Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Brace Yourselves for a Trump Conviction Because the Judge Just Tilted the Scales

The jury is deliberating, and we should be prepared for a conviction. That’s not to say there isn’t reasonable doubt all over the hush money trial involving Donald Trump, but this whole trial was a circus from the start so it’s unsurprising that its finish was more of a clown show. As Katie wrote this morning, none of this is normal. The judge’s instructions to the jury is aberrant, with some folks commenting on social media that these guidelines for the jury wouldn’t be legal in Zimbabwe. It will only take four jurors to convict Trump [emphasis mine]: 

Judge Merchan just told the jury that they do not need unanimity to convict. 4 could agree on one crime, 4 on a different one, and the other 4 on another. He said he would treat 4-4-4 as a unanimous verdict.— John Roberts (@johnrobertsFox) May 29, 2024

What??— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 29, 2024

That’s not even legal in Zimbabwe.— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) May 29, 2024

This is insane.

New York Judge Merchan just told jurors that they DO NOT have to unanimously agree on what crime Trump is guilty of.

It could be a 4-4-4 split.— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 29, 2024

…Judge Juan Merchan has given the jury their instructions…the instructions were given verbally and jurors won’t receive printed copies, although they can ask questions. 

According to legal experts, Merchan’s standards for a conviction are abnormal and do not require jurors to reach a unanimous decision on the charges. Further, jurors don’t have to determine what crime was committed. 

“Judge Merchan has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what that crime is. The jury could split into three groups of four on which of the three crimes were being concealed and Merchan will still treat it as a unanimous verdict,” George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who has been inside the courtroom, writes. “The jury has been given little substantive information on these crimes, and Merchan has denied a legal expert who could have shown that there was no federal election violation. This case should have been dismissed for lack of evidence or a cognizable crime.” 

You read that right: 4-4-4 is a unanimous verdict. The only thing that’s criminal in this trial is the trial itself. 

We knew this legal affair would go off the rails when jury selection began. The voir dire phase was a shambles, as the entire pool was already tainted. Everyone has a side regarding Donald Trump, which is precisely why political trials shouldn’t happen, but that’s another matter. The jury alone wasn’t a promising side for the Trump team. 

Then, as Turley noted, an expert witness, Bradley Smith, the former chairman of the FEC, was denied permission to testify by Merchan, a Democratic Party donor whose daughter is also a liberal political operative, for the defense.  Guy has elaborated on this all month. The heart of the charge against Trump is that he essentially committed a campaign finance violation by falsifying business records to cover up this arrangement. Right, because this alleged tryst would’ve swayed minds; Everyone was decided before Stormy Daniels came onto the scene. 

Alas, Smith did take to social media to give his take on the trial, which he called a farce. And I didn’t even get into how much of a joke Michael Cohen was being the prosecution’s star witness. This serial liar admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization on the stand and being unrepentant about it. 

A trainwreck jury selection, muzzling expert witnesses for the defense, and now lowering the bar on convictions where it only takes four guilty votes. Turley was also stunned that Josh Steinglass, a prosecution member, was permitted to offer “evidence outside the record” during closing arguments yesterday that lasted roughly four hours.

…We are about to restart. I am mystified how the court has allowed Steinglass to effectively give evidence outside of the record. Next break is supposed to be around 5:30 according to the judge.— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 28, 2024

This nonsense is happening right now. The Left is degrading and eroding constitutional norms for political purposes because now Joe Biden is in real danger of losing re-election.

Four votes is a unanimous verdict. That’s Biden’s America. Greg Price summed up this travesty on Twitter:

  • The Soros funded DA elevated a misdemeanor to a felony despite lowering 60% of all felonies for actual criminals in his jurisdiction 
  • The lead prosecutor resigned his position as the 3rd highest ranking member of Biden’s DOJ to join Alvin Bragg’s team going after Trump. 
  • The judge donated to Joe Biden and has a daughter who raised millions of dollars for Democrats off the Trump prosecutions 
  • The other lead prosecutor also donated to Joe Biden 
  • The lead witness that the whole case relies on is a convicted perjurer and serial liar who admitted during the trial to stealing money from the Trump organization 
  • The judge put a gag order on Donald Trump for pointing out the political conflicts of interest of the people prosecuting him 
  • The “crime” relies on the idea that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to conceal another crime, which is not mentioned in the indictment. 
  • The judge barred Trump’s defense from explaining to jury that no campaign finance violation occurred but allowed prosecutors to assert as fact in their closing that there was.
  • The judge cleared out the court room when Michael Cohen’s former attorney was exonerating Trump but allowed the prosecution to bring in Stormy Daniels to talk about whether or not Trump used a condom.
  • The judge barred a former FEC commissioner from testifying that Donald Trump did nothing wrong.
    The judge is allowing the jury to not have to reach a unanimous verdict on the underlying, unnamed crime Trump committed. 

What did I miss?

I’ll close with what Guy fears a guilty verdict from a rigged trial could bring for the country:

I am genuinely concerned about a scenario in which a Trump conviction is jerry-rigged by the partisan DA & judge, which then plausibly tips a close election…*after* which the verdict is (quite likely) overturned on appeal. We are already in a pretty unhealthy place as a country.— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 29, 2024

What Really Worries Me About a Potential Guilty Verdict


Former President Donald Trump’s legal fate is now in the hands of a New York City jury.  In my view, he should be acquitted on charges that never should have been brought in the first place.  Alternatively, a hung jury would amount to a significant win for Trump.  I fear, however, that he will be convicted.  These are Manhattanites in that jury room, after all.  They inhabit an island that overwhelmingly detests Donald Trump as a political figure.  For weeks, they’ve had prosecutors bombarding them with a blizzard of unseemliness, all linked to a man who most (if not all) of them likely despise.  Perhaps some of them they’ll have the integrity to ignore all the razzle-dazzle and sleight of hand, focus the mountain of reasonable doubt that has been established, and refuse to convict the defendant.  Or perhaps they’ll determine that they’ve seen enough sordid material to conclude Trump must be guilty of something, then rubber-stamp prosecutors’ cooked-up charges.  

Conservative legal expert and longtime federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy, who has argued persuasively for acquittal, is predicting a conviction.  Why?  Because the deck has been stacked by the prosecutors, by the Biden donor judge who’s aided and abetted the prosecution at nearly every turn, and in some ways, by Trump himself.  McCarthy explains how hardcore partisan Alvin Bragg and his fellow Democrat, Judge Merchan, teamed up to rig the game:

Ordinarily, falsifying business records is a misdemeanor under New York penal law. The statute that enhances the offense into a felony requires proof of fraudulent intent to conceal “another crime.” …[The indictment] put the defense on no notice of what “other crime” Trump was alleged to have concealed…Bragg knew it would be controversial to proclaim in clear terms the power and intention to enforce federal law — against a defendant whom the federal agencies with authority to prosecute investigated and as to whom they decided, for sound legal reasons, not to bring charges. The failure to provide a defendant with notice of the charges in the indictment violates the federal Constitution — and it strongly suggests that the grand jury did not find probable cause of the other crimes that Bragg now alleges (there is no “other crime” pled in the indictment).

On this point, Merchan has aided and abetted Bragg, to the point that it was not until summation, after six weeks of trial, that state prosecutors were finally clear and full-throated in urging that Trump should be convicted for violating federal law. That would be astounding in any case but is mind-boggling in the first-ever criminal prosecution of a former American president (who, not coincidentally, is the Republican presidential nominee and thus Bragg’s partisan political adversary). Without being limited to the charges in the indictment, as prosecutors are supposed to be, they presented the case to the jury as if the charge were conspiracy to influence the 2016 election by burying politically damaging information. To say that this conspiracy appears nowhere in the indictment does not explain the half of it. It is not a crime to conspire to influence an election unless one does so by unlawful means (that’s the afore-described New York misdemeanor), and there is nothing unlawful per se about burying politically damaging information.

That last point is where Trump’s role in his own potential conviction comes in. It remains entirely possible that at least some of the jurors will reject this outrageous case. That would be the fair and right outcome, legally speaking, as well as the healthiest outcome for the country, for reasons I’ll mention below. But if they hand down one or more guilty verdicts, McCarthy writes that the politically-motivated handcuffs Trump has placed on his own defense team throughout these proceedings could prove to have played a major role in that outcome:

Strategically speaking, Team Trump has presented one of the most ill-conceived, self-destructive defenses I have ever seen in decades of trying and analyzing criminal cases. The reason for this is clear: Trump insisted that his lawyers subordinate his defense at trial to the political narrative he wants to spin in the 2024 campaign. In this instance, the legal and political strategies cannot be synced. Hence, Trump is helping Bragg get his coveted convictions. Against the weight of evidence and common sense, Trump insists on telling voters that Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal — respectively, the porn star and Playboy model who quite credibly allege to have had flings with Trump circa 2006 — are lying. But no one with even passing familiarity with Trump’s combative and parsimonious nature would believe for a second (a) that he would agree to pay $130,000 to Stormy and $150,000 to McDougal if they were falsely claiming to have had affairs with him, or (b) that Cohen would have paid Stormy, and Trump’s pal David Pecker would have paid McDougal, unless Trump had green-lighted the payments and assured them of repayment.

Since Trump knows that, if he acknowledges being complicit in the payment arrangements, voters will conclude his denials of the affairs are lies, Trump has decided he must distance himself from the NDA payments. Politically speaking, this is dumb because voters long ago made up their minds about Trump’s extramarital affairs, and if he admitted them at this point, he’d merely be admitting what is notorious and not credibly deniable. Legally speaking, Trump’s gambit is disastrous. It makes no sense in a criminal courtroom for a defendant to deny his complicity in legal conduct when there is daunting evidence that he was complicit up to his neck. The prosecutors framed the case to the jury as a criminal conspiracy to bury damaging information. That’s not a crime, and NDAs are legal. But rather than go with that, his best defense, Trump has acted guilty: As if a candidate’s suppression of negative information, rather than routine, is criminally condemnable, and as if the NDAs are radioactive — the diabolical compacts of Cohen and Pecker from which he must stay a millions miles away (a choice at which the evidence is having a hearty laugh). For Bragg, this is a gift from prosecutorial heaven.

Trump apparently decided that basically conceding that the affair took place, and that the hush money was paid with his knowledge and approval, would be politically damaging, or rob him of some veneer of quasi-plausible deniablilty with voters and/or his family.  So he seems to have insisted that his attorneys maintain the charade. The problematic sex didn’t occur. The hush money payments weren’t made, then reimbursed, on Trump’s orders. Candidly, I’m not sure a single person actually believes that.  Yes, that’s officially Trump’s on-the-record position, but it’s not credible. So, as McCarthy points out, Trump is acting guilty by clinging to what nearly all observers — including jurors, I’m confident — see as a lie.  But the sex, the payments, and the reimbursements were all legal.  They aren’t crimes.  The straightest line between two points here, in terms of a successful legal defense, would have been for Team Trump to affirm, or at least not contest, the underlying acts (affair, payments), then to argue vociferously, relentlessly, and correctly that none of the acts were illegal. “Since the NDAs were legal, the reimbursement of Cohen was legal; ergo, there was no rational reason, legally speaking, to deny it,” McCarthy explains.  However, there’s this:

Why deny the undeniable? Because Trump knows that admitting the reimbursement is tantamount to admitting the sex with Stormy. Politically, he resists doing that because he has always denied it and can’t bring himself to concede error — not in the Trump DNA. But the elevation of his political needs (or, better, his ill-considered conception of them) has utterly undermined his defense…The roads to American prisons are paved with what in the trade we call “false exculpatory statements.” The reason is simple: People suspected of crime don’t lie unless they are trying to cover up wrongdoing. By lying about the reimbursement of Cohen, Team Trump gave immense help to the prosecutors’ plan to convince the jury that scheming to suppress politically damaging information is a crime. Why, the jury has to be wondering, would Trump lie about something so stupid unless he was worried about being implicated in “the conspiracy”?


It would be darkly ironic if a trial that has been entirely political from the jump ended up going against Trump due to some of his own, self-destructive political calculations. That said, even with Trump’s self-serving and ill-advised machinations, he’s still not guilty of the alleged ‘felonies’ charged.  The way Alvin Bragg was able to resurrect these lapsed misdemeanors (statues of limitations expired years ago) and turn them into dozens of ‘felonies’ was by concocting a conspiracy in which the bookkeeping mischaracterizations (it’s not even clear to me who the victim of these supposed misdemeanors was) were undertaken in pursuit of a separate and distinct crime.  The Biden donor judge allowed prosecutors to hide the ball on what that separate and distinct crime was.  They never fully identified it, and only effectively let the cat out of the bag during closing arguments, leaning hard into the notion that Trump committed campaign finance-related crimes.  This was presented to the jury after the defense had rested, with no opportunity for rebuttal:

Astounding. And the Biden donor judge wouldn’t let the defense question a top elections law expert regarding the law upon which the prosecution is hanging its case (having declined to specify the critical ‘other crime’ until closing arguments, with no opportunity for rebuttal):— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 28, 2024

McCarthy marvels, “the judge and prosecutors have led jurors to believe that the violation of FECA is an established fact in the case.” But this is most certainly not an established fact. Indeed, the judge would not allow the defense to effectively question an expert witness who could have offered compelling evidence — based on his former role running the Federal Elections Commission — that Trump’s NDA and hush money gambit was not a campaign finance violation.  The so-called ‘second crime,’ which was never fully revealed to the defense or the jury, could very well have imploded right there.  But Merchan would not permit that testimony, so a crucial defense witness was never called.  Legal experts, including several who are decidedly hostile to Trump, seem to agree that it remains unclear whether the prosecution successfully proved their untested legal theory in a way that was comprehensible, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt:

It seems like he’s convinced that the (long lapsed) bookkeeping misdemeanors have been proven, but is very shaky on how that translates into proven felonies—which is…the entire case here?— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 29, 2024

On CNN, anchor Jake Tapper says to legal expert: ‘I don’t know that they [prosecutors] have proved beyond a reasonable doubt…that Donald Trump knew.” The legal expert responded: “They have not…that is, in fact, reasonable doubt.”— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 28, 2024

CNN analyst on Trump trial: ‘The crime here is not easy to explain or understand.’ MSNBC analyst: ‘It is difficult because it’s a very nuanced argument…It’s never been prosecuted before.’— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 28, 2024

As I said elsewhere, you don’t have to be a MAGA hat wearing Trump fan to believe that if a former president (and current leading candidate) is going to be criminally prosecuted for the first time ever, the alleged crime should be very clear — and the legal theory behind it should have been tried before.  In reality, the ‘felonies’ leveled against Trump are complex and difficult to grasp, and the underlying legal theory is totally novel and untested.  This would be concerning-to-disturbing in any context.  It’s indefensible in a case involving the first-ever criminal prosecution of a former American president, and a man who is one of two people who will be elected in November.  The facts here were reviewed by Bragg’s predecessor, and by the Department of Justice, and by the FEC.  None of them pursued a prosecution — or even a civil case or fine, in the case of the FEC.  

But now a New York City jury could decide to convict Donald Trump after a rabid partisan prosecutor overruled all of those previous prudential judgments and presented a case (not coincidentally, in the middle of an election cycle, years after the ostensible ‘crimes’) in which the presiding judge — who donated to the political opponent of his defendant, yet didn’t recuse himself — permitted prosecutors to basically do whatever they wanted, while severely hemming in the defense.  One of the in-court prosecutors handling the case for Bragg, who’d been paid by the DNC for ‘political consulting’ during Trump’s presidency, left the third-ranking post within Biden’s Justice Department to help run this circus.  The Biden campaign held a bizarre and highly inappropriate event outside the courthouse just yesterday, which they’re now trying to pretend doesn’t count as a political or campaign event related to the trial.


Legal eagles from across the ideological spectrum seem to agree that there are multiple, serious, glaring grounds for appeal in this case.  Imagine a scenario in which a conviction is choreographed by this cabal, temporarily branding Trump a ‘convicted felon’ — which then arguably costs him a close election, after which the conviction is overturned.  I envisioned it on Fox yesterday, and consider it quite ominous:

I am genuinely concerned about a scenario in which a Trump conviction is jerry-rigged by the partisan DA & judge, which then plausibly tips a close election…*after* which the verdict is (quite likely) overturned on appeal. We are already in a pretty unhealthy place as a country.— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 29, 2024

I’ll leave you with this:

…Merchan just delivered the coup de grace instruction. He said that there is no need to agree on what occurred. They can disagree on what the crime was among the three choices. Thus, this means that they could split 4-4-4 and he will still treat them as unanimous…— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 29, 2024

Outrageous, farcical, insane.  Pick your adjective.  The judge instructed the jurors that they don’t even have to agree upon what the (unproven, unspecified, and even totally unexplored) ‘second crime’ is — without which the lapsed bookkeeping misdemeanors cannot be bootstrapped into felonies — in order to reach ‘unanimity’ for a conviction. Surreal.

Legal Experts: The Trump Trial Jury Instructions Are Not Normal


Closing arguments in the trial of former President Donald Trump in New York City, where he is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, have concluded and Judge Juan Merchan has given the jury their instructions. The instructions were given verbally and jurors won’t receive printed copies, although they can ask questions. 

According to legal experts, Merchan’s standards for a conviction are abnormal and do not require jurors to reach a unanimous decision on the charges. Further, jurors don’t have to determine what crime was committed. 

“Judge Merchan has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what that crime is. The jury could split into three groups of four on which of the three crimes were being concealed and Merchan will still treat it as a unanimous verdict,” George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley, who has been inside the courtroom, writes. “The jury has been given little substantive information on these crimes, and Merchan has denied a legal expert who could have shown that there was no federal election violation. This case should have been dismissed for lack of evidence or a cognizable crime.”

…The fraud instruction alone is so generalized that it would seem to encompass any claim that the defendant sought to influence the election through his actions. Merchan has done little to tailor standard instructions for this novel and frankly troubling case…— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 28, 2024

…So four can find a state election violation, four can find a federal election violations and four can find tax violations and it will still be treated as a unanimous verdict.— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 28, 2024

The notion that Merchan’s jury instructions could somehow fail to specifically instruct jurors about the second substantive “in furtherance of” crime—and its underlying statute, including the requisite mens rea/intent, etc.—is absolutely batshit insane.— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) May 28, 2024

This is wrong-jury must be unanimous on every element (it can’t be 4 believe one predicate and 8 believe another); judge is wrong— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) May 25, 2024

This is insanity.

I’ve tried many jury trials in my day. You give jurors paper instructions every time.

How are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements necessary for each of the 34 felony counts?

This is an illicit, witch-hunt prosecution.— Attorney General Andrew Bailey (@AGAndrewBailey) May 29, 2024

Otherwise the instructions have been “standard.”

Biden Taps U.S. Oil Reserves for Political Reasons…Again


Ahead of the 2024 election and busy summer travel season, President Joe Biden announced over the weekend he will tap the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve in an effort to lower gas prices at the pump. 

Gas prices are down $1.40 from their peak after Russia’s war, but they’re still too high.

My Administration is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve ahead of July 4th, which will lower prices at the pump when folks need it the most.— President Biden (@POTUS) May 28, 2024

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre touted the move Tuesday afternoon during the daily briefing. 

Karine Jean-Pierre brags about “lowering the price of gas” by “selling one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve.”

FACT: The nationwide average for gas remains ~50% higher than the day Biden took office.— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 28, 2024

The Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is supposed to be used in response to natural disasters or other emergencies that disrupt supplies, not to lower prices for political reasons. 

In 2012, Superstorm Sandy made landfall in the northeastern United States and caused heavy damage to two refineries and left more than 40 terminals in New York Harbor closed due to water damage and loss of power. This left some New York gas stations without fuel for as long as 30 days. As part of the Obama Administration’s ongoing response to the storm, the Department of Energy established the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR); the first federal, regional, refined petroleum product reserve containing gasoline

Creation of the emergency stock of gasoline was authorized by Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on June 20, 2014. Secretary Moniz directed the Office of Petroleum Reserves to establish a one million barrel gasoline component of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the Northeast. The intent was to create a buffer large enough to allow commercial companies to compensate for the initial impacts of interruptions in supply, but not so large as to dissuade the companies from maintaining stock levels sufficient to respond to routine disruptions or to recognize that increasing prices are an indicator that more supply is needed. A one million barrel emergency reserve would give Northeast consumers supplemental supplies for a few days in the event of a hurricane or other disruption, until existing distribution infrastructure could return to full operation.

Another Desperate Attack on SCOTUS Turns Out to Be Complete and Utter Garbage


An important piece of information emerged over the holiday weekend, and it’s important that it not get buried.  By way of background, the activist Left — very much including a large share of the ‘news’ media — has been doing its best to fabricate yet another entirely phony “scandal” against a conservative Supreme Court justice.  They’ve been actively pursing this strategy for years, funded by mountains of the sort of ‘dark money’ they pretend to abhor, for the purpose of eroding the Court’s legitimacy.  Let’s be explicitly clear: They are not doing so because they are genuinely concerned about “ethics.” They are not doing so because there are clear violations or conflicts of interests at play (this cynical brigade has shown zero interest in similar or more flagrant potential issues involving the Court’s leftist contingent).  They are doing so because the Court’s conservative majority is denying them the outcomes they desire.  It’s that simple.  They are laboring to tear down an institution that stands in the way of their extreme ideological project because they view and demand power as their ideological birthright. 


This is dangerous, both to “our democracy,” about which they purport to care very deeply, and to the targeted justices.  We’ve witnessed the Democrats’ Senate leader specifically threaten members of the Court by name, earning a rare rebuke from the Chief Justice.  We’ve seen ugly, menacing protests outside the family homes of various justices.  And we’ve even seen a thwarted assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which garnered shockingly little coverage.  As always, “civility” and “rhetoric” media panics cut in one direction among the progressives who run America’s widely-distrusted, ‘elite’ newsrooms.  And it’s from those newsrooms that the current, ludicrous controversy has emanated — driven by activists, and picked up by elected Democrats.  It’s ginned-up nonsense.  It’s embarrassing.  And it’s all so transparent.  The country is supposed to be scandalized by an upside-down American flag flown outside of Justice Sam Alito’s home in early January 2021.  The country was then instructed to be further appalled by the discovery of another, ‘insurrectionist-linked’ flag flying at his vacation home.  

Justice Alito has explained the 2021 incident, drawing incredulous heckles from the Left, but it turns out that his account aligns with contemporaneous reporting from the Washington Post.  Indeed, back at the time, the Post looked into the matter and found the episode so unremarkable that they didn’t even run a story on it.  But here we are, years later, and the manufactured outrage machine insists that everyone simply ignore this:

The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it after they determined it was part of a neighborhood dispute not rooted in politics. It’s a good thing we didn’t let this all get out of hand!— Philip Letsou (@philipletsou) May 25, 2024

It getting ‘out of hand’ was the whole point, of course.  But the fact remains that the Post dug into this flap more than three years ago and declined to report on it after concluding that the upside-down flag was hoisted by the justice’s wife, over a neighborhood dispute.  The dispute, it seems, originated from bouts of profane rudeness from left-wing residents: “Alito said that a neighbor had posted a sign saying ‘F**k Trump’ near a school bus stop and then a sign attacking his wife, Martha-Ann Alito. On a walk, the justice told Fox, the Alitos got into an argument with the neighbor, who used the term ‘c**t’ at one point. His wife then flew the inverted flag,” which is a sign of distress.  But the New York Times’ breathless reporting in recent days is designed to conjure up the impression that Alito is a pro-Capitol-riot, ‘stop the steal’ lunatic.  Facts that were explored and dismissed at the time have been resurrected and distorted, as part of a shameless political hit job.  As for the other ‘problematic flag,’ what an embarrassing attack:

Rather than retreat in humiliation, the Times doubled down this week with a follow-up report of yet another flag—this one right-side up—spotted at the Alitos’ vacation home in New Jersey. The left tells us that the 1775 Pine Tree flag was spotted among Jan. 6 protesters! And moreover, that its catch phrase, “an appeal to heaven,” derives from a radical character—John Locke. The Times somehow fails to let readers know that the flag is a longtime symbol of independence; that it was designed byGeorge Washington’s secretary; was flown on ships commissioned by Washington; has been honored, commemorated and flown over state capitols; and is the official maritime flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is currently displayed outside the office of the speaker of the House. Dozens of historic flags were toted to the Capitol on Jan. 6, as were copies of the Constitution and pictures of the American eagle. Are they all now symbols of “insurrection”?

The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ banner was never controversial or “linked” to January 6th until the journo class abruptly decided that it was, as part of a preposterous pile-on.  Beware the Trump insurrectionists who run…San Francisco?  

lest you think this was just 2019, the Appeal To Heaven flag was flying outside San Francisco City Hall in 2023 as well — the same time frame as at Alito’s beach house

Dastardly insurrectionists everywhere— Logan Dobson (@LoganDobson) May 25, 2024

The lengths to which people will go to re-write history on the fly, in service of craven politics, is creepy and Orwellian:

Wikipedia edits on the Pine Tree Flag page are fascinating.

On Wednesday, it was just a normal flag.

On Friday, it’s a now a symbol of Christian nationalism and right-wing extremism.

And the Popular Culture section on the HBO miniseries has been completely removed.— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) May 24, 2024

Recall that a well-known dictionary company literally altered the definition of a term overnight, in support of a separate partisan assault against another current member of the Court.  Nevertheless, Senate Democrats — including many of the same cretins who seized upon the insane, debunked Julie Swetnick/Michael Avenatti ‘serial gang rape parties’ smear of Brett Kavanaugh to demand the withdrawal of his nomination — are pouncing on the humiliating, made-up flags ‘scandal’ to issue new demands.  They want Alito to recuse himself from certain cases.  They want new rules imposed on the justices.  They insist upon ’emergency’ meetings to address this garbage (they actually wrote the words “MAGA battle flags” in their idiotic press release).  And they’re making dark threats like this, via a conspiratorial lunatic and prominent all-white club member:

Raskin: “if and when we win back the House and the Senate and the White House we will look at the Supreme Court and figure out what can be done about that extremely corrupted and contaminated body.” Yes we will, brother. Yes we will.— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) May 24, 2024

As an aside, Rep. Raskin, last seen cowering and caving to pro-Hamas mobs in Maryland, is quoted here railing against the “extremely corrupted and contaminated” Supreme Court over its, um, unanimous decision against a fringe, anti-democracy left-wing effort to force Donald Trump off of ballots.  The ‘corruption and contamination’ runs so deep that they’ve even gotten to Sotomayor, or something.  Do these people hear themselves?  What’s frightening is seeing them openly broadcast the sorts of power-grabs they would be willing to attempt against the Court if given the opportunity.  These sorts of people have contempt for our country and our system, assailing and bullying any check or balance that frustrates their thirst for political supremacy and power:

Nothing says don’t question the legitimacy of elections and “our Democracy” like “stolen seats.”— Randy Barnett (@RandyEBarnett) May 25, 2024

No one should take seriously any lectures about democracy, institutions, or norms from these clowns.  And the hackery truly is off the charts.  Just look at these Senate Democrats go:

In 2016, Justice Ginsburg—not her spouse—weighed in against Trump’s election, suggested fleeing the country, and made comments about his tax returns.

Why did Senate Democrats not call for her recusal in any Trump case—including one about his taxes?— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) May 25, 2024

They never called for RBG to recuse herself (just like they ignored ‘ethical issues,’ under their own, ever-changing, on-the-fly ‘standards’ from Sotomayor and others) because they don’t actually believe any of this rubbish.  They don’t adhere to consistent principles or standards.  They pursue whatever they feel like they must, in any given moment, to achieve political and ideological advantage.  That’s it.  Their pathetic histrionics should be ignored by the Court, but not by Republicans or voters.  These are radicals who pose an actual threat to the country’s governing institutions and the rule of the law.  They are aided and abetted by many in the news media.  They must not be entrusted with the power they covet and crave.  Speaking of histrionics, I’ll leave you with this:

“There are days that I come to my office, close my door, and cry.”

Justice Sotomayor says she often cries when SCOTUS announces a ruling:— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 26, 2024

Given the Left’s fleeting rules from 2018 — when they claimed Brett Kavanaugh’s righteously furious reaction to being baselessly accused of gang rape painted a troubling portrait of his temperament and fitness for the beach — is Sonia Sotomayor emotionally stable enough to remain on the Court?  By the way, the Roberts Court is not actually very right-wing, isn’t unusually ‘activist,’ and Sotomayor is quite often in the majority.  That little emotive rant seems to be her way of previewing that the leftist screamers are not going to like a number of the rulings that will be announced in the coming weeks.  It may be time to further enhance the justices’ security details, given the dangerous, unhinged rhetoric and conduct that might once again follow — shamefully stoked by politicians at the highest levels of the inaptly-named Democratic Party.