A half-century ago, conservatives were full of gloom and foreboding.
In 1961, Ronald Reagan warned that unless conservatives prevailed, "one
of these days, you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our
children, and our children's children, what it once was like in America
when men were free."
In accepting the 1964 Republican nomination for president, Barry
Goldwater warned that his opponents "are simply demanding the right to
enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you,
they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies."
Conservatives had good reason for pessimism in the 1960s. The Soviet
Union was at the height of its power, wielding nuclear weapons,
tyrannizing half of Europe and fomenting revolution around the globe.
Democrats, with an unbreakable hold on Congress, were expanding the
welfare state. The Vietnam War, the civil rights movement, violent crime
and the counterculture were upending the landscape.
But the Soviet Union failed to conquer the world. America did not
succumb to communism. Crime rates plunged. Hippies were unable to turn
the country into a vast replica of Haight-Ashbury.
On the contrary. Reagan carried the conservative banner into the White
House. The economy became freer. Tax rates came down. The Soviet empire
collapsed. The counterculture passed largely into history.
Christianity, defying John Lennon's assessment, outlasted The Beatles.
By the 1980s, young people gravitated to preppy clothes, business school
and the Republican Party. The long dark night of totalitarianism never
So you might think conservatives would wake up every day with a spring
in their steps and a song in their hearts. But that's not what happened.
When their worst fears weren't realized, they didn't discover grounds
for optimism. They looked for new reasons to be fearful -- and they
found them.
Barack Obama strikes many Democrats as a pale facsimile of what they
would like in the White House. He relied on Republican ideas for his
health care reform, accepted across-the-board spending cuts, conducted
secret domestic surveillance, kept Guantanamo open and did next to
nothing on gun control. Blogger Andrew Sullivan admiringly calls the
president "a de facto moderate Republican."
But to hard-line conservatives, he is the embodiment of a screaming
nightmare. They suffered a lot of horrifying hallucinations after Obama
won re-election, and those visions have not gone away.
Here's Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the star attractions at
last week's Values Voter Summit in Washington, sounding the alarm: "The
challenges facing this country are unlike any we have ever seen. ...
This is an administration that seems bound and determined to violate
every single one of our Bill of Rights."
He declared, "We're nearing the edge of a cliff. ... We have a couple
of years to turn this country around, or we go off the cliff to
oblivion." And he invoked Reagan's 1961 warning, fearing that "one day
we will find ourselves answering questions from our children and our
children's children, 'What was it like when America was free?'"
Cruz is blissfully oblivious to the fact that when Reagan issued that
jeremiad, he was talking about what would happen if Medicare became law.
Medicare did become law -- and yet here is Cruz, 52 years later,
telling us that (SET ITAL) we are still free. (END ITAL) So Reagan was
wrong then. But he's right now. Or something.
It's not hard to make a case that Medicare reduced freedom in one realm
of our lives. But it didn't destroy individual liberty in the
aggregate, or even prevent the expansion of liberty in other areas.
It was not a cataclysmic event that turned us into slaves. Neither is
anything that Obama has done or is about to do, including his health
insurance overhaul -- which, by the way, involves fewer government
restrictions and less expense than Medicare.
But somewhere along the way, many conservatives became addicted to the
fear of apocalypse. So even when their dire predictions fail to come
true, they keep forecasting the worst possible outcome if they don't get
their way. They seem to need the perpetual excitement of impending
Cruz and his audience are in the grip of a mania that tells them we are
hurtling toward catastrophe. There is no evidence that we're about to
go over a cliff, even if some people have gone around the bend.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Games before Playstation 4
Next month:
Ogre Battle Person of a Lordly Calibur (N64) sequel to a very hard SNES RPG
Rayman Legends (PS3)
Dragon's Crown (PS3)
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U)
Ogre Battle Person of a Lordly Calibur (N64) sequel to a very hard SNES RPG
Rayman Legends (PS3)
Dragon's Crown (PS3)
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
$2000 MAME cabinet doesn't make me friends/subscribers.
I got 30 mame roms and 20 Neo Geo AES roms on my computer. On Ebay, MAME cabinets sell for $2000. That is five playstation 4s!

I've been using MAME32 on my computer since 2005 and playing classics like Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, Battle Balkraid, Gunbird 1, Gunbird 2, and Mars Matrix. I honestly do not believe I would make more friends having a MAME cabinet. Arcade cabinets are expensive and MAME would save money, but I cannot get friends out of buying one. Absolutely nobody online or in the real world has been hyping MAME in the 8 years I used the emulator. I know if I had this in the 1995, I would be cool, but this is 18 years later after arcades went out of business. I own two GP2x Caanoo, and JXD s5300 at home which emulates games resulting in a couple 100 hits of youtube. I doubt a MAME cabinet would make more views than my GP2x Cannoo preview.
I've been using MAME32 on my computer since 2005 and playing classics like Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, Battle Balkraid, Gunbird 1, Gunbird 2, and Mars Matrix. I honestly do not believe I would make more friends having a MAME cabinet. Arcade cabinets are expensive and MAME would save money, but I cannot get friends out of buying one. Absolutely nobody online or in the real world has been hyping MAME in the 8 years I used the emulator. I know if I had this in the 1995, I would be cool, but this is 18 years later after arcades went out of business. I own two GP2x Caanoo, and JXD s5300 at home which emulates games resulting in a couple 100 hits of youtube. I doubt a MAME cabinet would make more views than my GP2x Cannoo preview.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Dating website is What the hell.
My adventures into online dating has been with Plenty of Fish. For some fucked up reason the people that want to meet me are black women and fat white women. What the hell! How does that even equate? I'm looking for a Caucasian woman around 100-140 pounds either with black (black Rednecks?), brown and blonde hair with an associates degree.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals Paperback by Thomas Sowell One of America's foremost black conservative intellectuals returns with this provocative collection of contrarian essays. Hoover Institution Fellow Sowell, author of Ethnic America, argues that "internal" cultural habits of industriousness, thriftiness, family solidarity and reverence for education often play a greater role in the success of ethnic minorities than do civil-rights laws or majority prejudices. The title essay posits a "black redneck" culture inherited from the white redneck culture of the South and characterized by violent machismo, shiftlessness and disdain for schooling. White liberals, gangsta-rap aficionados and others who lionize its ghetto remnants as an authentic black identity, Sowell contends, have their history wrong and help perpetuate cultural pathologies that hold blacks back. Sowell also examines the cultural achievements of such "middleman minorities" as Jews and expatriate Chinese whose frequent persecution, he feels, represents an animus against capitalism. And he defends Western culture itself against charges that it was uniquely culpable for slavery; in fact, he contends, it was uniquely responsible for eradicating slavery. Many of Sowell's arguments-that the 20th-century resegregation of Northern cities was a response to the uncouthness of black rednecks migrating from the South, or that segregated black schools often succeeded by suppressing redneckism with civilized New England puritanism-will arouse controversy, but these vigorously argued essays present a stimulating challenge to the conventional wisdom.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals Paperback by Thomas Sowell One of America's foremost black conservative intellectuals returns with this provocative collection of contrarian essays. Hoover Institution Fellow Sowell, author of Ethnic America, argues that "internal" cultural habits of industriousness, thriftiness, family solidarity and reverence for education often play a greater role in the success of ethnic minorities than do civil-rights laws or majority prejudices. The title essay posits a "black redneck" culture inherited from the white redneck culture of the South and characterized by violent machismo, shiftlessness and disdain for schooling. White liberals, gangsta-rap aficionados and others who lionize its ghetto remnants as an authentic black identity, Sowell contends, have their history wrong and help perpetuate cultural pathologies that hold blacks back. Sowell also examines the cultural achievements of such "middleman minorities" as Jews and expatriate Chinese whose frequent persecution, he feels, represents an animus against capitalism. And he defends Western culture itself against charges that it was uniquely culpable for slavery; in fact, he contends, it was uniquely responsible for eradicating slavery. Many of Sowell's arguments-that the 20th-century resegregation of Northern cities was a response to the uncouthness of black rednecks migrating from the South, or that segregated black schools often succeeded by suppressing redneckism with civilized New England puritanism-will arouse controversy, but these vigorously argued essays present a stimulating challenge to the conventional wisdom.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Goodreads alternative to Facebook
I have 150 Goodreads followers. Goodreads is integrated into Wordpress.com. I am using Goodreads to advertise my Youtube and Twitter which needs more subscribers. So far I gained 2 subscribers on Youtube and 4 on Twitter. I already advertised my blogspot blog on Facebook, yet there was no followers on my Facebook blog page. I had a Blogspot RSS Feed on Facebook, but nobody liked that. I need more comments which are normal.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thanks Blizzard for single player in Diablo 3
Blizzard came out with a single player version of Diablo 3 that I don't have pay monthly. I wish they put single player in the PC version. I haven't played Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction since 2006 when I used Hero Editor to create high level barbarian. It was great fun. I bet in 2022, on the tenth anniversary, Blizzard will bring single player option on PC with a patch. Its great the PS3 version has 1.08 patch changes.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Moron hillbilly Catholic should join his old church
I saw this hillbilly who likes the National Rifle Association, country music and Republican join the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America which is the most Marxist progressive church in the United States and baptizes his kids in it. It sheds members like clockwork. I personally haven't been inside any ELCA church since October 1999 and I tend to stay away from them like the plague. Why hillbillies join the ELCA is beyond me other then he's a moron. What I can't figure out is why this ex-Catholic hillbilly doesn't join a Catholic church.
A new commenter named El Cid popped up in my Rosie O'Donnell post, so I followed his link and read through his posts. A fellow Lutheran, he put this article up two weeks ago. I found it fascinating. I still think that one of the greatest dramas that's unfolding in the Christian church is what to do about homosexuals. In the OT God said to kill them. In the NT Paul continues to say that it's immoral, but Christ let the adulteress go, and said, "Let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone." Does this mean the throne has been stowed? That there will no longer be hierarchy of sin, and that anything goes?
There is no clarity within the ELCA church on this topic. And the ELCA has been riven. Many women are leaving the traditional mainline churches on the charge that they are sexist. Even Muslim women are leaving the mosques on this charge (I have two students who privately informed me of this decision). How to be inclusive, and yet retain the authority of scripture? The churches and mosques are being riven, but people are often left in a no-man's land between tradition and so-called progress -- without any authority other than the MSM.
The ELCA voted in 2009 to ordain homosexual pastors and the flight from the church has been staggering. While the ELCA had a budget of 88 million in 2008, the money coming in this year has been less than half of that amount (about forty million). Some of this can be attributed to the downturn in the economy. But there is also a wholesale flight of congregants and congregations to other denominations and precincts. People are voting with their soles.
What expectations ought we to have on entering a church? What expectations should people have a right to expect? How is it that when a church (or any institution) doesn't contribute that which is expected, that those who are then disappointed, will leave? Suffice it to say that this is an exodus like that from Egypt under Moses. People are looking for different leaders, and a way of life that includes a tight family, a mom and dad, and their respective children. The ELCA leadership has condoned not just masturbation, but also S & M, and other practices. Lord love a duck. There has been no official sanction regarding bestiality but expect it to follow, along with necrophilia. Who's to judge? The ten commandments themselves have been silenced, and even mocked, and are now being taken down as a set of guidelines which once demarcated American law. The new laws are more and more Marxist in their origins, and intentions. Meanwhile, the Christian churches are mysteriously silent on many issues of great concern. Jesus never had a wife. It took Martin Luther to open up the idea that it was possible for a priest to have a wife. Many mainline churches allowed women to be ordained in the 1970s following the sexual revolution of the 1960s. The Catholics are slowly giving ground on that topic, but not much. Homosexual ordination is now allowed in some denominations, but is intensely fought in others. When tradition gives way to progress, many feel that the tradition has been destroyed. Many people will scream I should shut up about this, as it makes them nervous. But it's obvious that something momentous has occurred in the ELCA, and it's weird to watch since I grew up in the Lutheran church, and its strange to watch it disintegrate and fragment while many who are against the new rules are silenced. Here is an article I found on El Cid's blog, that I present for the elucidation of some of the facts on the ground:
ELCA Follows Episcopal Slide to Oblivion
Evangelical Lutheran Church Follows Episcopal Church in Gadarene Slide to Oblivion As in the Episcopal Church there is still and always will be a faithful remnant in the ELCA
Five Congregations leave ELCA every week. Lutheran Congregations that leave can keep properties
By Robert Luther
Special to Virtueonline
March 2, 2012
The ecclesiastical realignment that has been going on in North America over the last decade has not been confined to Anglicanism.
Since August, 2009, when the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Churchwide Assembly voted to allow congregations that choose to do so to recognize same gender unions and accept those who have entered into such unions to serve as rostered leaders (pastors, deacons, chaplains, etc.), the resulting schism in the ELCA has been devastating.
The ELCA was formed in 1987 by a merger of three Lutheran denominations that combined to form one ecclesiastical adjudicatory that promptly went down the same revisionist path as the Episcopal Church, sadly but predictably bringing the same results. Membership started a slow decline so that by 2008 the ELCA had lost over 12 percent of its membership and 737 congregations, all this while the population of the United States was booming.
Then in 2009 things got worse. While the befuddled revisionists celebrated their muddled gospel of inclusion, affirmation and social justice, many of the faithful shook the dust off their feet and gathered in Columbus, Ohio a year later to start a new Lutheran denomination called the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). As Edmund Burke wrote, "There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue."
Others left for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) or the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC). LCMC has 772 member congregations, with 683 of those in the US; however, some of these congregations also maintain membership in the ELCA.
The result has been a schism that has been much faster and deeper than that in the Episcopal Church. Why is that so? because ELCA congregations can disaffiliate from the ELCA and keep their property. It takes two, two thirds majority congregational votes ninety days apart and they can leave with their property and join the Lutheran denomination of their choice.
No lawsuits, no clergy deposed, no pack of wolves trying to take property from those who paid for it and for which the synod would have no use; an altogether civilized and gracious way to treat those leaving.
In the 2009 - 2010 period alone the ELCA lost nearly 8 percent of its membership and 388 congregations, with most of these congregations moving to other jurisdictions and some closing.
It's also likely that additional thousands of church members quietly left their liberal congregations without a word, in typical Lutheran humility, but are still being counted as members on the rolls. Many of these folks headed straight for the local Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation, where the Holy Scriptures are still faithfully preached and taught.
2011 numbers are not yet available but they will be just as bad. Over the last year an average of 5 congregations each week have been leaving the ELCA to join the North American Lutheran Church, and after only a year and a half well over 300 congregations have taken this step.
One would think that the leadership of the ELCA would have looked at what happened to the Episcopal Church and decided there is no way they could all join hands, drink the same Kool-Aid and then jump off the same cliff into oblivion, but amazingly and regrettably that was not the case. This writer will leave it to the psychologists and other deep thinkers among you to try to fathom why.
As in the Episcopal Church, there is still and always will be a faithful remnant in the ELCA but as so many of the faithful have left, this group will have less and less influence, be more and more marginalized and most likely will find their presence more and more difficult; however, the Lord always has a purpose for the faithful and prophetic voice crying out in the wilderness, and some will always feel called to the lonely ministry of the scorned prophet.
May God comfort and strengthen them. One can't help but wonder what the similarities between the Anglican Church of North America and the North American Lutheran Church may lead to. Anglican and Lutheran theology are very similar and there has been a substantial and visible presence of Anglican purple shirts at both convocations of the NALC.
It's also pretty clear that the realignment in North American Protestantism over the last decade has not been along denominational lines but along the lines of those who are orthodox in matters of faith and morals as opposed to those who have adopted the values of a secular and increasingly pagan culture.
This leaves the ACNA and NALC with a lot in common. One thing is very clear: these two churches have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the churches from which they disaffiliated.
Democracy changed the ELCA. They let the voting constituency become 66.6% laity, and the votes went 666 for ordination. I wish only pastors could vote. You have to really study these questions deeply, which means knowing the original languages, etc.
It's like letting students give themselves their own grades.
A hierarchy is a good thing. A lowerarchy is a pain.
The problem is that all the authority is going out of scripture as people rewrite it, and reconfigure it, marginalizing Paul, marginalizing the OT, and pushing the sermon on the mount as the only part of scriptrue that matters.
The universities are gonzo. the government is gonzo. Families are gonzo. all that's left are a few denominations.
Maybe these people are just going to other congregations, other denominations. I would assume that would be the case. We ourselves are a motley crue -- former Catholics, Methodists, Congregationalists, and what have you. We have a good pastor and a fine building. Build it and they will come.
Undermine it, and they will flee, taking their money with them.Certainly many of the younger people are leaving the fold. But if the contributions which were at 88 million in 2008 are down to 40 million in 2011, something else besides normal attrition has taken place
No drop in Missouri Synod versus 23% for ELCA is still significant. The numbers I read were 88 to 40 but it was in a partisan pamphlet without a citation. I don't know where these numbers can be found, and whether they are bound to be legally responsible for getting them right.
I'm not sure how this whole thing works in economic terms. Those who have lost jobs of course have less to contribute, and the numbers have doubled to about ten percent in some places, a bit more or a bit less in others. For those who've kept their jobs, they should be able to contribute the same amount.
With the rise of secular institutions came a revival of Greek paganism within classical scholarship. German Romanticism gave rise to a renewed cult of paganism with the Schlegels and Schleiermachers and others trumpeting the ancient Greeks as the truest culture, then giving rise to Nietzsche and further on Jung and others arguing that the Greek gods were a system of archetypal mayhem that underwrit the truest images of humanity. Zeus the rapist and Dionysos the rapist and Hades the abductor became the new images of mankind and Christianity was thought to be a farce.
Now you have so many people pointing back and saying but this culture allowed that, and that culture allowed this, Christianity is so restrictive, let's get all pagan and put on parades like they did i ancient Rome where all hell broke loose.
And then all hell did break loose, but America put a stop to it. We not only shut the Germans up, but the Russians, and the Japanese.
But in doing so we caught some of it. The younger people began to get interested in Zen, which represents a total absence of values. And in communism, which represents a total absence of values. And in Nietzsche, which represents a total reversal of all values.
And all these negations now creep through the churches unbeknownst even to those who are supposedly the gatekeepers. I alone can stop all this.
A new commenter named El Cid popped up in my Rosie O'Donnell post, so I followed his link and read through his posts. A fellow Lutheran, he put this article up two weeks ago. I found it fascinating. I still think that one of the greatest dramas that's unfolding in the Christian church is what to do about homosexuals. In the OT God said to kill them. In the NT Paul continues to say that it's immoral, but Christ let the adulteress go, and said, "Let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone." Does this mean the throne has been stowed? That there will no longer be hierarchy of sin, and that anything goes?
There is no clarity within the ELCA church on this topic. And the ELCA has been riven. Many women are leaving the traditional mainline churches on the charge that they are sexist. Even Muslim women are leaving the mosques on this charge (I have two students who privately informed me of this decision). How to be inclusive, and yet retain the authority of scripture? The churches and mosques are being riven, but people are often left in a no-man's land between tradition and so-called progress -- without any authority other than the MSM.
The ELCA voted in 2009 to ordain homosexual pastors and the flight from the church has been staggering. While the ELCA had a budget of 88 million in 2008, the money coming in this year has been less than half of that amount (about forty million). Some of this can be attributed to the downturn in the economy. But there is also a wholesale flight of congregants and congregations to other denominations and precincts. People are voting with their soles.
What expectations ought we to have on entering a church? What expectations should people have a right to expect? How is it that when a church (or any institution) doesn't contribute that which is expected, that those who are then disappointed, will leave? Suffice it to say that this is an exodus like that from Egypt under Moses. People are looking for different leaders, and a way of life that includes a tight family, a mom and dad, and their respective children. The ELCA leadership has condoned not just masturbation, but also S & M, and other practices. Lord love a duck. There has been no official sanction regarding bestiality but expect it to follow, along with necrophilia. Who's to judge? The ten commandments themselves have been silenced, and even mocked, and are now being taken down as a set of guidelines which once demarcated American law. The new laws are more and more Marxist in their origins, and intentions. Meanwhile, the Christian churches are mysteriously silent on many issues of great concern. Jesus never had a wife. It took Martin Luther to open up the idea that it was possible for a priest to have a wife. Many mainline churches allowed women to be ordained in the 1970s following the sexual revolution of the 1960s. The Catholics are slowly giving ground on that topic, but not much. Homosexual ordination is now allowed in some denominations, but is intensely fought in others. When tradition gives way to progress, many feel that the tradition has been destroyed. Many people will scream I should shut up about this, as it makes them nervous. But it's obvious that something momentous has occurred in the ELCA, and it's weird to watch since I grew up in the Lutheran church, and its strange to watch it disintegrate and fragment while many who are against the new rules are silenced. Here is an article I found on El Cid's blog, that I present for the elucidation of some of the facts on the ground:
ELCA Follows Episcopal Slide to Oblivion
Evangelical Lutheran Church Follows Episcopal Church in Gadarene Slide to Oblivion As in the Episcopal Church there is still and always will be a faithful remnant in the ELCA
Five Congregations leave ELCA every week. Lutheran Congregations that leave can keep properties
By Robert Luther
Special to Virtueonline
March 2, 2012
The ecclesiastical realignment that has been going on in North America over the last decade has not been confined to Anglicanism.
Since August, 2009, when the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Churchwide Assembly voted to allow congregations that choose to do so to recognize same gender unions and accept those who have entered into such unions to serve as rostered leaders (pastors, deacons, chaplains, etc.), the resulting schism in the ELCA has been devastating.
The ELCA was formed in 1987 by a merger of three Lutheran denominations that combined to form one ecclesiastical adjudicatory that promptly went down the same revisionist path as the Episcopal Church, sadly but predictably bringing the same results. Membership started a slow decline so that by 2008 the ELCA had lost over 12 percent of its membership and 737 congregations, all this while the population of the United States was booming.
Then in 2009 things got worse. While the befuddled revisionists celebrated their muddled gospel of inclusion, affirmation and social justice, many of the faithful shook the dust off their feet and gathered in Columbus, Ohio a year later to start a new Lutheran denomination called the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). As Edmund Burke wrote, "There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue."
Others left for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) or the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC). LCMC has 772 member congregations, with 683 of those in the US; however, some of these congregations also maintain membership in the ELCA.
The result has been a schism that has been much faster and deeper than that in the Episcopal Church. Why is that so? because ELCA congregations can disaffiliate from the ELCA and keep their property. It takes two, two thirds majority congregational votes ninety days apart and they can leave with their property and join the Lutheran denomination of their choice.
No lawsuits, no clergy deposed, no pack of wolves trying to take property from those who paid for it and for which the synod would have no use; an altogether civilized and gracious way to treat those leaving.
In the 2009 - 2010 period alone the ELCA lost nearly 8 percent of its membership and 388 congregations, with most of these congregations moving to other jurisdictions and some closing.
It's also likely that additional thousands of church members quietly left their liberal congregations without a word, in typical Lutheran humility, but are still being counted as members on the rolls. Many of these folks headed straight for the local Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation, where the Holy Scriptures are still faithfully preached and taught.
2011 numbers are not yet available but they will be just as bad. Over the last year an average of 5 congregations each week have been leaving the ELCA to join the North American Lutheran Church, and after only a year and a half well over 300 congregations have taken this step.
One would think that the leadership of the ELCA would have looked at what happened to the Episcopal Church and decided there is no way they could all join hands, drink the same Kool-Aid and then jump off the same cliff into oblivion, but amazingly and regrettably that was not the case. This writer will leave it to the psychologists and other deep thinkers among you to try to fathom why.
As in the Episcopal Church, there is still and always will be a faithful remnant in the ELCA but as so many of the faithful have left, this group will have less and less influence, be more and more marginalized and most likely will find their presence more and more difficult; however, the Lord always has a purpose for the faithful and prophetic voice crying out in the wilderness, and some will always feel called to the lonely ministry of the scorned prophet.
May God comfort and strengthen them. One can't help but wonder what the similarities between the Anglican Church of North America and the North American Lutheran Church may lead to. Anglican and Lutheran theology are very similar and there has been a substantial and visible presence of Anglican purple shirts at both convocations of the NALC.
It's also pretty clear that the realignment in North American Protestantism over the last decade has not been along denominational lines but along the lines of those who are orthodox in matters of faith and morals as opposed to those who have adopted the values of a secular and increasingly pagan culture.
This leaves the ACNA and NALC with a lot in common. One thing is very clear: these two churches have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the churches from which they disaffiliated.
Democracy changed the ELCA. They let the voting constituency become 66.6% laity, and the votes went 666 for ordination. I wish only pastors could vote. You have to really study these questions deeply, which means knowing the original languages, etc.
It's like letting students give themselves their own grades.
A hierarchy is a good thing. A lowerarchy is a pain.
The problem is that all the authority is going out of scripture as people rewrite it, and reconfigure it, marginalizing Paul, marginalizing the OT, and pushing the sermon on the mount as the only part of scriptrue that matters.
The universities are gonzo. the government is gonzo. Families are gonzo. all that's left are a few denominations.
Maybe these people are just going to other congregations, other denominations. I would assume that would be the case. We ourselves are a motley crue -- former Catholics, Methodists, Congregationalists, and what have you. We have a good pastor and a fine building. Build it and they will come.
Undermine it, and they will flee, taking their money with them.Certainly many of the younger people are leaving the fold. But if the contributions which were at 88 million in 2008 are down to 40 million in 2011, something else besides normal attrition has taken place
No drop in Missouri Synod versus 23% for ELCA is still significant. The numbers I read were 88 to 40 but it was in a partisan pamphlet without a citation. I don't know where these numbers can be found, and whether they are bound to be legally responsible for getting them right.
I'm not sure how this whole thing works in economic terms. Those who have lost jobs of course have less to contribute, and the numbers have doubled to about ten percent in some places, a bit more or a bit less in others. For those who've kept their jobs, they should be able to contribute the same amount.
With the rise of secular institutions came a revival of Greek paganism within classical scholarship. German Romanticism gave rise to a renewed cult of paganism with the Schlegels and Schleiermachers and others trumpeting the ancient Greeks as the truest culture, then giving rise to Nietzsche and further on Jung and others arguing that the Greek gods were a system of archetypal mayhem that underwrit the truest images of humanity. Zeus the rapist and Dionysos the rapist and Hades the abductor became the new images of mankind and Christianity was thought to be a farce.
Now you have so many people pointing back and saying but this culture allowed that, and that culture allowed this, Christianity is so restrictive, let's get all pagan and put on parades like they did i ancient Rome where all hell broke loose.
And then all hell did break loose, but America put a stop to it. We not only shut the Germans up, but the Russians, and the Japanese.
But in doing so we caught some of it. The younger people began to get interested in Zen, which represents a total absence of values. And in communism, which represents a total absence of values. And in Nietzsche, which represents a total reversal of all values.
And all these negations now creep through the churches unbeknownst even to those who are supposedly the gatekeepers. I alone can stop all this.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
DVD/Bluray collection
1 Apocalypse Now 8.5 1979
2 Avatar 8 2009
3 A Bridge Too Far 7.4 1977
4 A Streetcar Named Desire 8.1 1951
5 Alien 8.5 1979
6 Aliens 8.5 1986
7 Alien³ 6.4 1992
8 AVP: Alien vs. Predator 5.5 2004
9 Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem 4.7 2007
10 An American Werewolf in London 7.6 1981
11 Band of Brothers 9.6 2001
12 complete series boxset Battlestar Galactica 8.8 2004
13 Battlestar Galactica 8.6 2003
14 Black Rain 6.6 1989
15 Blade Runner 8.3 1982
16 Dracula 7.5 1992
17 The Brides of Dracula 6.9 1960
18 complete series boxset Centennial 8.4 1978
19 Collateral 7.6 2004
20 Curse of the Demon 7.7 1957
21 Daybreakers 6.5 2009
22 The Deer Hunter 8.2 1978
23 Defiance 7.2 2008
24 Dirty Harry 7.8 1971
25 The Dirty Dozen 7.8 1967
26 Horror of Dracula 7.5 1958
27 Dracula 6.4 1979
28 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave 6.5 1968
29 Dracula A.D. 1972 5.8 1972
30 Dracula: Prince of Darkness 6.7 1966
31 East of Eden 8.1 1955
32 Enemy at the Gates 7.6 2001
33 Firefox 5.8 1982
34 Flags of Our Fathers 7.1 2006
35 Fright Night 7.1 1985
36 Fright Night 6.4 2011
37 The Godfather 9.2 1972
38 The Godfather: Part II 9.1 1974
39 The Godfather: Part III 7.6 1990
40 Halloween 7.9 1978
41 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 7.4 2007
42 Hide and Seek 5.9 2005
43 How the West Was Won 7.1 1962
44 Independence Day 6.9 1996
45 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 7.6 1984
46 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8.3 1989
47 Raiders of the Lost Ark 8.6 1981
48 Inception 8.8 2010
49 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 7.6 1994
50 Iron Man 2 7.1 2010
51 It's a Wonderful Life 8.7 1946
52 Jonny Quest 8 1964
53 Jurassic Park 8 1993
54 Kelly's Heroes 7.7 1970
55 The War 8.9 2007
56 The Civil War 9.4 1990
57 Lawrence of Arabia 8.4 1962
58 Live Free or Die Hard 7.3 2007
59 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 8.9 2001
60 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 8.9 2003
61 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 8.8 2002
62 Dr. No 7.3 1962
63 Goldfinger 7.8 1964
64 From Russia with Love 7.5 1963
65 Magnum Force 7.2 1973
66 The Matrix Reloaded 7.2 2003
67 The Matrix Revolutions 6.7 2003
68 Marley & Me 7.1 2008
69 Men of Honor 7.1 2000
70 This Is It 7.3 2009
71 Minority Report 7.7 2002
72 Mirrors 6.2 2008
73 Mr. Deeds 5.8 2002
74 Monty Python's Flying Circus 9 1969
75 The Mummy 7 1999
76 The Mummy Returns 6.3 2001
77 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 5.2 2008
78 My Fair Lady 7.9 1964
79 Christmas Vacation 7.5 1989
80 Pale Rider 7.3 1985
81 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes 7.3 1970
82 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 8.1 2003
83 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 7.3 2006
84 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 7.1 2007
85 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 6.7 2011
86 Rebel Without a Cause 7.8 1955
87 The Satanic Rites of Dracula 5.5 1973
88 Saving Private Ryan 8.6 1998
89 Scars of Dracula 6.3 1970
90 Seabiscuit 7.4 2003
91 Sherlock Holmes 7.6 2009
92 Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady 6 1991
93 The Pearl of Death 7.5 1944
94 Sherlock Holmes' Fatal Hour 5.8 1931
95 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon 6.8 1942
96 Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror 6.8 1942
97 The Woman in Green 6.9 1945
98 Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 7.3 1943
99 Shutter Island 8.1 2010
100 Sleepy Hollow 7.5 1999
101 seasons 1 -4 Space Ghost Coast to Coast 8.1 1994
102 Spider-Man 7.3 2002
103 Spider-Man 2 7.4 2004
104 Spider-Man 3 6.3 2007
105 The Sopranos 9.3 1999
106 complete series boxset Star Trek 8.4 1966
107 Star Trek 8.1 2009
108 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 6.3 1979
109 complete series boxset Star Trek: The Next Generation 8.7 1987
110 complete series boxset (2011 PAL) Star Trek: Voyager 7.7 1995
111 Star Trek: First Contact 7.6 1996
112 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 7.8 1982
113 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 7.3 1986
114 Star Trek: Generations 6.5 1994
115 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 7.2 1991
116 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 6.6 1984
117 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 5.3 1989
118 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 6.6 1999
119 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 6.8 2002
120 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 7.7 2005
121 Star Wars 8.7 1977
122 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 8.8 1980
123 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 8.4 1983
124 It 6.9 1990
125 State of Play 7.1 2009
126 Rose Red 6.7 2002
127 Silver Bullet 6.3 1985
128 Sudden Impact 6.6 1983
129 Taken 7.9 2008
130 Taste the Blood of Dracula 6.3 1970
131 The Terminator 8.1 1984
132 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 8.5 1991
133 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 6.4 2003
134 TRON: Legacy 6.9 2010
135 True Grit 7.7 2010
136 The Blue and the Gray 7.7 1982
137 The Bourne Supremacy 7.8 2004
138 The Changeling 7.3 1980
139 The Changeling 6.9 2006
140 The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer 5.5 2003
141 The Enforcer 6.7 1976
142 The Exorcist 8 1973
143 The Final Countdown 6.7 1980
144 The Hound of the Baskervilles 7.7 1939
145 The Hound of the Baskervilles 7 1959
146 The Hustler 8.1 1961
147 The King's Speech 8.1 2010
148 The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires 6 1974
149 The Long, Hot Summer 7.4 1958
150 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 9 1966
151 Fistful of Dollars 8.1 1964
152 For a Few Dollars More 8.4 1965
153 North and South 8.1 1985
154 The Pacific 8.3 2010
155 The Phantom of the Opera 7.4 2004
156 Pride & Prejudice 7.8 2005
157 The Thing 8.2 1982
158 The Thin Red Line 7.6 1998
159 The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada 7.5 2005
160 The Verdict 7.8 1982
161 They Were Expendable 7.4 1945
162 To Kill a Mockingbird 8.4 1962
163 all 7 seasons Trailer Park Boys 8.5 2001
164 complete series boxset The Wire 9.4 2002
165 Unforgiven 8.3 1992
166 Valkyrie 7.1 2008
167 Von Ryan's Express 7.1 1965
168 complete series boxset War and Remembrance 8.3 1988
169 War of the Worlds 6.5 2005
170 White Christmas 7.6 1954
171 Holiday Inn 7.6 1942
172 Without a Clue 7 1988
173 complete series boxset The Winds of War 8.2 1983
174 complete series boxset The X-Files 8.8 1993
175 X-Men 7.4 2000
176 X-Men: The Last Stand 6.8 2006
177 X2 7.5 2003
178 X-Men: First Class 7.8 2011
179 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 6.8 2009
180 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 8.6 1964
181 Doctor Zhivago 8 1965
182 The Wolfman 5.8 2010
183 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 7.4 2007
184 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 8.1 2011
185 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 7.7 2010
186 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 7.5 2009
187 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 7.8 2004
188 Angels & Demons 6.7 2009
189 Transformers 7.2 2007
190 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 6 2009
191 Transformers: Dark of the Moon 6.4 2011
192 Once Upon a Time in the West 8.7 1968
193 From Here to Eternity 7.8 1953
194 The Sum of All Fears 6.4 2002
195 The Hunt for Red October 7.6 1990
196 Patriot Games 6.9 1992
197 Seasons 1 - 8 boxsets The Simpsons 9 1989
198 Clear and Present Danger 6.9 1994
199 There are 6 boxsets of Poirot I own. All movies. Agatha Christie's Poirot 8.6 1989
200 Van Helsing 5.9 2004
201 Hanna 6.8 2011
202 Jesse Stone: Stone Cold 7.2 2005
203 Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise 7.1 2006
204 Jesse Stone: Night Passage 7.2 2006
205 Jesse Stone: No Remorse 7.2 2010
206 Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost 6.9 2011
207 complete series The X-Files 8.8 1993
208 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 7.9 2011
209 complete series The Sopranos 9.3 1999
210 Fast Five 7.3 2011
211 The Fast and the Furious 6.6 2001
212 2 Fast 2 Furious 5.7 2003
213 Fast & Furious 6.6 2009
214 seasons 1 and 2 Sherlock 9.3 2010
215 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 7.5 2011
216 The Big Trail 7.3 1930
217 Red River 7.8 1948
218 Legend of the Lost 6 1957
219 The Barbarian and the Geisha 5.6 1958
220 The Horse Soldiers 7.2 1959
221 The Alamo 6.9 1960
222 North to Alaska 7 1960
223 The Comancheros 6.8 1961
224 The Longest Day 7.8 1962
225 The Undefeated 6.6 1969
226 12 Angry Men 8.9 1957
227 Pride and Prejudice 9.2 1995
228 The Prestige 8.5 2006
229 Bend of the River 7.4 1952
230 The Far Country 7.3 1954
231 Night Passage 6.7 1957
232 The Rare Breed 6.4 1966
233 Singin' in the Rain 8.4 1952
234 Mark of the Vampire 6.3 1935
235 The Haunted Palace 6.8 1963
236 Dracula 7.7 1931
237 Dracula's Daughter 6.4 1936
238 Son of Dracula 6.2 1943
239 House of Dracula 5.7 1945
240 The Bride of Frankenstein 7.9 1935
241 Son of Frankenstein 7.2 1939
242 The Ghost of Frankenstein 6.1 1942
243 Dead of Night 7.7 1945
244 12 Angry Men 8.9 1957
245 Batman Begins 8.3 2005
246 Kelly's Heroes 7.7 1970
247 The Dirty Dozen 7.8 1967
248 The Fog 6.8 1980
249 Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein 7.6 1948
250 The Last Man on Earth 6.9 1964
251 seasons 1 & 2 Game of Thrones 9.5 2011
252 Swingers 7.4 1996
253 Skyfall 7.8 2012
254 Red vs Blue: Recollection Trilogy 8.7 2008
255 Red vs. Blue: Recreation 8.4 2009
256 Red vs. Blue: Revelation 8.4 2010
257 Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction 8.4 2008
258 Red vs. Blue: Season 10 7.6 2012
259 Red vs. Blue Season 9 8 2011
260 Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles 8.6 2003
261 The Best Years of Our Lives 8.3 1946
262 the complete series (release 11/20/2012) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 6.2 1993
263 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 8.1 2012
264 the complete series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 7.9 1993
265 Count Dracula 5.8 1970
266 Battle of the Bulge 6.8 1965
267 Starship Troopers 7.2 1997
268 The Last Stand 6.4 2013
269 The Eiger Sanction 6.3 1975
270 Coogan's Bluff 6.5 1968
271 Where Eagles Dare 7.7 1968
272 Lincoln 7.5 2012
273 Star Trek Into Darkness 7.9 2013
274 Iron Man 7.9 2008
275 Iron Man 3 7.4 2013
276 complete series boxset Power Rangers Zeo 6.4 1996
277 complete series boxset Power Rangers Turbo 5.6 1997
278 complete series boxset Power Rangers in Space 7 1998
279 complete series boxset Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 6.6 1999
280 The Seventh Victim 7 1943
281 The Raven 6.7 1963
282 Diary of a Madman 6.4 1963
283 Tower of London 6.3 1962
284 House of Usher 7.1 1960
285 The Looney Tunes Show 7.8 2011
286 Hugo 7.6 2011
287 Good Will Hunting 8.2 1997
288 All Quiet on the Western Front 7.1 1979
289 The Great Raid 6.7 2005
290 The Sea Wolves 6.3 1980
291 The Bridge at Remagen 6.7 1969
292 Between Heaven and Hell 6.6 1956
293 So Proudly We Hail! 7.6 1943
294 Battle of the Coral Sea 5.8 1959
295 To the Shores of Tripoli 6.1 1942
296 Once an Eagle 7.7 1976
297 Twelve O'Clock High 7.8 1949
298 The Conjuring 7.6 2013
299 Power Rangers Wild Force 5.8 2002
300 Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue 6.1 2000
301 Power Rangers Time Force 6.5 2001
302 Power Rangers Ninja Storm 5.9 2003
303 Power Rangers DinoThunder 6.1 2004
304 The Frozen Ground 6.4 2013
305 Great Performances: Count Dracula 7.8 1971
306 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 8.1 2013
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