Monday, September 30, 2019
Have you been paying attention to Foreign nations?
Sadly, most people are not even aware of most of these things. A major global stock market crash and the next Great Depression e is rapidly approaching, and most people don’t even seem to notice the storm clouds that are gathering on the horizon.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Wisconsin and Habermas
Habermas and Communication Theory. Communication is a central concept in the philosophy of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas is in my hometown and the University of Wisconsin River Falls. I have his book. I told people about him at work. Jurgen cultural marxism is in this area. The Democrats are using a Soviet style coup to get rid of President trump. The Green New Deal is Leninism, the Deep State is like central planning. There is a Vladimir Lenin statue in Seattle. I had to deal with Jürgen Habermas safe spaces at work, outside of work, at the Wal-Mart, Target stores. Okay so everybody knows about Habermas and Honneth. Good. And I get the silent treatment. Everybody's jealous of my social media, because there needs to be video evidence of this alienation. I'm a only child, single, no children and I get called a loner. I didn't vote for this. I thought the US could be as Moderate as United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand. Tony Evers is doing 5 year plans and is a part of the Freedom Road Socialist organization. Barack Obama started this corruption along with Frank Marshal Davis in 2008.

Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why Wisconsin is a bad place to live
Below are some points why this place is a dump:
First, Wisconsin climate isn't suitable for people with sensitive bodies. Hell, it isn't suitable for anyone in my opinion. Many remain and disregard what it potentially does to them. In a 24 hour period, certain times of year, you'll witness a 20 degree fluctuation either up, or down. This can spring on public, at the drop of a hat, especially after daylight savings end in November. The time leaders choose to roll back clocks is not well thought out. Daylight savings is an absurd idea to begin with, because it doesn't consider all science. A lot of problems scientists cite phenomenon, or unexplainable, are caused by them, past, and present lawmakers. Slapdash decisions to impress majority, at their time, is eroding in so many unrecognizable ways. Lot of people admit it and additionally point out they don't care. A good example, is Covid-19, pandemic, and masking. All over the internet you see public deploying lies and attempting to harm others with it. Passing off content they read from sources less credible, than experts in subspecialty medicine. If the source is not a doctor, specifically in subspecialty under contention, they aren't genuine and out of line. Your repeating that misinformation with intent to harm public is technically domestic terrorism and a crime. Many subspecialty have been quite clear each step of way, yet groups continue to pick apart, and distort what they say. Companies, moderators, and authorities have not acted on this. The behavior is not protected under freedom of speech.
Back to Wisconsin climate. Another reason daylight savings is a bad idea is seasonal affective disorder, planetary orbital adjustment, and celestial phenomena, which impacts lighting in Midwest. That same light change additionally nails individual depression. If you don't believe me, examine academics deeper and take note to Earth orbital shifts and how it was believed to have triggered ancient global warming. Earlier centuries, people paid attention to detail and didn't easily dismiss things. Today you're dealing with a highly incredulous audience that doesn't keep up on studies, accepts invalid, and takes for granted.
Wisconsin weather in Spring, Fall, and Winter wind is blowing between 10 to 30 mph with gusts as high 40 mph. This is especially true in Fall when cold is fighting to take over. I've seen higher gusts, but they're not as frequent, and occur maybe once a month. Sometimes more. Anything under 10 mph is rare, especially in Fall, and Winter. Humidity and dew also fluctuate a lot. Along with pollen, ragweed in Spring, and early Fall. This makes allergies, asthma, and sinus's a total nightmare. Also, there's something outside of everything I've mentioned, which affects your body year round. Especially in winter. If I had to guess, I'd say it is environmental, and has to do with pollution by companies. The symptoms feel an awful lot like flu, or what bone cancer patients describe. It makes your teeth and body ache bad.
I read somewhere, Wisconsin was in top five for dew that changes often. I think North Carolina was number one, but they have more to do on the gorgeous coast. Plus there is more people. If you want that sort of thing in Wisconsin you must travel to Chicago. Big difference between people in Chicago and other large cities around the world. The crime is especially bad in Chicago.
Last few years, Wisconsin summers have been gorgeous, but unfortunately it has been too dry and there's no moderation to any of it. Which is the case everywhere, but at least other locations are void of negatives this place place has. Plus there are people there and not only older demographic, which I typically see in Wisconsin.
Second, if you don't have children, or belong to a circle. You will get lonely, alienated, and stereotyped in Wisconsin. I've noticed people, who do stuff in this state, make it a point to isolate folks in this category. Wisconsin is huge on raising families, so much they seem obsessed (south central is maybe worse). All business, except for bars, is modeled around this ideology. Some cities, you can't even find a 9 o'clock movie. Except on weekends, or summer months when kids are out of school. This place is super boring. It's exactly like watching their sports, slow, and methodical. On Halloween, you can't find a haunted house and they've closed most of them. Nearest one, in south central, is Rockford, and a few in Milwaukee. They have all this odd stuff in Wisconsin for soft people. I'm talking trails, corn mazes, and stupid activities for children mostly. It isn't remotely scary for adults. You'd think Halloween night, they'd have a late showing for adults at theaters. Nope. The guy who owns them, in counties like Walworth, and Rock, closes early. He hardly takes care of them. Neighboring counties follow a similar approach, which leaves a person to drive at least an hour or more for something basic. Northwest is much better and does things differently.
I theorize, way small business was messing with operation hours, and inventory past ten years, is mostly responsible for labor problems today. I think it slowly eroded things and was difficult to see. People do this all the time and underestimate larger picture. In my time, it was first being deployed right here in the Badger state.
Most around the country follow a similar approach to doing things and it's typically this state that does its own thing. If rest catch on, it swings right back, and as usual no one points out harm caused. Or where original idea first began. Only time these people take credit, is if an idea does good, or hasn't yet harmed. Typical ostentatious, grandstanding, and one-upmanship. But minute it's a large disaster, nearly crippling an entire nation, they're pretending. Seriously, which state supreme court was first to challenge mask mandates? When contagion and apathy are clearly a large problem? Or to exclude a black athlete from its black history? GOP lawmakers in Wisconsin did that exact thing to Colin Kaepernick, for his kneeling during ball games, out of protest toward treatment of black Americans from authorities. While I don't approve of protest taking place during the national anthem, look what followed, and how much violence escalated afterward toward blacks. If you ask me, a lot of this could have been prevented years prior, if greed, and inaction wasn't so bad with wealthy in United States. They dragged their feet, then a controversial protest, increased statistics, and now today we see result. It would have been much cheaper, and less detrimental to country, to get off your lazy and cheap asses to address problems earlier. But no.
Websites and other sources love to point out celebrities from the area. As if this is a good thing? Ever seen all the issues with drugs, treatment toward women, corruption, and other crime connected to celebrities? Hollywood, athletics, politics, and other subjects typically elevating an individual in the United States, always walk hand in hand with plenty negative. See country in any rush to require reforms, or to make sure an individual is free of obvious negatives prior? See the schools willing to? I wouldn't exactly be bragging about celebrity success, or them originating from this state. If anything, that proves how much it sucks. Because examine, how those same celebrities desired such things. How they poured so much into admiration elsewhere and just had to be on that pedestal with all attention on them. Also look at the greed and what they pay themselves, in comparison. When you measure what they give back, against what was rewarded, it speaks volumes. One could also argue, that a lousy upbringing motivates someone to work harder. That coming from pure filth, abusive surroundings, and lousy air drives them more. Ever consider that has something to do with their so-called success? See the same celebrities rushing to come back to their home state? See them trying to help it when clearly it has suffered economically? If they enjoy such an impossible task, and are indeed loyal to the area, why flee it so hard? Why not come back and fight the waste, spending, nepotism, cliqueness, and other bad dragging it down?
You also rarely witness people in public, in their 30s, or 40s in Wisconsin. Residents sleep a lot, especially after football season, and march madness. Wisconsin is a huge couch potato state, enjoys bundling up, and staying indoors. Which is fine some nights, but daily? When I was on West Coast, or down South, I had no trouble meeting people, and making new friends. Growing up in Wisconsin, and being back here after leaving, in comparison, the difference is like night and day. It's gloomy and leaves you freaked, or depressed. If you're a consultant, or any other profession, which allows flexibility to set hours, or work from home. You'll hate it here. People will judge and not believe you. Let alone understand how that life is possible. They don't comprehend anything beyond their lives and firmly believe anything else is bad. Plus they're nosy and backstab like crazy. Janesville and Milton are absolute worst. I call it talebearerville, Judasconsin. If they trespass, or look in your windows. Don't bother calling police. Chances are they're friends.
Wisconsin consists mostly of small to middle sized business and they almost never hire consultants. Let alone someone who works like that. They simply don't have a need for it, because of their size, and this is why they can't understand it. Such a thing is mostly utilized in state of the art facilities for large corporations, which don't exist in this part of the world. Except for a few outdated facilities in Chicago and Detroit. Most business, is family owned, and a nightmare to work for. It's like a good ol' boy network, guilty of nepotism, and unfair hiring practices. The State says, it's equal opportunity, but when corporations like General Motors, Kraft, Chrysler, and a others were still around. Applications were given to friends and family only. The railroad here still does the same thing.
Working for state itself has an unusual hiring setup. It's mostly who you know and based on appropriate answer to one question. I'm talking about a question that has nothing to do with job title you're applying for, your background, etc. They're basically tossing a turd at wall, and if it sticks, you're hired.
Schools grant preferential treatment to friends and family. Growing up in this state, I witnessed it first hand in academics, and athletics. Complaints to upper level leadership resolves nothing and makes it worse. If you get on their bad side, which is easy to do, they'll blacklist you. People here also carry heavy chips on their shoulders and never forgive. I figure this is hurting them in many aspects of life, but good luck conveying it. No one listens, and many give illusion they care, but midway through you realize it's an act.
Atmosphere in this state frowns upon a lifestyle with flexibility, or great pay. Doctors and lawyers get away with it, because they work themselves to death, and are desperately needed. This area, in a lot of ways, harasses, and encourages you to except a life of mediocrity. So you'll be like surroundings. Perhaps it's jealousy, or envy, but either way it is very real. Someone should inform their teachers, education isn't only about what you know, but how quickly you can answer the question. You ask many Wisconsin residents something, and it takes them forever to compile a response. I don't think any of them were timed in classes. Mostly, they pretend not to hear you, so you'll repeat yourself. Just so they can slow it down and be annoying. Interesting how everyone in this state has a hearing problem, but elsewhere, like Illinois, they hear just fine. These guys love to feign ignorance.
People in Wisconsin mostly do stuff with families. If they do go out with friends, which is rare, it'll be with kids they grew up with. Probably to a local tavern, which are chock full of rednecks. Basically they're mostly cliques. Unfortunately, environment in Wisconsin is designed to push you out by death, or moving. I know that sounds sad, but it is true. And it isn't like they advertise that, or say it. But after you've experienced this location you'll see it. Unless delusional, part of their cliques, or had a better experience. Which I seriously question. An individual can obviously radiate toxic onto others, and certainly I ain't perfect. Which is why I kept reading over the years. I began paying attention when YouTube started and social media afterward. I had no trouble finding others saying exact same things. And yes I stayed out of the conversation and only observed. I kid you not, the complaints were the same.
And again, this was my personal experience. Before my spouse training, and also prior to many getting married, and starting families, it was a lot better. Being in circles, and having friends helps a lot, if a location is lacking. You won't see what I am talking inside circles. Most my age, had kids, or family. Something to stay occupied. I had none of that. I spent years in situations, where I was alone on the holidays and no one invited me over for Thanksgiving, or anything. Oddly, these same people are volunteering at local soup kitchens, and hospice facilities, without even considering for a moment what landed victims there. They could care less. I think they're fakes and frauds, because they're only volunteering for credit on paper, and not doing it for common good. Which is interesting, because same individuals act like they're too busy, once becoming parents. They technically aren't, if you watch them. Because they have no trouble finding time for things they enjoy. They'll also tell people, how they're broke. Yet they being buying latest iPhones, own Harley's, private getaways, and waste all kinds of garbage.
When I lived elsewhere, people totally had same distractions, like kids, and their jobs, but it never stopped them from recognizing obvious. Most people in Wisconsin don't seem to give a damn, or think how it can backfire.
Third, driving in this state is a major nightmare. Not only does it possess worst designed roadways, but it has bad drivers. I'm talking about people who think safety is all about driving extremely slow. If they aren't totally dense, and dumb. They're vindictive and dangerous. Many try to enforce their view point, by utilizing own automobile as a weapon. They'll either hog a lane, swerve at you, or speed up. So you can't pass. Something else they're notorious for is leaving an extreme amount of space in front. In cities, where intersection traffic lights are not synced, as most are in Wisconsin, this is a major problem. Because it causes unsafe scenarios and bottlenecks. They're also not fanning out and utilizing all lanes. Motorists will bunch up in one lane, because they're afraid to merge, or switch when approaching their turn. It is the most hilarious and idiotic display of driving you'll ever see. All the police do is obsess favorite traffic violations, which is usually something that involves low risk for them. That or they do things to benefit cronies. If no one in their circles benefits, and they do lift a finger elsewhere, it'll be based on stupid and assumptions. I estimate a lot of accidents were written off as nonsense and made up. Many insurance companies don't even listen to police anymore and do own thing. It's usually about numbers.
These people don't recuse themselves from a case, if personal affiliation with either party. I've noticed this about judicial, enforcement, and layers. And it impacts things, which might be why speeding and other is overlooked in some accidents. It let's them maneuver everything to theirs and friends advantage. I've been blamed and had citations stacked before when it was never my fault. For no reason at all. After investigating, months, and years later. I had no trouble finding conflict of interest between officer, department, and other parties. Whatever counsel, is available in area, doesn't touch it, and cites no case. But lawyers outside area don't feel same way. In state, counsel lacks litigation experience experience, because their courts tend to encourage settlement. Yet fact remains, we regularly see similar cases raised elsewhere. Capitalism is responsible. The greed from private ownership bends individual ethics. I ain't saying I'm opposed to capitalism, but groups are performing a lousy job mitigating and have a Walt Disney definition of the word capitalism. They do for a lot of language and tend to dwell on favorite parts of constitution, while ignoring rest. That, or disregarding own hypocrisy when preaching a cause. It's all about them and what they want.
Fourth, medical in this state is appalling. From human medicine, to veterinary medicine, it's extremely messed up. The University of Wisconsin Madison Veterinary program has taken money over the years, from biotech, and governments, to test on live animals. They supposedly shut it down, but I often wonder. Take time to research background and educational upbringing of your veterinarian. I last did this in 2017, and was amazed at volume of veterinarians from University of Wisconsin Madison alma mater only. Diversity of other programs was practically nonexistent. Prices are also way high. For the cost of an exploratory surgery, on a feline at UW, you can get a kidney transplantation. Plus all kinds of follow up at UC Davis in California. Which first started the program on kidneys and are far more experienced. UW will take your money and act like they don't know what they're doing. I've witnessed them negligent, more than once, and show zero sympathy, while acting rude. I think a lot of their positive reviewers are clinical only, or close family, and friends. You got people reviewing themselves, in all aspects of business in this state, which is unethical. Plus you see public evidence on social media of potential affiliation. Google leaves reviews up and has never investigates all sides. I don't know of anyone who was ever contacted by them requesting evidence. Stuff is based off lies and hearsay. They typically choose the business side of things and you practically have no rights.
There's also price gouging in human medicine in Wisconsin. I one time went in for a scan, lab work, and brief five minute visit prior. They sent out a bill, a week later, in excess of $25,000 dollars. They also split up things and are now outsourcing each section of medicine. And each wants own payment, whether insurance is ready to pay, or not. They come after you for it, nail your credit for something technically not your fault, and held up by others. All of this for something they don't technically work on anyway. Think they share that prior to performing work? And they knew what area of body we were focusing on and suspected. If they didn't work on that region, why waste ones time and rip them off? There was recently an article in NBC about a similar experience, and wouldn't you know it, writer shared exact same experience right here in Wisconsin at a hospital in Milwaukee. They eventually negotiated them down on cost, but they too were ripping patient off. I've never witnessed the problem, as bad as it is right here in Wisconsin, and you never see federal get involved. Oh, you read of them typically investigating folks down south, but never up here. In fact, this area gets a lot of handouts from uncle sam. So they're rewarded for ripping people off and potentially bending the law? What does it matter, what an administration in Washington does for voters, if municipal, county, or state takes it in ways never mentioned? And they do. You see it all the time and neither party mentions that in debates. When you get a chance, examine what Wisconsin contributes to federal. Look at their GDP and how much of it are contracts with Uncle Sam. Think that doesn't put pressure on departments to show leniency? Nice moral compass.
Fifth, the state lacks large cities. Two biggest are probably Madison and Milwaukee. And this isn't saying much. Madison is probably the best and has a better organized government, but both lack size. Which matters for kids and young adults. Activities are limited, especially key times of year. Another large problem, is contractual help for home services. Outside of Madison and Milwaukee you're at the mercy of a system of contractors. Who only help cronies. It's impossible to get anyone, from larger areas, to travel outside to you. They all talk, believe whatever other contractors tell them, have a strong tendency to blacklist, and treat outsiders like dirt. Contractual help in this state, and northern Illinois, is among the worst in country, in my view. If they aren't misrepresenting themselves, they're ripping customers off badly. A lot of em, have their services advertised as business, or residential. Which is totally misleading. If you're a resident, not a business, and have an appointment scheduled. It will get bumped, if a business comes along and needs them. Whether you were there first or not. Which happens most of the time. The area needs people, who strictly work residential only. Or run their schedules, first come, first serve. You have this in larger cities, which Wisconsin is largely deprived of.
Sixth, state legislature is stacked Republican and huge Trump supporters. They believe in stuff that's bizarre and unsubstantiated. Huge police state, that supports law enforcement. Right, or wrong. Most deny science and are extreme. They think pandemic isn't real and viruses are made up liberal tools. Most northern counties vote red and are a part of the problem. Numerous lawmakers, and law enforcement, have been cited for stuff and still keep their jobs. Their oversight boards, are like illusion of justice, and can be stacked with friends. Or fellow union people, which makes zero sense considering. Some tabloids did research on cops fired for bad behavior, that successfully landed jobs in neighboring counties. The state has poor ethics and might be the worst.
Seventh, taxes are insanely high here. Not only does the state have high property, and income tax, but fees for things like gas tax, registration, miscellaneous fees on utilities, starting and maintaining a business, etc. I've also witnessed them attempt double and triple dipping on things, that should be covered in taxes like emergency services, or showing up at scene of an accident. Which is insane, considering how high their taxes, and how many different kinds of taxes. It ain't only rate of taxes, amount, but also duration. They'll be asking it each year, whereas some states only require registration every so many years. Lot of gouging in ways rarely mentioned in tabloids, or reviews.
Eighth, cost of realty and rent is too high. Particularly when you bench against circles, climate, activities, surroundings, health, cliques, and safety. I see rent prices in cities like Milwaukee, and Madison, similarly priced with like communities of warmer climate elsewhere. Not only nicer, but better employment, more to do, no state tax, better relationships, and ethical public. I can't emphasis the ethics point enough because they're bad in Wisconsin. Their home prices are absurd, in cities like Madison, and Waukesha. Janesville is catching up, won't stop spending, and has absurdly high utilities.
Another issue with realty up here, clique municipality, municipal accountability, municipal cronyism. Ditto for contractors and others. They love to only help friends and family, while screwing everyone else. Oh they'll take your money, alright, but getting them to finish, and do what was promised, is another story. In Janesville, we had people build next to us. They intentionally built higher, pitched landscaping at us badly, and municipal did nothing. They weren't even inspecting each step of the way. When you call them on it, they make excuses and pass the buck. Ethics is appallingly bad on all levels. Lot of apathy. State, which some issues are technically their responsibility, also does nothing. My home has neighbors, both north and south, obviously pitching their water at me. If you built a wall on both sides with clear plexiglass, and walked back there when raining, it would look like two massive and decorative fish tanks. Yet, way the guilty describe it, there's no such thing. Never mind the obvious trails in soil by water and how it trickles directly at us. Or the large stains on patio, retaining walls, foundation, and other damage caused. Think they give a shit? Sconnies in a nutshell.
Ninth, the people drive me up the wall. All they do is obsess sports, drinking, and family. They're also the biggest fakes, liars, and incredulous opportunists you'll ever know. Large problems with backstabbing, stereotyping, and gang stalking. And it's near impossible to make friends, because existing circles are tightly closed, and extremely overanalytical. Even if you're lucky, and they accept you, I guarantee you'll hate it, and be miserable. Because again, they're nothing but opportunists. When chips are down and you need em for emotional support. They're no where to be found, but when they need something. You're suppose to drop what you're doing. They only use you, or lead you on, in case something better comes along. And when it does you won't hear from them. You have to constantly watch your possessions, and your spouse. Minute you turn your back they're right there messing with it. If you defend yourself, and speak up, they'll flip it on you and gaslight. Make you out to be the toxic one, because you stood up for yourself, feelings, or principles.
Something else they'll do, is if you move on from them, and don't speak again. They'll stalk, harass you endlessly, and spread all kinds of rumors. Anyone normal would move, because it's obviously sour. Watch what they do. You'll get groups gang stalking, notes appearing in systems not true about you, unfair treatment by public services connected to them, etc. I had an accident and of the officers and department connected was exhibiting all kinds of trails to past circles. On social media, you could see recent public correspondence and past toxic circles liking their activity. More or less to imply recent collaboration, or affiliation. When you see such a thing, after suspicious performance by a reporting party, no way will you not suspect. Especially when an attorney, independent from it all, also criticizes their behavior.
Again, above is my experience growing up in Wisconsin, and now being back here for over 10 years. This place sucks, and when clocks roll back for Daylight saving time, in November, it's like a light switch from bad to horrendous. Pandemic hitting in 2020 only made it worse and much has closed down. Add insult to injury, a lot of Wisconsin residents have been absolutely terrible at respecting surroundings, and not masking up. They've also been traveling a lot, and getting together, like as though nothing is wrong. They say their numbers are low, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's manipulated, inaccurately impacted by science like workforce and other. A lot of people at key areas are all friends across the board, which affects same numbers.
When Facebook first began, I was searching profiles and examining a lot of information provided. You'd be surprised at the amount of conflict. Some positions are held immorally and potentially illegal. I remember reading about stories investigated and tried in the south for similar setups. Yet you never hear about it happening up here. The judge, in Rittenhouse trial, nailed it when subject came up about the gun he had for age, and crossing border way he did. Way the state law is written has many holes, and makes you wonder if intentionally done that way, so circles can benefit.
One last detail about the people, and another example of what I am talking about: They're largely intolerant and hypocritical. After sharing this view, one of them was so kind as to add untrue notes, in a southern Wisconsin professional organization computer system about me. These statements were were not only untrue, but never proven in court of law. That's libel. This is exactly what I've been talking about. They have no respect for surroundings and believe they're above the law. This organization itself, had the nerve to hold their duty hostage, as blackmail, if we didn't turn the cheek and pretend it never happened. Which is also wrong, because they're repeating untrue things, breaching policies to protect a friend, and doing it all while masquerading themselves opposite to the public. My wife was standing right there and heard it. She couldn't believe and was shocked. I personally wasn't surprised and have witnessed behavior of this nature my entire life in Wisconsin. It's how groups are here.
How can someone, and their family, possibly enjoy an area when groups act this way? When they have such a stronghold on key areas? Especially with all the other negatives in comparison?
Last, city services for many municipalities, is severely lacking. I realize workforce is under attack today, and existence of phenomenon like great resignation. But what help does exist won't lift a finger for many obvious things they're suppose to. Particularly in south central like Rock County. Which if you compare their rates for things like utilities, to the rest of state, and country, is inexcusable that lawmakers haven't taken action against them. We've had neighbors, for instance, who've deployed new development, and done so in an unscrupulous way. An illegal way. Yet the city, who are suppose to be inspecting property, before allowing builder to proceed forward, has done nothing prior, or afterward. None of this is ever mentioned in those reviews you see off major tabloids, magazines, or networks. Characteristics they use to grade an area for many subjects fails to consider a lot, which matters to homeowners, families, and outsiders. It can literally waste time, destroy their lives, and siphon a nest egg. One of the former district attorney's in this area, used to daily walk his dog down the street, watch it shit in our yard, and not pick it up. This routine went on for years. And he did it right in front of a camera.
The skilled trades, employment, medical, both veterinary and human medicine, is fraught with all kinds of cliquey. No way are services rendered to outsiders anywhere near the same they provide to cronies. That is of course if you even receive a callback. Many like to require money down before lifting a finger, will show late once receiving that money, and potentially not complete work. If they do, compare quality to same work they did for friends. Also, compare cost. There's a lot of price gouging taking place and lawmakers do nothing. You never hear about any of it in those popular reviews. What platforms exist for the small guy to review, are chock full of fake, questionable moderation, and ignorance.
This country is currently experiencing economic issues with its housing market, and two political parties who stink at moderation, prioritization, and implicit bias in a lot of locations. You see same bias in the media, who is supposed to be there for the people, and appears more preoccupied with furthering far left agenda. Or playing world cop. They dwell on same subjects, while other news goes by the roadside, and never gains an ounce of attention, in comparison.
In 2020, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told the press, its unemployment system was designed to create 'pointless roadblocks'. I've found this with damn near every facet of Government, on many subjects, besides employment. Whether it be Federal, State, County, or Municipality. Don't be surprised, if when you realize it down the road, you hear my voice in the back of your head saying I told you so.
Lot of our police officers take full advantage of the oversights to rip people off on the side of their jobs. Like the stock act, which aims to forbid lawmakers from investing in stock market, similar legislation should be passed in states to prevent other positions from similar side activities with investment. Allowing law enforcement to invest in things, like realty, is wrong. Because they can use their power to harm and manipulate things. Many of them also have family and friends in other positions of government that can carve paths for them. I am astounded at the lack of ethics in states like Wisconsin. In southern Wisconsin, for instance, I know of at least two officers who have investment outfits in realty. And they sometimes use for unscrupulous purposes. No one in municipal steps in, and stops them, if someone complains. Council members always direct people to get an attorney and do nothing. And none want the cases. Most who practice in area, I suspect, are their friends. I see evidence of acquaintance, or possible close friendship on social media between parties. Even when individuals strictly set privacy settings, but are still active in speech and likes on applications like Facebook, you can still publicly see activity.
Regarding UW Veterinary, an example of those tests I was speaking of earlier. Business and governments pay all kinds of money to researchers and my studies point to University of Wisconsin. Lot of the solid evidence is cloaked, but some they admitted to when PITA went after them in 2010, and beyond with accusation. It's upsetting, especially when you consider how a great deal of the practicing veterinary doctors in area, are from that alma mater, and training done during the period studies took place. Ever see that mentioned in reviews, or tabloids, discussing most livable cities in America? A local news outlet in Madison, just recently did a piece about Madison itself and its ranking. And we all know pets are a large part of families. Perhaps some aren't educating themselves, or the great pet owners they're masquerading themselves to be? Who the hell wants to live in an area, where you have difficulty finding medical expertise for pets not from that period, or alma mater? More specifically, if they participated themselves? And many in state currently practicing did. Fact that so many locals keep giving them positive reviews has me wondering about their involvement as well. It's disgusting.
Here's the article that just came out today in national news about the studies and how some are concerned. Whether this exact one is fully connected to area, I can't say for sure, without internal access. They probably destroyed everything when it went public:
If everything I mention above doesn't move you, listen to this:
Remember how I mentioned a municipality in south central Wisconsin
allowed the construction of a home next to us illegally? This was a lot
that everyone on our street knew
would never sell, because of the way entire block was graded by original
developer. All the water flowed to it and would collect in the center,
if excess rainfall, melted snow, or anything else. A well known city,
just above the Illinois/Wisconsin border itself, built on it using
contractors from outside the area, built higher, and severely pitched
its grade at our lot. Endangering fully grown evergreens transplanted
on our lot years ago by horticulture experts. Transplanted to help
obstruct light and noise from a trucking company adjacent, who performed
most their activity late at night. Medical doctors and others on this
street were being terrorized by this same behavior intermittently and
unpredictably. For years complaints went unanswered by private, local
leaders, and enforcement. They wouldn't do anything and local legal
counsel would not help. All acted as if in cahoots.
The state has laws prohibiting this sort of thing, but what is the point if no one is enforcing? Subject technically falls under jurisdiction of the DNR, and like others, inquiries and requests go unanswered. You also see connection to many parties at each branch on social media, more or less implying friendships. If you drive down the street, the grading is obvious and any prospective buyer easily sees it. Yet there be the same city jacking up our taxes each year as though home is like any other in county. I can't find an example like it anywhere in the state.
Here's the kicker, after conducting research on the unknown developer who did this, it's two city employees that supposedly started the company as a side investment. I think the city did this and made it appear as though a private investment, because it's a property they were stuck with. So they took and pinned it on innocent. Another interesting detail, the two employees are cops. And we all know the arrogance and chances of winning such a case. Wisconsin in a nutshell.
Both me and my wife are from this state and grew up here. We began dating in high school and did our undergraduate work at the University of Wisconsin. I went into technology and my wife was in the sciences. She graduated BacT at UW, medical school, and top of her class for both. Then after residency we relocated back to Wisconsin. Few doctors do that and this is how the area thanks us? And believe me, it's already short staffed. There are physician openings that still haven't been filled from over ten years ago. Few doctors wanna come to this location. We both came from working class families and didn't have much money. I had to drop out early, because of it, and stood by her side ever since. Only to come all the way back after this long journey and have local government siphon what extra we might of made. I warned her not to come back and she didn't listen. All she could think about was getting closer to her mom and dad. We not only carry pain, like everyone else, from Covid-19, burnout, insanely rising costs, and everything else. But local leaders taking advantage as well? It ain't right and this state is corrupt.
Remember how I said that I dropped out of college? Entire reason that was the case, is because my father was wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit as an educator. I wanted to join the military and get in on the GI bill, but he said he'd pay and begged me not to. Near the tail end of my junior year my father abruptly lost his job, without pay, and I was forced to work at same time. Eventually it impacted things and there wasn't enough. The state itself paid its employees around four dollars an hour and that isn't including the absurd minimum wage at the time from my other job. It was nowhere near enough. Make matters worse, the university didn't exit me appropriately, which impacted my overall GPA. I even had paperwork showing proof of notification, exit, and they wouldn't correct it to this day. Basically making all effort for nothing.
The crime my father was accused of, he was acquitted on everything and city was ordered to reinstate position and payback time lost. They didn't reinstate his job, way it was prior, and returned him to something he wasn't qualified to do. Had things setup to intentionally stress him out daily. My dad died a few years later. Yes, this is the same city we currently reside in with existing problems. Exact same location also caused other problems to other family. I had a brother, who had an accident that was the counties fault. Because they were using faulty equipment. Yes people said stuff and were naturally ignored. That case also went to court and they were considered at fault.
Years later, I was picking up a former classmate, because I didn't want him driving drunk. He wasn't at location we arranged over phone, and when I looked for him inside this club, I was immediately, and unprovoked attacked by five strangers. It put me in the hospital and caused medical problems later. Case also went to court and the judge reduced penalty to one perpetrator, who had history of attacks. This case being reduced kept him from going to jail. This exact same cities police department, for whatever reason, didn't charge and investigate the other parties responsible. According to notes by investigator, they knew who some of them were. I couldn't believe it and felt violated. And I already have disabilities from when I was born.
And now today all the rest? Still think my view of area is off? You all remember the attacks in Waukesha, Wisconsin? How Darrell E. Brooks drove an SUV into a crowd of people at their Christmas Parade in November 2021? Remember the criticism of outside experts in media for how low bail was toward Darrell, considering previous infraction? I want you to remember that case and also think about mine. It didn't surprise me in the least to see that low bail. It isn't the first time, especially in south central. Pretrial services rated him potential high risk and yet still they did nothing?
If many of you truly cared about this state, and poured even a fraction of effort you do into attacking someone wronged by it, trying to share their story, instead into being patient and hearing everything, who knows how much better it might be today? Your cliques are nothing but a bunch of violators and bullies masquerading exact opposite. And believe me there's much more. Rumors were spread. When we relocated back to the area, after my spouse training, I immediately reached out to staffing firms, I worked with before. One in Milwaukee said they wouldn't work with me off a rumor they heard from one of their competitors in Madison. The statements were never proven in court of law, so that makes it slander. They were basically following hearsay and repeating it themselves. Another firm did the same thing in Madison on its north side. In the state of Wisconsin, it's supposed to be a crime to inhibit another from attempting to seek employment. Yet they are doing it. And for such low penalty, as many celebrities pointed out in past, it's only good business to continue violating. Further, I invite anyone to research burden of proof for such violation. It isn't possible. You practically have to break the law to exhibit that proof, which would get it tossed. Many sections of their own code are catch-22 and double standards. Corrupt business knows this and potentially takes full advantage.
Why you think the current president wanted to beef up IRS so much? Local, county, state, and federal, if you carefully examine each you'll have no trouble finding suspicious holes in language. Only time this countries departments lift a finger, is when a case like Trump. And look at the harm. Look at how many invested in his campaign before. Take a wild guess how much of its original investment is from Wisconsin? More specifically, exact same city I speak of above. No joke. Another interesting detail, oppositional party in Wisconsin exhibits zero desire to hear anymore details. Especially when it could benefit them in many ways.
What we have in this country is the illusion of things. Illusion of justice. Illusion of caring and other things. You think because someone isn't sharing their story it don't exist? Ever heard of backlash? Fear of repercussions? Wait a second, I thought this was land of liberty? Yeah? What a deceiving pile of shit all the language is. The media hand picks what it wants based on shock value and other things. This is a what a system of numbers gets you. Know what's really amusing about that? Lot of the stuff directly under their noses entire time would of actually gave them a colossal goldmine. That's what happens when you follow what groups push in this country. You're listening to dummy gauges.
Nothing but a buddy system jam-packed with quid pro quo. Right, or wrong. Former President Carter nailed it when he said the United States is an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery. Tell me something, whenever a news topic, do you see all the right questions being asked and answered fully? In 2019, University of Wisconsin released a homecoming video. They later pulled it after criticism. When you get a chance watch it and tell me if you see much not white about it. After that, take a peek at the states incarceration and other numbers. Interesting how a shooting like the one in Kenosha receives so little media exposure, but a similar one elsewhere is all over headlines. Even more interesting, how so little awareness brought to subject in comparison to other acts like it elsewhere afterward. And even when nothing is done to those responsible, and to this day, they're still working same position. Meanwhile in Yahoo comments: Job well done to our men in blue. Amen! Justice served.
Guys, you are opposite what you say. One who travels such extremes telling lies is typically overcompensating for a tiny instrument downstairs. Hiding behind such language, and system, facading appropriate.
Wisconsin Governor Mulling Mandatory Buyback Of AR-15s
In Wisconsin, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers is mulling a mandatory buyback of AR-15s in the state, which is confiscation. It’s what Australia did. If people didn’t turn over their guns, they were slapped with legal charges (via ABC 27 WKOW):
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers says he would consider mandatory buybacks for assault weapons.
Democratic presidential candidate and former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke has been pushing for mandatory buybacks on the campaign trail. Republicans have balked at the idea.
Asked if he supports mandatory buybacks during a news conference Thursday to introduce a red flag bill, Evers said he would consider the idea. He didn’t elaborate, saying he was focused on trying to get the red flag bill and a universal background check bill that Democrats introduced last month passed.
The measures come in the wake of mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. The proposals have virtually no chance of passing the Republican-controlled Legislature. The Wisconsin GOP has said restricting gun access won’t stop mass shootings and attention should instead focus on mental health.
The good news is that the Wisconsin legislature is Republican, so that should mean that this proposal is dead in the water. As for the red flag law and expanded background check push in Madison that should also be DOA as well, though you’ll never know about the squishy GOP sect that we have who thinks neither of these proposals would be abused by the Left to confiscate guns and lay down the foundation for a gun registry in the future—the latter of which would also be used to take away people’s guns
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Saturday, September 14, 2019
Top 100 House songs
2. Can You Feel It? – Mr. Fingers a.k.a. Larry Heard and Robert Owens
3. Acid Trax – Phuture
4. Love Can’t Turn Around – Farley “Jackmaster” Funk with Darryl Pandy
5. Jack Your Body – Steve “Silk” Hurley
6. Pump Up the Volume – M/A/R/R/S
7. On and On – Jesse Saunders
8. Voodoo Ray – A Guy Called Gerald
9. French Kiss – Lil’ Louis & The World
10. Mystery of Love – Fingers Inc.
11. Music Sounds Better with You – Stardust
12. Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) – Crystal Waters
13. That’s the Way Love is – Ten City
14. You Used to Hold Me – Ralphi Rosario feat. Xaviera Gold
15. No Way Back – Adonis
16. Tears – Frankie Knuckles pres. Satoshi Tomiie feat. Robert Owens
17. Baby Wants to Ride – Frankie Knuckles with Jamie Principle
18. It’s Alright – Sterling Void feat. Paris Brightledge
19. Your Love – Frankie Knuckles with Jamie Principle
20. Weekend – Todd Terry
21. Music is the Key – J. M. Silk
22. Break 4 Luv – Raze
23. Where Love Lives (Come on Down) – Alison Limerick
24. Passion (Do You Want it Right Now?) – Gat Decor
25. Hideaway (Deep Dish remix) – De’Lacy
26. To Be in Love – Masters @ Work feat. India
27. You Got the Love – The Source feat. Candi Staton
28. Theme from S’Express – S’ Express
29. I’ll House You – The Jungle Brothers
30. Promised Land – Joe Smooth feat. Anthony Thomas
31. House Nation – The House Master Boyzz & Rude Boy O
32. Washing Machine – Mr. Fingers
33. Not Forgotten – Leftfield
34. Da Funk – Daft Punk
35. Beat Dis – Bomb Da Bass
36. Pacific – 808 State
37. Witch Doktor – Armand Van Helden
38. Can’t Get Enough – Liz Torres
39. Land of Confusion – Armando
40. It’s House – Chip E.
41. Trapped – Colonel Abrams
42. Follow Me – Aly-Us
43. The Bomb (These Sounds Fall into My Mind) – The Bucketheads
44. Groovejet (If This Ain’t Love) – DJ Spiller feat. Sophie-Ellis Bextor
45. Red Alert – Basement Jazz
46. Push the Feeling On – The Nightcrawlers
47. Big Love – Pete Heller
48. This is Acid (A New Dance Craze) – Maurice
49. I’ve Lost Control – Sleazy D.
50. Can You Party? – Royal House
51. Do it Properly – Adonis
52. House of God – DHS
53. Around the World – Daft Punk
54. A Deeper Love – Clivilles & Cole
55. Free (Mood II Swing mix) – Ultra Nate
56. I Can’t Forget – Mr. Lee
57. Sueno Latino – Sueno Latino feat. Carolina Dumas
58. Carino – T-Coy
59. Like This – Chip E. feat. K. Joy
60. Give It Up (Batucada Refrescente) – The Good Men
61. It’s Like That ’98 – Run DMC vs Jason Nevins
62. Professional Widow (Armand Van Helden’s Star Trunk Funkin’ remix) – Tori Amos
63. U Don’t Know Me – Armand Van Helden feat. Duane Harden
64. Sugar is Sweeter (Sugar Daddy) (Armand Van Helden’s Drum N Bass remix) – CJ Bolland
65. (I Wanna Give You) Devotion – Nomad feat. MC Mikee Freedom
66. Your Loving Arms – Billie Ray Martin
67. Spin Spin Sugar (Armand Van Helden’s Garage remix) – Sneaker Pimps
68. Sing it Back – Moloko
69. Killer – Adamski feat. Seal
70. Needin’ U – David Morales pres. The Face
71. Magic Carpet Ride – Mighty Dub Katz
72. In De Ghetto – David Morales & The Badyard Club feat. Crystal Waters
73. The Funk Phenomena – Armand Van Helden pres. Old School Junkies
74. Sexual (Thunderpuss 2000 remix) – Amber
75. Lady (Hear Me Tonight) – Modjo
76. Everybody Be Somebody – Ruffneck feat. Yavahn
77. If You Could Read My Mind – Stars on 54 (Amber, Jocelyn Enriquez, and Ultra Nate)
78. Disco’s Revenge (Mole Hole mix) – Gusto
79. Flawless – The Ones
80. One More Try – Kristine W.
81. Finally – Kings of Tomorrow feat. Julie McKnight
82. Yo Yo Get Funky – Fast Eddie
83. Bring Down the Walls – Robert Owens
84. The Real Thing – Screamin’ Rachel
85. Turn Around – Phats N Small feat. Toney Lee
86. Escravos De Jo – Kerri Chandler & Joe Claussell
87. Gabriel – Roy Davis Jr. feat. Peven Everett
88. Rose Rouge – St. Germain
89. Never Gonna Let You Go ’97 (Kelly G Bump-N-Go vocal remix) – Tina Moore
90. Boom Boom Boom – The Outhere Brothers
91. Rip Groove – Double 99 feat. Top Cat
92. Horny ’98 – Mouse T. vs Hot N Juicy
93. Dirty Cash (Money Talks) – Adventures of Stevie V.
94. We Call It Aciied – D-Mob feat. Gary Haisman
95. The Real Life – Corporation of One
96. Percolator – Cajmere
97. One More Time – Daft Punk
98. The Freaks Come Out – Cevin Fisher’s Big Break
99. The Underground – Celeda
100. Open Up – Leftfield feat. John Lydon
Top 500 Dance Songs
2. 2 Bad Mice – Bombscare
3. 2 Live Crew – Throw the D.
4. 2 Unlimited – Get Ready for This
5. 4Hero – Mr. Kirk’s Nightmare
6. 69 Boyz – Tootsee Roll
7. 808 State – Pacific State
8. A Guy Called Gerald – Voodoo Ray
9. A Number of Names – Sharevari
10. A Split Second – Flesh
11. Acen – Trip II the Moon
12. Adam Beyer – Drum Code I
13. Adam F. – Circles
14. Adamski – Killer
15. Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force – Planet Rock
16. Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force – Looking for the Perfect Beat
17. Afro-Rican – Give It All You Got
18. Age of Love – Age of Love
19. Air – Sexy Boy
20. Alex Reece – Pulp Fiction
21. Alexander Robotnick – Problemes D’Amour
22. Alice DeeJay – Better Off Alone
23. Altern-8 – Activ-8
24. Aly-Us – Follow Me
25. Amber – This is Your Night
26. Amber – Sexual (Thunderpuss 2000 remix)
27. Amnesia – Ibiza (Loco Acid remix)
28. Amon Duul II – Archangels Thunderbird
29. Amon Tobin – Four Ton Mantis
30. Annie – Heartbeat
31. Aphex Twin – Digeridoo
32. Aphex Twin – Windowlicker
33. Aphex Twin – Come To Daddy
34. Aqua – Barbie Girl
35. Armand Van Helden – U Don’t Know Me
36. Armand Van Helden – The Funk Phenomena
37. Art of Noise – Close (To the Edit)
38. Art of Noise – Moments in Love
39. Art of Trance – Madagascar
40. Artful Dodger – Re-Rewind
41. Ash Ra Tempel – Light and Darkness: Light – Look at Your Sun
42. Astral Projection – Mahadeva
43. ATB – 9 PM
44. Autechre – Bike
45. Autechre – Dael
46. Autechre – Cavity Job
47. Aztec Mystic – Jaguar
48. Azzido Da Bass – Doom’s Night
49. Baby D. – Let Me Be Your Fantasy
50. Baltimora – Tarzan Boy
51. Basement Jaxx – Red Alert
52. Basement Jaxx – Romeo
53. Basement Jaxx – Where’s Your Head At?
54. Basic Channel – Phylyps Trak II
55. BBC Radiophonic Workshop / Ron Grainer & Delia Derbyshire – Doctor Who Theme
56. Beloved – The Sun Rising
57. Billie Ray Martin – Your Loving Arms
58. Bizarre Inc. – I’m Gonna Get You
59. Björk – Human Behaviour
60. Björk – Venus As a Boy
61. Black Box – Ride on Time
62. Black Box – Strike It Up
63. Black Box – Everybody Everybody
64. Black Dog Productions / Plaid – Object Orient
65. Boards of Canada – Telephasic Workshop
66. Bob Marley vs Funk Star Deluxe – Sun is Shining (ATB remix)
67. Bomb the Bass – Beat Dis
68. Bobby O – She Has a Way
69. Brand New Heavies – Dream on Dreamer
70. Brian Eno – Discreet Music
71. Brian Eno – America is Waiting
72. Brian Eno – 1/1
73. Bronski Beat – Smalltown Boy
74. Bruce Haack – Party Machine
75. BT – Flaming June (BT & PVD remix)
76. Bucketheads – The Bomb
77. Buggles – Video Killed the Radio Star
78. C + C Music Factory – Gonna Make You Sweat
79. Cabaret Voltaire – Nag Nag Nag
80. Cajmere – Coffee Pot/Percolator
81. Cameo – Word Up
82. Can – Mushroom
83. Can – Spoon
84. Can – Oh Yeah
85. Carl Craig – At Les
86. Cascada – Everytime We Touch
87. Cathy Dennis – Touch Me
88. Ce Ce Peniston – Finally
89. Cerrone – Love in “C” Minor
90. Charles Wuorinen – Times Encomium
91. Chemical Brothers – Block Rockin’ Beats
92. Chemical Brothers – Setting Sun
93. Cher – Believe
94. Chicane – Offshore
95. Chicory Tip – Son of My Father
96. Chip E. – It’s House
97. CJ Bolland – Sugar Is Sweeter (Armand Van Helden remix)
98. Cluster – Rote Riki
99. Coil – The Anal Staircase
100. Coldcut – Say Kids, What Time Is It?
101. Coldcut feat. Lisa Stansfield – People Hold On
102. Colonel Abrams – Trapped
103. Confetti’s – The Sound of C
104. Corina – Temptation
105. Corona – Rhythm of the Night
106. Crush – Jellyhead (Motiv8 remix)
107. Crystal Method – Busy Child
108. Crystal Waters – Gypsy Woman
109. Crystal Waters – 100% Pure Love
110. Culture Beat – Mr. Vain
111. Cybersonik – Technarchy
112. Cybotron – Clear
113. Cybotron – Alleys of Your Mind
114. D-Train – You’re the One for Me (Francois Kevorkian – Hubert Evans III remix)
115. D.A.F. – Der Mussolini
116. Daft Punk – Da Funk
117. Daft Punk – Around the World
118. Daft Punk – One More Time
119. Dance 2 Trance – We Came In Peace
120. DaRude – Sandstorm
121. Dave Clarke – Wisdom to the Wise
122. David Bowie – Sound and Vision
123. David Morales & The Bad Yard Club – In De Ghetto
124. Dead or Alive – You Spin Me ‘Round (Like a Record)
125. Death in Vegas – Aisha
126. Debbie Deb – When I Hear Music
127. Deborah Cox – Nobody’s Supposed To Be Here (Hex Hector remix)
128. Deee-Lite – Groove is in the Heart
129. Deep Dish – The Future of the Future
130. Deep Forest – Sweet Lullaby
131. Delerium – Silence (DJ Tiesto remix)
132. Dem 2 – Destiny
133. Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence
134. Depeche Mode – Just Can’t Get Enough
135. Devo – Whip It
136. Dieselboy – Invid
137. Dirty Vegas – Days Go By
138. DJ Casper / Mr. C the Slide Man – Cha Cha Slide
139. DJ Hype – Weird Energy
140. DJ Miko – What’s Up?
141. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim – Access
142. DJ Seduction – Hardcore Heaven
143. DJ Shadow – What Does Your Soul Look Like? Part IV
144. DJ Shadow – In / Flux
145. DJ Trace – Mutant Revisited
146. DJ Zinc – Super Sharp Shooter
147. DNA feat. Suzanne Vega – Tom’s Diner
148. Donna Summer – I Feel Love
149. Double 99 – RIP Groove
150. Double Dee & Steinski – The Payoff Mix
151. Dust Brothers – Chemical Beats
152. Dynamix II – Just Give the DJ a Break
153. Ed Rush – Bludclot Artattack
154. Eddie “Flashin'” Fowlkes – Goodbye Kiss
155. Edgar Froese – Epsilon in Malaysian Pale
156. Eiffel 65 – Blue
157. Einsturzende Neubauten – Yu-Gung (Futter Mein Ego)
158. Electronic – Getting Away With It
159. EMF – Unbelievable
160. Energy 52 – Cafe Del Mar (Three N One remix)
161. Enigma – Sadeness Part I
162. Enya – Orinoco Flow
163. Erasure – Chains of Love
164. Eric B. & Rakim – Paid In Full (Coldcut remix)
165. Eric Prydz – Call on Me
166. Euromasters – Where the Fuck is Amsterdam?
167. Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams
168. Evelyn “Champagne” King – Love Come Down
169. Evelyn Thomas – High Energy
170. Everything But the Girl – Missing (Todd Terry remix)
171. Faithless – Insomnia
172. Farley “Jackmaster” Funk – Love Can’t Turn Around
173. Fatboy Slim – The Rockafeller Skank
174. Fatboy Slim – Praise You
175. Fatboy Slim – Everybody Needs a 303
176. Felix – Don’t You Want Me?
177. Felix Da Housecat – Silver Screen Shower Scene
178. Fennesz – Endless Summer
179. Fingers Inc. – Can You Feel It?
180. Fischerspooner – Emerge
181. Fragma – Toca’s Miracle
182. Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Relax
183. Frankie Knuckles – Your Love
184. Frankie Knuckles – Tears
185. Freeez – I.O.U.
186. Freestyle – Don’t Stop the Rock
187. Front 242 – Headhunter
188. Future Sound of London – Papua New Guinea
189. Gary Numan – Cars
190. George Winston – Sea
191. Gigi D’Agostino – I’ll Fly With You
192. Gina G. – Ooh Aah…Just a Little Bit
193. Global Communication – 14:31
194. Giorgio Moroder – The Chase
195. Giorgio Moroder – From Here to Eternity
196. Goldfrapp – Ooh La La
197. Goldie – Inner City Life
198. Goodmen – Give It Up
199. Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood
200. Grandmaster Flash – The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel
201. Green Velvet – La La Land
202. Groove Armada – I See You Baby
203. Hashim – Al-Naafiysh (The Soul)
204. Haddaway – What is Love?
205. Hallucinogen – LSD
206. Happy Mondays – Step On
207. Happy Mondays – Kinky Afro
208. Hardfloor – Hardfloor Acperience
209. Hazell Dean – Searchin’
210. Herbert – Around the House
211. Herbie Hancock – Rockit
212. Hot Butter – Popcorn
213. Human League – Don’t You Want Me?
214. Human Resource – Dominator
215. Humanoid – Stakker Humanoid
216. Humate – Love Stimulation (Paul Van Dyk remix)
217. I-F – Space Invaders Are Smoking Grass (Alden Tyrell remix)
218. iiO – Rapture
219. Immortals – Techno-Syndrome (Theme from “Mortal Kombat”)
220. Information Society – What’s on Your Mind?
221. Inner City – Big Fun
222. Inner City – Good Life
223. Innerzone Orchestra – Bug in the Bassbin
224. Irene Cara – Flashdance…What a Feeling
225. Jam & Spoon – Stella
226. James White aka James Black – Contort Yourself
227. Jamiroquai – Space Cowboy
228. Jaydee – Plastic Dreams
229. Jean-Michel Jarre – Oxygene Part IV
230. Jeff Mills – The Bells
231. Jesse Saunders – On and On
232. J.J. Fad – Supersonic
233. Joe Smooth – Promised Land
234. Joey Beltram – Energy Flash
235. Johnny Jungle – Johnny Jungle
236. Jonny L – Piper
237. Josh Wink – Higher State of Consciousness
238. Jungle Brothers – I’ll House You
239. Junior Senior – Move Your Feet
240. Justin Timberlake – SexyBack
241. Justice – D.A.N.C.E.
242. Karlheinz Stockhausen – Gesang der Junglinge
243. Karlheinz Stockhausen – Elektronische Studie II
244. Kitaro – Shimmering Light
245. Klaus Schulze – Satz Ebene
246. Klein & M.B.O. – Dirty Talk
247. KLF – America: What Time is Love?
248. KLF – Justified and Ancient
249. KLF – 3 a.m. Eternal
250. Kraftwerk – Numbers
251. Kraftwerk – Autobahn
252. Kraftwerk – Trans-Europe Express
253. Kraftwerk – The Model
254. Kraftwerk – Home Computer
255. Kraftwerk – Elecktrisches Roulette
256. Kraftwerk – Von Himmel Hoch
257. Kraftwerk – Klingklang
258. Kylie Minogue – Can’t Get You Out of My Head
259. L.A. Style – James Brown is Dead
260. La Bionda – One For Me, One For You
261. La Bouche – Be My Lover
262. Lady Gaga – Poker Face
263. Lasgo – Something
264. Laura Branigan – Gloria
265. LCD Soundsystem – Losing My Edge
266. LCD Soundsystem – Daft Punk is Playing At My House
267. Leftfield – Song of Life
268. Leftfield – Not Forgotten
269. Leftfield – Open Up
270. Lennie De Ice – We Are I.E.
271. LFO – LFO
272. Lil’ Louis – French Kiss
273. Lil’ Suzy – Take Me in Your Arms
274. Lime – Babe, We’re Gonna Love Tonight
275. Lime – On the Grid
276. Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam – I Wonder If I Take You Home
277. Lisette Melendez – Together Forever
278. Livin’ Joy – Dreamer
279. Londonbeat – I’ve Been Thinking about You
280. Lords of Acid – I Sit on Acid
281. Los Del Rio – Macarena (Bayside Boys remix)
282. Louis & Bebe Barron – Forbidden Planet theme
283. LTJ Bukem – Demon’s Theme
284. LTJ Bukem – Music
285. L’Trimm – Cars with the Boom
286. M – Pop Muzik
287. M People – Movin’ On Up
288. M-Beat feat. General Levy – Incredible
289. Madonna – Into the Groove
290. Madonna – Holiday
291. Madonna – Ray of Light
292. Madonna – Vogue
293. Madonna – Hung Up
294. Man Parrish – Hip Hop, Be Bop
295. Mainx – 88 to Piano
296. Mantronix – Needle to the Groove
297. Manuel Gottsching – E2-E4*
298. Marcia Griffiths – Electric Boogie ’89
299. Marky Mark – Good Vibrations
300. Marmion – Schoneberg
301. M/A/R/R/S – Pump Up the Volume
302. Marshall Jefferson – Move Your Body
303. Massive Attack – Unfinished Sympathy
304. Massive Attack – Protection
305. Massive Attack – Teardrop
306. Masters @ Work – To Be In Love
307. MC A.D.E. – Bass Rock Express
308. Meat Beat Manifesto – Strap Down Part II
309. Mescalinum United – We Have Arrived
310. Metalheadz – Terminator
311. M.I.A. – Galang
312. Michael Jackson – Billie Jean
313. Mighty Dub Katz – Magic Carpet Ride
314. Mike Oldfield – Tubular Bells
315. Ministry – Jesus Built My Hotrod
316. Miquel Brown – So Many Men, So Little Time
317. Miss Kittin & The Hacker – Frank Sinatra
318. Moby – Go
319. Moby – Thousand
320. Model 500 – No UFO’s
321. Modjo – Lady
322. Moloko – Sing It Back
323. Morton Subotnick – Silver Apples of the Moon Parts A and B
324. Mory Kante – Ye Ke Ye Ke
325. Mouse on Mars – Twift Shoeblade
326. Mousse T. vs Hot N Juicy – Horny
327. Mr. Fingers – Mystery of Love
328. Mr. Fingers – Washing Machine
329. Mr. Oizo – Flat Beat
330. Nalin & Kane – Beachball
331. Natural Born Chillers – Rock the Funky Beat
332. Nayobe – Please Don’t Go
333. Neu! – Negativland
334. New Horizon – Find the Path
335. New Order – Blue Monday
336. New Order – Confusion
337. New Order – Bizarre Love Triangle
338. Newcleus – Jam On It
339. Nightcrawlers – Push the Feeling On
340. Nightmares on Wax – Aftermath
341. Nicki French – Total Eclipse of the Heart
342. Nine Inch Nails – Closer
343. Nine Inch Nails – Head Like a Hole
344. No Mercy – Where Do You Go?
345. Normal – Warm Leatherette
346. Ofra Haza – I’m Nin’Alu
347. Olive – You’re Not Alone
348. Omni Trio – Renegade Snares
349. Orb – A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules from the Centre of the Ultraworld
350. Orb – Little Fluffy Clouds
351. Orbital – Chime
352. Orbital – Halcyon + On + On
353. Origin Unknown – Valley of the Shadows
354. Outhere Brothers – Boom Boom Boom
355. Oval – Do While
356. O-Zone – Dragostea Din Tei
357. Paperclip People – Throw
358. Patrick Cowley – Megatron Man
359. Paul Hardcastle – 19
360. Paul Oakenfold – Southern Sun
361. Paul Van Dyk – For An Angel
362. Peech Boys – Don’t Make Me Wait
363. Pet Shop Boys – It’s a Sin
364. Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls
365. Pete Heller – Big Love
366. Phuture – Acid Tracks
367. Pigbag – Papa’s Got a Brand New Pigbag
368. Planet Soul – Set U Free
369. Plastikman – Spastik
370. Portishead – Sour Times
371. Portishead – Glory Box
372. Praga Khan – Injected With a Poison
373. Primal Scream – Rocks
374. Primal Scream – Higher Than the Sun
375. Primal Scream – Loaded
376. Prince – 1999
377. Prodigy – Charly
378. Prodigy – Firestarter
379. Prodigy – Breathe
380. Propellerheads – History Repeating
381. Pump Panel – Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction remix)
382. Quad City DJ’s – C’mon ‘N Ride It
383. Rapture – House of Jealous Lovers
384. Raze – Break 4 Luv
385. Real McCoy – Another Night
386. Real McCoy – Run Away
387. Reel 2 Real – I Like To Move It
388. Renegade – Terrorist
389. Rhythim is Rhythim – Strings of Life
390. Rhythim is Rhythim – Nude Photo
391. Rick Wakeman – Catherine of Aragon
392. Right Said Fred – I’m Too Sexy
393. Robert Armani – Circus Bells
394. Robert Hood – Minus
395. Robert Miles – Children
396. Robin S. – Show Me Love
397. Ron Trent – Altered States
398. Roni Size & Reprazent – Brown Paper Bag
399. Rotterdam Termination Source – Poing
400. Royal House – Can You Party?
401. Royksopp – Poor Leno
402. Rozalla – Everybody’s Free
403. Run-D.M.C. vs Jason Nevins – It’s Like That
404. Rune – Calabria
405. Ryuichi Sakamoto – Riot in Lagos
406. Sabres of Paradise – Smokebelch II
407. Saint Etienne – Only Love Can Break Your Heart
408. Sasha – Xpander
409. Second Phase – Mentasm
410. S’Express – Theme from S’Express
411. Shamen – Move Any Mountain
412. Shamen – Ebeneezer Goode
413. Shannon – Let the Music Play
414. Sharkey & Hixxy – Toy Town
415. Shut Up & Dance – Raving I’m Raving
416. Shy FX – Shake Ur Body
417. Silver Apples – Oscillations
418. Skinny Puppy – Assimilate
419. SL2 – On a Ragga Tip
420. Slam – Positive Education
421. Sleezy D – I’ve Lost Control
422. Smart E’s – Sesame’s Treet
423. SNAP! – The Power
424. SNAP! – Rhythm is a Dancer
425. Sneaker Pimps – Spin Spin Sugar (Armand Van Helden Remix)
426. Soft Cell – Tainted Love
427. Sonique – It Feels So Good
428. Soul II Soul – Back to Life
429. Soul II Soul – Keep on Movin’
430. Source – You Got the Love
431. Space – Magic Fly
432. Sparks – The Number One Song in Heaven
433. Speedy J – Pull Over
434. Spiller – Groovejet
435. Squarepusher – My Red Hot Car
436. St. Germain – Alabama Blues (Revisited)
437. Stacey Q – Two of Hearts
438. Stardust – Music Sounds Better With You
439. Stereo MC’s – Connected
440. Steve Halpern – Spectrum Suite
441. Steve “Silk” Hurley – Jack Your Body
442. Stone Roses – Fools Gold
443. Strafe – Set it Off
444. Suicide – Frankie Teardrop
445. Suicide – Dream Baby Dream
446. Sven Vath – L’Esperanza
447. Sylvester – (You Make Me Feel) Mighty Real
448. T La Rock & Jazzy J – It’s Yours
449. T. Power vs MK-Ultra – Mutant Jazz
450. T-99 – Anasthasia
451. Tag Team – Whoomp! There It Is
452. Talvin Singh – Light
453. Tangerine Dream – Alpha Centauri
454. Tangerine Dream – Rubycon Part I
455. Tangerine Dream – Atem
456. Tangerine Dream – Phaedra
457. Technohead – I Wanna Be a Hippy
458. Technotronic – Pump Up the Jam
459. Telepopmusik – Breathe
460. Telex – Moskow Diskow
461. Terrorist – The Chopper
462. Terry Riley – A Rainbow in Curved Air
463. Throbbing Gristle – 20 Jazz Funk Greats
464. Throbbing Gristle – Zyklon B Zombie
465. Time Zone – World Destruction
466. Tina Moore – Never Gonna Let You Go ’97 (Kelly G remix)
467. Todd Terry – Weekend
468. Tomita – Snowflakes Are Dancing
469. Tori Amos – Professional Widow (Armand Van Helden remix)
470. Tramaine – Fall Down (Spirit of Love)
471. Trans X – Living on Video
472. Transglobal Underground – Shimmer
473. Tricky – Black Steel
474. Tricky – Aftermath Version I
475. Tubeway Army – Are Friends Electric?
476. Ultra Nate – Free (Mood II Swing remix)
477. Ultravox – Hiroshima Mon Amour
478. Ultravox – Slow Motion
479. Underground Resistance – The Final Frontier
480. Underworld – Born Slippy .NUXX
481. Underworld – Rez
482. Underworld – Cowgirl
483. UNKLE – Rabbit in Your Headlights
484. Utah Saints – Something Good
485. Vangelis – Theme from “Chariots of Fire”
486. Vengaboys – We Like to Party
487. Visage – Frequency 7
488. Walter Carlos – Two-Part Invention in D Minor
489. Walter Carlos – Two-Part Invention in F Major
490. Wendy Carlos – Spring
491. Whitney Houston – I’m Every Woman
492. Whigfield – Saturday Night
493. Yanni – Keys to Imagination
494. Yello – Oh Yeah
495. Yellow Magic Orchestra – Computer Game
496. Yellow Magic Orchestra – Rydeen
497. Yellow Magic Orchestra – Kimi Ni Mune Kyun
498. Yellow Magic Orchestra – Behind the Mask
499. Young Disciples – Apparently Nothin’
500. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400
Top 150 Dance songs of the 1980s
2. Into the Groove – Madonna
3. Don’t You Want Me? – Human League
4. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) – Eurythmics
5. Tainted Love – Soft Cell
6. Super Freak Part I – Rick James
7. Beat It – Michael Jackson
8. Celebration – Kool and The Gang
9. 1999 – Prince
10. It Takes Two – Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock
11. Push It – Salt-N-Pepa
12. All Night Long (All Night) – Lionel Richie
13. Another One Bites the Dust – Queen
14. Flashdance…What a Feeling – Irene Cara
15. Holiday – Madonna
16. Let the Music Play – Shannon
17. Wild Thing – Tone Loc
18. Pump Up the Jam – Technotronic
19. Thriller – Michael Jackson
20. Blue Monday – New Order
21. Upside Down (Inside Out) – Diana Ross
22. It’s Raining Men – The Weather Girls
23. Take Your Time (Do It Right) – S.O.S. Band
24. I’m So Excited – The Pointer Sisters
25. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) – Whitney Houston
26. The Humpty Dance – Digital Underground
27. Love Shack – B-52s
28. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ – Michael Jackson
29. Let’s Groove – Earth, Wind, and Fire
30. Jump (For My Love) – The Pointer Sisters
31. I Feel For You – Chaka Khan
32. Rapture – Blondie
33. Walk Like An Egyptian – The Bangles
34. Girls Just Want To Have Fun- Cyndi Lauper
35. Our Lips Are Sealed – Go-Gos
36. Situation – Yazoo
37. The Safety Dance – Men Without Hats
38. I Can’t Wait – Nu Shooz
39. Electric Boogie – Marcia Griffiths
40. Give It To Me Baby – Rick James
41. In My House – Mary Jane Girls
42. Forget Me Nots – Patrice Rushen
43. Genius Of Love – Tom Tom Club
44. You Dropped A Bomb On Me – Gap Band
45. Rhythm of the Night – DeBarge
46. More Bounce to the Ounce Part I – Zapp
47. When Doves Cry – Prince
48. Let’s Dance – David Bowie
49. I’m Coming Out – Diana Ross
50. Heartbeat – Taana Gardner
51. Let It Whip – Dazz Band
52. Kiss – Prince & The New Power Generation
53. Let’s Hear It For the Boy – Deniece Williams
54. You Spin Me Around (Like a Record) – Dead or Alive
55. Whip It! – Devo
56. Conga – Miami Sound Machine
57. Pump Up the Volume – M/A/R/R/S
58. Ride On Time – Black Box
59. Like a Virgin – Madonna
60. Me, Myself, and I – De La Soul
61. My Prerogative – Bobby Brown
62. Footloose – Kenny Loggins
63. Fame – Irene Cara
64. Relax – Frankie Goes To Hollywood
65. Goody Two Shoes – Adam Ant
66. Rockit – Herbie Hancock
67. Word Up! – Cameo
68. You’re the One For Me – D-Train
69. Planet Rock – Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
70. Sunglasses At Night – Corey Hart
71. Oh Sheila – Ready For the World
72. Stomp! – Brothers Johnson
73. Venus – Bananarama
74. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham!
75. Maniac – Michael Sembello
76. Gloria – Laura Branigan
77. Atomic Dog – George Clinton
78. Burn Rubber (Why You Wanna Hurt Me?) – Gap Band
79. She Works Hard For the Money – Donna Summer
80. Everybody Have Fun Tonight – Wang Chung
81. Hungry Like the Wolf – Duran Duran
82. Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell
83. Electric Avenue – Eddy Grant
84. We Got the Beat – Go-Gos
85. Material Girl – Madonna
86. The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson
87. She Drives Me Crazy – Fine Young Cannibals
88. The Politics of Dancing – Re-Flex
89. The Glamorous Life – Sheila E.
90. Freeway of Love – Aretha Franklin
91. She Blinded Me with Science – Thomas Dolby
92. Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode
93. Walking On Sunshine – Katrina & The Waves
94. Who Can It Be Now? – Men At Work
95. Nasty – Janet Jackson
96. White Horse – Laid Back
97. Funky Cold Medina – Tone Loc
98. Bust A Move – Young MC
99. When I Think of You – Janet Jackson
100. Mickey – Toni Basil
101. Always Something There To Remind Me – Naked Eyes
102. Too Shy – Kajagoogoo
103. Our House – Madness
104. I Wonder If I Take You Home – Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
105. I Can Dream About You – Dan Hartman
106. Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley
107. Two of Hearts – Stacey Q
108. Let’s Go Crazy – Prince & The Revolution
109. Fresh – Kool & The Gang
110. Jungle Love – The Time
111. Living In America – James Brown
112. Let’s Go All the Way – Sly Fox
113. Nasty Girl – Vanity 6
114. Rumors – Timex Social Club
115. No Parking (On the Dance Floor) – Midnight Star
116. Axel F – Harold Faltermeyer
117. New Attitude – Patti LaBelle
118. Last Night a DJ Saved My Life – Indeep
119. Double Dutch Bus – Frankie Smith
120. A Love Bizarre – Sheila E.
121. Get Down On It – Kool & The Gang
122. How Will I Know? – Whitney Houston
123. I Want Candy – Bow Wow Wow
124. So Many Men, So Little Time – Miquel Brown
125. High Energy – Evelyn Thomas
126. 19 – Paul Hardcastle
127. Part-Time Lover – Stevie Wonder
128. Bad – Michael Jackson
129. Express Yourself – Madonna
130. Hot Hot Hot – Buster Poindexter
131. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) – Michael Jackson
132. Break My Stride – Matthew Wilder
133. Dance Hall Days – Wang Chung
134. I Want a New Drug – Huey Lewis & The News
135. Ghostbusters – Ray Parker Jr.
136. (Keep Feeling) Fascination – Human League
137. Caribbean Queen (No More Love On the Run) – Billy Ocean
138. (Let’s Get) Physical – Olivia Newton John
139. Don’t Leave Me This Way – Communards
140. Come Go With Me – Expose
141. Give Me the Night – George Benson
142. Love Sensation – Loleatta Holloway
143. The Loco-Motion – Kylie Minogue
144. What’s On Your Mind? (Pure Energy) – Information Society
145. I’m In Love – Evelyn “Champagne” King
146. People Hold On – Coldcut feat. Lisa Stansfield
147. Can’t Fake the Feeling – Geraldine Hunt
148. Theme from S-Express – S-Express
149. Beat Dis – Bomb the Bass
150. Swing the Mood – Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers
Top 100 Dance songs of the 1990s
2. Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) – C&C Music Factory
3. Groove Is In The Heart – Deee-Lite
4. The Power – SNAP!
5. Whoomp! There It Is – Tag Team
6. Macarena (Bayside Boys remix) – Los Del Rio
7. U Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer
8. Unbelievable – EMF
9. Baby Got Back – Sir Mix-A-Lot
10. Good Vibrations – Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch feat. Loleatta Holloway
11. Finally – Ce Ce Peniston
12. Show Me Love- Robin S.
13. Get Ready For This – 2 Unlimited
14. Here Comes the Hotstepper (Heartical mix) – Ini Kamoze
15. Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It – Will Smith
16. C’mon N Ride It (The Train) – Quad City DJs
17. Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) – Crystal Waters
18. Believe (Life After Love) – Cher
19. Everybody Everybody – Black Box feat. Martha Wash
20. I Like To Move It – Real 2 Real feat. The Mad Stuntman
21. Touch Me (All Night Long) – Cathy Dennis
22. Rhythm is a Dancer – SNAP!
23. Be My Lover – La Bouche
24. Rhythm of the Night – Corona
25. Children (Dream version) – Robert Miles
26. Summertime – DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
27. What Is Love? – Haddaway
28. Mr. Vain – Culture Beat
29. All That She Wants – Ace of Base
30. This Is Your Night – Amber
31. I’m Too Sexy – Right Said Fred
32. Another Night – MC Sar and The Real McCoy
33. 100% (Pure Love) – Crystal Waters
34. I’ve Been Thinking About You – Londonbeat
35. Total Eclipse of the Heart – Nikki French
36. Everybody’s Free (To Feel Good) – Rozalla
37. Tom’s Diner – D.N.A. feat. Suzanne Vega
38. Strike It Up – Black Box
39. Tootsee Roll – 69 Boyz
40. Run Away – MC Sar and The Real McCoy
41. Jump Around – House of Pain
42. Sadness Part I – Enigma
43. Poison – Bell Biv Devoe
44. Rump Shaker – Wreckx-N-Effect
45. This Is How We Do It – Montell Jordan
46. Da’ Dip – Freak Nasty
47. Hip Hop Hooray – Naughty By Nature
48. O.P.P. – Naughty By Nature
49. Achy Breaky Heart – Billy Ray Cyrus
50. Jump – Kris Kross
51. Sweet Dreams – La Bouche
52. Go – Moby
53. Black Or White – Michael Jackson
54. Dreamer – Livin’ Joy
55. Your Loving Arms – Billie Ray Martin
56. Where Do You Go? – No Mercy
57. Beautiful Life – Ace of Base
58. Moving on Up – M People
59. Music Sounds Better with You – Stardust
60. Insomnia – Faithless
61. U Don’t Know Me – Armand Van Helden feat. Duane Harden
62. Around the World – Daft Punk
63. Ooh Aah…Just a Little Bit – Gina G.
64. Professional Widow (Armand’s Star Trunk Funkin’ mix) – Tori Amos
65. Come Baby Come – K7 and The Swing Kids
66. Don’t Stop Movin’ – Livin’ Joy
67. We Like To Party – The Vengaboys
68. Free (Mood II Swing mix) – Ultra Nate
69. Set U Free – Planet Soul feat. Nadine Renee
70. The Bomb (These Sounds Fall into My Mind) – Bucketheads
71. Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) – Us3
72. If You Could Read My Mind – Stars on 54
73. Push the Feeling On – The Nightcrawlers
74. In De Ghetto – Bad Yard Club feat. Crystal Waters
75. Magic Carpet Ride – Mighty Dub Katz
76. Boom Boom Boom – The Outhere Brothers
77. 3 AM Eternal – The KLF
78. Do You Miss Me? – Jocelyn Enriquez
79. More and More – Captain Hollywood
80. Tonight is the Night – Le Click
81. Born Slippy – Underworld
82. Jellyhead (Motiv8 mix) – Crush
83. Dazzey Duks – Duice
84. Spin Spin Sugar (Armand van Helden mix) – Sneaker Pimps
85. Sugar Is Sweeter – CJ Bolland
86. No Diggity – BLACKstreet feat. Dr. Dre
87. Ray of Light – Madonna
88. It’s Like That ’98 – Jason Nevins vs Run-D.M.C.
89. Mo Money, Mo Problems – Notorious BIG feat. Puff Daddy & Ma$e
90. Whatta Man – Salt-n-Pepa & En Vogue
91. Smooth – Carlos Santana with Rob Thomas
92. Temptation – Corina
93. Together Forever – Lisette Melendez
94. Cotton Eye Joe – Rednex
95. Better Off Alone – Alice DeeJay
96. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
97. Don’t Call Me Baby – Madison Avenue
98. It Feels So Good – Sonique
99. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber
100. Livin’ La Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
101. What’s Up – DJ Miko
102. Nobody’s Supposed to Be Here (Hex Hector mix) – Deborah Cox
103. Twilight Zone – 2 Unlimited
104. Kernkraft 400 – Zombie Nation
105. Give it Up – The Goodmen
106. The Rockafeller Skank – Fatboy Slim
107. Fantastic Voyage – Coolio
108. Please Don’t Go – K.W.S.
109. I’m Every Woman – Whitney Houston
110. Shoop – Salt-n-Pepa
111. Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of…) – Lou Bega
112. Motownphilly – Boyz II Men
113. No Limit – 2 Unlimited
114. Tribal Dance – 2 Unlimited
115. The Funk Phenomenon – Armand Van Helden
116. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sumpin’ New) – Coolio
117. I Love You Always Forever – Donna Lewis
118. Boot Scootin’ Boogie – Brooks & Dunn
119. Kitty Kitty – 69 Boyz
120. I Like It Like That – The Blackout Allstars feat. Tito Nieves
121. Killer – Adamski
122. Justified and Ancient – The KLF feat. Tammy Wynette
123. Short Dick Man – 20 Fingers & Gillette
124. Now That We Found Love – Heavy D & The Boyz
125. Mortal Kombat – The Immortals
126. Fat Boy – Max-a-Million
127. Fired Up – Funky Green Dogs
128. It’s Not Right But It’s Okay (Thunderpuss mix) – Whitney Houston
129. It’s My Life – Dr. Alban
130. One More Try – Kristine W
131. Ready to Go (U.S. mix) – Republica
132. Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop) – Scatman John
133. Lovefool – Cardigans
134. Hey Mr. DJ – Zhane
135. Return of the Mack – Mark Morrison
136. How Bizarre – OMC
137. Something Good – Utah Saints
138. America: What Time is Love? – The KLF
139. Suavemente – Elvis Crespo
140. Call Me – Le Click feat. Kayo
141. Red Alert – Basement Jaxx
142. Turn the Beat Around – Gloria Estefan
143. I See You Baby – Groove Armada feat. Gram’ma Funk
144. Time After Time – INOJ
145. Firestarter – The Prodigy
146. Bodyrock – Moby
147. Waiting for Tonight – Jennifer Lopez
148. Supermodel (You Better Work) – RuPaul
149. For An Angel (Angel in Heaven) – Paul Van Dyk
150. Emotions – Mariah Carey
Top 100 Dance Songs of the 2010s
2. Born This Way – Lady Gaga (2011)
3. Dark Horse – Katy Perry (feat. Juicy J) (2013)
4. The Middle – Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey (2018)
5. Bangarang – Skrillex (feat. Sirah) (2012)
6. Wake Me Up – Avicii (2013)
7. More Than You Know – Axwell and Ingrosso (2017)
8. Closer – The Chainsmokers (feat. Halsey) (2016)
9. We Found Love – Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris) (2011)
10. This Is What It Feels Like – Armin van Buuren (feat. Trevor Guthrie) (2013)
11. Lean On – Major Lazer and DJ Snake (feat. MØ) (2015)
12. The Edge of Glory – Lady Gaga (2011)
13. Where Are Ü Now – Skrillex and Diplo with Justin Bieber (2015)
14. Something Just like This – The Chainsmokers and Coldplay (2017)
15. Take Over Control – Afrojack (feat. Eva Simons) (2010)
16. Rather Be – Clean Bandit (feat. Jess Glynne) (2014)
17. Titanium – David Guetta (feat. Sia) (2011)
18. Clarity – Zedd (feat. Foxes) (2012)
19. Sugar – Robin Schulz (feat. Francesco Yates) (2015)
20. Roses – The Chainsmokers (feat. Rozes) (2016)
21. Only Girl (In the World) – Rihanna (2010)
22. Part of Me – Katy Perry (2012)
23. Don’t You Worry Child – Swedish House Mafia (feat. John Martin) (2012)
24. Red Lights – Tiësto (2013)
25. Latch – Disclosure (feat. Sam Smith) (2012)
26. Silence – Marshmello (feat. Khalid) (2017)
27. Turn Me On – David Guetta (feat. Nicki Minaj) (2011)
28. Don’t Let Me Down – The Chainsmokers (feat. Daya) (2016)
29. Turn Down for What – DJ Snake and Lil Jon (2013)
30. Runaway (U & I) – Galantis (2014)
31. S&M – Rihanna (2011)
32. Animals – Martin Garrix (2013)
33. Rocket – Goldfrapp (2010)
34. It Ain’t Me – Kygo and Selena Gomez (2017)
35. Need U (100%) – Duke Dumont (feat. A*M*E & MNEK) (2013)
36. One Love – David Guetta (feat. Estelle) (2010)
37. Summer – Calvin Harris (2014)
38. On the Floor – Jennifer Lopez (feat. Pitbull) (2011)
39. Woman’s World – Cher (2013)
40. Happier – Marshmello and Bastille (2018)
41. Heroes (We Could Be) – Alesso (featuring Tove Lo) (2014)
42. Remind Me to Forget – Kygo (feat. Miguel) (2018)
43. One Kiss – Calvin Harris (with Dua Lipa) (2018)
44. The Veldt – Deadmau5 (feat. Chris James) (2012)
45. Give Me All Your Luvin’ – Madonna (feat. Nicki Minaj, M.I.A.) (2012)
46. Wolves – Marshmello (with Selena Gomez) (2017)
47. Never Be like You – Flume (feat. Kai) (2016)
48. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites – Skrillex (2010)
49. Let Me Go – Alesso with Hailee Steinfeld (feat. Florida Georgia Line, Watt) (2017)
50. Girl Gone Wild – Madonna (2012)
51. Cool for the Summer – Demi Lovato (2015)
52. Dirty Sexy Money – Afrojack with David Guetta (feat. Charli XCX & French Montana) (2017)
53. Harlem Shake – Baauer (2012)
54. Sunshine – David Guetta & Avicii (2011)
55. Let Me Love You – DJ Snake (feat. Justin Bieber)(2016)
56. Symphony – Clean Bandit (feat. Zara Larsson) (2017)
57. Sun Is Shining – Axwell and Ingrosso (2015)
58. I Got U – Duke Dumont (feat. Jax Jones) (2014)
59. Just Hold On – Steve Aoki (with Louis Tomlinson) (2016)
60. Rockabye – Clean Bandit (feat. Sean Paul and Anne-Marie) (2016)
61. Tonite – LCD Soundsystem (2017)
62. Electricity- Silk City (with Dua Lipa) (2018)
63. Omen – Disclosure (feat. Sam Smith) (2015)
64. Dance Again – Jennifer Lopez (feat. Pitbull) (2012)
65. Barbra Streisand – Duck Sauce (2010)
66. Calling (Lose My Mind) – Sebastian Ingrosso (with Alesso featuring Ryan Tedder) (2012)
67. Living for Love – Madonna (2014)
68. Miami 2 Ibiza – Swedish House Mafia vs. Tinie Tempah (2010)
69. Another You – Armin van Buuren (feat. Mr Probz) (2015)
70. How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora (2012)
71. My Way – Calvin Harris (2016)
72. Acapella – Kelis (2010)
73. Best Friend – Sofi Tukker (feat. Nervo, The Knocks and Alisa Ueno) (2017)
74. Complicated – Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike (with David Guetta feat. Kiiara) (2017)
75. Feels – Calvin Harris (feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry and Big Sean) (2017)
76. Timebomb – Kylie Minogue (2012)
77. We Run the Night – Havana Brown (feat. Pitbull) (2011)
78. Magenta Riddim – DJ Snake (2018)
79. Spectrum – Zedd (feat. Matthew Koma) (2012)
80. One (Your Name) – Swedish House Mafia (feat. Pharrell) (2010)
81. Waste It on Me – Steve Aoki (feat. BTS) (2018)
82. Bitch I’m Madonna – Madonna (feat. Nicki Minaj) (2014)
83. Seeya – Deadmau5 (feat. Colleen D’Agostino) (2014)
84. Believe – Crystal Waters, Sted-E & Hybrid Heights (2016)
85. Disarm You – Kaskade (feat. Ilsey) (2015)
86. Dancing on My Own – Robyn (2010)
87. The Time (Dirty Bit) – The Black Eyed Peas (2010)
88. Throw – LCD Soundsystem (2010)
89. Never Forget – Lena Katina and Dave Audé (2011)
90. Dancing – Kylie Minogue (2018)
91. Collide – Leona Lewis and Avicii (2011)
92. Run This Town – Niiko x SWAE (feat. Celine Farach) (2017)
93. The Other Boys – Nervo (feat. Kylie Minogue, Jake Shears & Nile Rodgers) (2015)
94. Lost – VASSY & Afrojack (feat. Oliver Rosa) (2017)
95. Live It Up – Jennifer Lopez (feat. Pitbull) (2013)
96. Five More Hours – Deorro and Chris Brown (2015)
97. Sleepless – Cazzette (feat. The High) (2014)
98. A Different Way – DJ Snake (feat. Lauv) (2017)
99. Hold On – Nervo (2013)
100. I Don’t Like You – Eva Simons (2011)