Happy Halloween
LaVeyan Satanism is a religion founded in 1966 by Anton LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, social Darwinism, self-indulgence, and "eye for an eye" morality, with influence from Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand, while its rituals and magic draw heavily from occultists such as Aleister Crowley.
No wonder I didn't like Ron Paul, presidential candidate.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Top 11 Halloween D56
They are cheap made in china lit pollen houses.
1. Dept 56 Halloween Village Rickety Railroad Station
2. Department 56 Snow Village Halloween Monsters Of The Deep
3. Department 56 Snow Village Croak-N-Haggard Mortuary
4. Department 56 Snow Village Deep Woods Haunt
5. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Retching Pumpkin Diner
6. Snow Village Halloween Screech Owl Farmhouse Lit House
7. Critter's Pets & Pelts
8. Department 56 Snow Village Halloween Haunted Rails Engine
9. Department 56 Original Snow Village Halloween Foggy Point Platform
10. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Grimsly Retirement Home
11. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Walter & Larry's Crypt
1. Dept 56 Halloween Village Rickety Railroad Station
2. Department 56 Snow Village Halloween Monsters Of The Deep
3. Department 56 Snow Village Croak-N-Haggard Mortuary
4. Department 56 Snow Village Deep Woods Haunt
5. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Retching Pumpkin Diner
6. Snow Village Halloween Screech Owl Farmhouse Lit House
7. Critter's Pets & Pelts
8. Department 56 Snow Village Halloween Haunted Rails Engine
9. Department 56 Original Snow Village Halloween Foggy Point Platform
10. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Grimsly Retirement Home
11. Halloween Snow Village from Department 56 Walter & Larry's Crypt
haunted Regions Hospital
Poltergeists (common event) near obstetrics on second floor of Regions, St. Paul Minn. The Ramsey Medical Center (previous name) was built on top of a cemetery
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Found out PC-BSD is like openSuse where someone gets both Gnome 2.32.2, KDE 4.7.x, and LXDE 0.5.7. It's redesigned the control panel. 9.0 is easier to install to a ZFS file-system even if 8.2 had one click ZFS install. Note that I use the GUI installer, not 16-bit installer. I'm using q4wine for Winamp in 8.2. BSD stays up for 250 days. It keeps out almost all cyber attacks and malware via being mission critical.
This OS is if your Vista has a Trojan and you reformat and the Trojan keeps coming back. UNIX won't slow down as much over time. I played with Linux, because it's mainstream. I got bored of reconciliation. So Solaris or ProjectIndiana didn't have Libreoffice or VLC or GIMP or Google Chrome or Opera or DVD video playback on them
This OS is if your Vista has a Trojan and you reformat and the Trojan keeps coming back. UNIX won't slow down as much over time. I played with Linux, because it's mainstream. I got bored of reconciliation. So Solaris or ProjectIndiana didn't have Libreoffice or VLC or GIMP or Google Chrome or Opera or DVD video playback on them
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Top 10 Horror Games
10. Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
9. Dead Space
8. F.E.A.R.
7. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
6. Condemned: Criminal Origins
5. Penumbra: Black Plague
4. Siren: Blood Curse
3. Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
2. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
1. Silent Hill 2
9. Dead Space
8. F.E.A.R.
7. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
6. Condemned: Criminal Origins
5. Penumbra: Black Plague
4. Siren: Blood Curse
3. Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
2. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
1. Silent Hill 2
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Gameplay dumbing down / noobish
Somewhere between handily completing Assassin's Creed and breezing through nearly all of the missions in Grand Theft Auto IV, it struck me. Have games of today become dumber? This is not to suggest that the stories contained in these games are dumb: Assassin's Creed and GTA have both been praised for their incredible storytelling. What I mean is that it increasingly feels as though game designers feel that we the players are dumb, that we need our hands constantly held throughout a game, lest we throw down the controller in frustration.
These two recent console games, while obvious examples, are not the only offenders in this recent trend of dumbing-down the challenge factor in videogames. The recently released Too Human features automatically scaling enemies so that players will never encounter any foe that is way beyond their level of experience. Fable II will include a "Breadcrumb trail" so that adventurers will never get lost while traveling from one objective to the next in its sprawling fantasy world.
Compare these modern examples with titles that - not too long ago - offered considerably more challenge and really tested both the reflexes and intelligence of players. I grew up with graphic adventure games like Kings Quest, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Conquests of Camelot, all of which are famous for placing taxing levels of difficulty on the player. In a text-based PC adventure game from the 1980s, a typical player interaction might go something like this:
Of course, modern developers have argued strongly that some retro conventions - such as text-only input and broken save systems, deserve to be laid to rest. But even beyond those technical limitations, games from that period placed challenges in the way of the player that are sorely missed in the current crop of adventure games. One of the greatest features of early PC adventures was their ability to make the player feel as though he or she were really exploring a new landscape. There were no overhead maps or radar screens, no invisible walls keeping players from wandering into dangerous territory. Gamers had to feel out the landscape on their own, in some cases even creating pen and paper maps in the real world to keep track of their location in the game. That was one of the reasons why we loved Etrian Odyssey, an RPG for the DS that uses the touch screen for mapmaking. But games like Etrian Odyssey are an increasing rarity in a market that seems to reward simplicity over challenge.
How did this happen? How did game developers arrive at the notion that what we really wanted all along was less of a challenge in our videogames? Part of the answer can probably be found in the massive economic success of the video game industry. As the digital entertainment market approaches the popularity of film, games have come to resemble Hollywood movies in many respects. Publishers seek to create games that will have massive appeal with the public -- a public that increasingly includes new and less experienced gamers, as companies seek to reach out to new consumers. The recent game Spore might not be satisfying to hardcore gamers, but it will undoubtedly sell millions of copies by appealing to more causal PC owners like my father, who has never played a real-time strategy game before. Adventure games have definitely suffered from this phenomenon. They are very expensive to make, because of their extensive use of artwork and voice-acting. Because of that, they must be able to appeal to a large enough audience to recoup the initial cost of development. Consequently, developers are taking less risks and designing their games for the lowest common denominator
All hope is not lost. A small but vocal resistance has formed, made up of hardcore masochists, completists and those who remember what games were like before they became mass-market commodities. These devoted thrill seekers will actually take great care to make their gaming experience as difficult as possible, even in "nerfed" titles like Assassin's Creed. In that game, some hardcore fans decided that playing with the HUD activated was cheating, so they forced themselves to play without a radar map. By forcing themselves to actually hunt for the next objective, these players argue, the experience is improved, and actually approaches the level of difficulty found in earlier adventure games. The hardcore can also be found on YouTube. These are the ones doing speed runs in their favorite 2D platformers, trying to shave a few seconds off of their previous and untouchably fast performance. And of course, multiplayer shooters like Call of Duty 4 offer unlimited challenge, as gamers square off against human opponents that are just as skilled as themselves.
For a real, challenging adventure game, however, options are somewhat slim these days. I hope that some game designers remember the glory days of adventure gaming on the PC, and seek to implement some of the best features from that era in new projects. Give players a sense of control over their destiny, let them make mistakes and suffer the consequences, and let them explore the virtual worlds you create without limitation. Above all, force players to use their brains to interact with your game, rather than simply spoon feeding them cutscenes. Those things are what make gaming great, after all.
These two recent console games, while obvious examples, are not the only offenders in this recent trend of dumbing-down the challenge factor in videogames. The recently released Too Human features automatically scaling enemies so that players will never encounter any foe that is way beyond their level of experience. Fable II will include a "Breadcrumb trail" so that adventurers will never get lost while traveling from one objective to the next in its sprawling fantasy world.
Compare these modern examples with titles that - not too long ago - offered considerably more challenge and really tested both the reflexes and intelligence of players. I grew up with graphic adventure games like Kings Quest, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Conquests of Camelot, all of which are famous for placing taxing levels of difficulty on the player. In a text-based PC adventure game from the 1980s, a typical player interaction might go something like this:
Of course, modern developers have argued strongly that some retro conventions - such as text-only input and broken save systems, deserve to be laid to rest. But even beyond those technical limitations, games from that period placed challenges in the way of the player that are sorely missed in the current crop of adventure games. One of the greatest features of early PC adventures was their ability to make the player feel as though he or she were really exploring a new landscape. There were no overhead maps or radar screens, no invisible walls keeping players from wandering into dangerous territory. Gamers had to feel out the landscape on their own, in some cases even creating pen and paper maps in the real world to keep track of their location in the game. That was one of the reasons why we loved Etrian Odyssey, an RPG for the DS that uses the touch screen for mapmaking. But games like Etrian Odyssey are an increasing rarity in a market that seems to reward simplicity over challenge.
How did this happen? How did game developers arrive at the notion that what we really wanted all along was less of a challenge in our videogames? Part of the answer can probably be found in the massive economic success of the video game industry. As the digital entertainment market approaches the popularity of film, games have come to resemble Hollywood movies in many respects. Publishers seek to create games that will have massive appeal with the public -- a public that increasingly includes new and less experienced gamers, as companies seek to reach out to new consumers. The recent game Spore might not be satisfying to hardcore gamers, but it will undoubtedly sell millions of copies by appealing to more causal PC owners like my father, who has never played a real-time strategy game before. Adventure games have definitely suffered from this phenomenon. They are very expensive to make, because of their extensive use of artwork and voice-acting. Because of that, they must be able to appeal to a large enough audience to recoup the initial cost of development. Consequently, developers are taking less risks and designing their games for the lowest common denominator
All hope is not lost. A small but vocal resistance has formed, made up of hardcore masochists, completists and those who remember what games were like before they became mass-market commodities. These devoted thrill seekers will actually take great care to make their gaming experience as difficult as possible, even in "nerfed" titles like Assassin's Creed. In that game, some hardcore fans decided that playing with the HUD activated was cheating, so they forced themselves to play without a radar map. By forcing themselves to actually hunt for the next objective, these players argue, the experience is improved, and actually approaches the level of difficulty found in earlier adventure games. The hardcore can also be found on YouTube. These are the ones doing speed runs in their favorite 2D platformers, trying to shave a few seconds off of their previous and untouchably fast performance. And of course, multiplayer shooters like Call of Duty 4 offer unlimited challenge, as gamers square off against human opponents that are just as skilled as themselves.
For a real, challenging adventure game, however, options are somewhat slim these days. I hope that some game designers remember the glory days of adventure gaming on the PC, and seek to implement some of the best features from that era in new projects. Give players a sense of control over their destiny, let them make mistakes and suffer the consequences, and let them explore the virtual worlds you create without limitation. Above all, force players to use their brains to interact with your game, rather than simply spoon feeding them cutscenes. Those things are what make gaming great, after all.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Free Q4Wine for PC-BSD
I found a free Wine frontend for PC-BSD 8.2 for running VLC and Winamp! Bordeaux is better and it takes $20.
I found a Q4Wine PBI installer mirror #1 mirror #2 mirror #3
I found a Q4Wine PBI installer mirror #1 mirror #2 mirror #3
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Linux Mint Debian 201109 review
There is something wrong with Ebay, everybody sells Debian 6, but not Linux Mint Debian 201109. What's wrong with those people? Somebody messed up knowing there was a Linux Mint Debian 201012 and decided not to wait.
Linux Mint Debian 201109 is an improvement! It is based on the solid 2.32.2 Gnome that is much more responsive and stable over still buggy Gnome 3.2. The old Linux Mint 11 came with LMDE 201109 comes with kernel 3.0.5. It's more responsive and uses less memory than Linux Mint 11.
Right now, I updated Firefox 7.0.1 and that runs great. My HP Printer runs great.
Ubuntu 11.10 comes out tomorrow right and Ubuntu is the most popular Linux Distro. Well Linux Mint Debian 201109 is superior version to Ubuntu 11.11. I have mine loaded with Crossover Linux 9.2.1 and it's great. Winamp runs great. LMDE 201109 comes with VLC 1.1.10, LibreOffice 3.4.2, Xchat, Firefox 6.0.2, The Gimp.
It didn't crash on me yet! It only went to sleep twice for 5 seconds (with Firefox 7).
LibreOffice Draw
Simple Scan
Pidgin IM
Sun Java 6
Thunderbird Mail/News
Movie Player
Sound Recorder
VLC Media Player
I give this OS 9.0/10. Cream of the crop!

8.2 no longer found on ebay until 9.0 is out. PC-BSD is more stable than Linux Mint 201109 Debian, yet these days you can't tell. I got linux, pc-bsd and windows in GRUB booting. Notice that Linux uses 488 MB of RAM and BSD uses 1 GB+. The BSD could run for 240 days straight
Linux Mint Debian 201109 is an improvement! It is based on the solid 2.32.2 Gnome that is much more responsive and stable over still buggy Gnome 3.2. The old Linux Mint 11 came with LMDE 201109 comes with kernel 3.0.5. It's more responsive and uses less memory than Linux Mint 11.
Right now, I updated Firefox 7.0.1 and that runs great. My HP Printer runs great.
Ubuntu 11.10 comes out tomorrow right and Ubuntu is the most popular Linux Distro. Well Linux Mint Debian 201109 is superior version to Ubuntu 11.11. I have mine loaded with Crossover Linux 9.2.1 and it's great. Winamp runs great. LMDE 201109 comes with VLC 1.1.10, LibreOffice 3.4.2, Xchat, Firefox 6.0.2, The Gimp.
It didn't crash on me yet! It only went to sleep twice for 5 seconds (with Firefox 7).
LibreOffice Draw
Simple Scan
Pidgin IM
Sun Java 6
Thunderbird Mail/News
Movie Player
Sound Recorder
VLC Media Player
I give this OS 9.0/10. Cream of the crop!

8.2 no longer found on ebay until 9.0 is out. PC-BSD is more stable than Linux Mint 201109 Debian, yet these days you can't tell. I got linux, pc-bsd and windows in GRUB booting. Notice that Linux uses 488 MB of RAM and BSD uses 1 GB+. The BSD could run for 240 days straight
EFX3 died: 2007-9/2011
When Modblog died in June 2006, I got 58,000 hits for being able to write lots of entries. The successor was supposed to be EFX2. Then I went to EFX3, because of the blogspot import. All the EFX2 bloggers went to EFX3, because they all thought EFX2 died in terms of page views and comments. They didn't have "networkblogs" to save their site, a RSS feed for Facebook. I was the 0.5% who saved my posts from 2002 - 2005! At the bloggers.com, anonymous gave my EFX3 site a 8 out of 10 (too black and white). More of them probably backed up *.XML (wordpress) and went to wordpress.com.
What really is the shits is the Waybackmachine didn't snapshot my EFX3 site.
What really is the shits is the Waybackmachine didn't snapshot my EFX3 site.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
best Science Fiction Authors of all time
15. Larry Niven - (The Mote in God’s Eye)
14. Philip Jose' Farmer (Riverworld series)
13. Robert Silverberg (Majipoor)
12. Ursula K. Le Guin (The Left Hand of Darkness)
11. Harry Harrison (Make Room! Make Room!)
10. Frederick Pohl (Undersea Trilogy )
09. Frank Herbert (Dune)
08. Harlan Ellison (A Boy and his Dog)
07. Jack Williamson (The Ultimate Earth)
06. E. E. “Doc” Smith (Lensmen and Skylark)
05. Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, We can Remember it for you Wholesale)
04. Ray Bradbury (The Fog Horn, The Meteor)
03. Robert A. Heinlein (Starship Troopers)
02. Isaac Asimov (The Gods Themselves)
01. Arthur C. Clarke (2001: A Space Odyssey, Childhood’s End)
14. Philip Jose' Farmer (Riverworld series)
13. Robert Silverberg (Majipoor)
12. Ursula K. Le Guin (The Left Hand of Darkness)
11. Harry Harrison (Make Room! Make Room!)
10. Frederick Pohl (Undersea Trilogy )
09. Frank Herbert (Dune)
08. Harlan Ellison (A Boy and his Dog)
07. Jack Williamson (The Ultimate Earth)
06. E. E. “Doc” Smith (Lensmen and Skylark)
05. Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, We can Remember it for you Wholesale)
04. Ray Bradbury (The Fog Horn, The Meteor)
03. Robert A. Heinlein (Starship Troopers)
02. Isaac Asimov (The Gods Themselves)
01. Arthur C. Clarke (2001: A Space Odyssey, Childhood’s End)
Friday, October 07, 2011
Anticipiation list
Released now.
- Dark Souls
- Gears of War III
Figured I copy Widdowson91 on his great games he still wants
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Sonic Colors
Donkey Kong Country Returns
final fantasy XII ravent Wings
The World Ends with You
Modern Warfare 3
Sonic Generations
ICO/Shadows of the Collosis HD collection.
Xbox 360
DoDonPachi Resurrection (PAL Rising Star Games) is region free
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Mario Kart 7
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
- Final Fantasy X HD (PS3)
- Persona 4: The Golden (Vita)
- Resistance Burning Sky (Vita)
- Elder Scrolls V (PC)
- Elder Scrolls V (360)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Wipeout 2048 (Vita)
- Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
- Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360)
- cheap Cave developed SHMUP (360)
- Beyond the Labyrinth(3Ds)
- Uncharted Abyss (Vita)
I decided I don't want any more NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, and GBA games. Some of these are too ancient while others like PS1, I decided I own there is all worth owning. The newer games are far more interesting to play
- Dark Souls
- Gears of War III
Figured I copy Widdowson91 on his great games he still wants
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Sonic Colors
Donkey Kong Country Returns
final fantasy XII ravent Wings
The World Ends with You
Modern Warfare 3
Sonic Generations
ICO/Shadows of the Collosis HD collection.
Xbox 360
DoDonPachi Resurrection (PAL Rising Star Games) is region free
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Mario Kart 7
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
- Final Fantasy X HD (PS3)
- Persona 4: The Golden (Vita)
- Resistance Burning Sky (Vita)
- Elder Scrolls V (PC)
- Elder Scrolls V (360)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Wipeout 2048 (Vita)
- Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
- Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360)
- cheap Cave developed SHMUP (360)
- Beyond the Labyrinth(3Ds)
- Uncharted Abyss (Vita)
I decided I don't want any more NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, and GBA games. Some of these are too ancient while others like PS1, I decided I own there is all worth owning. The newer games are far more interesting to play
Best horror authors of all time
20. Graham Masterton (The Manitou, Charnel House)
19. Richard Laymon (The Traveling Vampire Show, The Woods of Dark, Funland)
18. F. Paul Wilson (The Keep, The Tomb, Midnight Mass)
17. Robert McCammon ( Baal, Bethany’s Sin, They Thirst, Swan Song, Stinger, and The Wolf’s Hour)
16. Ambrose Bierce (Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge)
15. Algernon Blackwood (The Willows, The Man Who found Out, Ancient Sorceries)
14. John Saul (Suffer the Children, Hellfire, The Blackstone Chronicles)
13. Jack Ketchum (Girl Next Door)
12. Dean Koontz (Whispers, The Funhouse, Hideaway, Demon Seed, Watchers (including sequels, Intensity, and The Servants of Twilight)
11. Brian Lumley (Necroscope series)
10. Joe R. Lansdale (On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks. The Drive in, Incident On and Off a Mountain Road)
09. Peter Straub (Ghost Story, Shadowland, Black House)
08. M.R. James ( Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, More Ghost Stories)
07. Ramsey Campbell (The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants, Demons by Daylight (1973), and Told by the Dead (2003)
06. Robert Bloch (Psycho!, Psycho II , Psycho House, The Hell-Bound Train)
05. Clive Barker (The Forbidden (Candyman 1992), The Last Illusion (Lord of Illusions 1995), and Midnight Meat Train (2008)
04. Edgar Allan Poe (The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Masque of the Red Death, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Premature Burial, and Ligeia)
03. Richard Matheson (Nightmare at 20,000 feet Stir of Echoes, and Hell House, Duel, The Night Stalker & The Night Strangler )
02. Stephen King (Salem’s Lot (1975), I am Legend; The Shining (1977); The Stand (1978); Cujo (1981); Christine (1983); Pet Sematary (1983); The Talisman W/ Peter Straub (1984); It (1986); Misery (1987); The Dark Half (1989); Needful Things (1990); Gerald’s Game (1992); Then there are the collections: Night Shift (1978); Skeleton Crew (1985); Nightmares and Dreamscapes (1993); and Everything’s Eventual (2002).
01. H.P. Lovecraft (he Unnamable, The Call of Cthulhu, The Colour out of Space, The Dunwich Horror, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth, Dreams in the Witch House, The Shadow out of Time, and The Haunter in the Dark.)

47° 9' S, 126° 43' W
19. Richard Laymon (The Traveling Vampire Show, The Woods of Dark, Funland)
18. F. Paul Wilson (The Keep, The Tomb, Midnight Mass)
17. Robert McCammon ( Baal, Bethany’s Sin, They Thirst, Swan Song, Stinger, and The Wolf’s Hour)
16. Ambrose Bierce (Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge)
15. Algernon Blackwood (The Willows, The Man Who found Out, Ancient Sorceries)
14. John Saul (Suffer the Children, Hellfire, The Blackstone Chronicles)
13. Jack Ketchum (Girl Next Door)
12. Dean Koontz (Whispers, The Funhouse, Hideaway, Demon Seed, Watchers (including sequels, Intensity, and The Servants of Twilight)
11. Brian Lumley (Necroscope series)
10. Joe R. Lansdale (On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks. The Drive in, Incident On and Off a Mountain Road)
09. Peter Straub (Ghost Story, Shadowland, Black House)
08. M.R. James ( Ghost Stories of an Antiquary, More Ghost Stories)
07. Ramsey Campbell (The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants, Demons by Daylight (1973), and Told by the Dead (2003)
06. Robert Bloch (Psycho!, Psycho II , Psycho House, The Hell-Bound Train)
05. Clive Barker (The Forbidden (Candyman 1992), The Last Illusion (Lord of Illusions 1995), and Midnight Meat Train (2008)
04. Edgar Allan Poe (The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Masque of the Red Death, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Premature Burial, and Ligeia)
03. Richard Matheson (Nightmare at 20,000 feet Stir of Echoes, and Hell House, Duel, The Night Stalker & The Night Strangler )
02. Stephen King (Salem’s Lot (1975), I am Legend; The Shining (1977); The Stand (1978); Cujo (1981); Christine (1983); Pet Sematary (1983); The Talisman W/ Peter Straub (1984); It (1986); Misery (1987); The Dark Half (1989); Needful Things (1990); Gerald’s Game (1992); Then there are the collections: Night Shift (1978); Skeleton Crew (1985); Nightmares and Dreamscapes (1993); and Everything’s Eventual (2002).
01. H.P. Lovecraft (he Unnamable, The Call of Cthulhu, The Colour out of Space, The Dunwich Horror, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth, Dreams in the Witch House, The Shadow out of Time, and The Haunter in the Dark.)
47° 9' S, 126° 43' W
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Vita/PS4 games developers should make
Final Fantasy VII
God of War IV
God of War V
Disgaea 5
Catharine 2
Ace Combat game
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Grandia 4
Radiant Silvergun 2
Uncharted 4
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Gran Turismo 6
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Killzone 4
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Valkryie Profile 3
Suikoden VI
Suikoden VII
Persona 6
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Radiata Stories II
Dragon Quest XI
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
remake Xenosaga I, II, III
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
another Castlevania
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
God of War IV
God of War V
Disgaea 5
Catharine 2
Ace Combat game
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Grandia 4
Radiant Silvergun 2
Uncharted 4
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Gran Turismo 6
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Killzone 4
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Valkryie Profile 3
Suikoden VI
Suikoden VII
Persona 6
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Radiata Stories II
Dragon Quest XI
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
remake Xenosaga I, II, III
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
another Castlevania
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
Vita/PS4 games developers should make
Final Fantasy VII
God of War IV
God of War V
Disgaea 5
Catharine 2
Ace Combat game
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Grandia 4
Radiant Silvergun 2
Uncharted 4
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Gran Turismo 6
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Killzone 4
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Valkryie Profile 3
Suikoden VI
Suikoden VII
Persona 6
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Radiata Stories II
Dragon Quest XI
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
remake Xenosaga I, II, III
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
another Castlevania
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
God of War IV
God of War V
Disgaea 5
Catharine 2
Ace Combat game
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Grandia 4
Radiant Silvergun 2
Uncharted 4
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Gran Turismo 6
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Killzone 4
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Valkryie Profile 3
Suikoden VI
Suikoden VII
Persona 6
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Radiata Stories II
Dragon Quest XI
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
remake Xenosaga I, II, III
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
another Castlevania
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
Monday, October 03, 2011
Xbox 720 beat Xbox 360 pentition game list
Forza Motorsport 5
Halo 5
Kameo 2
Perfect Dark 2
Prince of Persia 3 (newest trilogy)
Tony Hawk Pro Skater /w Tony Hawk
Extreme G 5
Project Snowblind 2
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 3
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Gears of War 4
Gears of War 5
Gears of War 6
Starcraft 2
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Dragon Age 3
Conker's Second Bad Fur Day
Fable IV
Condemned 3
F.E.A.R. 4
Phantom Dust 2
Mech Assault 3
Panzer Dragoon 4
Dead or Alive 5
Rallisport Challenge 3
Fatal Frame 4
Wolfenstein 3
Final Fantasy VII
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Radiant Silvergun 2
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
Halo 5
Kameo 2
Perfect Dark 2
Prince of Persia 3 (newest trilogy)
Tony Hawk Pro Skater /w Tony Hawk
Extreme G 5
Project Snowblind 2
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 3
Battlefield 4
Driver 5
Outrun Coast to Coast 2
Neverwinter Nights 3
Rayman platformer
Star Wars The Old Republic
Deus Ex 4
Deus Ex 5
Batman Aklan 3
Assassin's Creed 5/6
Gears of War 4
Gears of War 5
Gears of War 6
Starcraft 2
Mass Effect 4
Mass Effect 5
Mass Effect 6
Dragon Age 3
Conker's Second Bad Fur Day
Fable IV
Condemned 3
F.E.A.R. 4
Phantom Dust 2
Mech Assault 3
Panzer Dragoon 4
Dead or Alive 5
Rallisport Challenge 3
Fatal Frame 4
Wolfenstein 3
Final Fantasy VII
Star Ocean V
Rosnance of Fate 2
Half-life 3
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 3
Crysis 3
Radiant Silvergun 2
Tales series
Unreal Tournament 4
Quake Wars 2
Quake 5
Doom 4
remake Mission Critical
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4
Blazblue 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
Diablo 3
Burnout Paradise 2
Final Fantasy VII-2
Final Fantasy VIII-2
Final Fantasy IX-2
Final Fantasy X-3
Xenogears 2
Alundra 3
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Grand Theft Auto 6
Vanquish 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Elder Scrolls V
Final Fantasy XIII-3
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Sonic Generations 2
Virtua Fighter 6
Street Fighter X Tekken 2
The Longest Journey 3
Fallout 5
Dungeon Siege IV
Resident Evil 6
World of Warcraft
Developers should make Wii U beat PS2
Develop these. Last gen is boring with obsolete visuals! Wii is very simlar to Xbox. I cannot get why there isn't more Wii U discussions.
- Banjo and Kazooie HD
- Banjo and Tooie HD
- Battlefield 3
- Beyond Good and Evil 2
- Bioshock
- Bioshock 2
- Bioshock 3
- Blazblue
- Burnout Paradise 2
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
- Castlevania Bloodlines
- Castlevania Lord of Shadow
- Castlevania Lord of Shadow II
- Castlevania Portrait of Ruin HD
- Castevania Dawn of Sorrow HD
- Castlevania Aria of Sorrow HD
- Castlevania Symphony of the Night
- Castlevania Lament of Innocence
- Cave SHMUPs
- Chrono Cross
- Chrono Trigger
- Civilization V
- Conker's Bad Fur Day 2
- Crysis
- Crysis Warhead
- Crysis 2
- Crysis 3
- Dark Souls
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Demon's Souls
- Deus Ex HD remake
- Deus Ex Human Revolution
- Diablo 3
- Doom 3
- Doom 4
- Doom II HD
- Dragon Quest VIII HD
- Dreamfall The Longest Journey HD
- Elder scrolls V
- Elderscrolls IV
- Eternal Darkness HD
- Extreme-G 4
- Fallout 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Final Fantasy Tactics HD
- Final Fantasy VI/III HD
- Final fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- fixed Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
- Half-life 3
- Guilty Gear Accent Core 2
- Gradius V HD
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Grandia HD
- Grandia II HD
- Ikaruga
- Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland HD
- Panzer Dragoon Saga HD
- Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
- Legend of Zelda 3D
- Legend of Zelda Link to the Past 3D
- Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask HD
- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time HD
- Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass HD
- Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap 3D
- Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD
- Legend of Zelda Wind Waker 3D
- Lunar Dragon Song HD
- Lunar Eternal Blue HD
- Lunar The Silver Star Story HD
- Marvel vs. Capcom vs. Namco
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- Mass Effect 3
- Mega Man X Collection HD
- Mega Man X9
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Metal Gear Solid HD
- Metal Gear Solid HD collection
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Metroid Prime 2 HD
- Metroid Prime 3 HD
- Metroid Prime 4
- Metroid Prime 5
- Metroid Prime HD
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
- Nights into Dreams
- Nights into Dreams 3
- Panzer Dragoon Saga HD
- Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door HD
- Paper Mario HD
- Parasite Eve HD
- Persona 3
- Persona 4
- Prince of Persia HD Collection
- Quake 5
- Quake II HD
- Quake IV
- Quake Wars
- Radiant Silvergun HD
- Radiant Silvergun 2
- Red Dead Redeption
- Red Dead Redeption 2
- Resonance of Fate
- Resonance of Fate 2
- Ridge Racer 8
- San Franciso Rush 2059
- Secret of Mana HD
- Sega GT 2012
- sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
- Skies of Arcadia HD
- Skies of Arcadia II
- Sonic Colors 2
- Sonic Rush
- Sonic Rush Adventure
- Sonic Rush Adventure 2
- Soul Calibur V
- Speed Devils 2
- Star Ocean III - Till the End of Time
- Star Ocean IV - THe Last Hope
- Star Wars The Old Republic
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Super Mario 3D World
- Super Mario 64 DS HD
- Super Mario Land HD
- Super Mario RPG 2
- Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars 3D
- Super Mario Sunshine HD
- Super Mario World 3D
- Super Metroid 3D HD
- Tales of Vesperia
- Tekken 7
- The Longest Journey remake
- The Orange Box
- The Witcher 2
- The Witcher 3
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Unreal Tournament 4
- Valkryie Profile
- Valkyrie Profile 2
- Wario Land 3 HD
- Xenogears HD
- Xenosaga
- Xenosaga II
- Xenosaga III
Nintendo probably make 2x as much money remaking these games or finding developers who would than to create new games. You know Chrono Trigger is ranked highly on DS and that Super Mario World is highly ranked for GBA. Ocarina of Time is the most wanted game for Gamecube & 3DS on Gamestop.com. It makes perfect sense. Banjo and Kazooie went on Xbox 360 so Wii U works and Rareware developed for DS. Mass Effect for PC was Electronic Arts
- Banjo and Kazooie HD
- Banjo and Tooie HD
- Battlefield 3
- Beyond Good and Evil 2
- Bioshock
- Bioshock 2
- Bioshock 3
- Blazblue
- Burnout Paradise 2
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
- Castlevania Bloodlines
- Castlevania Lord of Shadow
- Castlevania Lord of Shadow II
- Castlevania Portrait of Ruin HD
- Castevania Dawn of Sorrow HD
- Castlevania Aria of Sorrow HD
- Castlevania Symphony of the Night
- Castlevania Lament of Innocence
- Cave SHMUPs
- Chrono Cross
- Chrono Trigger
- Civilization V
- Conker's Bad Fur Day 2
- Crysis
- Crysis Warhead
- Crysis 2
- Crysis 3
- Dark Souls
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Demon's Souls
- Deus Ex HD remake
- Deus Ex Human Revolution
- Diablo 3
- Doom 3
- Doom 4
- Doom II HD
- Dragon Quest VIII HD
- Dreamfall The Longest Journey HD
- Elder scrolls V
- Elderscrolls IV
- Eternal Darkness HD
- Extreme-G 4
- Fallout 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Final Fantasy Tactics HD
- Final Fantasy VI/III HD
- Final fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- fixed Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
- Half-life 3
- Guilty Gear Accent Core 2
- Gradius V HD
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Grandia HD
- Grandia II HD
- Ikaruga
- Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland HD
- Panzer Dragoon Saga HD
- Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
- Legend of Zelda 3D
- Legend of Zelda Link to the Past 3D
- Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask HD
- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time HD
- Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass HD
- Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap 3D
- Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD
- Legend of Zelda Wind Waker 3D
- Lunar Dragon Song HD
- Lunar Eternal Blue HD
- Lunar The Silver Star Story HD
- Marvel vs. Capcom vs. Namco
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- Mass Effect 3
- Mega Man X Collection HD
- Mega Man X9
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Metal Gear Solid HD
- Metal Gear Solid HD collection
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Metroid Prime 2 HD
- Metroid Prime 3 HD
- Metroid Prime 4
- Metroid Prime 5
- Metroid Prime HD
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
- Nights into Dreams
- Nights into Dreams 3
- Panzer Dragoon Saga HD
- Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door HD
- Paper Mario HD
- Parasite Eve HD
- Persona 3
- Persona 4
- Prince of Persia HD Collection
- Quake 5
- Quake II HD
- Quake IV
- Quake Wars
- Radiant Silvergun HD
- Radiant Silvergun 2
- Red Dead Redeption
- Red Dead Redeption 2
- Resonance of Fate
- Resonance of Fate 2
- Ridge Racer 8
- San Franciso Rush 2059
- Secret of Mana HD
- Sega GT 2012
- sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
- Skies of Arcadia HD
- Skies of Arcadia II
- Sonic Colors 2
- Sonic Rush
- Sonic Rush Adventure
- Sonic Rush Adventure 2
- Soul Calibur V
- Speed Devils 2
- Star Ocean III - Till the End of Time
- Star Ocean IV - THe Last Hope
- Star Wars The Old Republic
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Super Mario 3D World
- Super Mario 64 DS HD
- Super Mario Land HD
- Super Mario RPG 2
- Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars 3D
- Super Mario Sunshine HD
- Super Mario World 3D
- Super Metroid 3D HD
- Tales of Vesperia
- Tekken 7
- The Longest Journey remake
- The Orange Box
- The Witcher 2
- The Witcher 3
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Unreal Tournament 4
- Valkryie Profile
- Valkyrie Profile 2
- Wario Land 3 HD
- Xenogears HD
- Xenosaga
- Xenosaga II
- Xenosaga III
Nintendo probably make 2x as much money remaking these games or finding developers who would than to create new games. You know Chrono Trigger is ranked highly on DS and that Super Mario World is highly ranked for GBA. Ocarina of Time is the most wanted game for Gamecube & 3DS on Gamestop.com. It makes perfect sense. Banjo and Kazooie went on Xbox 360 so Wii U works and Rareware developed for DS. Mass Effect for PC was Electronic Arts
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