Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Progressive churches rule Wisconsin = Democratic majority
Sunday, July 19, 2009
US needs 100 more nuclear/hydrogen power plants before 2030!
Now BIG BROTHER or the MESSIAH closed Yucca Mountain Nuclear storage construction which is supposed to be done in approximately 2020 if on time, BECAUSE HE IS ROTTEN TO THE BONE, maybe a little insane! Now, I’ll have very high energy costs for the rest of my life thanks to “THAT ONE”. So you see the craziness of the Democrat party? They screwed us, because they live a lie which is global warming. You know? Sunspots and Sun flares. They want the UN to have that IMF International Dollar? So they got what they wanted at the cost of making US a United Socialist States of America and downsizing our military spending for no clear logical reason except to make people vote for Labor Democrats or CPUSA Democrats more often. A solution to tens of thousands of tons of nuclear waste piling up at reactors across the country WAS YUCCA MOUNTAIN and Reprocessing of spent Uranium! IT was going to be completed by 2030 when we’re supposed to have 100 more plants built or have severe energy shortages and blackouts. I remember that the blackout in 2003 cut electricity for North East states USA, Pennsylvania, and Nova Scotia, from a simple UNIX error. Which community wants their electricity to cut out all the time!
Think of our solitary New Yorker on the Upper West Side as a 1,400-watt bulb that never sleeps—that’s the national per-capita average demand for electric power from homes, factories, businesses, the lot. Our average citizen burns about twice as bright at 4 pm in August, and a lot dimmer at 4 am in December; grown-ups burn more than kids, the rich more than the poor; but it all averages out: 14 floor lamps per person, lit round the clock. Convert this same number back into a utility’s supply-side jargon, and a million people need roughly 1.4 “gigs” of power—1.4 gigawatts (GW). Running at peak power, Entergy’s two nuclear units at Indian Point generate just under 2 GW. So just four Indian Points could take care of New York City’s 7-GW round-the-clock average. Six could handle its peak load of about 11.5 GW. And if we had all-electric engines, machines, and heaters out at the receiving end, another ten or so could power all the cars, ovens, furnaces—everything else in the city that oil or gas currently fuels.
Think later, build now. Use Stimulus money for building them. Nuclear or Hydrogen power plants pay for themselves! Then we have to pay for all the illegal immigrants who don’t pay for electricity costs, all 40+ million of them who come in here. I rather have hydrogen power plants over nuclear power plants, because it’s more bang for the buck. You know fusion has much greater output than fission. Our population raises 2 million every year, and our current nuclear output on the power grid is 19.4. It would sustain that much. I’m afraid the green power plants won’t either. I don’t think we have time to wait for ITER based hydrogen power plants to be perfected. I could be wrong, but I fear Congressmen/women are pending way to long than our safety net with allow. It could be a catosphery. In other counties both liberal, conservatives, and socialists all support nuclear power? There is something wrong with the Democrats, of course they’re insane, but retarded too? God help us. The movie “China Syndrome” with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda was 30 years ago, lets start a hydrogen economy revolution spark before history books say superpower falls due to nutty politics that refused to harness the atom for energy. We’re bankrupted right now, California is bankrupted due to the improper savings measures, the 49 states are paying for it soon enough. I just don’t want be the inevitable domino effect. This is the only way to get back onto a more common sense road.
The Labor Party of Australia would never decline building fossil fuel power plants for its citizens. They’re not stupid you know. If Big Brother was trying to copy Kevin Rudd some ways, why resist that simple aspect of it? No Cap and trade (BTU tax) regime makes any sense either (ie: Bankrupts fossil fuel power plants)! BTU is a hoax to depress us Americans! Say no to smiley face fascism!
Tax (Cap) and trade slows economy to screeching halt
Proud to Present Monkey Island Special Editon: Free Editon
I found this site where you don't have to pay $20 for Secret of Monkey Island Special Editon, which got a 8.0 out of 10 on Gamespot. Inside there really is a DVD ISO image of the game. After you install .NET and DirectX 9.0 2008 edition included with the DVD ISO, you might want to have an updated Forceware driver else you come up with a Application Load error. I am sure it works on Windows XP Pro SP3. Maybe the 1.5 MB Steam Powered application will help the situation too.
- install DirectX 9 2008 edition
- install Microsoft .NET framework 3.5
- download steam and the 13 MB of updating to combat application load error 5:00000065434
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
electromagnetic fusion containment engine
The Electromagnetic Fusion Containment Engine, because they are so fast. There is nothing like it. The liquid fuel and solid propellant engines are like Model Ts compared to a Lamborghini. This thing took off so fast. It went from zero mph to 8,754 mph in about 4.6 seconds. It was so fast that you couldn't even see it.
You can recognize engines that are comparable. If I had an internal combustion engine taken out of a Model A Ford and had it sitting on the ground and you pulled an engine out of a Viper today and placed it alongside, you would recognize that they operate on the same principle of internal combustion. However, the difference in performance between the two is unbelievable.
It was the same situation with my little engine and this thing they had stored underground. They both ran on the same principle, the same configuration, but the level of sophistication is like that of the Model A compared to the Viper engine. This thing they had was so powerful. There were so many design features that I didn't recognize, for reasons that became clear.
So how is my shadow showing up on this thing? And stranger still was that the shadow moved about a half a second behind me. That really got my attention. And I thought, "If this is what I think it is, a heat sensitive recognition alloy." And then I realized we don't have [any] known material that could do that. So I looked up at the engine and I asked for permission to climb to the top because I wanted to see the damaged area. The thing had a hole about four feet in diameter in the side of it, and this was the area that most interested me. Now, think of a figure eight, and right where the two circles cross each other is the eye of the hurricane. That's where the damage was located on this engine. Knowing my own engine, I was assuming that this thing had experienced some kind of breach in the electromagnetic flux field that acts as the containment wall that harnesses the power of the reactor engine.
These engines basically function like a magnetic bottle or sphere, and inside you have contained the power of the Sun or a hydrogen bomb continuously detonating. It's not impossible to figure out how this works, because it occurs all the time out in space. Black holes can suck an entire galaxy full of suns into their point of singularity. Obviously a black hole has no problem containing that fusion energy.
What I did was mathematically figure out a way to artificially create a synthetic black hole. And because it is based on a figure-eight design, once it has stabilized it will always implode and consume itself without pulling everything around it in. But this engine at Area 51 had lost its stabilization in the figure eight, and that's why I was so curious about the hole.
Anyway, when I placed my hands on the engine to pull myself up, I began climbing up the exterior of the engine, which was designed with an exoskeletal structure. The best way to explain this is to look at the designs of H. R. Geiger; he is the designer that created all the sets of the Alien movies.
ey looked almost like fibre optic cables filled with some kind of fluid. They were very small tubes the size of angel hair pasta. There were millions of these things cascading over the hull of this engine. And I thought, "Boy, these patterns look familiar." Then it dawned on me: they looked like neural synaptic firing patterns. There were millions of them going out everywhere on this thing. So I thought that maybe the engine was designed with an exoskeletal brain.
It was warm, which didn't make any sense at all. It was so cold in that hangar, you could almost see your breath. I looked around on the floor and saw no power lines. And I asked myself, "How in the world could this alloy be staying warm?" And it was really hard. It was the hardest material I have ever touched. It didn't give anywhere. The surface cohesion tension on it felt more like a baby's skin. It was supple, but hard and warm.
I continued to climb up until I reached the centre area. It had these vertebrae that branched off, cascading, fibre-like. They looked almost like fibre optic cables filled with some kind of fluid. They were very small tubes the size of angel hair pasta. There were millions of these things cascading over the hull of this engine. And I thought, "Boy, these patterns look familiar." Then it dawned on me: they looked like neural synaptic firing patterns. There were millions of them going out everywhere on this thing. So I thought that maybe the engine was designed with an exoskeletal brain. And at that point, I reached out and grabbed some of the fibres and found that they were really tough and that there was fluid in them. And wherever I touched, no matter what I touched, there would be a reaction to it like a tremor of visual lights.
Before I came out of that damaged area, totally pissed off. Because when I got down in this thing, they told me to make it brief. So I got down and looked in the area. Man, there was some incredible-looking technology up and down this engine. And I couldn't get more than three feet into it before I came up to a wall. And this wall. It was like the iris/shutter on a camera lens. It had lots of interlocking fans that contract or expand - and I've always thought that would make the coolest door. Well, there was this little round pod-thing there, and I just put my hand on it; and when I did, the wall just shuttered open.
t could have been. I have no idea. But I got to look deeper into the engine. And what I saw in there was fascinating. It was such a trip being there because whenever I worked on my fusion engines, everything was so small; some parts I even had to machine under a microscope. Now, here was a replication of my basic design that was big enough to walk through. But man, this thing that I had manufactured to achieve a certain function in my engine, this thing would have something else in its place. And this something else would be stuff I couldn't begin to recognize. There were these crystals that were facing each other. They were fabulous-looking crystals. And they were integrated into this plasma duct type thing.
And so I assumed that the reaction they were seeing hadn't happened for them, because wherever I touched it there were these really amazing blue and white swirls moving down through the hull of this thing. It looked like wavelengths that you see on an oscilloscope.
And in my engine, I had such a hard time getting a cyclotron to curve the blast waves I needed for propulsion. This thing had some kind of venting system that allowed them to flush their plasma out through an area that looked like the gills of a shark. The whole thing was so organic looking. It looked like a living machine - both organic and inorganic incorporated together. It was an oxymoron. How do you explain something like that? So anyway, I just got to see a lot of stuff in there that I couldn't believe.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Best Trance DVDs
2. Armin Van Buuren: Armin Only - Mirage
3. Tiesto in Concert
4. Tiesto: Elements of Life World Tour
5. Tiesto in Concert 2
6. Ferry Corsten - Backstage
Monday, July 13, 2009
Replica for Minnapolis Damn it!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Power Grid Trojan/Logic Bomb implanted by 'Cyber Cold War Opponents'.
President Obama has done nothing
to straighten up military forces especially Air Force Space Command (aka has
USAF Cyber command) on the grim situtation that China
and Russia now href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/5126584/China-and-Russia-hack-into-US-power-grid.html">know
our entire power grid infrastructure and may use blackouts as social
engineering for their defense. So far the booby trapped trojans/logic
bomb haven't done any collateral damage as it has a remote control fuse it
seems. The President has been overly cowardly to not bring up this concern as
he is too busy trying to make friends with the Europeans. China and Russia have
this Asian pact where they give us Intellegence on
terrorism, but they make up their loss of sheer political power in the cyber
cold war it seems. It could be a social enginnering
game of cat and mouse with blackouts as severe as the Northeast Blackout of
2003 . (caused by UNIX glitch which put the plant into safe mode)
The recent news about href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/technology/29spy.html?hp=&pagewanted=print">class=SpellE>GhostNet, the suspected cyber espionage activity of the
Chinese government uncovered by The Information Warfare Monitor is alarming
news, to say the least. More than a thousand computers have been compromised
with apparent ease, many in high-value secure government offices. Researchers
revealed that the compromises were so sophisticated, that confidential
documents were removed, video cameras and microphones turned on to observe
events, and sophisticated key-loggers tracked everything that was typed.
According to two of my sources well-placed in government and computer security,
this is just the frightening tip of an enormous iceberg. Many will recall my
report on the FBI's concern about counterfeit network router hardware being
installed in businesses and government agencies all across the nation. Many
were concerned that the counterfeit routers contained code that allowed for a
broad range of back-doors into secure computer systems, as well as covert
kill-switches that would shut-down after receiving a remote signal. Indeed,
several analysts
found thousands of additional lines of machine code as compared to a
non-counterfeit. Since the counterfeit hardware originated in China, the href="http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/pressrel08/finch050908.htm">FBI was very
concerned, so much so that they responded to my report. Our work here, together
on abovetopsecret, broke that important story to the
world. I've recently spoken to two well-placed computer security experts who
firmly believe there is a frightening connection between GhostNet
and the counterfeit routers. Their fear is that we are mere months away from a
series of significant cyber attacks on key private sector businesses and
portions of our infrastructure. My first contact is a highly experienced
computer security expert who often works directly with law enforcement and intelligence
agencies. Asking for my assurances of complete confidence in his anonymity, he
revealed that there is a great deal of concern, both among his IT counterparts
and security experts within law enforcement, that GhostNet
is a sophisticate reconnaissance system designed to locate the counterfeit
routers. Many are speculating that the gHost RAT class=SpellE>trojan (delivered via email and has been in broad use for
months) may be triggered by recognizing key attributes of the counterfeit
routers, and href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/13731776/Tracking-GhostNet-Investigating-a-Cyber-Espionage-Network">reports
back the details of the exploitable network. Experts are concerned that the
number of infected systems discovered by The Information Warfare Monitor may
very well be a tiny percentage of networks that are known to be exploitable,
but not yet infected. GhostNet is cataloging
potential networks and refining the cyber weapons for the next round of
attacks. The activity seen thus far has been proof-of-concept tests of computer
take-over software in preparation for larger-scale attacks -- a weapons test if
you will. My second contact is an IT manager at a large financial products
company who tracked down and replaced a number of counterfeit routers in their
network. As their internal security team examined all systems connected to the
removed routers, he was alarmed at their findings. Nearly all of the
Windows-based computer systems connected to the routers contained some form of
malware. In comparison to other Windows computers on their network, only 10-20%
on average had any type of malware. He cautioned that all of the systems on the
counterfeit routers were new systems in public-facing installations (branch
offices), and a higher-than normal infection rate was expected. However, the
100% infection-rate was unusual. Both of these computer security professionals
are increasingly concerned about the convergence of these two items that appear
to point back to either the Chinese government, or Chinese state-class=SpellE>sponosored cyber criminals. The report from Information
Warfare Monitor stops short of specifically naming the Chinese government, or
intelligence agencies within the government, as the culprit of these attacks.
However, we do know that their intelligence agencies and law enforcement units
have acted upon information obtained through GhostNet.
My contacts feel we (western nations) are mere months away from the second,
more serious wave, of attacks designed to harm key corporations and interrupt
vital infrastructure. The hope is that GhostNet is a
tool of cyber criminals -- after all, if that is the case, we're safe, no
criminal would cripple the networks that provide their bounty. What worries
them most, however, is the combination of our complete lack of preparation (the
U.S. DHS cyber security division is a joke), the stunning sophistication and
multi-tiered nature of these attacks, and the disturbing potential connection
to the Chinese government. To be clear, they feel a second wave of attacks are
not likely to be a national disaster that cripples the nation, that may be
reserved for the third wave. The conspiracy theorist in me observes a number of
causes for concern. (1) - The mainstream press appears to be working hard to
spike or avoid any connection of GhostNet back to the
counterfeit router issue. (2) - The media, especially US-based media, is
typically over-playing the "hacker criminal" aspect of this story so
as to avoid concern over state-sponsored cyber warfare -- they know we (western
nations) are at a disadvantage. (3) - The Chinese government has recently made
a great deal of noise voicing concern over the US dollar and the need for a
global currency. Causing harm to the US infrastructure through a well-placed
cyber attack may significantly weaken the dollar and hasten their financial
agenda. (4) - After all that has happened after September, 2001, especially the
increase in sophisticated Internet attacks as well as known state-sponsored
cyber terrorism, why has the government href="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123844579753370907.html">let us down?
These developments indicate the Internet equivalent of the 9/11 attacks may
very well be on the horizon. And again, we are not only not ready, we're
completely clueless
"Grey Alien" DNA found in Skull
- Half as heavy as a human skull
- Half as thick as a human skull
- Twice as durable as a human skull
- Back of skull is flattened
- No sinus cavities
- 200 cm larger than the average adult's brain
Scientists say this is a Grey Alien's skull! You know the one that is famous being amputated at Area 51 or Area S4. It had large eye sockets, barely a nose, a large, round head that is flattened in the back, and an extremely short neck.
Game-Movie Roundup Episode 1
Absolutely no descriptions, hints or tips or whatever.I'll let you think...