in 1991 on the Mega Drive, a
year after it had made its debut in the arcades. It’s a pretty standard
shmup in most regards, with the story revolving around the attempted
destruction of a city by a fleet going by the name of the Aggressors.
It’s your job to pilot the Paladin and stop the alien horde over ten
levels. You control a standard gun which fires directly in front of you,
but you also get a second weapon that can be used with a crosshairs for
more accurate shooting, and a laser which is accessed by holding down
the shoot button. The difficulty of the game is lessened a little bit by
the power-ups that are available, including enhancements to your armor,
which also increases your ship size, speed boosts and attachable
weapons. The game looks good, with colors that really pop and stand out,
and while the audio is mostly forgettable, it never gets on your
nerves. Multiplayer is also available, with two players working together
or competing against each other for points. The framerate slows down at
times when there’s a lot going on, but for the most part, it runs quite
smoothly. If you can find a copy, it comes recommended.
Shop for Bio-ship Paladin on eBay

is not a bad game, but it is a “meh” shmup for the Genesis. The game
was brought to the states by Renovation and made by Wolfteam. For Sega’s
consoles it exists in three versions, the cartridge, the Sega CD, and
the Mega CD (the latter two bearing the name “Sol-Feace”). The cartridge
version is a port of the CD version and the Western and Japanese
version differ from each other mostly in sound. The voiceovers are done
in accordance to the region’s particular language, but for some reason
the makers of the Sega CD version did not use the CD for some of the
sound effects that the Mega CD did; there are bits of the game in the
Japanese CD version that produce sharper and better audio effects as
opposed to Sega CD version which got its sound effects from the Genesis
console. This aside the game is an alright seven-level horizontal shmup.
The power ups are weak and the graphics okay. If you have access to a
Sega CD definitely get that version if you are going to give the game a
go, the saving grace of this title is the soundtrack. Sol-Deace feature
some of my favorite game tunes with some really standout tracks. And
luckily for the game, a shmup with a great soundtrack gains a lot more
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Trouble Shooter

Shooter stars two young heroines, Madison and Crystal as they attempt
to stop the bad guys and rescue a hostage. The game is decent enough, if
you are looking for something spectacular look elsewhere. Trouble
Shooter does manage to distinguish itself from other Genesis/Mega Drive
shooters by featuring two jetpack-wearing females instead of a space
ship. You can choose your weapons at the beginning of the level and you
have the ability to have both girls focus their aim forward or one fire
backwards and one fire forward. Trouble Shooter is not a very difficult
horizontal shooter. The Japanese- and Korean-only sequel improves on the
formula quite a bit.
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Task Force Harrier EX

would release a handful of gems for the Genesis/Mega Drive including
the only North American release of a Langrisser game (Warsong). Task
Force Harrier EX is one of several shooters the company ported from the
arcade to the Genesis/Mega Drive. In this game radical Communists have a
new bomber that could destroy the free world and only you and your
Harrier jet can stop them. This is not a game you play for colorful
graphics. It’s a vertical scrolling shooter that doesn’t look as good as
its arcade source, but it can give the player some enjoyment. You have a
main attack for flying enemies and a bomb for ground units. The power
ups mostly revolve around two smaller ships that flight adjacent to your
Harrier and they can be aimed in various positions. Overall, it’s an
alright shooter that is not broken and available for a relatively cheap
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Grind Stormer

was a late release by Tengen in the Genesis/Mega Drive’s lifespan. It
was developed by Toaplan for the arcade and is ported to the
Genesis/Mega Drive by Tengen just like Slap Fight. Unlike Slap Fight,
Grind Stormer did get a release outside of Japan. The port has been
criticized as being a poor representation of the arcade version, if you
can separate the title from its source you have a decent game here. It’s
not without its flaws, mainly a lack of polish that other games
(Thunder Force 4, Eliminate Down) proved were possible on the console.
This is not the best shooter around, but if you are a collector or a
Toaplan fan then it’s worth tracking down. Copies of the games are not
outrageously priced, but it will cost you a bit to own.
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Insector X

this bug-themed horizontal shooter you control what can best be
described as a giant mechanical wasp armed with a forward cannon.
There’s nothing wrong here with the game, Insector X is a
competent-enough game that doesn’t have anything broken within it, but
overall the game is just average. The graphics aren’t terrible and the
environments are interesting for the most part. In traditional shooter
form every level ends with a large boss, in Insector X they will be
modeled after an insect or arachnid. The game originated as an arcade
title (whose visuals and sound were much more cartoony in nature), and
found it’s way to the Genesis/Mega Drive by the way of Sage’s Creation.
The game doesn’t cost much so it does come recommended if the price is
low enough.
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Mega Swiv

best part about Mega Swiv is the two different control options. Players
have the choice between a helicopter (which can fly over certain
obstacles) and a jeep (which can shoot in multiple directions), and both
can be used at the same time when a second player comes aboard for
co-op play. The story is pretty standard for the time, with you being
sent in to eviscerate a group of bad guys who have stolen military
equipment, and plan to use it on the rest of the world. It’s your job to
make sure it doesn’t happen, and while the story doesn’t represent
anything great, it doesn’t get in the way either. It’s a pretty
run-of-the-mill shmup, and the visuals aren’t anything fantastic, but
the co-op is solid and the different play styles add a little variety to
the experience.
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Shop for Mega Swiv on - couldnt find
Arrow Flash

a general rule, shmups are usually known as being for hardcore gamers
who love a challenge. Arrow Flash, released on the Genesis exclusively
in 1990, is the exception to that rule, but that doesn’t mean there
isn’t some value here. The game lets you switch on the fly between two
different ships, a smaller one and a robot-like transformer. They both
typically play the same, but some players might prefer one to the other.
Due to the comparatively tame nature of the game, it’s a perfect
introductory title for those who are interested in the shmup genre, but
haven’t really explored it to the level that others have. The visuals
are decent, but the sound definitely needs some work. The one thing that
really frustrated me about the game was the need to continually press
the shoot button to fire, instead of being able to simply hold it down.
It’s not the most widely available game out there, but if you find one,
you can expect to pay $15-$45 based on condition and completeness.
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Thunder Force 2

Force 2 was one of the launch titles for the North American Genesis in
1989, and while it’s not as revered as its sequel, it’s still a quality
game that should be in the collection of any shmup fan. The game
alternates between top-down and side-scrolling stages, and while the
top-down levels are decent, the game really shines with the
side-scrolling. Obviously the developers agreed, as when the sequel was
released the following year, the overhead portions were completely
removed in favor of pure side-scrolling. You have two options for
weapons, with a more powerful one that shoots just straight ahead, or a
secondary option that shoots forwards and backwards at a reduced level.
The opening level starts off easy enough, but the difficulty spikes once
the second area begins and becomes increasingly difficult throughout
the game’s nine stages. Being a launch title, you can forgive the
slightly below-standard visuals and audio, but it does take away from
the game when looking at it now almost 25 years later. It set the stage
for arguably the best shmup on the system, and even though it’s not as
good as TF3, it’s still a must-have for serious collectors and players.
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Atomic Robo-Kid

Robo-Kid started as an arcade game and it was later ported to nearly
every console that would take it. If you are looking for fast paced
shooter action, you’re in the wrong place. This game is slow (as in, you
have to scroll the screen manually), sluggish, and difficult. Atomic
Robo –Kid is a one-hit-you’re-dead horizontal shooting/action title.
This game may float some gamer’s boats, but overall I see it having a
hard time finding a large fanbase. The title isn’t broken in any way,
there are just a lot of other titles on the Genesis/Mega Drive that will
offer more immediate gratification.
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Zero Wing

you are familiar with the “All Your Base” internet meme, this is the
game where it comes from. Besides the infamous poor translation what
else does this game have going for it? Zero Wing is a Toaplan arcade
shooter that was brought to the Mega Drive in Japan and Europe, but not
the States. This is not Toaplan’s best game, but it is not a train wreck
either. The port is very close to the arcade version and it looks
decent graphically. One interesting aspect in the game is a tractor beam
that you can use to grab and throw enemy ships. This may sounds great,
but it doesn’t enhance the game too much. In fact it seems a lot better
in writing. Ultimately, all the feature does is pull and throw small
baddies, not anything cool like the weapon-stealing beacon in Gaiares.
Overall, due to the import price tag (for North Americans) Zero Wing is a
game that is best left to collectors who are completionists and people
who are interested in it just for novelty’s sake.
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get one thing out of the way off the top: Viewpoint is much better on a
Neo-Geo arcade unit than it is on any other platform, but that doesn’t
mean you should ignore it on the Genesis. The gameplay is a pretty
faithful rendition of the arcade version, with the full complement of
weapons and power-ups present throughout the game to go along with a
varied enemy and obstacle set. Of course, the original did present more
enemies than the Genesis title does, but if you’ve never played the
original, that won’t matter. When it comes to the visuals, you’re
playing from an isometric (or “¾”) perspective, and despite the obvious
step down in horsepower, it looks pretty good, though the audio is
really just average at best. The biggest knock on the game is that it
lags, and to be honest, it can get pretty bad at spots. If you can look
past the framerate issues, and the fact that you’re not getting the full
experience on the Genesis, you’ll find a solid shmup that
probably doesn’t get enough respect on the platform due to it not being
the best version of the game.
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Darwin 4081

you may have guessed from the title, evolution plays a key role in this
one. In Darwin 4081, a port of the arcade title Super Real Darwin (not,
oddly, its predecessor, Darwin 4078), the planet Lakya has
inadvertently released their life force that drifts to another planet,
Cokyo. The two planets end up going to war with the use of their
constantly evolving weapons and ships. The storyline is probably the
most interesting thing about the game, along with your ship consistently
changing and evolving based on the items that are dropped by your
fallen enemies. Darwin 4081 is a vertical shooter that allows you to
have a standard weapon that will deal with most of your foes, as well as
a ground weapon, specifically for dealing with lizard-like enemies that
patrol the land. The “upgrades” to evolve your ship won’t be for
everyone, so it’s advised that you try them all out and plan to avoid
the ones that don’t help you out. Darwin 4081 is a pretty fast and fluid
game, but it certainly won’t blow anyone away in the presentation
department, as it’s one of the more bland, generic shooters on this
list. Outside of the concept, there really isn’t anything spectacular
here, but there’s nothing truly awful either. If you’ve tried all of the
rest, give Darwin 4081 a go.
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Cross Fire (Super Airwolf)

Fire (aka Super Airwolf) is a game that switches up it’s gameplay. In
Japan the game proudly sports the Air Wolf brand, but outside of that
region it is known as Crossfire. I assume this is due to licensing
issues. At first the game is very similar to Tiger Heli, you control the
helicopter (Airwolf) and lay waste to other airborne bad guys. After
that comes the ground phase; you have one more opportunity to use your
helicopter, this time you can take out ground unit (mostly foot
soldiers) so that the third game phase will be a bit easier. The third
phase is straight NES Commando-like shooting. The main character is on
the ground and he can freely roam in any direction while dodging fire
from other ground units. It’s not a bad combination and it is worth
giving the game praise for trying something different. That being said
the title is ok at best. There are a lot of better shooters to spend
time with on the Genesis/Mega drive.
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Twin Cobra

to Toaplan’s long list of Genesis/Mega Drive games is Twin Cobra. This
is an arcade game that was published by Taito. It is the successor to
Tiger Heli and like that game it is a vertical scrolling shooter that
puts the player in control of a helicopter. You have a forward shot that
can be powered up and a bomb that damages all enemies in a circular
range. The graphics are only ok by the console’s standards and the game
has a fair challenge (which can be adjusted with eight difficulty
settings). Twin Cobra falls right on the fence, if you are not a shooter
fan already, Twin Cobra will not convert you.
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XDR: X-Dazedly-Ray

isn’t much to say about XDR, outside of the fact that you probably
won’t have much fun while playing it. There are six stages of horizontal
shooting, each with a boss at the end, and while some have compared it
to Gradius, at least in concept, the two games couldn’t be more
different. Graphically, XDR isn’t too bad, but the audio is uninspired
in both the music and sound effect departments, and just ends up making
the whole experience worse. The gameplay is too slow, and you never
really feel like you’re in total control of your ship, which happens to
be bigger than most ships in similar games, causing you to have more
trouble than you should when it comes to dodging enemy fire. When the
best thing you can say about a game is that it has cool boxart, it’s a
sign that you should stay far, far away.
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Heavy Unit

Unit is a game by Kaneko, a company with a decent shooter resume
including Air Buster (PC Engine & Genesis/Mega Drive), Nexzr (PC
Engine CD), and Cyvern (Arcade). Unfortunately, Heavy Unit does not
stack up to the aforementioned games. It’s not broken, but it’s bland
overall. You control a ship that has the ability to transform into a
mech, similar to a “variable fighter” in Macross. There are some
colorful stages and bosses, but if you are looking for that
action-packed thrill that shooter fans expect from the genre, you will
be disappointed. The game’s biggest crime is just that it is boring
overall and its shooting sound effect gets annoying fast. Heavy Unit
never got a release outside of Japan, so it does get a bit pricey. It’s
recommended for collectors and completists only.
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Xenon 2: Megablast

2 is the prime example of a game that simply hasn’t held up well. The
background graphics aren’t bad, and it is nice to be able to travel in
reverse in a vertical shooter, but that’s pretty much where the
positivity ends. It’s painfully slow, to the point where it’s almost
unplayable. The speed of the game actually contributes more to the
difficulty than anything else, and even though you can upgrade your
ship, it doesn’t make the game any more enjoyable. It’s a good thing
that you can reverse too, because there are several instances in the
game where you’ll be trapped and have to back up, though there’s a good
chance that you’ll get destroyed in the process. Note that if you want
to purchase the game, it was originally region locked to Europe, so
you’ll need an adapter if you’re planning on playing it on a standard
console from another region.
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Xiao Monv: Magic Girl

people have even heard about this unlicensed Mega Drive title from
Gamtec, but it’s actually pretty fun to play. I’d love to tell you
something about the story, but it’s in Chinese, and I can’t translate.
If anyone knows anything, please let us know in the comments. From what I
can tell, it’s a vertical shooter, but it doesn’t look anything like a
standard shmup with the cute and colorful appearance. The game tends to
be a little slow and the frame rate can be choppy, but it doesn’t seem
to affect the difficulty of the game, which remains pretty easy
throughout the five levels that are present. You have three different
weapons at your disposal, and enemies ranging from smiling faces to
pencils will come at you from all directions, so sitting at the bottom
of the screen will lead to trouble with enemies sneaking up on you from
behind. The most interesting part is that the game contains a life
meter, which isn’t usually present in games from the shmup genre. It’s
not a long or difficult game though, and is a largely forgettable
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Gadget Twins

Twins’ art style is very kiddy and calling it a shooter is a bit of a
stretch. You don’t actually shoot, but punch in a short range in one of
four of the cardinal directions. You play a happy little submarine that
is always smiling unless you die. All the environments and enemies in
the game have a cutesy look to them, which is fine and works for some
games like Parodius and Harmful Park, but this game feels like some
cheap Fisher-Price product. There are shops throughout the level like
Fantasy Zone, but that doesn’t make it interesting. The game is weak
overall and hard to enjoy. Add this to your collection only if you are
morbidly curious or a collector that is a completest.
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Divine Sealing

far, far away from this one. Much like Magic Girl, Divine Sealing was
an unlicensed game that never made it outside of Asia, but those in
other parts of the world certainly aren’t missing out. Divine Sealing is
a vertical, top-down shooter where you are trying to rescue a princess
through five levels of standard enemies and bosses. What’s your reward
for passing each level? A striptease, of course! Suffice it to say, if
you do try and play this game, it’s probably best to do it with only
age-appropriate people in the room. It’s best to play this game with the
sound off, but unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to stop the
visuals from destroying your eyes. There’s legitimate seizure potential
when sitting in front of the screen with these levels, and at the very
best, you’ll be so sick of what you see, that you’ll need to turn it
off. The gameplay is the best thing about Divine Sealing, but it’s still
not good, as your ship is far too jumpy, and as evidenced by a YouTube
video, you can actually sit in one spot, hold the shoot button and never
get touched. Believe me, you’re not missing anything if you never play
Divine Sealing.
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Burning Force

I first got my Sega Genesis, I was addicted to Space Harrier, and I
couldn’t help but be reminded of it when I first booted up Burning
Force. The first thing that you notice when you start up the game is the
vibrant color being used, and it really is quite striking, but being an
early Genesis title, don’t expect anything of note in the graphics
department. If you’re an audiophile, there are two distinct parts to the
discussion here. The first being that the music is solid, and you can
sound test all of the tracks from inside the options menu, which is a
nice touch. Unfortunately, the rest of the audio is rather uninspired,
which is kind of understandable considering that the game was released
in 1990. I mentioned Space Harrier off the top, and while Burning Force
borrows from the series, it is a little different. First, you control
Hiromi Tengenji, as she takes on her enemies while riding a scooter.
Unlike Space Harrier, you can really only move side-to-side and not
vertically, but you do have your standard missiles and guns available at
your disposal. The game runs at a pretty solid framerate, and when it
dips, it really isn’t noticeable, but the sense of speed isn’t good.
Where Space Harrier nailed the speed aspect, Burning Force seems
incredibly slow by comparison, and the game isn’t really difficult, even
with the adjustable settings. It’s one of those games that falls right
in the middle of the quality Genesis shmups.
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Super Smash TV

Smash TV has attained a cult-like following in the years since its
release in 1992, and surely the recently released Hotline Miami took
some inspiration from the bloody gore fest designed by Probe and
Acclaim. The game is set in the future, with your character on a TV show
where he must fight for his life. The goal is to kill as many enemies
and bosses as possible, with money and prizes being the reward at the
end. The game is fast, with enemies coming at you from every possible
corner, while weapons and power-ups are consistently dropped for you to
add to your arsenal. The game’s difficulty does see a pretty big spike
as you progress, and the bosses present a sturdy challenge. Adding a
second player for co-op adds to the fun, and helps out with the tougher
levels, without question. On the negative side of things, the audio
could have used some more work, and the controls can sometimes get in
the way, but there’s nothing here that stops the game from being fun,
especially with two players. It’s one of those games that was better in
the arcades, but is still worth a look on the Genesis.
Contra? Leynos? Alien Soldier?
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