Tuesday, February 05, 2019

I will be moving to Minnesota this year!

After Tony Evers won the election this year, I feel I am moving to Minnesota on a new avenue with new people. I've been looking at diary cows for the last 34 years, time to move to a different house! This new house will oversee different farms. I need to see different pubs, different pizzerias, different jobs other than ones I live by. The biggest problem is I lived in the same county for 34 years or 2/5 of my life. Its unfair that those high schoolers moved to Minnesota and got further in life than I did while my house was in a black hole socially, economically, politically, and location wise. Millennials like me should be in major cities. I'm going to live in a large house in Minnesota similar to size as the one I live in now. Fuck isolation. Time to move!

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