Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Top Presidents
1 Abraham Lincoln (16)
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865 . Lincoln led the United States through its Civil War - its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis .
Should be above Bush, you think 911 was worse than the civil war?
Clinton balanced the budget and actually left a surplus but top 5? No.
Personally don't think Bush43, Clinton, JFK, or Nixon belong in the top 10.
JFK was not a good president, just remembered well. Nixon was a brilliant politician but remembered as a shady scumbag, even compared to other politicians. FDR elected 4 times but if it weren't for WWII his new deal would have destroyed America not to mention court packing is worse than what Nixon did. FDR = shadiest president every (adulterer, internment camps, undercutting his own party to win a 3rd term... ) Obama is the worst for the deficit so far of any president in history and he won a nobel prize because they hoped that he wouldn't vote on a troop surge, which he did anyway. Those aren't arguments for praise. Any honorable recipient would have returned it after his decision but he was probably busy visiting the last of the "57" states.
Abraham Lincoln is the reason the United States is still United and began the elimination of racism by ending slavery. To do this he began a largely unpopular but necessary war. This made him hated to the point where he was assassinated but he went through with his decision anyway. Would any politician today do this? I doubt it.
Abraham Lincoln was man you could change his ideas. Like slavery he first thought it was good. Then he realized that slavery was wrong. He did almost everything to fix the country. No other president thought about slavery should be wrong or even segregation. Martin Luther king jr was not a president but still fought for what is right. Only Abraham Lincoln thought slavery was wrong. He was a man of changes and does what should be right among us. If he didn't exist there still would be slavery and African Americans would not be equally treated. So I think Abraham Lincoln should be the best president in history.
2 George Washington (1)
George Washington was the first President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
Even more than Jefferson or Madison he fought for a balance between state and federal government. Not to mention he believed in what he was doing. - LadyLioness
#1. (no party) The father of this nation. If it wasn't for him, we simply would not be here and would never have gotten the experience to live in the best country in the world. It is because of strong and heroic men like him, that we live free today and he is a constant reminder of our democracy and the reason why our flag stands up strong and will continue to serve us forever and ever!
Don't get me wrong. I love America. But even if the country I am about to say did have an evil, evil history and terrible leaders, it got better after a bit. I'm proud to be 1/4 of the country who brought us Albert Einstein, even if Steven Hawking is smarter. Germany FOR THE WIN!
George Washington kept the fledgling nation alive during one of its greatest challenges, and did it without circumventing the constitution. However, the most remarkable thing about his presidency is that I can't think of anything bad to say about his time in the office. Bush jr., Reagan, FDR, JFK, and Clinton belong nowhere near the top 10.
He helped free the country. He should be #1
3 Ronald Reagan (40)
Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician and actor who was 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989 . Prior to his presidency, he was the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975, following a career as a Hollywood actor and union leader .
(Republican) he was able to fix the economy, create twenty million new jobs, lower inflation rates, exempt low income Americans, create economic stability for small businesses, lower taxes, and bring in an end to the Cold War with his concise and effective foreign policy skills. He also was able to survive a gun shot and return to his duty only three weeks later. A real true American who believed in this country and a real true father to Conservatism! Even the democrats loved him. Good Bless Reagan.
The only president that was true to his word, most people that don't like him want a pacifist in charge, why do you think we are still bad ass
Ronald Reagen is top president. He is a real but kicker, and if you see this in heaven ron I'll say you're the best president that ever lived and is still living.
A true conservative who not only revitalized the American economy but also won the Cold War!
4 Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father who was principal author of the Declaration of Independence.
I personally don't understand how anyone can out rank this founding father, other than General Washington, for his role in creating the Americas. But even then - what is America if not free?
Jefferson was one of those rare independent thinkers, who spent his life studying the nature of man; and when you read what he wrote, it was all spot on. All his warnings and insistence on keeping power at a local, state level, where people could be held accountable for their actions were warnings that the entire world, not just America can learn from in today's globalist governments who act with impunity.
He was unfortunately the last of a dying breed of men, whose education of Latin and philosophy was soon traded for the ideals of the industrial revolution.
I often wonder what Jefferson would think of the modern world. Yes, our lives are incredibly easy and comfortable, but are we truly free? Would he sit back as the fed rapes and ruins what he fought for.
Thomas Jefferson is one of the most underrated presidents ever. The fact that G.W. bush and Bill Clinton were voted above Jefferson is bad enough, but Lincoln being number two is unbelievable. Lincoln destroyed Jefferson's vision of a free, VOLUNTARY union of sovereign states. If people understood history, Bush, Clinton, LINCOLN, and all other imperialist presidents would be voted down as some of the worst presidents in the history of the country. Read Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and it will become clear that every president which was voted above Jefferson (with the exception of Washington) supported policies which were counter to the founders' vision.
Thomas Jefferson was a Hypocrite... he might have come up with the Declaration of Independence but he refuse to free the slaves because their absence would make his life hard. I have not respect his efforts.
Thomas Jefferson was a hero, visionary, revolutionary thinker, as well as architect and all around genius. Any man who rejects these facts is just plain stupid and to replace them with the slavery scandal will be just as much so. What jefferson provided for this nation far surpasses any of his person shortcomings which all presidents even Washington and especially Lincoln, and to judge his political character by these would be foolish.
This guy is awesome. he wrote a book where he took perts of the bible and made it his own version. he bought the Louisiana purchase. And he sent Lewis and Clack on an expedition that hanged history. If is was not for this great founding fath where would this country be?
5 Franklin D Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known as FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and dominated his party for many years as a central figure in world events.
Franklin D Roosevelt is probably my favorite, if not one of my favorite, presidents to date. He was so ahead of his time in his beliefs about how to properly handle the depression. In the 1920's, America was overrun with conservative rugged-individualists who wanted the government to be as weak as possible and hated any attempts by the Feds to regulate the economy. This lead to the Great Depression, which crippled the planet's economy and left 99% of humans dirt poor. Roosevelt brought back progressivism and, more amazingly, brought it into the previously racist and white supremacist Democratic Party. Wilson's attempts to do this during WWI failed because he himself had been a white supremacist and a radical southern baptist. Roosevelt deserves the credit for actually re-starting progressivism, and in doing so saving the country from collapsing into total anarchy. He passed new laws to regulate the printing and value of money, the competence of banks, emergency funding of schools and ...more
No one greater than Roosevelt. He was dead before I was born, but I can barely look at his picture without crying. My parents were children in the depression, and credited this man for literally saving them from starvation. Mother said no one was working, had any food, or money, and lived in daily fear of what would happen to them. They would listen to his fireside chats on the radio, and she said the fear would lift at the sound of his voice, and calm come over the house. He assured them they would be taken care of, not to worry, and the government trucks started delivering the potted meat and some staples. I have been told that almost every American home at that time had his picture hanging on the wall of their homes. Unless you lived during those times, you cannot fully appreciate what this man did. He saved America, paralyzed from a wheel chair. I adore this man.
Lead us through one of the toughest times this country has ever faced. How could Governor Bush even be on this list. Yes I still call him governor because that's the only political position he's actually ever fairly won (remember Al Gore and Florida? )
He was second best president of the twentieth century. He formed social security for the working man, to have a pension when they retired.
6. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was an American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. As a leader of the Republican Party during this time, he became a driving force for the Progressive Era in the United States in the ...read more.
An honest politician, if there is such a thing. A man who actually cared about the average American citizen and the environment. He was brave in conflicts on the battlefield and in Washington. I'm not what you would call an educated man (only high school grad. ) But I can read and from what I have read, I feel I am right. We would have no National Parks if it was for him. A great solider, sportsman, conservationist, and most of all President. Thank God for Teddy Roosevelt.
(Republican) strong imperialistic leader who's influence on government is still vital to the U.S. today with the creation of the Big Stick Policy. His love for nature and keeping America's national landmarks forever reserved is a constant symbol representing our pride and integrity! He also installed other effective policies such as the Meat Inspection Act and was determined to fight for the workers rights and benefits for the many Americans affected by America's Industrial Period.
Come on, he was a cowboy for one, and was even shot before giving a speech but still gave it.
7. John F Kennedy
John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy, commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963. The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the ...read more.
Seriously? George W. Bush is # 1? All he did was start the Iraq and Afghanistan War, not to mention he barely helped at all when Hurricane Katrina came through. Now JFK, he was amazing. He started the Peace Corps, started the Space Race, made sure African Americans had equal rights in housing( And would've done more for Civil Rights if he served longer), made sure Steel industries couldn't raise their prices over and over, and stopped the Cuban Missile Crysis, and he didn't even serve a full term! So JFK deserves first or second for sure.
I don't disagree with you that JFK was a good president; however, to blame the Iraq/Afghan War on George Bush is absolutely ignorant of the entire remainder of the story. - themusicking101
People who say JFK doesn't belong in the top ten obviously don't know JFK at all. He negotiated the Cuban Missile Crisis, which stopped a potential nuclear war, he was the one who started the Space Race which ultimately landed an AMERICAN on the moon, and he was a war hero, Purple Heart bearer who was willing to die for his country long before he actually did. I would cast my vote for JFK as one of the best presidents ever any day.
He also caused the Cuban Missile Crisis (via the Bay of Pigs invasion) - marmalade_skies
He's was the only Irish-Catholic president ever, and he was the youngest elected president ever. No one can represent the world, let alone America, as well as this guy. He would've completely solved any problems with Russia or Cuba, and who knows, even Korea or the Middle East. This guy knew what he was doing, unlike some other guys (ahem... Bush).
He wasn't that great in foreign affairs ( Bay Of Pigs cough, cough ), but his healthcare plan was good.
8. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower was an American politician and general who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961. He was a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe.
. (Republican) the strong and heroic WW2 general who lead the successful attack on Normandy. He helped the Americans defeat Hitler and it is because of his efficient military actions that helped us win V.E. day (Victory in Europe Day). If it wasn't for him, Hitler would have probably taken over the world, killed the rest of the Jews, and would have the remaining people still living under nazi occupation. Eisenhower was not only a superb war general but also a great president who was a strong civil rights activist and dedicated his presidency to stopping the spread of segregation across America. Not only did he get us out of WW2, but later during his presidency, he also got us out of the Korean War. The fact that he was able to get us out of two wars is very astonishing and is something that not everyone can achieve in their lifetime! However, he did it and he did it well!
The reason why America rose to be a GREAT nation. He built our national infrastructure. He built our space program. He educated our population. He WARNED of the military industrial complex. He oversaw 8 years of peace during one of the worst periods in history. He was everything that Republicans today despise.
A very skilled politician who helped ease Cold War tensions and downsized the military-industrial complex, focusing on air power. While he was not personally invested in preventing segregation, he enforced court orders against it. He left most of the New Deal and Fair Deal intact as well. Overall, a very effective politician who fits the label "conservative" in a literal sense. Modern Republicans probably wouldn't support a candidate like him though.
9 William Clinton
William Jefferson Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States . He previously served as governor of Arkansas . He became president after unseating incumbent president, George H . W Bush in 1992 . He was re-elected in 1996 after defeating Senator Bob Dole .
I've lost all faith in this list and in the people who have voted Bush as the 2nd best president, though I'm not surprised if you get your info from Fox News or even MSNBC.
The economy was BOOMING fantastically during this man's terms, and he knew how to work with both the Democratic and Republican party. Gas was cheaper than it ever was under George W Bush (and Barack Obama's first term. Another thing is that Bush DID NOT inherit a recession from Clinton; he inherited a SURPLUS and drove it into the ground, and yet the man is second place on this list?!
Really, being rated ahead of Truman, John Adams, Polk, Jackson and Coolidge. All of his domestic legislation was initiated by Newt Gingrich or Bob Dole. Some of it was excellent and fortunately public opinion forced him to sign the legislation. In fairness to Bill he did expand NATO and built Middle East pipelines around our enemies, but he did screw up in his deals with N. Korea and China. If teachers would really teach American History he would not be rated any where near this level
It was the best era in my life time. The economy was good. I had my first job and making good money. There was so much prosperity and so much surplus then little Bush took us to war in Middle East and took it all away.
10 James Madison (4)
James Madison, Jr. was a political theorist, American statesman, and served as the fourth President of the United States.
#4. (Democratic-Republican) the father of the bill of rights who helped create the individual demands and benefits that still hold true to the American people this very day! Another perfect example of a founding father who's policies helped America succeed and improve its conditions for a stronger and more reliable nation. His strong inspiration and courage is a constant reminder of the civil liberties that represent our constitution and law of the land.
He was a very well-informed person, and many admired this about him. Because he knew so much and contributed a lot to the debates, Madison was called "Father of the Constitution." Also, Madison he took notes -published in The Federalist Papers- which are today our best record of what happened during the Constitutional Convention. Madison argued for federalism (power being divided between the states and national government), which eventually won over antifederalism (states having more power than the national government). Madison helped convince Virginia, which as a whole was opposed to a stronger central government, to ratify the Constitution. Madison was secretary of state for Thomas Jefferson (some even commented he controlled the president! ) and then became president himself. While he was president, the U.S. faced the War of 1812.
He led the nation through the War of 1812, securing US sovereignty for generations to come. He was also the father of the constitution and help to write the Federalist Papers without which we might not have democracy in the world today.
Hello, he framed our government!
Monday, February 20, 2017
Only 50% of Game Developers think Switch will beat Wii U
If the people who make video games for a living know what they’re talking about, Nintendo’s upcoming Switch console has a good chance of being a disappointment for the company. In a new State of the Industry poll by the Games Developers Conference, only 50% of 4,500 developers thought the Switch would outsell the Wii U, Nintendo’s previous console.
GDC paints that number as “optimism,” but it’s hard to see why, when the standard for comparison is the disastrous performance of the Wii U. That console has moved around 13 million units, and sales are stalled.
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That’s meager compared to other consoles of the same generation, with more than 53.4 million Playstation 4 units and an estimated 25-30 million Xbox Ones sold. It’s even more bleak when compared to the original Wii, which sold more than 100 million units over its lifetime, leading some on Nintendo’s sales team to project that the Wii U would put up similar numbers.
So, when only 50% of a pool of industry insiders think Nintendo’s next product will outperform its biggest failure since the Virtual Boy, it’s hard to take it as a good sign. 14% of respondents thought the Switch would actually perform worse than the Wii U, and 37% were unsure.
And it gets worse. On the specific question of the Switch’s most unique feature—its ability to transform from a home console to a portable system—only 19% of game developers thought the feature would be highly attractive to buyers. 48% saw the feature as appealing but not “world-changing.”
Regardless, while the original Wii’s motion control caught fire, unique features can only get you so far without a solid pipeline of games. The Wii U cratered in part because of a lackluster array of titles, and the Switch is getting off to an even slower start, launching with a mere 4 games. There’s no Mario game, no Super Smash Brothers, no Metroid Prime. Only a new Legend of Zelda game qualifies as a marquee title, and even professed Nintendo fans are venting their disappointment. And with developers already so tepid on the Switch, it may be harder to build a robust lineup in the future.
Those are foreboding signs for the system, which launches on March 3rd.
GDC paints that number as “optimism,” but it’s hard to see why, when the standard for comparison is the disastrous performance of the Wii U. That console has moved around 13 million units, and sales are stalled.
Get Data Sheet, Fortune’s technology newsletter.
That’s meager compared to other consoles of the same generation, with more than 53.4 million Playstation 4 units and an estimated 25-30 million Xbox Ones sold. It’s even more bleak when compared to the original Wii, which sold more than 100 million units over its lifetime, leading some on Nintendo’s sales team to project that the Wii U would put up similar numbers.
So, when only 50% of a pool of industry insiders think Nintendo’s next product will outperform its biggest failure since the Virtual Boy, it’s hard to take it as a good sign. 14% of respondents thought the Switch would actually perform worse than the Wii U, and 37% were unsure.
And it gets worse. On the specific question of the Switch’s most unique feature—its ability to transform from a home console to a portable system—only 19% of game developers thought the feature would be highly attractive to buyers. 48% saw the feature as appealing but not “world-changing.”
Regardless, while the original Wii’s motion control caught fire, unique features can only get you so far without a solid pipeline of games. The Wii U cratered in part because of a lackluster array of titles, and the Switch is getting off to an even slower start, launching with a mere 4 games. There’s no Mario game, no Super Smash Brothers, no Metroid Prime. Only a new Legend of Zelda game qualifies as a marquee title, and even professed Nintendo fans are venting their disappointment. And with developers already so tepid on the Switch, it may be harder to build a robust lineup in the future.
Those are foreboding signs for the system, which launches on March 3rd.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Nintendo Switch tech specs
Nintendo, unlike Microsoft and Sony, has been keen not to mention the hardware power of the upcoming Nintendo Switch.
We’re mere weeks from launch and there isn’t a single piece of official
information you can find that will tell you, say, how powerful is the
CPU and GPU, or how much RAM it has, and so on.
Naturally, this makes fans anticipate any official – or seemingly official – documents pertaining to the Switch specs with great excitement. A Reddit post that appeared earlier today, contains a massive amount of information. The details are sourced from three, developer-only documents covering the console’s hardware specs, system features, and other devkit instructions.
The files are big, and go into great detail – as you’d expect – into each of their respective subjects. While many of what’s included may not be relevant to the general public, some of what’s there is intriguing to say the least.
Most importantly, the documents list the Switch’s hardware specs. As you can see, the Switch appears to have a quad core ARM Cortex-A57 CPU that has a maximum speed of 2GHz. The GPU is a Maxwell-based, Nvidia chip with 256 CUDA cores and max speed of 1GHz.

The details for these two appear to be different from the most recent leak from back in December, which suggested the CPU would max out at 1GHz, not 2GHz, and the GPU would only run at 768MHz, instead of a full 1GHz.
As for RAM, the Switch appears to have 4GB of it, shared with the VRAM, according to the docs. Speaking of memory, the maximum cartridge limit seems to be 32GB, and the sizes mentioned are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16GB besides.
Outside of specs, a section titled “E-Commerce Features,” mentions that the Switch will not have support for free-to-play-style virtual currencies at launch. Support for DLC and season passes, however, will be available. The feature is expected to appear sometime post launch.
It’s important to note that the documents date back to July 2016, and they refer to the console as the NX – the Switch’s in-development codename. We’ve also not been able to verify the claims in the documents, and while they do appear official, they could be very good fakes.
Naturally, this makes fans anticipate any official – or seemingly official – documents pertaining to the Switch specs with great excitement. A Reddit post that appeared earlier today, contains a massive amount of information. The details are sourced from three, developer-only documents covering the console’s hardware specs, system features, and other devkit instructions.
The files are big, and go into great detail – as you’d expect – into each of their respective subjects. While many of what’s included may not be relevant to the general public, some of what’s there is intriguing to say the least.
Most importantly, the documents list the Switch’s hardware specs. As you can see, the Switch appears to have a quad core ARM Cortex-A57 CPU that has a maximum speed of 2GHz. The GPU is a Maxwell-based, Nvidia chip with 256 CUDA cores and max speed of 1GHz.

The details for these two appear to be different from the most recent leak from back in December, which suggested the CPU would max out at 1GHz, not 2GHz, and the GPU would only run at 768MHz, instead of a full 1GHz.
As for RAM, the Switch appears to have 4GB of it, shared with the VRAM, according to the docs. Speaking of memory, the maximum cartridge limit seems to be 32GB, and the sizes mentioned are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16GB besides.
Outside of specs, a section titled “E-Commerce Features,” mentions that the Switch will not have support for free-to-play-style virtual currencies at launch. Support for DLC and season passes, however, will be available. The feature is expected to appear sometime post launch.
It’s important to note that the documents date back to July 2016, and they refer to the console as the NX – the Switch’s in-development codename. We’ve also not been able to verify the claims in the documents, and while they do appear official, they could be very good fakes.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Nintendo is Lazy and You Don't Care
n New Super Mario Bros. Wii's multiplayer mode, you can play as icons
Mario, Luigi or two versions of sideshow character Toad. So when famed
Nintendo designer and development leader Shigeru Miyamoto is asked prior
to the game's release why Princess Peach wasn't included as a playable
character instead, he pauses and says that it would've been nice, but
that the physique of Toad more closely resembles that of Mario. "And if
one of the four had a dress, we'd have to come up with a special
programming to handle how the skirt is handled in gameplay," he jokes.
- a man responsible for many of my favorite games across two decades -- is just kidding about Peach's dress, but it's the first part of his comment that strikes me as interesting and even a little disturbing. He just told a room full of reporters that the only reason gamers must play as multi-colored versions of Toad instead of Peach or other beloved Mushroom Kingdom characters is because Toad has the same body shape as Mario and it was simply easier for Nintendo to recycle him.
With all due respect to Miyamoto, a proven gaming genius and innovator, that's just lazy. Either that, or Nintendo has gone off the deep end in its dogged pursuit of the business bottom line. This is not a two-man garage developer which works on games after its kids go to bed. It's a multi-billion dollar corporation with thousands of employees, many of whom have helped shape the very industry as we know it. A cash behemoth with unrivaled game-making experience. That it might even ponder recycling a character for one its most beloved and lucrative franchises so that it might save time, money, or whatever, seems ludicrous. That it actually did so is unbelievable.
Wii exists today because Nintendo is brilliant, but also because the company saw rising development costs, time and resources and didn't want any part of it. Smart business move. But for players who do value cutting-edge graphics and audio -- there are millions of us, by the way; we're not a niche, as six million copies sold of Modern Warfare 2 in November show -- it's a slap in the face and a clear case of the bottom line taking precedence.
Wii is a more powerful GameCube. It won't play high-definition titles. Laughably, it won't even output in Dolby Digital surround sound -- a feat PlayStation 2 accomplished nine years ago -- because the hardware includes only a stereo component. Nintendo created a console that it could manufacture cheaply and sell at a reduced price, which is an honorable pursuit. The side effect to this, however, is that because Wii is incapable of competing technically with its competitors, players have granted Nintendo unofficial license to coast by with a wealth of games whose presentations journey backward and not forward in time; a generational reprieve from even trying.
We all praise Nintendo for returning gameplay and not graphical pop to the forefront. Since their conception, games have been designed to be fun first and everything else second. Nintendo seems to realize that more than any other developer in the world, which is why some of its presentational shortcomings are usually overshadowed by welcomed over-compensations in control and design. But make no mistake: Wii Sports is also the product of Nintendo's bottom line and, yes, even laziness to some degree. The developer could have achieved a similarly simple, accessible visual ****with considerably more detail, but it chose not to. Wii Sports dons a crisp, clean look, but is otherwise decidedly generic, static, and frankly, archaic. Nintendo spent less time, energy and money on the graphics because it had a winning hook to fall back on, which was of course the new motion controls. Why, though, should innovation come at the expense of presentation? Because it's easier and cheaper.
There's Wii Play. It doesn't host a single experience that isn't playable for free and probably better as an iPhone app. It's a collection of lazily constructed mini-games, some of which aren't even enjoyable -- a simple technical demo of the Wii remote. And Nintendo struck gold with the title because it packaged it with a controller. It is the best-selling "game" this generation. Don't even get me started on Wii Music, a game that was so easy that it not only nearly played itself, but one whose soundtrack utilized public domain songs (because they're free for Nintendo to license) and MIDI-****music (because it's easier and cheaper to produce than orchestrated songs). The bottom line might as well have had a logo on the box.
It gets worse. Imagine an entire series of games re-purposed with tacked on Wii controls. Requires minimal effort on Nintendo's part and it's easy money. Cue the New Play Control! games. Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Mario Power Tennis, and evenMetroid Prime 1 and 2 in worldwide territories. Some of these games -- like DK Jungle Beat and Mario Power Tennis -- are actually worse on Wii. In less than one year, Nintendo has shipped seven of these games, three of which it ported internally. In the same period, the company has developed only five new games for Wii: Animal Crossing, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Music, Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort.
And really, why should Nintendo try when its strategy not only pays off by the millions but goes largely unquestioned by the fans, some of whom vehemently defend the company's every move. I've heard all the excuses. The primitive graphics of the Wii Sports series are intentional and therefore it's all right. Sure, the characters are limbless, lack fluid animation, geometry and texturing, but the game is supposed to look simple. It's supposed to be accessible, not daunting. And hey, everything's really crisp and it runs at a great framerate. Give Nintendo a pass. And so what if New Super Mario Bros. Wii plays and looks like the DS title before it? Who cares if the game's graphics aren't dazzling? It's fun, isn't it? That's what matters.
It's ironic because it is precisely the hardcore Nintendo fan who is most influenced by the company's changed practices. With the rare exception -- a morsel of food for the starving -- we are not getting the titles we want because Nintendo has hit upon a winning formula, which is to make quicker, cost-efficient software, sit back and then reap the rewards. The expanded audience doesn't read every word about the next title in the Legend of Zelda franchise. It doesn't care if New Super Mario Bros. isn't as beautiful as it could and should be. We do. And yet many of us defend Nintendo even when its motives benefit the business, not the players. We celebrate its monthly sales victories and then we re-play Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and Smash Bros. while we sift through Nintendo's cash-ins on the way to its next big thing.
- a man responsible for many of my favorite games across two decades -- is just kidding about Peach's dress, but it's the first part of his comment that strikes me as interesting and even a little disturbing. He just told a room full of reporters that the only reason gamers must play as multi-colored versions of Toad instead of Peach or other beloved Mushroom Kingdom characters is because Toad has the same body shape as Mario and it was simply easier for Nintendo to recycle him.
With all due respect to Miyamoto, a proven gaming genius and innovator, that's just lazy. Either that, or Nintendo has gone off the deep end in its dogged pursuit of the business bottom line. This is not a two-man garage developer which works on games after its kids go to bed. It's a multi-billion dollar corporation with thousands of employees, many of whom have helped shape the very industry as we know it. A cash behemoth with unrivaled game-making experience. That it might even ponder recycling a character for one its most beloved and lucrative franchises so that it might save time, money, or whatever, seems ludicrous. That it actually did so is unbelievable.
Wii exists today because Nintendo is brilliant, but also because the company saw rising development costs, time and resources and didn't want any part of it. Smart business move. But for players who do value cutting-edge graphics and audio -- there are millions of us, by the way; we're not a niche, as six million copies sold of Modern Warfare 2 in November show -- it's a slap in the face and a clear case of the bottom line taking precedence.
Wii is a more powerful GameCube. It won't play high-definition titles. Laughably, it won't even output in Dolby Digital surround sound -- a feat PlayStation 2 accomplished nine years ago -- because the hardware includes only a stereo component. Nintendo created a console that it could manufacture cheaply and sell at a reduced price, which is an honorable pursuit. The side effect to this, however, is that because Wii is incapable of competing technically with its competitors, players have granted Nintendo unofficial license to coast by with a wealth of games whose presentations journey backward and not forward in time; a generational reprieve from even trying.
We all praise Nintendo for returning gameplay and not graphical pop to the forefront. Since their conception, games have been designed to be fun first and everything else second. Nintendo seems to realize that more than any other developer in the world, which is why some of its presentational shortcomings are usually overshadowed by welcomed over-compensations in control and design. But make no mistake: Wii Sports is also the product of Nintendo's bottom line and, yes, even laziness to some degree. The developer could have achieved a similarly simple, accessible visual ****with considerably more detail, but it chose not to. Wii Sports dons a crisp, clean look, but is otherwise decidedly generic, static, and frankly, archaic. Nintendo spent less time, energy and money on the graphics because it had a winning hook to fall back on, which was of course the new motion controls. Why, though, should innovation come at the expense of presentation? Because it's easier and cheaper.
There's Wii Play. It doesn't host a single experience that isn't playable for free and probably better as an iPhone app. It's a collection of lazily constructed mini-games, some of which aren't even enjoyable -- a simple technical demo of the Wii remote. And Nintendo struck gold with the title because it packaged it with a controller. It is the best-selling "game" this generation. Don't even get me started on Wii Music, a game that was so easy that it not only nearly played itself, but one whose soundtrack utilized public domain songs (because they're free for Nintendo to license) and MIDI-****music (because it's easier and cheaper to produce than orchestrated songs). The bottom line might as well have had a logo on the box.
It gets worse. Imagine an entire series of games re-purposed with tacked on Wii controls. Requires minimal effort on Nintendo's part and it's easy money. Cue the New Play Control! games. Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Mario Power Tennis, and evenMetroid Prime 1 and 2 in worldwide territories. Some of these games -- like DK Jungle Beat and Mario Power Tennis -- are actually worse on Wii. In less than one year, Nintendo has shipped seven of these games, three of which it ported internally. In the same period, the company has developed only five new games for Wii: Animal Crossing, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Music, Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort.
And really, why should Nintendo try when its strategy not only pays off by the millions but goes largely unquestioned by the fans, some of whom vehemently defend the company's every move. I've heard all the excuses. The primitive graphics of the Wii Sports series are intentional and therefore it's all right. Sure, the characters are limbless, lack fluid animation, geometry and texturing, but the game is supposed to look simple. It's supposed to be accessible, not daunting. And hey, everything's really crisp and it runs at a great framerate. Give Nintendo a pass. And so what if New Super Mario Bros. Wii plays and looks like the DS title before it? Who cares if the game's graphics aren't dazzling? It's fun, isn't it? That's what matters.
It's ironic because it is precisely the hardcore Nintendo fan who is most influenced by the company's changed practices. With the rare exception -- a morsel of food for the starving -- we are not getting the titles we want because Nintendo has hit upon a winning formula, which is to make quicker, cost-efficient software, sit back and then reap the rewards. The expanded audience doesn't read every word about the next title in the Legend of Zelda franchise. It doesn't care if New Super Mario Bros. isn't as beautiful as it could and should be. We do. And yet many of us defend Nintendo even when its motives benefit the business, not the players. We celebrate its monthly sales victories and then we re-play Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and Smash Bros. while we sift through Nintendo's cash-ins on the way to its next big thing.
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