Installation of Redhat is really simple. If you install directory from the original copy then you should he fine but I couldn't get my duplicate CD to work. I went out and bought the best program for installing Redhat Linux, Partition Magic 7.0. What it does is lets you point and click and verify your space then partitions the drive for you. The process of moving a 10 GB (Windows) FAT partition to the end of harddrive takes 45 minutes to depile. Once the program was done partitioning PM also pre-created Swap and EST Primary partitions. Since there is more then one Linux platform out there then my other OS I have installed Mandrake 6.1 could also be loaded. So what did I do? I made a second pair of Linux Swap and EST Primary partitions for Mandrake. If you don't customize you should have no difficulty with partition. Although your screwed if your boot image doesn't show up on the bootup screen. This happened before I went out to Best Buy and got the full version of Redhat Linux 7.3 Professional.
Linux takes up about 1.4 Gigabytes of hard drive space, this is about that of Microsoft Windows XP. The software is advanced enough that it can detect all monitors, modems, mouses, speakers, printers, and network cards from the start. The only problem I had Installing was I needed a Linux compatible hardware modem. A good hardware modem would be from US Robotics. They are the only certified Linux modem manufacture and they'll do it inexpensively keeping the quality at a high standard. When installed Linux gives you the choice of Ghome or KDE desktop interfaces. I prefer KDE. Ghome is cleaner while KDE is more stylish.
The Difference
I am writing this assuming that Windows is easier to use then Linux. Since Linux is a open source operating system, developing programs is less expensive. Linux was first created at the University of California in 1990 by a team of dedicated developers. Red Hat based in Indianapolis, Ohio took over Linux and made it better. Linux has come a long way since then exceeding in stability over Microsoft, the tyrant of share holders. Unlike Windows, Linux has to password the /root directory. This gets really annoying Linux copied Windows with all the Desktop look-a-likes, but this is ok because Linux also does a very good job imitating Microsoft. :)

Linux has the system of having software that comes with the Installation CDs. From what I know a lot of Red Hat Linux users like to install Linux once every month. Using software in Linux for a beginner isn't difficult at all. Point and Click. What novice Linux users need to be aware about is that /root (directory for system files) is password protected. All programs rely on that to install client in Redhat called Program Manager. It will have a comprehensive installation wizard that actually tells you all the system files used to install your appication. If you go to, you'll see many alternatives of the same program. If one doesn't work then maybe another will.
From the developers stand point Linux is available anywhere. If you want to master Linux then you can download the information and take on the world. Also Redhat releases updates of an entire matrix of bug fixes called the Linux Kenrel. Most time they release a new version every 6 months and post it on their website. The new Kenrel includes the latest drivers, and mainly networking fixes. Linux is also the preferred choice in many business servers so it is no wonder many people want the latest version.
The Fun Factor - Linux Games
The technical side of Linux is confusing. I rather talk about it's software. Linux has better games than Windows. Windows may come with Solitaire, Minesweeper and Freecell. The KDE desktop comes with a lot of software (50 MB) We like Linux games because the developers must of been using their brains for each one. Asteroids is one heck of a game. Lieuant Skat plays well but isn't one of my favorite. So far their isn't any titles coming to Linux except for DOOM created by unknown Linux programmers.
One of the better side of Linux is that it has NES support. I used Little John NES emulator. It works with Linux and is stable as long as you don't mess with the settings. That's great news because now I can play Super Mario Bros. or some RPGs that were professionally done in it's day. Some of these programs don't work at all because the system is missing files. I would go on a file hunt if I had more time. I also seen emulator support for Genesis, Master System and Atari 2600.
Linux Screensavers are hands down better then those on Windows. The cycle includes concepts from the Matrix to a false virus with a download screen. , to your desktop moving around. That is cool. If you want Linux then your going to have to sacrifice your online gaming experience. No developer is putting any games on it. XWindows isn't powerful enough to simulate anymore then DOOM at this point. A lot of people won't use Linux unless they have dual boot or two, more than one PC.
Linux does have one graphics program on the Internet that I've heard is a lot of fun. It's name is Gimp. Gimp is the Linux version of Adobe Photoshop. I can't tell if it's the best paint program avaliable but it's not bad. The program offers everything offered in KPaint, and a layer system that beats a lot of complex shareware Windows applications. For advance users, Gimp features a mult-layer system. That will allow users to make shadows for blending effects.
Developer's Support
I have to say that 3rd party support on Linux is at a high. It's support isn't as strong as Microsofts though. The program Kdevelop 1.4 features a C++ editor and compiler. Like Windows, Kdevelop can do the same things a developer needs, what I may need. Kdevelop is simple and very powerful from it's looks. If I needed to do source code, Linux now could be my system I work in. Matter of speaking, DOS Emu is a very powerful emulator of DOS 6.2.
There are some Linux programs on the web that give Linux support it needs. Linux isn't as fancy as Windows with most of those programs like Winamp and Trillian. I can think of Gaim. This program can be used when Linux is installed out of the box. It is the only messenger I found that had ICQ on it that was able to do that. Opera became by favorite browser because it had multible windows. The small section reserved for Windows isn't very big and Opera comes in handy.
Many people like to burn software they've downloaded off the Internet. Linux comes with X-CD-ROAST 0.98. The program works but I have been looking for other alternatives. I looked at the Linux megasite and found Arson and CD Bake-Over. Both programs were under 1MB and the .rpms installed OK. I couldn't find them under the KDE menu. It was a pain because I was hoping to see a better unity. I give 10/10 in development support.
Office Suites for Linux
The K-Office Suite is not my favorite suite. K-word is unstable and will simply vanish when I'm working. It find that advanced editor is more stable then Kword. Kword has Spell Check. You can't save files under other then KWD format. I would like to find another suite on the Internet with more file type support.
I hear that the ideal office suite for Linux is from Sun Microsystems. They are the on es who invented Solaros. So they created their office system for their Unix which also works in Redhat. The Sun Microsystems Office Suite defiantly has a better spell checker then that wimpy K-Office. It also can make presentations like Microsoft's Power Point Software and has it's very own email client which can gather news services like Microsoft's net meeting. Go Linux!
Communication Software bundled with Redhat
The Linux must have a high standard of network software to be used in businesses. I don't know if Linux excels in this area. For an example, modems connections are as good as Windows. The connection doesn't crap out on me when I'm away. XWindows is useful when reading graphics files and Video from MS Windows. It can read video format from Window CDs. I hear Redhat makes pretty powerful servers so it is no wonder so many people want the latest version of their Linux.
Linux worth it ?
In the end. I must pick Windows over Linux. Windows has the most 3rd party support and even though Windows may freeze up, it has IExplorer and the good webeditors. Money is not an issue with Windows. Windows users already know this, everything that Microsoft sells for 300 dollars, you can get it off the Internet free or close too. I still want to play Warcraft with friends so I rather not use Linux at this moment. For the most part, people agree with me with that part. If you don't have Windows yet. Spend the $300 dollars to get Windows XP Professional. Then use partition magic to partition Linux on your harddisk.
Written by Iain | ver. 0.7 | July 28, 2002 11:50 PM