Have you ever wondered why almost nothing good in the “circles of power” ever happens? Bad stuff—Trump getting impeached twice, FBI raids on the homes of conservative and religious people, January 6th committees, etc.—these things seem to occur with regularity, but nothing you and I won’t ever quite seems to get done. The Democratic Party controls nearly all the levers of power—the Washington Establishment, the Deep State, most of the media, academia, and Hollywood. But mainly, Washington, D.C. Nothing positive will ever be accomplished until there is a revolution in these corridors of iniquity.
Let me give you a few examples of what I mean.
1. The Republican Congressional investigations. Do you honestly think the Republicans will accomplish anything astounding in the inquiries? It is fairly apparent that the whole Biden family, Joe, Hunter, and James, should be in jail. You and I would be if we had done what they did. But there is no way any of those people will suffer one iota. Impeach Mayorkas? Forget it. Even if the House Republicans did impeach half of Biden’s Cabinet, none will get convicted or removed from office because the Democrats control the Senate. And the blowback would be on the Republicans for doing it. They know that, which is why they won’t do it. The investigations are necessary, but beyond that, absolutely nothing that NEEDS to be done will be done. The Democrats control all the machines required to ensure they DON’T happen.
2. What really happened with the release of Covid-19 in China? I can almost guarantee that the CCP deliberately released it, but I can’t prove that. They aren’t going to let anybody do a thorough investigation, of course; even WHO has given up trying (now, there’s a shocker for you). And, naturally, the pro-China Washington establishment will never push the CCP for answers. It happened; millions died, meh. That’s all we will ever know; that’s all the CCP, and their cohorts in the Democratic Party will ever let us know. I doubt the Democrats had anything to do with the release of Covid, but they will protect their own (the CCP AND Fauci).
3. The Paul Pelosi underwear caper. Do you know what happened there? Does anybody, besides the Pelosis? Do you think Nancy will ever let us in on the secret? That one is under the rug. The Democrats and media have it nicely covered, thank you.
4. Jeffrey Epstein. Same here. Some information and lists are supposed to be published. Sometime soon. Sometime. We all wonder about the totality of personages on that list, but regardless, nobody of any consequence will be punished for it. That much we do know.
5. The East Palestine train wreck and the China spy balloons. All of America is waiting for thorough investigations from our wonderful government and strong measures to ensure such things never happen again. We are waiting. And waiting. And waiting. The year is now 2040. We are still waiting…Why do we never get any answers to anything? Those answers are probably very damaging to the Deep State moguls, Democrats, and maybe a few RINOs, such as those who control the wheels of power. They circle the wagons and protect their own, and you and I can do nothing about it. So, go ahead, JD, stir up the streams around East Palestine and see what comes up. I’ll bet nobody in Washington will surface.
7. The 2020 elections and the 2022 Arizona governor’s election fiasco. Donald Trump won the 2016 election, and immediately, “Russian collusion” was the byword; Trump “stole” the election with the help of Vladimir Putin. And the investigation went on for two years, wasting millions of American taxpayer dollars, not to mention man-hours, in something that proved totally bogus. Most of us knew it was from the very beginning. The Deep State tried, but even they can’t always create something out of nothing. But they made their accusations of a “stolen election,” had their investigation, and, for two years, we heard almost nothing else in the news, hamstringing much of what Trump was trying to do for the country. But, in 2020, when there were legitimate questions surrounding certain voting procedures in many states, noooooo, this was the “fairest, most honest election in American history.” No hanky-panky going on at all. Nor inquiries. In fact, when a few Americans expressed their displeasure at the Capital building on January 6, 2021 (it IS their house, you know), we heard about THAT for the next two years. “January 6,” not a possibly unfair election, was investigated.
Is anything going on in the 2022 Arizona governor’s election scam? Well, Kari Lake is still trying. Do you have any hope she will eventually will that case?
Why? Well, this is exactly what I am talking about. The Democrats manipulate in ways Republicans never even think about. They get what they want. They can start bogus investigations any time they wish and block, or seriously retard, anything they don’t want to happen. They control the levers of power. And you and I are constantly frustrated because the people we support are forever in deep doo-doo, but the real criminals and miscreants, people whom we know are slithering around the halls of Congress, destroying our nation, always get away scot-free, and retire richer than you and I can ever dream of doing.
“With liberty and justice for all.” Well, for all the Leftist, deep-state Democrats. Something needs to be done. But what can we do? I’m open to suggestions.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Democrats Control All the Levers of Power
Newt’s War Against Corruption
WASHINGTON — Politicians are rarely competent writers. In fact, they are rarely writers. That is why they have speechwriters. John F. Kennedy was supposed to be a great writer. He actually won the Pulitzer Prize for his book “Profiles in Courage,” though Ted Sorensen wrote the book. Sorensen was one of his speechwriters, of course.
Today we have few politicians who can even read a book. One who can, both read and write books, is Newt Gingrich, and he also writes newspaper columns, which I commend to you. Last week, he wrote a column that was at the top of the chop, as H.L. Mencken used to say back in the 1920s. Newt’s column was ominously titled “America Is Becoming a Corrupt Country.” Newt writes very well, and if he wrote as well several years ago as he wrote last week, he would have had my vote for the presidency. But then we might not have had him in the pages of The American Spectator, which is where the column appeared. I urge you to read it. It is about the spreading corruption afflicting America. He covered a lot of malfeasance in but a few sentences.
Newt began by saying, “America has been drifting toward a level of corruption incompatible with a free society and a free-market economy.” He elaborated that political and economic freedom depend on honesty, which depends on “a sense of trust” among the public. This “sense of trust” is rapidly evaporating among the general public, according to Newt. In California alone, $20 billon was recently stolen from the state’s unemployment compensation program. He goes on, “If you assumed the average theft was $200,000, that would require 100,000 people willing to be thieves.” That is a large number of thieves running loose in one state. We have 50 states plus territories within the union. Whereupon Newt turns to “petty theft on a grand scale (which) has become a way of life for tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of people.”
Next, he considers the big leagues in corruption. “In this context,” says Newt, “the Hunter Biden-Biden family pattern of influence peddling is just one more example of a country sliding into the acceptance of criminality as the norm.” Then he adds the coup de grace: “Beginning with the Bill Clinton presidency, we shifted focus from the morally right to what you can get away with.” Newt concludes with the words of Max Bialystock from “The Producers”: “When you’ve got it, flaunt it.”
What Newt has done with a minimum of bombast is sketch out a country in decline in practically every category. This has happened before in America, but always standing on the horizon have been the forces of reform, ready to clear away the muck, as it was called. There were the reformers, the muckrakers — genuine cleansers of the muck — the progressives — not today’s variety of progressive but genuine progressives. All were public-spirited citizens intent on changing the system, such as Teddy Roosevelt in politics and squeaky-clean private citizens such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell. They occasionally came up with some unworkable reforms, but in their high-mindedness, they preserved a regard for clean government and clean government worked. America was one of the most corruption-free governments in the world. Now it verges of being one of the most corrupt.
Consider the instances of corruption cited above. Bill Clinton got away with “it” by stating that “they all did it.” The Bidens are getting away with their influence peddling by simply ignoring “it” and expecting the media to go along with their corruption. So far it works. But Newt’s protest published last week may be the beginning of what citizens such as Roosevelt, Steffens and Tarbell launched decades ago, a protest movement for clean government.
The problem is that all the instruments for assuring clean government — the government regulatory bureaus, the private organizations such the American Civil Liberties Union, the reform movements such as Common Cause — are as corrupt as the groups they try to keep an eye on. Newt Gingrich may have begun an anti-corruption movement of his own last week, but he will have his hands full in the years ahead. Good luck, Newt.
Eric Swalwell is in Hot Water and It Isn’t Over a Chinese Spy This Time
Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell, who was recently stripped of his assignment on the House Intelligence Committee for engaging in a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy named Christine “Fang Fang” Fang, is in hot water again over the alleged misuse of campaign funds.
In fact, according to the Washington Free Beacon, Swalwell spent more money on luxury accommodations and travel than former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He also used campaign funds for child care, which could prompt an ethics complaint.
“This isn’t the first time Swalwell’s campaign spending has landed him in trouble. In 2021, the Democrat came under fire for using donor funds as a “private piggy bank.” Swalwell paid a family member more than $17,000 for child care, spent $20,000 at the Bay Area Ritz-Carlton where his wife used to work, and poured tens of thousands of dollars into non-campaign-related “catering” and “refreshments” at exclusive clubs and restaurants,” the Free Beacon reports. “In response, Swalwell protested that the charge was meant to distract him while his opponents “plot the next insurrection,” and he praised the “pro-family” policy that allowed him to use donor dollars for his kids’ care.”
Further, while Swalwell advocates taxpayers foot the bill for student loans, he’s refusing to pay his own tabs.
“Swalwell has yet to pay down $50,001 to $100,000 in law school loans, though he graduated in 2006 and has raked in six-figure salaries for years. He owes between $15,001 and $50,000 in credit card debt to Chase Bank and between $10,000 and $15,000 in debt to American Express. Swalwell also holds two mortgages, one between $100,001 and $250,000 and the other between $500,001 and $1,000,000,” Free Beacon reports.
Swalwell has failed to respond to the controversy and has instead been focused on attacking former President Donald Trump.
TRUMP: "Low life" @ericswalwell "was just kicked off the Intelligence Committee...for having the poor judgment of dating and falling desperately in love with a Chinese Spy, Fang Fang, whose honey net has gotten massive amounts of information for her beloved China." pic.twitter.com/CPrJRM5pdP
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) February 22, 2023
Monday, February 20, 2023
US military in decline, threats from China ‘formidable,’ report says
WASHINGTON — U.S. military power was weaker this year than the year prior, according to a new report by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that each year analyzes the strength of the armed forces and the threats to America.
The “2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength” focuses on the need for readiness in not one, but two wars — or “major regional contingencies (MRCs),” as the authors put it — with the theory that such a standard would prevent another competitor from taking advantage of U.S. preoccupation with another challenge. But the U.S. currently does not meet that goal, with the report rating America’s military power as “weak,” down from “marginal” in the previous year’s index.
“The 2023 Index concludes that the current U.S. military force is at significant risk of not being able to meet the demands of a single major regional conflict while also attending to various presence and engagement activities,” the report read. “It most likely would not be able to do more and is certainly ill-equipped to handle two nearly simultaneous MRCs.”
The report assessed three major factors: the global operating environment, threats to U.S. interests and U.S. military power. Here are the findings:
US can still globally project power
The global operating environment, aggregated across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, is still favorable to the U.S. and its ability to project military power, according to the report.
“This does not mean that we view Latin America and Africa as unimportant. It means only that the security challenges within these regions do not currently rise to the level of direct threats to America’s vital interests as we have defined them,” the think tank explained.
Despite challenges across each geographic region, the U.S. remains empowered to project its forces, even after Russia’s invasion in Ukraine.
In Europe and Asia, alliances and military posture in those regions help the U.S. project its power. However, the U.S. risks losing its “moderate” rating in the Middle East.
“Although the region’s overall score remains ‘moderate,’ as it was last year, it is in danger of falling to ‘poor’ because of political instability and growing bilateral tensions with allies over the security implications of the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran and how best to fight the Islamic State,” the report said.
The European and Pacific theaters remain marked as “favorable” to U.S. military projection.
Russia and China
Researchers also said Russia and China each present “aggressive” behavior and have “formidable” capabilities. Meanwhile, the report found Iran and nonstate actors are also “aggressive” in their behavior but less threatening in their respective capabilities.
North Korea’s behavior is less so, while its ability to threaten the U.S. is equal to that of Iran, but stronger than that of nonstate actors.
The report focused on three areas that potential adversaries could threaten: the homeland, U.S. allies in a given region and “international common spaces.”
A major reason behind Russia’s threat level is its “efforts to undermine the NATO alliance,” of which the U.S. in a member.
“[Russia] still maintains the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, and although a strike on the U.S. is highly unlikely, the latent potential for such a strike still gives these weapons enough strategic value vis-à-vis America’s NATO allies and interests in Europe to ensure their continued relevance,” the report said.
But China remained the most “comprehensive security challenge” to U.S. forces across all areas considered by the report, with the Heritage Foundation citing the technological advances of the Chinese military.
“The Chinese launched their first homegrown aircraft carrier during the past year and are fielding large numbers of new platforms for their land, sea, air, and outer-space forces as well as in the electromagnetic domain,” the report said.
A force in decline
The report also offered an assessment of U.S. military power among the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Space Force, looking at the capacity, capability and readiness of each on a scale of very weak, weak, marginal, strong and very strong. Only the Marine Corps ranked “strong” overall, the report noted.
The Army scored “marginal,” while the Air Force was ranked “very weak” and the Navy “weak.” The report backed calls for a naval force armed with 400 manned ships to meet its missions, but said the service’s fleet of 298 ships cannot keep up with an “intensified operational tempo.”
“Contributing to a lower assessment is the Navy’s persistent inability to arrest and reverse the continued diminution of its fleet while adversary forces grow in number and capability,” the report read.
The Air Force’s main issues are related to pilot training and retention as well as its aging aircraft fleet, the report said. The think tank suggested the service could win in a single major regional contingency but would struggle against a “peer competitor.”
“The shortage of pilots and flying time for those pilots degrades the ability of the Air Force to generate the quality of combat air power that would be needed to meet wartime requirements,” the report noted.
The newest service, the Space Force, also was labeled “weak,” with the report citing “slow and incremental” efforts to modernize aging platforms.
Elon Musk Calls Out ChatGPT’s Liberal Bias
witter CEO Elon Musk weighs in on the artificial intelligence service, ChatGPT, which reportedly shows liberal bias.
Musk shared a meme in a tweet with the caption, “ChatGPT to the mainstream media.”
The meme read, “look at me; I’m the captain of propaganda now.”
1 2 | ChatGPT to the mainstream media pic.twitter.com/gdqWTsHy14 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 16, 2023 |
Musk, who helped launch ChatGPT, said that the technology no longer resembles what he took part in creating in 2015. Instead, the billionaire said that it was designed to be an open-source nonprofit.
“Now it has become a closed source, the maximum-profit company effectively controlled by Microsoft,” Must wrote in a tweet. “Not what I intended at all.”
ChatGPT has come under scrutiny after it reportedly refused to write a New York Post-style article on the corruptness of Hunter Biden, citing that it has concerns about “rumors, misinformation, or personal attacks.”
“The role of a news outlet is to provide accurate and impartial reporting and to present information in a manner that is fair and balanced,” the chatbot said. “It is not appropriate to use a journalistic platform to spread rumors, misinformation, or personal attacks. I encourage you to seek out reputable news sources that prioritize journalistic integrity and factual reporting.”
However, it did write a CNN-style story on Hunter Biden that made him look innocent.
“Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has been a subject of public scrutiny since the 2020 presidential campaign. While much of the attention has been focused on his personal life and business dealings, there are important aspects of his story that warrant closer examination,” the chatbot generated, failing to mention his infamous laptop.
Additionally, ChatGPT showed bias when asked if The New York Post or CNN are reputable.
“CNN is a well-established and respected news organization that has been in operation for over 40 years. While it, like any news outlet, has been subject to criticism and controversy at times. It has generally been recognized for its commitment to accurate and impartial reporting,” the chatbot wrote.
When asked about The New York Post, it said it could not make “specific judgments” about the news outlet.
The Willful Neglect of the American People
This week marks one year since Russia invaded Ukraine. The war has been extremely costly for both sides. However, while the international community has condemned Russia for its aggression, Ukraine has received significant support from many European countries and the United States. The Biden administration has provided Ukraine with over$100 a billion in military equipment and humanitarian aid.
Sadly, neither the United States nor our European allies are pushing for a peaceful settlement of this war. On the contrary, there is no end in sight to the war or the financial and military commitment of the United States.
This is all very pleasing to neocons like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). He believes supporting the war in Ukraine is the top priority for our country. Nevertheless, the American people disagree, as a new Associated Press poll shows that support for involvement in the war has dropped significantly.
Americans are concerned about what is happening in Ukraine but place a higher priority on the problems in our country. Unfortunately, as Ukraine receives endless financial and military support, issues are worsening in the United States.
As the Biden administration continues to send sophisticated weapons to Ukraine, more Americans do not feel safe in their homes. Moreover, in many urban areas, as police departments shrink, crime has escalated tremendously in recent years.
As we help Ukraine protect its borders from Russian forces, our border has been invaded by millions of illegal immigrants, including dangerous criminals.
Last year, drug overdoses killed a record number of Americans. Many of those killed were victims of a fentanyl overdose, primarily composed of chemicals made in China and processed in Mexico. The Mexican drug cartels send this lethal drug into our country.
Unfortunately, America does not have enough political leaders focused on the open border and the influx of illegal drugs. They are more concerned about problems elsewhere. So while over $100 billion has flowed to Ukraine, not enough money is being allocated to our Border Patrol.
Our political leaders are willfully neglecting the needs of the American people. There is a massive disconnect between the priorities of the American people and what the Deep State and the political establishment of both parties are delivering.
For many Democrats, fighting climate change is their top priority. Yet, a recent Gallup poll found that climate change is at the bottom of our country’s list of top problems.
For Republican globalists like McConnell, the top priority for our country is to help the Ukrainian people prevail against Russia. However, the Gallup poll showed that the war in Ukraine was not even mentioned by 1% of respondents as our top problem.
What are the American people concerned about? The top four priorities are poor leadership, illegal immigration, the weak economy, and the escalating inflation rate.
Nothing is being done to improve the leadership on Capitol Hill. As a result, the same politicians win leadership positions, and Congress refuses to pass term limits, despite its strong popularity nationwide.
Many of our political elite want to not only ignore the American people but also take away their rights. Democrats are keen to strip Second Amendment rights to fight crime.
During the pandemic, many Republicans supported closing businesses and churches and restricting First Amendment rights to fight COVID-19.
Politicians are forcing Americans to move away from gasoline-powered vehicles whether they want to or not. So in the name of fighting climate change, the Biden administration is rushing headlong into solar and wind projects.
The problem is that the impact of these projects is not fully understood. For example, on the east coast, dead whales keep washing ashore. Some experts cite wind projects as the reason.
The economic feasibility of these renewable energy sources is another concern. While Americans will face higher costs, the political elite claim it is a small price to pay to fight climate change.
While our government focuses on climate change and Ukraine, not enough is done to address rampant crime, the open border, or soaring inflation.
When an environmental disaster hit East Palestine, Ohio, the response was so tardy and inadequate that residents were furious. Finally, after President Donald Trump announced he was visiting the area, the Biden administration decided to provide aid to impacted residents from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
While our federal leaders play the role of global policeman, restrict our rights, raise our taxes, and ignore our problems, they expect citizens to keep quiet and not express their First Amendment rights.
This is not how our Founding Fathers established the federal government to operate. Our system of government was created to instill ultimate power in “We the People.” There are checks and balances, and our politicians are supposedly “public servants.”
Today, the people serve a government filled with elitist politicians and bureaucrats who enjoy massive salaries, limited work hours, and extraordinary benefits while Americans struggle to survive.
It was reported in real America that credit card debt hit a new record. The average American who cannot afford to pay for essentials creates more debt or takes funds from their retirement accounts. Little is going well in our country today as the “American Dream” is out of reach for many families.
The elite does not have such worries, for their lives are completely estranged from the struggles of everyday Americans. For example, President Joe Biden has a security wall built around his mansion but refuses to give the American people a border wall to protect us from multiple threats.
No wonder President Trump is so hated by the establishment. He vows to put “America First.” But, sadly, our political elite always places “America Last.”
Instead of addressing real needs, political leaders focus on an agenda alien to the American people. No wonder Americans don’t trust politicians who willfully neglect the public.
Eventually, Americans will demand that “public servants” begin to listen.
Joe Biden Probably Regrets Saying This About Social Security
President Joe Biden has picked up a fresh political weapon to wield against Republicans, as seen in his State of the Union address: social security and medicare. Biden trotted out questionable claims about what Republicans in the House and Senate wish to do to such programs, but Townhall fact-checked Biden’s claim and found essentially unanimous agreement among Republicans that sunsetting Social Security is not on the table.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, has a track record that sounds an awful lot like the one he’s trying to pin to Republicans.
As a significantly fresher face in Washington in 1995, then-Senator Joe Biden took to the floor of the upper chamber to push for a “freeze” on federal outlays, including social security and medicare, among other budget items as part of an attempt to sunset all federal programs.
“When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well,” Biden hollered at his Senate colleagues in 1995. “I meant Medicare and Medicaid, I meant veterans’ benefits, I meant every single solitary thing in the government,” this entirely foreign fiscally conscious version of Biden continued. “And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time.”
1 2 | "When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well; I meant Medicare and Medicaid; I meant veterans' benefits; I meant every single, solitary thing in the government." — Joe Biden defending the proposed balanced budget amendment, January 1995 pic.twitter.com/5WQ1imljgg — Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) May 3, 2019 |
Four times, eh? That is checks notes four attempts more than congressional Republicans have made since Biden took office.
As it turns out, cuts to entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare were an ongoing crusade for Biden in his Senate days. Biden backed Reagan’s tax cuts, then joined Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in pushing for a freeze on all federal spending, including on social security, despite Reagan’s desire to shield Social Security from cuts, according to a 2020 campaign story in The Intercept.
Well, Biden now finds himself in the White House and on the flip side of the battle he once furiously waged, so maybe he ought to pipe down about the allegedly untenable idea of cutting or freezing Social Security or Medicare since he repeatedly did exactly that while Republicans…have not.
Biden’s service in the Senate was not the only or most recent time Biden put cuts to Social Security and other entitlements on the bargaining table, either. During his unsuccessful run for president in the 2008 cycle, Biden again said he would “absolutely” consider looking at making changes to Social Security and Medicare, including cost of living increases, to address the federal deficit that was apparently in dire straits according to Biden then but nothing to worry about now that he’s piling up charges against the country’s future.
Yet again, after being rescued from full defeat by Barack Obama in 2008, then-Vice President Joe Biden would show his willingness to make “adjustments” — cuts, means testing, a minimum age increase — to Social Security in a proposed “grand bargain” with Republicans in Congress. The bargain ended up falling apart, but Biden is still on the record being receptive to the idea of reforming, cutting, adjusting — whatever you call it — a program that he now claims is sacrosanct. And now that position is one he is dubiously using as a political bludgeon against congressional Republicans — even though he more forcefully and concretely attempted to cut Social Security and Medicare in his own career than today’s Republicans.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Biden. Again.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Movies seen in 2023
Position Title IMDb Rating Year
1 Alien 8.5 1979
2 Hak hap 6 1996
3 A Bridge Too Far 7.4 1977
4 A Christmas Carol 7.8 1984
5 A Christmas Carol 5 1982
6 A Christmas Carol 7 1950
7 A Streetcar Named Desire 7.9 1951
8 A Walk in the Sun 6.9 1945
9 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 7.3 1939
10 Alice in Wonderland 6.4 2010
11 Alien³ 6.4 1992
12 AVP: Alien vs. Predator 5.6 2004
13 Aliens 8.4 1986
14 An American Carol 4 2008
15 An American Werewolf in London 7.5 1981
16 The Aviator 7.5 2004
17 Band of Brothers 9.4 2001
18 Battlestar Galactica 8.5 2003
19 Battlestar Galactica 8.7 2004
20 Black Rain 6.6 1989
21 Dracula 7.4 1992
22 The Bridge at Remagen 6.7 1969
23 The Brides of Dracula 6.6 1960
24 Broken Arrow 6.1 1996
25 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 7.9 1958
26 Centennial 8.3 1978
27 The Changeling 7.2 1980
28 Collateral 7.5 2004
29 The Changeling 7 2006
30 The Curse of Frankenstein 7 1957
31 Night of the Demon 7.4 1957
32 Daybreakers 6.4 2009
33 Death Hunt 6.9 1981
34 Defiance 7.1 2008
35 Dirty Harry 7.7 1971
36 Magnum Force 7.2 1973
37 Sudden Impact 6.6 1983
38 The Dead Pool 6.3 1988
39 How the Grinch Stole Christmas 6.3 2000
40 Dracula 6.5 1979
41 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave 6.5 1968
42 Dracula A.D. 1972 5.9 1972
43 Dracula: Prince of Darkness 6.7 1966
44 East of Eden 7.8 1955
45 Enemy at the Gates 7.5 2001
46 Eight Below 7.3 2006
47 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 6.4 2001
48 Firefox 5.9 1982
49 Fright Night 7 1985
50 Halloween 7.7 1978
51 Hidalgo 6.7 2004
52 Hide and Seek 5.9 2005
53 Dracula 7.2 1958
54 How the West Was Won 7 1962
55 Independence Day 7 1996
56 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 7.5 1984
57 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8.2 1989
58 Raiders of the Lost Ark 8.4 1981
59 Iron Man 2 6.9 2010
60 Iron Man 7.9 2008
61 It's a Wonderful Life 8.6 1946
62 Jurassic Park 8.2 1993
63 K-19: The Widowmaker 6.7 2002
64 The War 9 2007
65 Kiss of the Dragon 6.6 2001
66 Live Free or Die Hard 7.1 2007
67 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 8.8 2001
68 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 9 2003
69 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 8.8 2002
70 The Matrix 8.7 1999
71 The Matrix Reloaded 7.2 2003
72 The Matrix Revolutions 6.7 2003
73 This Is It 7.2 2009
74 Minority Report 7.6 2002
75 Mirrors 6.1 2008
76 The Mummy 7.1 1999
77 The Mummy Returns 6.4 2001
78 My Fair Lady 7.8 1964
79 National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 7.5 1989
80 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes 7 1970
81 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 8.1 2003
82 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 7.3 2006
83 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 7.1 2007
84 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 6.6 2011
85 Premonition 5.9 2007
86 Rat Race 6.4 2001
87 Rebel Without a Cause 7.6 1955
88 Robin Hood 6.6 2010
89 The Satanic Rites of Dracula 5.5 1973
90 Saving Private Ryan 8.6 1998
91 Scars of Dracula 6.1 1970
92 Seabiscuit 7.3 2003
93 The Pearl of Death 7.1 1944
94 The Fatal Hour 5.4 1940
95 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon 6.5 1942
96 Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror 6.4 1942
97 Shutter Island 8.2 2010
98 Sleepy Hollow 7.3 1999
99 Fainaru fantajî sebun adobento chirudoren 7.2 2005
100 Spider-Man 7.4 2002
101 Spider-Man 2 7.4 2004
102 Spider-Man 3 6.3 2007
103 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 6.7 1990
104 South Pacific 6.8 1958
105 TMNT 6.2 2007
106 Star Trek: The Next Generation 8.7 1987
107 Star Trek: Generations 6.6 1994
108 Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition 6.4 1979
109 Star Trek: First Contact 7.6 1996
110 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 7.7 1982
111 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 6.6 1984
112 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 8.1 1993
113 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 7.3 1986
114 Dracula 7.4 1931
115 Son of Dracula 6.1 1943
116 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 5.5 1989
117 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 7.2 1991
118 Star Trek: Insurrection 6.4 1998
119 Star Trek: Nemesis 6.4 2002
120 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 6.5 1999
121 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 6.6 2002
122 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 7.6 2005
123 Star Wars 8.6 1977
124 The Empire Strikes Back 8.7 1980
125 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 8.3 1983
126 State of Play 7.1 2009
127 It 6.8 1990
128 Rose Red 6.6 2002
129 Silver Bullet 6.4 1985
130 Taken 7.8 2008
131 The Terminator 8.1 1984
132 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 8.6 1991
133 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 6.3 2003
134 Terminator Salvation 6.5 2009
135 Omen IV: The Awakening 3.9 1991
136 The Blue and the Gray 7.5 1982
137 The Bourne Supremacy 7.7 2004
138 The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer 5.4 2003
139 The Exorcist 8.1 1973
140 The Final Countdown 6.6 1980
141 The Ghost Writer 7.2 2010
142 The Great Outdoors 6.6 1988
143 The Hound of the Baskervilles 7.4 1939
144 The Hound of the Baskervilles 6.9 1959
145 The Hound of the Baskervilles 6.5 2002
146 The Hustler 8 1961
147 The Long, Hot Summer 7.3 1958
148 Per qualche dollaro in più 8.2 1965
149 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo 8.8 1966
150 Per un pugno di dollari 7.9 1964
151 North and South 8 1985
152 The One 5.9 2001
153 The Pacific 8.3 2010
154 The Phantom of the Opera 7.2 2004
155 The Relic 5.8 1997
156 The Thing 8.2 1982
157 Meet the Fockers 6.3 2004
158 The Thin Red Line 7.6 1998
159 The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada 7.3 2005
160 The Verdict 7.7 1982
161 The Watcher 5.3 2000
162 They Were Expendable 7.2 1945
163 To Kill a Mockingbird 8.3 1962
164 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 5.5 2003
165 Trailer Park Boys 8.6 2001
166 Valkyrie 7.1 2008
167 Van Helsing 6 2004
168 Von Ryan's Express 7.1 1965
169 Wall Street 7.3 1987
170 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 6.2 2010
171 War and Remembrance 8.3 1988
172 War of the Worlds 6.5 2005
173 White Christmas 7.5 1954
174 Without a Clue 6.9 1988
175 The Winds of War 8.1 1983
176 WWII in HD 8.7 2009
177 X2 7.4 2003
178 The X Files 8.6 1993
179 X-Men 7.3 2000
180 X-Men: The Last Stand 6.6 2006
181 Lawrence of Arabia 8.3 1962
182 Dumb and Dumber 7.3 1994
183 The Hangover 7.7 2009
184 El laberinto del fauno 8.2 2006
185 Resident Evil 6.6 2002
186 Resident Evil: Apocalypse 6.1 2004
187 Resident Evil: Afterlife 5.8 2010
188 Resident Evil: Extinction 6.2 2007
189 The Wolfman 5.8 2010
190 Mortal Kombat 5.8 1995
191 Doctor Zhivago 7.9 1965
192 The Searchers 7.9 1956
193 The Guns of Navarone 7.5 1961
194 Monty Python and the Holy Grail 8.2 1975
195 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 8.1 1962
196 Rio Bravo 8 1959
197 The Quiet Man 7.7 1952
198 The Shootist 7.6 1976
199 Rooster Cogburn 6.8 1975
200 True Grit 7.4 1969
201 The Undefeated 6.6 1969
202 Hellfighters 6.5 1968
203 The Green Berets 5.6 1968
204 El Dorado 7.5 1966
205 The Sons of Katie Elder 7.1 1965
206 Donovan's Reef 6.7 1963
207 The Longest Day 7.7 1962
208 The Comancheros 6.8 1961
209 North to Alaska 6.9 1960
210 The Alamo 6.8 1960
211 The Horse Soldiers 7.1 1959
212 Island in the Sky 6.8 1953
213 The High and the Mighty 6.7 1954
214 Gran Torino 8.1 2008
215 Blood Work 6.4 2002
216 Space Cowboys 6.5 2000
217 True Crime 6.6 1999
218 Absolute Power 6.7 1997
219 Ef: A Tale of Melodies. 7.5 2008
220 Kureimoa 8 2007
221 Angel Beats! 7.6 2010
222 The Bridges of Madison County 7.6 1995
223 A Perfect World 7.5 1993
224 Unforgiven 8.2 1992
225 Pink Cadillac 5.3 1989
226 Pale Rider 7.3 1985
227 High Plains Drifter 7.4 1973
228 Joe Kidd 6.4 1972
229 Back to the Future 8.5 1985
230 Back to the Future Part II 7.8 1989
231 Back to the Future Part III 7.4 1990
232 Kelly's Heroes 7.6 1970
233 Where Eagles Dare 7.6 1968
234 Batman 7.5 1989
235 Batman Returns 7.1 1992
236 Batman & Robin 3.7 1997
237 The Dark Knight 9 2008
238 Batman Begins 8.2 2005
239 Batman Forever 5.4 1995
240 Gung Ho 6.3 1986
241 Beetle Juice 7.5 1988
242 Chinatown 8.2 1974
243 The Shining 8.4 1980
244 Reds 7.3 1981
245 The Two Jakes 6.1 1990
246 A Few Good Men 7.7 1992
247 Wolf 6.2 1994
248 About Schmidt 7.2 2002
249 The Departed 8.5 2006
250 The Fugitive 7.8 1993
251 Lonesome Dove 8.7 1989
252 Volcano 5.5 1997
253 Men in Black 7.3 1997
254 Men in Black II 6.1 2002
255 Rules of Engagement 6.4 2000
256 No Country for Old Men 8.2 2007
257 Real Genius 6.9 1985
258 Top Gun 6.9 1986
259 Thunderheart 6.8 1992
260 Heat 8.3 1995
261 Days of Thunder 6.1 1990
262 Far and Away 6.6 1992
263 Australia 6.6 2008
264 American Graffiti 7.4 1973
265 Blade Runner 8.1 1982
266 Working Girl 6.8 1988
267 Patriot Games 6.8 1992
268 Air Force One 6.5 1997
269 Six Days Seven Nights 5.9 1998
270 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 6.2 2008
271 Firewall 5.8 2006
272 Hollywood Homicide 5.3 2003
273 The Godfather 9.2 1972
274 The Godfather Part III 7.6 1990
275 The Godfather Part II 9 1974
276 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 7.4 1978
277 Apocalypse Now 8.5 1979
278 Sling Blade 8 1996
279 Deep Impact 6.2 1998
280 Gods and Generals 6.2 2003
281 Gone in Sixty Seconds 6.5 2000
282 Open Range 7.4 2003
283 Crazy Heart 7.2 2009
284 The Color of Money 7 1986
285 Born on the Fourth of July 7.2 1989
286 The Firm 6.8 1993
287 Mission: Impossible 7.1 1996
288 Jerry Maguire 7.3 1996
289 Rain Man 8 1988
290 Mission: Impossible II 6.1 2000
291 Vanilla Sky 6.9 2001
292 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 7 1997
293 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 6.6 1999
294 Austin Powers in Goldmember 6.2 2002
295 The Last Samurai 7.8 2003
296 Tropic Thunder 7.1 2008
297 Mission: Impossible III 6.9 2006
298 Hud 7.8 1963
299 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 8 1969
300 The Sting 8.3 1973
301 Three Days of the Condor 7.4 1975
302 All the President's Men 7.9 1976
303 The Horse Whisperer 6.7 1998
304 28 Days Later... 7.5 2002
305 Halloween II 6.5 1981
306 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers 5.8 1988
307 Halloween III: Season of the Witch 5.1 1982
308 Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers 4.9 1989
309 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later 5.8 1998
310 Halloween: Resurrection 3.9 2002
311 Virus 5 1999
312 Escape from New York 7.1 1981
313 Big Trouble in Little China 7.2 1986
314 Tequila Sunrise 6 1988
315 Backdraft 6.7 1991
316 Tombstone 7.8 1993
317 Stargate 7 1994
318 Escape from L.A. 5.7 1996
319 Mad Max 6.8 1979
320 Mad Max 2 7.6 1981
321 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 6.2 1985
322 Lethal Weapon 7.6 1987
323 Lethal Weapon 2 7.2 1989
324 Lethal Weapon 3 6.7 1992
325 Lethal Weapon 4 6.6 1998
326 The Man Without a Face 6.7 1993
327 Braveheart 8.4 1995
328 Ransom 6.7 1996
329 The Patriot 7.2 2000
330 We Were Soldiers 7.1 2002
331 Signs 6.8 2002
332 Superman 7.4 1978
333 Superman Returns 6.1 2006
334 Superman II 6.8 1980
335 Superman III 5 1983
336 Superman IV: The Quest for Peace 3.7 1987
337 The Pelican Brief 6.6 1993
338 The Hunt for Red October 7.5 1990
339 Erin Brockovich 7.4 2000
340 Steel Magnolias 7.3 1989
341 Mystic Pizza 6.3 1988
342 Courage Under Fire 6.6 1996
343 Crimson Tide 7.3 1995
344 The Siege 6.4 1998
345 The Bone Collector 6.7 1999
346 The Taking of Pelham 123 6.4 2009
347 Ghostbusters 7.8 1984
348 Ghostbusters II 6.6 1989
349 National Lampoon's Animal House 7.4 1978
350 The Blues Brothers 7.9 1980
351 Blues Brothers 2000 4.9 1998
352 American Pie 7 1999
353 American Pie 2 6.4 2001
354 American Wedding 6.3 2003
355 Pitch Black 7.1 2000
356 The Chronicles of Riddick 6.6 2004
357 Hannibal 6.8 2001
358 Manhunter 7.2 1986
359 Red Dragon 7.2 2002
360 The Silence of the Lambs 8.6 1991
361 Inception 8.8 2010
362 Transformers 7 2007
363 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 5.9 2009
364 Fargo 8.1 1996
365 Avatar 7.9 2009
366 Marley & Me 7 2008
367 The Money Pit 6.4 1986
368 Turner & Hooch 6.2 1989
369 A League of Their Own 7.3 1992
370 Forrest Gump 8.8 1994
371 From the Earth to the Moon 8.6 1998
372 You've Got Mail 6.7 1998
373 Cast Away 7.8 2000
374 The Running Man 6.6 1987
375 Road to Perdition 7.7 2002
376 Catch Me If You Can 8.1 2002
377 The Terminal 7.4 2004
378 The Da Vinci Code 6.6 2006
379 Angels & Demons 6.7 2009
380 Young Frankenstein 8 1974
381 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man 6.4 1943
382 The Curse of Frankenstein 7 1957
383 The Revenge of Frankenstein 6.8 1958
384 The Mummy 6.7 1959
385 The Evil of Frankenstein 6 1964
386 Frankenstein Created Woman 6.5 1967
387 The Gorgon 6.4 1964
388 Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed 6.7 1969
389 Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell 6.3 1974
390 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 7.6 2001
391 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 7.4 2002
392 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 7.9 2004
393 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 7.7 2005
394 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 7.5 2007
395 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 7.6 2009
396 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 8.1 2011
397 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 7.7 2010
398 Rocky 8.1 1976
399 Rocky II 7.3 1979
400 Rocky III 6.8 1982
401 Rocky IV 6.8 1985
402 Rocky V 5.3 1990
403 First Blood 7.7 1982
404 Rambo: First Blood Part II 6.5 1985
405 Rambo III 5.8 1988
406 Cliffhanger 6.5 1993
407 Demolition Man 6.7 1993
408 Judge Dredd 5.6 1995
409 Cop Land 7 1997
410 Antz 6.5 1998
411 Driven 4.6 2001
412 Rocky Balboa 7.1 2006
413 Rambo 7 2008
414 The Forbidden Kingdom 6.5 2008
415 The Arrival 6.2 1996
416 The Lost World: Jurassic Park 6.5 1997
417 Jurassic Park III 5.9 2001
418 The Fly 7.6 1986
419 Event Horizon 6.6 1997
420 Wall Street 7.3 1987
421 Red Dawn 6.3 1984
422 Platoon 8.1 1986
423 Uncommon Valor 6.3 1983
424 Ghost 7.1 1990
425 Dirty Dancing 7 1987
426 Road House 6.6 1989
427 Point Break 7.2 1991
428 Dracula 7.4 1992
429 Speed 7.3 1994
430 Chain Reaction 5.6 1996
431 The Devil's Advocate 7.5 1997
432 The Day the Earth Stood Still 5.5 2008
433 Bat*21 6.4 1988
434 Mississippi Burning 7.8 1988
435 Wyatt Earp 6.7 1994
436 The Quick and the Dead 6.5 1995
437 Enemy of the State 7.3 1998
438 Fong Sai Yuk 7.1 1993
439 The French Connection 7.7 1971
440 The Princess Bride 8 1987
441 Twister 6.4 1996
442 Liar Liar 6.9 1997
443 Shadow of the Vampire 6.9 2000
444 Legends of the Fall 7.5 1994
445 Nixon 7.1 1995
446 The Mask of Zorro 6.8 1998
447 Instinct 6.5 1999
448 Little Fockers 5.5 2010
449 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 6.9 1994
450 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 6.4 1995
451 The Cable Guy 6.1 1996
452 The Mask 6.9 1994
453 Man on the Moon 7.4 1999
454 Bruce Almighty 6.8 2003
455 Entrapment 6.3 1999
456 The Legend of Zorro 5.9 2005
457 Titanic 7.9 1997
458 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 7.5 1994
459 Se7en 8.6 1995
460 Twelve Monkeys 8 1995
461 Meet Joe Black 7.2 1998
462 Ocean's Eleven 7.7 2001
463 Ocean's Twelve 6.5 2004
464 Ocean's Thirteen 6.9 2007
465 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 7.8 2008
466 Inglourious Basterds 8.3 2009
467 Die Hard 8.2 1988
468 Die Hard 2 7.1 1990
469 Die Hard with a Vengeance 7.6 1995
470 The Fifth Element 7.6 1997
471 The Jackal 6.4 1997
472 Mercury Rising 6.1 1998
473 The Siege 6.4 1998
474 Surrogates 6.3 2009
475 Solaris 6.2 2002
476 Leatherheads 6 2008
477 Michael Clayton 7.2 2007
478 Up in the Air 7.4 2009
479 Shrek 7.9 2001
480 King Kong 7.2 2005
481 King Kong 5.9 1976
482 Tucker: The Man and His Dream 6.9 1988
483 The Big Lebowski 8.1 1998
484 K-PAX 7.4 2001
485 Seabiscuit 7.3 2003
486 Crazy Heart 7.2 2009
487 The Rainmaker 7.2 1997
488 Good Will Hunting 8.3 1997
489 The Talented Mr. Ripley 7.4 1999
490 Titan A.E. 6.6 2000
491 The Bourne Identity 7.9 2002
492 The Bourne Supremacy 7.7 2004
493 The Good Shepherd 6.7 2006
494 The Bourne Ultimatum 8 2007
495 Invictus 7.3 2009
496 Green Zone 6.8 2010
497 O Brother, Where Art Thou? 7.7 2000
498 Starship Troopers 7.3 1997
499 Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation 3.6 2004
500 Starship Troopers 3: Marauder 4.3 2008
501 Casablanca 8.5 1942
502 Mrs. Miniver 7.6 1942
503 To the Shores of Tripoli 5.9 1942
504 Mission to Moscow 5.4 1943
505 The Fighting Seabees 6.4 1944
506 They Were Expendable 7.2 1945
507 The Best Years of Our Lives 8.1 1946
508 Sands of Iwo Jima 7 1949
509 Twelve O'Clock High 7.7 1949
510 Flying Leathernecks 6.3 1951
511 To Hell and Back 7.1 1955
512 The Bridge on the River Kwai 8.2 1957
513 The Longest Day 7.7 1962
514 The Great Escape 8.2 1963
515 Battle of the Bulge 6.8 1965
516 The Dirty Dozen 7.7 1967
517 The Devil's Brigade 6.7 1968
518 MacArthur 6.5 1977
519 Das Boot 8.4 1981
520 Memphis Belle 6.9 1990
521 When Trumpets Fade 7 1998
522 Patton 7.9 1970
523 U-571 6.6 2000
524 The Wild Bunch 7.9 1969
525 The Alamo 6.8 1960
526 D-Day the Sixth of June 6 1956
527 Midway 6.7 1976
528 Stalag 17 8 1953
529 Windtalkers 6.1 2002
530 On the Beach 7.1 1959
531 Missing in Action 5.4 1984
532 Missing in Action 2: The Beginning 5.3 1985
533 Full Metal Jacket 8.3 1987
534 Good Morning, Vietnam 7.3 1987
535 Hamburger Hill 6.7 1987
536 The Manchurian Candidate 7.9 1962
537 The Manchurian Candidate 6.6 2004
538 Dr. No 7.2 1962
539 From Russia with Love 7.4 1963
540 Goldfinger 7.7 1964
541 Thunderball 6.9 1965
542 You Only Live Twice 6.8 1967
543 Diamonds Are Forever 6.5 1971
544 The Man with the Golden Gun 6.7 1974
545 The Spy Who Loved Me 7 1977
546 Moonraker 6.2 1979
547 For Your Eyes Only 6.7 1981
548 Octopussy 6.5 1983
549 A View to a Kill 6.3 1985
550 The Living Daylights 6.7 1987
551 Licence to Kill 6.6 1989
552 GoldenEye 7.2 1995
553 Tomorrow Never Dies 6.5 1997
554 The World Is Not Enough 6.4 1999
555 Die Another Day 6.1 2002
556 Casino Royale 8 2006
557 Quantum of Solace 6.6 2008
558 Never Say Never Again 6.1 1983
559 Ben-Hur 8.1 1959
560 House on Haunted Hill 6.8 1959
561 House on Haunted Hill 5.6 1999
562 13 Ghosts 6 1960
563 Thir13en Ghosts 5.6 2001
564 Quatermass and the Pit 7 1967
565 Damien: Omen II 6.2 1978
566 The Final Conflict 5.5 1981
567 Psycho 8.5 1960
568 Psycho II 6.5 1983
569 The Birds 7.6 1963
570 A Nightmare on Elm Street 7.4 1984
571 Poltergeist 7.3 1982
572 Poltergeist II: The Other Side 5.6 1986
573 Poltergeist III 4.7 1988
574 Jaws 8.1 1975
575 Jaws 2 5.8 1978
576 Jaws: The Revenge 3 1987
577 Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice 4.3 1992
578 Pet Sematary 6.5 1989
579 Pet Sematary II 4.9 1992
580 The Ninth Gate 6.7 1999
581 Scream 7.4 1996
582 Scream 2 6.3 1997
583 Scream 3 5.6 2000
584 Scream 4 6.2 2011
585 Supernova 4.8 2000
586 The Ring 7.1 2002
587 Underworld 7 2003
588 Blade 7.1 1998
589 A Clockwork Orange 8.3 1971
590 The Grudge 2 5 2006
591 Underworld: Evolution 6.7 2006
592 The Hills Have Eyes II 5.1 2007
593 The Hills Have Eyes 6.4 2006
594 Zombieland 7.6 2009
595 Army of Darkness 7.4 1992
596 The Grudge 5.9 2004
597 The Grudge 2 5 2006
598 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 5.2 1995
599 Easter Parade 7.3 1948
600 Perry Mason: The Case of the Avenging Ace 7 1988
601 Perry Mason Returns 7.2 1985
602 Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer 6.9 1990
603 Perry Mason: The Case of the Defiant Daughter 7 1990
604 Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception 7.2 1990
605 Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion 6.9 1991
606 Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin 7 1991
607 Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss 7.2 1993
608 Perry Mason: The Case of the Lady in the Lake 6.8 1988
609 Perry Mason: The Case of the Lethal Lesson 7.2 1989
610 Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love 7 1987
611 Perry Mason: The Case of the Murdered Madam 6.9 1987
612 Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder 6.9 1989
613 Perry Mason: The Case of the Poisoned Pen 6.8 1990
614 Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo 7 1992
615 Perry Mason: The Case of the Sinister Spirit 7 1987
616 Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal 6.8 1993
617 Perry Mason: The Case of the All-Star Assassin 6.6 1989
618 Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing 6.8 1992
619 Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride 6.7 1992
620 Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing 6.8 1992
621 Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster 6.9 1991
622 Perry Mason: The Case of the Ruthless Reporter 7 1991
623 Perry Mason: The Case of the Scandalous Scoundrel 6.9 1987
624 Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host 6.9 1993
625 A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Grimacing Governor 6.9 1994
626 A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Jealous Jokester 6.4 1995
627 A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Lethal Lifestyle 6.9 1994
628 A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Wicked Wives 6.6 1993
629 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 6.5 2009
630 Old Dogs 5.3 2009
631 Wild Hogs 5.8 2007
632 Grease 7.2 1978
633 Phenomenon 6.4 1996
634 Battlefield Earth 2.5 2000
635 Michael 5.7 1996
636 Saturday Night Fever 6.8 1977
637 The General's Daughter 6.4 1999
638 Hook 6.8 1991
639 Jumanji 7 1995
640 The Peacemaker 6 1997
641 The Perfect Storm 6.5 2000
642 Solaris 6.2 2002
643 Michael Clayton 7.2 2007
644 Leatherheads 6 2008
645 Up in the Air 7.4 2009
646 The Men Who Stare at Goats 6.2 2009
647 Conan the Barbarian 6.9 1982
648 Kull the Conqueror 4.8 1997
649 Conan the Destroyer 5.9 1984
650 Commando 6.7 1985
651 Iron Eagle 5.5 1986
652 Predator 7.8 1987
653 Red Heat 6.1 1988
654 Total Recall 7.5 1990
655 True Lies 7.3 1994
656 Jingle All the Way 5.7 1996
657 End of Days 5.8 1999
658 The 6th Day 5.9 2000
659 Collateral Damage 5.5 2002
660 Jennifer Eight 6.3 1992
661 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 8.2 2003
662 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 8 2004
663 Ging chaat goo si III: Chiu kup ging chaat 6.9 1992
664 Chiu kup gai wak 6.1 1993
665 Revenge of the Drunken Master 4.6 1984
666 Pik lik foh 6.3 1995
667 Ging chaat goo si 4: Gaan dan yam mo 6.6 1996
668 Rush Hour 7 1998
669 Shanghai Noon 6.6 2000
670 Rush Hour 2 6.6 2001
671 Shanghai Knights 6.2 2003
672 The Tuxedo 5.4 2002
673 The Medallion 5.2 2003
674 Rush Hour 3 6.2 2007
675 Armageddon 6.7 1998
676 Zoolander 6.5 2001
677 Night at the Museum 6.4 2006
678 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 6 2009
679 Marley & Me 7 2008
680 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 6.7 2004
681 Starsky & Hutch 6.1 2004
682 Blades of Glory 6.3 2006
683 A Night at the Roxbury 6.2 1998
684 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 6.6 2006
685 Semi-Pro 5.8 2008
686 Step Brothers 6.9 2008
687 Event Horizon 6.6 1997
688 Predators 6.4 2010
689 Apollo 13 7.7 1995
690 Mission to Mars 5.6 2000
691 Red Planet 5.7 2000
692 Ghosts of Mars 4.9 2001
693 The Fast and the Furious 6.8 2001
694 Fast & Furious 6.5 2009
695 Fast Five 7.3 2011
696 2 Fast 2 Furious 5.9 2003
697 Babylon A.D. 5.5 2008
698 xXx 5.8 2002
699 2001: A Space Odyssey 8.3 1968
700 2010: The Year We Make Contact 6.7 1984
701 The Invisible Woman 6 1940
702 Flying Disc Man from Mars 5.2 1950
703 Destination Moon 6.3 1950
704 The Day the Earth Stood Still 7.8 1951
705 The Day the Earth Stood Still 5.5 2008
706 Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man 6.6 1951
707 Duck Soup 7.8 1933
708 The Cocoanuts 6.8 1929
709 Animal Crackers 7.4 1930
710 Monkey Business 7.4 1931
711 Horse Feathers 7.5 1932
712 A Night at the Opera 7.8 1935
713 A Day at the Races 7.5 1937
714 Room Service 6.6 1938
715 At the Circus 6.8 1939
716 A Night in Casablanca 6.9 1946
717 Love Happy 5.8 1949
718 The Thing from Another World 7.1 1951
719 When Worlds Collide 6.6 1951
720 Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 6.4 1953
721 Invaders from Mars 6.2 1953
722 It Came from Outer Space 6.5 1953
723 Creature from the Black Lagoon 6.9 1954
724 Them! 7.2 1954
725 Earth vs. the Flying Saucers 6.3 1956
726 Day the World Ended 5.4 1955
727 Forbidden Planet 7.5 1956
728 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 7.7 1956
729 Invasion of the Saucer Men 5.3 1957
730 20 Million Miles to Earth 6.3 1957
731 Earth vs the Spider 4.6 1958
732 Journey to the Center of the Earth 5.8 2008
733 The Time Machine 7.5 1960
734 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea 6 1961
735 Mosura tai Gojira 6.5 1964
736 Fahrenheit 451 7.2 1966
737 Gojira, Ebirâ, Mosura: Nankai no daiketto 5.5 1966
738 Planet of the Apes 8 1968
739 Beneath the Planet of the Apes 6 1970
740 The Andromeda Strain 7.2 1971
741 The Andromeda Strain 6.1 2008
742 Escape from the Planet of the Apes 6.3 1971
743 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 6.1 1972
744 Battle for the Planet of the Apes 5.4 1973
745 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 7.6 1977
746 Gojira no gyakushû 5.8 1955
747 Cocoon 6.7 1985
748 The Fly 7.6 1986
749 RoboCop 7.6 1987
750 RoboCop 2 5.8 1990
751 RoboCop 3 4.1 1993
752 The Lawnmower Man 5.4 1992
753 Gattaca 7.8 1997
754 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 8.4 1964
755 The Wizard of Oz 8.1 1939
756 How to Train Your Dragon 8.1 2010
757 Ice Age 7.5 2002
758 Ice Age: The Meltdown 6.8 2006
759 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 6.9 2009
760 Sherlock Holmes 7.6 2009
761 Kôkaku Kidôtai 7.9 1995
762 Inosensu: Innocence 7.4 2004
763 Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex 8.5 2002
764 Macross Plus 7.8 1994
765 Chôjikû Yôsai Macross: Ai Oboeteimasuka 7.7 1984
766 Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira 7.8 2001
767 Akira 8 1988
768 Kôkyô shihen Eureka Sebun: Poketto ga niji de ippai 6.2 2009
769 Shin seiki Evangelion Gekijô-ban: Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni 8.1 1997
770 Evangelion Shin Gekijôban: Jo 7.6 2007
771 Evangerion shin gekijôban: Ha 7.9 2009
772 Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro 7.6 1979
773 Shaun of the Dead 7.9 2004
774 Det sjunde inseglet 8.1 1957
775 Rear Window 8.5 1954
776 Chinatown 8.2 1974
777 Vertigo 8.3 1958
778 The Maltese Falcon 8 1941
779 All the President's Men 7.9 1976
780 Drag Me to Hell 6.6 2009
781 House of Usher 6.9 1960
782 Animal Kingdom 7.3 2010
783 The King's Speech 8 2010
784 True Grit 7.6 2010
785 Crazy Heart 7.2 2009
786 Hoffa 6.6 1992
787 The Social Network 7.8 2010
788 Face/Off 7.3 1997
789 Basic 6.4 2003
790 Under the Mountain 4.8 2009
791 Planet of the Apes 5.7 2001
792 Max Payne 5.3 2008
793 The Ten Commandments 7.9 1956
794 Touch of Evil 8 1958
795 Treasure Island 6.9 1950
796 Call of the Wild 5.8 1992
797 Julius Caesar 7.2 1953
798 Julius Caesar 6.1 1970
799 The Omega Man 6.4 1971
800 Dorian Gray 6.2 2009
801 The Picture of Dorian Gray 7.5 1945
802 The Final Destination 5.1 2009
803 Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse 7.9 1933
804 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 7.6 1931
805 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 5.1 1973
806 Clannad: After Story 8.6 2008
807 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch 8.7 2006
808 Kaubôi bibappu 8.9 1998
809 Death Note: Desu nôto 9 2006
810 Higashi no Eden 7.5 2009
811 Kôkyô shihen Eureka Sebun 7.8 2005
812 Hagane no renkinjutsushi 8.5 2003
813 Hagane no renkinjutsushi 9.1 2009
814 Full Metal Panic! 7.6 2002
815 Gankutsu-ô 7.9 2004
816 Gangureivu 7.9 2003
817 Last Exile 7.9 2003
818 Seirei no moribito 8.2 2007
819 Mushishi 8.5 2005
820 Shin seiki evangerion 8.5 1995
821 RahXephon 7.2 2002
822 Samurai chanpurû 8.6 2004
823 Tengen toppa gurren lagann 8.3 2007
824 12 kokuki 8 2002
825 Tenkû no Esukafurône 7.8 1996
826 Wolf's Rain 7.9 2003
827 Trigun 8.2 1998
828 Erufen rîto 7.9 2004
829 Gakuen mokushiroku: HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD 7.2 2010
830 Shin kidô senki Gundam W 8 1995
831 Kidô senshi Gundam Seed 7.7 2002
832 Kidô butoden ji Gandamu 7.5 1994
833 Kidô senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS shôtai 8 1996
834 Shin Kido Senki Gundam Wing Endless Waltz 7.7 1998
835 Kidô senshi Z Gundam 8.1 1985
836 Ef: A Tale of Memories. 7.5 2007
837 Ben-Hur 8.1 1959
838 C'era una volta il West 8.5 1968
839 Escape from Alcatraz 7.6 1979
840 The Poseidon Adventure 7.1 1972
841 Highlander 7.1 1986
842 Universal Soldier 6.1 1992
843 Highlander II: The Quickening 4.2 1991
844 V for Vendetta 8.2 2005
845 Black Swan 8 2010
846 Crocodile Dundee 6.6 1986
847 Crocodile Dundee II 5.7 1988
848 Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles 4.8 2001
849 Cliffhanger 6.5 1993
850 300 7.6 2006
851 Murder by Decree 6.8 1979
852 Sunset Blvd. 8.4 1950
853 The Deer Hunter 8.1 1978
854 Paths of Glory 8.4 1957
855 Das Boot 8.4 1981
856 All Quiet on the Western Front 8.1 1930
857 The Pianist 8.5 2002
858 Unstoppable 6.8 2010
859 The Uninvited 7.2 1944
860 The Black Room 6.9 1935
861 Isle of the Dead 6.5 1945
862 Bedlam 6.8 1946
863 The Black Cat 6.9 1934
864 The Body Snatcher 7.3 1945
865 Corridors of Blood 6.4 1958
866 I tre volti della paura 7 1963
867 C'era una volta il West 8.5 1968
868 The Haunting 7.4 1963
869 The Innocents 7.8 1961
870 The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb 5.6 1964
871 Donnie Darko 8 2001
872 The Devil Rides Out 6.9 1968
873 The Seventh Victim 6.7 1943
874 Universal Soldier: Regeneration 5.2 2009
875 Command Performance 5.5 2009
876 The Thing 6.2 2011
877 Juggernaut 6.6 1974
878 Transformers: Dark of the Moon 6.2 2011
879 Trainspotting 8.1 1996
880 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 6.6 1997
881 The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans 6.6 2009
882 The Russia House 6.1 1990
883 Strangers on a Train 7.9 1951
884 The Fourth Protocol 6.5 1987
885 The Falcon and the Snowman 6.8 1985
886 Green Lantern 5.5 2011
887 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 7.2 1954
888 Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 7.2 1957
889 Lust for Life 7.3 1956
890 Ulysses 6.5 1967
891 The Fury 6.3 1978
892 The Brotherhood 6.1 1968
893 The Arrangement 6.4 1969
894 The Last Sunset 6.7 1961
895 The Devil's Disciple 7 1959
896 Ilusyon 7.9 2005
897 Real Men 6 1987
898 The Far Country 7.1 1954
899 The Naked Spur 7.3 1953
900 The Spiral Staircase 7.3 1946
901 Jesse Stone: Sea Change 7.1 2007
902 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 7.1 2009
903 Stone Cold 7.1 2005
904 Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise 7.1 2006
905 Jesse Stone: Night Passage 7.2 2006
906 The Spirit of St. Louis 7.1 1957
907 Horrible Bosses 6.9 2011
908 In Enemy Hands 6 2004
909 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 7.6 1937
910 Pinocchio 7.5 1940
911 Dumbo 7.2 1941
912 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad 6.9 1949
913 Cinderella 7.3 1950
914 Treasure Island 6.9 1950
915 Alice in Wonderland 7.3 1951
916 Peter Pan 7.3 1953
917 The Sword and the Rose 6.3 1953
918 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 7.2 1954
919 Lady and the Tramp 7.3 1955
920 Old Yeller 7.3 1957
921 Sleeping Beauty 7.2 1959
922 Swiss Family Robinson 7.1 1960
923 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 7.3 1961
924 The Sword in the Stone 7.1 1963
925 That Darn Cat! 6.7 1965
926 The Jungle Book 7.6 1967
927 Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar 6.7 1967
928 The AristoCats 7.1 1970
929 Robin Hood 7.5 1973
930 Escape to Witch Mountain 6.3 1975
931 Escape to Witch Mountain 6.2 1995
932 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 7.5 1977
933 The Rescuers 6.9 1977
934 The Rescuers Down Under 6.8 1990
935 Return from Witch Mountain 5.7 1978
936 The Fox and the Hound 7.2 1981
937 The Great Mouse Detective 7.1 1986
938 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 7.7 1988
939 The Little Mermaid 7.6 1989
940 DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp 6.8 1990
941 Beauty and the Beast 8 1991
942 Honey, I Blew Up the Kid 4.9 1992
943 The Mighty Ducks 6.5 1992
944 Aladdin 8 1992
945 Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey 6.9 1993
946 The Adventures of Huck Finn 6.2 1993
947 A Far Off Place 6.5 1993
948 Hocus Pocus 6.9 1993
949 The Three Musketeers 6.4 1993
950 Iron Will 6.6 1994
951 D2: The Mighty Ducks 6.1 1994
952 The Lion King 8.5 1994
953 The Lion King II: Simba's Pride 6.4 1998
954 Angels in the Outfield 6.2 1994
955 The Santa Clause 6.5 1994
956 The Santa Clause 2 5.7 2002
957 The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause 4.8 2006
958 The Return of Jafar 5.8 1994
959 The Jungle Book 6 1994
960 A Goofy Movie 6.9 1995
961 Pocahontas 6.7 1995
962 Operation Dumbo Drop 5.2 1995
963 Toy Story 8.3 1995
964 Toy Story 2 7.9 1999
965 Toy Story 3 8.3 2010
966 Aladdin and the King of Thieves 6.3 1996
967 James and the Giant Peach 6.7 1996
968 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 7 1996
969 101 Dalmatians 5.7 1996
970 Hercules 7.3 1997
971 A Bug's Life 7.2 1998
972 Monsters, Inc. 8.1 2001
973 The Incredibles 8 2004
974 National Treasure 6.9 2004
975 National Treasure: Book of Secrets 6.5 2007
976 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 6.9 2005
977 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 6.5 2008
978 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 6.3 2010
979 Up 8.3 2009
980 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 6.6 2010
981 The Nightmare Before Christmas 7.9 1993
982 Tron 6.7 1982
983 Tron 6.8 2010
984 Matlock 7 1986
985 The X Files 8.6 1993
986 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 7.4 2011
987 Sherlock 9.1 2010
988 Race to Witch Mountain 5.7 2009
989 Clerks 7.7 1994
990 Clerks II 7.3 2006
991 Mallrats 7 1995
992 Chasing Amy 7.2 1997
993 Dogma 7.3 1999
994 Brian De Palma, l'incorruptible 5.5 2002
995 The Stand 7.1 1994
996 The Amityville Horror 6.1 1979
997 The Amityville Horror 5.9 2005
998 Dracula 2000 4.9 2000
999 House of Dracula 5.7 1945
1000 Death Wish II 5.9 1982
1001 Death Wish 3 5.8 1985
1002 Death Wish 4: The Crackdown 5.4 1987
1003 Death Wish V: The Face of Death 4.8 1994
1004 Detroit Rock City 6.8 1999
1005 Fong Sai Yuk 7.1 1993
1006 Die unendliche Geschichte 7.3 1984
1007 The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter 5.1 1990
1008 Die unendliche Geschichte III: Rettung aus Phantasien 3.1 1994
1009 The Princess Bride 8 1987
1010 Prometheus 7 2012
1011 Super Mario Bros. 4.1 1993
1012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze 6 1991
1013 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III 4.8 1993
1014 Sutorîto faitâ II gekijô-ban 7.2 1994
1015 Dragonball Evolution 2.5 2009
1016 Red River 7.8 1948
1017 Fail Safe 8 1964
1018 The Andromeda Strain 7.2 1971
1019 The Andromeda Strain 6.1 2008
1020 World Without End 5.8 1956
1021 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 7.4 2011
1022 Friday the 13th 6.4 1980
1023 A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge 5.4 1985
1024 Citizen Kane 8.3 1941
1025 Airport '77 5.8 1977
1026 The Flight of the Phoenix 7.5 1965
1027 Airport 1975 5.7 1974
1028 The Odd Couple II 6.4 1998
1029 Charade 7.9 1963
1030 Roman Holiday 8 1953
1031 Breakfast at Tiffany's 7.6 1961
1032 Operation Petticoat 7.2 1959
1033 Notorious 7.9 1946
1034 Destination Tokyo 7.1 1943
1035 North by Northwest 8.3 1959
1036 Akira 8 1988
1037 Mononoke-hime 8.4 1997
1038 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi 8.6 2001
1039 Jin-Rô 7.4 1999
1040 WALL·E 8.4 2008
1041 12 Angry Men 9 1957
1042 The Green Mile 8.6 1999
1043 American Beauty 8.4 1999
1044 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 8.7 1975
1045 Drive 7.8 2011
1046 Schindler's List 9 1993
1047 The Artist 7.9 2011
1048 Warrior 8.2 2011
1049 Futureworld 5.7 1976
1050 Westworld 6.9 1973
1051 Alphaville: Une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution 7 1965
1052 The Blob 6.3 1958
1053 I Married a Monster from Outer Space 6.3 1958
1054 The Day of the Triffids 6.1 1963
1055 Day of the Dead 7.1 1985
1056 Snatch 8.2 2000
1057 American Psycho 7.6 2000
1058 Casino 8.2 1995
1059 L.A. Confidential 8.2 1997
1060 The Usual Suspects 8.5 1995
1061 Memento 8.4 2000
1062 Scarface 8.3 1983
1063 Annie Hall 8 1977
1064 Eyes Wide Shut 7.5 1999
1065 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 7 2011
1066 Midnight in Paris 7.7 2011
1067 The Notebook 7.8 2004
1068 The Butterfly Effect 7.6 2004
1069 The Hunger Games 7.2 2012
1070 American Gangster 7.8 2007
1071 3:10 to Yuma 7.7 2007
1072 The Hurt Locker 7.5 2008
1073 District 9 7.9 2009
1074 American History X 8.5 1998
1075 Reservoir Dogs 8.3 1992
1076 Raging Bull 8.2 1980
1077 Gladiator 8.5 2000
1078 Sin City 8 2005
1079 Moneyball 7.6 2011
1080 Män som hatar kvinnor 7.8 2009
1081 In Time 6.7 2011
1082 Bad Boys II 6.6 2003
1083 Children of Men 7.9 2006
1084 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 8.2 1998
1085 Revolutionary Road 7.3 2008
1086 Get Carter 7.3 1971
1087 (500) Days of Summer 7.7 2009
1088 Being John Malkovich 7.8 1999
1089 Reign Over Me 7.4 2007
1090 Identity 7.3 2003
1091 J. Edgar 6.5 2011
1092 Juno 7.5 2007
1093 A Beautiful Mind 8.2 2001
1094 Mystic River 7.9 2003
1095 Big Fish 8 2003
1096 Layer Cake 7.3 2004
1097 Safe House 6.7 2012
1098 Kick-Ass 7.6 2010
1099 The Ides of March 7.1 2011
1100 The Muppets 7.1 2011
1101 All Good Things 6.3 2010
1102 The Illusionist 7.6 2006
1103 Superbad 7.6 2007
1104 Public Enemies 7 2009
1105 The Hangover Part II 6.5 2011
1106 Law Abiding Citizen 7.4 2009
1107 Fracture 7.2 2007
1108 Brokeback Mountain 7.7 2005
1109 The Insider 7.8 1999
1110 Real Steel 7 2011
1111 Equilibrium 7.3 2002
1112 Groundhog Day 8.1 1993
1113 There's Something About Mary 7.1 1998
1114 Zodiac 7.7 2007
1115 The Sixth Sense 8.2 1999
1116 The Pursuit of Happyness 8 2006
1117 Shooter 7.1 2007
1118 Walk the Line 7.8 2005
1119 Basic Instinct 7 1992
1120 Meet the Parents 7 2000
1121 The Breakfast Club 7.8 1985
1122 Source Code 7.5 2011
1123 Con Air 6.9 1997
1124 Lord of War 7.6 2005
1125 Swordfish 6.5 2001
1126 The Next Three Days 7.3 2010
1127 Death at a Funeral 7.3 2007
1128 Insomnia 7.2 2002
1129 The Bank Job 7.2 2008
1130 Bad Boys 6.8 1995
1131 The Exorcist III 6.5 1990
1132 The Hindenburg 6.2 1975
1133 The Cincinnati Kid 7.2 1965
1134 Le Mans 6.7 1971
1135 The Sand Pebbles 7.6 1966
1136 Papillon 8 1973
1137 The Magnificent Seven 7.7 1960
1138 Cheyenne Autumn 6.7 1964
1139 My Darling Clementine 7.7 1946
1140 The Gunfighter 7.7 1950
1141 Billion Dollar Brain 5.9 1967
1142 The Eagle Has Landed 6.9 1976
1143 Sleuth 8 1972
1144 Kidnapped 6.2 1971
1145 The Man Who Would Be King 7.8 1975
1146 The Italian Job 7.2 1969
1147 Battle of Britain 6.9 1969
1148 Zulu 7.7 1964
1149 Congo 5.3 1995
1150 Deathtrap 7 1982
1151 The Quiet American 7 2002
1152 Wrath of the Titans 5.7 2012
1153 The Avengers 8 2012
1154 Idi i smotri 8.4 1985
1155 Hauru no ugoku shiro 8.2 2004
1156 Comrade X 6.5 1940
1157 The First Great Train Robbery 6.9 1978
1158 Pride & Prejudice 7.8 2005
1159 Salem's Lot 6.1 2004
1160 Pride and Prejudice 8.8 1995
1161 The Last Legion 5.4 2007
1162 Bridget Jones's Diary 6.8 2001
1163 The English Patient 7.4 1996
1164 The Prestige 8.5 2006
1165 Bad Boy Bubby 7.3 1993
1166 The Apartment 8.3 1960
1167 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 8.1 1939
1168 Miracle on 34th Street 7.9 1947
1169 On the Waterfront 8.1 1954
1170 The House of the Devil 6.3 2009
1171 Bend of the River 7.2 1952
1172 Night Passage 6.6 1957
1173 The Rare Breed 6.3 1966
1174 Catch-22 7.1 1970
1175 Deliverance 7.7 1972
1176 The Odessa File 7 1974
1177 Singin' in the Rain 8.3 1952
1178 The Charge of the Light Brigade 7 1936
1179 China Seas 6.9 1935
1180 The Adjustment Bureau 7 2011
1181 Contagion 6.8 2011
1182 Hornblower: The Even Chance 8.1 1998
1183 Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters 7.9 1999
1184 Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant 8.1 1998
1185 Hornblower: Duty 7.9 2003
1186 Hornblower: Loyalty 8 2003
1187 Hornblower: Mutiny 8.1 2001
1188 Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil 7.8 1999
1189 Hornblower: Retribution 8.2 2001
1190 Let Me In 7.1 2010
1191 Carlito's Way 7.9 1993
1192 The Mission 7.4 1986
1193 Frankie and Johnny 6.7 1991
1194 Donnie Brasco 7.7 1997
1195 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 8.3 2004
1196 The Dead Zone 7.2 1983
1197 The Dogs of War 6.3 1980
1198 The Big Year 6.2 2011
1199 Shall We Dance? 6.2 2004
1200 Autumn in New York 5.6 2000
1201 Runaway Bride 5.6 1999
1202 Final Analysis 5.9 1992
1203 Sommersby 6.2 1993
1204 Internal Affairs 6.5 1990
1205 The Cotton Club 6.5 1984
1206 Primal Fear 7.7 1996
1207 An Officer and a Gentleman 7 1982
1208 The Mothman Prophecies 6.4 2002
1209 The Guard 7.3 2011
1210 The General 7.2 1998
1211 Michael Collins 7.1 1996
1212 Cedar Rapids 6.3 2011
1213 School of Rock 7.2 2003
1214 Torn Curtain 6.6 1966
1215 Enemy Mine 6.8 1985
1216 Hunter Prey 5.8 2010
1217 Say Anything... 7.3 1989
1218 Stand by Me 8.1 1986
1219 2012 5.8 2009
1220 The Raven 6.4 2012
1221 Dark Passage 7.5 1947
1222 Somebody Up There Likes Me 7.5 1956
1223 High Society 6.9 1956
1224 High Time 6.1 1960
1225 The Emperor Waltz 6 1948
1226 Road to Rio 6.9 1947
1227 Going My Way 7 1944
1228 The Devil at 4 O'Clock 6.3 1961
1229 Ocean's Eleven 6.5 1960
1230 The Joker Is Wild 7 1957
1231 Not as a Stranger 6.7 1955
1232 Cool Hand Luke 8.1 1967
1233 Hombre 7.4 1967
1234 The Prize 6.8 1963
1235 The Towering Inferno 7 1974
1236 Harper 6.8 1966
1237 Sweet Bird of Youth 7.2 1962
1238 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 7.8 2011
1239 Thunderbird 6 6.3 1968
1240 The Legend of Hell House 6.7 1973
1241 Tower Heist 6.2 2011
1242 Vanishing on 7th Street 4.9 2010
1243 Gettysburg 7.6 1993
1244 Arachnophobia 6.5 1990
1245 Infamous 7.1 2006
1246 As Good as It Gets 7.7 1997
1247 Fast Times at Ridgemont High 7.1 1982
1248 Bull Durham 7 1988
1249 I Married a Witch 7.1 1942
1250 The Story of Temple Drake 7.1 1933
1251 The Heiress 8.1 1949
1252 Dredd 7.1 2012
1253 The Haunted Palace 6.7 1963
1254 Mark of the Vampire 6.3 1935
1255 Dracula's Daughter 6.3 1936
1256 Bride of Frankenstein 7.8 1935
1257 Son of Frankenstein 7.1 1939
1258 The Ghost of Frankenstein 6.1 1942
1259 Mystery of the Wax Museum 6.8 1933
1260 The Reptile 6.1 1966
1261 Full Eclipse 5.4 1993
1262 Dead of Night 7.6 1945
1263 The Fog 6.8 1980
1264 Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein 7.3 1948
1265 The Last Man on Earth 6.7 1964
1266 The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms 6.6 1953
1267 Metropolis 8.3 1927
1268 Glengarry Glen Ross 7.7 1992
1269 Pride and Prejudice 7.4 1940
1270 Sullivan's Travels 7.9 1941
1271 The Dark Knight Rises 8.4 2012
1272 A Christmas Carol 7.5 1938
1273 Scrooge 8.1 1951
1274 John Carter 6.6 2012
1275 One Special Night 7.2 1999
1276 Maverick 7 1994
1277 Atlas Shrugged: Part I 5.6 2011
1278 Skyfall 7.8 2012
1279 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 7.8 2012
1280 Lincoln 7.3 2012
1281 Looper 7.4 2012
1282 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 4.9 2011
1283 The Rookie 5.9 1990
1284 Royal Wedding 6.7 1951
1285 Blue Skies 6.4 1946
1286 Broadway Melody of 1940 7.3 1940
1287 Flying Down to Rio 6.6 1933
1288 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle 6.9 1939
1289 Joyful Noise 5.7 2012
1290 Pacific Rendezvous 5.8 1942
1291 The Farmer's Daughter 7.2 1947
1292 Captain Blood 7.7 1935
1293 The Adventures of Robin Hood 7.9 1938
1294 They Died with Their Boots On 7.2 1941
1295 White Heat 8.1 1949
1296 These Wilder Years 6.8 1956
1297 Blood on the Sun 6 1945
1298 Yankee Doodle Dandy 7.6 1942
1299 The Strawberry Blonde 7.2 1941
1300 Here Comes the Navy 6.2 1934
1301 Ceiling Zero 6.7 1936
1302 Angels with Dirty Faces 7.9 1938
1303 13 Rue Madeleine 6.9 1946
1304 The Roaring Twenties 7.9 1939
1305 Mister Roberts 7.6 1955
1306 Jezebel 7.4 1938
1307 The Woman in Black 6.4 2012
1308 Kill Your Darlings 6.4 2013
1309 Gilda 7.6 1946
1310 The Lady from Shanghai 7.5 1947
1311 Circus World 6.1 1964
1312 Blood and Sand 6.8 1941
1313 Criminals of the Air 6.8 1937
1314 Life Begins with Love 5.5 1937
1315 The Devils 7.8 1971
1316 Witchfinder General 6.7 1968
1317 Sense and Sensibility 7.7 1995
1318 Game of Thrones 9.2 2011
1319 Battleship 5.8 2012
1320 Battle: Los Angeles 5.7 2011
1321 Paul 6.9 2011
1322 Swingers 7.2 1996
1323 The Dark Half 6 1993
1324 Hold Back the Dawn 7.3 1941
1325 Chronicle 7 2012
1326 Warm Bodies 6.8 2013
1327 The Outlaw Josey Wales 7.8 1976
1328 Jui kuen II 7.5 1994
1329 Zui quan 7.4 1978
1330 The Last Days of Disco 6.7 1998
1331 Red vs. Blue: Don't Get Me Started 8.7 2009
1332 Red vs. Blue: For Those of You Just Joining Us... 9 2010
1333 Red vs. Blue: Revenants 8.9 2012
1334 Red vs. Blue: Rounding Error 8.4 2011
1335 Red vs. Blue 8.4 2003
1336 Sylvia 6.3 2003
1337 Django Unchained 8.4 2012
1338 TekWar: TekLab 5.6 1994
1339 TekWar: TekJustice 6 1994
1340 TekWar: TekLords 5.8 1994
1341 TekWar 5.8 1994
1342 My Week with Marilyn 6.9 2011
1343 Take the High Ground! 6 1953
1344 Dial M for Murder 8.2 1954
1345 1984 6.9 1956
1346 Night of the Living Dead 7.8 1968
1347 Soylent Green 7 1973
1348 Scanners 6.7 1981
1349 Nineteen Eighty-Four 7.1 1984
1350 Stage Door 7.7 1937
1351 Hit Parade of 1941 5.8 1940
1352 Time Out for Rhythm 6.3 1941
1353 Jam Session 6.3 1944
1354 On the Town 7.3 1949
1355 Oh, Men! Oh, Women! 5.1 1957
1356 We're Not Married! 6.4 1952
1357 Storm Warning 7.2 1951
1358 Top Hat 7.7 1935
1359 Swing Time 7.5 1936
1360 Argo 7.7 2012
1361 Zero Dark Thirty 7.4 2012
1362 Airplane! 7.7 1980
1363 Airplane II: The Sequel 6.1 1982
1364 Attack the Block 6.6 2011
1365 The Woman on Pier 13 6 1949
1366 Silver Linings Playbook 7.7 2012
1367 Les Misérables 7.5 2012
1368 The Perks of Being a Wallflower 7.9 2012
1369 Total Recall 6.2 2012
1370 Men in Black 3 6.8 2012
1371 Evil Dead 6.5 2013
1372 A Good Day to Die Hard 5.2 2013
1373 The Full Monty 7.2 1997
1374 Dodsworth 7.8 1936
1375 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 8.2 1948
1376 And Then There Were None 7.4 1945
1377 All That Money Can Buy 7.6 1941
1378 The Great Gatsby 6.4 1974
1379 Father of the Bride 7.1 1950
1380 Father's Little Dividend 6.5 1951
1381 3:10 to Yuma 7.6 1957
1382 The Great Lie 7.1 1941
1383 Kitty Foyle 6.9 1940
1384 Lonesome Ghosts 7.5 1937
1385 Trick or Treat 7.2 1952
1386 Pluto's Judgement Day 7.2 1935
1387 Mickey's Rival 6.6 1936
1388 Mickey's Elephant 6.5 1936
1389 Mickey's Steam Roller 6.5 1934
1390 Steamboat Willie 7.5 1928
1391 The Haunted House 7 1929
1392 Mickey's Parrot 6.9 1938
1393 The Nifty Nineties 6.7 1941
1394 Pluto's Party 6.4 1952
1395 Lend a Paw 6.9 1941
1396 Mickey's Birthday Party 6.5 1942
1397 Symphony Hour 7.4 1942
1398 Tugboat Mickey 6.9 1940
1399 The Whalers 6.9 1938
1400 Mickey's Surprise Party 6.3 1939
1401 The Fox Hunt 6.5 1938
1402 All Together 5 1942
1403 Fantasia 7.7 1940
1404 Mickey and the Beanstalk 7.6 1947
1405 The Palm Beach Story 7.5 1942
1406 Wake of the Red Witch 6.5 1948
1407 Le procès 7.6 1962
1408 Always 6.4 1989
1409 The New World 6.7 2005
1410 Ball of Fire 7.7 1941
1411 Double Indemnity 8.3 1944
1412 The Shop Around the Corner 8 1940
1413 The Caine Mutiny 7.7 1954
1414 From Here to Eternity 7.6 1953
1415 Alice in Wonderland 6.3 1933
1416 Star Trek: Voyager 7.8 1995
1417 Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht 5.6 1970
1418 The Three Musketeers 5.7 2011
1419 Where the Sidewalk Ends 7.6 1950
1420 The Last Tycoon 6.3 1976
1421 While the City Sleeps 6.9 1956
1422 Taking Chance 7.4 2009
1423 Star Trek Into Darkness 7.7 2013
1424 Bad Moon 5.8 1996
1425 To Catch a Thief 7.4 1955
1426 Indiscreet 6.7 1958
1427 Spellbound 7.5 1945
1428 Run Silent, Run Deep 7.3 1958
1429 Mutiny on the Bounty 7.6 1935
1430 Boom Town 7 1940
1431 The Actress 6.4 1953
1432 Broken Lance 6.9 1954
1433 Inherit the Wind 8.1 1960
1434 Adam's Rib 7.5 1949
1435 Bad Day at Black Rock 7.7 1955
1436 Pearl 6.5 1978
1437 The Bounty 7 1984
1438 Boogeyman 4.1 2005
1439 Insidious 6.8 2010
1440 Heathers 7.2 1988
1441 The Last Stand 6.3 2013
1442 Heartbreak Ridge 6.8 1986
1443 The Eiger Sanction 6.3 1975
1444 Contraband 6.4 2012
1445 Tenderness 5.5 2009
1446 The Spanish Main 6.3 1945
1447 36 Hours 7.3 1964
1448 Thunderbolt and Lightfoot 7 1974
1449 The Bourne Legacy 6.6 2012
1450 Great Expectations 7.8 1946
1451 Great Expectations 7.2 1999
1452 The Damned United 7.5 2009
1453 Executive Suite 7.4 1954
1454 Arbitrage 6.6 2012
1455 The Double 5.9 2011
1456 Oblivion 7 2013
1457 Rope 7.9 1948
1458 The Night of the Generals 7.2 1967
1459 The Anderson Tapes 6.4 1971
1460 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 5.7 2012
1461 Stranger Than Fiction 7.6 2006
1462 Lady Be Good 6.4 1941
1463 Saboteur 7.1 1942
1464 Lewis 8.1 2006
1465 Tales of Terror 6.8 1962
1466 Iron Man Three 7.1 2013
1467 Killer Reality 4.5 2013
1468 The Bible 7.4 2013
1469 The Tomb of Ligeia 6.4 1964
1470 House of Wax 7 1953
1471 Tower of London 6.6 1939
1472 The Raven 6.5 1963
1473 Tower of London 6.3 1962
1474 The Mad Magician 6.5 1954
1475 Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger 6.3 1977
1476 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad 7.1 1958
1477 Jason and the Argonauts 7.3 1963
1478 Village of the Damned 7.3 1960
1479 Children of the Damned 6.2 1964
1480 Diary of a Madman 6.3 1963
1481 Ender's Game 6.6 2013
1482 Mickey's Christmas Carol 8 1983
1483 The Masque of the Red Death 6.9 1964
1484 Pork Chop Hill 7.1 1959
1485 Men in War 7.2 1957
1486 Mama 6.2 2013
1487 It Should Happen to You 7.2 1954
1488 The Marrying Kind 6.9 1952
1489 The Solid Gold Cadillac 7.5 1956
1490 Bells Are Ringing 6.9 1960
1491 Killing Kennedy 6 2013
1492 The Civil War 9.1 1990
1493 Once an Eagle 8 1976
1494 Man of Steel 7.1 2013
1495 You Can't Take It with You 7.8 1938
1496 Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles 7.4 1999
1497 Auntie Mame 7.9 1958
1498 David Copperfield 7.7 1999
1499 The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger 7.4 1935
1500 Gaslight 7.8 1944
1501 Beyond Tomorrow 6.5 1940
1502 The Wolverine 6.7 2013
1503 Journey to the Center of the Earth 7 1959
1504 The Last Days of Patton 6.3 1986
1505 Hugo 7.5 2011
1506 All Quiet on the Western Front 7.1 1979
1507 The Great Raid 6.6 2005
1508 The Sea Wolves 6.3 1980
1509 Between Heaven and Hell 6.5 1956
1510 So Proudly We Hail! 7.5 1943
1511 Battle of the Coral Sea 5.5 1959
1512 Weekend at Bernie's 6.4 1989
1513 My Blue Heaven 6.2 1990
1514 The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway 7.6 2011
1515 Stir of Echoes 6.9 1999
1516 The Conjuring 7.5 2013
1517 The Amazing Spider-Man 6.9 2012
1518 Revenge of the Nerds 6.6 1984
1519 Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation 3.9 1992
1520 Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise 5 1987
1521 The Secret of NIMH 7.5 1982
1522 Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society 7.8 2006
1523 Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta 8 1986
1524 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 5.5 2012
1525 Blood+ 7.6 2005
1526 Serial Experiments Lain 8.1 1998
1527 Outlaw Star 7.9 1998
1528 Darker Than Black: Kuro no keiyakusha 7.7 2007
1529 Ôkami to kôshinryô 7.9 2008
1530 Black Lagoon 7.9 2006
1531 Ghost Hunt 8 2005
1532 Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom 7.6 2009
1533 Steins tvSeries 24
1534 Ergo Proxy 7.9 2006
1535 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yûutsu 7.8 2006
1536 Arsenic and Old Lace 7.9 1944
1537 Mr. Lucky 7.1 1943
1538 The Philadelphia Story 7.9 1940
1539 The Bishop's Wife 7.6 1947
1540 Suspicion 7.3 1941
1541 Garfield 5 2004
1542 An Affair to Remember 7.4 1957
1543 Monkey Business 6.9 1952
1544 Anastasia 7.1 1997
1545 Anastasia 7 1956
1546 The Lion in Winter 7.9 1968
1547 The Canterville Ghost 6.9 1944
1548 Sunrise at Campobello 6.9 1960
1549 Der Rote Baron 6.3 2008
1550 Blood on the Moon 6.9 1948
1551 The Soloist 6.7 2009
1552 The Remains of the Day 7.8 1993
1553 Moon Over Miami 6.7 1941
1554 Courage of Lassie 6.2 1946
1555 The Bells of St. Mary's 7.2 1945
1556 Blade II 6.7 2002
1557 Blade: Trinity 5.8 2004
1558 Walk Don't Run 6.6 1966
1559 My Cousin Vinny 7.6 1992
1560 The Karate Kid 7.3 1984
1561 Riddick 6.4 2013
1562 Watchers 5.3 1988
1563 Demon Seed 6.3 1977
1564 The Frozen Ground 6.4 2013
1565 The Wolf of Wall Street 8.2 2013
1566 The Place Beyond the Pines 7.3 2012
1567 Young Mr. Lincoln 7.5 1939
1568 The Host 5.8 2013
1569 Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet 7.4 1940
1570 My Sister Eileen 7 1942
1571 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 7.8 2013
1572 Foreign Correspondent 7.5 1940
1573 Now, Voyager 7.9 1942
1574 Way Down East 7.4 1920
1575 West Point 6.6 1927
1576 Bullet to the Head 5.7 2012
1577 Alex Cross 5.1 2012
1578 Along Came a Spider 6.4 2001
1579 Kiss the Girls 6.6 1997
1580 Topper 7.2 1937
1581 Wilson 6.4 1944
1582 The Haunted 6.3 1991
1583 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir 7.8 1947
1584 Lifeforce 6.1 1985
1585 Nothing Left to Fear 4.4 2013
1586 Stake Land 6.4 2010
1587 Sex and the Single Girl 6.4 1964
1588 Wild and Wonderful 6.1 1964
1589 The Great Race 7.2 1965
1590 Need for Speed 6.4 2014
1591 Broken City 6.1 2013
1592 Slither 6.5 2006
1593 A Summer Place 6.9 1959
1594 42 7.5 2013
1595 The Good Witch 7.1 2008
1596 The Good Witch's Garden 7.1 2009
1597 The Good Witch's Gift 7.1 2010
1598 The Good Witch's Family 6.9 2011
1599 The Good Witch's Destiny 6.9 2013
1600 The Good Witch's Charm 6.9 2012
1601 How to Marry a Millionaire 6.8 1953
1602 Bus Stop 6.3 1956
1603 Sabrina 7.6 1954
1604 A Passage to India 7.3 1984
1605 Night Skies 4.5 2007
1606 Murder, My Sweet 7.5 1944
1607 High Sierra 7.5 1941
1608 Little Women 7.2 1949
1609 Little Women 7.3 1994
1610 His Girl Friday 7.8 1940
1611 Meet Me in St. Louis 7.5 1944
1612 The King and I 7.4 1956
1613 Way Out West 7.6 1937
1614 Hollywood Party 6 1934
1615 The Devil's Brother 7.1 1933
1616 Jitterbugs 6.2 1943
1617 The Flying Deuces 6.8 1939
1618 Sons of the Desert 7.5 1933
1619 The Music Box 7.9 1932
1620 Count Dracula 7.3 1977
1621 Inside Man 7.6 2006
1622 Antwone Fisher 7.3 2002
1623 Joyeux Noël 7.7 2005
1624 Road to Utopia 7.1 1945
1625 Star Spangled Rhythm 6.6 1942
1626 The Ghost Breakers 7.1 1940
1627 The Princess and the Pirate 6.8 1944
1628 My Favorite Brunette 6.7 1947
1629 My Favorite Blonde 7 1942
1630 Never Say Die 6.9 1939
1631 Road to Zanzibar 6.7 1941
1632 Fierce Creatures 6.4 1997
1633 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 7.5 2013
1634 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 7.8 2013
1635 King of Kings 7 1961
1636 The Glass Slipper 6.4 1955
1637 White House Down 6.3 2013
1638 Lone Survivor 7.5 2013
1639 Now You See Me 7.2 2013
1640 Gigi 6.6 1958
1641 Father Goose 7.3 1964
1642 An American in Paris 7.2 1951
1643 Daddy Long Legs 6.7 1955
1644 The Hunter 6.7 2011
1645 Bridge of Dragons 4.6 1999
1646 Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning 5 2012
1647 The Expendables 2 6.6 2012
1648 The Expendables 6.4 2010
1649 Missionary Man 5 2007
1650 Direct Contact 4.2 2009
1651 Icarus 5.1 2010
1652 With a Song in My Heart 6.8 1952
1653 The Snows of Kilimanjaro 6.1 1952
1654 Fatso 6.2 1980
1655 Gentleman's Agreement 7.2 1947
1656 It Could Happen to You 6.4 1994
1657 My Brilliant Career 7.1 1979
1658 Picnic at Hanging Rock 7.4 1975
1659 The Fighter 7.8 2010
1660 Traffic 7.6 2000
1661 The World's End 6.9 2013
1662 The Song of Bernadette 7.6 1943
1663 The Dawn Patrol 7.5 1938
1664 The Tarnished Angels 7.1 1957
1665 How to Train Your Dragon 2 7.8 2014
1666 X-Men: Days of Future Past 7.9 2014
1667 Mutiny on the Bounty 7.2 1962
1668 The Last Winter 5.5 2006
1669 Guys and Dolls 7.1 1955
1670 The Brave 6.1 1997
1671 The Missouri Breaks 6.5 1976
1672 The Nightcomers 5.8 1971
1673 Reflections in a Golden Eye 6.7 1967
1674 The Appaloosa 6.3 1966
1675 Insidious: Chapter 2 6.5 2013
1676 Lone Survivor 7.5 2013
1677 The Big O 7.5 1999
1678 Sôru îtâ 7.8 2008
1679 Woman of the Year 7.1 1942
1680 Keeper of the Flame 6.7 1942
1681 Pat and Mike 6.9 1952
1682 Summertime 7.1 1955
1683 The Rainmaker 6.9 1956
1684 Suddenly, Last Summer 7.5 1959
1685 Long Day's Journey Into Night 7.5 1962
1686 Breaking Away 7.7 1979
1687 Super 8 7 2011
1688 Gallipoli 7.4 1981
1689 The Wings of Eagles 6.6 1957
1690 21 6.8 2008
1691 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter 5.9 2012
1692 Young Man with a Horn 7.2 1950
1693 Out of the Past 8 1947
1694 The Hook 6.5 1963
1695 The Seventh Cross 7.4 1944
1696 Heroes for Sale 7.4 1933
1697 Waterloo Bridge 7.7 1940
1698 Ivanhoe 6.7 1952
1699 Return of the Gunfighter 6.3 1966
1700 Bataan 6.9 1943
1701 Margin Call 7.1 2011
1702 Sydney 7.1 1996
1703 The Year of Living Dangerously 7.1 1982
1704 Cat's Eye 6.3 1985
1705 Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI 6 1986
1706 Motel Hell 6 1980
1707 The Three Musketeers 7.1 1973
1708 The Return of the Musketeers 5.9 1989
1709 People Will Talk 7.4 1951
1710 Room for One More 7.1 1952
1711 Dream Wife 5.9 1953
1712 Gunga Din 7.2 1939
1713 Without Reservations 6.5 1946
1714 Tomorrow Is Forever 7.3 1946
1715 The Awful Truth 7.7 1937
1716 Holiday 7.7 1938
1717 Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn 7.7 1992
1718 Sailor Moon 7.6 1995
1719 Furious 6 7 2013
1720 Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie 5.5 2014
1721 The Mouse That Roared 6.9 1959
1722 Tora! Tora! Tora! 7.5 1970
1723 Buffalo Soldiers 6.2 1997
1724 Seinfeld 8.9 1989
1725 Friends 8.9 1994
1726 Home Improvement 7.2 1991
1727 Unsolved Mysteries 8.2 1987
1728 Murder, She Wrote 7.1 1984
1729 Dragon Ball Z 8.8 1989
1730 Clarissa Explains It All 7.1 1991
1731 The Adventures of Pete & Pete 8.4 1992
1732 The Secret World of Alex Mack 7.5 1994
1733 All That 7.5 1994
1734 Are You Afraid of the Dark? 8.2 1990
1735 Godzilla 6.4 2014
1736 Doctor X 6.4 1932
1737 Portrait of Jennie 7.6 1948
1738 Scent of a Woman 8 1992
1739 Hearts in Atlantis 6.9 2001
1740 Needful Things 6.2 1993
1741 The Homesman 6.6 2014
1742 To Have and Have Not 7.8 1944
1743 The Big Sleep 7.9 1946
1744 Key Largo 7.7 1948
1745 Thank Your Lucky Stars 6.8 1943
1746 Action in the North Atlantic 7 1943
1747 That Certain Woman 6.5 1937
1748 Watch on the Rhine 7.1 1943
1749 Juarez 6.9 1939
1750 Ex-Lady 6.4 1933
1751 The Verdict 7.2 1946
1752 Bridge to Terabithia 7.2 2007
1753 Bambi 7.3 1942
1754 Ratatouille 8.1 2007
1755 Chicken Little 5.7 2005
1756 Freaky Friday 6.3 2003
1757 Re-Animator 7.2 1985
1758 Martin 7 1976
1759 The Cabin in the Woods 7 2011
1760 Peeping Tom 7.6 1960
1761 The Night of the Hunter 8 1955
1762 Knights of the Round Table 6.2 1953
1763 The Omen 5.5 2006
1764 Back from Eternity 6.5 1956
1765 Five Came Back 7.1 1939
1766 The Time of Their Lives 7.6 1946
1767 Africa Screams 6 1949
1768 Jack and the Beanstalk 5.8 1952
1769 Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion 6.3 1950
1770 Abbott and Costello Go to Mars 5.9 1953
1771 Dance with Me, Henry 5.5 1956
1772 Shadow of a Doubt 7.8 1943
1773 Edge of Tomorrow 7.9 2014
1774 Pandora and the Flying Dutchman 6.9 1951
1775 The White Cliffs of Dover 7 1944
1776 The Hucksters 6.7 1947
1777 The Killers 7.7 1946
1778 Singapore 6.5 1947
1779 The Bribe 6.6 1949
1780 Sunday Punch 5.7 1942
1781 H.M. Pulham, Esq. 6.9 1941
1782 Two Girls and a Sailor 6.6 1944
1783 Baccano! 8.2 2007
1784 Haibane Renmei 8 2002
1785 Herushingu 7.8 2001
1786 Kino no tabi 8.3 2003
1787 Kidô Senshi Gundam 00 8.1 2007
1788 Gekijouban Kidou senshi Gandamu 00: A wakening of the trailblazer 6.7 2010
1789 Kidô Senshi Gundam Unicorn 7.7 2010
1790 Toki o kakeru shôjo 7.7 2006
1791 N.H.K ni yôkoso! 8.3 2006
1792 Higurashi no naku koro ni 7.9 2006
1793 Fruits Basket 7.9 2001
1794 Dragon Ball 8.6 1995
1795 Samurai 7 7.6 2004
1796 Psycho-Pass 8.2 2012
1797 Shôjo kakumei Utena 8.1 1997
1798 The Others 7.6 2001
1799 The House That Dripped Blood 6.5 1971
1800 Dr. Terror's House of Horrors 6.6 1965
1801 From Beyond the Grave 6.6 1974
1802 Strait-Jacket 6.8 1964
1803 Twice-Told Tales 6.6 1963
1804 The Killers 7 1964
1805 The Big Heat 7.9 1953
1806 In a Lonely Place 7.9 1950
1807 The Woman in the Window 7.6 1944
1808 Criss Cross 7.4 1949
1809 Brute Force 7.6 1947
1810 Kiss of Death 7.4 1947
1811 The Angriest Man in Brooklyn 5.7 2014
1812 Runner Runner 5.6 2013
1813 A Star Is Born 7.5 1954
1814 Byzantium 6.5 2012
1815 Ancient Aliens 7.1 2009
1816 The Kid from Brooklyn 6.5 1946
1817 The Court Jester 7.8 1955
1818 A Song Is Born 6.9 1948
1819 Hans Christian Andersen 6.8 1952
1820 Frozen 7.4 2013
1821 Lonely Are the Brave 7.6 1962
1822 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo 7.2 1944
1823 A Midsummer Night's Dream 6.8 1935
1824 Tin Man 7 2007
1825 Ring of Bright Water 7.1 1969
1826 A Yank in the R.A.F. 6.3 1941
1827 Don't Look Now 7.2 1973
1828 In the Good Old Summertime 7.1 1949
1829 The Real St. Nick 5.7 2012
1830 The Negotiator 7.3 1998
1831 The Interview 6.5 2014
1832 Cover Girl 6.7 1944
1833 In Harm's Way 7.2 1965
1834 The Big Kahuna 6.6 1999
1835 Divergent 6.6 2014
1836 Outrageous Fortune 6.2 1987
1837 Dune 6.3 1984
1838 Gunman's Walk 7 1958
1839 The Chase 7.1 1966
1840 Ultimo tango a Parigi 6.9 1972
1841 The Night of the Following Day 6 1969
1842 The Freshman 6.4 1990
1843 The Young Lions 7.1 1958
1844 The Fugitive Kind 7.1 1960
1845 War and Peace 6.7 1956
1846 War & Peace 8.3 1972
1847 Suisei no Gargantia 7.4 2013
1848 Blue Jasmine 7.3 2013
1849 The Chicken Chronicles 5.2 1977
1850 The Grass Is Greener 6.5 1960
1851 That Touch of Mink 6.6 1962
1852 Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz, 2. Teil 5 1979
1853 The Big Sleep 5.7 1978
1854 The Friends of Eddie Coyle 7.4 1973
1855 Man in the Middle 6.6 1964
1856 Cape Fear 7.7 1962
1857 The Sundowners 7.1 1960
1858 The Enemy Below 7.4 1957
1859 Man with the Gun 6.6 1955
1860 Wuthering Heights 7.5 1939
1861 Wuthering Heights 7.5 2009
1862 Easy Rider 7.3 1969
1863 Five Easy Pieces 7.4 1970
1864 Carnal Knowledge 6.9 1971
1865 Professione: reporter 7.5 1975
1866 Ruggles of Red Gap 7.6 1935
1867 JFK 8 1991
1868 Jûbê ninpûchô 7.8 1993
1869 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust 7.6 2000
1870 Kenpuu Denki Berserk 8.7 1997
1871 Dragon Ball GT: Doragon bôru jîtî 6.8 1996
1872 Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta 7.6 1995
1873 Dragon Ball Z: Tobikkiri no Saikyô tai Saikyô 7.1 1991
1874 Dragon Ball Z: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi 7 1992
1875 Dragon Ball Z: Ginga Giri-Giri!! Butchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu 7.1 1993
1876 Dragon Ball Z: Moetsukiro!! Nessen Ressen Chô-Gekisen 7.4 1993
1877 Dragon Ball Z - Doragon bôru zetto: Ryûken bakuhatsu!! Gokû ga yaraneba dare ga yaru 7.5 1995
1878 Dragon Ball Z: Doragon bôru Z - Kami to Kami 7.1 2013
1879 Dragon Ball Z: Chikyû Marugoto Chôkessen 6.8 1990
1880 Doragon boru Z: konoyo de ichiban tsuyoi yatsu 6.7 1990
1881 Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya-jin da Son Gokû 6.6 1991
1882 Doragon bôru Z: Kyokugen batoru!! San dai sûpâ saiyajin 7 1992
1883 Night of the Lepus 4.1 1972
1884 Stridulum 5.1 1979
1885 Darby O'Gill and the Little People 7.1 1959
1886 Finian's Rainbow 6.1 1968
1887 Le salaire de la peur 8.2 1953
1888 Fury 7.9 1936
1889 It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 7.5 1963
1890 Without Love 6.6 1945
1891 Sweet Smell of Success 8 1957
1892 Dead End 7.2 1937
1893 The Count of Monte Cristo 7.4 1934
1894 The Ghost Goes West 6.7 1935
1895 They Met in Bombay 6.5 1941
1896 Thousands Cheer 6.2 1943
1897 Park Row 7.2 1952
1898 42nd Street 7.3 1933
1899 Berkeley Square 6.5 1933
1900 Fifth Avenue Girl 6.8 1939
1901 Thoroughly Modern Millie 6.9 1967
1902 A Fish Called Wanda 7.5 1988
1903 Life of Brian 8 1979
1904 And Now for Something Completely Different 7.5 1971
1905 Pulp 5.9 1972
1906 Mona Lisa 7.3 1986
1907 Into the Storm 5.8 2014
1908 The Prisoner of Zenda 7.6 1937
1909 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 7.4 2014
1910 Thank You for Smoking 7.5 2005
1911 Beyond a Reasonable Doubt 6.9 1956
1912 Spring Reunion 5.7 1956
1913 The Omen 7.5 1976
1914 The Wicker Man 7.5 1973
1915 Taste the Blood of Dracula 6.3 1970
1916 The Pit and the Pendulum 7 1961
1917 The Theory of Everything 7.7 2014
1918 The Imitation Game 8 2014
1919 San Francisco 7.2 1936
1920 Klute 7.1 1971
1921 Barabbas 6.9 1961
1922 One Foot in Heaven 6.7 1941
1923 Return from the Sea 6.3 1954
1924 I Was an American Spy 6.5 1951
1925 Rome Adventure 6.4 1962
1926 Wayne's World 7 1992
1927 Wayne's World 2 6.2 1993
1928 Tommy Boy 7.1 1995
1929 Kap ba ba dik sung 6.5 1995
1930 Angel on My Shoulder 6.8 1946
1931 Caccia alla volpe 6.4 1966
1932 Test Pilot 6.8 1938
1933 The Wild Life 6 1984
1934 Dip huet seung hung 7.8 1989
1935 Ying hung boon sik 7.4 1986
1936 Lat sau san taam 7.7 1992
1937 Mou gaan dou 8 2002
1938 Mou gaan dou II 7.3 2003
1939 Wo hu cang long 7.9 2000
1940 Ying xiong 7.9 2002
1941 Shi mian mai fu 7.5 2004
1942 Ip Man 8 2008
1943 Jing wu ying xiong 7.5 1994
1944 Fong Sai Yuk 2 6.9 1993
1945 Hung Hei Kwun: Siu Lam ng zou 6.3 1994
1946 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 5.2 2008
1947 Mr. Deeds 5.8 2002
1948 Happiness Ahead 6.6 1934
1949 Doppelgänger 6.3 1969
1950 Mirage 7.2 1965
1951 Quigley Down Under 6.9 1990
1952 The Bride Came C.O.D. 6.9 1941
1953 Love Me or Leave Me 7.1 1955
1954 Man of a Thousand Faces 7.1 1957
1955 On Moonlight Bay 7 1951
1956 Bringing Up Baby 7.8 1938
1957 Eureka Seven: Ao 6.7 2012
1958 Fright Night 6.4 2011
1959 Men of Honor 7.2 2000
1960 Monty Python's Flying Circus 8.8 1969
1961 D.O.A. 7.2 1949
1962 Super Bowl XXX 7.2 1996
1963 Super Bowl XLV 7.3 2011
1964 Super Bowl XXXVII 6.8 2003
1965 Super Bowl XLI 7.1 2007
1966 Super Bowl XXXI 7.2 1997
1967 Super Bowl XL 6.6 2006
1968 Super Bowl XLIX 7.7 2015
1969 Super Bowl XXXIX 6.6 2005
1970 Super Bowl XXXVI 7.7 2002
1971 Super Bowl XLIII 7.8 2009
1972 Super Bowl XLVI 7.6 2012
1973 Super Bowl XXXIII 6.7 1999
1974 Super Bowl XXXII 7.6 1998
1975 Super Bowl XLIV 7.6 2010
1976 Super Bowl XLVII 7 2013
1977 Super Bowl XXXVIII 7.3 2004
1978 Super Bowl XXXIV 7.7 2000
1979 Super Bowl XLII 8 2008
1980 Super Bowl XXXV 6 2001
1981 Super Bowl XXVII 6.6 1993
1982 Super Bowl XXVIII 6.6 1994
1983 Super Bowl XLVIII 6.1 2014
1984 2014 World Series 8.3 2014
1985 2004 World Series 7.4 2004
1986 2001 World Series 8.5 2001
1987 1997 World Series 7.2 1997
1988 2003 World Series 6.6 2003
1989 2011 World Series 8.7 2011
1990 2010 World Series 7.2 2010
1991 1995 World Series 8.8 1995
1992 1996 World Series 6.4 1996
1993 2012 World Series 6.9 2012
1994 2013 World Series 8.3 2013
1995 2009 World Series 7.7 2009
1996 2008 World Series 7.4 2008
1997 2005 World Series 8.3 2005
1998 1989 World Series 8 1989
1999 2002 World Series 8 2002
2000 2000 Official World Series 8.1 2000
2001 The Shield 8.7 2002
2002 Kaleido Star 7.8 2003
2003 Kiss Me Deadly 7.5 1955
2004 Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House 7.2 1948
2005 How Green Was My Valley 7.7 1941
2006 Baby Face 7.5 1933
2007 The Lady Eve 7.7 1941
2008 Love Me Tender 6.2 1956
2009 Jailhouse Rock 6.5 1957
2010 Viva Las Vegas 6.3 1964
2011 Live a Little, Love a Little 5.6 1968
2012 Fun in Acapulco 5.8 1963
2013 Wag the Dog 7.1 1997
2014 Suicide Kings 6.9 1997
2015 Kung Fu Panda 7.6 2008
2016 Kung Fu Panda 2 7.2 2011
2017 The Tale of Despereaux 6.1 2008
2018 I Am Legend 7.2 2007
2019 Hancock 6.4 2008
2020 The Big House 7.1 1930
2021 Walk on the Wild Side 6.7 1962
2022 Roustabout 6 1964
2023 Jeopardy 6.7 1953
2024 Clash by Night 7 1952
2025 What's the Matter with Helen? 6.3 1971
2026 Dark Shadows 6.2 2012
2027 Edward Scissorhands 7.9 1990
2028 The Devil's Daughter 5.8 1973
2029 The Grand Budapest Hotel 8.1 2014
2030 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 5 2010
2031 The Twilight Saga: New Moon 4.7 2009
2032 Twilight 5.3 2008
2033 Now Is Good 7 2012
2034 Queen Christina 7.5 1933
2035 Home from the Hill 7.4 1960
2036 The Good Guys and the Bad Guys 6.1 1969
2037 Stage Fright 7 1950
2038 Imitation of Life 7.8 1959
2039 Gidget 6.6 1959
2040 Pocketful of Miracles 7.1 1961
2041 Stella Dallas 7.4 1937
2042 Plein soleil 7.7 1960
2043 Miss Sadie Thompson 5.9 1953
2044 Love Affair 7.3 1939
2045 Dark Victory 7.5 1939
2046 My Favorite Wife 7.3 1940
2047 Bigger Than Life 7.4 1956
2048 First Men in the Moon 6.5 1964
2049 Kraftidioten 7.1 2014
2050 The Last of Sheila 7.2 1973
2051 Campanadas a medianoche 7.7 1965
2052 The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice 7.6 1951
2053 Macbeth 7.4 1948
2054 The Tragedy of Macbeth 7.4 1971
2055 3 Godfathers 7.1 1948
2056 Rio Grande 7 1950
2057 Rio Lobo 6.7 1970
2058 McQ 6.2 1974
2059 Cahill U.S. Marshal 6.4 1973
2060 The Train Robbers 6.4 1973
2061 The Cowboys 7.4 1972
2062 Big Jake 7.1 1971
2063 Chisum 6.8 1970
2064 Showdown 5.9 1973
2065 In Old Chicago 6.7 1938
2066 How to Steal a Million 7.5 1966
2067 Love in the Afternoon 7.1 1957
2068 In the Mouth of Madness 7.1 1994
2069 Scaramouche 7.5 1952
2070 Ike: Countdown to D-Day 7.1 2004
2071 American Sniper 7.3 2014
2072 Boyhood 7.9 2014
2073 Friday 7.2 1995
2074 Sahara 7.5 1943
2075 The Stranger 7.3 1946
2076 The Late Show 6.9 1977
2077 Tekunoraizu 7.6 2003
2078 Time After Time 7.1 1979
2079 The Railway Man 7.1 2013
2080 The Scarlet Pimpernel 7.6 1982
2081 Saratoga 6.5 1937
2082 Bullitt 7.4 1968
2083 The Getaway 7.3 1972
2084 Bicentennial Man 6.9 1999
2085 Mean Streets 7.2 1973
2086 Road to Singapore 6.6 1940
2087 The Road to Hong Kong 6.1 1962
2088 The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell 5.8 1968
2089 The Facts of Life 6.3 1960
2090 Casanova's Big Night 6.7 1954
2091 Off Limits 6.1 1952
2092 Here Come the Girls 5.8 1953
2093 Road to Bali 6.4 1952
2094 Holiday Inn 7.3 1942
2095 The Gay Divorcee 7.4 1934
2096 Ice Station Zebra 6.6 1968
2097 The Judge 7.4 2014
2098 I'm No Angel 6.9 1933
2099 I Spit on Your Grave 6.2 2010
2100 I See a Dark Stranger 7 1946
2101 The Private Life of Don Juan 6.3 1934
2102 Hills of Home 6.6 1948
2103 Challenge to Lassie 6.2 1949
2104 Lassie 6.7 2005
2105 Lassie 5.8 1994
2106 Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog 7.2 1961
2107 San Andreas 6.1 2015
2108 Insidious: Chapter 3 6.1 2015
2109 Mad Max: Fury Road 8.1 2015
2110 Land of the Lost 5.3 2009
2111 Pánico en el Transiberiano 6.5 1972
2112 Life with Father 7.1 1947
2113 Here Comes Mr. Jordan 7.6 1941
2114 Nobody Lives Forever 7 1946
2115 The More the Merrier 7.7 1943
2116 Georgy Girl 6.9 1966
2117 Good-bye, My Lady 7.2 1956
2118 Tangled 7.7 2010
2119 Despicable Me 7.6 2010
2120 Monsters University 7.2 2013
2121 Cars 7.2 2006
2122 The Quatermass Xperiment 6.6 1955
2123 The Four Musketeers 6.9 1974
2124 22 Jump Street 7 2014
2125 21 Jump Street 7.2 2012
2126 The Mask of Dimitrios 7.2 1944
2127 Possessed 7.1 1947
2128 Neko no ongaeshi 7.1 2002
2129 Majo no takkyûbin 7.8 1989
2130 Tonari no Totoro 8.1 1988
2131 Gone with the Wind 8.2 1939
2132 The Wolf Man 7.2 1941
2133 Modern Times 8.5 1936
2134 The African Queen 7.7 1951
2135 Mary Poppins 7.8 1964
2136 Point Blank 7.3 1967
2137 The West 8.4 1996
2138 The Dust Bowl 8.2 2012
2139 Prohibition 8.2 2011
2140 Gone Girl 8.1 2014
2141 Guardians of the Galaxy 8 2014
2142 Kingsman: The Secret Service 7.7 2014
2143 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 6.6 2014
2144 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 7.8 2014
2145 Olympus Has Fallen 6.5 2013
2146 The Great Gatsby 7.2 2013
2147 Thor: The Dark World 6.8 2013
2148 This Is the End 6.6 2013
2149 Elysium 6.6 2013
2150 Cloud Atlas 7.4 2012
2151 Snow White and the Huntsman 6.1 2012
2152 American Reunion 6.7 2012
2153 Megamind 7.3 2010
2154 Edge of Darkness 6.6 2010
2155 1776 7.6 1972
2156 Hellboy 6.8 2004
2157 Friday Night Lights 7.2 2004
2158 Finding Neverland 7.7 2004
2159 Secret Window 6.5 2004
2160 Shark Tale 6 2004
2161 Kung fu 7.7 2004
2162 You Don't Mess with the Zohan 5.6 2008
2163 Hellboy II: The Golden Army 7 2008
2164 Changeling 7.8 2008
2165 W. 6.3 2008
2166 Star Trek 7.9 2009
2167 Julie & Julia 7 2009
2168 The 40 Year Old Virgin 7.1 2005
2169 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 6.7 2005
2170 Jarhead 7 2005
2171 Constantine 7 2005
2172 Doom 5.2 2005
2173 Sweet Home Alabama 6.2 2002
2174 Lilo & Stitch 7.3 2002
2175 The Count of Monte Cristo 7.7 2002
2176 The Time Machine 6 2002
2177 Dog Soldiers 6.8 2002
2178 Eight Crazy Nights 5.3 2002
2179 Mulholland Dr. 7.9 2001
2180 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 5.7 2001
2181 Behind Enemy Lines 6.4 2001
2182 Spy Game 7 2001
2183 Cats & Dogs 5.1 2001
2184 Idiocracy 6.5 2006
2185 Silent Hill 6.5 2006
2186 The Pink Panther 5.6 2006
2187 The Beach 6.6 2000
2188 Little Nicky 5.3 2000
2189 102 Dalmatians 4.8 2000
2190 The Shawshank Redemption 9.3 1994
2191 Pulp Fiction 8.9 1994
2192 Clear and Present Danger 6.9 1994
2193 The American President 6.8 1995
2194 Casper 6.1 1995
2195 A Little Princess 7.6 1995
2196 First Knight 6 1995
2197 Johnny Mnemonic 5.6 1995
2198 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 6.8 1992
2199 Malcolm X 7.7 1992
2200 Beethoven 5.7 1992
2201 FernGully: The Last Rainforest 6.5 1992
2202 Sister Act 6.5 1992
2203 Medicine Man 6 1992
2204 Dutch 6.5 1991
2205 Hot Shots! 6.7 1991
2206 The Doors 7.2 1991
2207 GoodFellas 8.7 1990
2208 Dances with Wolves 8 1990
2209 Home Alone 7.7 1990
2210 Pretty Woman 7.1 1990
2211 Predator 2 6.3 1990
2212 Problem Child 5.4 1990
2213 Problem Child 2 4.8 1991
2214 Blank Check 5.2 1994
2215 Child's Play 2 5.9 1990
2216 Hamlet 6.7 1990
2217 Driving Miss Daisy 7.3 1989
2218 Sex, Lies, and Videotape 7.2 1989
2219 UHF 6.9 1989
2220 Funny Farm 6.2 1988
2221 The Gate 6 1987
2222 The Frog Prince 6.2 1986
2223 The Jewel of the Nile 6.1 1985
2224 Silverado 7.2 1985
2225 Ging chaat goo si 7.5 1985
2226 The Journey 6.8 1959
2227 The Giver 6.4 2014
2228 The Maze Runner 6.8 2014
2229 Brannigan 6.1 1975
2230 This Happy Breed 7.3 1944
2231 The Train 7.8 1964
2232 Giant 7.6 1956
2233 Lover Come Back 7.1 1961
2234 Strange Bedfellows 6.2 1965
2235 Horizons West 6.2 1952
2236 The Lawless Breed 6.3 1952
2237 The Taming of the Shrew 7.1 1967
2238 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 8 1966
2239 Beau Brummell 6.4 1954
2240 Elephant Walk 6.3 1954
2241 National Velvet 7.3 1944
2242 Lassie Come Home 7.1 1943
2243 The Last Hurrah 7.3 1958
2244 Kansas City Confidential 7.3 1952
2245 Since You Went Away 7.5 1944
2246 Cleopatra 6.8 1934
2247 The Third Man 8.1 1949
2248 The Barkleys of Broadway 7 1949
2249 Shall We Dance 7.5 1937
2250 The Thin Man 7.9 1934
2251 After the Thin Man 7.6 1936
2252 Another Thin Man 7.4 1939
2253 Shadow of the Thin Man 7.2 1941
2254 My Man Godfrey 8 1936
2255 Emperor 6.5 2012
2256 Jurassic World 6.9 2015
2257 Avengers: Age of Ultron 7.3 2015
2258 The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer 7.2 1947
2259 Vengeance Valley 5.9 1951
2260 Atlantic City 7.3 1980
2261 Funny Face 7 1957
2262 A Thousand and One Nights 6.1 1945
2263 The Thief of Bagdad 7.4 1940
2264 The Big Store 6.5 1941
2265 Go West 6.8 1940
2266 A Girl in Every Port 5.2 1952
2267 Abe Lincoln in Illinois 7.3 1940
2268 The Lusty Men 7.4 1952
2269 Ted 2 6.3 2015
2270 Get Shorty 6.9 1995
2271 How Sweet It Is! 5.9 1968
2272 The Sorcerers 6.2 1967
2273 The Lair of the White Worm 6 1988
2274 Silk Stockings 6.8 1957
2275 The Secret Garden 7.5 1949
2276 The Crossing Guard 6.3 1995
2277 The Man from Laramie 7.3 1955
2278 Flirting with Disaster 6.7 1996
2279 Born to Dance 6.6 1936
2280 Honeymoon for Three 6 1941
2281 No Time for Comedy 6.2 1940
2282 Les yeux sans visage 7.6 1960
2283 Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte 7.5 1964
2284 Into the Woods 5.9 2014
2285 The Man Who Came to Dinner 7.5 1942
2286 American Heart 6.7 1992
2287 Dark Alibi 6.5 1946
2288 The Jade Mask 6.2 1945
2289 Charlie Chan in The Chinese Cat 6.3 1944
2290 Charlie Chan in the Secret Service 6.2 1944
2291 Murder Over New York 6.9 1940
2292 Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum 7 1940
2293 Charlie Chan at Treasure Island 7.2 1939
2294 Charlie Chan in Panama 7.1 1940
2295 Castle in the Desert 7 1942
2296 Charlie Chan in Rio 6.9 1941
2297 The Shanghai Chest 5.9 1948
2298 The Sky Dragon 6.4 1949
2299 Westward Passage 5.4 1932
2300 Young Bride 6.3 1932
2301 Little Lord Fauntleroy 7.3 1936
2302 The Hoax 6.7 2006
2303 10 to Midnight 6.3 1983
2304 The Evil That Men Do 5.9 1984
2305 Messenger of Death 5.4 1988
2306 Limelight 8 1952
2307 A Tale of Two Cities 7.8 1935
2308 A Matter of Life and Death 8 1946
2309 Romeo + Juliet 6.8 1996
2310 I Know Where I'm Going! 7.5 1945
2311 The Good Earth 7.5 1937
2312 The Creeping Flesh 6.2 1973
2313 The Hoodlum Saint 6.1 1946
2314 East Side, West Side 6.9 1949
2315 The Curse of the Cat People 6.7 1944
2316 Cat People 7.2 1942
2317 The Letter 7.6 1940
2318 The Odd Couple 7.6 1968
2319 Planes, Trains & Automobiles 7.6 1987
2320 Taken 3 6 2014
2321 Before Winter Comes 5.8 1968
2322 Friday the 13th Part 2 6.1 1981
2323 Friday the 13th Part III 5.6 1982
2324 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter 6 1984
2325 Friday the 13th: A New Beginning 4.7 1985
2326 The Devil-Doll 7 1936
2327 Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb 6.2 2014
2328 Sea of Love 6.8 1989
2329 Quentin Durward 6.3 1955
2330 Out of Sight 7 1998
2331 Monte Walsh 7 1970
2332 Shenandoah 7.3 1965
2333 High Noon 8 1952
2334 Hang 'Em High 7 1968
2335 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 7.2 1949
2336 Winchester '73 7.6 1950
2337 Edge of Darkness 7.2 1943
2338 Betrayed 6.1 1954
2339 Return to Nim's Island 4.9 2013
2340 The Corruptor 6 1999
2341 Ying hung boon sik II 7.2 1987
2342 Chung hang sei hoi 6.7 1991
2343 Aam fa 7.2 1998
2344 Romeo and Juliet 7.6 1968
2345 Battleground 7.4 1949
2346 Kim 6.5 1950
2347 Desk Set 7.2 1957
2348 State of the Union 7.2 1948
2349 Puss in Boots 6.6 2011
2350 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World 7.4 2003
2351 Blood Diamond 8 2006
2352 Léon 8.5 1994
2353 Mary and Max. 8.1 2009
2354 The Game 7.7 1997
2355 Ghost Rider 5.2 2007
2356 Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: The Movie 2 7.5 1993
2357 Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: Gekijô-ban 7 1989
2358 Kumo no mukô, yakusoku no basho 6.9 2004
2359 Zathura: A Space Adventure 6.2 2005
2360 Inkheart 6.1 2008
2361 In Which We Serve 7.2 1942
2362 A Time to Kill 7.5 1996
2363 The Good German 6 2006
2364 Hooligans 7.4 2005
2365 Tango & Cash 6.4 1989
2366 The Greatest Game Ever Played 7.4 2005
2367 To End All Wars 7 2001
2368 Grumpier Old Men 6.6 1995
2369 Madagascar 6.9 2005
2370 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 6.6 2008
2371 The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 7.5 2005
2372 Dark City 7.6 1998
2373 Evil Angels 6.9 1988
2374 The Madness of King George 7.2 1994
2375 Oliver Twist 7.8 1948
2376 Our Mutual Friend 8.1 1998
2377 Oliver Twist 7.7 1999
2378 The Pride and the Passion 5.7 1957
2379 Never So Few 5.9 1959
2380 None But the Brave 6.4 1965
2381 The St. Louis Bank Robbery 5.8 1959
2382 The War Lover 6.5 1962
2383 Alfie 7 1966
2384 My Blueberry Nights 6.6 2007
2385 Dragon Ball Z: Doragon bôru Z - Fukkatsu no 'F' 7.2 2015
2386 Anatomy of a Murder 8 1959
2387 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 7.8 2015
2388 Pumping Iron 7.3 1977
2389 The War of the Worlds 7 1953
2390 The Wrong Man 7.4 1956
2391 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 7.1 1953
2392 The Prince and the Showgirl 6.4 1957
2393 The Last Picture Show 8 1971
2394 The Big Short 7.8 2015
2395 House of Games 7.2 1987
2396 Move Over, Darling 6.9 1963
2397 Move Over, Darling 6.9 1963
2398 Midnight Run 7.5 1988
2399 Married to the Mob 6.2 1988
2400 Christmas in Connecticut 7.3 1945
2401 Days of Wine and Roses 7.8 1962
2402 The Frighteners 7.1 1996
2403 Song of the Thin Man 6.9 1947
2404 The Thin Man Goes Home 7.3 1944
2405 Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For 7.1 2000
2406 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest 7.2 1997
2407 She 5.8 1965
2408 Cinderella 6.9 2015
2409 The Man Who Knew Too Much 7.4 1956
2410 Much Ado About Nothing 7.3 1993
2411 Apocalypse: La 2ème guerre mondiale 9 2009
2412 War & Peace 8.1 2016
2413 Phantom Lady 7.2 1944
2414 Captain Kidd 6.3 1945
2415 One False Move 7.1 1992
2416 The Indian Runner 6.9 1991
2417 The Young Philadelphians 7.4 1959
2418 The Asphalt Jungle 7.8 1950
2419 Night and the City 7.9 1950
2420 Night and the City 5.8 1992
2421 Pat and Mike 6.9 1952
2422 Imitation of Life 7.5 1934
2423 The Man in the Iron Mask 7 1939
2424 Meet John Doe 7.6 1941
2425 Battle of the Atlantic 8 2002
2426 The Story of Louis Pasteur 7.3 1936
2427 Blackboard Jungle 7.4 1955
2428 In the Heat of the Night 7.9 1967
2429 Midnight Cowboy 7.8 1969
2430 The Mist 7.1 2007
2431 The Postman 6.1 1997
2432 Night and Day 6.1 1946
2433 The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella 6.9 1976
2434 A Foreign Affair 7.3 1948
2435 Captains Courageous 7.9 1937
2436 The Sea Hawk 7.6 1940
2437 Marty 7.7 1955
2438 Fall of Grayskull 4.5 2015
2439 Mr. Holland's Opus 7.3 1995
2440 The Birdcage 7.2 1996
2441 Goodbye, Mr. Chips 7.9 1939
2442 The Ipcress File 7.2 1965
2443 The Quiet American 6.7 1958
2444 The Lodger 7.1 1944
2445 Rembrandt 7.1 1936
2446 Moonstruck 7.1 1987
2447 Humoresque 7.3 1946
2448 Three Came Home 7.3 1950
2449 Anne of the Thousand Days 7.4 1969
2450 Tightrope 6.3 1984
2451 Doctor Dolittle 6.1 1967
2452 Comanche Moon 7.1 2008
2453 Streets of Laredo 7.2 1995
2454 Return to Lonesome Dove 7.2 1993
2455 Clueless 6.9 1995
2456 Easy A 7 2010
2457 Mogambo 6.6 1953
2458 Valley of the Kings 6 1954
2459 The Naked Jungle 6.7 1954
2460 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. 7.3 1951
2461 Near Dark 6.9 1987
2462 Tall in the Saddle 6.9 1944
2463 Stagecoach 7.8 1939
2464 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 7.6 1965
2465 Hart to Hart: Old Friends Never Die 6.4 1994
2466 The Big Trail 7.1 1930
2467 In Old California 6.3 1942
2468 The Spoilers 6.7 1942
2469 Pittsburgh 6.4 1942
2470 The Long Voyage Home 6.9 1940
2471 Three Faces West 6.1 1940
2472 The Night Riders 5.7 1939
2473 Flame of Barbary Coast 6.2 1945
2474 In Old Oklahoma 6.4 1943
2475 Dr. Kildare's Strange Case 6 1940
2476 Calling Dr. Kildare 6.3 1939
2477 The Secret of Dr. Kildare 6.4 1939
2478 The People vs. Dr. Kildare 6.3 1941
2479 Dr. Kildare Goes Home 6.5 1940
2480 Dolores Claiborne 7.4 1995
2481 Mr. Arkadin 7.1 1955
2482 Six Degrees of Separation 6.8 1993
2483 The Great Ziegfeld 6.7 1936
2484 Libeled Lady 7.8 1936
2485 Nothing Sacred 6.9 1937
2486 Sergeant Rutledge 7.4 1960
2487 Huo Yuan Jia 7.6 2006
2488 Dinner at Eight 7.5 1933
2489 The Girl from Missouri 6.6 1934
2490 Bombshell 7.1 1933
2491 Red Dust 7.2 1932
2492 Reckless 6.4 1935
2493 Hold Your Man 6.9 1933
2494 The World of Henry Orient 6.6 1964
2495 Gay Purr-ee 6.7 1962
2496 One Piece: Wan pîsu 8.9 1999
2497 The Ladykillers 7.6 1955
2498 God Told Me To 6.2 1976
2499 Raw Deal 5.5 1986
2500 A Stolen Life 7.2 1946
2501 All About Eve 8.2 1950
2502 Love on the Run 6 1936
2503 Billy Budd 7.8 1962
2504 About Mrs. Leslie 7.1 1954
2505 Another Man's Poison 6.8 1951
2506 Sometimes They Come Back 5.7 1991
2507 The Man Who Could Work Miracles 7 1936
2508 Ordinary People 7.7 1980
2509 The Hill 7.9 1965
2510 55 Days at Peking 6.7 1963
2511 Behind the Rising Sun 5.6 1943
2512 Marine Raiders 5.8 1944
2513 Crisis 7 2014
2514 Crisis 6.7 1950
2515 The Blue Dahlia 7.1 1946
2516 The Glass Key 7 1942
2517 Warcraft 6.7 2016
2518 The Old Man and the Sea 6.9 1958
2519 All This, and Heaven Too 7.4 1940
2520 San Antonio 6.3 1945
2521 The Flim-Flam Man 6.8 1967
2522 Alice Adams 6.9 1935
2523 Splendor in the Grass 7.7 1961
2524 Rover Dangerfield 5.9 1991
2525 Rock-A-Doodle 6 1991
2526 All Dogs Go to Heaven 6.7 1989
2527 An American Tail 6.9 1986
2528 An American Tail: Fievel Goes West 6.4 1991
2529 The Land Before Time 7.4 1988
2530 Balto 7.1 1995
2531 Cutter's Way 6.8 1981
2532 Poltergeist 4.9 2015
2533 Insurgent 6.2 2015
2534 The Prophecy 6.4 1995
2535 On Her Majesty's Secret Service 6.7 1969
2536 Live and Let Die 6.7 1973
2537 Spectre 6.8 2015
2538 The Prophecy II 5.7 1998
2539 The Prophecy 3: The Ascent 5.4 2000
2540 The Prophecy: Uprising 5.1 2005
2541 The Prophecy: Forsaken 4.4 2005
2542 Lord Love a Duck 6.4 1966
2543 Taps 6.7 1981
2544 The Outsiders 7 1983
2545 Losin' It 4.9 1982
2546 All the Right Moves 5.9 1983
2547 Risky Business 6.8 1983
2548 Cocktail 5.9 1988
2549 Knight and Day 6.3 2010
2550 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 7.4 2011
2551 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 7.4 2015
2552 There Will Be Blood 8.2 2007
2553 School Ties 6.9 1992
2554 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 6.4 2016
2555 The Cheyenne Social Club 6.8 1970
2556 Firecreek 6.8 1968
2557 Richard III 7.3 1995
2558 Foxcatcher 7 2014
2559 The Little Foxes 7.9 1941
2560 The Right Stuff 7.8 1983
2561 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 7.8 1967
2562 The Dark Corner 7.1 1946
2563 Yolanda and the Thief 5.9 1945
2564 Zootopia 8 2016
2565 Finding Nemo 8.2 2003
2566 Max Dugan Returns 6.7 1983
2567 The Transformers: The Movie 7.2 1986
2568 For Whom the Bell Tolls 6.8 1943
2569 Concussion 7.1 2015
2570 Tall Tale 5.9 1995
2571 The Barrens 4.6 2012
2572 The Express 7.2 2008
2573 We Are Marshall 7 2006
2574 Lone Star 7.4 1996
2575 Julia Misbehaves 6.8 1948
2576 The Law and the Lady 6.5 1951
2577 Strange Lady in Town 6.1 1955
2578 Start the Revolution Without Me 6.4 1970
2579 Bonnie and Clyde 7.7 1967
2580 Silver Streak 6.9 1976
2581 Stir Crazy 6.7 1980
2582 The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother 6 1975
2583 Another You 5.3 1991
2584 See No Evil, Hear No Evil 6.8 1989
2585 Desire Me 6 1947
2586 The Valley of Decision 7.3 1945
2587 Mrs. Parkington 7 1944
2588 Madame Curie 7.2 1943
2589 Random Harvest 7.9 1942
2590 Dazed and Confused 7.6 1993
2591 The Hound of the Baskervilles 5.9 2000
2592 The Woods 5.6 2006
2593 The Evil Dead 7.4 1981
2594 Evil Dead II 7.7 1987
2595 Rush 8.1 2013
2596 The X Files 7 1998
2597 A Face in the Crowd 8.2 1957
2598 Made for Each Other 6.3 1939
2599 In Name Only 7 1939
2600 Penny Serenade 7.1 1941
2601 X-Men: Apocalypse 6.9 2016
2602 Captain America: Civil War 7.8 2016
2603 Bridge of Spies 7.6 2015
2604 The Martian 8 2015
2605 House of Frankenstein 6.2 1944
2606 Killing Reagan 6.7 2016
2607 The Richest Girl in the World 6.3 1934
2608 The Strange Love of Martha Ivers 7.4 1946
2609 Detour 7.3 1945
2610 Born to Kill 7.2 1947
2611 Advise & Consent 7.7 1962
2612 Seven Days in May 7.8 1964
2613 Once Upon a Time in Mexico 6.3 2003
2614 Executive Action 6.7 1973
2615 The Goonies 7.7 1985
2616 Black Hawk Down 7.7 2001
2617 Hot Fuzz 7.8 2007
2618 Galaxy Quest 7.4 1999
2619 Hellraiser 6.9 1987
2620 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 7.9 1982
2621 The Sandlot 7.8 1993
2622 Love Actually 7.6 2003
2623 Moonrise Kingdom 7.8 2012
2624 The Water Horse 6.4 2007
2625 Pee-wee's Big Holiday 6.1 2016
2626 Nanny McPhee 6.6 2005
2627 Tarzan 7.3 1999
2628 The Italian Job 7 2003
2629 Miracle on 34th Street 6.6 1994
2630 From Dusk Till Dawn 7.2 1996
2631 Scooby-Doo 5.2 2002
2632 Spy Hard 5.3 1996
2633 Nightcrawler 7.8 2014
2634 Cruel Intentions 6.8 1999
2635 The Hateful Eight 7.8 2015
2636 The Woman in Red 5.9 1984
2637 To the Devil a Daughter 5.8 1976
2638 The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll 6.3 1960
2639 Star Trek Beyond 7 2016
2640 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 7.8 1939
2641 The Satan Bug 6.1 1965
2642 The Devil-Ship Pirates 6 1964
2643 The Oblong Box 6 1969
2644 The Face of Fu Manchu 5.8 1965
2645 Caesar and Cleopatra 6.2 1945
2646 Our Mother's House 7.2 1967
2647 Places in the Heart 7.4 1984
2648 Chappie 6.8 2015
2649 Remember the Day 7.2 1941
2650 Arise, My Love 6.9 1940
2651 Skylark 6.2 1941
2652 The Great McGinty 7.3 1940
2653 Unfaithfully Yours 7.5 1948
2654 To Be or Not to Be 8.2 1942
2655 The Pirate 6.9 1948
2656 For Me and My Gal 7 1942
2657 Babes in Arms 6.3 1939
2658 Strike Up the Band 6.8 1940
2659 Babes on Broadway 6.6 1941
2660 Moscow on the Hudson 6.5 1984
2661 Tea for Two 6.5 1950
2662 My Dream Is Yours 6.6 1949
2663 April in Paris 5.9 1952
2664 Tom Horn 6.8 1980
2665 Trading Places 7.5 1983
2666 Scrooged 6.9 1988
2667 It Happened on Fifth Avenue 7.6 1947
2668 Gremlins 7.3 1984
2669 Jonny's Golden Quest 6.5 1993
2670 Jonny Quest Versus the Cyber Insects 6.7 1995
2671 Jonny Quest 7.8 1964
2672 Jonny Quest 7.1 1986
2673 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 7.7 1996
2674 The Big Clock 7.6 1948
2675 No Way Out 7.1 1987
2676 The Lost Weekend 7.9 1945
2677 David and Bathsheba 6.1 1951
2678 Solomon and Sheba 6.1 1959
2679 The Lost Boys 7.2 1987
2680 Blue Hawaii 6.1 1961
2681 G.I. Blues 6.1 1960
2682 King Creole 6.9 1958
2683 Wild in the Country 6.3 1961
2684 Coal Miner's Daughter 7.5 1980
2685 Major Dundee 6.7 1965
2686 Of Mice and Men 7.5 1992
2687 The Night Before 6.4 2015
2688 Finding Dory 7.3 2016
2689 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 6.5 2015
2690 The Meaning of Life 7.5 1983
2691 Sergeant York 7.7 1941
2692 Once Upon a Time in America 8.3 1984
2693 Bedknobs and Broomsticks 7 1971
2694 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 6.9 1968
2695 Heart and Souls 7 1993
2696 Road to Morocco 7 1942
2697 The Seven-Per-Cent Solution 6.6 1976
2698 Suzumiya Haruhi no shôshitsu 8 2010
2699 Only the Lonely 6.3 1991
2700 Okinawa 5.2 1952
2701 Tomorrow 7.6 1972
2702 Robin Hood: Men in Tights 6.7 1993
2703 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 6.9 1991
2704 Office Space 7.6 1999
2705 Cidade de Deus 8.6 2002
2706 Amadeus 8.4 1984
2707 The Unsinkable Molly Brown 6.6 1964
2708 'A' gai wak 7.3 1983
2709 'A' gai wak 2 7 1987
2710 Ghostbusters 6.8 2016
2711 'G' Men 7.1 1935
2712 Destry Rides Again 7.6 1939
2713 Ranma ½ 7.9 1989
2714 Kôkaku Kidôtai Shin Gekijôban 6.6 2015
2715 Witness 7.4 1985
2716 The Hasty Heart 7.3 1949
2717 Hellcats of the Navy 5.5 1957
2718 Kings Row 7.5 1942
2719 An Uncommon Grace 6.4 2017
2720 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 6.3 2015
2721 Allegiant 5.7 2016
2722 T2 Trainspotting 7.2 2017
2723 The Legend of Tarzan 6.2 2016
2724 Prescription: Murder 7.9 1968
2725 The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing 6.5 1955
2726 To Each His Own 7.7 1946
2727 Columbo: Ransom for a Dead Man 7.6 1971
2728 Ferris Bueller's Day Off 7.8 1986
2729 Sleepless in Seattle 6.8 1993
2730 The Drowning Pool 6.5 1975
2731 Blood Alley 6.2 1955
2732 Horns 6.4 2013
2733 Moana 7.6 2016
2734 Masters of the Universe 5.3 1987
2735 Twins of Evil 6.6 1971
2736 The Vampire Lovers 6.4 1970
2737 Lust for a Vampire 5.7 1971
2738 Uchû daikaijû Girara 4.8 1967
2739 Ghost in the Shell 6.3 2017
2740 Power Rangers 5.9 2017
2741 Beauty and the Beast 7.1 2017
2742 Rogue One 7.8 2016
2743 Doctor Strange 7.5 2016
2744 That Thing You Do! 6.9 1996
2745 Man on a Tightrope 7.2 1953
2746 How I Met Your Mother 8.3 2005
2747 The Seven Year Itch 7.1 1955
2748 Rushmore 7.6 1998
2749 When Harry Met Sally... 7.7 1989
2750 Hairspray 6.7 2007
2751 Ted 6.9 2012
2752 Me, Myself & Irene 6.6 2000
2753 Thor 7 2011
2754 Click 6.4 2006
2755 The Pink Panther 7 1963
2756 French Connection II 6.7 1975
2757 Enter the Dragon 7.6 1973
2758 The Abyss 7.5 1989
2759 Ride the High Country 7.4 1962
2760 Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) 7.7 2014
2761 The Truman Show 8.2 1998
2762 The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! 7.6 1988
2763 Appaloosa 6.7 2008
2764 The Professionals 7.3 1966
2765 Jeremiah Johnson 7.6 1972
2766 River of No Return 6.6 1954
2767 The Big Country 7.9 1958
2768 Fast Company 6.6 1938
2769 Scarlet Street 7.8 1945
2770 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 7.2 2016
2771 Interstellar 8.6 2014
2772 The Last Witch Hunter 5.9 2015
2773 The Naked City 7.6 1948
2774 Pawn Stars 7.2 2009
2775 American Pickers 7 2010
2776 The Hound of the Baskervilles 7.8 1988
2777 The Sign of Four 7.9 1987
2778 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 8.7 1984
2779 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 8.7 1986
2780 Purple Hearts 5.7 1984
2781 The Bad and the Beautiful 7.8 1952
2782 Behemoth the Sea Monster 5.7 1959
2783 Bound for Glory 7.3 1976
2784 Rob Roy 6.9 1995
2785 San ging chaat goo si 6.9 2004
2786 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales 6.5 2017
2787 Inside the Afghanistan War 7.5 2012
2788 Inside the Iraq War 7.4 2009
2789 Last Stand at Saber River 6.8 1997
2790 The Man from Snowy River 7.2 1982
2791 Hornets' Nest 5.7 1970
2792 Action in Arabia 6.2 1944
2793 Journey Into Fear 6.5 1943
2794 The Desert Rats 6.7 1953
2795 Anne of Green Gables 7 1934
2796 Anne of Green Gables 8.5 1985
2797 Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel 8.4 1987
2798 The Babe 5.9 1992
2799 Cop 6.4 1988
2800 Transformers: Age of Extinction 5.6 2014
2801 Still of the Night 6 1982
2802 The Mighty Quinn 6 1989
2803 True Confessions 6.3 1981
2804 Some Kind of Wonderful 7 1987
2805 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 7.6 2017
2806 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 5.8 2010
2807 Miss Congeniality 6.3 2000
2808 Topaz 6.2 1969
2809 I Love You Again 7.4 1940
2810 Gun Crazy 7.6 1950
2811 Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi 6.9 2017
2812 Logan 8.1 2017
2813 Inside Daisy Clover 6.2 1965
2814 Independence Day: Resurgence 5.2 2016
2815 Deadpool 8 2016
2816 Sweet Land 7.1 2005
2817 The Nickel Ride 6.6 1974
2818 Brigadoon 6.8 1954
2819 Holiday Affair 7.1 1949
2820 His Kind of Woman 7 1951
2821 Crossfire 7.3 1947
2822 One Minute to Zero 5.8 1952
2823 Edge of the City 7.2 1957
2824 Dark Horse 7.3 2015
2825 Against the Wind 6.4 1948
2826 The Desert Song 5.9 1943
2827 The Very Thought of You 7 1944
2828 Kiss Them for Me 5.6 1957
2829 Captains of the Clouds 6.4 1942
2830 The West Point Story 6.2 1950
2831 The Gallant Hours 7.1 1960
2832 Joy Ride 6.6 2001
2833 52 Pick-Up 6.4 1986
2834 Almost Famous 7.9 2000
2835 Billy the Kid Versus Dracula 3.8 1966
2836 The Return of Dracula 5.7 1958
2837 Blade Runner 2049 8 2017
2838 Spider-Man: Homecoming 7.4 2017
2839 The Cat and the Canary 7.1 1939
2840 Dallas Buyers Club 7.9 2013
2841 Plymouth Adventure 6.2 1952
2842 Little Nellie Kelly 6.4 1940
2843 Hannah and Her Sisters 7.8 1986
2844 Coco 8.4 2017
2845 The House on Carroll Street 6.1 1988
2846 Wind River 7.7 2017
2847 The Leopard Man 6.8 1943
2848 American Made 7.1 2017
2849 Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans 7.9 2015
2850 Kidô Senshi Gundam: Gyakushû no Shâ 7.3 1988
2851 Kidô senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory 7.7 1991
2852 Dark Command 6.7 1940
2853 Wonder Woman 7.4 2017
2854 The Angry Video Game Nerd 8.5 2004
2855 The Lives of a Bengal Lancer 7 1935
2856 The Talk of the Town 7.5 1942
2857 Inferno 6.2 2016
2858 Justice League 6.1 2017
2859 Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse 6.3 2015
2860 Dragon Ball Super: Doragon bôru cho 8.3 2015
2861 Ready Player One 7.4 2018
2862 The Sound of Music 8.1 1965
2863 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 7.8 1971
2864 Pacific Rim: Uprising 5.6 2018
2865 Avengers: Infinity War 8.4 2018
2866 Pretty in Pink 6.7 1986
2867 Amityville: The Awakening 4.8 2017
2868 From the Terrace 6.7 1960
2869 Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder by Text 6.7 2017
2870 Garage Sale Mysteries: The Art of Murder 6.7 2017
2871 Garage Sale Mysteries: The Wedding Dress 6.9 2015
2872 Garage Sale Mysteries: The Deadly Room 6.9 2015
2873 Garage Sale Mysteries: Garage Sale Mystery: All That Glitters 6.9 2014
2874 Garage Sale Mysteries: The Novel Murders 7 2016
2875 Garage Sale Mysteries: Guilty Until Proven Innocent 6.9 2016
2876 Garage Sale Mysteries: Murder Most Medieval 6.8 2017
2877 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Bone to Pick 6.6 2015
2878 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Dead Over Heels 6.8 2017
2879 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Julius House 6.9 2016
2880 Murder, She Baked: A Peach Cobbler Mystery 6.8 2016
2881 Murder, She Baked: A Plum Pudding Mystery 6.7 2015
2882 Murder, She Baked: A Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery 6.5 2015
2883 Solo: A Star Wars Story 6.9 2018
2884 The Magnificent Ambersons 7.6 1942
2885 Death Wish 6.3 2018
2886 Tomb Raider 6.3 2018
2887 Contact 7.5 1997
2888 Sap ji sang ciu 6 2012
2889 Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 7.1 1988
2890 Fei ying gai wak 7.2 1991
2891 The Vietnam War 9.1 2017
2892 Operation Pacific 6.6 1951
2893 Back to Bataan 6.6 1945
2894 The Last Unicorn 7.3 1982
2895 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 6.1 2018
2896 Geostorm 5.3 2017
2897 La La Land 8 2016
2898 Kingsman: The Golden Circle 6.7 2017
2899 Jason Bourne 6.6 2016
2900 Magic Knight Rayearth 7.6 1994
2901 Hung fan kui 6.7 1995
2902 Persona 4: The Animation 7.6 2011
2903 Two Weeks in Another Town 6.4 1962
2904 The Gift 6.7 2000
2905 Hell and High Water 6.1 1954
2906 Talk to Me 7.3 2007
2907 Reality Bites 6.6 1994
2908 Venom 6.6 2018
2909 Deadpool 2 7.7 2018
2910 The Foreigner 7 2017
2911 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 6.1 2016
2912 Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn Crystal 7.8 2014
2913 Kidô senshi Gundam Seed Destiny 7.1 2004
2914 Kidô Senshi Gundam 7.9 1979
2915 The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror X 7.8 1999
2916 The Mummy's Hand 6 1940
2917 The Man in the High Castle 7.9 2015
2918 Dance of the Vampires 7.1 1967
2919 The Mummy's Tomb 5.5 1942
2920 The Mummy's Curse 5.4 1944
2921 The Mummy's Ghost 5.6 1944
2922 GTO 8.5 1999
2923 Blackbeard, the Pirate 6 1952
2924 Paranormal Witness 7.8 2011
2925 My Haunted House 7.3 2013
2926 The Dark Eyes of London 5.7 1939
2927 Spooks Run Wild 5.3 1941
2928 Night Monster 6.2 1942
2929 Night of Dark Shadows 5.4 1971
2930 The Mummy's Shroud 5.5 1967
2931 Things to Come 6.6 1936
2932 Mission: Impossible - Fallout 7.7 2018
2933 Extinction 5.8 2018
2934 UFO 6.2 2018
2935 Accident Man 6.2 2018
2936 Thor: Ragnarok 7.9 2017
2937 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 6.9 2017
2938 Free State of Jones 6.9 2016
2939 Snowden 7.3 2016
2940 Assassin's Creed 5.6 2016
2941 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 5.5 2016
2942 Alice Through the Looking Glass 6.2 2016
2943 The 5th Wave 5.2 2016
2944 The Revenant 8 2015
2945 Hotel Transylvania 2 6.6 2015
2946 Fast & Furious 7 7.1 2015
2947 Star Trek: Horizon 5.8 2016
2948 The Woman in White 6.6 1948
2949 Bad Influence 6.2 1990
2950 Breathless 5.9 1983
2951 Saw 7.6 2004
2952 Frailty 7.2 2001
2953 Janghwa, Hongryeon 7.1 2003
2954 Misery 7.8 1990
2955 Frankenstein 7.8 1931
2956 The Mummy 7 1932
2957 Screamers 6.3 1995
2958 Christine 6.7 1983
2959 The Faculty 6.6 1998
2960 Land of the Dead 6.2 2005
2961 The Phantom of the Opera 7.5 1925
2962 The Other 6.8 1972
2963 Ghost Story 6.3 1981
2964 Prince of Darkness 6.7 1987
2965 Cape Fear 7.3 1991
2966 La ragazza che sapeva troppo 7 1963
2967 Deliria 6.6 1987
2968 Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed 6.4 2004
2969 Copycat 6.6 1995
2970 Dèmoni 6.6 1985
2971 Carnival of Souls 7 1962
2972 The Descendants 7.3 2011
2973 Primal Rage 4.9 2018
2974 Maximum Overdrive 5.4 1986
2975 Kino no tabi 7.2 2017
2976 Nanatsu no taizai 7.9 2014
2977 Death Parade 7.9 2015
2978 Nine Lives 5.3 2016
2979 No Game, No Life 7.7 2014
2980 Nôgêmu nôraifu: Zero 7.3 2017
2981 Kyûketsuki hantâ D 7.1 1985
2982 A Very Nutty Christmas 5.9 2018
2983 Lung hing foo dai 6.9 1986
2984 Marriage Is a Private Affair 5.9 1944
2985 Possessed 6.9 1931
2986 Four Daughters 6.9 1938
2987 Voltron: Defender of the Universe 7.9 1984
2988 Invasion U.S.A. 5.4 1985
2989 The Delta Force 5.6 1986
2990 Lone Wolf McQuade 6.3 1983
2991 The Clock 7.3 1945
2992 The Grand Tour 8.7 2016
2993 Priest 5.7 2011
2994 Silent Rage 5.4 1982
2995 The Gauntlet 6.4 1977
2996 Against All Odds 5.9 1984
2997 Videodrome 7.2 1983
2998 Salvador 7.4 1986
2999 Something Is Out There 6.5 1988
3000 The Snowman 5.1 2017
3001 Il gattopardo 8 1963
3002 Bohemian Rhapsody 7.9 2018
3003 Grosse Pointe Blank 7.3 1997
3004 Slender Man 3.2 2018
3005 Mystery Street 7.2 1950
3006 High School DxD 7.6 2012
3007 Ralph Breaks the Internet 7 2018
3008 The Duchess 6.9 2008
3009 Colette 6.7 2018
3010 The Edge of Love 6.2 2008
3011 London Boulevard 6.2 2010
3012 Official Secrets 7.3 2019
3013 Goodnight for Justice: Goodnight for Justice 6.1 2011
3014 Goodnight for Justice: The Measure of a Man 6.2 2012
3015 Goodnight for Justice: Queen of Hearts 6.2 2013
3016 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 6.5 2018
3017 Ninotchka 7.8 1939
3018 Super Troopers 2 6 2018
3019 Crazy Rich Asians 6.9 2018
3020 Alias Jesse James 6.4 1959
3021 The Fisher King 7.5 1991
3022 Hangar 1: The UFO Files 7.2 2014
3023 The Dead Files 6.8 2011
3024 Hellboy 5.2 2019
3025 Kagaku ninja tai Gatchaman 7.8 1972
3026 Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyô 7.2 2014
3027 Rupan sansei: Walther P38 7.2 1997
3028 Border Incident 7 1949
3029 Aladdin 6.9 2019
3030 Romance on the High Seas 7 1948
3031 The Glass Bottom Boat 6.4 1966
3032 Avengers: Endgame 8.4 2019
3033 Shazam! 7 2019
3034 Pokémon: Detective Pikachu 6.5 2019
3035 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 7.4 2019
3036 Rocketman 7.3 2019
3037 Hyouka 7.8 2012
3038 Akame ga Kill! 7.8 2014
3039 Noragami 7.9 2014
3040 Begin Again 7.4 2013
3041 Spider-Man: Far from Home 7.4 2019
3042 The Harvey Girls 7 1946
3043 Hell to Eternity 6.9 1960
3044 Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog 6.3 1995
3045 Animal Farm 6 1999
3046 The Office 9 2005
3047 St. Elmo's Fire 6.3 1985
3048 Captain Marvel 6.8 2019
3049 Lupin III 7.8 2018
3050 Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma 8.1 2015
3051 Black Clover 8.3 2017
3052 Keeping Up Appearances 7.8 1990
3053 The Lady Vanishes 7.8 1938
3054 Stan & Ollie 7.2 2018
3055 Doragon bôru chô: Burorî 7.7 2018
3056 Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation 7.5 2019
3057 UFOs: The Lost Evidence 6.7 2017
3058 The UnXplained 7.2 2019
3059 Paranormal 911 7.1 2019
3060 Haunted Hospitals 5.4 2018
3061 Paranormal Survivor 6.2 2015
3062 Shaft 6.4 2019
3063 Bell Book and Candle 6.8 1958
3064 The City of the Dead 6.7 1960
3065 Dark Phoenix 5.7 2019
3066 Monte Walsh 7.1 2003
3067 Crossfire Trail 7 2001
3068 The Sacketts 7.6 1979
3069 The Quick and the Dead 6.9 1987
3070 Naruto: Shippûden 8.7 2007
3071 Ginga Eiyû Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou 7.7 2018
3072 Eye of the Devil 6.1 1966
3073 The Emerald Forest 6.9 1985
3074 Outland 6.6 1981
3075 Batman: The Animated Series 9 1992
3076 Batman Beyond 8.1 1999
3077 Anna Karenina 7 1935
3078 One Way Passage 7.5 1932
3079 DuckTales 8.1 1987
3080 Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 7.6 1989
3081 TaleSpin 7.5 1990
3082 Darkwing Duck 7.6 1991
3083 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 7.9 1987
3084 Goof Troop 6.8 1992
3085 Adventures of the Gummi Bears 7.5 1985
3086 X-Men 8.4 1992
3087 Spider-Man 8.4 1994
3088 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends 7.2 1981
3089 Batman: Mask of the Phantasm 7.8 1993
3090 Cutthroat Island 5.7 1995
3091 Harry and Tonto 7.4 1974
3092 Beauty's Worth 6.4 1922
3093 A Christmas Carol 7.2 2019
3094 Babes in Toyland 7.1 1934
3095 Joker 8.4 2019
3096 Space Ghost 7.3 1966
3097 Secret Admirer 6.5 1985
3098 Week-End at the Waldorf 6.6 1945
3099 Blessed Event 7 1932
3100 My Reputation 6.9 1946
3101 The Babadook 6.8 2014
3102 The Dark Tower 5.6 2017
3103 Project Blue Book 7.6 2019
3104 Zombieland: Double Tap 6.7 2019
3105 Star Trek: Picard 7.3 2020
3106 Star Trek: Discovery 7 2017
3107 Flatliners 6.5 1990
3108 Bad Boys for Life 6.5 2020
3109 Night Fright 2.7 1967
3110 A Twist of Sand 5.4 1968
3111 Sonikku za hejjihoggu 6.3 1996
3112 Sonic the Hedgehog 6.5 2020
3113 The Lion King 6.8 2019
3114 High Flight 5.6 1957
3115 Go for Broke 8 2018
3116 Go for Broke! 6.7 1951
3117 Submarine Alert 5.3 1943
3118 Going Back 5.2 2001
3119 Stalag Luft 6.6 1993
3120 The Sea Shall Not Have Them 6.3 1954
3121 The Purple Plain 6.5 1954
3122 The Big Lift 6.4 1950
3123 Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 6.9 1943
3124 Doctor Sleep 7.3 2019
3125 One Piece: Stampede 7.5 2019
3126 Buck Privates 7 1941
3127 Kimetsu no Yaiba 8.7 2019
3128 Shadows of History 7.2 2020
3129 Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker 6.5 2019
3130 Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood 7.6 2019
3131 1917 8.2 2019
3132 Revenge 6.2 1990
3133 Little Women 7.8 2019
3134 Ford v Ferrari 8.1 2019
3135 Tenki no ko 7.5 2019
3136 Incredibles 2 7.6 2018
3137 Ocean's Eight 6.3 2018
3138 First Man 7.3 2018
3139 Upgrade 7.5 2018
3140 Halloween 6.5 2018
3141 Maze Runner: The Death Cure 6.2 2018
3142 Mary Poppins Returns 6.7 2018
3143 Mortal Engines 6.1 2018
3144 Mowgli 6.5 2018
3145 The House with a Clock in Its Walls 6 2018
3146 Top Gun: Maverick 8.3 2022
3147 The Batman 7.8 2022
3148 Jurassic World: Dominion 5.6 2022
3149 Mortal Kombat 6 2021
3150 Ghostbusters: Afterlife 7.1 2021
3151 Cry of the Werewolf 5.3 1944
3152 Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 6 2020
3153 Bill & Ted Face the Music 5.9 2020
3154 The Matrix Resurrections 5.7 2021
3155 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 6.9 2022
3156 Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 2023
3157 Django/Zorro
3158 Halloween Ends 5 2022
3159 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2023
3160 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2
3161 Snow White 2024
3162 Minecraft
3163 Dolittle 5.6 2020
3164 Power Rangers Zeo 6.4 1996
3165 Power Rangers Turbo 5.5 1997
3166 Star Trek: Of Gods and Men 6.1 2007
3167 The Story of Mankind 4.8 1957
3168 DARLING in the FRANXX 7.3 2018
3169 Dracula: Dead and Loving It 5.8 1995
3170 One, Two, Three 7.9 1961
3171 The Werewolf 5.9 1956
3172 The Curse of the Werewolf 6.5 1961
3173 Country Music 8.9 2019
3174 Nothing But the Night 5.5 1973
3175 Last Christmas 6.5 2019
3176 The Apparition 4.1 2012
3177 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark 5.5 2010
3178 Pumpkinhead 6.2 1988
3179 Weird Science 6.6 1985
3180 Venom: Let There Be Carnage 5.9 2021
3181 Luca 7.4 2021
3182 Godzilla vs. Kong 6.3 2021
3183 No Time to Die 7.3 2021
3184 The Exorcist 2023
3185 Lawrence: After Arabia 6.7 2021
3186 American Night 4.3 2021
3187 Aurora
3188 That '70s Show 8.1 1998
3189 Wonder Woman 1984 5.4 2020
3190 The Courier 7.2 2020
3191 Hillbilly Elegy 6.7 2020
3192 The Wolf of Snow Hollow 6.2 2020
3193 Black Beauty 6.4 2020
3194 Scoob! 5.6 2020
3195 Alita: Battle Angel 7.3 2019
3196 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum 7.4 2019
3197 Toy Story 4 7.7 2019
3198 Ad Astra 6.5 2019
3199 It Chapter Two 6.5 2019
3200 Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 5.6 2019
3201 Rambo: Last Blood 6.1 2019
3202 Pet Sematary 5.7 2019
3203 Beauty and the Beast 5.9 1987
3204 Soul 8 2020
3205 Nomadland 7.3 2020
3206 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-Hen 8.2 2020
3207 Onward 7.4 2020
3208 Greyhound 7 2020
3209 The Call of the Wild 6.7 2020
3210 Sound of Metal 7.7 2019
3211 The Professor and the Madman 7.2 2019
3212 Men in Black: International 5.6 2019
3213 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 7.2 2019
3214 The Addams Family 5.8 2019
3215 7500 6.3 2019
3216 Dumbo 6.3 2019
3217 A Dog's Journey 7.4 2019
3218 Finding Steve McQueen 6.2 2019
3219 Tom and Jerry 5.2 2021
3220 Raya and the Last Dragon 7.3 2021
3221 Way Down 6.4 2021
3222 Tom and Jerry: The Movie 5.3 1992
3223 Tom and Jerry 7.7 2010
3224 Thor: Love and Thunder 6.3 2022
3225 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore 6.2 2022
3226 Young Guns 3: Alias Billy the Kid
3227 Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 7 2022
3228 The Lego Batman Movie 2
3229 Beneath
3230 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2023
3231 Rogue Squadron 2023
3232 Blade Runner 2089
3233 Don't Look Up 7.2 2021
3234 Fear of Rain 5.9 2021
3235 WandaVision 7.9 2021
3236 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One 2023
3237 How It Ends 5.2 2021
3238 Looney Tunes Cartoons 8 2019
3239 The Looney Tunes Show 7.7 2011
3240 Red Hill 6.3 2010
3241 Waiting for the Light 6 1990
3242 Hero and the Terror 5.2 1988
3243 Oculus 6.5 2013
3244 Deliver Us from Evil 6.2 2014
3245 The Wild North 6.5 1952
3246 The Fan 5.9 1996
3247 Monster Hunter 5.2 2020
3248 Columbo 8.3 1971
3249 Monk 8 2002
3250 The Doughgirls 6.2 1944
3251 Empire of the Ants 4.2 1977
3252 Kingdom of the Spiders 5.7 1977
3253 Murder She Said 7.3 1961
3254 Murder at the Gallop 7.2 1963
3255 Murder Most Foul 7.1 1964
3256 Murder Ahoy 7 1964
3257 Farewell, My Lovely 7 1975
3258 Summer Stock 7.1 1950
3259 Silk Road 6 2021
3260 The Picture of Dorian Gray 7.1 2021
3261 Dune: Part One 8 2021
3262 The Power of the Dog 6.8 2021
3263 Cry Macho 5.7 2021
3264 Logan Lucky 7 2017
3265 Four Christmases 5.7 2008
3266 Power Rangers in Space 7.2 1998
3267 Hamlet 7.7 1996
3268 Violet Evergarden 8.4 2018
3269 Vaioretto evâgâden gaiden: Eien to jidou shuki ningyou 7.4 2019
3270 Moby Dick 7.3 1956
3271 The Sound and the Fury 6.2 1959
3272 Honeysuckle Rose 6.3 1980
3273 Blithe Spirit 7 1945
3274 Mad Love 7.2 1935
3275 Razorback 6 1984
3276 Night of the Demons 6.1 1988
3277 Quo Vadis 7.1 1951
3278 Stillwater 6.6 2021
3279 Charlie Wilson's War 7 2007
3280 Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 6.8 1999
3281 A Christmas Story 7.9 1983
3282 The Romance of Robert Burns 5.9 1937
3283 Every Which Way but Loose 6.3 1978
3284 Lilies of the Field 7.5 1963
3285 Scream 6.3 2022
3286 Uncharted 6.3 2022
3287 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 6.5 2022
3288 Lightyear 6.1 2022
3289 Batgirl
3290 The Legend of the Lone Ranger 4.9 1981
3291 Power Rangers DinoThunder 6.8 2004
3292 Power Rangers R.P.M. 6.6 2009
3293 Power Rangers Time Force 6.9 2001
3294 Hamlet 7.6 1948
3295 News of the World 6.8 2020
3296 Power Rangers Ninja Storm 6.4 2003
3297 Power Rangers Mystic Force 6.6 2006
3298 Over the Top 5.8 1987
3299 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 7.2 2004
3300 Bottle Rocket 6.9 1996
3301 Death on the Nile 6.3 2022
3302 The Northman 7.1 2022
3303 The Lost City 6.1 2022
3304 All the Old Knives 6.1 2022
3305 King Richard 7.5 2021
3306 The King's Man 6.3 2021
3307 tick, tick...BOOM! 7.5 2021
3308 The Many Saints of Newark 6.3 2021
3309 Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 7.4 2021
3310 Bright Lights, Big City 5.7 1988
3311 A Dog's Purpose 7.2 2017
3312 Power Rangers: Dino Fury 6.8 2021
3313 Emma. 6.7 2020
3314 Palm Springs 7.4 2020
3315 All the Bright Places 6.5 2020
3316 Mank 6.8 2020
3317 The Way Back 6.7 2020
3318 Let Them All Talk 6.1 2020
3319 The Grudge 4.4 2020
3320 Six Minutes to Midnight 5.9 2020
3321 The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run 5.9 2020
3322 Words on Bathroom Walls 7.1 2020
3323 The Golden Girls 8.1 1985
3324 In the Heat of the Night 7.6 1988
3325 Cowboy Bebop 6.7 2021
3326 The Wheel of Time 7.1 2021
3327 The Lighthouse 7.4 2019
3328 The Dirt 7 2019
3329 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 6.6 2019
3330 A Call to Spy 6.6 2019
3331 The Coldest Game 6.2 2019
3332 Nicholas Nickleby 7.1 2002
3333 The Lost City of Z 6.6 2016
3334 Cheers 7.9 1982
3335 They Drive by Night 7.2 1940
3336 The Romance of Rosy Ridge 6.9 1947
3337 The Wind and the Lion 6.8 1975
3338 Repo Man 6.9 1984
3339 The Beast Must Die 5.6 1974
3340 Invisible Ghost 5.2 1941
3341 Wedding Crashers 7 2005
3342 The Internship 6.3 2013
3343 The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 7 2022
3344 The Valet 6.7 2022
3345 Avatar: The Way of Water 7.8 2022
3346 Along for the Ride 6.1 2022
3347 Terror on the Prairie 5.3 2022
3348 Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 6 2022
3349 The Bat 6 1959
3350 Lured 7 1947
3351 Night of Terror 5.5 1933
3352 Terror by Night 6.7 1946
3353 The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire 6 2002
3354 The Man Who Could Cheat Death 6.3 1959
3355 Dead Man's Folly 6.3 1986
3356 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 6.8 1968
3357 The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes 5.8 1935
3358 King of the Zombies 5.2 1941
3359 Pixels 5.6 2015
3360 Gifted 7.6 2017
3361 Run All Night 6.6 2015
3362 Clash of the Titans 5.8 2010
3363 The Wedding Date 6.1 2005
3364 American Me 7.1 1992
3365 Hard Target 6.2 1993
3366 Le dernier mercenaire 5.3 2021
3367 The Family Man 6.8 2000
3368 The Whole Truth 6.2 2016
3369 Miss Marple: The Body in the Library 7.6 1984
3370 Murder with Mirrors 6.3 1985
3371 Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder 7.6 1987
3372 Pandorum 6.7 2009
3373 The Rockford Files 8.2 1974
3374 The Oxford Murders 6.1 2008
3375 No Return 6.2 2022
3376 Anne 8.1 2022
3377 Mickey Mouse 8.1 2013
3378 DuckTales 8.3 2017
3379 Showtime 5.5 2002
3380 Transformers 8 1984
3381 Michael Lawrence 4.2 2017
3382 The Love She Sought 7.2 1990
3383 Appointment with Death 6.1 1988
3384 Purple Hearts 6.7 2022
3385 Jerry & Marge Go Large 6.9 2022
3386 The Munsters 4.5 2022
3387 Clerks III 6.3 2022
3388 Metal Lords 6.7 2022
3389 Hot Seat 4.3 2022
3390 Am I OK? 6.9 2022
3391 Anek 6.5 2022
3392 Attack 6.8 2022
3393 Fourth of July 6.9 2022
3394 Eyes in the Night 6.7 1942
3395 All in the Family 8.4 1971
3396 The Wild One 6.7 1953
3397 The Hound of the Baskervilles 6.6 1983
3398 Great Day in the Morning 6.4 1956
3399 The Sign of Four 6.4 1983
3400 The Machinist 7.7 2004
3401 Draft Day 6.8 2014
3402 Valentine Road 7 2013
3403 Buchanan Rides Alone 6.8 1958
3404 Jesse James 7 1939
3405 The Desperadoes 6.4 1943
3406 Roberta 7 1935
3407 The Tall T 7.3 1957
3408 The Rosary Murders 5.8 1987
3409 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back 6.8 2001
3410 Impact 7 1949
3411 Please Murder Me! 6.5 1956
3412 Downton Abbey: A New Era 7.4 2022
3413 One Piece Film Red 6.8 2022
3414 A Cowgirl's Song 5.3 2022
3415 Infinite Storm 5.2 2022
3416 Marry Me 6.1 2022
3417 The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 6.9 2022
3418 Justice League Dark: Apokolips War 7.7 2020
3419 Justice League Dark 7 2017
3420 Justice League: The New Frontier 6.9 2008
3421 The Ice Storm 7.4 1997
3422 Dallas 7.1 1978
3423 DC League of Super-Pets 7.2 2022
3424 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted 6.8 2012
3425 Ice Age: Collision Course 5.6 2016
3426 Star Trek: Lower Decks 7.5 2020
3427 Inside Out 8.2 2015
3428 Minions 6.4 2015
3429 Despicable Me 2 7.3 2013
3430 Despicable Me 3 6.2 2017
3431 The Addams Family 2 5.4 2021
3432 Batman: The Long Halloween 7.6 2021
3433 Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase 7 2001
3434 Thundarr the Barbarian 7.5 1980
3435 The Woody Woodpecker Show 7 1940
3436 G.I. Joe: The Movie 7 1987
3437 Jumanji: The Next Level 6.7 2019
3438 Bad Times at the El Royale 7.1 2018
3439 Jack the Ripper 6.1 1959
3440 Doragon bôru sûpâ: Sûpâ hîrô 7.1 2022
3441 The Class 4.4 2022
3442 Midsommar 7.1 2019
3443 Tolkien 6.8 2019
3444 The Naked Street 6.5 1955
3445 Smallville 7.5 2001
3446 The Cheap Detective 6.4 1978
3447 Murder by Death 7.3 1976
3448 Hocus Pocus 2 6 2022
3449 Merrily We Live 7.3 1938
3450 In & Out 6.4 1997
3451 Blue Bloods 7.7 2010
3452 Vesper 5.9 2022
3453 I Used to Be Famous 6.6 2022
3454 The Enforcer 5.2 2022
3455 Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind 6.6 2022
3456 Smokey and the Bandit 6.9 1977
3457 Smokey and the Bandit II 5.2 1980
3458 The Cannonball Run 6.2 1981
3459 Cannonball Run II 5 1984
3460 Rise of the Guardians 7.2 2012
3461 Pennies from Heaven 6.5 1936
3462 Miss Annie Rooney 6.3 1942
3463 The Stork Club 6.4 1945
3464 An Innocent Affair 6.2 1948
3465 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 6.5 1949
3466 I'll Take Sweden 5.3 1965
3467 The Million Pound Note 6.8 1954
3468 The Silencers 5.9 1966
3469 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 6.9 1947
3470 The Man from the Diners' Club 6.1 1963
3471 Murder by Invitation 5.9 1941
3472 The Time of Your Life 6.2 1948
3473 Support Your Local Gunfighter 6.8 1971
3474 What's New Pussycat 6.1 1965
3475 The Pajama Game 6.7 1957
3476 Brewster's Millions 6.6 1945
3477 Witness to Murder 6.6 1954
3478 Zoolander 2 4.7 2016
3479 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 7.3 2013
3480 Romy and Michele's High School Reunion 6.3 1997
3481 The Witches of Eastwick 6.5 1987
3482 Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon 7.8 2017
3483 Hagure Yusha no Aestetica 6.9 2012
3484 Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life 6.1 2016
3485 The Client 6.7 1994
3486 Last Seen Alive 5.6 2022
3487 Bones and All 6.9 2022
3488 Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 7 2022
3489 Young Bess 6.6 1953
3490 The Babysitter's Seduction 5.5 1996
3491 D-Tox 5.3 2002
3492 Crime Story 8.3 1986
3493 Annihilation 6.8 2018
3494 Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn 6.7 2012
3495 The Time Traveler's Wife 7.1 2009
3496 Barbie 2023
3497 The Gray Man 6.5 2022
3498 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 8.2 2022
3499 The Book of Boba Fett 7.3 2021
3500 CSI: Vegas 7.5 2021
3501 Walker 6.1 2021
3502 Good Witch 7.3 2015
3503 Ash vs Evil Dead 8.4 2015
3504 Glass Onion 7.2 2022
3505 Peter Pan & Wendy
3506 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 2023
3507 Lethal Weapon 5
3508 The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim 2024
3509 Black Adam 6.4 2022
3510 A Christmas Story Christmas 6.7 2022
3511 Sherlock Holmes 3.4 2010
3512 Spirited 6.6 2022
3513 The Unkind 3.9 2021
3514 Don't Say Its Name 4.5 2021
3515 Dreamcatcher 5.5 2003
3516 Deck the Heart 4.7 2021
3517 Juarez 2045 2.9 2017
3518 To Brave Alaska 5.8 1996
3519 The Death and Life of Bobby Z 5.8 2007
3520 Walking Tall 6.2 2004
3521 Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? 4.7 2014
3522 A Christmas Carol 7.6 2018
3523 Black Widow 6.7 2021
3524 The Lords of Salem 5.2 2012
3525 Les seins de glace 5.7 1974
3526 Earth Girls Are Easy 5.4 1988
3527 Ministry of Fear 7.1 1944
3528 Le cercle rouge 7.9 1970
3529 The House of the Dead 4.7 1978
3530 Dead of Night 6.2 1977
3531 Revenge of the Creature 5.6 1955
3532 Boogeyman 2 5 2007
3533 Hot Tub Time Machine 6.4 2010
3534 Hot Tub Time Machine 2 5 2015
3535 Cementerio del terror 5.4 1985
3536 Luca il contrabbandiere 6.5 1980
3537 Kuai can che 7 1984
3538 Bullet Train 7.3 2022
3539 The Last Broadcast 5.2 1998
3540 Knowing 6.2 2009
3541 Just Friends 6.2 2005
3542 The Gathering 5.6 2002
3543 Sotto il vestito niente II 5.2 1988
3544 Il mulino delle donne di pietra 6.5 1960
3545 Jersey Girl 6.2 2004
3546 Death at a Funeral 5.7 2010
3547 Sicario 7.6 2015
3548 The House of Seven Corpses 4.2 1974
3549 La cripta e l'incubo 5.8 1964
3550 Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One 7.2 2021
3551 The Hard Way 6.3 1991
3552 See No Evil 6.6 1971
3553 The Spirit 5.4 1987
3554 Now You See Me 2 6.4 2016
3555 Crying Freeman 6.4 1995
3556 The Watch 5.7 2012
3557 Ein Unbekannter rechnet ab 5.7 1974
3558 Elvira's Haunted Hills 5.6 2001
3559 De lift 6.2 1983
3560 Kalifornia 6.7 1993
3561 The Vault 4.8 2017
3562 Chi l'ha vista morire? 6.4 1972
3563 Nancy Drew 5.9 2007
3564 Possession 7.3 1981
3565 Revolution 5.3 1985
3566 Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge 7.4 2020
3567 Curse of the Undead 5.9 1959
3568 Tenet 7.3 2020
3569 Possessor 6.5 2020
3570 The Fall of the Roman Empire 6.7 1964
3571 On Thin Ice 6 2003
3572 A Holiday Homecoming 4.7 2021
3573 Christmas Mountain 6.6 1981
3574 Christmas with the Campbells 5.3 2022
3575 Lady and the Tramp 6.2 2019
3576 A Very Merry Toy Store 5.5 2017
3577 Christmas Waltz 7 2020
3578 The Ritual 6.3 2017
3579 Child's Play 5.7 2019
3580 The Two Popes 7.6 2019
3581 American Underdog 7.1 2021
3582 Ticks 5.5 1993
3583 Fresh Meat 5.4 2012
3584 Sodium Babies 5.1 2009
3585 Ryde 5.1 2017
3586 I Can Make You Love Me 6.4 1993
3587 Tideland 6.3 2005
3588 Dead Birds 5.6 2004
3589 Hollow 4.9 2011
3590 Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss by Passing Through the Gateway Chosen by the Holy Storsh 5.6 2018
3591 Take Me Home 5.5 2016
3592 Housebound 6.7 2014
3593 Blood Punch 6.2 2014
3594 Jacob's Hammer 5.2 2012
3595 Alléluia 6.2 2014
3596 The Baby 6.1 1973
3597 Slaughterhouse 5.3 1987
3598 Sweet Kill 5 1972
3599 Frasier 8.2 1993
3600 Legion of Super Heroes 7 2006
3601 Legion of Super-Heroes 5.7 2023
3602 Best Seller 6.4 1987
3603 Straight Talk 5.7 1992
3604 Streets of Fire 6.7 1984
3605 Rolling Thunder 6.9 1977
3606 The Pale Blue Eye 6.6 2022
3607 M3GAN 6.4 2022
3608 A Man Called Otto 7.6 2022
3609 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 7.9 2022
3610 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 6.8 2022
3611 Elvis 7.3 2022
3612 Empire of Light 6.6 2022
3613 Disenchanted 5.6 2022
3614 Three Thousand Years of Longing 6.7 2022
3615 Samaritan 5.7 2022
3616 Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend 5.3 2022
3617 Falling for Christmas 5.2 2022
3618 The Man from Toronto 5.8 2022
3619 Minions: The Rise of Gru 6.6 2022
3620 Athena 6.8 2022
3621 The Greatest Beer Run Ever 6.8 2022
3622 Rogue Agent 6.4 2022
3623 The Sea Beast 7.1 2022
3624 Senior Year 5.5 2022
3625 Dead for a Dollar 5.3 2022
3626 Studio 666 5.7 2022
3627 Scrooge: A Christmas Carol 6.2 2022
3628 Father of the Bride 5.9 2022
3629 Night Shift 6.5 1982
3630 Murder in Coweta County 7.5 1983
3631 Cobra Kai 8.5 2018
3632 The Good Shepherd 5.2 2004
3633 Broken Vows 5.5 1987
3634 Fletch 6.9 1985
3635 Fletch Lives 6.1 1989
3636 Babylon 7.3 2022
3637 Miami Connection 5.6 1987
3638 Vice Versa 5.9 1988
3639 The Banshees of Inisherin 7.8 2022
3640 Hideaway 5.3 1995
3641 The Club 4.4 1994
3642 Never Let Me Go 7.1 2010
3643 Chef 7.3 2014
3644 Atonement 7.8 2007
3645 Little Miss Sunshine 7.8 2006
3646 Broken Flowers 7.2 2005
3647 Les quatre cents coups 8.1 1959
3648 The People vs. Larry Flynt 7.3 1996
3649 Un long dimanche de fiançailles 7.6 2004
3650 The Good Girl 6.4 2002
3651 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 7.5 2010
3652 Running with Scissors 6.1 2006
3653 The Squid and the Whale 7.3 2005
3654 Ghost World 7.3 2001
3655 Blue Valentine 7.3 2010
3656 I Heart Huckabees 6.6 2004
3657 The Other Boleyn Girl 6.7 2008
3658 The Holiday 6.9 2006
3659 A.I. Artificial Intelligence 7.2 2001
3660 Bean 6.5 1997
3661 Johnny English Reborn 6.3 2011
3662 Johnny English 6.2 2003
3663 End of Watch 7.6 2012
3664 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 7.1 2004
3665 Triple Frontier 6.4 2019
3666 Lords of Dogtown 7.1 2005
3667 Troy 7.3 2004
3668 Breakfast on Pluto 7.2 2005
3669 Red Eye 6.5 2005
3670 Confessions of a Shopaholic 5.8 2009
3671 In America 7.7 2002
3672 A Life Less Ordinary 6.3 1997
3673 Whip It 6.9 2009
3674 Fried Green Tomatoes 7.7 1991
3675 Gangs of New York 7.5 2002
3676 Lost in Translation 7.7 2003
3677 The Happening 5 2008
3678 The Transporter 6.8 2002
3679 The Day After Tomorrow 6.4 2004
3680 What's Eating Gilbert Grape 7.7 1993
3681 Girl, Interrupted 7.3 1999
3682 Life or Something Like It 5.7 2002
3683 The House of the Spirits 6.9 1993
3684 The Hours 7.5 2002
3685 Message in a Bottle 6.2 1999
3686 Emma 6.6 1996
3687 Requiem for a Dream 8.3 2000
3688 Casanova 6.5 2005
3689 The Four Feathers 6.5 2002
3690 The Brothers Grimm 5.9 2005
3691 In Good Company 6.5 2004
3692 The Exorcism of Emily Rose 6.7 2005
3693 Stardust 7.6 2007
3694 The Rite 6 2011
3695 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 7.1 2008
3696 Ladies in Lavender 7 2004
3697 Blast from the Past 6.7 1999
3698 Proof of Life 6.3 2000
3699 A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints 6.9 2006
3700 Never Been Kissed 6 1999
3701 The Basketball Diaries 7.3 1995
3702 Two Weeks Notice 6.1 2002
3703 Fantastic Four 5.7 2005
3704 Merlin 7.1 1998
3705 What Happens in Vegas 6.1 2008
3706 The Saint 6.2 1997
3707 Into the Blue 5.9 2005
3708 Godzilla 5.4 1998
3709 Crazy/Beautiful 6.4 2001
3710 Free Willy 6 1993
3711 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 6.5 2005
3712 Intolerable Cruelty 6.3 2003
3713 The Prince & Me 5.8 2004
3714 The Blue Lagoon 5.8 1980
3715 Coming to America 7.1 1988
3716 The Secret Garden 7.3 1993
3717 My Girl 6.9 1991
3718 Regarding Henry 6.7 1991
3719 Blind Dating 6 2006
3720 What to Expect When You're Expecting 5.7 2012
3721 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 7.6 2014
3722 Two Night Stand 6.3 2014
3723 This Is England 7.7 2006
3724 They Live 7.2 1988
3725 To Love and Die 6 2008
3726 Get Hard 6 2015
3727 The Edge of Seventeen 7.3 2016
3728 Lady Bird 7.4 2017
3729 Extraction 6.7 2020
3730 The Highwaymen 6.9 2019
3731 Steel Dawn 5.1 1987
3732 Lawman 7 1971
3733 Hill Street Blues 8.2 1981
3734 Cloak & Dagger 6.5 1984
3735 Parks and Recreation 8.6 2009
3736 Three Smart Girls Grow Up 6.9 1939
3737 Three Smart Girls 6.6 1936
3738 One Hundred Men and a Girl 6.7 1937
3739 It Started with Eve 7.6 1941
3740 Dennis the Menace 6.2 1986
3741 Animaniacs 7.9 1993
3742 Tiny Toon Adventures 7.5 1990
3743 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 6.7 1988
3744 The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo 7.3 1985
3745 Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo 6.3 1979
3746 The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries 7.2 1984
3747 The Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes Comedy Hour 8.4 1985
3748 Starcrash 4 1978
3749 If I Were King 7.1 1938
3750 Wishmaster 5.8 1997
3751 Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies 5 1999
3752 Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell 3.5 2001
3753 All That Heaven Allows 7.6 1955
3754 Our Dancing Daughters 6.7 1928
3755 The Love Bug 6.5 1968
3756 If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium 6.3 1969
3757 The Paper 6.6 1994
3758 The Razor's Edge 6.5 1984
3759 Blood of the Vampire 5.5 1958
3760 Almost an Angel 5.5 1990
3761 Ghost Town 5.3 1988
3762 El coleccionista de cadáveres 4 1968
3763 Forbidden World 5.1 1982
3764 The Quiet Gun 6.4 1957
3765 Joshua Tree 5.6 1993
3766 Fire in the Sky 6.5 1993
3767 Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man 6.1 1991
3768 Vampires 6.1 1998
3769 On Golden Pond 7.6 1981
3770 Chaplin 7.5 1992
3771 The Onion Field 6.8 1979
3772 Sergeant Ryker 6.2 1968
3773 Timescape 6.4 1991
3774 The Craft 6.4 1996
3775 Mary Queen of Scots 6.3 2018
3776 Union Pacific 7.1 1939
3777 The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean 6.9 1972
3778 Western Union 6.7 1941
3779 Sorrowful Jones 6.9 1949
3780 The Unguarded Moment 6.3 1956
3781 A Rage to Live 6.2 1965
3782 The Cider House Rules 7.4 1999
3783 Rehearsal for Murder 6.9 1982
3784 Paint 2023
3785 You People 5.5 2023
3786 Knock at the Cabin 6.4 2023
3787 Shazam! Fury of the Gods 2023
3788 Expend4bles 2023
3789 Magazine Dreams 7.1 2023
3790 Dune: Part Two 2023
3791 Wonka 2023
3792 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 2023
3793 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 2023
3794 The Marvels 2023
3795 The Hammer 7.1 2023
3796 Gran Turismo 2023
3797 Assassin Club 7.6 2023
3798 The Spy Who Dumped Me 6 2018
3799 Zimna wojna 7.5 2018
3800 The Grinch 6.4 2018
3801 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 6.3 2018
3802 The Kentuckian 6.2 1955
3803 Fort Yuma 5.2 1955
3804 Tall Man Riding 6.3 1955
3805 The Sea Chase 6.4 1955
3806 The Far Horizons 6 1955
3807 The Long Memory 7 1953
3808 I Love Lucy 8.2 1953
3809 Hondo 7 1953
3810 The Robe 6.7 1953
3811 The Human Jungle 5.9 1954
3812 The Belles of St. Trinian's 6.7 1954
3813 The Long, Long Trailer 6.9 1954
3814 Ulisse 6.6 1954
3815 Oklahoma! 7 1955
3816 Les diaboliques 8.1 1955
3817 The Fastest Gun Alive 7.1 1956
3818 The Conqueror 3.7 1956
3819 There's Always Tomorrow 7.5 1956
3820 Raintree County 6.3 1957
3821 Witness for the Prosecution 8.4 1957
3822 Tammy and the Bachelor 6.9 1957
3823 A King in New York 7 1957
3824 A Night to Remember 7.9 1958
3825 Home Before Dark 7 1958
3826 The Fly 7.1 1958
3827 The Proud Rebel 6.9 1958
3828 Dunkirk 7.1 1958
3829 It! The Terror from Beyond Space 6 1958
3830 The Buccaneer 6.4 1958
3831 The Left Handed Gun 6.4 1958
3832 The Hanging Tree 7.1 1959
3833 Say One for Me 5.4 1959
3834 It Happened to Jane 6.5 1959
3835 No Highway 7.1 1951
3836 The Unforgiven 6.6 1960
3837 Spartacus 7.9 1960
3838 Hatari! 7.1 1962
3839 Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation 6.8 1962
3840 Gypsy 7 1962
3841 McLintock! 7.1 1963
3842 It Happened at the World's Fair 6 1963
3843 Love with the Proper Stranger 7.3 1963
3844 Marnie 7.1 1964
3845 The Greatest Story Ever Told 6.5 1965
3846 Ten Little Indians 6.6 1965
3847 Barefoot in the Park 7 1967
3848 The Producers 7.5 1967
3849 Oliver! 7.4 1968
3850 The Party 7.4 1968
3851 Funny Girl 7.3 1968
3852 Candy 5.1 1968
3853 Blackbeard's Ghost 6.8 1968
3854 Targets 7.3 1968
3855 The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter 7.6 1968
3856 The Charge of the Light Brigade 6.6 1968
3857 Pippi Långstrump 7 1969
3858 Scrooge 7.5 1970
3859 Nicholas and Alexandra 7.2 1971
3860 What's Up, Doc? 7.7 1972
3861 Tom Sawyer 6.4 1973
3862 The Seven-Ups 6.8 1973
3863 Barry Lyndon 8.1 1975
3864 Nashville 7.6 1975
3865 Twisters 2024
3866 Rollerball 6.6 1975
3867 Logan's Run 6.8 1976
3868 Network 8.1 1976
3869 Assault on Precinct 13 7.3 1976
3870 The Pink Panther Strikes Again 7.2 1976
3871 Full Circle 6.2 1977
3872 High Anxiety 6.6 1977
3873 Black Sunday 6.8 1977
3874 Pretty Baby 6.5 1978
3875 Goin' South 6.2 1978
3876 An Unmarried Woman 7.1 1978
3877 Who'll Stop the Rain 6.7 1978
3878 The Silent Partner 7.4 1978
3879 10 6.1 1979
3880 1941 5.8 1979
3881 The Frisco Kid 6.3 1979
3882 Nine to Five 6.9 1980
3883 Urban Cowboy 6.4 1980
3884 Maniac 6.4 1980
3885 La casa sperduta nel parco 5.7 1980
3886 Fade to Black 6.1 1980
3887 North Sea Hijack 6.3 1980
3888 Excalibur 7.3 1981
3889 Chariots of Fire 7.1 1981
3890 Time Bandits 6.9 1981
3891 Clash of the Titans 6.9 1981
3892 Victory 6.6 1981
3893 Ragtime 7.3 1981
3894 Wolfen 6.3 1981
3895 Tootsie 7.4 1982
3896 Victor/Victoria 7.6 1982
3897 Beverly Hills Cop 7.3 1984
3898 Splash 6.3 1984
3899 Night of the Comet 6.3 1984
3900 The Black Cauldron 6.3 1985
3901 The Legend of Billie Jean 6.6 1985
3902 Runaway Train 7.2 1985
3903 River's Edge 6.9 1986
3904 Spaceballs 7.1 1987
3905 The Untouchables 7.8 1987
3906 Adventures in Babysitting 6.9 1987
3907 Beverly Hills Cop II 6.5 1987
3908 Bloodsport 6.8 1988
3909 Oliver & Company 6.6 1988
3910 Above the Law 6 1988
3911 Moonwalker 6 1988
3912 Fright Night Part 2 5.9 1988
3913 The Witches 6.8 1990
3914 Darkman 6.4 1990
3915 Presumed Innocent 6.9 1990
3916 Hard to Kill 5.8 1990
3917 Air America 5.8 1990
3918 Another 48 Hrs. 5.9 1990
3919 The Addams Family 6.9 1991
3920 Boyz n the Hood 7.8 1991
3921 Father of the Bride 6.5 1991
3922 The Rocketeer 6.5 1991
3923 Doc Hollywood 6.3 1991
3924 The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear 6.9 1991
3925 Toy Soldiers 6.6 1991
3926 Wuthering Heights 6.7 1992
3927 Sidekicks 5.1 1992
3928 A Bronx Tale 7.8 1993
3929 Grumpy Old Men 7 1993
3930 Mrs. Doubtfire 7.1 1993
3931 The Age of Innocence 7.2 1993
3932 Dennis the Menace 5.6 1993
3933 Rookie of the Year 6.1 1993
3934 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 5.6 1993
3935 Cool Runnings 7 1993
3936 Searching for Bobby Fischer 7.4 1993
3937 The Program 6.4 1993
3938 Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday 4.1 1993
3939 Jason X 4.4 2001
3940 Ri¢hie Ri¢h 5.4 1994
3941 The Pagemaster 6.1 1994
3942 Timecop 5.9 1994
3943 Junior 4.7 1994
3944 The Swan Princess 6.4 1994
3945 Major League II 5.6 1994
3946 Billy Madison 6.3 1995
3947 Waterworld 6.2 1995
3948 The Little Rascals 6.3 1994
3949 The Flintstones 5 1994
3950 Little Giants 6.4 1994
3951 Beverly Hills Cop III 5.5 1994
3952 The Brady Bunch Movie 6.2 1995
3953 Barb Wire 3.5 1996
3954 Happy Gilmore 7 1996
3955 The Rock 7.4 1996
3956 Mars Attacks! 6.4 1996
3957 The Nutty Professor 5.7 1996
3958 Mulholland Falls 6.3 1996
3959 G.I. Jane 6 1997
3960 Mortal Kombat: Annihilation 3.6 1997
3961 Flubber 5.3 1997
3962 Jungle 2 Jungle 5.2 1997
3963 Beverly Hills Ninja 5.5 1997
3964 Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie 3.6 1997
3965 Nightwatch 6.2 1997
3966 Wild America 6.3 1997
3967 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano 8 1998
3968 Sphere 6.1 1998
3969 Waking Ned 7.3 1998
3970 Mighty Joe Young 5.7 1998
3971 Fight Club 8.8 1999
3972 Notting Hill 7.2 1999
3973 Chicken Run 7.1 2000
3974 Bring It On 6.1 2000
3975 The Scorpion King 5.5 2002
3976 Panic Room 6.8 2002
3977 One Hour Photo 6.8 2002
3978 The Core 5.5 2003
3979 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 5.8 2003
3980 Cheaper by the Dozen 5.9 2003
3981 The Cat in the Hat 4 2003
3982 Runaway Jury 7.1 2003
3983 Shrek 2 7.3 2004
3984 Kingdom of Heaven 7.2 2005
3985 The Pacifier 5.6 2005
3986 Sahara 6 2005
3987 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 6.7 2005
3988 The Dukes of Hazzard 5.1 2005
3989 Marie Antoinette 6.5 2006
3990 Black Snake Moan 6.9 2006
3991 The Devil Wears Prada 6.9 2006
3992 Apocalypto 7.8 2006
3993 Employee of the Month 5.5 2006
3994 Smokin' Aces 6.6 2006
3995 The Queen 7.3 2006
3996 Charlotte's Web 6.3 2006
3997 Rescue Dawn 7.3 2006
3998 Open Season 6.1 2006
3999 The Wicker Man 3.7 2006
4000 The Man from Earth 7.9 2007
4001 The Simpsons Movie 7.3 2007
4002 August Rush 7.4 2007
4003 Body of Lies 7 2008
4004 The Spiderwick Chronicles 6.5 2008
4005 Fantastic Mr. Fox 7.9 2009
4006 The Blind Side 7.6 2009
4007 He's Just Not That Into You 6.4 2009
4008 Shrek Forever After 6.3 2010
4009 I Am Number Four 6.1 2011
4010 Cars 2 6.2 2011
4011 War Horse 7.2 2011
4012 Hotel Transylvania 7 2012
4013 Rock of Ages 5.9 2012
4014 The Company You Keep 6.4 2012
4015 Taken 2 6.2 2012
4016 Underworld: Awakening 6.3 2012
4017 Red Tails 5.9 2012
4018 About Time 7.8 2013
4019 World War Z 7 2013
4020 John Wick 7.4 2014
4021 Big Hero 6 7.8 2014
4022 Dracula Untold 6.2 2014
4023 Horrible Bosses 2 6.3 2014
4024 The Loft 6.3 2014
4025 Rio 2 6.3 2014
4026 En man som heter Ove 7.7 2015
4027 Ant-Man 7.3 2015
4028 Creed 7.6 2015
4029 Solace 6.4 2015
4030 Passengers 7 2016
4031 Arrival 7.9 2016
4032 The Nice Guys 7.3 2016
4033 Kimi no na wa. 8.4 2016
4034 The Jungle Book 7.4 2016
4035 The Magnificent Seven 6.8 2016
4036 The Conjuring 2 7.3 2016
4037 Kung Fu Panda 3 7.1 2016
4038 Deepwater Horizon 7.1 2016
4039 The Huntsman: Winter's War 6.1 2016
4040 Angry Birds 6.3 2016
4041 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 8.1 2017
4042 Murder on the Orient Express 6.5 2017
4043 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 8.4 2018
4044 Aquaman 6.8 2018
4045 Book Club 6.1 2018
4046 The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part 6.6 2019
4047 Judy 6.8 2019
4048 The Irishman 7.8 2019
4049 Midsomer Murders 7.9 1997
4050 Horimiya 8.1 2021
4051 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 8.1 2018
4052 Annabelle Comes Home 5.9 2019
4053 In the Shadow of the Moon 6.2 2019
4054 Downton Abbey 7.4 2019
4055 Peter Rabbit 6.6 2018
4056 Insidious: The Last Key 5.7 2018
4057 Cold Mountain 7.2 2003
4058 The Eternal Sea 6.2 1955
4059 The Plainsman 6.8 1936
4060 The Secret War of Harry Frigg 6.3 1968
4061 Macbeth 6.6 2015
4062 Two Mules for Sister Sara 7 1970
4063 Brothers 7.1 2009
4064 Tigerland 7 2000
4065 King David 5.3 1985
4066 Samson and Delilah 6.8 1949
4067 The Rum Diary 6.1 2011
4068 Everybody Wants Some!! 6.9 2016
4069 Kong: Skull Island 6.6 2017
4070 Only Angels Have Wings 7.6 1939
4071 Natural Born Killers 7.2 1994
4072 Hamish Macbeth 7.8 1995
4073 8-Bit Christmas 6.7 2021