Sunday, December 30, 2018

Either this article or this county is fucked up! Which is it?

Video Games Help Make Lifelong Friendships

Online video games have become one of the most common places for teens to meet their peers and create lifelong friendships.
firndsAccording to a recent Pew Research Center survey of teens ages 13-17, 72 percent of all teenagers spend free time playing video games on a computer, game console or portable device, with 36 percent reporting they have made a new friend through networked video games. Pew’s research echoes findings from the ESA’s 2015 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, which found that 54 percent of frequent video game players feel video games help them connect with friends.
These young video game players also feel a real sense of kinship with their online teammates, especially through voice connections that help them develop and improve friendships. According to Pew, playing online video games helps 78 percent of teens feel more connected to those they already know; 52 percent also report feeling closer to friends whom they only know online.
“It’s an easy way to keep up with friends,” said James Koepke, a student at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. “I have friends going to Ole Miss, UT-Arlington, and the University of Houston. It’s hard for us to meet up. We play games together online. We’ll just chat and may not even play but just talk. We use games to stay in touch.”
National video game retailer GameStop is also highlighting meaningful relationships developed through online game play. Recently, the retailer concluded #SummerAtGameStop, a five-week contest series in which players from across the country submitted personal stories about how playing online video games fostered lifelong relationships.
“Gaming is a great way to get to know someone,” said self-professed lifetime video game player Chris Wiseman, whose relationship with his fiancée developed while playing Halo 4 together. “It’s a team-building and relationship-building experience where you can really learn about the other person.”
Researchers have been observing this trend for decades, prompting the academic world to refer to the online game environment as a “third space,” outside of the home and workplace, where people from different backgrounds come together to reinforce a sense of community.

“Studies have shown that many players establish very positive and close relationships with each other,” Elizabeth Gee, associate director and professor at the Center for Games & Impact at Arizona State University, told the Dallas Morning News. “In some cases, players use online games as a way to have fun with friends and family they also see in the real world, or with other players whom they would never have the chance to meet otherwise.”

Batshit Crazy Wisconsin stuff going on

I'm the one who grew up with this Jurgen habermas Critical Theory in the ELCA in Wisconsin and now now that everyone knows about it....I'm the one alienated. Insanity
This is insanity
Batshit insane. Everyone likes the ELCA around here

Why wasn't I a fucking ally to anyone safe space.
happy holiday shit over here

Friday, December 28, 2018

China state-owned company charged with stealing US tech trade secrets

A state-owned Chinese company was charged by the Justice Department on Thursday for stealing trade secrets from an American chip manufacturer. It’s the fourth instance in which the Department has indicted Chinese conspirators for attempting to steal trade secrets in the past month, and with this momentum, the Department is announcing a new initiative to combat economic espionage from the country.
In its indictment, the Department claims that China’s Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co. and Taiwan’s United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) worked to steal trade secrets from a US chipmaker, Micron Technologies.
Micron is an Idaho-based chipmaker that, according to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is worth over $100 billion and owns 20–25 percent of the dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) industry as well. At the press conference announcing the charges, an official said that the company makes “some of the most advanced semiconductor chips in the world.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, “Chinese economic espionage on the US has been increasing, and it has been increasing rapidly.”
“Enough is enough. We’re not going to take it anymore. It’s unacceptable,” Sessions said.
According to the Department, these attempts to steal trade secrets span across industries. Just yesterday, a group of Chinese spies were indicted by the Justice Department for working to hack American aerospace companies and steal aircraft technology secrets. Specifically, 10 different individuals are said to have conspired to steal technology related to turbofan engines in commercial airliners.
Officials announced that they would be pursuing civil action in order to prevent the transfer of the information and block the export of products made with these designs from China into the US. The Department is also spearheading an initiative along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to attempt to stop attacks like these from happening in the future, whether that is through obtaining the information from insiders or hacking.

Last year, Micron sued the two companies named in the indictment for stealing trade secrets, and earlier this week the Commerce Department restricted US exports to Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co.

China pirates American technology for free

President Trump is expected this week to announce new restrictions on Chinese investment in US industries deemed vital to national security.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin acknowledged that new measures, to be announced by June 30, will take aim at “countries that are trying to steal our technology,” an accusation that Trump had repeatedly leveled at China. (China has always denied such accusations.)
The gloom deepens for Chinese stocks as US-China trade conflict escalates.
The gloom deepens for Chinese stocks as US-China trade conflict escalates. Photo: AP
The White House recently released a 35-page document, detailing its view that China is seeking to boost its own industry by capturing the “crown jewels” of American technology.
The allegation that China’s industrial policies and practices threaten the US economy is a key reason why Trump began in March a trade offensive that has now turned into a clash with China, unnerving markets and businesses around the world.
Here are the five reasons why the US is picking a fight with China, according to the White House:

1. Theft

“State-sponsored IP theft through physical theft, cyber-enabled espionage and theft, evasion of U.S. export control laws, and counterfeiting and piracy.”
The White House accuses China of literally stealing American technologies and intellectual property, via “company insiders” or other people who have access to trade secrets.
The report cites news reports that China’s Ministry of State Security deploys almost 100,000 intelligence officers at home and abroad to to bolster its efforts.
The Ministry of State Security is China’s spy agency, kind of like a hybrid of the CIA and FBI, and it has been said to recruit US intelligence officers to conduct espionage against their homeland.
In one instance cited in the White House report, in June 2016 a Florida woman, Amin Yu, was found guilty of illegally exporting submarine parts from US companies to a Chinese university associated with the Chinese navy.
President Xi Jinping of China in April vowed to open sectors from banking to auto manufacturing in a speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference.
President Xi Jinping of China in April vowed to open sectors from banking to auto manufacturing in a speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference. Photo: Bloomberg

2. Regulation

“Chinese industrial policy features a wide range of coercive and intrusive regulatory gambits to force the transfer of foreign technologies and IP to Chinese competitors, often in exchange for access to the vast Chinese market.”
Foreign companies in China are not allowed to own a majority stake in most sectors. They’re usually required to form joint ventures with Chinese counterparts.
Citing a 2017 survey conducted by the US-China Business Council, the White House report says many American companies are victims of forced technology transfer to Chinese companies.
China has denied that its policies require technology transfer from foreign companies. But in a tacit acknowledgement of such complaints, premier Li Keqiang vowed in March that “there will be no mandatory requirement for technology transfer” as the country relaxed foreign ownership rules.
But such promises don’t address criticisms that even if there’s no official policy demanding such transfers, technology and know-how must be given in exchange for market access.
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu in Beijing on Jun 3 to negotiate a resolution to the US-China trade dispute.
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu in Beijing on Jun 3 to negotiate a resolution to the US-China trade dispute. Photo: EPA-EFE

3. Coercion

“China has used export restraints, including export quotas and export duties, to restrict access to critical raw materials.”
China, the world’s dominant producer of raw materials crucial to the manufacturing of high-technology products, has used export restraints to restrict foreign access to these materials, the report says.
Examples include tungsten, a rare metal used to harden steel and used by the auto industry for cutting and machining tools.
“The export restraints can also create pressure on foreign downstream producers to move their operations, technologies and jobs to China,” says a 2017 report by the US Trade Representative.
Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, has been deemed by US intelligence agency as a security risk.
Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, has been deemed by US intelligence agency as a security risk. Photo: Bloomberg

4. Information harvesting

“China acquires US technologies and IP from America’s national security innovation base through three primary channels of information harvesting.”
These channels include the collection of data through open source means – such as from publicly available websites – the White House report says. The report acknowledges that many countries do it, but claims that the scale and scope of China’s collection is “historical.”
The report also says Chinese nationals in science and technology sectors could be manipulated or pressured into gathering information for the Chinese state.
For instance, the report suggests that Chinese telecoms giant Huawei’s partnership with the University of California-Berkeley to research artificial intelligence could give the Chinese company’s employees a glimpse into military applications of the technology.

5. Investment

“The Chinese government has institutionalized the industrial policy of inducing investment in ‘encouraged’ high-technology sectors using the financial resources and regulatory instruments of the State.”
The White House report describes China’s “Made in China 2025” plan as an attempt to dominate advanced technology sectors such as artificial intelligence, and accuses the country of using investment as a way to get there.
The report suggests that such behavior is problematic because such investment is aided or directed by the Chinese state and therefore susceptible to government control.
“China can influence private enterprises through the aforementioned rules China has put in place with respect to the Chinese Communist Party’s mandated role in corporate governance,” the report says.
China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative describes a development plan to turn the country into a superpower in emerging high-tech sectors such as robotics and artificial intelligence.
China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative describes a development plan to turn the country into a superpower in emerging high-tech sectors such as robotics and artificial intelligence. Photo: Xinhua
But as an escalation in the US-China trade conflict looms, Beijing has attempted to play down the industrial initiative, the South China Morning Post reports Tuesday.
One of the most direct ways to acquire US technology is for a Chinese company to buy a controlling stake in a US company.
That’s the most common form of Chinese investment in the US, and something that the new investment restrictions are likely to address.
In the days to come, expect to hear a lot more about an obscure branch of the US Treasury Department called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
More often known as CFIUS (pronounced SIFF-ee-yus), the committee is responsible for approving foreign acquisition of American companies, “crown jewels” or not.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

My 2000s

I started this blog in 2002 at Modblog and ported it to Blogspot in 2002. I was playing with Dreamweaver in the 2003-2005 at I was listening to AC/DC, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Perfect Circle, Slipnot in the early 2000s. and European Trance/house since the mid 2000s mixed with mainstream heavy metal rock bands. I bought a lot of videogame consoles like PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Playstation 3. I was playing Mario Kart Double Dash on Gamecube with a cousin a lot. I beat 100 games. I went to Chippewa Valley Technical College (2003), Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (2004-2005), and Rasmussen College (2007-2010). I completed two Associate Degrees in December 2010 at Rasmussen College. I was on Playstation Universe and Youtube in 2006. I uploaded my first Youtube video in December 2006. I started a Myspace in 2003 and a Facebook in 2009. I didn't have many friends on Myspace or Facebook in the 2000s. I found jobs at the Holiday gas station, Circuit City, and a PC repair in Stillwater, Minnesota. I must've had 400 games in 2010 and 100 DVDs/ Blurays in 2010. The People album on my Flickr has these 2000s photographs. My first anime boxset was Cowboy Bebop from 2009 (now over 50 boxsets). I usually went to River falls pubs to hang out with University of Wisconsin, River Falls students. We were all pretty fucking stupid back then. Then nearly everyone posted bar crew images to Myspace and Facebook.

My 1990s

In the early 1990s, I was in the Cub Scouts of America in Wisconsin and did cub scout cookie sales. By 1992, I was playing Nintendo Entertainment System with games like Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Spy Hunter, Mega Man 2, and Super Contra with a cousin David. By 1994, I was playing Super Mario World, and Super Mario Kart. By 1996, I owned a PC and was playing Simcity 2000, Kings Quest V, Amazon Trail, Oregon Trail 2, and Simtown with a cousin. I had 15 Disney VHS tapes and 30 Goosebumps from the 1990s. In 1997, I was playing Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, and Star Wars Shadow of the Empire on N64. In 1999, I was playing Soul Calibur, Doom, Quake II, Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast and PC. I was using mIRC for chat rooms from 1997-2000 and Limewire in 1999. Then I also heavily maintained my ICQ messager account in 1999-2000. I was listening to some Metallica, some Black Sabbath (Paranoid album), some Brooks and Dunn, some Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, some Shania Twain some nSync, some Backstreet Boys, some It's NOW Music cds in the late 1990s. My middle school grades were barely above average. My high school grades were average. I was in Track and Field and Cross Country, but not a leading athlete. I was probably a lonersince Boy Scouts in 1995 I never had a girlfriend. Seriously, I had to be in a group so Boy Scouts in late 90s, yet at the same time alienated any girlfriend. Girls weren't invited in Boy Scouts of America like 2018. You realize I eventually dated in the 2000s via bars. I was watching Unsolved Mysteries, Star Trek The Next Generation, and Star Trek Voyager. Cartoons Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rocko's Modern Life Ren and Stimpy Hey Arnold Jonny Quest Flinstones Jetsons The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast Space Ghost Sailor Moon Speed Racer Voltron Spiderman X-Men Batman The animated Series Looney Tunes Duck Tales Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Dragon Ball Z Swat Cats Radical Squadron Scooby Doo Where are You? Yogi Bear Sitcoms Cerrisa Explains it all Secret World of Alex Max All That Adventures of Pete and Pete Are You AFraid of the Dark Friends

Sunday, December 16, 2018

One Final Act: Gov. Scott Walker Saves More Than 300 Jobs a Few Weeks Before Leaving Office

Outgoing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday announced that the state's economic development agency came to an agreement to save 388 jobs in the northern part of the state. The state agreed to provide a $28 million tax incentive to Kimberly-Clark, a paper good company, to keep its Fox Crossing facility in Neenah. After the Republican-held legislature refused to take up a bill providing the company with an incentive, Walker vowed to save the jobs the facility provided. “Quite literally, if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to find a way. I’m going to save the jobs at Kimberly-Clark,” Walker said. "My priority is on Kimberly-Clark. It’s why I asked the Legislature to go into a special session in the first place. It’s frustrated me they didn’t give me the tools we needed then." The tax incentives will take place over the next five years, WUWM reported. Part of the deal is that the company must continue to employ 388 people at the Neenah plant, have an annual payroll of over $30 million and invest $200 million in the plant over the next five years. They must also continue to employee 2,400 people across the state. "This is a pretty good Christmas going forward because we didn’t just save your jobs for the short term. This is about a long-term commitment to this company, to this community and to this state," the outgoing Republican governor told workers at the plant," Walker told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “I want this to be my legacy, that we protected these kind of jobs, not as a handout but because we knew if we invest in people like you, you won’t let us down." State Democrats, however, aren't happy about the deal. They believe this sends a message to big businesses that the state is willing to cut them a deal, especially after the state brokered a deal to keep electronics manufacturer Foxconn. “Kimberly-Clark is not a failing company. It is a successful company. We don’t want them to do that. But we don’t bribe them to stay,” said state Sen. Janet Bewley (D-Ashland). “It’s like walking into a room with a bunch of 8-year-olds and giving one of them a root beer float. And then saying, ‘Sorry, no one gets one unless you ask for it.’ Pretty soon you’re going to have to hand these things out left and right," State Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) said. Kimberly-Clark, which makes products like Depends and sanitary supplies, was founded in 1872 in Neenah, Wisconsin. In 1985, the company relocated its headquarters to Texas. And, in January, they announced a plan to close two plants near Neenah as part of their global restructuring plan. That's when Wisconsin legislators were forced to look at potential legislation to keep the company, the Madison State Journal reported. Walker took to Twitter to thank the Wisconsin Economic Development Coalition for their work on this issue: Proud to announce that @kccorp will keep open the Cold Spring Facility in Neenah and retain nearly 400 good-paying jobs! This is a major win for the Fox Valley and for the state of Wisconsin! #WIWorking — Governor Walker (@GovWalker) December 13, 2018 .@kccorp has maintained roots in Wisconsin for over 140 years, glad they have agreed to make a major investment of up to $200 million over the next five years to fuel continued growth and innovation at the Cold Spring Facility! — Governor Walker (@GovWalker) December 13, 2018

Americans say Christmas should be more about Jesus

A new study from Lifeway Research reveals that “most Americans want more religious meaning to the Christmas season.” Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said, “Christmas should be more about Jesus.” While that might sound like good news for Christians, the number of Americans who want to “keep Christ in Christmas” - while still a majority - is quickly declining. Just four years ago, 79% of Americans (14% more than this year) agreed that “Christmas should be more about Jesus.” The new survey also confirms another interesting fact about the cultural shift taking place in America. According to the data, the number of people who think Christmas should be about Jesus is shrinking (down 14%), even though the number of people who think Christmas shouldn’t be about Jesus isn’t growing (only up 1%). The largest shift over the past four years is the number of people who are simply unsure (up 13%). Other studies provide some insight into the uncertainty many Americans seem to have about Christmas (and religion in general). According to a 2014 Religious Landscape study, an increasing number of Americans are religiously unaffiliated, even though they don’t necessarily reject the existence of God. The study showed a dramatic increase in what has since been termed religious “nones.” These are Americans who “self-identify as atheists or agnostics, as well as those who say their religion is ‘nothing in particular’.” CARTOONS | Jerry Holbert View Cartoon While “nones” may include atheists and agnostics, don’t be fooled into thinking there is a national increase in unbelief. Most “nones” aren’t unbelievers at all. The 2014 study revealed that American atheism was growing at a very minimal pace (1.5%), even while Christian belief had decreased by nearly 8%. Where are the Americans who used to identify themselves as Christians? They are now in the “none” category, claiming no religious affiliation, even though 88% of Americans still believe in some kind of God, higher power, or spiritual force. The new Lifeway Christmas survey reflects this reality. Fewer Americans think Christmas ought to be about Jesus (down 14%), but there isn’t a significant increase in those who oppose a connection between Jesus and the holiday (up only 1%). More Americans are rejecting their religious affiliation, but they aren’t necessarily rejecting God. They’re not quite sure what to believe. Europe is experiencing a similar confusion related to religion and Christmas. Last year, a study in Britain found that nearly 1 in 5 Brits didn’t know that Christmas was associated with the birthday of Jesus. Nearly 1 in 20 thought Easter celebrated the birth of Christ. Even Christians in Europe are increasingly confused about the claims of Christianity. Only 22% of European Christians attend church services regularly. Many don’t believe in God “as described in the Bible.” Europe is only slightly ahead of America in its trajectory away from Christianity, including its growing confusion about Christmas, even though most Europeans also believe in some form of God, a higher power, or a spiritual force.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

10 Reasons Why Adults Who Play Video Games Are Happier

1. They’re more connected to their inner child.

Few adults really get to do anything playful after work and family life set in, which makes it pretty understandable as to why so many American adults are depressed and bored with life.
Unlike adults who don’t play video games, however, gaming adults have a daily chance to engage in playful behavior, similarly to how many of us used to play when we were younger. This stronger connection to your inner child can help you be happier and enjoy life more fully.

2. They have an easy escape from the stress of life.

escape from stress
As we get older, we’re continually faced with more pressures in life. We now have student loans to pay back, jobs to succeed in and bills to pay for. I don’t know about you, I often feel like all of this adult stuff is kind of overrated.
Playing video games is a great way to de-stress from the demands of everyday life and do something that you enjoy just for the sake of enjoying it.

3. They are exposed to greater creativity and imagination.

Anyone who has played any video game can attest to the fact that you’re exposed to greater creativity when gaming.
Whether it’s a realistic video game like Call of Duty or a highly imaginative video game like World of Warcraft, using your imagination to put yourself in the mindset of your character and their world is a highly stimulating, creative exercise for your brain.

4. They immediately have something to bond over with other people .

bond with others
Have you ever been at a party and had nothing in common with the people around you? Well, that’s just one more negative thing solved by video gaming.
More than 50% of the U.S. adult population plays video games, and 81% of adults between 18 and 29 are gamers. Statistically speaking, at least one of those gamers has to be at the same party as you. When you find him or her, you’ll immediately have something in common.

5. They have a more balanced life perspective.

Another reason adults who game are happier is because they have a more balanced perspective on life.
Rather than being totally consumed by work and bills, they can devote part of their time to their grown-up duties and part of their time to gaming for fun!

6. They have better hand-eye coordination.

hand eye coordination
It’s been scientifically proven that people who play video games have better spatial coordination and fine motor skills than those who don’t. Not only will this make you more coordinated in your everyday life, but it could also help you be a better driver, keep your eyesight from failing and make you more intelligent.

7. They can include their spouse/friends in their “me” time.

If your spouse or best friend is one of those “I need my me time by myself” kinds of people, then you might be familiar with the feeling of boredom or loneliness that can accompany being left behind.
If, however, you spouse’s or friend’s “me” time takes place on an Xbox or PS4, then you can participate in their de-stressing time, too! (Or at the very least watch.) This can help strengthen your relationships while still allowing those close to you to engage in the activities they enjoy.

8. They always have something to look forward to.

Another way that gaming can make adults happier is by always giving them something to look forward to.
Whether it’s wanting to make it to a new level in the latest Super Mario or anticipating the release of the next generation of consoles, gamers always have something to look forward to and rave about. This makes life more interesting and exciting, even if it’s in a small way.

9. They can turn exercise into a game.

game exercise
Going to the gym is great, but it can get a little monotonous after a while. With the advent of so many movement-oriented gaming devices like the Wii and the Kinnect, gamers now have the option to stay fit and healthy while playing a mentally stimulating video game.
And if you don’t think video games are enough to count as a workout, try playing Fruit Ninja without breaking a sweat.

10. They can turn boring situations into fun ones.

playing DS
Lastly, adults who play video games are happier because they view every waiting room and checkout line as a chance to level up.
I never mind sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office as long as I have my DS with me, and I know plenty of adults who feel the same. Rather than being irritated and frustrated that your appointment is taking longer than expected, you can enjoy the extra playing time and move on with your day.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

It’s official: Minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants;

he U.S. is projected to have no racial or ethnic group as its majority within the next several decades, but that day apparently is already here for the nation’s youngest children, according to new Census Bureau population estimates.
Among newborns, minorities slightly surpass non-Hispanic whitesThe bureau’s estimates for July 1, 2015, released today, say that just over half – 50.2% – of U.S. babies younger than 1 year old were racial or ethnic minorities. In sheer numbers, there were 1,995,102 minority babies compared with 1,982,936 non-Hispanic white infants, according to the census estimates. The new estimates also indicate that this crossover occurred in 2013, so the pattern seems well established.
Pinpointing the exact year when minorities outnumbered non-Hispanic whites among newborns has been difficult. The change among newborns is part of a projected U.S. demographic shift from a majority-white nation to one with no racial or ethnic majority group that is based on long-running immigration and birth trends. But changes in short-term immigration flows and in fertility patterns can delay those long-term shifts.
In 2012, the Census Bureau declared that in 2011 most children younger than age 1 were minorities. The bureau’s population estimates also indicated minorities were the majority among babies in 2012. But when the bureau released its 2013 estimates, it revised those earlier estimates to indicate that, in all three years, newborn non-Hispanic whites still outnumbered minorities, by a small margin.
The estimates released this year included revised 2013 estimates that now say there were about a thousand more minority babies than non-Hispanic white babies that year, a tiny difference given that each group numbered more than 1.9 million. In 2014, minority babies outnumbered white babies by about 16,000, and in 2015 the difference was about 12,000, according to the agency’s estimates.
The Census Bureau frequently revises its past population estimates to account for newly available data. Birth data is a special problem: In estimating the number and characteristics of newborns, the agency relies in part on birth certificate information from the National Center for Health Statistics that is two years out of date.
One reason that the bureau had to delay its claim of a majority-minority newborn population may have been a sharp falloff in births and birth rates after the onset of the Great Recession in 2007. Birth rates declined most steeply for Hispanic and immigrant women.
U.S. demographic change begins with the youngest age groupsThe Census Bureau statistics indicate that demographic change is percolating upward through the nation’s age groups, starting with the youngest ones. In fact, the bureau estimates indicate that 50.3% of children younger than 5 were racial or ethnic minorities in 2015.
In the total U.S. population, non-Hispanic whites will cease to be the majority group by 2044, according to Census Bureau projections, or by 2055, according to Pew Research Center projections.
Racial and ethnic minorities have accounted for most of the nation’s growth in recent decades. The non-Hispanic white population has grown too, but not as quickly. Minority populations have grown more rapidly in part because these groups are younger than whites and include a higher share of women in their prime child-bearing years. Some minority groups, especially Hispanics, have higher birthrates than do non-Hispanic whites. In addition, a rising number of babies are being born to couples where one parent is white and the other nonwhite.

While census estimates have shown a shift toward a majority-minority infant population, estimates about the race of mothers from another data source – the National Center for Health Statistics – do not. Its preliminary 2015 data indicate that 54% of births are to non-Hispanic white mothers, a similar share as in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. However, the two agencies measure race differently. For example, the Census Bureau reports data about children of multiple races, while the National Center for Health Statistics changes mixed-race mothers into single-race mothers in publishing its data. And the Census Bureau uses available information about the father’s race or Hispanic origin, as well as the mother’s, to determine the baby’s race and ethnic categories, while the health-statistics center reports only the mother’s race and ethnic origin.