I also got to play Radiant Silvergun and DoDonPachi in SSF from a Megaupload download.
In January 2007, I torrented it and I played the first three CDs in SSF emulator on Windows. Today, I bought a copy for $167 off Amazon. On Ebay, Panzer Dragoon Saga was only $300+. I got Valkyrie Profile on PSP, the Playstation equivalent in price. Another Saturn game I've been eyeing is Guardian Heroes, a sequel to a highly rated Gunstar Heroes. Guardian Heroes is on Xbox 360 arcade, and got a 8.5 out of 10.
Panzer Dragoon Saga never went down in price as people got tired of it. I was hoping it is somewhat of a collector's item for attention on Youtube. Panzer Dragoon Saga is a milestone to get over 200 views on Youtube. Guardian Heroes would also attract attention, not as much as Panzer Dragoon Saga.
I'll post a photo when it arrives.
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