Heres an update to the Blu-ray HD-DVD merging post. I thought today was a good day for it. My Sega Saturn, N64, and PC games not in this post. Take that! Agree with me on this!

PS2 Collection





MORE PICTURES OF OTHER CONSOLESSaturn collection at ModblogAll my Consoles at Modblog N64 snapshotPC games photo at modblogMy PStwoSteel Battation For Xbox Most of my NES, Genesis, SNES collectionMissing games- Sonic 2
- Contra Hard Corps
PSP photoVery old handheld game collection photoNintendo Entertainment System (5 Game Cartridges, 9 playable games)
platform 3 (PL)
shooting 1 (S)
action 1 (A)
sports 1 (SP)
retro 6 (RE)
Puzzle 2 (PUZ)
1a.) Super Mario Bros. (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1985, IGN: 10/10)
1b.) Duck Hunt (S, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1981, IGN: 6/10)
1c.) Track and Field (SP, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1982)
2.) Super Mario Bros. 2 (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1988, 8.8/10)
3.) Super Mario Bros. 3 (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1991, 9.5/10)
4.) Mega Man 2 (A, RE, Capcom, Capcom, 1988, 9.0/10)
5a.) Donkey Kong (DK Classics, PUZ, Nintendo, Intellegent Systems, 1984, 1986)
5b.) Donkey Kong Jr (DK Classics, PUZ, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1985, 1986)
Super Nintendo (12 game cartridges /w 16 Playable games)
platform 9 (PL)
shooters 3 (S)
racing 1 (RA)
retro 16 (RE)
1.) Super Mario World (PL, RA, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1991, 9/10)
2a.) Super Mario Bros. (Super Mario All Stars) (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1993, 9/10)
2b.) Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMAS) (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1993,)
2c.) Super Mario Bros. 3 (SMAS) (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1993)
2d.) Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (SMAS exclusive) (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1993)
3.) Super Mario Kart (RA, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1992)
4.) Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past (RPG, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1991, 9.6/10)
5.) Secret of Mana (RPG, RE, Squaresoft, Squaresoft, 1993)
6.) Donkey Kong Country (PL, RE, Nintendo, Rare, 1993)
7.) Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island (PL, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1996)
8.) Star Fox (S, RE, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1993)
9.) Super Metroid (S, RE, Nintendo, Intellegent Systems, 1994)
10.) Donkey Kong Country 3 (PL, RE, Nintendo, RARE, 1996)
11.) Contra III - Alien Wars (S, RE, Konami, Konami, 1992)
12.) Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (RPG, RE, Nintendo, Squaresoft, 1996, 9.4/10)
Sega Genesis (8 cartridges)
platform 1 (PL)
shooter 3 (S)
Role Playing 2 (RPG)
Retro - 8 (RE)
Action 1 (A)
Fighter 1 (F)
1.) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PL, RE, Sega, Sonic Team, 1992, 9/10)
2.) Contra - Hard Corps (S, RE, Konami, Konami, 1995)
3.) Phantasy Star II (RPG, RE, Sega, Sega, 1989)
4.) Phantasy Star III Generations of Doom (RPG, RE, Sega, Sega, 1990)
5.) Gunstar Heroes (S, Sega, Treasure, 1993 9.5/10)
6.) Streets of Rage II (F, Sega, Sega-AM7, 1992)
7.) Vectorman (S, Sega, Blue Skies, 1996)
8.) Vectorman 2 (S, Sega, Blue Skies, 1996)
Gameboy Color (2 playable games)
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons (RPG, Nintendo, Flagship, 2001, 10)
Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages (RPG, Nintendo, Flagship, 2001, 10)
Gameboy Advance (15 playable games)
action 2 (A)
racing 1 (RA)
platform 1 (P)
puzzle 1 (PUZ)
retro 2 (RE)
shooter 2 (S)
Stradegy 3 (STR)
1a.) Super Mario Advance (PL, Re, Nintendo, Nintendo R&D1, 2001, IGN: 8.0)
1b.) Mario Bros. (PUZ, Re)
2.) Mario Kart Super Circuit (RA, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, 2001, 9.5)
3.) Fire Emblem Advance (STR, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems 2003, 9.5)
4.) Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age (RPG, Nintendo, Camelot Software Planning, 2003, 9.1)
5.) Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (A, Konami, Konami, 2001, 9.0)
6.) Golden Sun (RPG, Nintendo, Camelot Software Planning, 2001, 9.7)
7.) Metroid Fusion (S, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, 2002, 9.5)
8.) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (RPG, Nintendo, Square-Enix, 2003 9.0)
9.) Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap (RPG, Nintendo, Flagship (Capcom), 2005 9.0)
10.) Metroid - Zero Mission (S, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems 2003, 9.0)
11.) Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (A, Konami, Konami, 2003, 9.2)
12.) Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (RPG, Nintendo, Alpha Dream, 2003, 9.0)
13.) Final Fantasy 1 & 2 - Dawn of Souls (RPG, Square-Enix, Square-Enix, 2003, 8.5) * #13 counts as two games
14.) Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stone (STR, Nintendo Intelligent Systems, 2005, 8.5)
Nintendo DS (3 Game)
Platform 2 (PL)
First Person Shooter 1 (FPS)
Simulation 1 (SIM)
1.) Super Mario 64 DS (PL, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2004, 8.9)
2.) Kirby Cavas Curse (PL, Nintendo, Hal Labatory, 2005, 9.0)
X.) DEMO Metroid Prime - Hunters - First Hunt (FPS, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2004, ???)
3.) Nintendogs - Labadore and Friends (SIM, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2005, 8.9)
Playstation Portable (3 games)
racing 2 (RA)
Puzzle 1 (PUZ)
1.) Wipeout Pure (Ra, SCEA, SCEE, 2005, 9.1)
2.) Lumines (PUZ, Urisoft, Bandai, 2005, 8.0)
3.) Ridge Racers (RA, Namco, Namco, 2005, 9.1)
Nintendo 64 (22 Games)
platform 6 (PL)
shooter 9 (S)
racing 7 (RA)
first person shooters 3 (FPS)
1.) Super Mario 64 (PL, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1996, 9.7)
2.) Mario Kart 64 (RA, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1996, 8.1)
3.) Donkey Kong 64 (PL, Nintendo, RARE, 1999, 8.5)
4.) Banjo and Kazooie (PL, Nintendo, RARE, 1998, 9.6)
5.) Banjo and Tooie (PL, Nintendo, RARE, 2000, 9.4)
6.) Conker's Bad Fur Day (PL, Nintendo, RARE, 2001, 9.9)
7.) Wave Race 64 (RA, Nintendo, Nintendo R&D1, 1996, 9.7)
8.) Goldeneye 007 (FPS, S, Nintendo, RARE, 1997, 9.7)
9.) Perfect Dark (FPS, S, Nintendo, RARE, 2000, 9.8)
10.) Chopper Attack (S, Midway, Seta, 1998, 5.6)
11.) Crusin USA (RA, Nintendo, Williams, 4.0)
12.) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1998, 10)
13.) Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2000, 9.9)
14.) Extreme G (RA, Acclaim, Probe, 1997, 7.9)
15.) Extreme G 2 (RA, Acclaim, Probe, 1998, 6.9)
16.) Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (FPS, S, Acclaim, Iguana Entertainment, 1998, 9.0)
17.) Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (S, Nintendo, Lucas Arts, 1996, 6.5)
18.) Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (S, Lucas Arts, Factor 5, 1998, 8.8)
19.) Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (RA, Nintendo, Lucas Arts, 1999, 7.2)
20.) Nascar '99 (RA, EA Sports, StormFront Studios, 1998, 7.0)
21.) Star Fox 64 (S, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1998, 8.7)
22.) Castlevania 64 (S, PL, Konami, KCEK, 1998, 8.2)
Playstation (41 Game Cases, 50 playable games total)
RPG 28 (RPG)
shooter 9 (S)
racing 3 (RA)
platform 2 (PL)
fighters 2 (F)
retro 6 (RE)
1.) Colony Wars (S, Psygnosis, Psygnosis, 1998, 9.3)
2.) Colony Wars : Vengeance (S, Psygnosis, Psygnosis, 2000, 9.5)
3.) Crash Bandicoot 2 (PL, Sony, Naughty Dog, 1997, 8.5)
4.) Crash Bandicoot - Warped (PL, Sony, Naughty Dog, 1998, 9.1)
5.) Mega Man X6 (S, Capcom, Capcom, 2001, 8.0)
6.) Mega Man X4 (S, Capcom, Capcom, 1997, 7.0)
7.) Mega Man Legends II (RPG, Capcom, Capcom 2000, 8.1)
8.) Metal Slug X (S, Agetec, SNK, 2001)
9.) Dino Crisis (S, Capcom, Capcom, 1999, 9.2 )
10.) Dino Crisis 2 (S. Capcom, Capcom, 2000, 9.3)
11a.) Final Fantasy V (Final Fantasy Anthology) (RPG, Square EA, Square, 1999, 9.0)
11b.) Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy Anthology) (RPG, same, same, same, same)
12a.) Final Fantasy (Final Fantasy Origins) (RPG, Square-Enix, Square-Enix 2001, 9.0)
12b.) Final Fantasy II (Final Fantasy Origins) (RPG, same, same, same, same)
13a.) Chrono Trigger (Final Fantasy Chronicles) (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2001, 9.4)
13b.) Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy Chronicles) (RPG, same, same, same same)
14.) Final Fantasy 7 (RPG, Sony, Square, 1997, 9.5)
15.) Final Fantasy 8 (RPG, Square EA, Square, 1999, 9.0)
16.) Final Fantasy 9 (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2000, 9.2)
17.) Star Ocean - The Second Story (RPG, Enix, Tri-Ace, 1999, 8.8)
18.) Vagrant Story (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2000, 9.6)
19.) Tekken 2 (F, Namco, Namco, 1997, 9.0)
20a.) R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 (RA, Namco, Namco, 1999, 9.4)
20b.) Ridge Racer (RA, Namco, Namco, 1996, 7.5)
21.) Tale of Destiny (RPG, Namco, Namco, 1997, 7.5)
22.) Chrono Cross (RPG, Square, Square, 2000, 10)
23.) Xenogears (RPG, Square, Square, 1998, 9.5)
24.) Grand Theft Auto 2 (RA, S, Rockstar, DMA, 1999, 6.8)
25.) Gran Turismo 2 (RA, Sony, Polyphony Digital, 1999, 9.8)
26.) Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (S, Konami, Konami 1997, 9.0)
27.) Legend of Dragoon (RPG, Sony, Sony, 2000, 7.0)
28.) Legend of Mana (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2000, 8.3)
29a.) Arc the Lad (Arc the Lad Collection) (RPG, Working Designs, ARC Entertainment, 2000, 8.8)
29b.) Arc the Lad II (AtLC) (RPG)
29c.) Arc the Lad III (AtLC) (RPG)
29d.) Arc the Lad Tournament (ATLC) (RPG)
30.) The King of Fighters '99 Evolution (F, Agetec, SNK, 2001, 8.3)
31.) Final Fantasy Tactics (RPG, Square, Square, 1997, 8.5)
32.) Suikoden (RPG, Konami, Konami, 1996, 9.0)
33.) Wipeout XL (Ra, Sony, Psygnosis, 1996, 9.0)
34.) Wipeout 3 (Ra, Sony, Psygnosis, 1999, 9.1)
35.) Lunar - The Silver Star Story Complete (RPG, Working Designs, Kadokawa Shoten Publishing, 1999, 7.5)
36.) Silhouette Mirage (PL, Working Designs, Treasure, 1999, 9.0)
37.) Mega Man X5 (S, Capcom, Capcom, 2001, 8.5)
38.) Breath of Fire III (RPG, Capcom, Capcom, 1997, 8.0)
39.) Grandia (RPG, Sony, Game Arts, 1999, 9.0)
40.) Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete (RPG, Working Designs, Game ARts, 2000, 8.0)
41.) Persona 2 – Eternal Punishment (RPG, Atlus, Atlus, 2000, 8.2)
Sega Saturn (2x) (19 Games)
platform 5 (PL)
shooting 7 (S)
racing 3 (RA)
fighters 3 (F)
1.) Sonic 3D Blast (PL, Sega Traveler's Tales, 1996, ???)
2.) Mr. Bones (PL, sega, Sega, 1998, ???)
3.) Gex (PL, Crystal Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics 1995, ???)
4.) Nights (PL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1996, ???)
5.) Panzer Dragoon (S, Sega, Team Andromeda, 1995, ???)
6.) Panzer Dragoon 2 : Zwei (S, Team Andromeda, 1996, ???)
7.) Fighter's Mega Mix (F, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1997, ???)
8.) Virtua Fighter (F, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1994, ???)
9.) Virtua Fighter 2 (F, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1996, ???)
10.) Virtua Cop (S, Sega Sega-AM2, 1996, ????)
11.) Virtua Cop 2 (S, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1997, ???)
12.) Rayman (PL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 1995, ??? )
13.) Sega Rally Championship (RA, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1995, ???)
14.) Daytona USA (RA, Sega, Sega-AM2, 1994, ???)
15.) Antretti Racing (RA. EA Sports, Storm Front Studios, 1997)
16.) Off Road Challenge (RA, Crystal Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics, ???)
17.) Solar Eclipses (S, Crystal Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics, 1995)
18.) Virtual ON! - Cybertroopers (S, Sega, Sega-AM3, 1997)
19.) Darius Gaiden (also Darius 2) (S, Taito, Taito, 1997, 8.5)
Sega Dreamcast (3x Dreamcasts) (43 Games)
Platform 5 (PL)
action 1 (a)
driving 14 (DR)
shooters 9 (S)
military jet simulations 2 (MJS)
athletic sports 3 (SP)
puzzle 1 (PUZ)
fighters 5 (F)
Survival Horror 4 (SH)
1.) Sonic Adventure (2x) (PL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1998, 8.6)
2.) Sonic Adventure 2 (PL, Sega, Sonic Team, 2001, 9.4)
3.) Daytona USA (Dreamcast Version of Daytona USA 2) (DR, Sega, Amusement Vision, 2001, 9.3)
4.) NFL 2K (SP, Sega, Visual Concepts, 1999, 9.3)
5.) Grandia 2 (RPG, Uri-soft, Game Arts, 2000, 9.2)
6.) Skies of Arcadia (RPG, Sega, Overworks, 2000, 9.2)
7.) Resident Evil 2 (S. SH. Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 3, 2000, 8.5)
8.) Resident Evil 3 (S, SH. Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 3, 2000, 8.0)
9.) Resident Evil Code Veronica (S, SH, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2000, 9.2)
x.) Dreamcast Web Browser 2.0
10.) Crazy Taxi (DR, Sega, AM3, 2000, 9.7)
11.) Crazy Taxi 2 (DR, Sega, Hitmaker (formally AM3), 2000, 9.2)
12.) Marvel Vs. Capcom (F, Capcom, Capcom , 1999, 8.8)
13.) The Next Tetris Online (PUZ, Sega, Crave Entertainment 2000, 8.0)
14.) Record of Lacross War (RPG, Conspiracy Entertainment, Kadokawa Shoten, 2000, 8.7)
15.) Spiderman (A, Activision, Neversoft, 2000, 9.5)
16.) Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future (PL, Sega, Appaloosa Interactive, 2000, 7.6)
17.) Rush 2049 (DR, Midway, Atari, 2000, 9.0)
18.) Soul Caliber (F, Namco, Namco, 1999, 10)
19.) F1 World Grand Prix (DR, Video System, Video System, 2000, 8.6)
x.) Dreamcast Demo Disk
20.) Rayman 2 (PL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2000, 9.6)
21.) Typing of the Dead (SH, Sega, Smilebit, 2000, 9.0)
22.) F355 Challenge (DR, Acclaim, Sega-AM2, 2000, 9.2)
23.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (SP, Activision / Crave, Treyarch, 2000, 9.8)
24.) SEga Rally 2 (DR, Sega, AM2, 2000, 9.0)
25.) Test Drive V-Rally (DR, Infogrames, Eden Studios, 9.0, 2000)
26.) Test Drive Le Mans (DR Infogrames, Infogrames, 9.4, 2000)
27.) Dead or Alive 2 (F, Tecmo, Tecmo, 2000, 8.9)
28.) Fatal Fury - Mark of the Wolves (F, Agetec, SNK, 2001, 9.0)
29.) Speed Devils (DR, Urisoft, Urisoft, 1999, 7.9)
30.) Vanishing Point (DR, Acclaim, Clockwork, 2000, 8.6)
31.) Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 (RPG, Sega, Sonic Team, 2000, 9.3)
32.) Street Fighter 3 Alpha (F, Capcom, Capcom, 1999, 9.5)
33.) Hydro Thunder (DR, Midway, Midway, 1999, 8.7)
34.) Shenmue (RPG, Sega, AM2, 2000, 9.7)
35.) Tomb Raider - The Last Revelation (S, Eidos, Core, 2000, 3.0)
36.) Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver (PL, Eidos, Crystal Dyanamics 2000, 9.1)
37.) AeroWings 2 (MJS, Crave, CRI, 2000, 8.0 )
38.) Tokyo Extreme Racer (DR, Crave, Genki, 1999, 8.8)
39.) Air Force Delta (MJS, Konami, Konami, 1999, 8.1)
40.) Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (F, Capcom, Capcom 2000, 9.3)
41.) NFL 2K1 (SP, Sega, Visual Concepts, 2000, 9.5)
42.) Metropolis Street Racer (Ra, Sega, Bizarre Creations, 2000, 9.1)
Playstation 2 (93 Game Cases) (106 games)
RPG 27 (RPG)
driving/racing 13 (RA)
action 23 (A)
action platformer 11 (APL)
action fighter - 3 (AF)
Puzzle 2 (PUZ)
Shooter 13 (S)
fighters 8 (F)
Horror Survival 2 (SH)
athletic sports 7 (SP)
military jet simulations 2 (MJS)
retro 11 (RE)
1.) Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time (Director's Cut Version) (RPG, Square-Enix, Triace, 2004, 9.0)
2a.) Mega Man (Mega Man Anniversary Collection) (A, S, Capcom, Atomic Planet, 2004, 8.5)
2b.) Mega Man 2 (MMAC) (A, S)
2c.) Mega Man 3 (MMAC) (A, S)
2d.) Mega Man 4 (MMAC) (A, S)
2e.) Mega Man 5 (MMAC) (A, S)
2f.) Mega Man 6 (MMAC) (A, S)
2g.) Mega Man 7 (MMAC) (A, S)
2i.) Mega Man 8 (MMAC) (A, S)
2j.) Mega Man Battle (MMAC) (A, S)
2k.) Mega Man Battle 2 (MMAC) (A, S)
3.) Jak and Dexter (APL, A, Sony, Naughty Dog, 2001, 9.4)
4.) Castlevania - Lament of Innocence (SH, A, Konami, Konami TYO, 2003, 9.0)
5.) Jak 2 (APL, A, Sony, Naughty Dog, 2003)
6.) Ratchet and Clank (APL, A, Sony, Insomniac Games, 2002, 9.2)
7.) Ratchet and Clank 2 - Going Commando (APL, A, Sony, Insomniac Games, 2003, 9.4)
8.) Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (RA. Sony, Polyphony Digital, 2001, 9.8)
9.) Final Fantasy 10 (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2001, 9.5)
10.) Final Fantasy 10-2 (RPG, Square-Enix, Square-Enix, 2003, 9.5)
11.) Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc (PL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2003, 8.9)
12.) Tekken 4 (F, Namco, Namco, 2003, 9.0)
13.) SSX 3 (SP, RA, EA Sports Big, EA Canada, 2003, 9.5)
14.) Breath of Fire 5 - Dragon Quarter (RPG, Capcom, Capcom Production Studios 3, 2003, 8.2 )
15.) Xenosaga Episode 1 - The Will of Power (RPG, Namco, Monolith Software, 2001, 8.8)
16.) Soul Caliber 2 (F, Namco, Namco, 2003, 9.2)
17.) ESPN Football 2K5 (SP, Sega, Visual Concepts, 2004, 9.3)
18.) Grand Theft Auto 3 (RA, Rockstar, DMA, 2001, 9.6)
19.) Grand Theft Auto Vice City (RA, Rockstar, Rockstar, 2002, 9.8)
20.) Summoner 2 (RPG, THQ, Volitron, 2002, 8.4)
21a.) Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (F, Sega, Sega-AM2, 2003, 9.5)
21b.) Virtua Fighter (F)
22.) Ridge Racer V (RA, Namco, Namco, 2000, 8.0)
23.) Devil May Cry (S, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studios 4, 2001, 9.6)
24.) Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero (RA, Crave, Genki, 2001, 8.3)
25.) Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 (RA, Crave, Genki, 2003, 7.2)
26.) Twisted Metal Black (RA, S, Sony, Incog Inc, Entertainment, 2001, 9.6)
27.) Suikoden III (RPG, Konami, Konami, 2001, 9.4)
28.) Ace Combat 04 (MJS, Namco, Namco, 2001, 9.1)
29.) Winning Eleven Soccer 6 International (SP, Konami, Konami TYO, 9.0, 2003)
30.) Winning Eleven Soccer 7 International (SP, Konami, Konami TYO, 9.1, 2004)
31.) Madden Football 2002 (SP, EA Sports, Tiburon, 2001, 9.2 )
32.) Disgaea Hour of Darkness (RPG, Atlus, Nippion Ichi, 2003, 9.2)
33.) Kingdom Hearts (RPG, Square EA, Square, 2002, 9.0)
34.) Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty (S, A, Konami, Konami, 2001, 9.7)
35.) Ico (PUZ, Sony, Sony, 2001, 9.4)
36.) MidNight Club (RA, Rockstar, Rockstar, 2000, 8.6)
37.) MidNight Club 2 (RA, Rockstar, Rockstar, 2003, 9.1)
38.) Thunderstrike (S, A, Eidos, Core, 7.0 )
39.) Onimusha 2 Samurai's Destiny (AF, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studios 2, 2002, 8.9)
40.) Onimusha 3 - Demon Siege (AF, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studios 2, 2003, 9.0)
41.) Soul Reaver 2 (AF, Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, 2001, 9.0)
42.) Dark Cloud (RPG, Sony, Level 5, 2001, 8.4)
43.) Dark Cloud 2 (RPG, Sony, Level 5, 2003, 9.0)
44.) Grandia Xtreme (RPG, Enix, Game Arts, 2002, 7.5)
45.) Arc the Lad 4 - Twilight of the Spirits (RPG, Sony, Cattle Call, 2002, 8.2)
46.) La Pucelle - Tactics (RPG, Mastiff, Nippon Ichi, 2004, 8.8)
47.) Phantom Brave (RPG, NIS America, Nippon Ichi, 2004, 8.6)
48.) Wipeout Fusion (RA, sony, Sony, 2001, 9.0)
49.) Shadow Hearts 2 - Covenant (RPG, Midway, Nautilus, 2004, 9.1)
50.) Sly Cooper and The Thievius Raccoonus (APL, A, Sony, Sucker Punch, 2002, 9.1)
51.) Gradius V (S, A Konami, Treasure, 2004, 7.7 )
52.) Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (RA, S, Rockstar, Rockstar, 2004, 9.9)
53.) Guilty Gear X (F, Sammy Studios, Arc System Works, 2001, 8.8)
54.) Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly (Director's Cut version) (SH, A, Tecmo, Tecmo, 2003, 9.5)
55.) Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (S, A, Konami, Konami, 2004, 9.6)
56.) Guilty Gear Isuka (also Guilty Gear X3) (F, Sammy Studios, Arc System works, 7.2)
57.) Jak 3 (APL, A, Sony, Naughty Dog, 2004, 9.6)
58.) Ratchet and Clank - Up Your Arsenal (APL, A, Sony, Insomniac Games, 2004, 9.6)
59a.) Growlancer II (Growlancer Generations) (RPG, Game Arts, Career Soft, 2004, 8.6)
59b.) Growlancer III (Growlancer Generations) (RPG, same, same, same, same)
60.) Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (S, Lucas Arts, Lucas Arts, 2001, 9.0)
61.) Grandia 2 (RPG, Urisoft, Game Arts, 2001, 7.0)
62.) Ace Combat 5 (MJS, Konami, Konami, 2004, 9.3 )
63.) Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance 2 (RPG, Vivendi Universal, Black Isle Studios, 2003, 8.4 )
64.) Suikoden IV (RPG, Konami, Konami, 2005, 7.9)
65.) Xenosaga Episode 2 - Beyond Good and Evil (RPG, Namco, Monolith Software, 2005, 7.9)
66.) Winning Eleven Soccer 8 International (SP, Konami, Konami TYO, 2005, 9.4)
67a.) Street Fighter 2 (Street Fighter Anniversary Collection) (F, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 2, 2004, 8.5)
67b.) Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (SFAC)
68.) Gran Turismo 4 (RA, Sony, Polyphony Digital, 2005, 9.5)
69.) Burnout 3 - Take Down (RA, Electronic Arts, Criterion Games, 2004, 9.5 )
70.) Devil May Cry 3 (A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2005 9.6)
71.) Ys VI - Ark of Napishtim (RPG, Konami, Falcon, 2005, 7.8)
72.) Tekken 5 (F, Namco, Namco, 2005, 9.5)
73.) World Series Baseball 2K3 (SP, Sega, Visual Concepts, 2003, 9.0)
74.) God of War (A, Sony, Sony, 2005, 9.8)
75.) ESPN Major League Baseball 2K5 (SP, 2K Games, Visual Concepts, 2005, 8.8)
76.) Stella Deus Gates of Eternity (RPG, Atlus, Atlus, 2005, 7.8)
77.) Silpheed - The Lost Planet (S, Working Designs, Treasure/Game Arts, 2001, 7.9)
78.) Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana (RPG, NIS America, Gust, 2005, 8.9)
79.) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (RPG, Atlus, Atlus, 2005, 8.0)
80.) Shining Tears (RPG, Sega, Amusement Vision, 2005, 7.7)
81.) Gran Turismo 4 (copy #2) (RA, Sony, Polyphony Digital, 2005, 9.5)
82.) Sly 2: Band of Thieves (APL, Sony, Sucker Punch, 2004, 9.2)
83.) Contra - Shattered Soldier (S, Konami, Konami, 2002, 8.0)
84.) Katamari Damacy (PL, Namco, Namco, 2004, 9.0)
85.) R-Type Final (S, Eidos Interactive, Irem Software Engineering, 2004, 8.1)
86.) Makai Kingdom - Chronicles of the Sacred Tome (RPG, NIS America, Nippion Ichi, 2005, 7.5)
87.) Gradius III & IV (S, Konami, Konami, 2000, 7.0)
88.) Crimson Sea 2 (A, Koei, Koei, 2004, 8.4)
89.) Rayman 2 Revolution (APL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2000, 9.0)
90.) Radiata Stories (RPG, Square-Enix, Tri-Ace, 2005, 8.0)
91.) Shin Megami Tensei - Nocturne (RPG, Atlus, Atlus, 2004, 9.0)
92.) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 (RPG, Atlus, Atlus, 2005, 8.5)
93.) Shadow of the Colossus (PUZ, Sony, Sony, 2005, 9.7)
Gamecube (31 Game Cases) (44 Playable games)
RPG 12 (Metroid Prime 1 & 2 are RPGs) (RPG)
Card RPG 1 (CRPG)
action platform 9 (APL)
fighter 2 (F)
racing 4 (RA)
puzzle 2 (PUZ)
Survival Horror - 3 (SH)
action 12 (A)
First Person Shooters 3 (Metroid Prime 1 & 2) (FPS)
athletic sports 1 (SP)
retro 16 (RE)
1.) Tales of Symphonia (RPG, Namco, Namco, 2003, 8.5)
2.) Super Mario Sunshine (APL, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2002, 9.4)
3.) F-Zero GX (Ra, Nintendo, Amusement Vision, 2003 9.3)
4.) Soul Caliber 2 (F, Namco, Namco, 2003, 9.2)
5.) Viewiful Joe (F, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2002, 9.5)
6.) Super Smash Bros. Melee (F, Nintendo, HAL Labatory, 2001, 9.6)
7.) Mario Kart Double Dash (RA, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2003, 7.9)
8.) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (RPG, Nintendo, Game Designer's Studio, 2002, 7.6)
9.) Super Monkey Ball (RA, PUZ, Sega, Amusement Vision, 2001, 8.3)
10.) XG3: Extreme G (RA, Acclaim, Acclaim, 2001, 8.8)
11.) Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (A, S, Konami, Silicon Knights, 2003 )
12.) Ikaruga (S, A, Atari, Treasure, 2002, 8.3)
13a.) Metroid Prime (RPG, FPS, A, Nintendo, Retro Studios, 2002 9.8)
13b.) Metroid (NES) (A, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, 1985, 9.5)
14.) Timesplitters 2 (FPS, A, Eidos, Free Radical Design, 2002, 9.1)
15.) Star Wars Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (S, Lucas Arts, Facor 5, 2001, 9.0)
16.) FIFA Soccer 2002 (SP, EA Sports, EA Sports Canada, 2001, 8.6)
17.) Wave Race Blue Storm (RA, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2001, 9.1)
18.) Eternal Darkness (SH, A, Nintendo, Silicon Knights, 9.6)
19.) Resident Evil (SH, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4 / Flagship, 2002, 9.0)
20.) Resident Evil Zero (SH, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2002, 8.1)
21.) Legend of Zelda Wind Waker (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2003, 9.6)
22.) Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time / Master Quest Bonus Disk (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1998, 1999, 10)
23a.) Legend of Zelda (Legend of Zelda Promotional Disc) (RPG, RE, Nintendo Nintendo, 1986, 10)
23b.) Legend of Zelda II - Adventures of Link (Legend of Zelda Promotional Disc) (RPG, RE, 1988, 1990, 7)
23c.) Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (Legend of Zelda Promotional Disc) (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 1998, 10)
23d.) Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (Legend of Zelda Promotional Disc) (RPG, Nintendo, Nintendo, 2000, 9.9)
24a.) Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1990)
24b.)Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1991)
24c.) Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sonic Mega Collection)(RE, APL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1993)
24d.) Sonic and Knuckles (Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sonic Team, 1994)
24e.) Sonic 3D Blast (Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Traveler's Tales, 1996)
24f.) Sonic Spinball (Sonic Mega Collection (RE, PUZ, Sega, Sega, 1993)
24g.) Dr. Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine (Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, PUZ, Sega, Sega, 1993)
24h.) Ristar (unlockable in Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sega, 1995)
24i.) Comix Zone (unlockable in Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sega, ??)
24j.) The Ooze (unlockable in Sonic Mega Collection) (RE, APL, Sega, Sega, ???)
25.) Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes (FPS, RPG, Nintendo, Retro Studios, 2004, 9.5)
26.) Viewiful Joe 2 (S, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2004, 9.1)
27.) Resident Evil 4 (SH, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2004, 9.8)
28.) Extreme G Racing Association (also Extreme-G 4) (RA, Acclaim, Acclaim, 2003, 7.5)
29.) Paper Mario 2 - The Thousand Year Door (RPG, Nintendo, Intelligent Systems, 2004, 9.1)
30.) Star Fox Adventures (APL, Nintendo, Rare, 2002, 9.0)
31.) Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (RPG, CRPG, Namco, Monolith Software, 2003, 8.8)
X-BOX (63 Game Cases) (64 Playable games)
action 17 (A)
action platformer 1 (APL)
shooters 10 (S)
Fighters 7 (F)
First Person Shooters 9 (FPS)
Third Person Shooter 1 (TPS)
racing 11 (RA)
Athletic Sports 9 (SP)
Aircraft Simulations 1 (ACS)
survival horror 3 (SH)
1.) Halo Combat Evolved (FPS, S, Microsoft, Bungie, 2001, 9.8)
2.) Silent Hill 2 (SH, A, Konami, Konami, 2001, 8.2)
3.) Colin McRae Rally 04 (RA, Codemasters, Codemasters, 2003, 8.7)
4.) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (A, PL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 9.6)
5.) Genma Onimusha (F, A, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 2, 8.3)
6.) Elder Scrolls III Game of the Year Edition (RPG, Betnesda Softworks, Betnesda Softwares, 2002, 9.4)
7.) Crimson Sea (RPG, Koei, Koei, 2002, 8.1)
8.) Moto GP (RA. THQ, Climax Studios, 2002, 8.8)
9.) Rallisport Challenge (RA, Microsoft, Digital Illusions CE, 2002, 9.2)
10.) Rallisport Challenge 2 (RA, Microsoft, Digital Illusions CE, 2003, 9.2)
11.) Dead or Alive 3 (F, Tecmo, Team Ninja, 2001, 9.4)
12.) Project Gotham Racing (RA, Microsoft, Bizarre Creations, 2001, 8.8)
13.) Project Gotham Racing 2 (RA, Microsoft, Bizarre Creations, 2003, 9.5)
14.) Jet Set Radio / Sega GT 2002 Combo DVD (RA, Microsoft, WoW Entertainment, 2002, ????)
15.) Shenmue 2 (RPG, Sega, AM2, 8.3)
16.) Nascar Thunder 2003(RA, EA Sports, Tuburon, 2002, 8.5)
17.) Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance (RPG, Interplay, Black Isle Studios, 2001, 8.5)
18.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (SP, Activision, Neversoft, 2001, 9.5)
19.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (SP, Activision, Neversoft, 2002, 9.0)
20.) Unreal Championship (FPS, S, A, Infogrames, Digital Extremes, 2002, 9.2)
21.) Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball (SP, Tecmo, Team Ninja, 2003, 9.2)
22.) Panzer Dragoon Orta (S, A, Sega, Smilebit, 2002, 9.2)
23.) Fable (RPG, Microsoft, Lionhead/Big Blue Box, 2004, 9.3)
24.) Ninja Gaiden (A, F, Tecmo, Team Ninja, 2004, 9.4)
25.) Tony Hawk's Underground (SP, Activision, Neversoft, 2003, 8.9)
26.) Halo 2 (FPS, S, A, Microsoft, Bungie, 2004, 9.8)
27.) Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded (F, Sammy, Arc System Works, 2003, 8.9
28.) Splinter Cell (S, A, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2002, 9.6 )
29.) Dead or Alive Ultimate (DOA Ultimate Collection) (F, Tecmo, Team Ninja, 2004, 9.2)
30.) Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate (DOA Ultimate Collection) (F, same, same, same, same)
31.) Crimson Skies (ACS, Microsoft, Microsoft Game Studios, 2003, 9.1)
32.) Return to Castle Wolfenstine - Tides of War (FPS, S, A, Activision, Nerve Software, 2003, 9.3)
33.) Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (APL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2004, 8.7)
34.) Legecy of Kain - Defiance (A, Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, Crystal Dynamics, 2004, 8.0)
35.) Mortal Kombat V - Deadly Alliance (F, Midway, Midway, 2002, 8.6)
36.) Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (S, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2004, 9.5)
37.) Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (S, Konami, Konami, 2003, 9.0)
38.) Moto GP 2 (RA, THQ, Climax Studios, 2003, 8.8)
39.) Mercenaries (S, Lucas Arts, Pandemic Studios, 2004, 9.1)
40.) Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic (RPG, Lucas Arts, Bioware, 2003, 9.5)
41.) Full Spectrum Warrior (S, TPS, THQ, Pandemic Studios, 2004, 9.2)
42.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x (SP, Activision, Treyarch, 2001, 7.5)
43.) Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (SP, Activision, Neversoft, 2004, 8.9)
44.) Jade Empire Limited Edition (RPG, Microsoft, Bioware, 2005, 9.9)
45.) Splinter Cell 3 - Chaos Theory (A, Urisoft, Urisoft, 2005, 9.6)
46.) Doom 3 (FPS, Activision, iD Software, 2005, 9.3)
47.) Forza Motorsport (RA, Microsoft Game Studios, Microsoft Game Studios, 2005, 9.5)
48.) Deus Ex 2 - The Invisible War (FPS, S, Eidos Interactive, Ion Storm, 2003, 9.0)
49.) Unreal Champtionship 2 - The Liandri Conflict (S, Midway Games, Epic Games, 2004, 9.3)
50.) Splinx - The Mummy's Curse (APL, THQ, Eurocom, 2003, 8.5)
51.) Top Spin (SP, Microsoft Game Studios, Power and Magic Development, 2004, 9.3)
52.) Mortal Kombat Deception (F, Midway, Midway, 2004, 8.8)
53.) Star Wars Battlefront (S, FPS, LucasArts, Pandemic Studios, 2004, 8.5)
54.) Fatal Frame Director's Cut (SH, Tecmo, Tecmo, 2002, 8.8)
55.) Amped: Extreme Snowboarding (S, Microsoft, Microsoft, 2001, 8.5)
56.) ESPN NHL Hockey 2K5 (S, Sega, Kush & Visual Concepts, 2005, 9.3)
57.) Mech Assault 2 LoneWolf Limited Edition (SIM, Microsoft Game Studios, Day 1 Studios, 2004, 8.9)
58.) Steel Battalion (SIM, Capcom, Capcom Production Studio 4, 2002, 8.5)
59.) Mech Assault (SIM, Microsoft Game Studios, Day 1 Studios, 2002, 9.3)
60.) Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly (SH, Tecmo, Tecmo, 2004, 9.0)
61.) Phantom Dust (A, Majasco, Microsoft Gaming Studios, 2004, 8.5)
62.) Project Snowblind (FPS, S, Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, 2005, 8.8)
63.) Far Cry Instincts (FPS, S, Urisoft, Urisoft Montreal, 2005, 9.2)
PC (77 games plus expansion packs)
RPG (without expansions) (RPG) 19
first person shooters (without expansions) (FPS) 29
shooters (s) 25
Athletic Sports (SP) 3
Strategy (STR)- 3
action (without expansions) (A) 49
Pirated copies (P) - 24
card RPG - 1 (CRPG)
1.) Doom 3 (FPS, A, S, Activision, Id Software, 2005, 8.9)
2a.) Battlefield 1942 (FPS, A, S, EA Games, Digital Illusions CE, 2002, 9.3)
2b.) Battlefield 1942 - Road to Rome (FPS, A, S, same, same, same, 9.0)
2c.) Battlefield 1942 - Secret Weapons of World War II (FPS, A, S, same, same, same, same)
3.) GTA Vice City (P, S, A, Rockstar, Rockstar North, 2002, 9.3)
4.) Freelancer (P, RPG, Microsoft, Digital Anvil, 2003, 9.2)
5.) Sexy Beach II (P, ?)
6.) Yu-gi-sa card game (P, CRPG )
7.) No One Lives Forever 2 - In H.A.R.M.'s Way (P, FPS, A, S)
8.) Oni (P, S, A , Gathering of Developers, Bungie, 2001, 7.5, 1999)
9.) Giants - Citizen Kabuto (P, FPS, A, S, Gathering of Developers, Blue Moon Studios, 2000, 9.4)
10.) Final Fantasy VII (P, RPG, Square, Square, 1997)
11.) Star Trek - Elite Force II (P, FPS, A, S, Activision, Ritrual, 2003, 9.0)
12.) 007: Everything or Nothing (P, FPS, A, S, EA Games, EA games, 2002)
13a.) Neverwinter Nights (RPG, Atari, Bioware, 2002, 9.3)
13b.) Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark (RPG, Atari, Bioware, 2003, 8.4)
13c.) Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Idrenule (RPG, Atari, Floodworks, 2003, 8.8)
14.) Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic (RPG, Lucas Arts, Bioware, 2003)
15a.) Baldur's Gate (RPG, Interplay, Bioware, 1998, 8.8)
15b.) Baldur's Gate - Tales of the Sword Coast (Interplay, Bioware, 1999)
16.) Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn (RPG, Interplay, Bioware, 2000, 9.4)
17.) Unreal 2 (FPS, Atari, Legend Entertainment, 2003, 8.2)
18.) Dungeon Siege (RPG, Microsoft, Gas Powered Games, 2001, 9.0)
19a.) Diablo (RPG, BLizzard, Blizzard, 1996) (2x)
19b.) Diablo Hellfire (P, RPG, Serria, Blizzard, 1997)
20a.) Diablo 2 (RPG, Blizzard, Blizzard North, 2000, 8.4) (2x)
20b.) Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction (2x) (RPG, Blizzard, Blizzard North, 2001, 8.8)
21.) Warcraft 2 Battle Set Special Edition (STR, Blizzard, Blizzard, 1999)
22.) Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos (STR, Blizzard, Blizzard, 2002)
23a.) Anarchy Online (RPG, Funcom, Funcom, 2001, 9.2)
23b.) Anarchy Online Notum Wars (RPG, same, same, 2002)
23c.) Anarchy Online Shadowlands (RPG, same, same, 2003)
24a.) Final Fantasy XI (RPG, Square-Enix, Square-Enix, 2003, 8.8)
24b.) Final Fantasy XI - Rise of Zilart (RPG)
25a.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind (RPG, Betnesda Softworks, Betnesda Softworks, 2002, 9.4)
25b.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind Expansion - Tribunal (RPG, same, same, 2002)
25c.) Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind Expansion - Bloodmoon (RPG, same, same, 2003)
26.) Halo Combat Evolved (FPS, A, S, Microsoft, Bungie & Gearbox, 2003, 8.5)
27.) Call of Duty (FPS, A, S, Activision, Infantry Ward, 2003, 9.3)
28a.) Metal of Honor Allied Assault (FPS, A, S, EA Games, 2015, 2002, 9.0)
28b.) Metal of Honor Allied Assault - Spearhead (FPS, A, S, EA Games, 2015, 2003)
29.) Return to Castle Wolfenstine (FPS, A, S, Activision, Gray Matter Studios, 2001, 9.0)
30.) Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition (FPS, A, S, Infogrames, Epic Games & Digital Extremes, 2000, 9.5)
31a.) The Sims Deluxe (SIM, EA Games, Maxis, 2002, 9.5)
31b.) The Sims Unleashed (SIM EA Games, Maxis, 2002, 8.0)
32.) Icewind Dale (RPG, Bioware, Black Isles, 2000)
33.) Icewind Dale 2 (RPG, Bioware, Black Isles, 2002)
34.) Vampire Masquerade (P, RPG, Activision, White Wolf, 1997, 6.5)
35.) Max Payne (P, FPS, S, Rockstar, Rockstar, 2001, 9.4)
36.) America's Army v1.5, 2.0a (FPS, S, US Army, US Army, 2001 8.8)
37.) Unreal Gold Edition (FPS, Infogrames, Legend Entertainment, 1998, 9.0)
38.) Black and White (A, SIM, EA Games, Lionhead Studios, 2001, 9.7)
39.) Oregon Trail 2 (SIM, MECC, The Learning Company, 1992)
40.) Microsoft's Combat Sim (P) (MJF, Microsoft, Microsoft, 1999)
41.) Falcon 4.0 (MJF, Micropose, Micropose, 1998)
42.) Unreal Tournament 2003 (FPS, A, S, Atari, Digital Extremes, 2002, 9.0)
43.) Unreal Tournament 2004 (FPS, A, S, Atari, Epic Games, 2004, 9.4)
44.) Simcity 2000 (SIM, Maxis, Maxis, 1994, 9.0)
45.) Simcity 3000 (SIM, EA Games, Maxis, 1999, 9.0)
46.) Simcity 4 (SIM, EA Games, Maxis, 2003, 9.3)
47.) Hexen (P, FPS, A, iD Software, iD Software, 1995)
48.) Duke Nukem 3D (P, FPS, A, S, Take Two Interactive, GT Interactive, 1995, 8.0)
49.) Dungeon Keeper (P, SIM, Activision, Bullfrog, 1997)
50.) Dungeon Keeper 2 (P, SIM, Activision, Bullfrog, 1999)
51.) Quake 3 Arena (P, FPS, A, Activision, iD Software, 1999, 9.0)
52.) American Mcgee's Alice (APL, A, EA Games, Rogue Software, 2000, 9.3)
53.) Undying (FPS, A, EA Games, ????, 2000 )
54.) Need for Speed (P, RA, Electronic Arts, EA, 1996)
55.) Need for Speed III (P, RA, Electronic Arts, EA, 1999)
56.) Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed (RA, EA Games, Electronic Arts, 2000)
57.) Need for Speed Underground (RA, EA GAmes, Electronic Arts, 2002)
58.) Madden 2001 (SP, EA Sports, Tribinon, 2000)
59.) Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour 2001 (SP, EA Sports, ???, 2000)
60.) Triple Play 2001 (SP, EA Sports, ????, 2000)
61.) Spellforce: Order of the Dawn (RPG, Encore, Phenomic, 2003, 8.2)
62.) Sid Myers Alpha Centauri (STR, Electronic Arts, Frayis, 1998, 9.0)
63.) Soldier of Fortune Platinum Edition (FPS, A, S, Activision, Raven Software, 2000, 9.0)
64.) Deus Ex (FPS, A, Eidos Interactive, Ion Storm, 2000, 9.5)
65.) Thief The Dark Project (P, STR, Eidos, Looking Glass, 1998, 8.9)
66.) The Sims 2 DVD Special Edition (SIM, EA games, Maxis, 2004, 9.1)
67a.) Half-Life 2 Platinum (FPS, A, S, Serria, Valve, 2004, 9.7)
67b.) Half-life Source Remake
67c.) Counter Strike Source Remake
68.) The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Dell Collector's Edition) (A, STR, EA Games, EA Games, 2003)
69.) Rage (A, S, ???, ???, 1999)
70.) World of Warcraft (RPG, Blizzard, Blizzard, 2004, 9.5)
71.) Guild Wars (RPG, NCSoft, Arena Net, 2005, 9.8)
72a.) Age of Empires (STR, P, Microsoft, Ensemble Studios, 2002, 8.8)
72b.) Age of Empires - Age of Kings (STR, P, Microsoft, Ensemble Studios, 2003, 9.3)
73.) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords (RPG, Lucas Arts, Obsidian Entertainment, 2005, 8.4)
74.) Sim City 3000 Unlimited, SIM, Maxis, Maxis, 2000, 9.1)
75.) Battlefield 2 (FPS, EA Games, DICE, 2005, 9.3)
76.) Half-life (FPS, Serria, Valve, 1997, 9.6)
77.) Dungeon Siege 2 (RPG, Microsoft Game Studios, Gas Powered Games, 2005, 8.5)
AbandonWare (44 games)
downloaded from
Role playing 20 (RPG)
Shoot em ups 4 (SHMUP)
First Person shooter (FPS) 1
Platform (PL) 1
Simulation (SIM) 1
Stradegy 9 (STR)
1.) Alien Breed II
2.) Grand Prix II (RA, Micropose, Micropose, 1992, 9.0)
3.) Falcon 3.0 (SIM. Micropose, Micropose, 1991)
4.) Darius Gaiden (SHMUP, Taito, Taito, 1994)
5.) G-Darius (SHMUP, Taito, Taito, 2000 )
6.) Raiden (SHMUP, Imagitec Design Inc, 1988)
7.) Raiden 2 (SHMUP, Imagitec Design Inc, 1997)
8.) FIFA '97 (SP, Electronic Arts , EA, 1996, 8.8)
9.) Eye of the Beholder (RPG, Strategic Simulations, Strategic Simulations, 1991)
10.) Eye of the Beholder 2 (RPG, Strategic Simulations, Strategic Simulations, 1992)
11.) Might and Magic (RPG, New World Computing, New World Computing, 1987)
12.) Might and Magic II (RPG, New World Computing, New World Computing, 1988)
13.) Might and Magic III (RPG, New World Computing, New World Computing, 1990)
14.) Might and Magic IV (RPG, New World Computing, New World Computing, 1992)
15.) Might and Magic V (RPG, New World Computing, New World Computing, 1994)
16.) Neverwinter Nights (RPG, Strategic Simulations, Strategic Simulations, 1991)
17.) Ishar (RPG, Silmaris, Silmaris, 1992)
18.) Ishar 2 (RPG, Silmaris, Silmaris, 1992)
19.) Ishar 3 (RPG, Silmaris, Silmaris, 1993)
20.) Eye of the Beholder 3 (RPG, Strategic Simulations, Strategic Simulations, 1992)
21.) Heroes of Might and Magic (RPG, 3D0, New World Computing, 1995)
22.) Heroes of Might and Magic II (RPG, 3D0, New World Computing, 1997)
23.) Redneck Rampage (FPS, Interplay, Xatrix, 1997, 7.5)
24.) Rayman (PL, Urisoft, Urisoft, 1996, 8.5)
25.) Ultima VII - Serpent of Isle (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1992)
26.) Ultima VII - Black Gate (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1993)
27.) Ultima VIII (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1994)
28.) Ultima VI - False Prophet (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1990)
29.) Ultima IV (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1988)
30.) Ultima: Mount Drash: DOS Edition (RPG, open source)
31.) Ultima V: Exodus (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1986)
32.) Lode Runner - The Legend Returns (STR, Serria, Serria, 1994)
33.) Lode Runner - Mad Monks' Revenge (STR, Serria, Serria, 1996)
34.) Dragon Knights III - Knights of Xentar (RPG, MEGATECH, MEGATECH, 1994)
35.) Wizardry (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
37.) Wizardry II (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
38.) Wizardry III (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
39.) Wizardry IV (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
40.) Wizardry V (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
41.) Wizardry VI (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
42.) Wizardry VII (STR, SciTech, Scitech,)
43.) Ultima Underworld (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1992)
44.) Ultima Underworld 2 (RPG, Origin, Origin, 1992)
Abandonware PC-98 (3 Games)
Role Playing 3 (RPG)
1.) Dragon Knights (RPG, MEGATECH, MEGATECH, 1989)
2.) Dragon Knights II (RPG, MEGATECH, MEGATECH, 1991)
3.) Dragon Knights IV (RPG, MEGATECH, MEGATECH, 1997)
My former username had this many posts. Then I deleted my account because no one cared what i said anymore. I'm not dumb. I felt guity not being able to post on a good board so I registered again! Now I have about 47 posts.