Sunday, December 30, 2018

Either this article or this county is fucked up! Which is it?

Video Games Help Make Lifelong Friendships

Online video games have become one of the most common places for teens to meet their peers and create lifelong friendships.
firndsAccording to a recent Pew Research Center survey of teens ages 13-17, 72 percent of all teenagers spend free time playing video games on a computer, game console or portable device, with 36 percent reporting they have made a new friend through networked video games. Pew’s research echoes findings from the ESA’s 2015 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, which found that 54 percent of frequent video game players feel video games help them connect with friends.
These young video game players also feel a real sense of kinship with their online teammates, especially through voice connections that help them develop and improve friendships. According to Pew, playing online video games helps 78 percent of teens feel more connected to those they already know; 52 percent also report feeling closer to friends whom they only know online.
“It’s an easy way to keep up with friends,” said James Koepke, a student at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. “I have friends going to Ole Miss, UT-Arlington, and the University of Houston. It’s hard for us to meet up. We play games together online. We’ll just chat and may not even play but just talk. We use games to stay in touch.”
National video game retailer GameStop is also highlighting meaningful relationships developed through online game play. Recently, the retailer concluded #SummerAtGameStop, a five-week contest series in which players from across the country submitted personal stories about how playing online video games fostered lifelong relationships.
“Gaming is a great way to get to know someone,” said self-professed lifetime video game player Chris Wiseman, whose relationship with his fiancée developed while playing Halo 4 together. “It’s a team-building and relationship-building experience where you can really learn about the other person.”
Researchers have been observing this trend for decades, prompting the academic world to refer to the online game environment as a “third space,” outside of the home and workplace, where people from different backgrounds come together to reinforce a sense of community.

“Studies have shown that many players establish very positive and close relationships with each other,” Elizabeth Gee, associate director and professor at the Center for Games & Impact at Arizona State University, told the Dallas Morning News. “In some cases, players use online games as a way to have fun with friends and family they also see in the real world, or with other players whom they would never have the chance to meet otherwise.”

Batshit Crazy Wisconsin stuff going on

I'm the one who grew up with this Jurgen habermas Critical Theory in the ELCA in Wisconsin and now now that everyone knows about it....I'm the one alienated. Insanity
This is insanity
Batshit insane. Everyone likes the ELCA around here

Why wasn't I a fucking ally to anyone safe space.
happy holiday shit over here

Friday, December 28, 2018

China state-owned company charged with stealing US tech trade secrets

A state-owned Chinese company was charged by the Justice Department on Thursday for stealing trade secrets from an American chip manufacturer. It’s the fourth instance in which the Department has indicted Chinese conspirators for attempting to steal trade secrets in the past month, and with this momentum, the Department is announcing a new initiative to combat economic espionage from the country.
In its indictment, the Department claims that China’s Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co. and Taiwan’s United Microelectronics Corp. (UMC) worked to steal trade secrets from a US chipmaker, Micron Technologies.
Micron is an Idaho-based chipmaker that, according to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is worth over $100 billion and owns 20–25 percent of the dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) industry as well. At the press conference announcing the charges, an official said that the company makes “some of the most advanced semiconductor chips in the world.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, “Chinese economic espionage on the US has been increasing, and it has been increasing rapidly.”
“Enough is enough. We’re not going to take it anymore. It’s unacceptable,” Sessions said.
According to the Department, these attempts to steal trade secrets span across industries. Just yesterday, a group of Chinese spies were indicted by the Justice Department for working to hack American aerospace companies and steal aircraft technology secrets. Specifically, 10 different individuals are said to have conspired to steal technology related to turbofan engines in commercial airliners.
Officials announced that they would be pursuing civil action in order to prevent the transfer of the information and block the export of products made with these designs from China into the US. The Department is also spearheading an initiative along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to attempt to stop attacks like these from happening in the future, whether that is through obtaining the information from insiders or hacking.

Last year, Micron sued the two companies named in the indictment for stealing trade secrets, and earlier this week the Commerce Department restricted US exports to Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co.

China pirates American technology for free

President Trump is expected this week to announce new restrictions on Chinese investment in US industries deemed vital to national security.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin acknowledged that new measures, to be announced by June 30, will take aim at “countries that are trying to steal our technology,” an accusation that Trump had repeatedly leveled at China. (China has always denied such accusations.)
The gloom deepens for Chinese stocks as US-China trade conflict escalates.
The gloom deepens for Chinese stocks as US-China trade conflict escalates. Photo: AP
The White House recently released a 35-page document, detailing its view that China is seeking to boost its own industry by capturing the “crown jewels” of American technology.
The allegation that China’s industrial policies and practices threaten the US economy is a key reason why Trump began in March a trade offensive that has now turned into a clash with China, unnerving markets and businesses around the world.
Here are the five reasons why the US is picking a fight with China, according to the White House:

1. Theft

“State-sponsored IP theft through physical theft, cyber-enabled espionage and theft, evasion of U.S. export control laws, and counterfeiting and piracy.”
The White House accuses China of literally stealing American technologies and intellectual property, via “company insiders” or other people who have access to trade secrets.
The report cites news reports that China’s Ministry of State Security deploys almost 100,000 intelligence officers at home and abroad to to bolster its efforts.
The Ministry of State Security is China’s spy agency, kind of like a hybrid of the CIA and FBI, and it has been said to recruit US intelligence officers to conduct espionage against their homeland.
In one instance cited in the White House report, in June 2016 a Florida woman, Amin Yu, was found guilty of illegally exporting submarine parts from US companies to a Chinese university associated with the Chinese navy.
President Xi Jinping of China in April vowed to open sectors from banking to auto manufacturing in a speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference.
President Xi Jinping of China in April vowed to open sectors from banking to auto manufacturing in a speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference. Photo: Bloomberg

2. Regulation

“Chinese industrial policy features a wide range of coercive and intrusive regulatory gambits to force the transfer of foreign technologies and IP to Chinese competitors, often in exchange for access to the vast Chinese market.”
Foreign companies in China are not allowed to own a majority stake in most sectors. They’re usually required to form joint ventures with Chinese counterparts.
Citing a 2017 survey conducted by the US-China Business Council, the White House report says many American companies are victims of forced technology transfer to Chinese companies.
China has denied that its policies require technology transfer from foreign companies. But in a tacit acknowledgement of such complaints, premier Li Keqiang vowed in March that “there will be no mandatory requirement for technology transfer” as the country relaxed foreign ownership rules.
But such promises don’t address criticisms that even if there’s no official policy demanding such transfers, technology and know-how must be given in exchange for market access.
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu in Beijing on Jun 3 to negotiate a resolution to the US-China trade dispute.
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross met with Chinese Vice Premier Liu in Beijing on Jun 3 to negotiate a resolution to the US-China trade dispute. Photo: EPA-EFE

3. Coercion

“China has used export restraints, including export quotas and export duties, to restrict access to critical raw materials.”
China, the world’s dominant producer of raw materials crucial to the manufacturing of high-technology products, has used export restraints to restrict foreign access to these materials, the report says.
Examples include tungsten, a rare metal used to harden steel and used by the auto industry for cutting and machining tools.
“The export restraints can also create pressure on foreign downstream producers to move their operations, technologies and jobs to China,” says a 2017 report by the US Trade Representative.
Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, has been deemed by US intelligence agency as a security risk.
Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, has been deemed by US intelligence agency as a security risk. Photo: Bloomberg

4. Information harvesting

“China acquires US technologies and IP from America’s national security innovation base through three primary channels of information harvesting.”
These channels include the collection of data through open source means – such as from publicly available websites – the White House report says. The report acknowledges that many countries do it, but claims that the scale and scope of China’s collection is “historical.”
The report also says Chinese nationals in science and technology sectors could be manipulated or pressured into gathering information for the Chinese state.
For instance, the report suggests that Chinese telecoms giant Huawei’s partnership with the University of California-Berkeley to research artificial intelligence could give the Chinese company’s employees a glimpse into military applications of the technology.

5. Investment

“The Chinese government has institutionalized the industrial policy of inducing investment in ‘encouraged’ high-technology sectors using the financial resources and regulatory instruments of the State.”
The White House report describes China’s “Made in China 2025” plan as an attempt to dominate advanced technology sectors such as artificial intelligence, and accuses the country of using investment as a way to get there.
The report suggests that such behavior is problematic because such investment is aided or directed by the Chinese state and therefore susceptible to government control.
“China can influence private enterprises through the aforementioned rules China has put in place with respect to the Chinese Communist Party’s mandated role in corporate governance,” the report says.
China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative describes a development plan to turn the country into a superpower in emerging high-tech sectors such as robotics and artificial intelligence.
China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative describes a development plan to turn the country into a superpower in emerging high-tech sectors such as robotics and artificial intelligence. Photo: Xinhua
But as an escalation in the US-China trade conflict looms, Beijing has attempted to play down the industrial initiative, the South China Morning Post reports Tuesday.
One of the most direct ways to acquire US technology is for a Chinese company to buy a controlling stake in a US company.
That’s the most common form of Chinese investment in the US, and something that the new investment restrictions are likely to address.
In the days to come, expect to hear a lot more about an obscure branch of the US Treasury Department called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
More often known as CFIUS (pronounced SIFF-ee-yus), the committee is responsible for approving foreign acquisition of American companies, “crown jewels” or not.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

My 2000s

I started this blog in 2002 at Modblog and ported it to Blogspot in 2002. I was playing with Dreamweaver in the 2003-2005 at I was listening to AC/DC, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Perfect Circle, Slipnot in the early 2000s. and European Trance/house since the mid 2000s mixed with mainstream heavy metal rock bands. I bought a lot of videogame consoles like PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Playstation 3. I was playing Mario Kart Double Dash on Gamecube with a cousin a lot. I beat 100 games. I went to Chippewa Valley Technical College (2003), Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (2004-2005), and Rasmussen College (2007-2010). I completed two Associate Degrees in December 2010 at Rasmussen College. I was on Playstation Universe and Youtube in 2006. I uploaded my first Youtube video in December 2006. I started a Myspace in 2003 and a Facebook in 2009. I didn't have many friends on Myspace or Facebook in the 2000s. I found jobs at the Holiday gas station, Circuit City, and a PC repair in Stillwater, Minnesota. I must've had 400 games in 2010 and 100 DVDs/ Blurays in 2010. The People album on my Flickr has these 2000s photographs. My first anime boxset was Cowboy Bebop from 2009 (now over 50 boxsets). I usually went to River falls pubs to hang out with University of Wisconsin, River Falls students. We were all pretty fucking stupid back then. Then nearly everyone posted bar crew images to Myspace and Facebook.

My 1990s

In the early 1990s, I was in the Cub Scouts of America in Wisconsin and did cub scout cookie sales. By 1992, I was playing Nintendo Entertainment System with games like Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Spy Hunter, Mega Man 2, and Super Contra with a cousin David. By 1994, I was playing Super Mario World, and Super Mario Kart. By 1996, I owned a PC and was playing Simcity 2000, Kings Quest V, Amazon Trail, Oregon Trail 2, and Simtown with a cousin. I had 15 Disney VHS tapes and 30 Goosebumps from the 1990s. In 1997, I was playing Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, and Star Wars Shadow of the Empire on N64. In 1999, I was playing Soul Calibur, Doom, Quake II, Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast and PC. I was using mIRC for chat rooms from 1997-2000 and Limewire in 1999. Then I also heavily maintained my ICQ messager account in 1999-2000. I was listening to some Metallica, some Black Sabbath (Paranoid album), some Brooks and Dunn, some Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, some Shania Twain some nSync, some Backstreet Boys, some It's NOW Music cds in the late 1990s. My middle school grades were barely above average. My high school grades were average. I was in Track and Field and Cross Country, but not a leading athlete. I was probably a lonersince Boy Scouts in 1995 I never had a girlfriend. Seriously, I had to be in a group so Boy Scouts in late 90s, yet at the same time alienated any girlfriend. Girls weren't invited in Boy Scouts of America like 2018. You realize I eventually dated in the 2000s via bars. I was watching Unsolved Mysteries, Star Trek The Next Generation, and Star Trek Voyager. Cartoons Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rocko's Modern Life Ren and Stimpy Hey Arnold Jonny Quest Flinstones Jetsons The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast Space Ghost Sailor Moon Speed Racer Voltron Spiderman X-Men Batman The animated Series Looney Tunes Duck Tales Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Dragon Ball Z Swat Cats Radical Squadron Scooby Doo Where are You? Yogi Bear Sitcoms Cerrisa Explains it all Secret World of Alex Max All That Adventures of Pete and Pete Are You AFraid of the Dark Friends

Sunday, December 16, 2018

One Final Act: Gov. Scott Walker Saves More Than 300 Jobs a Few Weeks Before Leaving Office

Outgoing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday announced that the state's economic development agency came to an agreement to save 388 jobs in the northern part of the state. The state agreed to provide a $28 million tax incentive to Kimberly-Clark, a paper good company, to keep its Fox Crossing facility in Neenah. After the Republican-held legislature refused to take up a bill providing the company with an incentive, Walker vowed to save the jobs the facility provided. “Quite literally, if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to find a way. I’m going to save the jobs at Kimberly-Clark,” Walker said. "My priority is on Kimberly-Clark. It’s why I asked the Legislature to go into a special session in the first place. It’s frustrated me they didn’t give me the tools we needed then." The tax incentives will take place over the next five years, WUWM reported. Part of the deal is that the company must continue to employ 388 people at the Neenah plant, have an annual payroll of over $30 million and invest $200 million in the plant over the next five years. They must also continue to employee 2,400 people across the state. "This is a pretty good Christmas going forward because we didn’t just save your jobs for the short term. This is about a long-term commitment to this company, to this community and to this state," the outgoing Republican governor told workers at the plant," Walker told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “I want this to be my legacy, that we protected these kind of jobs, not as a handout but because we knew if we invest in people like you, you won’t let us down." State Democrats, however, aren't happy about the deal. They believe this sends a message to big businesses that the state is willing to cut them a deal, especially after the state brokered a deal to keep electronics manufacturer Foxconn. “Kimberly-Clark is not a failing company. It is a successful company. We don’t want them to do that. But we don’t bribe them to stay,” said state Sen. Janet Bewley (D-Ashland). “It’s like walking into a room with a bunch of 8-year-olds and giving one of them a root beer float. And then saying, ‘Sorry, no one gets one unless you ask for it.’ Pretty soon you’re going to have to hand these things out left and right," State Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) said. Kimberly-Clark, which makes products like Depends and sanitary supplies, was founded in 1872 in Neenah, Wisconsin. In 1985, the company relocated its headquarters to Texas. And, in January, they announced a plan to close two plants near Neenah as part of their global restructuring plan. That's when Wisconsin legislators were forced to look at potential legislation to keep the company, the Madison State Journal reported. Walker took to Twitter to thank the Wisconsin Economic Development Coalition for their work on this issue: Proud to announce that @kccorp will keep open the Cold Spring Facility in Neenah and retain nearly 400 good-paying jobs! This is a major win for the Fox Valley and for the state of Wisconsin! #WIWorking — Governor Walker (@GovWalker) December 13, 2018 .@kccorp has maintained roots in Wisconsin for over 140 years, glad they have agreed to make a major investment of up to $200 million over the next five years to fuel continued growth and innovation at the Cold Spring Facility! — Governor Walker (@GovWalker) December 13, 2018

Americans say Christmas should be more about Jesus

A new study from Lifeway Research reveals that “most Americans want more religious meaning to the Christmas season.” Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said, “Christmas should be more about Jesus.” While that might sound like good news for Christians, the number of Americans who want to “keep Christ in Christmas” - while still a majority - is quickly declining. Just four years ago, 79% of Americans (14% more than this year) agreed that “Christmas should be more about Jesus.” The new survey also confirms another interesting fact about the cultural shift taking place in America. According to the data, the number of people who think Christmas should be about Jesus is shrinking (down 14%), even though the number of people who think Christmas shouldn’t be about Jesus isn’t growing (only up 1%). The largest shift over the past four years is the number of people who are simply unsure (up 13%). Other studies provide some insight into the uncertainty many Americans seem to have about Christmas (and religion in general). According to a 2014 Religious Landscape study, an increasing number of Americans are religiously unaffiliated, even though they don’t necessarily reject the existence of God. The study showed a dramatic increase in what has since been termed religious “nones.” These are Americans who “self-identify as atheists or agnostics, as well as those who say their religion is ‘nothing in particular’.” CARTOONS | Jerry Holbert View Cartoon While “nones” may include atheists and agnostics, don’t be fooled into thinking there is a national increase in unbelief. Most “nones” aren’t unbelievers at all. The 2014 study revealed that American atheism was growing at a very minimal pace (1.5%), even while Christian belief had decreased by nearly 8%. Where are the Americans who used to identify themselves as Christians? They are now in the “none” category, claiming no religious affiliation, even though 88% of Americans still believe in some kind of God, higher power, or spiritual force. The new Lifeway Christmas survey reflects this reality. Fewer Americans think Christmas ought to be about Jesus (down 14%), but there isn’t a significant increase in those who oppose a connection between Jesus and the holiday (up only 1%). More Americans are rejecting their religious affiliation, but they aren’t necessarily rejecting God. They’re not quite sure what to believe. Europe is experiencing a similar confusion related to religion and Christmas. Last year, a study in Britain found that nearly 1 in 5 Brits didn’t know that Christmas was associated with the birthday of Jesus. Nearly 1 in 20 thought Easter celebrated the birth of Christ. Even Christians in Europe are increasingly confused about the claims of Christianity. Only 22% of European Christians attend church services regularly. Many don’t believe in God “as described in the Bible.” Europe is only slightly ahead of America in its trajectory away from Christianity, including its growing confusion about Christmas, even though most Europeans also believe in some form of God, a higher power, or a spiritual force.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

10 Reasons Why Adults Who Play Video Games Are Happier

1. They’re more connected to their inner child.

Few adults really get to do anything playful after work and family life set in, which makes it pretty understandable as to why so many American adults are depressed and bored with life.
Unlike adults who don’t play video games, however, gaming adults have a daily chance to engage in playful behavior, similarly to how many of us used to play when we were younger. This stronger connection to your inner child can help you be happier and enjoy life more fully.

2. They have an easy escape from the stress of life.

escape from stress
As we get older, we’re continually faced with more pressures in life. We now have student loans to pay back, jobs to succeed in and bills to pay for. I don’t know about you, I often feel like all of this adult stuff is kind of overrated.
Playing video games is a great way to de-stress from the demands of everyday life and do something that you enjoy just for the sake of enjoying it.

3. They are exposed to greater creativity and imagination.

Anyone who has played any video game can attest to the fact that you’re exposed to greater creativity when gaming.
Whether it’s a realistic video game like Call of Duty or a highly imaginative video game like World of Warcraft, using your imagination to put yourself in the mindset of your character and their world is a highly stimulating, creative exercise for your brain.

4. They immediately have something to bond over with other people .

bond with others
Have you ever been at a party and had nothing in common with the people around you? Well, that’s just one more negative thing solved by video gaming.
More than 50% of the U.S. adult population plays video games, and 81% of adults between 18 and 29 are gamers. Statistically speaking, at least one of those gamers has to be at the same party as you. When you find him or her, you’ll immediately have something in common.

5. They have a more balanced life perspective.

Another reason adults who game are happier is because they have a more balanced perspective on life.
Rather than being totally consumed by work and bills, they can devote part of their time to their grown-up duties and part of their time to gaming for fun!

6. They have better hand-eye coordination.

hand eye coordination
It’s been scientifically proven that people who play video games have better spatial coordination and fine motor skills than those who don’t. Not only will this make you more coordinated in your everyday life, but it could also help you be a better driver, keep your eyesight from failing and make you more intelligent.

7. They can include their spouse/friends in their “me” time.

If your spouse or best friend is one of those “I need my me time by myself” kinds of people, then you might be familiar with the feeling of boredom or loneliness that can accompany being left behind.
If, however, you spouse’s or friend’s “me” time takes place on an Xbox or PS4, then you can participate in their de-stressing time, too! (Or at the very least watch.) This can help strengthen your relationships while still allowing those close to you to engage in the activities they enjoy.

8. They always have something to look forward to.

Another way that gaming can make adults happier is by always giving them something to look forward to.
Whether it’s wanting to make it to a new level in the latest Super Mario or anticipating the release of the next generation of consoles, gamers always have something to look forward to and rave about. This makes life more interesting and exciting, even if it’s in a small way.

9. They can turn exercise into a game.

game exercise
Going to the gym is great, but it can get a little monotonous after a while. With the advent of so many movement-oriented gaming devices like the Wii and the Kinnect, gamers now have the option to stay fit and healthy while playing a mentally stimulating video game.
And if you don’t think video games are enough to count as a workout, try playing Fruit Ninja without breaking a sweat.

10. They can turn boring situations into fun ones.

playing DS
Lastly, adults who play video games are happier because they view every waiting room and checkout line as a chance to level up.
I never mind sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office as long as I have my DS with me, and I know plenty of adults who feel the same. Rather than being irritated and frustrated that your appointment is taking longer than expected, you can enjoy the extra playing time and move on with your day.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

It’s official: Minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants;

he U.S. is projected to have no racial or ethnic group as its majority within the next several decades, but that day apparently is already here for the nation’s youngest children, according to new Census Bureau population estimates.
Among newborns, minorities slightly surpass non-Hispanic whitesThe bureau’s estimates for July 1, 2015, released today, say that just over half – 50.2% – of U.S. babies younger than 1 year old were racial or ethnic minorities. In sheer numbers, there were 1,995,102 minority babies compared with 1,982,936 non-Hispanic white infants, according to the census estimates. The new estimates also indicate that this crossover occurred in 2013, so the pattern seems well established.
Pinpointing the exact year when minorities outnumbered non-Hispanic whites among newborns has been difficult. The change among newborns is part of a projected U.S. demographic shift from a majority-white nation to one with no racial or ethnic majority group that is based on long-running immigration and birth trends. But changes in short-term immigration flows and in fertility patterns can delay those long-term shifts.
In 2012, the Census Bureau declared that in 2011 most children younger than age 1 were minorities. The bureau’s population estimates also indicated minorities were the majority among babies in 2012. But when the bureau released its 2013 estimates, it revised those earlier estimates to indicate that, in all three years, newborn non-Hispanic whites still outnumbered minorities, by a small margin.
The estimates released this year included revised 2013 estimates that now say there were about a thousand more minority babies than non-Hispanic white babies that year, a tiny difference given that each group numbered more than 1.9 million. In 2014, minority babies outnumbered white babies by about 16,000, and in 2015 the difference was about 12,000, according to the agency’s estimates.
The Census Bureau frequently revises its past population estimates to account for newly available data. Birth data is a special problem: In estimating the number and characteristics of newborns, the agency relies in part on birth certificate information from the National Center for Health Statistics that is two years out of date.
One reason that the bureau had to delay its claim of a majority-minority newborn population may have been a sharp falloff in births and birth rates after the onset of the Great Recession in 2007. Birth rates declined most steeply for Hispanic and immigrant women.
U.S. demographic change begins with the youngest age groupsThe Census Bureau statistics indicate that demographic change is percolating upward through the nation’s age groups, starting with the youngest ones. In fact, the bureau estimates indicate that 50.3% of children younger than 5 were racial or ethnic minorities in 2015.
In the total U.S. population, non-Hispanic whites will cease to be the majority group by 2044, according to Census Bureau projections, or by 2055, according to Pew Research Center projections.
Racial and ethnic minorities have accounted for most of the nation’s growth in recent decades. The non-Hispanic white population has grown too, but not as quickly. Minority populations have grown more rapidly in part because these groups are younger than whites and include a higher share of women in their prime child-bearing years. Some minority groups, especially Hispanics, have higher birthrates than do non-Hispanic whites. In addition, a rising number of babies are being born to couples where one parent is white and the other nonwhite.

While census estimates have shown a shift toward a majority-minority infant population, estimates about the race of mothers from another data source – the National Center for Health Statistics – do not. Its preliminary 2015 data indicate that 54% of births are to non-Hispanic white mothers, a similar share as in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. However, the two agencies measure race differently. For example, the Census Bureau reports data about children of multiple races, while the National Center for Health Statistics changes mixed-race mothers into single-race mothers in publishing its data. And the Census Bureau uses available information about the father’s race or Hispanic origin, as well as the mother’s, to determine the baby’s race and ethnic categories, while the health-statistics center reports only the mother’s race and ethnic origin.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers linked to Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization

Tony Evers is the Governor of Wisconsin.

Peterson connection

Bob Peterson September 24 ·
I was happy to support the next governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers at a fundraiser last night.
Let's get out the vote to dethrone Scott. Early voting started today (Monday, Sept. 24) — with Tony Evers.

Bob Peterson is a Milwaukee public school teacher and a founding editor of Rethinking Schools. He is associated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[1]
He is on the Editorial Board for Rethinking Schools.[2] He is married to Barbara Miner. Father of Caitlin Miner-Le Grand.

Forward Motion

In 1985 Bob Peterson, a Milwaukee 5th grade teacher, was a contributor to the issue of February/March issue of Forward Motion.
Bob Peterson, and Barbara Miner contributed an article to Freedom Road Socialist Organization's Forward Motion, January/February issue 1993 "In praise of pamphleteering." Peterson was a 5th grade teacher at La Escuela Fratney, in Milwaukee, and Rethinking Schools, Barbara Miner was also Rethinking Schools. Along with Bill Bigelow she co-edited Rethinking Columbus.
In 1994 Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Jamala Rogers, Juliet Ucelli, Bob Peterson, Meizhu Lui were guest editors of the editorial collective of Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[3]
In 1996 Elly Leary, Bob Peterson, Meizhu Lui, Rukiya Dillahunt, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Bill Gallegos, Karega Hart, Ed Hunt, Scott Kurashige, Jamala Rogers were contributing editors to Forward Motion, the journal of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.[4]


FRSO Internal Bulletin 1988
In 1988 Bob Peterson, Chris Johnson, Robin Litman, Betsy May, Jim Ladwig, were on the Steering Committee of the Public Education Information Network. .

"Support Bill Ayers"

In October 2008, several thousand college professors, students and academic staff signed a statement Support Bill Ayers in solidarity with former Weather Underground Organization terrorist Bill Ayers.
In the run up to the U.S. presidential elections, Ayers had come under considerable media scrutiny, sparked by his relationship to presidential candidate Barack Obama.
We write to support our colleague Professor William Ayers, Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who is currently under determined and sustained political attack...
We, the undersigned, stand on the side of education as an enterprise devoted to human inquiry, enlightenment, and liberation. We oppose the demonization of Professor William Ayers.
Bob Peterson of Rethinking Schools signed the statement.[5]

Baldwin connection

Bob Peterson September 8 2018:

Evers connection

Bob Peterson September 24 ·
I was happy to support the next governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers at a fundraiser last night.
Let's get out the vote to dethrone Scott. Early voting started today (Monday, Sept. 24) — with Tony Evers.

Mandela Barnes connection

Jonathan Brostoff November 7 2018:
🌊🌊🌊 — with Bob Peterson and Mandela Barnes.
Jonathan Brostoff Angelina Cruz, Paul Spink, Chris Larson, Simeen V. Ganjbakhsh, Ben Rasmussen, Arvina Martin, Ashley Monroe-Edwards, Kimetha Johnson Justin Bielinski.

John Drew support

John Drew August 26 2018 near Milwaukee, WI ·
Honored to host fundraiser at our house today for Bob Peterson, a great candidate for city wide MPS School Board. — with Lauren Baker and Bob Peterson.

Campaigning for Peterson

Nick Drew campaigned for Bob Peterson for School Board.

Milwaukee Teachers Education Association comrades

Julie Meyer September 32018:
With Deon Haith, Angela Harris, Bob Peterson, Crystal Ealy, Scott Polebitski, Weetza Kosmach and Alex Brower

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

My Videogames and Blurays on Youtube

Why does the god awful actors turn into Youtube celebrities?  This one dude stars in mediocre horror movies (2.0-4.0 score) on the Internet Movie Database, and his videos go viral every time.

As far as videogames, I uploaded one of the better videogame speedruns (first person shooters, role playing games) onto my Youtube that didn't  go viral yet. Why not? My videogame collection pickups has games such as Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force, Radiant Silvergun, Battle Garrega for Saturn, Calazus Blaze for PS4, some other rare 16-bit SHMUPs like MUSHA,  Crusader of Centy, and Mega Man for Genesis.  This stuff people would love to own, and my videos didn't go viral since November 2012!  I have like 1405 videogames plus 1200 arcade games from the Pandora's box, and some Everdrives /multicarts for 16-bit consoles.

This is basically my entire early teens to early 30s money spent (21 years) in two different 10 minute slideshows.

I hold a job from 2003 - present and of course I have old movies DirecTV channels like Turner Classic Movies. My other favorite pastime.  TCM prevents me from buying large amount of Film Noir movies on Bluray.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Like being an American expat living in Australia in the future

Quote from an American expat living in Sydney.
"It is great! I moved to Australia from the States in 1998. At the time it was a bit of an adventure and I only thought I would be here a year or two. After almost 19 years here, I couldn't imagine living back in the States. I wake up every day, thankful that I live in such a well balanced County. The people are really open and welcoming, socially Australians ‘give everyone a go’. Politically I think there is a good balance between social welfare and economic development. You don't have a homeless problem here and everyone has access to medical care and good schools. The hardest part of living here in s the fact that you are on an island far away from everyone. Australians consider a flight under 9 hours to be a hopper flight! Considering this, it is amazing that Australians are so well traveled. They go everywhere and international travel seems to be much more prevalent with my Australian friends then my American friends. I also think Australians have a better life balance. People here work to live, while my friends and family in the States live to work. It helps that Australians get a minimum of 4-weeks paid vacation a year. As an American living in Australia there are shades of familiarity. The countries are of similar age, both have English settler heritage, etc. australia shows a lot of American TV shows and movies and many of the large chain stores and restaurants are here too. At times you can squint and think you are in America - just a much better version!"

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Trump calls democrats un-american and treasonous & use 18 U.S.C. § 2385 + 68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844 on Democratic Party

Use 18 U.S.C. § 2385 and NS 68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844 on the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is doing Dictatorship of the Proletariat on the 100th anniversary of the CPUSA (2019) and I'm a damn loner thru it all. It makes me want to be a American expat in Australia! Check for the marxist Democrat details and use 18 U.S.C. 2385 and 68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844  

  • The Democrats are Marxist-Leninist, and this is the definition of invasion

    our Lenin statue in Washington state everyone!!  It's official. 

    Saturday, November 03, 2018

    Deep State Communists (Democrats) never going away.

    Hip, hip hooray! I’m so happy and glad that our Senators upheld our due process of law according to our Constitution. It is so evident now that we have an extreme conflict going on in our government. The truth is, for yeas now, Socialists (an uppity word for Communists) have been infiltrating the Democratic Party. The Democrats who are not Communist have been bought off, or prefer a one-world government to our United States of America. I can’t believe life-long Democrats would give up our freedom with a God-inspired Constitution to guide us. Sadly, their party is not alone, there is also infiltration in the Republican Party. Otherwise there would be more cooperation and they would get more done on behalf of the Americans they are supposed to represent. The Nov. 6 election is not between the Republicans and Democrats, but between the Socialist-Communists (under the Democratic title) and the freedom-loving Americans who cherish our Constitution (under the Republican title.) If we are to preserve our liberty and freedom we need to vote for men and women who have integrity, who are honest and truthful, who will know and uphold our Constitution and truly strive to make America Great Again!

    Tuesday, October 30, 2018

    President Trump right about ending Birthright Citizenship

    In this Oct. 27, 2018, photo, President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Southern Illinois Airport in Murphysboro, Ill. Eager to focus voters on immigration in the lead-up to the midterm elections, Trump on Oct. 29 escalated his threats against a migrant caravan trudging slowly toward the U.S. border as the Pentagon prepared to deploy thousands of U.S. troops to support the border patrol.

     President Donald Trump is making another hardline immigration play in the final days before the midterm elections, declaring that he wants to order an end to the constitutional right to citizenship for babies born in the United States to non-citizens. Most scholars think he can’t implement such a change unilaterally.
    With seven days to go before high-stakes elections that he has sought to focus on fearmongering over immigration, Trump made the comments to “Axios on HBO.” Trump, seeking to energize his supporters and help Republicans keep control of Congress, has stoked anxiety about a caravan of Central American migrants making its way to the U.S.-Mexico border.
    His administration announced Monday it was dispatching thousands of active-duty troops to the border, and Trump said he’d set up tent cities to house asylum seekers.
    Trump has long called for an end to birthright citizenship, as have many conservatives. An executive order would spark an uphill legal battle for Trump about whether the president has the unilateral ability to declare that children born in the U.S. to those living here illegally aren’t citizens. Most scholars think he can’t.
    Asked about the legality of such an executive order, Trump said, “they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order.” He added that “we’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States.” A 2010 study from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that supports immigration restrictions, showed that 30 countries offered birthright citizenship.
    The Pew Research Center found in a survey published two years ago that births to “unauthorized immigrants” were declining and accounted for about 1 in 3 births to foreign-born mothers in the U.S. in 2014. About 275,000 babies were born to such parents in 2014, or about 7 percent of the 4 million births in the U.S. that year, according to Pew estimates based on government data. That represented a decline from 330,000 in 2009, at the end of the recession.
    An excerpt of Trump’s interview was posted on Axios’ website on Tuesday.
    The president said White House lawyers are reviewing his proposal. It’s unclear how quickly he would act and the White House did not provide further details.
    A person familiar with the internal White House debate said the topic of birthright citizenship had come up inside the West Wing at various times over at least the last year, but has some internal detractors. White House lawyers have debated the topic, and expect to work with the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to develop a legal justification for the action. It is one of many immigration changes being discussed including asylum law changes, and barring the migrant caravan from entering the country.
    But administration officials said there would likely be no decisions until after the midterms, due in part to the president’s trip to Pittsburgh Tuesday to meet with victims of the deadly synagogue shooting.
    Legal experts questioned whether Trump has the authority to do this by executive order.
    Omar Jadwat, director of the Immigrants’ Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union in New York, said Tuesday that the Constitution is very clear.
    “If you are born in the United States, you’re a citizen,” he said, adding that it was “outrageous that the president can think he can override constitutional guarantees by issuing an executive order,
    Jadwat said the president has an obligation to uphold the Constitution. Trump can try to get Congress to pass a constitutional amendment, “but I don’t think they are anywhere close to getting that.”
    “Obviously, even if he did, it would be subject to court challenge,” he added.
    Suzanna Sherry, a professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School specializing in constitutional questions, said those advising Trump that he can change the Constitution via executive order are simply mistaken. “He can’t do it by himself and, in fact, he can’t do it even if Congress passed a statue.”
    “I think it would take a Constitutional amendment,” she said. “I don’t see it as having any plausible legal basis,” she said.
    But others suggest the president may have an opening.
    Jon Feere, a senior adviser at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is among those who has long argued that that the president could limit the citizenship clause through executive action.
    “A president could direct his agencies to fall in line with his interpretation of the Supreme Court’s rulings, which are arguably limited to children of permanently domiciled immigrants (the court has never squarely ruled on children born to tourists or illegal aliens). He could direct his agencies to issue Social Security numbers and passports only to newborns who have at least one parent who is a citizen or permanently domiciled immigrant,” he wrote in 2015 in an op-ed in the Hill.
    In the final days before the Nov. 6 midterms, Trump has emphasized immigration, as he seeks to counter Democratic enthusiasm. Trump believes that his campaign pledges, including his much-vaunted and still-unfulfilled promise to quickly build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, are still rallying cries for his base and that this latest focus will further erode the enthusiasm gap.
    Trump voiced his theory that birthright citizenship could be stripped during his campaign, when he described it as a “magnet for illegal immigration.” During a 2015 campaign stop in Florida, he said: “The birthright citizenship – the anchor baby – birthright citizenship, it’s over, not going to happen.”
    The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”
    The amendment was passed by Congress in 1866 during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War. It was ratified in 1868 by three-fourths of the states. By extending citizenship to those born in the U.S., the amendment nullified an 1857 Supreme Court decision (Dred Scott v. Sandford), which ruled that those descended from slaves could not be citizens.
    In addition to the debate over Trump’s authority to declare that children born in the U.S. aren’t citizens, a separate question is whether Congress could pass a law to that effect, or whether only a constitutional amendment could accomplish Trump’s apparent aim of denying citizenship to U.S.-born children of those here illegally.
    Republicans in Congress continue introducing bills to end birthright citizenship, including legislation this session from conservative GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa who has aligned himself with some nationalist political leaders abroad. King’s bill has almost 50 co-sponsors in the House. King’s legislation though would likely face a cool reception in the Senate where there is no companion bill pending, and a handful of senators supported past efforts.
    King said he had not discussed the issue with the president at any length in recent months, but that it had come up “in passing” several times in group discussions. He said he hadn’t personally considered birthright citizenship to be part of the caravan issue and applauded the president for connecting the issues.
    “Sending this message out, it’s another component of saying to the caravan: Don’t come in here. Some are pregnant, no doubt,” he said.
    Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, now a close ally of the president, also tweeted his support for the change.

    “This policy is a magnet for illegal immigration, out of the mainstream of the developed world, and needs to come to an end,” he said.

    Sunday, October 28, 2018

    Iain's videgame collection

    1080º Snowboarding Nintendo 1998 Sports

    3rd Birthday, The Square Enix 2011 Action/Adventure

    7th Dragon III Code: VFD [Includes Artbook] Sega 2016 RPG

    999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Aksys Games 2010 Puzzle

    Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Namco 2001 Simulator

    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Namco 2004 Simulator

    Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation [Limited Edition Ace Edge Flightstick Bundle] Namco Bandai Games America 2007 Simulator

    Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Namco Bandai Games 2006 Simulator

    Action Replay Max For PSP Datel 2005 Accessory

    Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer Masaya 1992 Shooter

    AeroWings 2: Airstrike Crave Entertainment 2000 Simulator

    After Burner II Sega 1990 Classic Shooter

    After Burner III Sega 1993 Simulator

    Airforce Delta Konami 1999 Simulator

    Akai Katana Rising Star Games 2012 Shooter

    Aladdin, Disney's Sega 1993 Action/Adventure

    Aladdin, Disney's Capcom 1993 Platformer

    Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean Working Designs 1997 RPG

    Alisia Dragoon Sega 1992 Action/Adventure

    Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Electronic Arts 1999 Strategy

    Alundra Working Designs 1997 RPG

    Angry Birds Chillingo 2011 Puzzle

    Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match Atlus 2013 Fighting

    Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star Tecmo Koei 2014 RPG

    Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica NIS America 2009 RPG

    Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia [Box Set] NIS America 2007 RPG

    Arc Rise Fantasia Ignition Entertainment 2010 RPG

    Arc the Lad Collection Working Designs 2002 RPG

    Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits SCEA 2003 RPG

    Arcana Heart Atlus 2008 Fighting

    Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! Aksys Games 2014 Fighting

    Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! Aksys Games 2014 Fighting

    Art of Fighting Takara 1993 Fighting

    Art of Fighting Anthology Crave 2007 Fighting

    Assassin's Creed Ubisoft 2007 Action/Adventure

    Assassin's Creed II Ubisoft 2009 Action/Adventure

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Ubisoft 2013 Action/Adventure

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Ubisoft 2013 Action/Adventure

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Ubisoft 2010 Action/Adventure

    Assassin's Creed: Unity Ubisoft 2014 Action/Adventure

    Astal Sega 1995 Action/Adventure

    Astebreed Limited Run Games 2017 Shooter

    Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk Tecmo Koei 2013 RPG

    Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Tecmo Koei 2014 RPG

    Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey Koei Tecmo Games 2017 RPG

    Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny NIS America 2006 RPG

    Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm NIS America 2007 RPG

    Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana NIS America 2005 RPG

    Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings Koei Tecmo 2018 RPG

    Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland NISA 2012 RPG

    Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland NIS America 2010 RPG

    Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea [Collector's Edition] Tecmo Koei 2015 RPG

    Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book Tecmo Koei 2016 RPG

    Atelier Totori: The Adventurer Of Arland NIS America 2011 RPG

    Awakened Fate Ultimatum, The NIS America 2015 RPG

    Axelay Konami 1992 Shooter

    Baldur's Gate Interplay 1998 RPG

    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn [Collector's Edition] Interplay 2000 RPG

    Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Interplay 2002 RPG

    Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Vivendi Games 2004 RPG

    Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast Interplay 1999 RPG

    Bangai-O Conspiracy Entertainment 2001 Shooter

    Bangai-O Spirits D3 Publisher 2008 Shooter

    Banjo-Kazooie Nintendo 1998 Platformer

    Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Microsoft 2008 Action/Adventure

    Banjo-Tooie Nintendo 2000 Platformer

    Baten Kaitos Origins Nintendo 2006 RPG

    Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Namco 2004 RPG

    Batman: Arkham Asylum Eidos Interactive 2009 Action/Adventure

    Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 2011 Action/Adventure

    Batman: Arkham Knight [Limited Edition] Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WBIE) 2015 Action/Adventure

    Batsugun Banpresto 1996 Shooter

    Battle Garegga Electronic Arts 1998 Shooter

    Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection EA Games 2005 Shooter

    Battlefield 2 Electronic Arts 2005 Shooter

    Battlefield 2142 Electronic Arts 2006 Shooter

    Battlefield 4 Electronic Arts 2013 Shooter

    Bayonetta [Bayonetta 2 Bundled] Nintendo 2014 Action/Adventure

    Beyond Oasis Sega 1995 RPG

    Bioshock 2K Games 2007 Shooter

    Bioshock 2 2K Games 2010 Shooter

    BioShock Infinite 2K Games 2013 Shooter

    Black & White Electronic Arts 2001 Strategy

    Black & White 2 Electronic Arts 2005 Strategy

    BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Aksys Games 2009 Fighting

    BlazBlue: Central Fiction Aksys Games 2016 Fighting

    BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma [Limited Edition] Aksys Games 2014 Fighting

    BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Aksys Games 2015 Fighting

    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Aksys Games 2010 Fighting

    Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle Arc System Works 2018 Fighting

    Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle [Collector's Edition] Arc System Works 2018 Fighting

    Bloodborne [Collector's Edition] Sony Computer Entertainment 2015 Action/Adventure

    Bomberman 64 Nintendo 1997 Action/Adventure

    Bomberman 64: The Second Attack! Vatical Entertainment 2000 Action/Adventure

    Bomberman Generation Majesco 2002 Action/Adventure

    Bomberman Hero Nintendo 1998 Platformer

    Bomberman Jetters Majesco 2004 Puzzle

    Bomberman Land Touch! Atlus 2006 Puzzle

    Border Down G.Rev 2003 Shooter

    Borderlands 2K Games 2009 RPG

    Borderlands 2 2K Games 2012 RPG

    Brave Fencer Musashi Squaresoft 1998 RPG

    Bravely Default Nintendo / Square Enix 2014 RPG

    Bravely Second: End Layer Nintendo / Square Enix 2016 RPG

    Breath of Fire Squaresoft 1994 RPG

    Breath of Fire II Capcom 1995 RPG

    Breath Of Fire III Capcom 1997 RPG

    Breath of Fire IV Capcom 2000 RPG

    Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter Capcom 2003 RPG

    Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing

    Burnout Paradise Electronic Arts 2008 Racing

    Caladrius Blaze H2 Interactive Co., Ltd. 2016 Shooter

    Caladrius Blaze [Limited Edition] Moss 2014 Shooter

    Call of Duty 2 Activision 2005 Shooter

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Activision 2007 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare [Atlas Limited Edition] Activision 2014 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Activision 2010 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Black Ops II Activision 2012 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Black Ops III Activision 2015 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Ghosts Activision 2013 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare [Legacy Edition] Activision 2016 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Activision 2009 Shooter

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Activision 2011 Shooter

    Call of Duty: World at War Activision 2008 Shooter

    Capcom vs. SNK Capcom 2000 Fighting

    Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Capcom 2002 Fighting

    Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium Capcom 2001 Fighting

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Nintendo 2014 Puzzle

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Nintendo 2018 Action

    Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Sega 1990 Action/Adventure

    Castle of Shikigami III Aksys Games 2008 Shooter

    Castle Shikigami II: War of the Worlds Play It 2005 Shooter

    Castlevania Konami 1999 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania [5 Screw] Konami 1987 Platformer

    Castlevania Double Pack Konami 2006 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania Dracula X Konami 1995 Platformer

    Castlevania II: Simon's Quest [Oval Seal] Konami 1989 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Konami 1990 Platformer

    Castlevania: Bloodlines Konami 1994 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Konami 2001 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Konami 2005 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Konami 2002 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Konami 2003 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Konami 2010 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow [Limited Edition] Konami 2010 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia Konami 2008 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Konami 2006 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Konami 1997 Action/Adventure

    Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles Konami 2007 Action/Adventure

    Catherine Atlus 2011 Action/Adventure

    Chopper Attack Midway 1998 Simulator

    Chrono Cross Square Electronic Arts 2000 RPG

    Chrono Trigger Squaresoft 1995 RPG

    Chrono Trigger Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Civilization V, Sid Meier's 2K Games 2008 Strategy

    Code of Princess [CD & Artbook] Atlus 2012 RPG

    Colin McRae Rally 04 Codemasters 2003 Racing

    Colony Wars Psygnosis 1997 Action/Adventure

    Colony Wars: Vengeance Psygnosis 1998 Shooter

    Condemned: Criminal Origins Sega 2005 Action/Adventure

    Conker's Bad Fur Day Rareware 2001 Platformer

    Conker: Live & Reloaded Microsoft 2005 Platformer

    Contra 4 Konami 2007 Classic Shooter

    Contra III: The Alien Wars Konami 1992 Action/Adventure

    Contra Shattered Soldier Konami 2002 Action

    Contra: Hard Corps Konami 1994 Action/Adventure

    Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 1997 Action/Adventure

    Crash Bandicoot [Greatest Hits] Sony 1997 Action/Adventure

    Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy Activision 2017 Action/Adventure

    Crash Bandicoot Warped Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 1998 Action/Adventure

    Crash Twinsanity Vivendi Universal Games 2004 Action/Adventure

    Crazy Taxi Sega 2000 Racing

    Crazy Taxi 2 Sega 2001 Racing

    Crimson Gem Saga Atlus 2009 RPG

    Crimson Sea Koei 2002 Action/Adventure

    Crimson Sea 2 Koei 2004 Action/Adventure

    Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Microsoft Game Studios 2003 Action/Adventure

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Cruis'n Exotica Midway 2000 Racing

    Cruis'n USA Nintendo 1996 Racing

    Cruis'n World Nintendo 1998 Racing

    Crysis EA Games 2007 Shooter

    Crysis 2 EA 2011 Shooter

    Crysis 2 [Limited Edition] Electronic Arts 2011 Shooter

    Crysis Warhead Electronic Arts 2008 Shooter

    Curse of Monkey Island, The LucasArts 1997 Action/Adventure

    Danganronpa 1.2 Reload NIS America 2017 Compilation

    Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair NIS America 2014 Action/Adventure

    DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc NIS America 2014 Action/Adventure

    Darius Burst: Chronicle Saviours CS Limited Run Games 2017 Shooter

    Darius Gaiden Acclaim 1996 Shooter

    Dark Cloud Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2001 RPG

    Dark Cloud 2 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2003 RPG

    Dark Souls Bandai 2011 RPG

    Daxter Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2006 Action/Adventure

    Daytona USA Sega 2001 Racing

    Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition [Net Link Edition] Sega 1996 Racing

    de Blob THQ 2008 Action/Adventure

    Dead or Alive 2 Tecmo 2000 Fighting

    Dead or Alive 3 Microsoft Game Studios 2001 Fighting

    Dead or Alive 4 Tecmo 2005 Fighting

    Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Tecmo Koei 2013 Fighting

    Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Tecmo Koei 2015 Fighting

    Dead or Alive Ultimate [Double Disc Collectors Edition] Tecmo 2004 Fighting

    Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Tecmo 2003 Sports

    Dead Rising Capcom 2006 Action/Adventure

    Dead Space Electronic Arts 2008 Action/Adventure

    Dead Space 2 [Limited Edition] Electronic Arts 2011 Action/Adventure

    Deathsmiles [Limited Edition] Aksys Games 2010 Shooter

    Demon Gaze [Limited Edition] NIS America 2014 RPG

    Demon Gaze II NIS America 2017 RPG

    Demon's Crest Capcom 1994 Action/Adventure

    Demon's Souls [Deluxe Edition] Atlus 2009 RPG

    Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf Electronic Arts 1992 Shooter

    Destiny Activision 2014 Shooter

    Destiny 2 [Limited Editition] Activision 2017 Shooter

    Deus Ex Eidos Interactive 2000 Shooter

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution Square Enix 2011 Action/Adventure

    Deus Ex: Invisible War Eidos 2003 RPG

    Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Capcom 2005 Action/Adventure

    Devil May Cry 4 Capcom 2008 Action/Adventure

    Diablo Blizzard Entertainment 1998 RPG

    Diablo Electronic Arts 1998 RPG

    Diablo Battle Chest Blizzard 2003 RPG

    Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Blizzard 2001 RPG

    Diablo III Blizzard Entertainment 2013 Action/Adventure

    Diablo III [Collector's Edition] Blizzard Entertainment 2012 Action/Adventure

    Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition Blizzard Entertainment 2014 RPG

    Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition Blizzard Entertainment 2014 RPG

    Diddy Kong Racing Nintendo 1997 Racing

    Diddy Kong Racing DS Nintendo 2007 Racing

    Dino Crisis Capcom 1999 Action/Adventure

    Dino Crisis 2 Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Disgaea 1 Complete [Rosen Queen's Finest Edition] NIS America 2018 Strategy

    Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories NIS America 2006 RPG

    Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days NIS America 2009 RPG

    Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention NIS America 2012 RPG

    Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice NIS America 2008 RPG

    Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited [NIS America Website Exclusive Limited Edition] NIS America 2014 RPG

    Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten NIS America 2011 Strategy

    Disgaea 5 Complete NIS America 2017 RPG

    Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance NIS America 2015 RPG

    Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness NIS America 2013 RPG

    Disgaea DS NIS America 2008 RPG

    Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness NIS America 2007 RPG

    Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Atlus 2003 RPG

    Dissidia Final Fantasy NT [Steelbook Brawler Edition] Square Enix 2018 Fighting

    DmC: Devil May Cry Capcom 2013 Action/Adventure

    DoDonPachi Atlus 1997 Shooter

    DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Arika 2003 Shooter

    Dodonpachi Resurrection [Deluxe Edition] Rising Star Games 2011 Shooter

    DoDonPachi Saidaioujou Cave 2013 Shooter

    Donkey Kong 64 Nintendo 1999 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Classics [Oval Seal] Nintendo 1989 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Nintendo 1995 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble Nintendo 1996 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country [Made in Mexico] Nintendo 1994 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country Returns Nintendo 2010 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Nintendo 2013 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Nintendo 2018 Platformer

    Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze [Nintendo Selects] Nintendo 2016 Platformer

    DonPachi Atlus 1996 Shooter

    Doom Bethesda Softworks / Nintendo 2017 Shooter

    Doom Bethesda 2016 Shooter

    Doom 3 Activision 2005 Shooter

    Doom 3 Activision 2004 Shooter

    Doom 3: BFG Edition Bethesda 2012 Shooter

    Doom 64 Midway 1997 Shooter

    Dragon Age: Inquisition Electronic Arts 2014 RPG

    Dragon Age: Origins [Collector's Edition] EA 2009 RPG

    Dragon Ball FighterZ [Day One Edition] BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 2018 Fighting

    Dragon Ball: XenoVerse Bandai Namco Games 2015 Fighting

    Dragon Ball: XenoVerse 2 [Collector's Edition] Bandai Namco Entertainment 2016 Fighting

    Dragon Force Working Designs 1996 RPG

    Dragon Quest Builders [Day One Edition] Square Enix 2016 RPG

    Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below [Slime Collector's Edition] Square-Enix 2015 Action/Adventure

    Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Nintendo 2010 RPG

    Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride Square Enix 2009 RPG

    Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation Nintendo 2011 RPG

    Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past Nintendo 2016 RPG

    Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Square Enix 2005 RPG

    Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Square Enix 2017 RPG

    Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age [Edition of Light] Square Enix 2018 RPG

    Dragon's Crown Atlus 2013 RPG

    Dreamcast RF Switch [Official Sega] Sega 1999 Cables

    Dreamfall: The Longest Journey [GOTY Edition] Aspyr 2007 Adventure

    DRIVECLUB Sony Computer Entertainment 2014 Racing

    Duke Nukem 3D GT Interactive 1996 Shooter

    Duke Nukem 64 GT Interactive 1997 Shooter

    Dungeon Keeper Electronic Arts 1997 Strategy

    Dungeon Keeper 2 Electronic Arts 1999 Strategy

    Dungeon Siege Microsoft 2002 RPG

    Dungeon Siege II Microsoft 2005 Action/Adventure

    EarthBound Nintendo 1995 RPG

    Earthworm Jim Playmates Interactive Entertainment 1994 Action

    Earthworm Jim 2 Playmates Interactive Entertainment 1996 Action

    Ecco the Dolphin Sega 1992 Action/Adventure

    Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future Sega 2000 Action/Adventure

    Ecco: The Tides of Time Sega 1994 Action/Adventure

    Einhander SCEA 1998 Shooter

    Elder Scrolls III, The: Morrowind [Game of the Year Edition] Bethesda Softworks 2003 RPG

    Elder Scrolls III, The: Morrowind [GOTY Edition - Platinum Hits] Bethesda Softworks 2004 RPG

    Elder Scrolls IV, The: Oblivion [Collector's Edition] 2K Games 2006 RPG

    Elder Scrolls IV, The: Oblivion [Game of the Year Edition] 2K Games 2007 RPG

    Elder Scrolls IV, The: Oblivion [Game of the Year Edition] Take 2 Interactive 2007 RPG

    Elder Scrolls V, The: Skyrim Bethesda Softworks 2011 RPG

    Elder Scrolls V, The: Skyrim Bethesda Softworks 2011 RPG

    Elder Scrolls V, The: Skyrim Special Edition [Best Buy Dragonborn Bundle] Bethesda 2016 RPG

    Elemental Gearbolt [Black Armor] Working Designs 1998 Shooter

    Elemental Master Renovation 1993 Shooter

    Eliminate Down Soft Vision International 1993 Shooter

    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Namco Bandai 2010 Action/Adventure

    Espgaluda Arika 2004 Shooter

    Espgaluda II: Black Label Cave 2010 Shooter

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Sega 2004 Sports

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Sega 2004 Sports

    ESPN NFL Football Sega 2003 Sports

    ESPN NHL 2K5 Sega 2004 Sports

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Nintendo 2002 Action/Adventure

    Eternal Sonata Namco Bandai Games America 2007 RPG

    Etrian Mystery Dungeon Atlus 2015 RPG

    Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Atlus 2015 RPG

    Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Atlus 2013 RPG

    Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Atlus 2013 RPG

    Ever Oasis Nintendo 2017 RPG

    Everybody's Golf Sony Interactive Entertainment 2017 Sports

    Excitebike 64 Nintendo 2000 Racing

    Extreme-G Acclaim 1997 Racing

    Extreme-G 3 Acclaim 2001 Racing

    Extreme-G XG2 Acclaim 1998 Racing

    F-Zero Nintendo 1991 Racing

    F-Zero GX Nintendo 2003 Racing

    F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon Sierra / Vivendi Universal Games 2005 Shooter

    F1 2009 Codemasters 2009 Racing

    F1 2016 Codemasters 2016 Racing

    F1 World Grand Prix Sega 2000 Racing

    F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa Acclaim 2000 Racing

    Fable Microsoft Game Studios 2004 RPG

    Fable II Microsoft 2008 RPG

    Fallout 3 [Collector's Edition] Bethesda Softworks 2008 RPG

    Fallout 3 [Collector's Edition] Bethesda 2008 RPG

    Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks 2015 RPG

    Fallout: New Vegas Bethesda Softworks 2010 RPG

    Fallout: New Vegas Bethesda Softworks 2010 RPG

    Far Cry Ubisoft 2004 Shooter

    Far Cry: Instincts Ubisoft 2005 Shooter

    Fatal Frame Tecmo 2002 Action/Adventure

    Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Tecmo 2003 Action/Adventure

    Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly - Director's Cut Tecmo 2004 Action/Adventure

    Fatal Fury Takara 1993 Fighting

    Fatal Fury 2 Takara 1994 Fighting

    Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves Agetec 2001 Fighting

    Fatal Fury: Special Takara 1994 Fighting

    FIFA 15 Electronic Arts 2014 Sports

    FIFA 16 Electronic Arts 2015 Sports

    FIFA 17 Electronic Arts 2016 Sports

    FIFA Soccer 11 Electronic Arts 2010 Sports

    FIFA Soccer 2002 Electronic Arts 2001 Sports

    Fighters Megamix Sega 1997 Fighting

    Final Fantasy Anthology Squaresoft 1999 RPG

    Final Fantasy Chronicles Sony 2001 RPG

    Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls Nintendo 2004 RPG

    Final Fantasy II Square 1991 RPG

    Final Fantasy III Square Enix 2006 RPG

    Final Fantasy III Squaresoft 1994 RPG

    Final Fantasy IV Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2000 RPG

    Final Fantasy Origins Squaresoft 2003 RPG

    Final Fantasy Tactics Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 1998 RPG

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Nintendo 2003 RPG

    Final Fantasy Type-0 HD [Collector's Edition] Square Enix 2015 RPG

    Final Fantasy VII SCEA/Squaresoft 1997 RPG

    Final Fantasy VIII Square Electronic Arts L.L.C. 1999 RPG

    Final Fantasy X Squaresoft 2001 RPG

    Final Fantasy X-2 Square Enix 2003 RPG

    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Square Enix 2015 RPG

    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Square Enix 2014 RPG

    Final Fantasy XII Square Enix 2006 RPG

    Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Square Enix 2007 RPG

    Final Fantasy XIII Square Enix 2010 RPG

    Final Fantasy XIII Square Enix 2010 RPG

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 [Collector's Edition] Square-Enix 2012 RPG

    Final Fantasy XV [Deluxe Edition] Square Enix 2016 RPG

    Final Fantasy XV [Royal Edition] Square Enix 2018 RPG

    Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Nintendo 2004 RPG

    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Square Enix 2010 RPG

    Final Fight 2 Capcom 1993 Action/Adventure

    Final Fight 3 Capcom 1996 Action/Adventure

    Fire Emblem Nintendo 2003 RPG

    Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia [Limited Edition] Nintendo 2017 RPG

    Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright Nintendo 2016 Strategy

    Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Nintendo 2016 Strategy

    Fire Emblem: Awakening Nintendo 2013 Strategy

    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Nintendo 2005 Strategy

    Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Nintendo 2007 RPG

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Nintendo 2009 RPG

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Nintendo 2005 Strategy

    Fire Emblem: Warriors Nintendo of America Inc. 2017 Action/Adventure

    Fire Shark DreamWorks 1990 Shooter

    Formula One Championship Edition Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2007 Racing

    Fortune Street Nintendo 2011 Game Simulator

    Forza Horizon 2 Microsoft Studios 2014 Racing

    Forza Horizon 3 Microsoft Studios 2016 Racing

    Forza Motorsport Microsoft 2005 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 2 Microsoft 2007 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 3 Microsoft 2009 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 4 Microsoft 2011 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 5 [Game of the Year Edition] Microsoft Studios 2014 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 6 [Ten Year Anniversary Edition] Microsoft Studios 2015 Racing

    Forza Motorsport 7 [Ultimate Edition] Microsoft Studios 2017 Racing

    Freelancer Microsoft 2003 Action/Adventure

    Full Spectrum Warrior THQ 2004 Simulator

    Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Sierra 1995 Adventure

    Gaiares Renovation 1991 Classic Shooter

    Galactic Attack Acclaim 1995 Shooter

    Galaxy Fight Sunsoft 1996 Fighting

    GamePark Holdings GP2X Caanoo GamePark Holdings 2010 System

    GameShark InterAct 1999 Accessory

    GameShark CDX [Ver 3.3] InterAct 1999 Accessory

    Gears of War Microsoft 2006 Shooter

    Gears of War 2 Microsoft 2008 Shooter

    Gears of War 3 Microsoft 2011 Shooter

    Gears of War 4 Microsoft 2016 Shooter

    Genma Onimusha Capcom 2002 Action/Adventure

    Gex Crystal Dynamics 1995 Action/Adventure

    Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Eidos 1999 Action/Adventure

    Gex [Jewel Case] Crystal Dynamics 1999 Action/Adventure

    Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Capcom 2011 Adventure

    Giants: Citizen Kabuto Interplay 2000 Action/Adventure

    Giga Wing Capcom 2000 Shooter

    GigaWing Generations Taito 2004 Shooter

    God of War Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2005 Action/Adventure

    God of War Sony Interactive Entertainment 2018 Action/Adventure

    God of War Collection Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2009 Compilation

    God of War II Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2007 Action/Adventure

    God of War III SCEA 2010 Action/Adventure

    God of War Origins Collection SCEA 2011 Compilation

    God of War: Ascension [Collector's Edition] Sony Computer Entertainment 2013 Action/Adventure

    Golden Axe Sega 1990 Action/Adventure

    Golden Sun Nintendo 2001 RPG

    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Nintendo 2010 RPG

    Golden Sun: The Lost Age Nintendo 2003 RPG

    GoldenEye 007 Nintendo 1997 Shooter

    Gradius III & IV Konami 2000 Shooter

    Gradius V Konami 2004 Shooter

    Gran Turismo 2 Sony Computer Entertainment America 1999 Racing

    Gran Turismo 3: A-spec Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2001 Racing

    Gran Turismo 4 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2005 Racing

    Gran Turismo 5 [XL Edition] SCEA 2012 Racing

    Gran Turismo 6 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2013 Racing

    Granada Renovation 1990 Shooter

    Grand Kingdom NIS America 2016 RPG

    Grand Theft Auto 2 Rockstar Games 1999 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto III Rockstar Games 2001 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar Games 2013 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar Games 2014 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Rockstar Games 2004 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Rockstar Games 2005 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [Greatest Hits] Rockstar Games 2005 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Rockstar Games 2002 Action/Adventure

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Rockstar Games 2003 Action/Adventure

    Grandia Sony 1999 RPG

    Grandia II Ubi Soft 2000 RPG

    Grandia II Ubisoft 2002 RPG

    Grandia III Square Enix 2006 RPG

    Grandia Xtreme Enix 2002 RPG

    GRID Codemasters 2008 Racing

    GrimGrimoire NIS America 2007 Strategy

    Growlanser Generations Deluxe Working Designs 2004 RPG

    Guardian Heroes Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    Guild Wars 2 NCsoft 2012 RPG

    Guild Wars [Platinum Edition] NCsoft

    Guild Wars: Eye of the North
    2007 RPG

    Guilty Gear Isuka Sammy 2004 Fighting

    Guilty Gear X Sammy 2001 Fighting

    Guilty Gear X2: The Midnight Carnival #Reload Majesco 2004 Fighting

    Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Aksys Games 2014 Fighting

    Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator Aksys Games 2016 Fighting

    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Aksys Games 2009 Fighting

    Gunbird 2 Capcom 2000 Shooter

    Gunbird Special Edition Empire Interactive 2005 Shooter

    Gunstar Heroes Sega 1993 Action/Adventure

    Gunstar Super Heroes Sega 2005 Action/Adventure

    Half-Life 2 Electronic Arts 2005 Shooter

    Half-Life 2 [Game of the Year Edition] Valve 2005 Shooter

    Half-Life 2: Episode One EA Games 2006 Shooter

    Halo 2 Microsoft Game Studios 2004 Shooter

    Halo 3 Microsoft 2007 Shooter

    Halo 3: ODST Microsoft 2009 Shooter

    Halo 4 Microsoft 2012 Shooter

    Halo 5: Guardians Microsoft 2015 Shooter

    Halo: Combat Evolved Microsoft Game Studios 2001 Shooter

    Halo: Combat Evolved Microsoft 2003 Shooter

    Halo: Reach Microsoft 2010 Shooter

    Halo: The Master Chief Collection Microsoft Studios 2014 Shooter

    Haunting Ground Capcom 2005 Action/Adventure

    Heavy Rain [Director's Cut - Greatest Hits] Sony Computer Entertainment 2011 Action/Adventure

    Hellgate: London EA Games 2007 RPG

    Herzog Zwei Sega 1990 Strategy

    Hexen GT Interactive 1997 Shooter

    Hexyz Force Atlus 2010 RPG

    HORI Compact Playstand for Nintendo Switch Hori 2017 Accessory

    Horizon Zero Dawn [Complete Edition] Sony Interactive Entertainment 2017 Action/Adventure

    Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds SCEI 2008 Sports

    Hydro Thunder Midway 1999 Racing

    Hyper Duel Tecno Soft 1996 Shooter

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth 3: V Generation Idea Factory 2015

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth1 [Limited Edition] Idea Factory 2014

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth2: Sisters Generation [Limited Edition] Idea Factory 2015

    Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed Idea Factory 2015 Fighting

    Hyrule Warriors Nintendo 2014 Action/Adventure

    Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition Nintendo 2018 Action

    Ibara Taito 2005 Shooter

    Icewind Dale: The Ultimate Collection Interplay 2002 RPG

    ICO Sony 2001 Action/Adventure

    Ikaruga Atari 2003 Classic Shooter

    Illusion of Gaia Nintendo 1994 RPG

    Imperishable Night Team Shanghai Alice 2004 Classic Shooter

    inFAMOUS Sony Computer Entertainment 2009 Action/Adventure

    Jade Empire Microsoft 2005 RPG

    Jak 3 Sony 2004 Action/Adventure

    Jak And Daxter Collection SCEA 2012 Action/Adventure

    Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Sony 2001 Action/Adventure

    Jak II Sony 2003 Action/Adventure

    Jeanne D'Arc Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2007 RPG

    Jet Force Gemini Nintendo 1999 Shooter

    Jet Grind Radio Sega 2000 Action/Adventure

    Jungle Strike Electronic Arts 1995 Classic Shooter

    Jurassic Park Ocean 1993 Action/Adventure

    Jurassic Park [Majesco Rerelease] Ocean 1997 Action/Adventure

    Kameo: Elements of Power Microsoft 2005 Action/Adventure

    Katamari Damacy Namco 2004 Action

    Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Extra [Limited Edition] 5pb 2013 Shooter

    Killzone 2 SCEA 2009 Shooter

    Killzone 3 [Helghast Edition] SCEA 2011 Shooter

    Killzone: Shadow Fall Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2013 Shooter

    King of Fighters '99, The: Millenium Battle SNK 2001 Fighting

    King Of Fighters XIII, The Atlus 2011 Fighting

    King of Fighters XIV, The Atlus USA 2016 Fighting

    Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Square Enix 2012 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts [Greatest Hits] Squaresoft 2003 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX [Limited Edition] Square Enix 2013 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts II [Greatest Hits] Square Enix 2007 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Square Enix 2009 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Square Enix 2010 RPG

    Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Nintendo 2000 Platformer

    Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Nintendo 2015 Action/Adventure

    Kirby Mass Attack Nintendo 2011 Strategy

    Kirby Squeak Squad Nintendo 2006 Action/Adventure

    Kirby Star Allies Nintendo 2018 Platformer

    Kirby Super Star Nintendo 1996 Action/Adventure

    Kirby Super Star Ultra Nintendo 2008 Action/Adventure

    Kirby Triple Deluxe Nintendo 2014 Action/Adventure

    Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition Nintendo 2012 Action/Adventure

    Kirby's Dream Land 3 Nintendo 1997 Action/Adventure

    Kirby's Epic Yarn Nintendo 2010 Action/Adventure

    Kirby's Return to Dreamland Nintendo 2011 Action/Adventure

    Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land Nintendo 2002 Action/Adventure

    Kirby: Planet Robobot Nintendo 2016 Platformer

    Knights in the Nightmare Atlus 2009 Strategy

    L.A. Noire Rockstar Games 2017 Action/Adventure

    L.A. Noire Rockstar Games 2011 Action/Adventure

    L.A. Noire Rockstar Games 2017 Action/Adventure

    L.A. Noire [Best Buy Edition] Rockstar Games 2011 Action/Adventure

    La Pucelle: Tactics Mastiff 2004 Strategy

    Landstalker Sega 1993 RPG

    Langrisser II Masaya 1994 Strategy

    Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend EIDOS Interactive 2006 Action/Adventure

    Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai Agetec 2001 Fighting

    Last Guardian, The [Collector's Edition] Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2016 Action/Adventure

    Last of Us, The Sony Computer Entertainment 2013 Action/Adventure

    Last Story, The XSEED 2012 RPG

    Legacy of Kain Series: Soul Reaver 2, The Eidos Interactive 2001 Action/Adventure

    Legacy of Kain: Defiance Eidos 2003 Action/Adventure

    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Eidos 2000 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Dragoon, The SCEA 2000 RPG

    Legend of Heroes, The: Trails of Cold Steel XSEED Games 2015 RPG

    Legend of Heroes, The: Trails of Cold Steel XSEED Games 2015 RPG

    Legend of Heroes, The: Trails of Cold Steel II XSEED Games 2016 RPG

    Legend of Heroes, The: Trails of Cold Steel II XSEED Games 2016 RPG

    Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky [Premium Edition] XSEED Games 2011 RPG

    Legend of Mana Squaresoft 2000 RPG

    Legend of Oasis, The Sega 1996 RPG

    Legend of Spyro, The: A New Beginning Sierra Entertainment 2006 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: A New Beginning Sierra 2006 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: A New Beginning [Greatest Hits] Sierra Entertainment 2006 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: Dawn of the Dragon Sierra Entertainment 2008 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: Dawn of the Dragon Sierra Entertainment 2008 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: The Eternal Night Vivendi Games 2007 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Spyro, The: The Eternal Night Sierra Entertainment 2007 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition, The Nintendo 2003 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 2013 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past Nintendo 1992 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past / Four Swords [Player's Choice] Nintendo 2006 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Breath of the Wild Nintendo 2017 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Breath of the Wild [Special Edition] Nintendo 2017 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Majora's Mask Nintendo 2000 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Majora's Mask 3D Nintendo 2015 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 2003 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time 3D Nintendo 2011 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Phantom Hourglass Nintendo 2007 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Skyward Sword [Music CD] Nintendo 2011 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Spirit Tracks Nintendo 2009 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap Nintendo 2005 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker [Made in USA] Nintendo 2003 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker HD Nintendo 2013 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Triforce Heroes Nintendo 2015 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess Nintendo 2006 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess [Nintendo Selects] Nintendo 2011 Action/Adventure

    Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess HD [Amiibo Bundle] Nintendo 2016 Action/Adventure

    Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar Sega 1992 Shooter

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Square Enix 2014 RPG

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Square Enix 2014 RPG

    Longest Journey, The [x2 CD-ROM version] Funcom 2000 Adventure

    Lost World, The: Jurassic Park Electronic Arts 1997 Action/Adventure

    Lufia and the Fortress of Doom Taito 1993 RPG

    Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Natsume 1996 RPG

    Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals Natsume 2010 RPG

    Luigi's Mansion Nintendo 2001 Action/Adventure

    Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Nintendo 2013 Action/Adventure

    Lumines Ubi Soft 2005 Puzzle

    Lumines: Electronic Symphony Ubisoft 2012 Puzzle

    Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete [B Part Number (Support Cast)] Working Designs 2000 RPG

    Lunar Knights Konami 2007 Action/Adventure

    Lunar Legend Ubi Soft 2002 RPG

    Lunar: Eternal Blue Working Designs 1995 RPG

    Lunar: Silver Star Harmony [Premium Edition] Xseed Games 2010 RPG

    Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete [D Part Number (Fan Edition)] Working Designs

    Lunar: The Silver Star [1-Blue Background Disc] Working Designs 1993 RPG

    Madden NFL '95 Electronic Arts 1994 Sports

    Madden NFL 09 Electronic Arts 2008 Sports

    Madden NFL 16 Electronic Arts 2015 Sports

    Madden NFL 17 Electronic Arts (EA) 2016 Sports

    MadWorld Sega 2009 Action/Adventure

    Magic Knight Rayearth [Fuu Disc] Working Designs 1998 RPG

    Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The Capcom 1992 Action/Adventure

    Magna Carta: Tears of Blood - Deluxe Box Set Atlus 2005 RPG

    Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome NIS America 2005 RPG

    Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! Cyber Front 2011 Shooter

    Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy [Premium Box] NIS America 2009 RPG

    Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle [CD-ROM] LucasArts 1993 Adventure

    Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Nintendo 2009 RPG

    Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Nintendo 2013 RPG

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Nintendo 2016 RPG

    Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Nintendo 2005 RPG

    Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions Nintendo 2017 RPG

    Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga [Player's Choice] Nintendo 2006 RPG

    Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Ubisoft 2017 Strategy

    Mario Golf Nintendo 1999 Sports

    Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour Nintendo 2003 Sports

    Mario Golf: World Tour Nintendo 2014 Sports

    Mario Kart 64 Nintendo 1997 Racing

    Mario Kart 7 Nintendo 2011 Racing

    Mario Kart 8 Nintendo 2014 Racing

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo 2017 Racing

    Mario Kart DS Nintendo 2005 Racing

    Mario Kart Wii [Wheel Bundle] Nintendo 2008 Racing

    Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Nintendo 2003 Racing

    Mario Kart: Super Circuit Nintendo 2001 Racing

    Mario Party 10 [Mario Amiibo Bundle] Nintendo 2015 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 4 Nintendo 2002 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 5 Nintendo 2003 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 6 Nintendo 2004 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 7 Nintendo 2005 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 8 Nintendo 2007 Game Simulator

    Mario Party 9 Nintendo 2012 Game Simulator

    Mario Party: Island Tour [Nintendo Selects] Nintendo 2016 Game Simulator

    Mario Party: Star Rush Nintendo 2016 Game Simulator

    Mario Tennis Nintendo 2000 Sports

    Mars Matrix Capcom 2001 Shooter

    Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter Capcom 1999 Fighting

    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Capcom 2002 Fighting

    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Capcom 2000 Fighting

    Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Capcom 1999 Fighting

    Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Capcom 2000 Fighting

    Mary Skelter: Nightmares Idea Factory 2017 RPG

    Mass Effect Electronic Arts 2008 RPG

    Mass Effect Microsoft 2007 RPG

    Mass Effect 2 Electronic Arts 2010 RPG

    Mass Effect 2 Electronic Arts 2011 RPG

    Mass Effect 2 EA Games 2010 RPG

    Mass Effect 3 Electronic Arts 2012 RPG

    Mass Effect 3 Electronic Arts 2012 RPG

    MechAssault Microsoft 2002 Shooter

    MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf [Limited Edition] Microsoft 2005 Action/Adventure

    Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Electronic Arts 2002 Shooter

    Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead Electronic Arts 2002 Shooter

    Mega Man 2 Capcom 1989 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man 3 Capcom 1990 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Capcom 1991 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man Anniversary Collection Capcom 2004 Compilation

    Mega Man Legacy Collection Capcom 2016 Compilation

    Mega Man Legacy Collection 1+2 Capcom 2018 Platformer

    Mega Man Legends 2 Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man X [Majesco Rerelease] Capcom 1997 Action

    Mega Man X Collection Capcom 2006 Compilation

    Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 Capcom 2018 Action

    Mega Man X2 Capcom 1995 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man X4 Capcom 1997 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man X5 Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man X6 Capcom 2001 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man Zero Collection Capcom 2010 Compilation

    Mega Man ZX Capcom 2006 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man ZX Advent Capcom 2007 Action/Adventure

    Mega Man: The Wily Wars Capcom 1994 Action/Adventure

    Megadimension Neptunia VII Idea Factory 2016 RPG

    Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction LucasArts 2005 Shooter

    Metal Gear Solid Konami 1998 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Konami 2001 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Konami 2002 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Konami 2004 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Konami 2006 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Konami 2008 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Konami 2011 Compilation

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Konami 2015 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Konami 2010 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Konami 2006 Action/Adventure

    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Konami 2004 Action/Adventure

    Metal Slug X Agetec 2001 Action/Adventure

    Metroid Prime Nintendo 2002 Action/Adventure

    Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Nintendo 2004 Action/Adventure

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Nintendo 2007 Action/Adventure

    Metroid Prime Trilogy [Collector's Edition] Nintendo 2009 Action/Adventure

    Metroid Prime: Hunters Nintendo 2006 Shooter

    Metroid Prime: Hunters [Wifi Rebranding] Nintendo 2006 Shooter

    Metroid: Samus Returns Nintendo 2017 Action/Adventure

    Metroid: Zero Mission Nintendo 2004 Action/Adventure

    Metropolis Street Racer Sega 2001 Racing

    Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse Sony Imagesoft 1994 Action/Adventure

    Microsoft Xbox 360 [Elite] Microsoft 2007 System

    Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller [Black] Microsoft 2007 Controller

    Microsoft Xbox [Halo Special Edition Green Console] Microsoft 2003 System

    Microsoft Xbox One [Assassin's Creed Unity Bundle + Kinect] Microsoft 2014 System

    Microsoft Xbox One S [2TB] Microsoft 2016 System

    Midnight Club Rockstar Games 2000 Racing

    Midnight Club II Rockstar Games 2003 Racing

    Midnight Club: Los Angeles Rockstar Games 2008 Racing

    Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Ubisoft 2009 RPG

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Bandai 1994 Action

    Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie Bandai 1995 Action

    Misadventures of Tron Bonne, The Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Mischief Makers Nintendo 1997 Action/Adventure

    MLB The Show 16 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2016 Sports

    Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge: Special Edition LucasArts 2010 Adventure

    Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge [Special Edition] LucasArts 2010 Action/Adventure

    Monkey Island Special Edition Collection Activision 2011 Adventure

    Monster Hunter 3: Tri Capcom 2010 RPG

    Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate Capcom 2013 RPG

    Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate Capcom 2015 Action/Adventure

    Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Capcom 2018 Action/Adventure

    Monster Hunter: Generations Capcom 2016 Action/Adventure

    Monster Hunter: Stories Nintendo 2017 RPG

    Monster Hunter: World Capcom 2018 RPG

    Mortal Kombat [Komplete Edition - Greatest Hits] Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 2012 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat II Acclaim 1994 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat Trilogy Midway 1997 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat X [Kollector's Edition By Coarse] Warner Bros. Games 2015 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat XL Warner Bros. Games 2016 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Midway Home Entertainment 2002 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat: Deception [Platinum Hits] Midway Home Entertainment 2005 Fighting

    Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks Midway 2005 Action/Adventure

    MotoGP THQ 2002 Racing

    MotoGP '06 THQ 2006 Racing

    MotoGP 2 THQ 2003 Racing

    MotorStorm SCEA 2007 Racing

    MotorStorm: Apocalypse SCEA 2011 Racing

    Mr. Bones Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    Muchi Muchi Pork! & Pink Sweets Cave 2011 Shooter

    Multi Racing Championship Ocean 1997 Racing

    Muramasa: The Demon Blade Ignition Entertainment 2009 RPG

    MUSHA: Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor Seismic 1990 Shooter

    Mushihime-sama Taito 2005 Shooter

    Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5 [Platinum Collection] Cave 2010 Shooter

    NASCAR 99 Electronic Arts 1998 Racing

    NASCAR Thunder 2003 Electronic Arts 2002 Racing

    NBA 2K17 2K Games 2016 Sports

    Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit Electronic Arts 1998 Racing

    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit [Limited Edition] Electronic Arts 2010 Racing

    Need for Speed: Most Wanted Electronic Arts 2005 Racing

    Neo Geo X Gold [Limited Edition] Tommo 2012 System

    NEO-GEO X Classics Volume 1: Metal Slug 2/Sengoku/Top Hunter Roody & Cathy Tommo 2013 Compilation

    NEO-GEO X Classics Volume 2: Samurai Shodown 3/Savage Reign/Super Sidekicks 3 Tommo 2013 Compilation

    NEO-GEO X Classics Volume 3: King of Fighters '96/Blazing Star/Kizuna Encounter Tommo 2013 Compilation

    NEO-GEO X Classics Volume 4:Garou Mark of the Wolves/Shock Troopers/World Heroes 2 Jet Tommo 2013 Compilation

    NES Classic Controller Nintendo 2016 Controller

    NES Classic Edition Nintendo 2016 Compilation

    Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold Atari 2008 RPG

    Neverwinter Nights Platinum Atari 2004 RPG

    new Nintendo 3DS [Super Mario 3D Land & Faceplate Bundle] Nintendo 2016 System

    new Nintendo 3DS [Super Mario Black Edition] Nintendo 2016 System

    New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2006 Platformer

    New Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo 2012 Platformer

    New Super Mario Bros. U Nintendo 2012 Platformer

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii Nintendo 2009 Platformer

    Next Tetris, The: On-Line Edition Crave Entertainment 2000 Puzzle

    NFL 2K Sega 1999 Sports

    NFL 2K1 Sega 2000 Sports

    Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Namco Bandai Games 2013 RPG

    Nier: Automata [Day One Edition] Square Enix 2017 RPG

    NiGHTS into Dreams... Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams Sega 2007 Action/Adventure

    Ninja Gaiden Tecmo 2004 Action/Adventure

    Ninja Gaiden II Microsoft 2008 Action/Adventure

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma Tecmo 2007 Action/Adventure

    Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Tecmo 1995 Action/Adventure

    Nintendo 3DS [Aqua Blue] Nintendo 2011 System

    Nintendo 3DS [Flame Red with Super Mario 3D Land] Nintendo 2011 System

    Nintendo 3DS XL [Persona Q Edition] Nintendo 2014 System

    Nintendo 64 Nintendo 1996 System

    Nintendo 64 [Gold Control Deck With 2 Controllers - Toys 'R' Us Limited Edition] Nintendo 1997 System

    Nintendo DS Lite [New Super Mario Bros. Bundle] Nintendo 2008 System

    Nintendo Entertainment System [Control Deck] Nintendo 1986 System

    Nintendo GameCube [Super Mario Sunshine Pak] Nintendo 2002 System

    Nintendo Switch [Neon Red / Neon Blue Joy-Con] Nintendo 2017 System

    Nintendo Wii [New Super Mario Bros. Wii & Music CD Bundle] Nintendo 2012 System

    Nintendo Wii U [Super Mario 3D World Deluxe Set] Nintendo 2014 System

    Nintendogs: Lab & Friends Nintendo 2005 Simulator

    No More Heroes Ubisoft 2008 Action/Adventure

    No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Ubisoft 2010 Action/Adventure

    Nuclear Strike Electronic Arts 1997 Shooter

    Nuclear Strike 64 THQ 1999 Shooter

    Odin Sphere Atlus 2007 RPG

    Odin Sphere Leifthrasir [Storybook Edition] Atlus USA 2016 RPG

    Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber Atlus 2000 RPG

    Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen [Limited Edition] Atlus 1997 RPG

    Okami Capcom 2006 Action/Adventure

    Okami Capcom 2008 Action/Adventure

    Okami HD Capcom 2017 Action/Adventure

    One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Bandai Namco Games 2015 Action/Adventure

    Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Capcom 2002 Action/Adventure

    Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Capcom 2004 Action/Adventure

    Orange Box, The Valve Software 2007 Shooter

    Orange Box, The EA Games 2007 Shooter

    OutRun Sega 1991 Racing

    OutRunners Data East 1994 Racing

    Panzer Dragoon Sega 1995 Shooter

    Panzer Dragoon Orta Sega 2003 Shooter

    Panzer Dragoon Saga Sega 1998 RPG

    Panzer Dragoon Zwei Sega 1996 Shooter

    Paper Mario Nintendo 2001 RPG

    Paper Mario: Color Splash Nintendo 2016 Action/Adventure

    Paper Mario: Sticker Star Nintendo 2012 RPG

    Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Nintendo 2004 RPG

    Parasite Eve Squaresoft 1998 RPG

    Parasite Eve II Squaresoft 2000 RPG

    Perfect Dark Nintendo 2000 Shooter

    Perfect Dark Zero Microsoft 2005 Shooter

    Persona Atlus 1996 RPG

    Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Atlus 2000 RPG

    Persona 4 Arena Atlus 2012 Fighting

    Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Atlus 2014 Fighting

    Persona 4 Golden Atlus 2012 RPG

    Persona 4: Dancing All Night [Disco Fever Edition] Atlus 2015 Music/Rhythm

    Persona 5 [Steelbook Edition] Atlus USA 2017 RPG

    Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Atlus 2014 RPG

    Phantasy Star Sega 1988 RPG

    Phantasy Star Collection THQ 2002 RPG

    Phantasy Star II Sega 1990 RPG

    Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom Sega 1991 RPG

    Phantasy Star IV Sega 1994 RPG

    Phantasy Star Online Sega 2001 RPG

    Phantom Brave NIS America 2004 Strategy

    Phantom Dust Majesco 2005 Strategy

    Phelios Namco 1990 Shooter

    Pikmin 3 [Nintendo Selects] Nintendo 2016 Strategy

    Pokkén Tournament Nintendo / The Pokémon Company 2016 Fighting

    Pokkén Tournament DX Nintendo 2017 Fighting

    Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nintendo 2014 RPG

    Pokémon Omega Ruby Nintendo 2014 RPG

    Pokémon Sun Nintendo 2016 RPG

    Pokémon Y Nintendo 2013 RPG

    Popful Mail [Corrected UPC] Working Designs 1995 Action/Adventure

    Power Slave PIE (Playmates Interactive Entertainment) 1996 Shooter

    Power Stone Capcom 1999 Fighting

    Powerslave Playmates 1997 Shooter

    Prey 2K Games 2006 Shooter

    Prince of Persia Ubisoft 2008 Action/Adventure

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Ubi Soft 2003 Action/Adventure

    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones UbiSoft 2005 Action/Adventure

    Princess Crown Atlus 1997 Action/Adventure

    Pro Controller Nintendo 2017 Controller

    Project Cars Bandai Namco Games 2015 Racing

    Project Gotham Racing Microsoft 2001 Racing

    Project Gotham Racing 2 Microsoft 2003 Racing

    Project Gotham Racing 3 Microsoft 2005 Racing

    Project Justice Capcom 2001 Fighting

    Project X Zone 2 Bandai Namco Entertainment 2016 RPG

    Project X Zone [Limited Edition] Bandai Namco Games 2013 Strategy

    Project: Snowblind Eidos 2005 Shooter

    Puyo Puyo Tetris Sega 2017 Puzzle

    Puyo Puyo Tetris [Keychain & Decal Bundle] Sega 2017 Puzzle

    Quake Midway 1998 Shooter

    Quake II Activision 1999 Shooter

    R-Type Sega 1988 Shooter

    R-Type Delta Agetec 1999 Shooter

    R-Type Final Fresh Games 2004 Shooter

    R-Type III: The Third Lightning Jaleco 1994 Shooter

    Radiant Historia Atlus 2011 RPG

    Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology [Launch Edition] Atlus 2018 RPG

    Radiant Silvergun ESP 1998 Shooter

    Radiata Stories Square Enix 2005 RPG

    Raiden Fighters Aces Valcon Games 2009 Shooter

    Raiden III UFO Interactive 2007 Shooter

    Raiden IV UFO Interactive Games 2009 Shooter

    Raiden Project, The [Long Box Clear] SCEA 1995 Shooter

    Raiden V MOSS 2016 Shooter

    Raiden V: Director's Cut UFO Interactive 2017 Shooter

    RalliSport Challenge Microsoft 2002 Racing

    RalliSport Challenge 2 Microsoft 2004 Racing

    Ratchet & Clank Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2016 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank Sony 2002 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time SCEA 2009 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2007 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One SCEA 2011 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando SCEA 2003 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters SCEA 2007 Action/Adventure

    Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2004 Action/Adventure

    RayCrisis: Series Termination Working Designs 2000 Shooter

    Rayman Ubi Soft 1995 Action/Adventure

    Rayman 2: Revolution Ubisoft 2001 Action/Adventure

    Rayman 2: The Great Escape Ubi Soft 1999 Action/Adventure

    Rayman 2: The Great Escape Ubi Soft 2000 Action/Adventure

    Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc UbiSoft 2004 Action/Adventure

    Rayman Legends Ubisoft 2014 Action/Adventure

    Rayman Legends Ubisoft 2013 Action/Adventure

    Rayman Origins Ubisoft 2011 Action/Adventure

    Rayman Origins Ubisoft 2011 Action/Adventure

    Rayman Origins Ubisoft 2012 Action/Adventure

    RayStorm [Red Ship CD Art] Working Designs 1996 Shooter

    Record of Lodoss War Crave Entertainment 2001 RPG

    Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games 2010 Action/Adventure

    Red Dead Redemption 2 [Collector's Box] Rockstar Games 2018 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil Capcom 2002 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 2 Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 2 Capcom 2003 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 4 Capcom 2005 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 4 Capcom 2005 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 5 [Collector's Edition] Capcom 2009 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil 7: Biohazard [Collector's Edition] Capcom 2017 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil CODE: Veronica Capcom 2000 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X Capcom 2003 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil Zero Capcom 2002 Action/Adventure

    Resident Evil: Revelations Capcom 2012 Action/Adventure

    Resistance 2 [Collector's Edition] SCEA 2008 Shooter

    Resistance 3 SCEA 2011 Shooter

    Resistance: Fall of Man SCEA 2006 Shooter

    Resonance of Fate Sega 2010 RPG

    RetroN 3 [Vector Red] Hyperkin 2010 System

    RetroN 5 [Black] Hyperkin 2014 System

    RetroN 5 Wireless Controller [Black] Hyperkin 2014 Controller

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein Activision id Software 2001

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War Activision 2003 Shooter

    Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Atlus 2000 RPG

    Ridge Racer Namco 2005 Racing

    Ridge Racer 64 Nintendo 2000 Racing

    Ridge Racer 7 Namco Bandai Games 2006 Racing

    Ridge Racer Type 4 Namco 1998 Racing

    Ridge Racer V Namco 2000 Racing

    Ristar Sega 1995 Action/Adventure

    Rival Schools Capcom 1998 Fighting

    Riviera: The Promised Land Atlus 2005 RPG

    Robo Aleste Tengen 1993 Shooter

    Rockstar Games Double Pack: Grand Theft Auto Rockstar Games 2003 Action/Adventure

    Rogue Galaxy SCEA 2007 RPG

    Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA Midway 1998 Racing

    Sagaia Taito 1991 Classic Shooter

    Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love NIS America 2010 Strategy

    Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love [Premium Box] NIS America 2010 Strategy

    San Francisco Rush 2049 Midway 2000 Racing

    San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing Midway 1997 Racing

    Saturn Bomberman Sega 1997 Action/Adventure

    Saturn Bomberman Fight!! Hudson 1997 Action/Adventure

    Saturn RF Unit [Official Sega] Sega 1995 Accessory

    Secret of Evermore Squaresoft 1995 RPG

    Secret of Mana Square 1993 RPG

    Secret of Monkey Island, The [Special Edition] LucasArts 2009 Adventure

    Secret of Monkey Island, The: Special Edition LucasArts 2010 Adventure

    Sega CDX Sega 1994 System

    Sega Dreamcast Sega 1999 System

    Sega Dreamcast 4X Memory Card Sega 2000 Memory/Backup

    Sega Dreamcast Broadband Adapter Sega 2000 Accessory

    Sega Game Gear [Sonic 2 System] Sega 1993 System

    Sega Genesis 3 Sega 1998 System

    Sega GT 2002 / Jet Set Radio Future Sega 2002 Compilation

    Sega Master System II Sega 1990 System

    Sega Rally 2: Sega Rally Championship Sega 1999 Racing

    Sega Rally Championship Sega 1995 Racing

    Sega Saturn 3D Control Pad Sega 1996 Controller

    Sega Saturn [Oval Buttons] Sega 1995 System

    Sega Saturn [Round Buttons] Sega 1996 System

    Sega Saturn Power Cable Sega 1995 Cables

    Seiken Densetsu 3 Square 1995 RPG

    Shadow Hearts: Covenant Midway 2004 RPG

    Shadow Hearts: From The New World XSEED Games 2006 RPG

    Shadow of the Colossus Sony Computer Entertainment 2018 Action/Adventure

    Shadow of the Colossus SCEA 2005 Action/Adventure

    Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Rising Star Games 2016 Platformer

    Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats' Edition] XSeed 2016 Action/Adventure

    Shenmue Sega 2000 Action/Adventure

    Shenmue II Microsoft 2002 Action/Adventure

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army Atlus 2006 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Atlus 2009 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Atlus 2009 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Atlus 2012 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker [Bonus Decal Set + Music CD] Atlus 2015 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked Atlus 2011 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 Atlus 2005 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga [Deluxe Box Set] Atlus 2005 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Atlus 2004 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 - Innocent Sin Atlus 2011 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Atlus 2007 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable Atlus USA 2010 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Atlus 2008 RPG

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Atlus 2010 RPG

    Shining Force Sega 1993 RPG

    Shining Force CD Sega 1994 RPG

    Shining Force II Sega 1994 RPG

    Shining Force III Sega 1998 RPG

    Shining Resonance Refrain [Launch Edition] Sega 2018 RPG

    Shining Tears Sega 2004 RPG

    Shining the Holy Ark Sega 1997 RPG

    Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Sega 1993 Action/Adventure

    Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate Aksys Games 2016 RPG

    Shoot the Bullet Team Shanghai Alice 2005 Classic Shooter

    Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Konami 2001 Action/Adventure

    Silhouette Mirage [B Disc Variant] Working Designs 2000 Action/Adventure

    Silpheed: The Lost Planet Working Designs 2000 Shooter

    SimCity 2000 [Special Edition] Electronic Arts 1995 Simulator

    SimCity 3000 Unlimited Electronic Arts 2000 Simulator

    SimCity 4 Electronic Arts 2003 Simulator

    Sims 2, The EA Games 2004 Simulator

    Sims 3, The EA 2009 Simulator

    Sims, The Electronic Arts 2000 Simulator

    Sin & Punishment: Star Successor Nintendo 2010 Shooter

    Sine Mora EX THQ Nordic 2017 Shooter

    Sins of a Solar Empire Stardock 2008 Strategy

    Skies of Arcadia Sega 2000 RPG

    Skies of Arcadia Legends Sega 2003 RPG

    Sly 2: Band of Thieves Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2004 Platformer

    Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves SCEA 2005 Platformer

    Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus SCEA 2002 Platformer

    SNES Classic Edition Nintendo 2017 System

    Solar Eclipse Crystal Dynamics 1995 Shooter

    Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Sega 2010 Racing

    Sonic 3D Blast Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    Sonic 3D Blast Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Advance THQ 2002 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Advance 2 THQ 2003 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Advance 3 THQ 2004 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Adventure Sega 1999 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Adventure 2 Sega 2001 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Sega 2002 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut Sega 2003 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Sega 2016 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Sega 2014 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal Sega 2014 Action/Adventure

    Sonic CD [Not for Resale] Sega 1994 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Chaos Sega 1993 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood Sega 2008 RPG

    Sonic Classic Collection Sega 2010 Compilation

    Sonic Colors Sega 2010 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Colors Sega 2010 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Forces [Bonus Edition] Sega 2017 Platformer

    Sonic Gems Collection Sega 2005 Compilation

    Sonic Generations Sega 2011 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Generations Sega 2011 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Mania [Collector's Edition] Sega 2017 Platformer

    Sonic Mania Plus [Artbook] Sega 2018 Platformer

    Sonic Mega Collection Sega 2002 Compilation

    Sonic R Sega 1997 Racing

    Sonic Rush Sega 2005 Action/Adventure

    Sonic Rush Adventure Sega 2007 Action/Adventure

    Sonic the Hedgehog Sega 1991 Action/Adventure

    Sonic the Hedgehog Sega 1991 Action/Adventure

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Tec Toy 1992 Action/Adventure

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sega 1992 Action/Adventure

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sega 1994 Action/Adventure

    Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Sega 2009 Compilation

    Sonic: Lost World Sega 2013 Action/Adventure

    Sonic: Lost World Sega 2013 Action/Adventure

    Sony 32MB Memory Stick Duo [Official Branded PSP] Sony Computer Entertainment 2006 Memory/Backup

    Sony PlayStation 2 [Slimline - Charcoal Black] Sony Computer Entertainment 2009 System

    Sony PlayStation 3 Slim [500 GB Bundle] Sony Computer Entertainment 2012 System

    Sony PlayStation 4 Pro Sony Computer Entertainment 2016 System

    Sony PlayStation 4 Slim [Uncharted 4 Bundle] Sony Computer Entertainment 2016 System

    Sony PS Vita [Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified Limited Edition PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi Bundle] Sony Computer Entertainment 2012 System

    Sony PS Vita [Slim] Sony Computer Entertainment 2014 System

    Sony PSP [Entertainment Pack] Sony Computer Entertainment 2006 System

    Sony PSP [PSP 3000 Core Pack System - Piano Black] Sony Computer Entertainment 2008 System

    Sony PSP [Value Pack] Sony Computer Entertainment 2005 System

    Soukyugurentai Otokuyou Electronic Arts 1997 Shooter

    Soul Blade Namco 1997 Fighting

    Soul Blazer Enix 1992 RPG

    Soul Calibur VI [Collector's Edition] Bandai Namco 2018 Fighting

    Soul Nomad & the World Eaters NIS America 2007 Strategy

    SoulCalibur Namco 1999 Fighting

    SoulCalibur II Namco 2003 Fighting

    SoulCalibur II Namco 2003 Fighting

    SoulCalibur III Namco 2005 Fighting

    SoulCalibur IV Namco Bandai Games 2008 Fighting

    SoulCalibur V Namco Bandai Games 2012 Fighting

    Soviet Strike Electronic Arts 1996 Shooter

    Space Megaforce Toho 1994 Shooter

    Speed Devils Ubi Soft 1999 Racing

    Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy THQ 2003 Action/Adventure

    Spider-Man Activision 2001 Action/Adventure

    Spider-Man [Collector's Edition] Sony Interactive Entertainment 2018 Action/Adventure

    Splatoon Nintendo 2015 Shooter

    Splatoon 2 Nintendo 2017 Shooter

    Spy Hunter [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Sunsoft 1989 Racing

    Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage [Greatest Hits] Sony/Universal Interactive Studios 1999 Action/Adventure

    Spyro the Dragon Universal Interactive Studios 1998 Action/Adventure

    Spyro the Dragon [Greatest Hits] Sony Computer Entertainment 1998 Action/Adventure

    Spyro: Year of the Dragon Universal Interactive Studios 2000 Action/Adventure

    SSX EA 2012 Sports

    SSX 3 Electronic Arts 2003 Sports

    Star Fox Nintendo 1993 Classic Shooter

    Star Fox 64 Nintendo 1997 Classic Shooter

    Star Fox Adventures [Player's Choice] Nintendo 2002 Action/Adventure

    Star Ocean: First Departure Square Enix 2008 RPG

    Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Square Enix 2016 RPG

    Star Ocean: Second Evolution Square Enix 2009 RPG

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope Square Enix 2009 RPG

    Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International Square Enix 2010 RPG

    Star Ocean: The Second Story Sony 1999 RPG

    Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Square Enix 2004 RPG

    Star Wars: Battlefront [Platinum Hits] LucasArts 2005 Action/Adventure

    Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo LucasArts 2000 Shooter

    Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter LucasArts 2002 Shooter

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic LucasArts 2003 RPG

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic LucasArts 2003 RPG

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Lucas Arts 2004 RPG

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords LucasArts 2005 RPG

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron LucasArts 1998 Classic Shooter

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader LucasArts 2001 Action/Adventure

    Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Nintendo 1996 Action/Adventure

    StarCraft 64 Nintendo 2000 Strategy

    StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty [Collector's Edition] Blizzard Entertainment 2010 Strategy

    StarTropics Nintendo 1991 Action/Adventure

    Steambot Chronicles Atlus 2006 RPG

    Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity Atlus 2005 RPG

    Stella Glow Atlus 2015 RPG

    Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom 2000 Fighting

    Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Capcom 2004 Compilation

    Street Fighter III: Double Impact Capcom 2000 Fighting

    Street Fighter V Capcom 2016 Fighting

    Street Fighter X Tekken Capcom 2012 Fighting

    Streets of Rage Sega 1991 Fighting

    Streets of Rage 2 Sega 1992 Action/Adventure

    Streets of Rage 3 Sega 1994 Action/Adventure

    Suikoden Konami 1996 RPG

    Suikoden II Konami 1999 RPG

    Suikoden III Konami 2002 RPG

    Suikoden IV Konami 2005 RPG

    Suikoden V Konami 2006 RPG

    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story Atlus 2006 RPG

    Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 Atlus 2006 RPG

    Summon Night: Twin Age Atlus 2008 RPG

    Sunset Riders Konami 1993 Shooter

    Super Bomberman Hudson Soft 1993 Action/Adventure

    Super Bomberman 2 [Rated 'E'] Hudson Soft 1998 Action/Adventure

    Super Bomberman R Konami 2017 Action

    Super Castlevania IV [Majesco Rerelease] Konami 1997 Action/Adventure

    Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Capcom 1991 Action/Adventure

    Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 2011 Platformer

    Super Mario 3D World Nintendo 2013 Platformer

    Super Mario 64 Nintendo 1996 Platformer

    Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 2004 Platformer

    Super Mario Advance Nintendo 2001 Platformer

    Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo 2003 Platformer

    Super Mario All-Stars Nintendo 1993 Platformer

    Super Mario All-Stars [Nintendo Selects] Nintendo 2016 Platformer

    Super Mario Bros. 2 [Oval Seal - Trademark] Nintendo 1989 Platformer

    Super Mario Bros. 3 [Rerelease] Nintendo 1990 Platformer

    Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet [Oval Seal] Nintendo 1989 Compilation

    Super Mario Galaxy Nintendo 2007 Platformer

    Super Mario Galaxy 2 Nintendo 2010 Platformer

    Super Mario Kart Nintendo 1992 Racing

    Super Mario Maker Nintendo 2015 Game Creator

    Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2016 Game Creator

    Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo 2017 Platformer

    Super Mario Party Nintendo 2018 Game Simulator

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Nintendo 1996 RPG

    Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo 2002 Platformer

    Super Mario World Nintendo 1991 Platformer

    Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Nintendo 1995 Platformer

    Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 Nintendo 2002 Platformer

    Super Metroid Nintendo 1994 Action/Adventure

    Super Monkey Ball Sega 2001 Action/Adventure

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System [Control Set] Nintendo 1991 System

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System [Model 2 - A Link to the Past Bundle] Nintendo 1997 System

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System [Super Game Boy Set] Nintendo 1995 System

    Super Paper Mario Nintendo 2007 RPG

    Super Pitfall [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Activision 1989 Action/Adventure

    Super R-Type Irem 1991 Classic Shooter

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Nintendo 2008 Fighting

    Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Nintendo 2014 Fighting

    Super Smash Bros. Melee Nintendo 2001 Fighting

    Super Star Wars [Players Choice Million Seller] Nintendo 1996 Action/Adventure

    Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi [THQ] THQ 1994 Action/Adventure

    Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back [THQ] THQ 1994 Action/Adventure

    Super Street Fighter IV Capcom 2010 Fighting

    Super Turrican Seika 1993 Action/Adventure

    Super Turrican 2 Ocean 1995 Action/Adventure

    Super Valis IV Atlus 1992 Action/Adventure

    Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls Idea Factory 2016 RPG

    Syberia XS Games 2003 Adventure

    Tactics Ogre Atlus 1998 Strategy

    Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together SquareEnix 2011 Strategy

    Tales of Berseria [Collector's Edition] Namco Bandai Games 2017 RPG

    Tales of Destiny Namco 1998 RPG

    Tales of Destiny II Namco 2001 RPG

    Tales of Graces F Namco Bandai Games 2012 RPG

    Tales of Hearts R Bandai Namco Games 2014 RPG

    Tales of Legendia Namco 2005 RPG

    Tales of Phantasia Namco 1995 RPG

    Tales of Phantasia Namco 2006 RPG

    Tales of Symphonia Namco 2004 RPG

    Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Namco Bandai Games 2014 Compilation

    Tales of the Abyss Namco Bandai Games America 2006 RPG

    Tales of The Abyss Namco Bandai Games 2012 RPG

    Tales of Vesperia [Special Edition] Namco Bandai Games America 2008 RPG

    Tales of Xillia Namco Bandai Games 2013 RPG

    Tales of Xillia 2 Bandai Namco Games 2014 RPG

    Tales Of Zestiria [Collector's Edition] Namco Bandai Games America 2015 RPG

    Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Ultimate All-Stars Capcom 2010 Fighting

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultra 1989 Action/Adventure

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Konami 1992 Action

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist Konami 1992 Action/Adventure

    Tekken 2 Namco 1996 Fighting

    Tekken 4 Namco 2002 Fighting

    Tekken 5 Namco 2005 Fighting

    Tekken 6 Namco Bandai Games America 2009 Fighting

    Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Namco Bandai Games 2012 Fighting

    Terranigma Nintendo 1996 RPG

    Test Drive: Le Mans Infogrames 2000 Racing

    Test Drive: V-Rally Infogrames 2000 Racing

    Tetris Attack Nintendo 1996 Puzzle

    Tetrisphere Nintendo 1997 Puzzle

    Thousand Arms Atlus 1999 RPG

    Threads of Fate Squaresoft 2000 RPG

    Thunder Force II Sega 1989 Shooter

    Thunder Force III Techno Soft 1990 Shooter

    Thunder Force V: Perfect System Working Designs 1998 Shooter

    Thunderstrike: Operation Phoenix Eidos Interactive 2001 Shooter

    TimeSplitters 2 Eidos Interactive 2002 Shooter

    Titan Quest Gold THQ 2007 Compilation

    Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [Special Edition] Nintendo 2016 RPG

    Tokyo Xanadu eX+ [Limited Edition] Aksys Games 2017 RPG

    Tokyo Xtreme Racer Crave Entertainment 1999 Racing

    Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 Crave Entertainment 2000 Racing

    Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 Crave 2003 Racing

    Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero Crave Entertainment 2001 Racing

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter UbiSoft 2006 Shooter

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Ubisoft 2007 Shooter

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Ubisoft 2006 Shooter

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ubisoft 2008 Shooter

    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Ubisoft 2002 Action/Adventure

    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory [Limited Collector's Edition] Ubisoft 2005 Action/Adventure

    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft 2006 Action/Adventure

    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Ubisoft 2004 Action/Adventure

    Tomb Raider Square Enix 2013 Action/Adventure

    Tomb Raider Trilogy, The Eidos Interactive/Square Enix 2011 Action/Adventure

    Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Eidos Interactive 2000 Action/Adventure

    Tomba! SCEA 1997 Action/Adventure

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Crave Entertainment 2000 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Activision 2000 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x Activision 2001 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Activision 2002 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 Activision 2002 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Underground Activision 2003 Sports

    Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Activision 2004 Sports

    Top Spin Microsoft 2003 Sports

    Torchlight [Cardboard Case] Encore Software 2010 RPG

    Treasure Hunter G Squaresoft 1996 RPG

    Trinity Universe NIS America 2010 RPG

    Truxton Sega 1990 Shooter

    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter

    Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Acclaim 1997 Shooter

    Twin Cobra: Desert Attack Helicopter Sega 1991 Shooter

    Twinkle Tale Toyo Recording 1992 Shooter

    Twisted Metal Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2012 Action/Adventure

    Twisted Metal Black Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2001 Racing

    Typing of the Dead, The Sega 2001 Education

    U.N. Squadron Capcom 1991 Shooter

    Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Capcom 2011 Fighting

    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Midway / Williams 1996 Fighting

    Uncharted 2: Among Thieves SCEA 2009 Action/Adventure

    Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception SCEA 2011 Action/Adventure

    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2016 Action/Adventure

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune SCEA 2007 Shooter

    Uncharted: Golden Abyss Sony Computer Entertainment 2012 Action/Adventure

    Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2015 Action/Adventure

    Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition Rising Star Games 2012 Shooter

    Unreal Championship Atari 2002 Shooter

    Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Midway 2005 Shooter

    Unreal Gold Infogrames 1998 Shooter

    Unreal II: The Awakening Atari 2003 Shooter

    Unreal Tournament 2003 Atari 2002 Shooter

    Unreal Tournament 2004 Atari 2004 Shooter

    Unreal Tournament 3 Midway 2007 Shooter

    Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition Infogrames 2000 Shooter

    Vagrant Story Squaresoft 2000 RPG

    Valis Renovation 1992 Action/Adventure

    Valis III Renovation 1991 Action/Adventure

    Valkyria Chronicles Sega 2008 RPG

    Valkyria Chronicles 4 [Memoirs from Battle Premium Edition] Sega 2018 RPG

    Valkyria Chronicles II Sega 2010 RPG

    Valkyrie Profile Enix 2000 RPG

    Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Square Enix 2006 RPG

    Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Square Enix 2006 RPG

    Vampire Resurrection Capcom 2013 Compilation

    Vandal Hearts Konami 1997 Strategy

    Vanishing Point Acclaim 2001 Racing

    Vanquish Sega 2010 Shooter

    Vectorman Sega 1995 Action/Adventure

    Vectorman 2 Sega 1996 Action/Adventure

    Viewtiful Joe Capcom 2003 Action/Adventure

    Viewtiful Joe 2 Capcom 2004 Action/Adventure

    Virtua Fighter Sega 1995 Fighting

    Virtua Fighter 2 Sega 1996 Fighting

    Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution [Greatest Hits] Sega 2003 Fighting

    Virtua Fighter 5 Sega 2007 Fighting

    Virtual-On: Cyber Troopers Sega 1996 Fighting

    Waku Waku 7 Sunsoft 1997 Fighting

    Warcraft II: Edition Blizzard 2001 Strategy

    Warcraft III Battle Chest Blizzard 2003 Strategy

    Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning EA 2008 RPG

    Wave Race 64 Nintendo 1996 Racing

    Wave Race: Blue Storm Nintendo 2001 Racing

    Wii U Pro Controller [Black] Nintendo 2012 Controller

    Wild Arms 3 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2002 RPG

    Wild Arms 4 XSEED Games 2006 RPG

    Wild ARMs 5 [Series 10th Anniversary Edition] XSEED Games 2007 RPG

    Wild Arms Alter Code: F Agetec 2005 RPG

    Wild Guns Natsume 1994 Classic Shooter

    Wild Guns: Reloaded Natsume 2016 Classic Shooter

    Wipeout 2048 Sony Computer Entertainment 2012 Racing

    Wipeout 3 Psygnosis 2000 Racing

    Wipeout 64 Midway 1998 Racing

    WipEout Fusion BAM! Entertainment 2001 Racing

    WipeOut Pulse SCEA 2008 Racing

    Wipeout Pure Sony 2005 Racing

    Wipeout XL Psygnosis 1996 Racing

    WipEout: Omega Collection Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 2017 Racing

    Witch and the Hundred Knight, The [Revival Edition] NIS America 2016 RPG

    Witcher 2, The: Assassins of Kings Atari 2011 RPG

    Witcher III, The: Wild Hunt Warner Bros. Games 2015 RPG

    Witcher, The: Enhanced Edition Atari 2008 RPG

    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Bethesda Softworks 2017 Shooter

    Wolfenstein: The New Order Bethesda Softworks 2014 Shooter

    Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Bethesda Softworks 2015 Shooter

    Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap Sega 1989 Action/Adventure

    Wonder Boy in Monster Land Sega 1988 Action/Adventure

    Wonder Boy in Monster World Sega 1992 Action/Adventure

    Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap [Launch Edition] Nicalis 2018 Action/Adventure

    Wonderful 101, The Nintendo 2013 Action/Adventure

    World Driver Championship Midway 1999 Racing

    World Ends With You, The Square Enix 2008 RPG

    World of Final Fantasy [Collector's Edition] Square Enix 2016 RPG

    World of Final Fantasy [Day One Edition] Square Enix 2016 RPG

    World of Warcraft [Collector's Edition] Blizzard Entertainment 2004 RPG

    World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Blizzard Entertainment 2007 RPG

    World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Blizzard Entertainment 2010 RPG

    World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Blizzard Entertainment 2008 RPG

    World Series Baseball 2K3 Sega 2003 Sports

    World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 International Konami 2003 Sports

    World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International Konami 2004 Sports

    World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International Konami 2005 Sports

    World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 Konami 2006 Sports

    WRC 5 Maximum Games 2015 Racing

    Xenoblade Chronicles Nintendo 2012 RPG

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 [Special Edition] Nintendo 2017 RPG

    Xenoblade Chronicles X Nintendo 2015 RPG

    Xenogears Square Electronic Arts 1998 RPG

    Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht Namco 2003 RPG

    Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse Namco 2005 RPG

    Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra Bandai Namco Games 2006 RPG

    XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association Acclaim 2003 Racing

    Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone Atlus 2006 Strategy

    Yoshi's Island DS Nintendo 2006 Platformer

    Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 Nintendo 2002 Platformer

    Yoshi's New Island Nintendo 2014 Action/Adventure

    Yoshi's Woolly World [Green Yarn Yoshi Amiibo Bundle] Nintendo 2015 Platformer

    Ys I & II Chronicles XSEED Games 2011 RPG

    Ys III: Wanderers from Ys American Sammy 1992 RPG

    Ys Seven [Premium Edition] Xseed Games JKS 2010 RPG

    Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana [Adventurer's Edition] NIS America 2018 RPG

    Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana [Limited Edition] NIS America 2017 RPG

    Ys: Memories of Celceta Xseed Games 2013 RPG

    Ys: The Ark of Napishtim Konami 2005 RPG

    Ys: The Oath in Felghana XSEED 2010 RPG

    Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman NIS America 2010 Strategy

    Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward Aksys Games 2012 Action/Adventure

    Zombies Ate My Neighbors Konami 1993 Action