Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Do We Want a Constitutional Government or Not?


“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specific objects.  It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general.  Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Sadly, the answer to the question that is the title of this column is “no,” Americans no longer want a constitutional government (at least not our current Constitution), nor do we have such.  The author of both the quotes above is James Madison, the man given most credit for writing America’s Constitution.  If anyone should know what the Constitution means, it’s because he wrote it.   Please note his words carefully—“Charity is no part of the legislative duty of government.”  Indeed, (the second quote), where is the Constitution clause giving the national government the right to spend taxpayer’s money on charity?  As Madison said, the states can do it; that’s what the 10th Amendment authorizes.  However, nothing in the Constitutionally given powers to Congress says anything about spending taxpayer money on charity.  So says James Madison, the main author of our Constitution.

Republicans—most of them—have been gleefully bashing the Biden administration for being slow in responding to the needs of people in southern states due to the damages caused by Hurricane Helene.  “Where is the federal government?”  “They don’t care about red states,” and there is probably much truth to that.  Americans now believe when there is a national catastrophe, that the feds are supposed to jump in with whatever money is necessary.  Remember George W. Bush and Hurricane Katrina?  He moved too slowly and was crucified for it.  Charity is now a power of the national government.

Where did we get that?  Certainly not from the Constitution, James Madison being our witness.  But then, 99% of what the federal government does today couldn’t be found in the Constitution if you read it until your eyeballs fell out.  Washington, D.C., except in some structural matters that do not relate directly to power, pays absolutely no attention—none, zero, zilch—to what the Constitution actually says.  And that applies to all three branches—Congress, the President, AND the Supreme Court.

There were reasons why our Founders did not assign charity as one of the powers of the national government.  They knew history and the tendency of government to grow in power at the expense of the freedoms of the people, and they intended to try to prevent that.  They also understood that charity and welfare were no business of government, and for very good reasons.  And those reasons mostly have to do with the nature and object of government and what government can and cannot do effectively.

Our Founding Fathers well understood that the nationalization of government is the nationalization of force because everything the government does is by force or the threat thereof.  Citizens know that paying taxes is necessary, but we don’t generally do it out of the goodness of our hearts, and most of us try to pay as little as possible.  But there is this thing called the “IRS.” They don’t ask for charity, and they don’t politely request we cough up our hard-earned cash.  And then say, “Oh, it’s ok if you don’t, it’s your choice.”  There is force behind everything the government does.


And force is the very antithesis of charity.  “We are going to force you to be charitable.”  That is an oxymoron if ever one existed.  And so, the Founders didn’t put “charity” in the Constitution.  If we want the national government to force us to be charitable, which our Founders didn’t, then we need to put that in the Constitution.  Otherwise, don’t ever say the United States government has a Constitutional right to provide charity for hurricane victims.  Such is NOT in our Constitution.

The Founders also understood quite well that the people (especially government) who give you money can control you, can tell you what to do, and if you don’t do it, they can take away the money (or, in the case of government, worse than that).  Power-loving politicians know this principle very well.  Government telling you what to do isn’t exactly “freedom.” Every dime the government takes from me is one dime more power they have, and one dime less free I am.  Government takes, it doesn’t give, and when it DOES give, it is only because it has first taken something from us, thereby lessening our freedom by just that much.  And, to get what government gives us we have to do what government tells us.  You want government charity?  Then you’ll have to do what government tells you to do.  And “a government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have” (Thomas Jefferson). 

Helping people in distress is certainly a very good, and needed, thing.  But it isn’t in the Constitution as a power given to the national government.  Charity comes from the heart, which a government does not possess.  Individuals, churches, charitable organizations—these are the groups, historically, helping the needy in times of distress, and millions of Americans have graciously and generously done so in the recent hurricane.  That’s as it should be.

My only point in this essay is, if we want Washington to do so much of our charity for us, then the Constitution needs to be amended to add that power, from the states, to the national government.  That’s what the Constitution says.  And then we’ll have to expect our government to grow in power at the expense of our freedom.  Which is exactly what is has done over American history.        

And that is exactly what our Founders warned us about and why we fought a civil war.

Kamala Just Gave the Wrong Answer on The View


Vice President Kamala Harris is in New York City Tuesday, a stop on her friendly media tour this week, and gave an interview to the ladies of The View. 

Throughout her campaign, which started in July when President Joe Biden abruptly left the 2024 campaign trail and she quickly ascended as the Democratic nominee, Harris has attempted to distance herself from Biden’s record — a record that is very unpopular with voters. 

Kamala Harris: “They’ve been very vague on the VP’s agenda because she’s trying to run away from the unpopularity of the Biden agenda and she can’t fall back on her 2019/2020 stances because they are very far left and unpopular with those outside of… pic.twitter.com/JrV4LGO1gk— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) August 19, 2024

Today, she fully embraced the Biden-Harris White House tenure and the Trump campaign took notice. 

“If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?”

KAMALA: “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”

🚨🚨🚨 pic.twitter.com/kvS3zkMc4p— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 8, 2024

Harris’ comments come as Trump continues to lead with swing state voters on top issues of the economy and illegal immigration. Biden’s approval continues to sit in the high 30s and low 40s. 

The president’s party has never (at least back to 1980) won another term in the White House with so few Americans saying the U.S. is on the right track (28%, today).

The average when the prez party loses (25%) is far closer to today’s number, though there is a bit of a twist. pic.twitter.com/hZtWRMW9mn— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) October 4, 2024

How Is Anyone Backing Kamala?

 Nice President Kamala Harris spent some time on “60 Minutes” talking about…well, I don’t really know.

I know she was asked a bunch of questions and gave responses, but that didn’t clarify anything for anyone, really. In fact, following up on the discussion here a couple of days later, I’m left wondering who in the world is voting for her.

RealClearPolitics shows the race between her and Donald Trump is neck and neck, with her having a slight edge but inside the margin of error, so someone is saying they support her, but I’m left wondering why.

I get that Donald Trump is loud, brash, and annoys a whole lot of people. I’m not a fan of his style of politics in the least, though at least his policies are generally a far cry better than anything the Democrats have offered. That’s even true of the issues I don’t agree with him on if I’m being fair, though that’s all beside the point.

But while she was asked questions on “60 Minutes” and gave responses, she didn’t answer all that much. It was just the latest example of word salad from the league leader in that category.

And this is just after Harris’ interview on a podcast called “Call Her Daddy,” which, let’s just note, has nothing at all to do with parenting.

These, however, are two of the very few interviews the vice president has given, and based on the nothingness that comes out of her mouth, that was probably the smartest tactical decision her campaign could have made.

Harris also tried to pick a fight with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, saying he was ducking her hurricane-related calls.

Of course, President Joe Biden says he’s talked to DeSantis and offered support should the state need it with Hurricane Milton bearing down on it.

This isn’t the first time the president has stepped all over one of Harris’ talking points, either. Couple these with her claims that she worked at a McDonald’s that literally no one can prove she worked at. Not even a former coworker stepped up and said, “Yeah, I worked with her.” Nothing.

The media is largely silent on fact-checking the next Anointed One that no one seems to actually like, but if Trump gets a little boisterous or his running mate, Senator JD Vance, engages in some hyperbole about eggs, everyone comes out of the woodwork to debunk what they said.

Which might well explain much of it. 

Kamala Harris lacks substance in almost every way, but because she’s presented as if she’s the messiah for democracy, a lot of the lemmings who simply do as the media tells them will trot out to vote. I just can’t see how anyone can look at her, follow the campaign, and still decide she’s the best choice.

It boggles the mind that anyone could be that stupid.

Then again, a lot of those folks don’t know what bathroom to use or what a woman is, so I don’t see why I’m so surprised.

Mayorkas Was Questioned If FEMA Has Enough Resources for Hurricane Milton. Here’s What He Said.


Category 4 Hurricane Milton is closing in on Florida this week. This comes just after Hurricane Helene wreaked devastation in North Carolina and other areas of the southeast. 

Last week, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) did not have long-term funding to help the victims of Hurricane Helene. As Townhall reported, over a billion FEMA dollars were spent on illegal immigrants in recent years.

“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” Mayorkas said, according to the Associated Press. “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”

“The New York Times is reporting that FEMA is running out of staff to respond to this hurricane that seems to be barreling towards Florida…Does FEMA have what it needs to respond to the storm?” former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki asked Mayorkas on MSNBC.

“Yes it does, quite clearly. Everybody should rest confident that FEMA has the resources. We already have 900 personnel deployed, prepositioned, in Florida. People who are responding to Hurricane Helene…We are there. We have search and rescue teams, the Army Corps of Engineers are there. We are ready. We have the personnel…We can respond to multiple events at a single time.,” Mayorkas stated.

.@SecMayorkas to @jrpsaki: “You and I both remember a time when an extreme weather event actually brought people together. Now, unfortunately, tragically, quite frankly, it is politicized… the people who are victimized by the natural disaster are the ones who will suffer.” pic.twitter.com/z0RocPxva3— Inside with Jen Psaki (@InsideWithPsaki) October 8, 2024

Last week, Townhall covered how several whistleblowers have come forward alleging that FEMA misappropriated funds in the wake of Hurricane Helene. This was outlined in a letter to Mayorkas from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). 

“FEMA has wasted taxpayer funds, misappropriated funds, and left other federal, state, and local responders without deployment orders on the ground,” the letter stated. “As reported and further confirmed by my office, hundreds, if not thousands, of service members were deployed by the Department of Defense to North Carolina and have say idle, waiting for FEMA.”

“We have confirmed FEMA employees deployed, on the clock, awaiting orders in hotels. FEMA pre-disaster aid was withheld, exacerbating the emergency. It is also public that NGOs have purchased airline tickets for migrants through the use of FEMA funds,” it added. 

“The aftermath of Hurricane Helene is a major disaster, and your waste and unpreparedness are leaving Americans in distress – unable to access food, water, or medicine – and expecting help, with none coming,” it continued.

BREAKING: FEMA whistleblowers have come forward alleging that the agency misappropriated funds in the wake of Helene, withheld pre-disaster aid, and that first responders and service members have been waiting in hotels without deployment orders. pic.twitter.com/uf0XrspRTz— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 4, 2024

Harris Has a New Excuse for Her Policy Flip Flopping


During an interview with 60 Minutes Tuesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris gave a new excuse about why voters don’t trust her latest and superficial policy positions. 

This might be the worst television interview by a candidate in U.S. presidential history.

Bill Whitaker: “You’ve changed your positions so much that no one believes anything.”

Harris: “Well, I’m the vice president and I travel a lot.”pic.twitter.com/5T33OawnD5— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) October 8, 2024

The explaination comes after months of Team Harris desperately trying to walk back far left positions espoused by the presidential candidate during her failed 2020 campaign and her record as the most progressive member of the U.S. Senate – even beating out self proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.

Former President Donald Trump responded to the interview on Truth Social. 

“The Interview on 60 Minutes with Comrade Kamala Harris is considered by many of those who reviewed it, the WORST Interview they have ever seen. She literally had no idea what she was talking about, and it was an embarrassment to our Country that a Major Party Candidate would be so completely inept. In addition, her Incompetence on ‘helping’ people through the devastation of Hurricane Helene is being reviewed as, by far, the Worst in American History, even worse than Katrina – If that is possible! I can’t imagine anybody living in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, or Tennessee, voting for her,” Trump said. 

“Pollsters are saying that the anti, or negative, Vote in those places, and even places not affected but with people watching what took place, will be heavily against her. This is good news because November 5th is the Most Important Day in the History of our Country, and we cannot bear four more years of Incompetence. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” he continued. 

Harris is on a friendly media blitz this week as she continues to lose ground in polling among key demographics. 

Swing State polls show Harris losing Latino men, WATCH: pic.twitter.com/QSbTeod4zQ— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) October 8, 2024